imunu nw.iutrraw. MONrr, ron. , . raoa ma How much should I give to make this a better world? A CERTAIN man in New York filled out his income tax report. It showed an income sa large that his tax was 53. And hiatmtal gifts to church and char ity for the year were $148. Think of itthousands spent for luxuries and pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world a little better than he found itl Most of us do better than that; but not so very much better. Our average daily gift for all church causes is less than we spend for daily paper less than a local telephone call less than a third of the day's car fare less than 3 cents a day No wonder that 802 of the ministers of America are paid less than $20 a week. No wonder that the church hospitals turn away thousands of sick people a year. No wonder that China has only one doctor for every 400.000 people. No wonder that every church board and charity society is forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat. It isn't because we are selfish; it isn't because we don't want to help. If s just because no one has ever put up a I rest bit program to us, and asked us to think of the work ef the church in a systematic businesslike way. The Interohurch Werld Movement represents the united proeram of thirty denominations. They have surveyed their whole task, no business could have done it better. They have budgeted their needs; no business could have a mow scientific budget. They have united to prevent the sessnWity of waste and duplication. At least a million dol lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam paigns are joined in one united effort. And they come to the men or women who love America to you this week asking you to use them a the chan nel through which a certain definite part of your income can be be applied to make this a better world. Only you can determine what part of your income that should be. It's a good time right now to answer that question. We're passing through the world just once; how much better will the world be because you passed through? United Financial Campaign April 15th to May 2nd INTERCHURCH World Movement of Dibrth America TlupmUusHtn this mdotriittmrnt is mmd fuiht fir-Mi thirty denmiIius. Sugar Crop Will Total Urge . By Aoc la ted Press) MANILA, P. I.. April 1 (By Mall) The sugar crop of 1919-1920 in the Philippine Islands, now being harvested, aggregates 225.000 tons for export, and between 75,000 and 100,000 tona lor home consumption, according to figures compiled by chambers of commerce, and manu facturer! and exporters. sugar. iper cent pure, forma only a amall percentage of the production of the lalaada. the bulk of the sugar produced being muscavauos, in which a large per centage of molases remains after be ing produced by the open boiler pro cess. ' Out of the 225.000 tona esti mated available for export thia year, 1 0.000 tona are centrifugals and 100,000 muscavados. Practically none of the latter variety la export ed to the United States, China and Japan taking the most of it. Growers and manufacture, how ever, predict that within a short time the ratio of centrifugals to uius- j cavadoa will be reversed, by reason of the modern methods of manutac ture being Introduced. I There are at present twenty sugar I centrals in operation in the Phtllp- ! pines, and eight others are under construction or are planned for Ira mediate development. Th Ibor problem is becoming seri ous, according to producera and manufacturers. Many of the natives have left the Island. Some have gone to the Alaskt fish canneries, others havo taken up a seafaring life, while a number hare migrated to the Ha waiian sugar fields. The triutor has enlaced the cara- bao In some localities. Producers and manufacturer&.assert that double the present output could be cared for if a sunnlv of common labor could be obtained to olant and harvest the cane. Efforts are being made to Induce the government to render assistant's along tho line of more intensive tui tlvatlon of the soil. According to statistics, the yield per aero has been stationary for many years, as little more than three quarters oi a ion vihile In Borne cane producing coun tries five tons an acre are obtained In the island of Formosa under lonanese methods of intensive cultl vation. a yield of one and a half tons an acre Is obtained, and grow era claim that the soil and climatic conditions there are inferior to those in the Philippines While figures on local consump tion of sugar are not given as exact, various authorities place the quan titv at between lo and 20 pouna ner capita a year, as against a con sumption of about 90 pounds per ronita in the United States. "The introduction of 50.000 Chin a into the sugar Industry ot tn phiiiiuiinea. would, through the ap plication of more Intensive methods of agriculture, which are not possible ,,n,iur oymtlnir conditions, double the present sugar production from the area at present unoer cuu"n cane." said Ueorge H. raircnnu. , Avnnrter. in a review of thi sugar situation, published In the April llullelln of tne i-niiippuie Chamber of Commerce. Marine In League Of Nations Class Contractor Here to Look Over Plans Contractor Carl Stebblnger ar rived in Hoaeburg today to look over the grounds for the prune packing plant to be erected by the Oregon drawers association l- tiiU psea cnt holdings. Mr. Stebblnger will at tempt to secure the contract which 111 be let about the first of May, The association In building these packing plants la using plana hlci ill permit additions when the growth of the business will warrant. They are stock plans, the planta at various placea being identical except regard to slue. The structures are built 70 by 80 feet In site and i by 80 foot additions can be added whenever necessary. The- local plant will have a con crete base and the first story will be of concrete. The two additional stories will be of wood. The build ing is so designed that it can carry great deal of weight and repairs nd replacements can be easily made when needed. Mr. Stebblnger has built sever! bluldlngs In tills vicinity, among them being the federal building and the soldiers' home hospital. He and his brother have the contract on the government- bridge on the Canyon- Itle-C.alesvllle section of the Pacific highway and will start work there May 1. This bridge la tn tie built en tlroly of concrete and is quite diffi cult of construction. A force of workmen will be on the grounds In a few days and the material will he at hand resdv to start operations, it Is expected that the bridge will he completed and opened for travel in approximately (10 days. DAILY WKATI1KR REPORT. LEFT 0 DOOR STEPS. U. S. Weather Bureau, local office. Eigaest temperature yesterday 74 l't temperature last night fwipitatinn. last 24 hours . . i Precipitation in inches and Hund- Rites: 2.67 formal precip. for this mouth 23, MYRTLE POINT. Ore., April Rossburg. Oregon. 24 hours ending! AH Myrtle Point is today talking f a a. today. I ,,0.a, t.ahv" who was left 49 on tne steps oi nr. nni" - n i nital the night before last. The bab) a bov of a few hours old. was In a n.-., rnriHert in and is a husky i.j vir,i a home was found i..'Kim ami he in being well cared 2.48 1 for and cooing sway oblivious to be- iuu precip, from Sept. 1. 'Id. 1 inr the center or tne town s gu.v to dais 21.S7 o i'wte precip, from Sept. 1, i 1.-- ,i ,i - i i v.. LUium Itjwltlt tl deficiency from Sept.' ' i ' I a'. C. Marsters. of the Roseburg i m ' H o 7! hnk. has been appointed i'nag.' precip-.tatloif'or" 42 ' en the advisory board for this cou n- 1 w seasons, (September to ty of the M. K. Vmp,1'In Z I v.. ...i. .v. -i... njinx nf waller hall, tne I'liMiimiifi n, - 1 ..) -.-I in,, nf Lausanne hall ana - . 1 -1. 1 .1 .'1 1,1. U1J, VWCII.ll lUUBM.""-- " , , I - , 1 1 ... I O ' .,.,, imnrnvements at Willamette Arundel, plsno tuner. Pkone 119-L. university. Ti-ISA Okla.. Anrll 26. Thli puizle In nationality has the marines guessing. C. Minette. accepted for en listment in the U. S. Marine Corps hre today, said that his mother was an American who marrieo a rmitu in itn v He was oorn on a sin fi.-in the French colors while lyini in the Knellsh channel. At the age f five his Barents died in Sweden and he was adopted oy a umimu brought him to the United States. His adopted father Is not ntr-iiweii citizen. Would vou class him as 'Th Hon Without a Country.?" th ff,iinr sergeant was asked. Man without a country nothing. said the sergeant, "I'd class him as a League of Nations." th eomtsa el sood weather the autes have been "hitting it up" over the bumps and bumps of the new high way which la at present pretty badly torn up. XXX. QUICK RBJEF 0 RATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet. That is the joyful cry of thousand since IX. Kdwarrls produced Olive Tablets, the substitute fir calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicim; physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time enemy, discovered the formula f Olive Tablets while treaung patients for chronic conttiiution and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive TaWcts do not contain calomel, but a healiiuj, southing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "kete" of these little sugar -coated. oUve-colorwl tab lets. They cause tlie bowels and livei to act normally. Tliey never lorce them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth" bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver conciliation. you'U find quick, sure arid pleasant re sults In to one or two of Dr. Ld arris' Olive T ablets at bedtime. Thousands take them every niitht just to keep hxhi. Try them. 10c and Ibc Revival Service Reaches Close THE RU1TER SANITARIUM (Incorporated) Our Improved facilities are being appreciated, so that eren now de sired entrance should be arranged for several days In advance. Pr. H rower la tne hsuse physician and la prepared to answer any call made pou him. Phone 313. 327 West Douglas street. DR. V. L. RLTTKR, Medio! Director 66 HELP 99 The Little Busy Be& FOR SALE -Homes and Furniture for The "Little Busy Bee". Hives sud Supers, complete or parts. Sections and holders. Foundation for Brood Chamber or Sections. Porters Dee Escape, singly or mounted. Honey Boards, latest improved. Alleys Queen and Drone Traps. . " Separators and Division Boards. The Little Dee donates the work, you furnish housing and supplies. Churchill Hardware Co. The revival meeting whl$i baa been going on at the Christian church for the past four weeks closed last night with a wonderful service. Every service of the day was s great one. The Hlble school again passed the 200 mark, and the morning service brought a full house with five responding to the Invita tion. In the afternoon there was a beautiful and touching service fov mothers. A carnation was presented to each mother present, and all oth ers had a boutitiet. The sermon and the song were both touching. One daughter responded to the gospel In vitation. At the closing service last nleht the house was packed to its capacity, and another responded to the call. At the close of the ser-lre the nastor baptized elKht more. Slaty-two came forward during the meeting. At an after meeting a band of SO tithers was organized. Mr nd Mrs. Cross have won many friends here for themselves, and for the great cause thoy represent. They proved to be good workmen. The congregation of the Christian church Is laving plans for a forward move ment. -o Green Scribe Finds Some News Evergreen Orange held a very In terestlng meeting Saturday evening and several new meiiiDers were en 'rolled. ThoKe who Joined the Orange worn Mr and Mrs. .loe Maypool, Mr .,,H Mr John cluviiool. Claude Clay nool. I.vle E. Marsters and Mildred MxCniinrh The lecturer had an ex cellent program prepared for the .v.ninr' nntnrtainineut which was enim-eil bv all nresent. A dellghtfu lunch was served at the close of the session and all went home feeling ihf the evening was well spent. Mrs. Sarah Webb arrived In Itoae burg last Sunday and went to Green to spend a couple or nionuin tin,, with friends. Leslie Wratherford. aned about tv. vears. died at the family home f,r a Mliort lilness. The funera, held Monday and in terment followed in the Civil Bend cemetery. The Green district road Is getting to be aulte a thoroughfare and with eeeeee POUTIOAJ, A NN'OC HCKM F.NTS (Paid Advertisements.) FOB KIIKISIFF I betoby announce my candidacy for renomlnatton on the republican ticket for sheriff ef Douglas county subject to the approval of the voters at the primary election to be hold In May, 120. OEO. K. QUINB. WKKCK SCXDAV. A derailed car attached to a .oiithhound freight held up traffic south of this city for about three hours yesterday. The derailment occurred about seven miles north or tliendale at 11 o'clock in the morn ing and it was 3 o'clock in the af ternoon before the line was opened. Who Said 10c per Pound for Potatoes We are Selling our Stock at $7.00 per hundred in unbroken sacks. To protect the bona-fide ton sumers, we are limiting our sales to one sack to each customer. No sale made to other than actual Consumers. EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE More Monev f.r vmr Prod,e More Good3 for your Money. m ..... . O. J. Lindsey u l,. uanieis THIS NURSE ADVISES w.v,. Who Are 111 To ii vuiv.i ' - Take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. r.. TtnrhMtcr. X. Y. "I liave used 1 r- u.Li.n,'. Vpffptslde Com l.yai '"" ..! v,-ari snd think it 'line. I am a prae i i c a 1 nurse and when I art run dow and nervous 1 take the Wgftable Com round. I also have rouble with my bladder when 1 am on mv feet an Lydia E. I'inkham Sanative Wash r tint. 1 have recommen'l'd your medicine to "' r. lanliM m-tin rifivsji urmuv" Lincoln Hd.f Ewt UochMter, S. V. Vonnff womn who r trout.M with painful or .rrwilar pTiod, h ' ariu or inliation ihoii! t.rv Tdi K. Pinkhafn'a VeffHabl. r. LA TknuasmU haVVfl 0911 stored to health by this root and hrb remedjr. .;. fee fri and li.lpful advice I.Tdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con fldentiall. Lrnn. Mans. Womso only open, read and smwer such letters. to FOR KKPItHSENTATlVK I am hereby announcing my can didacy for nomination on the repub lican ticket as representative from Douglas county subject to the ap proval ot the voters at the primary election In May, 1920. B. F. NICHOI.H FOB JOINT nKl'RESRNTATIVi V. S. How about a new Lawn Mower and also Garden Uose? will need them right soon. You FOR COl'XIY TltKASfUKR Announcement Is hereby made that I will be a candidate for noml nr'lon of treasurer for Douglas County on the republican ticket, subject to tho decree of the votors at the May primaries. 1920. J As. HA WY Kits the county. Lowest possible tax with consistent progression. All road dis tricts to davo their Just amounts aud in proper time to Improve their roads, and in accordano with tne de sires of the peoplo interested. A fair price for labor, with fair results. A. F. STEARNS. POLITICAL AXNOCM'KMEXT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Hepuhllcau nominal Inn for Representative for liouglas county. A. E. SIUK1A. o l-'OB tXU'XTY t'OMMISSIOXKR. I herobv announce my candidacy for nomination for County Commis sioner, subject to the approval of tin- Republican constituency or doukih.- county at the election May II. 19:10 If nominated and elected 1 will, our ing my term of office, conduct the affairs of the county in a safe and conservative business manner, with Just and equal consideration for all concerned. vm. o. c, nun in :, Elkton, Oregon. I hereby announce my candidacy for election as Joint rcjiresentnUve jr LIOUEIBS sua jrckhoii tuumic, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at tne primary nominating election to be held May 21, 1020. OHAS. V. HUi-ivi3 FOB ItKI'UNSK.NTATIVE. This snonunces that I am a can didate for nomination of represen tative from Douglaa county, subject to the endorsemont of republican voters at the primaries. May 11, 120. ARTHUR H. MAiian FOB OOl'NTY J11H1K t it..),, tn announce my candi dacy for the office of County Judge fcr Douglas County, sttlijo.t to ihe approval of the republican a. tso pnuiaT election May 11, TJ-b- II. J. aiCTTULU AXXOIXCE.MK.NT. I hereby announce my candidacy as representative to the legislature from the 4th Representative District, llouglus County, Oregon, at the pri mary election to be held May 21st. 920, subject to the approval of the electors of the republican party. J. J. KENNY, Leona, Oregon. AXNOl'XCEMUXT. I submit my name (o the Denid rratle voters of Douglaa county for the nomination of County Commis sioner at the primary election. May 31. 1920. R. W. LONG. ' Fence Fence Fence FOB COUNTY SURVEYOR t desire to anounce myself a can didate for the office of county sur veyor of Douglas county, subject to the aproval of the republican voters the primary election. v Y.C. FRBAU. FOR COUNTY ASHKSHOB I desire to announce my candi dacy for the office of County Asses sor for Douglas county, subject to the approval of the republican vot ers at the primary election May 21. 1920. FRANK, t,. LAi.nwo . FOR COUNTY CLKRK t k.rnhT announce my candidacy tn, raniaetinn -to the office of Coun ty Clerk of Douglas County, subject to the will ot tne voters m mo .---mocratlc Party at the primary no minating election to be held May II. 1920. W. II, i.r.i.w FOR COUNTY CLERK I wish to submit my name to wonnhllran voters of Douglas Coun ty for the nomlnsllon to the office of County Clerk at the primary election to bo held Msy II. 191". IRA II. RIDDLE. FOR SHERIFF Aanoasicement of my candidacy for nomination of Sheriff of Doug las county on the republican ticket Is hereby made, subject to me ap proval of the qualified voters at the primary election In Muy. 1920. - ... nmi nllcil. CAiU 1AIV.iii fey FOR JUSTICE OF I'EACK Announcement Is hereby made that I will be a candidate for no mination of Justice of tho l'eace for Deer Creek district, subject to the approval ot the republican voters. at the May, 1920, primaries. CiKO. jurr;H. I-OlJTICAIi AXNOUXCEMKXT. I hereby announce my eandld-icy for county commissioner for Doug las county on the Kemorra'lc ticket j. r . ii .11 .-ra. Vage woven sloel coll spring wire fonce, loop endB, no troublu to spUee. Just received cur load and have in slock the 8 bar 26 In., 8 In. stsy. It bar 28 In 8 In. Btay for bogs; also T bar 36; 9 bar 39 In.; 10 bar 40 In.; 9 bar 42 in.; 13 bar 47 In. stock funcus, uud 20 bar 48 In poultry and rabbit fence: Soft wire fonce 7 bar 26 In. at 33c: 9 bar 39 In. at 42a Also several kinds of poultry fonce, 12 to 72 Inches high. Barb wire, brace wire aud staples. White for prices. B POLITICAL ANNOl Vt l Ml. NT I announce to tho Republican vot era of Douglas county, m-egon, iu.u I am a candidate for County Jmi.-e of Hid couuty. to be nomlnal'-d a! the Primary Election to be held on Ihe 21st day of May, 1920. U nriuil nnted and elected I will tin:'iicn county business economically ul without sectional favoritism. ; ro molo timely county road malnieil- I ance, expend the balance of ths' county road bond Issue, as originally ' apportioned, under efficient super vision and will serum an early an ¬ nual audit ot accounts. Your sup-, port is solicited. J. (i. DA Y, Jr. SIT ARNS & CI1EN0WETH (bkh;i(l and Yoncalla FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby anuoiluce that I atn a candidate for nomination on the re publican ticket for reprceuMtlve. subject to endorsement of qualified voters at the primary election Ma 21, 1920. NU1ILE ANDRI-.VYS FOR CORONER. I am a candidate for reiiomlnatloii on the Republican ticket, for Cor n . t,n..l..u fit ,,,,,- anliiAft tli unor ui . . ,U- ............ 1 t Ihn Vfltl'Tf ' at the pilmary election in .May 19 2 0 M. . HITTER FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candldncy for the nomination as County Com missioner, northern district, on Ibc republican ticket, subject to the ap proval of the Douglas county to'ers at the primary election id "" May. WiLLIAM KI.ETZER. tf. Yoncalla, Oregon . FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT This snnounces that I am a can didate for re-elertlon to the office of county school superintendent, subject to the will of the voters at the republican primaries. O. C. BROWN FOB COUNTY TREASURER I hereby snonunee thst I will be . candidate at tb HH" oa the republican tleket for noinlna tlos of treasurer of Pouglss county. .CM. If YNATT FOB COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announco my candidacy lor nomination on the republican ticket for commissioner ot Doug las county, subject to the verdict o. the voters at the primary election May 21. 1920. ARTHUR WALKER. Roedspor'.. onoRLCSS CLEAN EFFICIENT Bold only In ii lb. whlt col l on baa 236 And t lb. - ov No rillrr No IluJk A'erlUlM IE IT BOICT C1I IUT-KST Ml CM MODKl Tor Flowe'rt. 0rdo. Miron litu I'lnnta. H"ltl nd OrchtnU IJfjolc HlKK Tlli Ju HOW A 25 btr oven a lin pr f 1200 iniu-tre a yir or mora, A lnMe-Bplnnflll Irt Mil Of pO.tOaT, W- maitof or dftlinnry r't bnh m,ni htm dant fl'-wri. itIp and mrly vsBtUbla. A tHi.nful for to I In pnttcd jplaut rm I'-v Fullf Onarmaiaad. nisTitint'ToB J. F. BARKER. CO. FOB IHKTRH "f ATTORM Y I will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination, to succeed my self, as District Attorney for Doug las County, Oregon, at tho primary nominating election hold on .May 21, 1920, your support will be appre ciated. GEOROK NEUNBIl, Jr. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I submit my name to the Republi can voters of Douglas county for mlnatlon to the oflue of County Commissioner at the prlmaiy elec tlen to be held May II. 1921. For and Willi the producers ol Auto Owners! We woold lie plnssed to test your Balleries Free at nny time nnd gl'e allien on the re of rialsertee. VTheii pun inutnst batsss Irs get our Kice. We can save you inoney. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE -14 1 N. Jiirkjion SL SlieetMetalWork OF ALL KINDS J. II. SINMGER lit OAK sTUKkl PHON ta