Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 26, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    nouBBBQ mwa-nEVurgp mqnpav, ahul aa, io. r
luuaii Dally Eacept Sunday
L, Wlii.l.erlr
U. W. Dittv
Bert ti. Uatos
Dally, per ear. by mail. . . . . I J 0
Pally, six luontlis. ly mall....
By Carrier, nir mouth pjf
Cail at office, per month ?'
Weekly .Nes-Kevie-. per oar S.00
Member ol The luted
The AMtated I'reaa ' exclusively
ntlilt-d to the uid tor republlc-ailou
i all u dispatches credited lo H
or not oiherwiao credited In tbli
paper and alo ibe local newa pub
lished h-relu. All rlcUta of republi
cation ol special dibpuichees lierelu
are alo reserved.
Itoaebuw. erenow, April -U, lu-.
e The following subscription
ratea become effective April 1,
at 1920. for the .Vjws-lleview:
Dally, one year l.y mall.... $4. 00
e Dally, 6 months by mall.. 2.00
e Hy carrier, per Tnwnth &0
e Call at office, Uer month.. .35
AVTi-nioi nttii
The campaign against high prices
has had a splendid lot of advertising.
Confidi nt promises of relief have
been held out. Solemn warnings
have been Issued io the wicked profi
teers. If hey did not stop at once,
they would find themselves In courl
subject o heaey tines or ;all terms.
An army of government agents have
been prowling over the country at
the expeuso of the people. Here anil
there they get Rome little fellow who
may or may not have been maklnE
more than a fair living. Hut as a
force working for lower prices, the
activities of the government have
not produced any tangible result bo
far. The trouble with the adminis
tration's campaign la that It
scratch) s the surface, and docs not
pet down to underlying causes.
There will always bo profiteering
Just as long ns commodities are
scarce. The only way to slop profi
teering Is to carry through success
fully a nation wide campaign to se
cure a production sufficient lo meet
the demands of the country. Itnsl
ness men and the newspapers are do
ing theli best to promote such a
rnuiptiign. Hut they need more nc
tlvs heln from the government. The
government Is circulating much atlti-
extrnvnennce propaganda, wmcn is
very good so fur as It goes. Hut It
hasn't done anything to increase pro
duction. That can only be. accom
plished hy enlisting all elements In a
campaign for crenter output of com
modities. Fulling In this, the govern
ment shows Its Inability to grasp the
situation. II Is no' lending and or-
rmlzlng the people along the one
linn of action that can remove the
underlylne cause of high prices.
oriJA iioAKit iii;m:i'I'ih.
We aro rapidly becoming a nation
of otlija board fans. No home. In
some localities, la considered com
plete without its nulla hoard, which
Is consulted hy every member of the
family, either In fun or hi foolish
earnest. The popular Idea lo
be that ottlju can decide any (luslion
with little strain to the tired human
brain of the questioner. Whether or
not the consulters have gained com
fort and sace sdvtce leading to
health, wealth and happiness, that
same little hoard has brought sue
cess to mio group of citizens. Manu
facturers o.f outja hoards have pros
pered greatly In r, nt months. Om
eastern factory found It necessary to
enlarge Its pi. int. The mlditlon cost
$125. linn. It contains :li;.ciim Hiiuare
feet nf floor space lli-Votid entirely
anil exclusively to oulja boards. Not
spirits, hut financial returns, led lie
concern to undertake tills step of ex
pansion. One might expect this fac
tory to bo haunted bv talkative
spooks. Hut It Is reported that nolh
lug hns materlallr.ed to date except
Incrensed business and good profits.
No spirit writing has appeared on
wnllB or floors or tables, anil th
newly manufactured oulja boards
present wooden faces to the woi kors
as they t,.nd to their respective Job:
aliimt the factory.
Many fu hooi ro now undiTtukiiig
1 Pi. nn ouiik men for "ImsliHss if n." N( douM youiiR
im-ii iMit.-UhK hurtni. sH ihmmI a liroad
er trawiini. ii-ul tunny odh-K' Kiail-
URl'3 huv. not -ihm:i; work
Ill.UlK lulMllKVH litlf. At 11,.' Bit NIB
Hitif, too itwtriy on tit; n,. n hia flt
tinc thcmst'lvrs (or oifn. ito.ii tmin,
n nd too f.'w at 1 1 I in; lo ..t.imn
fkill n( the or.liiHttv nuvlwiniral
lfka fn fa. lori'-s. tnly a v Minll
part of thosi- who tnr.r offn-.w will
vwr t roini' fu.'tory nmiiiii-.T- Most
of the ntti.Td will ha.' 1t tout
tlw'inclvi-s wiih wry ordinary ch'rt
cal imstttons that anv totittn-- w-.ik.r
ran fill Tho "w !i!ic rollar' joh is
too poj-ulnr. Th. t o Miould 1. a lot
of mm w li.i iiro limi t, nnxious to
learn the rudino nfs and f u nitiuneut
nls of niihu'NH, und lt-ss who utmlv
how to lilt! no tlmtr.- and pot't
books. The mn!itloiM fellow fs more
likely lo d ane. from Hi, hrtirh
than from tho o:i,r..
Some country residents
"green" when m the larte cit
ronrse. hut If th io is annhing
'gicencr" than a city
dweller upon a farm, i(' never been
Women of niur-.' b.t. n't madi' so
profound a stmiv of point, al . . on
omy as men, but most .f W1u n
able to walk half a mile to tho polls
or. election day.
Th low necked ureeg on aoniH
womn rTa mm oatc cut of
rnucg i'uk.
rundlUatos to stump tbe country at
a time whu putaUivi are rblllug ao
i badly.
Furniture inuieriul reported
ioArc. Well, anyway, the American
p:-ople are amply nrovi.l. . with easy
Vou pr.'baMy are n.-v. r going to
!i rich, at.d If y'j'd only make up
jour mind lo It, jou'd l lota hap
pier. Everything 1 Kolng up but the
oring rains, and tiiey re coming
At forty, most men take buBlmsas
rusk-ally; at sixty, tranquilly.
Vacation Roads In
Fair Condition
Tho condition of road a and hiKh- It ad in io the va ation nputa
of Him titate 14 announced in a bul
letin pul'listied hy the aervice.
J he national ttirsia offtT many op-
I'oriuiiiliUK rr cnmpiiiK, huntliiK.
huig and in' (lire making and
other otitiiiK paMiineji and aro grad-
atly heroin inn known to the pub
lic, i toads and -trails maintained
I y the forfst wrvlce give acceas to
i.iany heatitiful and attractive Hpotw woods, Htnani and mountain
I ire lovera of th ceii while forest
lure, lovurs of the open while forest
lo coin m Miii'-a' ion . ii h the ont-
ide w hen occartion deutamls. The
maris hvtd jng to tltestf foi rfts are
'.nerally in fair condition and the
tillelin contains the following geu
ml Information :
Wfllmnetio f Muli way f)pn he-
ween Ktigene and rldce, hut In
oor condition. 'loH:d hy snow be-!
tw4-en Oakridue find Suinmit. Had
ctlons between l.owi 11 and Hc
rve; fairly good to Lowell, and
fa'r from FI'-t'TV') to O.tkride.
. vcr p;iH-ailc (or antoi from IMg-
on to tho in i, nit.
Mt lici. Hioliwry.--(; -n mid In
':tlr com: It ion ' v '4n Kiment and
i;lue lilvor. Cl'S"d intwiM-n Ulue
!!tver and summit. Head Is closed
In const ni' l inn w ork bet ween HI tic
(fiver and MrKonzle Ilrid'Te and by
now between M'Kenzle Itridge and
lelfin!- VnfT !-ikr.- 0;imi and
n fair condition be wt Med ford
rid Ion Creek. Closed by pnow
letween t'nlon (r-k nnd Crater
t.nko national p;irk. No del on it
osib(e. rrobahly will he open by
Inly 1.
(.rantM 1ns-f 'nri'iit Clly. Open.
'n Haven hill. 1H miles from f!rant
I'nsR, a short dil:ince is n'most Im
'n?s;(hle on ncponnt of new con
struction. Over Onnron mountain
Mm road In quit rotih. Kluewhere
it In In fair condition.
mnt4 PiiH-svAhiMMla.- Open, and
'n fnirly good condition.
Cr.M.Mi( City iillfornliO-C.oW
Coiuh (OnioiO. Open and fair
'ondltion. Hough, however, between
MrookingH and Cold Hea-h. Very
muddy over Mver crook hill.
Fast em On'cnn.
WiNMlniird Toll Ittmd. lUocked
'iv snow. Will ho open about May
I'rinevllto. - Mitchell. Open be
ween Trlnevll!o nnd O.-horo Minos,
but in only fair condft ion. Ctoon"
ttn nutoHt hotween Oehoco Mines
and West nran'h, on account of doep
mud. M itch ell can ho reach "d via
ntelono. Tills road should be open
Hay 15.
Skeleton That
of Old Person
Coroner M. K. Ciller and Sheriff
deorge tjulne yesti tdiiy made an In
vestttration of the skeleton uncart hm
by .1. J. Kubinsnn near Happy Vallei
-hi Saturday. The skull has been ex
nosed fI nee February, when it was
plowed ii it . It wan Piled and covered
with dirt and appeared to be n big
boulder. Saturday It was struck by
Mio plow and the dirt fell away, Mr.
Uobfnsoi's al ten 1 1on be I tig im medi
ately attracted. He dug down wher
Mie skull had first been hcou nnd at
a depth of about I incites exhumed
;i number of bones. Several nf the
'-in all bones wore missing, hut the
rreater portion of the skeleton wa
in good pr 'scivatlon. It wan cram pet!
Into a very small space ami h id
'lontlv b -en forced Into u hide. The
'keloton was small and evident th;it
of a man or woman of advanced ncr
e the leeth were greatly worn. The
body has been burled for a great
many veais. but Is believed
that of a white person.
to be
Board Directors
Suggests Plan
Ity Vocjitivl 1'nv.ft
nr in v, ..,il Ji; Th
"I '1.:. . ir if Ihi' I inln
l.i i-s .l,,iuil.. r oi i-oilllitrro in -ou
; """ii ii. i,. i,i .,,),ni,ii tii.ii hi
m .i i.i i. i ,i-nin,. suri.-nis ,-oiui.iI ll
i mi
!!- ii-.iii m.iihmi wnrk 111 111.
I Sl.ili-.. . .. ..i.liiKilin.; iin.l ,1,
l ' 1 1 ik:
I'.IM- f
Hi.' .IT, mm ,,i ..rumination
,.-'. I'm,.,!,!.,! 1'P.l.- Uii,l
II. iv I i-.Mii lll.llr
Mi-h Kiln lii.k.M-son ,-
-!.w.. u
'"I m tlm i-iv h...i.iK
-" with ft-i.-n,!.
ASK Foil on J C.VT
The Orl-innt
for Infant and Invn'.ics
,oiJ Iuiltktiont snl SlNtlt-it
jet. For Green
.Mm. Dale Wilson, who hat been
spending 'he paat few days In tbla
ty, lull this morning lor ncr nuuie
at Green.
Sunday at (.reers
Mini Mildred Mi Cullo'h. stcnoi;,... at lhu u:.b f.lTliM in thl dt V.
sp.nt Sunday at (Jreeti visaing at the! -
George Winston home.
lore SaturdAV
Airs. J. II. nhort. Miss Mable Short
and Miss Ella Sweeney motored to
this city .Saturday from Oak Creek
am! spent the day shopping and at
tending to business matters.
I Id une From Vacation-
V. 1). Carl-nn. nmnager of the
Wm.iufn I'tilon olffeM of this ritv. re
turned last night from ToppeniKh. . t.:.a iiiion Hr.n.iiniri
" V. r .. . . " i. " I
Ms vacnTlon lor tne pai mrec kii-kh.
in about three months the young lad
. . i
w n start on nis tour as n uj
i ii.. ,.,a ,v Nin!.i
nd haa a brilliant career ahead of
him. I
MiMbm ldlar Sab Keimrt
The aale of 40,000 acres of pine
timber owned by the Oregon Land &
Uve-tock company of which It. A.
I moth, of Kngene, la president, to the
Modoe Lumber company, which op
erates a big mill at Chl.on.uin, north
of Klama-Jj Falls, was announced
vesterdav by Mr. Hooth. The land
lies in Lake and Klamath counties.
Mr. Hooth declined to aunouneo the
purchao price but ptiitert that it
could be classed n a million dollar
deal. Mo'; of the timber iw in Luke
- - an. I Is tributary to Lakeview
It lies nt the head of Sprasue river
and around Drew valley.
:tlir to Visit
1'liins for niitkine mothers (lav
iiimiiil piinipim tiny at th? I'nlvprslty
n whl.h mnthiirs of all sIii.IimiIr will
bp Invltprl liavp Iippii cotnpU'tPii and
commlltpe si-iwted to curry out
hn nroenim fur .May fl this ypnr.
I'crxonal Invitations and rards will
lip K.M-.t to ovory stii.lont on the ram
t.iis itrcintt Ills mothiT to visit Orp-
on on M iy 8 and . Tne motners
-vill bp kup'h of thp stttdpnt body
.n.l 'nlvprsitv dnrlne tliPir two-
'avs" stay In Kuspup, and a siipflal
i.rocram has Iippii worked out for
tho wpek ond. Vpsper sprvioes in
VIMard li.-ill on Sunday. May 9, will
I.iho the olis.-rvanre of the day.
Ki.nn.l I'nilrin lxirutl
Kmmd I'ralrle iIopsu t Ri't on the
ipirlstorH in Portland as the usual
hiiiK. but 1). II. Ml.ldPllaiy cm-
.iiliiK-d It nt the Hotel Portland yen
Tdav. Kound I'ralrle Is Intweon
lullard and Myrtle ( reek. In Dotlg-
is o.iunty and on the other side of
the hill is the notorious Itobt its
mountain, which has been a death
run for uiitoninlnlists. Adjacent to
lioitnd I'rlarte Is tho new urad
which the hlEliwar commission Is
liullilinir, which will eliminate the
Koherts mountain entirely. 1'avlnK
rews have been on the new Krade
since the first of the month, nwalt
nir weather .Irv enough to permit
laylnK "hot stuff." - I'ortland Ore
Unique Method of Preaching Gos
pel Shows Excellent Results,
More to Ee Constructed.
An n part of the N-w World Movo
mt'tit of N'.-ittieni r.nprlM, fur uM.l
$IHt -hh imni is in be rn Nod ill nn In
tensive i ;in,'.iiL'ti fioni Anl to Ma
2, HOVerill :m-w cli;iiel r.i i s will be ti .
ed to tbe seven w t leb be deileliH Mil
(ton n iilic:nly on The ro;i-l.
The,- ilutpel t: are jut what tin'
naine implies, r.' rsiitroitd crif
Mtb ti cl;in' en e e b one inid li!ti
lt:ir!e! Co tbe tmv-teliiit nil.) Ill'
wife. "!'!'. me swiitJo.l jibmit l-y llu
rl!ro;uN. -jejipii'" iii si rious to , n-
WbelO Iliere Is no 1 a. ; s ) l - t cimr. U ;ire1
fffple'itlv Ii, ii-;il'et touns t,.ii dm
en'irely rliurcbtes. Soilci aro beli
In ihein, both t the slops ;u. J en route
ami pel mM.H are l.vtrii.M tn m tli!
otherwise b:te h:n no if-port ui;tiy ut
benrins the i: .-i.
I'.y their in n vr '.'IS churches n'i.1
;t."S Slli:.!.:y s I N ! -r. c t ecu cs!:ib
Uslied. ITU t 'lviin; h I'-. s bull!, 'J 7 -J
pastors set II-. I, 'Jt.!'-i: c'inei!,.ilfi re
ported, w uli S..V.0 .,;.: ,,i.s to th.
tbureheft broiii;'it a!"in o l,.-i .,so th:ii
by biiptlsm and IS.77 ni:tir,?i dis
The KvfitnTi't. ns one of t hr rrs N
Crilletl, In the i et.-rnhs thru It :
been on The ri-l, r.ur-, 'J.1K4 scr
mens pr.aebe.. .; -. tinlics visited
i.!7;. c.j. en of tho S, nptnrcs dlsrrtbut
blTriot s o el.i'icbo oiln'i-n ise thai.
by b:iptivin, T
Illitt IP primus
I "i ch hiii!.l.ti-s eifClei!
Sa'.'irled ShihIjiv School norttots nr
'r.vorcl b tl-e New World Movemeio
f Northern V. . p- --s n n ca-rp-if.-.
br S'linfcuVti.M between A; nt n,'
Mnv 'J ' m ,-ticinir:ition j.h s o !., (,,
-LVJ.ii-t r. supervisors n' d ortM-.
! '' rto-kers In !los com:-
ry ;"i ;f
;l 's in s
p"i:t'U;s .
'Mil A"'t'rle. three si.,.
vImh Irsritn'es p.
"eoplo'n work, b'
s ' ,i -,rtors nnd
s ' :-r len-'i-rs
1 - ! ; t a ehnnf
' s.jrvoj c r- ;'fMi rf
bUh'y t
TV is .
v hi. Ii. a
ports, tfl
n: '
I'uUIld to h :.iw v
Tractor "Snakes"
Pole to Summit
A rousing whoop and prolonged
-beem wa The aunoume
rnent on 'S.a'iirtlay aiien.oon that
Me Chirac tractor t-dd Kona "oei
tho tft' 'of Ml. S'.ho in the bjccchs
ful attempt to !iake" the huiee
tli'Klote to tho bummit. At exaUly
'::3l o'clock tlm tru.tor heaved a
lnl of relief ami
fulled on me inp
i r.f it v..h -.mi ilie hniinreclfl or
peoplH who purrMt ulunff imiiinu i"
mlKhtly Utile nionatrr usea wnm m
rl wind ihi-v hiid Ifft in cWnng
their commfnd;iilon of tho accr,ni-
liKhment. MesHrf. M rn ana iu i
winkio nt-fiiiH fr the traclor in
thin rotintv. vrK more than dr-
K.-htH hut nnlv Katd. "I tolit you
;o." Ilernle llvltnd. Standard Oil
rrMircRHiitativo. followed the tractor
m thn tun and was closely followed
:' hia squad of a
tarns who
arrvliiK an over
1 sinn announc-
;.. thA f.w.t ti.nt th tractor was
. .
burning eroletie No.
f Vnu-n nA The eent was a
" - , ttrJ1(.tPli
most Interesting one and attradea
an unusual nmouiu "":'"""'"
several o er ranm ' ..--
.on need their Intention of imiKin
he hump' with their type of ma-
bine and it Is thought that
Ktnu or a line uemonM. ..., -
arranged as one of tlie feature events
of the strawberry festival.
Demonstrations A re
Great Success
V. M. rarrish, who has been
spending the past two weeks In the
middle west in tli" interest oi in.
automatic electric l.rake. arrived In
liosebitrif vesteril.iv to visit wl'h hl
son. I'liirfHA. assistant secretary
-mil to make his report to the ili-
re"tnrs of tho com n.iny. -Mr. 1 I
rish took a small model of the brake
.-lili him nnd demonstrated before
eniritieers. dirortois and presidents
of some of the largest manlllacTur-
l.,u concerns of the country. The
Invention was hirMv praised ond It
was admitted by all that tne making
inrt.tstrv will b revolutionized. He
cause of the inability of the company
to riirnlFh brakes at this time few
c.ntrnctH have been signed, but
practically all of the companies In
terviewed bv Mr 1'arrisb have sig
nified their Intention of adontiiig
the brake and whenever the local or
ganization Is prepared to furnish
them the contracts will be easily ob
tained. The trin was highly suc
essful nnd the future nf the com
pany looks very promising. Klther
Mr. Tarrlsh or some other repre
sentative rv f 1 1 leave sonn for the
n.l'!. lie v.est lo a-ain take up the
Adriatic Question
Center of Interest
4 f Hv Asfyoctsted Press.)
SAV HIOMO. April 2fi. The cotm-
i,.l of premiers nt tho request or
Premier Nittl of Italy and foreign
Minister Trtitnbitch of .logo Slavla
will allow the Adriatic question to
einaln In negotiation between the
Italian and Jimo-f lavia governments
it was learned today.
Three Hundred
Attacked Police
triy Associated Press).
I'l.ON'KiiCHK. Ireland. April 2
- Three hundred men attacked th
t .'li.-e barracks here early todav and
riilf and revolver firing was inc.-
-iMit for to hours. Five policemen
who occupied tbe buildings S" ce: s-
1 1 !l - r- nnlsed the raid-rs wltlioul
n-ual'-es. The latter had bombs
ut failed to use them.
Morris Henderson Here
Morris Henderson, wife nnd child
irriv.'d here last evening front Port
biiul and bis family will visit with
Mis r.itlier and mother while Mr.
'lend. rs. in visits southern Orecon In
interest of the Ooodyenr Tire k
'lubber cnuinanv. which he repre-
-sets. Mr. Henderson has his hea.T-j
u;irters in Portland now and travels i
mite evtensivelv over the entire j
state. Mr. Henderson and his wife
are quite well known here and they'i ver residents of this ritv for;
many i
iih lb
ars prior to ins eniploymctit
(omdycar company.
i ki:i: i- ui:k!
Tlie local florist shop. "The Kern."
nn. .line- .1 today its intention to
.e a $," nn basket of roses away on
'.l.uhers- Day, May 9lh, to the one
loMnig lb. lucky number. A chance
ill be Kiven w ith every purchase of
'-ee or more.
tnbarrjssmtnls of a Ooitr;!
'I. V cr.-earaiu.n tof joitre hit b.-n.-rn.
d m jni .
mi .--r-t hnndrr-d dcllars for an
-1 .n. .n to r. mo. a k-iiiirp n O ., v'
' .'. . s , - 1 .1 (..- .Ukl Cl1IIIi Art:iie.i
. . ; r.
n r'.ierriT rpWi tn-f M,.a.
t' ' t' l Bold dirrvl h- m..
. ttr iFUi b,i,
A iJ-c, D,-et J
o. a. c chemical company
:wtl.c. V 4I.IIlf too
Good Corn Silage
Is Very Valuable
CORVALLIS. April 28 It cost
15 Bt-unii ci uniy turmers an aver
age of US -5 ft acre to grow thslr
corn crop las: year, reports George
W. Kable, couniy agent, la farm bu
reau news.
"This Includes everything except
the rent on the land," says the re
port. "The average value of the
crop was (109.35 an acre, figuring
corn at 1.80 a bushel and singe ut
J9 a ton."
Tbe corn was giown In conteBt,
and the highest acre returned a
profit of $134.13. The lowest acre
showed a profit of 145.16.
The hlgheBt yield of corn wsi 90
bushels an acre, and the highest all
age production was 17.8 tons.
The growers used good tested, ac
climated seed, and practiced the sel
,'titlllc principles of agriculture de
veloped by the stale college experi
ment i-tatlon and advocated by the
county agent.
Corn fits -well Into good rotation
systems, and is successfully grown
for silage in some districts too cold
for corn as grain, as well as in more
favorable locations.
So highly is Bilage valued that the
ollege Btatlon and extonsion favor
IhB ernni! of sunflowers where
onditiong are unsuited to corn for
ETBiiKellsts Ijeave
Mr. and Mrs. 1'ercy fieorgo Cross,
who have been spending the past
month In Iloseburg conducting a re
vival service at the Christian church.
left this morning for Eugene to ap
pear before the students of the Eu
eonn Hible college before going to
Uakor. where they start another
meet lug the middle of the week.
Tho H. It. K. 1. A. I nion Meeting
will be held at the Maceabbee hall
every first and third Wedtimdays
of the montb.
Lodge No. 47. meets every Wed
tinsday evening, cor. Jackson and
Cass sts. Visitors always welcome.
j. O. T. M. ItoM-biirs Hive Xo. J 1.
holds regular reviews on second
and fourth Friday afternoons in
Maccabee hall. Sisters of otbei
hives visiting In tbe city are cor
dially Invited to attend our re
views. M&ccebee ball 01 Cass
tl.Wil.KS, Riwoburg Aerie meets Id
their hall on Jackson 8U. In 2n
and 4th Monday evenings of eac
month, t 8 o'clock. VlBltjng breth
ren in good standirg always wel
come. FRED P. CLARK, W. P. P.
B. T. GOODMAN. Secretary.
I. O. O. I'tiion lOncainptlieiit No. f
Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple,
every Thursday evening. Visiting
brethren always welcome.
.1. II. HAII.EY. 11. P.
0. P. (. I IV.H, rMMonunc lAHiire, No
H'M Holds regular communica
tions at the Elks' Temple on
each Thursday of every month.
All members requested to at
tend regularly, and all visiting
brothers are cordially invited l.
Lilac Circle No. 4!) Meets on 1st
and 3rd Monday evenings. Visit
lug neighbors invited to attend
1. . . F. I'biletartan Lodge No. 8
Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple,
corner Jackson and Cass Sts., on
Saturday evening of each week.
Visiting brethren are always wel
A. J. GEDDFS, Rec. Sec.
J P. BAILfJY. Fin. Sec.
Ri-.lll-.KAHS. Roseiurg Rebekab
Lodge. No. 41. I. O. O. F. Sieeu
in odd Fellow v Temple every
week on Tuesday evenii.f; at tlie
Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting mem
bers In good standing are Invited
to attend.
PKI.LA LEWIS. Financial Sec.
Camp No. 125..le9ts in tl e Odd
Fellows' h.-.U in Rosjburg even
lsl and 3ru Monday evenings. Vis
iting neighbors always welcome.
M. M. MILLER, clerk.
burg Lodge No. 1037 Meets sec
ond and fourth "
ing of each month nt 8 o'clock In
the Moose hall. All vls-itlng bro
he., are Invited to attend
C. W. CLOAKS, Dictator.
I. O. PARCKTER. PerretsrT
ncuiar communications 2nd an:
fourth Wednesdays each month at
Masonic Temple, Roeebnrg. Ore.
Visitors welrome.
W F H ARR 13. See
O. K. S., lUwbnrir Mo. n
Holds their regular meeUnf on
the 1st and 3rd Thursday In each
month. Visiting members In good
standing are respectfully Invited
to attend.
Jitney Service. Phone 76.
Large cars for hire. Phone 309.
Nifty millinery at Bellows, not
over J15. t
Now is tho time to have your
piano artistically tuned. C. H.
Arundel, phone 189-L, 25 years In
lernutlonal exporjence.
Lime-sulphur spray, sulphur for
fertilizer, sulphur for plant dusting,
lime in Bbls., arsenate of lead, black
leaf forty. Umpqua Valley Fruit
Factory expert will be with Mars
ters Drug Co. on April 2i. 27 and 2i
to give lessons in graining and beau
tifying your home with Chi Namel
Varnish. ,
I O. O. P., Risu-.g Star lxwlge No. 174
meets in the odd Fellov a' Temple
every Friday evening. Visiting
brethren always welcome.
Victor MfcelM. .V. O.,
Perry Hoyd, V. G .
J. EARI.E Prf'CrvS. Roe. 8
r FICKLE. Km.inclHl Sec
itOsKin ito lAtix.p; vo. nil):;, uni.'
tod Itmtlierli.Kxl of lnintciianne ol
Way Employes and ltailivay Shop
laborers. Affiliated with the A.
F. of L. Meets nt Moose bull the
first Wed., fourth Sat. nights and
third Sunday of each month.
J. F. SMITH, President.
W. J. MEREPITH, Reed. Socy
npri MAH IVEH. Fin See
Try A News-Review Want Ad For Re
Price and Principle
Price the Lowest Principle the Highest.
It is our business to sell good things to eat.
We do sell you every good thing to eat that can be
fourd in a well equipped grocery store. Our low
prijcs and high grade goods have made the casual
buyer a steady customer. If you are not getting
Grocery Satisfaction see us.
Our line of Ready-to. Wear Dry Goods
is increasing daily and we can save you money. Call
and see our line.
Peoples Supply Co.
ONE'S income should be dlvldod Into three parts n
portlonately well balanced. r
One part Is the money required for spending; anoth
Is that desired for Investing; and, yet another Ib m,
necessary for SAVING. 9Jr
Ilegin with a bank account here at tbe I'mpqua Vail
Flank '
1. M. THRONE, Cashier
rcwJLDurcu jk tuUN
I'l.l K III UXs OIT.
lie lire aepartiner.t u
out about 9:15 o'clock SutaW?
Ing for a flue fir- . ?'K
C. Merrill on Mm .1. 'oa
responso was made but the f"
was not dangerous and the ,t
was not turm-ri
For That Cough
After the "FV
Lingering colds and con
that follow the firip oriniueia
are difficult to overcome b
manysuch sulTcrers havef
relief in Foley's 1 lor.ey andTa.
Says It Is Wor'.b $30.00 1 Botia
Wm. Barati, Sin Ailonh, Tex
Foley's Hon.y nd Ijr i. undobt4i; fcZ
couch remedy in the warld. 1 tnev it.T
beceute 1 lound it to be so. Atutl ei,
taught me. It has been wonb tXKl
me. Early io the eestin I bad the '!
Wt me weak and with s oersislsM eaa4 ji
couh hunt on and I becsme mutb wotrel ,
it. Someone advised me to try Folej'i Hae
and Tor and 1 began tBk.rg it that c.tbt ,Z
06W completely lecovered soddoaot cavsW
Honey and Tar
R EM ED Y, recommended lot ew(k,
colds, tickling of the throat, tpimit
croup, whooping cough, la grippe, ay)
bronchial cougat, hoarseness, etc.
All users praise Us fr unfit ml
efficient action. Absolulelj stji
Contains no opiates.
Sold Everywhere.
includes not only the kno
edge of where to tps'r
heat, but also Just
stop. The work can be o
done as well as underdone. "'
possess the expert knosW
and have facility for dolns "
kinds of welding work tu-'
torily. We are at your f
vice any time.
Mathews WeldinftWorb
It's Time We Repair Tour Kb j
If you want to et th. i" " j
neflt of the season
day'a delay H d"'1
im thm sow -
JOSL BO onus - ,
wheel around and h.t. J
It in first class rtdln
..n. To. know what W' J
work w. do. Every ola n-