Han For linvuic:uw.iic riTfil fc.' T T". j rrdi to facsimile - -r-W VOW!'- Kim Cocv of Wrapper. Noted Doctor Will Hold Clinic Cnnftldrt-ahlp IntMn-sl Ik Im-Iii niontfpMlpd by local physician In the v.nft or Ir. K. M. Dowiilnpr. nf Ynrk. Pa., who will meet wllh the Wlllain tte Valley Osteopathic PorU-ty on Monday, April 2fi. at inn nfflCM f lr. n,M. Huberts, of Corvalllfl. TImt will bIro bo an evening b:iniuct. Ir. DowninK. who in a im -iiiImt of the offlrlal board of the Osleopathlr warch Inalttuto of Chlruno. and who nai make extended InveHtlK-i'ioi.H of the cause and treatment of neuralgia of the fare and Hit neuralgic and pnrnlytlr condition!! of tin fpln". will condurt a clinic during the af ternoon pHHlon. He will condurt almllar cllnlra In Portland and mher western cities on a tour Hclieduled hy the Western Osteopathic associa tion. Dr. Allen P. llow.Hn. of Al bany, president of the Willamette Valley Osteopathic ttoriety, will call the meeting to order promptly at 2 p. m. lr. John Simons, of Kimne, has been appointed committee chair man to tuke charge of the clinic. o ' Districts Pass Relief Qilotas Tlilr'v-fnur dNtrlrt -linitlH h;iv roporti'd up to ilalo. In all mm-a thflr mnlrlbntinn have far vxret'diMl tho quota axMiirniM! tln-m. Hiprrts wn (!"' In Mint ottn-r district have vntnl contribution! which buvo not been tuno'd tt fit hciHlMUiirtcrfl. Vulillo Hchra.lH nt Ulitcllc, IHItiinl. Klkton anil ItcrdMpnrt havo unit In K'n'roun contrlhutlnnp. Frlitnv n lorn- tlMtanci' call was received from 8. 8. Tlrucp. field secretary, statltm that Yoncalla had already raised her Mi' ere'-. 1 t.l. t Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT IS A help that will simplify your particular washdnv problem uuh ts our fatuity laundry ssrvlce. Our driver cslU for your fain tly boodle at ft definite tltno such wek, unil we'll do your waah tcg 1a our customary consldeiate and siniturv manner. Who's Your Cleaner? What would k. the condlllen of tb. bank.i.; bu.lue.. if ayoue who car.d to could hold hiun.lt out as a binkr .' Whut protection would you have anaiint friu.li : Is ih not 'he condition In the cleaning bu.tnuM today' )r trnj name I your protection. 0.r tlx f aecessful business and good ..rvlce Is our proof. WHO'S YOUR CLEAN Ell? TRY OUR WAY Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call ilt-'i u Si! For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castcria A 1 Bears tlio I of In Use For Ovsr Thirty Years Nf VOON CtTT. quota and expected to exc d Hie al Inii'.l amount. We are very proud iif (he tine record made hy Wilbur. The following emit rf -nit ions were ru ceived at headquarters: Maccabee lodKw, UaHl Missionary so ciety. $10; and city council (con science fund), $10. Hit IJelief WKImmiI IVni nt Told In 'llayrr Pwkane." i "llnycr Taldeln of Airln" to he I Kenuliif must he marked Willi t li :ifi!y "Majfr Criwri." Ttii'll '"U ar- K4-t t i n K the true, wotld Iuiikji-h At j Ul':n, iir.mTlited hy Musicians! fin' i uver I K ye:i rs. AhiayH h iv an iinl'.ijkin .a ka-' lot "il:ier Tahli'ts of Asinrin" whlcl. , contain! proper ilirection; to Hatch relieve Cnld-i, ll.-a.la -lie. Toolhr'clf. : Karach'. Neuralnla. l.unihaKo, lilicn- uiatKni. Neurilot. Jc.i n I I'a.n.s, aud l.iin li.-nerally. Handy till huxea of twvlwi tahle!.s cest hut a Tew lent-. l).ui;ist!! i;'ll Inner "Ihiyr" pa'kanes.. pirin In the trade mirk of I'.ayer ManulnHuie of Mono;o e(i. a ide! lei of Sallcylicacid. BPUIXQ SAMl'LKS AltKlVKD Don't fail to call n1 inspect ou fine Una of sprinx samples for lium' clothiiiK. A beautiful line to make A selection from for a nobby suit U, V Sloper. Jlie ole.itiei- aud prs er. C We wnsh and polish cars at Mer Trv A ! i" 9 U 1 1 i gy IF ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Uq. tue notea auwior Idah MSGlone Gibson JOHN' MI ST H(KSK. j I km w tliar Alic was talkinff' wouit-n in politics to p-t my mind away from my own aftuiia. Alice is much older than I. I a?i fill vouiik enough to want i all the Joys that life can (five me. I am not at all reconciled to the . rlionrnt of ItK'oiiuiiK a mother, but! perhaps 1 will feel differently about it after John comes. If John should in at be did when I told him my first ):tby wn coining I could not 1 stand ft. I think I would just try to -nd It all. I don't Just n,uiie under stand w hy this idea of suicide so fas ( iiiiitrs (!. Is it because I am a coward that I dare not look life and 1 1 h duties :md rispoiisihilii its in the face? I believe that I will po and tsilk to my mother's old minister. Perhaps he can help me, for Just now life and tin burdens are almost more than I can bear. Note itnil 'llrui:tiiiH I U' rend. I have read John's note and his telegram over and over and t-ach time uuy Kive me more couraire. perhaps everything will be all right nm. If John would only be to me what he was before we were married nnlhihK would inutttT. Charles left as soon as he knew that John was routine. 1 do not think that he at all relishes being my n pr-hwiiative und curing for the Inheritance mother left me. 1 pre sume I have put him in a false posi tion, but oh! he must have known liutt 1 CHiid not allow John to take over my business affairs. That would leave me precisely In the place I was before I inherit d It. Kven Alice sees that I am riht in this. As I road over what I have writ ten of my married life I understand fully that I am no heroine. I ex pect, however. If I could show up all my virtues and put my faults in the background, everyon- -, ho read, ( ven John, nei baps, might love me. Hannah Just brought me in a apo dal delivery letter. It is another one of those awful anonymous missives, which I am sure Elizabeth Moreland is wriiinK me. How that woman hntes me. Mistake From 1 lie Start. This btier says: "I)o you realize President Issues Challenge Editor l!y A.MK,ial,l I'rcss MONTi:vnK, April 24. Rail a s:r Prnm. president of the republic of 1'ruKiiay, has challenged Dr. Kod riue7. I.arretu, director of the news paper I.a Vals, to a duel. I.arreta has accepted the challenge. G. W. Burt was in tho city today from his lare poultry farm a short distance from this city. Mr. Wm An v va in ill-- city today from Mt. Alto ranch leokinR after business matters ami visiting wiib friends. Ilefore her return home she will visit briefly with her daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. Hagar. on Deer A!D5 r I b: i 'mac: j.frank labor ai OHuts X 1 hv At . I Pi 1.4 iiX . IT G, '1 r.-.v.vrr., I j f, thai your husband love, .onieonu else? Ill) you realize that h 1 in'iy coming lo you because you ban' be-r-on.o a rich woman' Why io you not iwt him fxw? Why do you not uuUcrmand that ncltb.-r or you can iver bu haiipy tuuciher'.' f It was a mistake from first to hut." No one can know what l writi u In this b iter except Khzubcth More; land und 1. She mlcht fit "." have sinned her name to It. I think whon John comes I will show It to jhlm. I am rather ifp:'- ' l" '" 1 lihat Ishl mi'slve-did nol 'I'lrt n.e as the other did. It scee s rather fn i tile and I smile to m?' lf to hiliK how nei'ly had earned out Eliza beth Mor.'land's wishes. hwaiiM' I i had almost decided i1i!b morning lo leave John to her. 1 ! Now. John will h:i'-. to decide. I will tell him the truth and ask him to decide he- ween ri.-i I When I had come to this conclu sion I began to feel much belter, much mroiiKer. I think it Is a Rood ' thlnit In this life to decide upon ' thliiKs. even If you decide In the wroiiK. That In Alice's stronfr point. She decides quickly und then if it is wrnnis, she makes the best of It. I I arose and dressed and marled jout for a little walk, ihiekin If I ' were not too tired. I would go to the train to meet John. , Meets Kilth's Children. On th" way downtown I came nrr. Ruth rinvlor I s three adorable children. Ilobbie knew me Immedi ately and said to his li' " ! brother and sister: "Come quick! Come qllleV Here l Ihe c-in.lv ln.lv." j I bad forgotten that I had, much I to Kill I:' aunoya'ic.-. nlwnii Ki.en her children quantities of randy, but .now I paid: "Yes, lore comes the candy lady." and laklee the little Bill's hand and putiinK the two boys ! In front of me. we strolled down the ureet in a hunt for a candy shop. It j was thus that John found nie. I had not realized that it as 'aln time. ; I had become so absorbed in the ' children. "You remind me of the old ladv j who lived tn n sb"c " t--- ei'd r""'- ns ho kissed mo right tliere on the si reet. 1 Tomorrow The !ie Alien Members May be Deported V-y AMK-ijiiel lrei WASHINGTON. April 2A Hear hiKa to determine whether the mem bership of the 'om uui nisi labor party makes an alien subject to de portation, was bepun today before Secretary of Labor Wilson, who baa already ruled that membership in the CoinrnunlFt party is milTicient grounds for deportation. now ix Tin-: nrv. Frank A. Terry, represent ins the Kuitab!e Savini I.oia Abkn.. is now In the ci:y. I'or an interview all or hone tho I'mpiiua hotel, tf 0. K. G a race lias some good buys In use.' ens. S"e the Chevrolet. Phono T.09. harm - Tliat ii.dt'fmnblesoniethinft called charm, for lack of a Lx'ttcrdcfiiiilion -what is it? Hoalth. personality, appearance all these KO far td'v.ird iu in.ikint;, but Charm is Kreuiet tli.'ii any one! Puro'a To:,.!'t Troprirations arc real con tributors to .vaid Charm. For many years they h ive been compounded from finest inKred:erts. They are pure, beneficial, and soolhin;:, as Weil as beautifying. FUROLA ALMOND CKEAM one of the r.v t favored toilet requisites -is a delij.htiul!y scented preparation to keep the t-kin soft, tine and beautiful. Use it f or simbui n and ehap;x-d or irritated skin. Mm TO HL-V.TH AND BEAUTY I (CtfTv 'ft S 1920 Looks Like Aviation Season I'y ANM'latr.i Trot. NEW YOliK, April 24. Air vents planned for lKJu, promise to links it a I in aviation sport year, accord ing to the American Flying club. The niot ev nt ot Importance will bo the flyiiis fl -ld day of the Intercollegiate Flying association at Mineota field. iN. Y.I May 7. Eleven colleges and universities will be represented In a varied program of flying Blunts, which will b? concluded with a cross country flight. In this race i each will be permitted to enter two , airplanes, and a cup will be awarded ... ...i.- w..lle.l. l ne siarl will no liiade ai Mineola field where the race also will end nrter a circuit that probably will include Philadelphia and Princeton. AirangeiiK iits ulso ore being nir.de hv the dub for a seaplane race around l.onf! Island. 1 his probably i will be held early In the summer. The club is co-operating with the training and operating group of the l ulled Slates Army air service In planning for a irans-continental air race between' New York and Alaska, a distance of 4870 miles. In the tentative plans the course is mapped out fioin Mineola across I'nitcd Slates territory to Mlnot, N. D., crossing to Saskatchewan, Can., and across the Dominion to Fort Egbert on the Alaskan border. In Alaska the route runs to Circle, Fort Yu kon, Fairbanks by way of Fort Gib bon, thence to Nulalo and Nome. Compulsory stops at aii average of 150 miles will be urranged. . j Flying events of a sporting nature I will not tie confined, however, to the ' I'nitcd Siaies in 1920. In France a flying meet is bchcduled to be held at Juvisy, near Paris, May 22 and 23. The British aircraN exhibition I will lie held at London in July. Ill addition the Itritish government has offered several millions in pounds as prizes for various airplane sporting ( events to be held during the year. The Cape to Cairo route is being blazed. Iletween the two points the distance by rail, steamship or ground transport Is approximately G223 miles. The aerial line Is about G200 miles. MOW AITO STAdli I.I.NE. Edgar Shanks has put on a Btnpo line to Camas Valley and way points. Larpe cars used, and he Is prepared to pivo pood eervice. I'hone 309 for reservations. SKTTI.i KCCS. From Hiah Ioducinp White Leg horn hens Tanered Strain, $1.2a per Fottinp of ir : $S per 100. Kar' Vopburph. 227 N. Jackson or 702 Fulleiton 0 More Fighting Re- ported In Mexico Hy Associated Press WAHHXItiTON, April 24. ncvo liiilonary forces under General Gomez and the Mexican federal troops under uener;fl Murgia are battling for possession of the Tain pico otl fields, according to (lis patches received here by a represen tative of I he slate of Sonora. CHICHESTER S PILLS t ' lb.l.i'inr.rr..;nirTiriitdA rill tn Itr l n.l bold mtliAv t -ieii wilil X!ut Kitla. Tiilitj io thrr. linjr f jour ltruri-t. A ut iri-t irrv.Trnn SOLO EVDRIGGISIS EVLTiVHERE All CliiAsiflwl Advertisements In ertcd not today will he found ol last iwiie under ".New TiMlay" liemt U ATI'r. WANTED Dishwasher restaurant. at Foulch'f WANTED Man or ooy willinj to do Janitor work for board. Inquire at Cafeteria. WANTED Nicely furnished housi in good residence district. Ad 'Irevs A C . care Nev-llevlew. WANTED -Furnished or partly fur nished house. Keferencefl if de sired. Address II, News-Review. WANTED Middle need woman or girl for general housework In fam ily of 3 on i anrh. Mrs. C. S. link r S'..iherliu. Phone 42-F12, Oak laud. KOI. ISEVT Eoll PENT 2 housekeeping roon.s 64 1 S"o. Pine St. FOR RENT Safer? deposit boxes ivuseoarg .national Bank. FOI! P. EXT Room with bath. In quire 4nl So. Main St. -'EE MERRILL if you want a h:.r- patn on houses or farm. 504 Mill. WAXTF.tv. Man, or hoy over IS le.irs old, as porter. Apply at Ho tel l'mniia at on . WANTED Apartment or roominr house. Give local ion and price Address E. O.. News-Review. FOR R EXT Remington typewrltei o ki. in.iuire oshurg Bros.. 2-7 X. .lackson street. WAXTED-G. ulle horse, also huccy. .ne casn price and description in tlrsT 1,-tier. F. E. Jordan, Rose bu rg. HOrsPKEEPINO ROClrsAlso ln- ie rooms at reasonable prices Rosehurg ApartnienU, our Main and Douglaa. mm coiunn HILDREN should not b "dosed"1 for colds - apply thr 'outside : ireaim.nj- VICK'S yAPORUim, KKI'.H'S Ql'Al.lTV JT)I LTKV Are prepared under the direction of Prof. C. S. tre'wstcr, formerly ol tho Poultry Department, uregon ri.nitii,-iii fv.iieife. Thev will main tain the health and vitality of youi flock, hasten the growiu or prom able broilers and early laying pill lets and yroduce more eggs from your laying flock. For growing chicks use KerrV Chlch Feed. Chick Developer Mash and Developing Scratch Feed. For laying DenB use Kerr's Scratch Coori ai.H l-'irir Produced. For sale by vesourgb liros,, kosc- burg, Oregon. Headquarters for poultrytnen. Rprella Corsetiere. Clsra Corum Phone. 402-R. 311 W. Wash. tf MISCKLLANEOUb. DRESSMAKING Stylishly done tailoring. "49 So. alaln. Phone 429-y. OE.NEHAL TRANSFER Haulini nnd country trips a specialty Troxell i Co. Phone 251. FOl'XD An envelop contalntni kodak plctuics and films. Ownei please cill ot Xews-Hevb?w office iPCTV FIRST Stem a safet deposit box for your valuable pi pars at the Rosebur; Nation:' Bank. tl FOl'XD Pair of mens gloves. The owner may recover property ai Xews-Heview office. t26 EGGS FOR HATCHING Browi Leghorn, good layers; 15 foi fl.au. D. S. Ilouser, phone t 302-L. tl YIOXEY TO LOAN 20-year rdia credit farm loans, low Inferos rate. J-'O.UOO local money to loa on good real estate. First mort gago. See M. F. nice of Rice t Rice. t USED CARS 0. K. Oar.ige has i large number of different makes Prices and terms to suit your poc ket book. Call and we will de nionstrate them to your satisfac tion. Geo. Shanks & Son. KOH SALE. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE News Review office. FOR SALE Two good Fox hounds will run coyotes. Phone 33-F14. FOR SALE 1917 model Ford hup nt a bargain. See it at Harrison'r Garage. HA R LEV-DAVIDSON mot ot cycle with aide car. mechanically per fect. 627 Mill. FOR SALE Complete sets Dritani ca, Dickens and Shakespeare. In quire News-Review. FOR SALE Good farm of 171 aem on Coos Bay highway. No agents Lock Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore FOR SALE Small pigs, 10 days tr 2 weeks old, separately or with sows. Wm. Weaver, Myrtle Creek. Phone 18X2. HOUSE ON MAIN ST. Just off Mosher, 100 ft. frontage, beauti ful retaining wall. Price $3750 Casey-Harding. IL'ST on the market, beautiful 6 room bungalow: sleeping porch, with bath; at the intersection of Pullerton & Mlcelli Sts. Price $2000. Casey-Hurding. FOR SALE A bargain, Chevrolet touring car, new -tires. Just over hauled, terms. See W. R. Parmleo. 710 S. Jackson St.. any day be fore noon. FOR SALE 2 lots, corner. 5-room house, outbuildings, fruit trees, nice garden land, $800, including furniture. Terms. D. Whitsett, Rapp's restaurant. 'E REPRESENT the Fenner Mfg. co. or the Peninsula Lumber Co. of Portland, Ore. Ready Cut Homes. If you contemplate build ing a home, barn or garage, write or call for catalogue. Casey-Harding, Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE rrune trees for fall de livery f. o. b. Canby, Oregon, 4 to 6 ft. ,40 o: 3 to 4 ft., 25c. All kinds fruit trees nt rensonable rriees. R. L. Elli.i, 3 miles west Roseburg, Ore. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES Kitchen Cabinets, BlIU In effects of any sort are made by ua. Its all home Industry. See us about anything In this line you want. jTheJ. G. FIooKCo. Phone tOO Poultry and Eggs WANTED We pay hlghc.t market price In cash. Highest market price paid for your cream, no delays. Bring In Your Products Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson SL PHONE 27 c I F0H SALE Medium tlei TT""5 1 . H at Fouicbes. 'le,, ' S GOATS Foil SALE-iTTTlr quire at Newnieview .!4- . COW FOn SALE-cJnelrT""' milker Lone oTtfm . ' tf OAK WOOD FOR SAI KT Ibices reasouaSe"";!;1;,,, FOR SALE. BARCATiT7 " dern buucalow .i..., ". gamge. close ,n. Phon7 S3 ACRES close to the tTiTZ 15 acres In cul.lvWon 2 I COAL. BODY VN'OOoZTT mill ends, cement, L storage, transfer. h Phone 128. J" ", 'OR SALE- SALE Eg?s lor liatchiiiTtT" nure t.o per 15. Address 7' Swan. I.o,.klnir fii,. "" " . vr.. FOR SAI.E-U 1-2 acoTT: tulle to town; good 5-room h 1 barn, chicken huw. ?! FOR SALE Large coantTZT shows all R. R. and gof.rn land, open to entry' RosetrTego"" I'-OR SALE Sawmill completTw donkey engine, capacity 0f , thou.-and feet. PUnty 0f Zi, Address S. M care 120 ACRES of tiinberlaTfoTto by owner, located west of Dili Price 76o per M. C. 0. AndS Box 463 Ballard Sta., SeaiUetwi TOR SALE Highest gTade nuri stock walnuts, prunes, iB ij. every variety of fruit tre. growi Oregon, as well as latett n om. mentals. For fall dellveriei m F. E. Jordan, special ageot, 3HL 1st Ave. N Roseburg, Orejoii. IIATCHIXO EGGS Hollywood lit . egg strain Whito Leghorns, OolJ. en Campines, from first prl pn San Francisco World Fslr; v,it Face Black Spanish; heary jetl and non-setters. Eggs $l.5j w setting; $8 per 100. Phone t-F:s Ed Bryant. 3V, ACRES PRUNES. 10 acr 11. year-old Spitz, and Newtown ap ples, with good crop prospt for this year; 6V4 acres Ideal login berry land, river bottom of tbf In. est quality. Inquire at our office for particulars. Casey-Hardinj. EGGS FOR I1ATCHI.N0. Thoroughbred white Rocki frei :00 egg strain. Also thoronthbral 4 C. White Leghorns Tancrrd irtii C9 $8.00 per hundred. A tn vhite Rock cockerels for iale, 4.H ash. A. S. Hunt. 225 Jackios 3t, V.. Roseburg. Oregon. HEIN LINE -MOORE CONSERVATORY lii.Jiil Pii4icil Educatloo Managed by Accredited Teachers Only I he Stnted mfinrt hghy rfftclrti tiicher and thia Scbuul oomtillM 10l percent nitb the Stat Ift. Kohlhagen B!dg. Phone 390 Township Maps Showing 0. & C. Grant Lands subject to entrj April 12th. $1.50 per township. Douglas Abstract Co. 1M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR Builds Anything First class work. Let me figure with you. Box 304, Resi dence 305 Douglas St Roseburg, Oregon. Some Land Bargains I have quite a few nlc hon j sell In Roseburg. r,ni?L country homes in Ed.noo' some of them well tovroy" up to date, ranging from 15 acres; small and Urge fr on Cow Creek, above O114 . ranginr from 40 acres to " Come and see the property, the land suits we will UJ Ihe price right. Write or call on H. J- Wtt Rt 2, Roseburg, urrgo". I t. 1. 1 mil. ,astRa, i'OH SALE Vubah7 alf rOR SALE One gooTjZ cheap; 3 good heavy l"'. good farm wagous. ju?u f; Millin. - Ja,ii He.