.C3SEBURG M: WEATHER YIEW Today'sEdition and Tuesday Reaches Over 17000 Readers 'Jy. ,. . In Which is Included The Evening Newt and The Roveburg Revie EW VOl- oiii. x- OF kos.bi'ho review teRO PRISONER IIS TO ESCAPE deputy Sheriff Raffety Lo- l i - In Tunnol caies uuun m Under Court House. Iearch very exciting ..-,.1. Ll.. .1.11. .lit lltlll Kllll tYawl on minus i"i ""I"' Surceslul AlH-miit to Cap ture Kt-iiwil MulbUo. Fwitement was mixed pretty nroiuhly '"'' ,l,e ozone laBt even L .1 about :30 o clock in me vi r" . .ihn...-u tin1 foitntv (v or in- iuiti" j 1 when one of tiio two negroes nfined In the bastile succeeded in iitinii his getaway w lien nepuij limit Raffety had entered the steel iie where all the prisoners were IfDt Deputy unu rn..r.. h jail to serine the food basket hd was making preparations to L ihr. laiililiils their "chow when V.j nf the "dark comploxioned" in Evltluals confined there on a charge to roblH-o' in (Herniate warned out hit the deputy with a can full oi r. -m nothing .miwii:il nes. i ii-ir- ""- n ............ this as Itaeffty nan allowed in in i lil.erty ea;lt day ror a short tinu empty t lie ashes and to serine idling wood for the morning fire, e i-oon went to the ash dump and u returned to the jail door, set can down and disappeared. A iort time later llarreiy emergen :nm the Jail and at once realized t "the liird had flew the coop, mil small hoys were playing utind the imirayard and Informe.t demur that they had seen tin nape go around the corner of the iurthouse. Ilaffety lost no tune In rolling the building from ttio Dot- la floor to the root but no trace of it southern gen'man" was found. Hills Are Scoured. Thinking or course that the negro ,il hit for the hills and would re- n In hiding there until nightfall, kffety at once made for the hills the eastern boundary or the city, ter walking over that territory it some time he satisfied himself let the escaped prisoner had made pier ilans for his getaway. Deputy fMy hailed a local "bug" driver Id in company witli the Improvised lire patrol visited the auto camp niids an.1 made inquiries. A happy iiht th'1!! struck the deputy and a moment the car was whirling k towards the courthouse, from nee he had started. Securing n hiipht, b went to the east side Hie Imllilinpr and located two lall openings leading to the base st. Stripping off his coat, Raltety led through the opening which barely large enough to permit entrance. Mo dropped to the in- fir of the dark and mustv suae Jd flashed his light in every direc ts. In one coiner he noted a small Jinel, and crawling on his hands i knees he entered this. Within f'lort time lie shouted back to the 'ranee, the news that the culprit d been located and ramming his '"niatlo Into the ribs of ".lack l.nson" lie shoved him out of the "el. When once out in the open, (coon snarled a dirty oath at the "ana Kanety, his patience tried the extreme nlaetd h; F;Dh. N Mlremitv in tile nrnnor ntirt '"id prisoner a anatoniv and hoisted f around the building to the jail franoe in 'double time." At this 1 of the proceedings, 8heriff He, Who bad lnat Mtupn frni fle, drove up and searched the F. thinking perhaps he had se- a nar or some other article alile fnr "cronkine" nnrnnwa f ng his absence. A kev to a Vor.l 'a? all thai tt-T f,.., i ...... r llh a few words of warnine "'riling his future activities. ' againg placed behind 1 ars. Hint It,,... . ...t k.. " i ti-n-o. IH'fcro. evidently tirlno- 'k and dismal cetic v. uflT"" l'"'"' for ,he nast wp,,k ."in out in tne open and do V, 0Tk- The sherirT realizing ' the county iall Is tint tho mnt yt pla.e In the world took " oi ttie coons out last week and Uiein do Some iiia.llv TV, .. - wat. hed dosnly at that time .,Z , an, hen they were again ' be ,,, ,,, .,in . tho'iirht l,o t...j iL ' . i". L "ayl "oi tne snerm "ed the closely at tht t,, ' ould have tried a eetaimv nnH HOSEIll UO, OUKUDS, MOXlAY. Al'lUI. UU, I9J0. this city, and Mrs. Kathei. Williamson, of Sacramento, yr which he authorized his attorn to make a financial settlement of their claims, which amounted to about $4000. Hulrt was believed to have cash and property worth in all about 000. Vil. IV Vh t.LJt .....& inn r.r.Ai.-( ntkUts K - mm OF GOD S i prince of liars sis "ship rv tpiirk- I Willi HI IIIUUM SMAI.I, TIlAtT Sttl.lt. The beautiful four-acre trait Just, Debaters Fail to Get Down to north, of the city on the rue I fie high way, owned by V. II. Sykes, of l'ort-i land, was sold today through the : Tester & I.oukIi real estate company; to Mis. D. L. Tester, who will take, immediate possession. ; MAXV TO I KISTS IIKIIK. Rock Bottom Facts of The Matter. HAVE MIRACLES CEASED lOX IS NOMIXATKIl. (lly Associated Press.) WASII1NOTOX, April 26. The registers of the land office whose nominations were sent i I to the senate today by Presi- 4 ' I dent Wilson included Willlum II. Canon of Roseburg. .. . uever tnelish Farce Comedv Will Be Presented Friday- IS SENIOR PLAY?, Night In Auditorium. Eight auto tourists spent - last ! " night at the camp grounds in North nu '...,i 1.111...1 11 . Itoseburs. They report the highway 1 ..... . . ""'""'r to be In passable condition but very; ' -"li"'eiit lonceinhig 11,0 muddy. Several parties also stopped in ftoseburg hut stayed in the ho- j tela. 1 : fire, and a lot more. But none of i these things were Introduced, and so I fur as appearances Indicated, were foreign to the mind of this widely advertised healer, as they also seemed to the evangelist. Admitting that Christ and the twelve apostles . performed miracles, both men agreed, and so did everybody in the ; Twrnlile of 11 Voiiiik Huslutml WI111 CAST IS WELL SELECTED Miracle Work Aite of the in This U 01 Id. A large number of the members. How did the debute bet House, but did miracles end with the passing of the apostles, of whom i probably John, the Hevelator, was ' the lust to die in loneliness and ex-1 ile on Paimos? Here again the ul-' leged miracle worker who, from his I hirst for Adventure Is (iniphl rally Told HUtoilc Motlicr-Iu-Ijiu Is Also l'iv iie. available. At 4 o-ciock this after- noon Miss llurkln met with the executive committee of the local Hed Cros: hnpter and this evening will discuss i.ie question infornutllv with numb, r of the representative ladlea of the cllv. She will also nii'pt with ! the school board which holds Its regulur session this evening und will endeavor to have the course estab lished in the Hosebtirg schools. In the event it Is decided to tuke r.p this course of study, the north west division will supply a nurse to serve as Instructor and to tuke up educational and medical inspection work in the county. There has been considerable agitation in this regard during the past few months and u great many favor the Introduction of the course. o ItWVH SOI. I) TOKAV. The 200-acre farm known as the Hkuddan ranch, the property 01 Hunry Andrle, has been sold to R. E. Dent, a recent arrival from Wash ington. The consideration was re- ....rv. . v. ..... ... ,v uvuuif Ul'lHt'Oll 1 "lr iiiiiu-h- "W! ivri n uu, IIOIU II IS ; U'l..r I .1 . . nf tha I il II L 1. !,. I..F. , I. lu l-iillir d! 1 1 .. , .. . 1. 1 .. .1 v.. t - . 1 IV Here Ig tlllTfi a Itilirrixl limn n, .;...; :-,r.h.ii.n ,.r .. .h '. : hi., ;,r ..t" ",v'ur "t:.:: r , rr.B"r a; so.,,e ti,e or.ti,H , to u, m me , of m.ooo - - - . . . ' " IV I t. .HJ lUSOll. i"ip.r i yj mi pot lUliril ill IT II- el.-. . i . ... " -i-.l 1 . .1 . -n . ' ' " af soeiation iicnir Lo be bold at that noluniR a serieH of nnHtinira ia a lo- ''' iitoie proof, utterly ituoi-. . , 18 8lU11K "ie -' ' , u,u "ra "'"ue lemcr tion of nioro thui) one million furm WEEKIS URGED National Grange Leader Is sues Circular to All Mem bers Throughout U. S. OBSERVE MAY 17-22 llclieves the Motor Tun k Is the I'omliiK Km tor In Ti iin- iNo iiitlon Method mill Fnnum Are l ltfil t -oHriile, WASIIIXfiTOX. II. C Anrll SB ---tSpeclall - IHrectlng tile atlen- plu-e today. WILL DIRECT THE eal church, end.' This question has , In, if he knew, the remarkable ex- 1. '' 1 '7,af'' h"3 """"l ,u l-oua tood many neoule I perience of Paul, the great apostle to """" ,u,"e telling - since Satuiilay evening, hi which llie Gentiles, who owed his ennver ne. no mailer now white it may ; n,n. n.AUU - .. . Di.. . ...i i- ....j e, ro nis mother-in-law iti,.,ru c-At,uuiiiiei-s or noiy , nlu" o n iiiuui;ic. nui.ni Willie ne jM . , , ," I V. rit met in Liberty theater to dls- as on the road to Damascus, and '. 3 , "autal bo,n intfalls for cuss the question of divinn hc,iti,, later himself became the direct """"anns ami in "llie Prince f'ather Grainmer alU'ged divine heal-' "leilluin through whom the Lord of of -lars," which will be presented EXPECT HOTTEST lug is yet in force, the I!.v. Mc-, Hosts worked miracles, notably that !."."''! ''"'o'f Ht ,hfl ,llKh "ll1"01 - ditorium Friday evening by the seu-i lor class, the mnther-ln-lnw la iWu Glasson denied the Issue und allegod 'where the young man, falling from niiraelps rp:.ui.H with ,i,n ; . ihii I, .ft r .n,i.in m..n,i.... t...A the twelve apostles. So far as ih.. was taken up for dead, and restored .. u ""llrie Irinunings .dehalP Saturday night is concerned to life by Paul. "'",e,."f l'l,,rs t , lioth Kentlemen were crowned with : These facts were all ignored, for R E Crawford Will Serve at """ ,aur,,M ,,f victory In the wordy gotten perhaps, in the.Birenuousness "ii" j x pi j.- l n hatile that ensued. This ending was of the moment, and the crowd that Head Of BaptlSt OrganiZ- ; apparent from the beginning when turned out to hear gome real truth .-.,-. .m-uiiissou iook t ne poor und al,"i" mirucies louna no eniignien FIGHT IN H1S10RY ation In This City. THE WORK IS STARTED v w mr-nuii unin i tf t l(H)r UIKl hjumu ii'J fii 1 1 11 1 I'll- . i, ( . v 1 . , , ------- propounded his knowledge of scrip- ment, therefore It Is believed that ,,, ! ". "t'lreB hluiselt In lo ,ln - with a voumr hiiHluiiwI -lw in n.u absence or his wire, tires of ham- The Ohio Primaries Tomorrow wiuiii AiMcncf ni everyuav lire, and fired with the story of Huroiin Al ' Haschid. which he had Just read in viNionniy Work In rnreiu Field Will lie Doubled lluiiou Xet Five Vein's its Kesull of ('.un uiign Xinv ruder Way. R.E.Crawford has been appointed . '"-'ginning wim tne moderator's m hurcli campaign director of the 'lulrJr of Faiher (Irainnier. after the First Huptist church of ilosehuig "'oeiaoic ueaier nau lalked ror during the 1 OO.OUO.OOU campaign, ' ' nutea, "if he had betrun his which will be held throughout the speech. and when the el iu-elist nation from April 2G to .May 2. ;vno n"n 1 "etteve in the power of Xl-. n..(iu,0 ,v!ll -li. l,n. "" ""iiaeies since uiie, louowea oy Kallur Graniiuer tins subject remains unsettled, tin- in a general denial. At the end of established, nnd open to further the riisf round a great many people, elucidation from some other source weary or an argument, that had no,"1" sources, to the end that this peo- merit on either side, got up and left Pie may be sufficiently Informed as the house. Others stayed a Utile to whether or not Of id Almighty Is while longer, until the vast audience "hie and willing and may lie glorified that packed the theater lo capacity h' Imparting power to mortals for in the beginning of the debute, performance of healing or doing dwindled to only a fraction of what other wondeTful things In our age of : , .7 , ,1 ...... . B it had been. the world's history. .'"ra . . . "J" uam1 ..i, .it n.i.iM-Bn. tuiieini n. nun SO IIC.M i dav the (lutta I'ercba girl, as thej . , dancer is known, appears nt his home ! hniir YPOr lll1 return the handkerchief. He then the costume supposed to have been worn by the ancient "Faiher of" Ills People," and starts out for adven ture, which conies to III m In a little i larger degree than he anllclpnted ; Ile meets a young dancer whom he I undertakes to conduct to her home and as her throat is exposed to the weather, wraps his handkerchief i which his uiother-lndliw has thought- Promises to be Biggest Scrap In History. era to the issues Involved In high way transportation und good roads, Thomas C. Atkeson, Washington representative and moving spirit in the National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, has addressed a letter to grange secretaries throughout the country enjoining their participation in National Ship by Truck-Good ltoads Week to be observed May 17 to 2'.'. "In this connection." writes Mr. Atkeson, "I heartily approve of the wneral Idea involved "In Ship by Truck-Good lioads Week and atten tion that will thereby be directed to the problems of lilghwnys, transpor tation and distribution." As a preface to his loiter, Mr. At keson says: Unflfl AMn U A DniMr 1 "The national grange believes that lioth Contend for Itepiibliuiii Prefer ence, While the lleniocrttts Have a Clour Fl.dd Wet and Itry Ouelloii Also. There were some funny spots In the desert nf dryness that nrevalled. lly AsMot-luted Pitsh mi itiiui'o n .....ii ,.. . faces the problem of Introducing her ..." . , "C, . BOV PaWS AVa V ' h'", n;",'!,;r"'";,I,W- , "" f,i"i'1!.V ! " '''-" ' republican par ty n UUy l-ttiACA rtWay s she Is his niece from abroad I (jj,j0 , yBttrs " .d toP ,,,,. rut tire it i ttrv r dark 'om;iiPTf(in -m u . - luite clo-ly with the darkness of ,r"" m jail. Phy portant part in this campaign, which in regarded aH the first step In a great onward march of Christianity all over the world. The quota for rhe eifihl we:-ten. states in what iH known as the Pacific const division, Including California, WaKhiiiernu, Oregon, Idaho, I'tah, Moniana, Ari zona and Nevada, is $K.H52.0ihi. Of this pum southern California is scheduled to raise $ .000 ; ; northern California. $ 1 .;" 1.000; , eastern Washington. $(i2j.tHn't; west- i ern Washington. fS.to.OOO; Oregnn, $1,045,000; Idaho. $287. (M0; I'tah,; I-eslte W'eatherfoi Jh four-year- the (r;iya of the aooatles. denied that ' U1 son ( -Mr- tHl a certain mfnfster was "his brother," J " 'trfonl, passed away early and the white haired patriarch as- s,in,1;i' morning at Ihefr home a Rorted. "Well, he is mv brother " the p w '"ileH south of HoHeburg. The audience got some remuneration for l,lf! hoy 1111,1 not. ,,p'n WPl1 lor pome lime ha come when nil national government hlKhwayy should he uni- !fled In a single admiuistratlvn do puitment and that a national high wav law should he worked out which I will servi the welfare of t.te wlndn country and dlstrliiiito the expense of highway constru-tlou cquilubly between the beneflcarles. KxnresHlnir hla belief that there la a place for tho motor truck In agri cultural parsultM, Mr. Atkeson con tinues: ' "It In conceded thwt there Is ft place for 111 motor truck on the iHiin and most particularly does this years la expected lo be de- I eventing goe merrily until ary to the pl'o,l0,,c uw'-f th Teal niece npnear, and then wlfey ",Z 1" ?'I i7ui L.IK t,urk h furm Maoiia. returns. At la-t he makes a clean hreast of it nil and clears up the H Hiding, senior lUiited Stales nena- (or from this stale, and Major (Jen- the time spent in listening to argu ments devoid of any real knowledge, of scripture. Kvangelist McGlasson opened the ;irgument by reading a lot of texts iine, being afflicted with rheuma tism, which went to his heart und i-aused b is death. There are sev eral other children in the family. The funeral services were held at - - ,., , " (. i t r i o flock this afternoon at the ( nil ...' I. ' , V"M,,171 lleud cemetery, in the time of Christ. Ho broadly asserted that there had been but two ennchs In the history of the world when miracles wre performed, and took place. where Interment ever after." or at least it is sup posed that thev do. The cast selected are well suited to their parts, and under the coach ing of Miss Irma Martens anil Miss lennie Yoder, have heroine skilled in character delineation. The plav It self is one of the most clever of (he furce comedies now popular. It has b en variously called, Arabian Night, the Indian Itubber fiirl. and , Thp u,iri.lng ca . for ,,,.,. S75.0nn: Montana, $200.00i: Ari-1 " ."' iieeessu in me lime nan f (jll Cf MLIIVIZ : 1 i"oriie wikiimi iiu i"i """o-! KrKllK h. w, ills and Mvron T. Iler- znnu. 215.ono; and Nevada. $ r, 1 .- naM nilr.acl' working was aban-. , ! 1 ne eostumes are mouei n. j r(.k Ma Jl)h1 (illlvhli o( ,'incln- 000. A. A. I'rotzinan. field director "oiien. ne nist perioii was at the. MgC at Kiddle V , , L ; nail, and H. M. Daugherly. an alior nt ilia ii-Li-i nunnliiifid liwlllV Hint 1)11 ' HI'" tAUII HI '.llf C'llHIIiMl niMUfJ lillll (he eve of the ramnaien the western nm KPnf. the speaker alleged To cerure the most satisfactory and beneficial use aof the motor truck (he county noil mn nnnt 1 V tion to the Chicago convention. ,,,ii ,:i he.ts to Iiisiii'h A complete list or candidates for lmr lrm.k operations from tho pro distrlct delegates and delegates-ill- ; llll(.or , ,jle rI,Bm,.r, Not only Is large, pledged lo Henator Harding. Is . , nPeessitv tor p. rnianent hlgh on (lie bullols, w hile eandldales for wav ai,,irenl In Ibis Instance, but delegates, pledged lo (ienernl Wood. ', 11)rove.(l highway Is a step to hiivo been entered In all except three i wrd IIiprvfinn.it and consoll- of the dlslriciB. and two eandidates, iiatinn of rurnl schools and llie use avowedly ror Cuierul Wood, are run- . ,,, , hools ns rural social centers." leaders feel full of confidence that j that nt that time twe hlliney uruuoy. nom wnose pen nave - r . ,.,llh,lfl Th Wn,, ,,,., 'come many a farce to enliven the ; Ktes-nt-large candidates are former lliannel", ik.,, viehnl. ,,nn nf Ihn speaking stage, is the atltnor. I Altoinev fleiiernl Kdward ( Turner. known pioneer residents of ixnigias The cast: or (iiumbiiK, and Attorney William I lounty. died at Kiddle Saturday i "lur ' ini'Kioo, me '""" H. Hoyd, or Clnvelnn.l. Kour are to morning and was buried yesterday band western Baptists will bear the world '" "'"acies w.,e perio-nie... ine in"! mergency in need, and raise their , "E a'lle "ns, "' ",P quotas, without exception. j ""7 , I-"r'' - , ., , , ,1 n i 'vatera of Ihe sea lo divld- and his Although the northern TlapllKls )p pasap(1 HV(,r on dry Innd Th(n are planning to double their mission- ,hpl.e wcre m m()re mirarls arv work in fore.gn fields during the (jn0 of rhrj3 9n Kvft,1(,olist Mc. next five years, as a r; suit of his rrli,sson t.,amHli wIl(, tnp .,. of jMim n?i tt'n iiiiico man r 't- h ici ,. , , ... .w - tmn was airai i en f s r ci rnr a ..i. :....i .1 11.. or tne iuu.u.i"v mmmi u chort time, the batiftsm of the Hdlv ..-j .. .. Iliilnh rirtnerod ' - H aH H 1)11111 n,i Vr'itrH (II aKf. u U 1 1, IS " He had been in poor health for some1 Mr8- Hummiugtop time and hud been seriously ill tor; several weeks. His home hsd been 1 our Vit'liiilu uhitifin Imf hn wiml moved to Hiddle, where be could be "M1"""11"- lMt " , be elected. raise will be spent in this country. The apportionment of expendi ture, which has been carefully com piled by Dr. John V. Aitcbison and other national leaders in New York, Chost being withheld after of the twelve apostles. le Hme ; m,nff nrncthalH- his entire hie there. 1 fhua He came from one of the oldest pto-1 When it came Father Orammer's fni;n0 nm rmmtv and wa-'Halnv MaiH.tnd turn to talk, a great ninny people 1inQ of th(1 roreiMO((t citizens. He'Harbara in the audience, doubtless some who , ,oaVPf, a widow an,j pVeral children! nl,U.v I7C 101 Q'Q trt snent tn ... . . . .' . .'". . . . . .11 ni ""M "rrl1 ll!,inl111 "f lnll,,,B in nrtilttinn tn miinv nf liT rp lH'ffli . and a host, of friends who grieve 1 H fl ClC tl t LliriOS the United States, including $30.- 010.000 for Baptist schools and col leges. The remainder, $2n,SitS.O? 1 . will be spent in the foreign work of ht denomination during the next five years. The amount nUotterf to both home and foreign work is far In excess of anv previous expenditure of the ne nomination in a like period, and ih" e jiroof from a liibllcal (, , ;r hiK ,0S(, that healing was a gift divine healing during the week, ex peeled some s-andpoint, that healing was a glfi trotn God and really existed at this time. But, frankly, from Ih-1 view-! point of a reader of Ihe Bible, no ftich proof was produced. It had 1m en expected I hat the challenge (hat no mirucies were performed uf- f ter the crossing of the Red Sea Organize For Baseball Season . . . Itov Patrick his wtte ...... : n K,.n(.rn the Wood organlzii- . .. .Itllth Powell .1 i ,...,,i,., l,y men v im were nosa Colombler. the dancer prominent In Ihe progressive party In Maxlne Sykes , ,, , ,, u,.,,,r ll...,lli:r's ruinnulfril i fin- lha nm.1 nt.rl Im I-. ttie liiimls nf Mildred Itlack ' , fril,.ie l nlh loe.il nurtv i.r- . . .Leslie Hiltner RI,nZRio,n. Adrian Kisher; while there are no dMi'nei nls of . . . . Averv Itnser, Wood ennitidat. s for I m gates lu th" Zonule McDonald ,W(, Cincinnati dlstrieu. the randi- ....Lillian I'Htit , ,1,,, n Hp... districts nt nledged " I to Harding as first e;io c, and lo Wood as second i hole. I:: the three t'leveland dporiets the Har. Pop: ran , didates are pledged 10 Seontor Arp Frtllnri Hiram Johnion as second choir". niC- I "Kill,,!,,!,, wood d-lenalei nrc raising nf th" Jion.nno.nitil within a , wi, ,e refuted. Any Sunday school inele week Is recorded by northern MantlptR ns the greatest financial un dertaking in their history. The S10A.onii.nnn budget included only the general extension work nf the denomination, generally riasui attending youngster might have put binh of those d.-baters to shame by referring to the miracle of manna failing every week lor forty years ar ter the crossing of tile Red Sea. They might have told "benevolence." and does not take In mamling Mill at command of Joshua the budgets or the local churches. luln n,e armies of Israel had 1am- j pledged to James R. il.irpel I as S"c- A curiosliy such as has not been olid choic". seen for some time has been round: Fu far at the deniorr.i'ic n.ir'y Is in tlie old Mosher house In Nacliter's: "f ".'erned. f. vemor laiiv s M. "'ox Etino which is now In llie process ol has a clear rV!d wlth.'.tt opposite. ' . being disinanlled iiy Its purchaser. 1 ' a11 eaudiretes for del .inl.. are Coming as a sure sign that at last w. ll. Uell. The old portion of the Po' ged to l.im. F.ornl roni'iilom. "snrinir is here'' tlio the formation h... o. ..... i..n,..r u h,,u l n roivever. I'jie resultnl in ronles's of the high school baseball team , m,,,,,!, wi,h hand made nails, the size ! dislrlcl deti gates lu i few uhieh will tuke ila.-p fills week. ..r ...i.i..i. ..11 .... i .. I.. ...... IrictS. Ill the sixleelltll di Knlhusiasni Is high among the boys -nB ,,.,11,, w,,,(. p,i,hy maile .'.0 tfa.'tnnl " v pt a.i'l d.'v uneslloo who Hre anxious to don habiliments v,,ar. KO when la tnry or rliacliine-, w bronchi ft rwar.l ai no I 'sue and gaino and get In ,,,,,1,. ,,iiu .... m,!,,..,!,! nt A.i old revolted In several caMi'lit'o in 'ng Mr. Atkeson requests tho grange secretaries to bring the preparations lor the week to the intention of far mer members. Ile says: "In view, therefore, of Ihr simul taneous discussion, studv and atten tion on the pntt of the citizens of this "lltllin. which will be dire'-ted to these problems by National Ship by Truck (Inoil lioads Week. P Is rec ommended that yo'.i bring Ibis mat ter before your grange nnd take part "o fur as It is possible in Ihe activi ties attendant on Ihe success of Ihe nutlonal week." "It is evident, therefore, that thn irranae should be represented on committees nnd it Is thought that because of this Ihe grange will be nble more Intelligently to define the tanner's angle and arrange for rarm l iutlcipatlnn than anyone else." district 01 toe. sun nf ne ,mtonal form for the ring season. The I line dinner gong, resembling the ''i. 'wed. The l.irrrest annual contribution of every church in the country has tn be multiplied by six in order to raise this sum. Mgh school organization will play hiM(.(. gong, was also found, and ili Mellows park, the same field ,h ,m are on exhibition In T),,U Mine.ro Tn which Is to be used by the Twilight n,R window of the t'asey-l lurdiug : LJ U I IC lYIllltlO UV league aim American i.egion teams. rf...i pate office Hun Troops Leave . The Ruhr District Iiy Associated Pre. PARIS, April ;r,.-Dr. "toei.p. vt. head or the tierman delegation hure. today handed the foreien office a note addressed to Premier Miller. mil statlne that the additional troon basied their enemies. Coming on down they might have told of the miracle of the angel visiting Manoah and his wife anil tne ourning or tne , SpV(.ra , ,llP prospective Ha be sacrifice with the heavenly visitor it,n nn(1 Tv -i,,H H,.nt this nf-. ascending up in the flame. 1 hey ,rnoon wrj,nl. on ,,e diamond JT11 Cmtrco ff would havo told bow Klislia asked and .mUillx lt in v No. I shape. A iVCW UUIiC Ul the widow to baKe mm some ragea h Br,.a.lv been scheduled with Riddle, to be played heie on May 7, and several others are lined up. Not Return to Work and the little handful of meal in the barrel did not give out during the entire time of the gnat famine lhat prevailed, of the prayer of Kliha that Ihe Lord would open the eyes of the young man when Ihe Asfsyrian hunt encompassed 'be city, and It was so. and the young man saw the mountain and valley filled with the Study Discussed rJhaV ulL J i .,Alul Iru.li.y hut lly Associated Press I'l TTK. April 2i .-- Despite the Included In I'"' metal trades hav'e refuted to en dorse the strike of the I. W. W union, the miners did not return to 2 1st. TWO WIVKS ;ktiim0. 'H0nnN'G,,1.:I-Ef-1Al,rll.23-J'"'' 1 hnr... V oieamist, who has I """ween life and death , "ra( ,imp th result of , '. "I ' lulclde, declared . an ten to recover, and '.'"i. lan .om 1,- . . . rt h.iH . wn'"a 00 so. with tZ. . . imervtew yester- t'aerin. ls "lves," jirs. ,n.Hi, Saturdav with his parents hot as to destroy the men who the Bargain Store, and n "mbacher Andrew, of Tn ,hl city 'throw th wnanta of God Into th. between 1130 and $200. ' Miss Margaret K. Diirkin, rere sentlng the educational 'L ea 11 men I work In great numbers today. Less ol the northwest division of 1 lie Red ihan a third of the normal crews re Cross, remained In Roseburg over to- ported al the various proper! ies. No The results of the old paper drive day to meet with the local executive. ,,, ketlng was attempted and the conducted by the elementary grades committee of the Red t ross. the nKhi pussed without any disturb Sl:l.l, OLD P.XPKIt. n-hit. h.l i.r,.,l the Ruhr distrbt anni-s of the Lord. Sllll further of ln) local schools were exceeding- school hoard, and a number of the;nnc had all evacuated that district April down 'he stream or time, and the ,y mlIi,a(.tory. Tne drive has been ladies or the city to discuss the mat-i average .-uiiu.i. ....... ... p.... eariteci Oil tor 10' pilM HU weess 'ei ui i , ... s. . ,,nn j co lid have told of Daniel in the ,h(1 lnlDi, ln have worked hard course In the city schools. This, tne rnree iiei.rews saven -n ,(,,, imerent 0f playground equip I vim it ih in:.n lions' den. the three Hebrews saven - In1 inieres of Dlavground enuln- curse lias Iteen adopter) at numerous Kuifene Print t'loil. the local Jew- Theodore Abraham a si ident at bv the power oi t.i nmu tne n.-u ment and other pnrapnernana ror . pinces mm is ut-iKlirti m i-uucaie toe P,.r, totiav re-eive.i a nafrram an Ihe Oregon AgricultuiKl col'eee re furnace, although the furnace ihey which the money Is to be spent. The people of the lommunlty In sanitary nnunclug the death of his father. II turned to Corvallis yesterday after were cast In and the flames ire so paper was sold to Carl Perger. of! method, and the proper course to Princeton, of Voerdaal, Holland The hi- nn nurKBin OtUlf. "'Ml Will UOUK . ... n unn w. (jeet-a SfU w itn ni Y-,,n l n,,-. . . 0. 0. F. Have Picnic Today Many of the local order nf Odd 'VHows bit this morning bv train iiti'1 auto for Sutherlin for llie pur t'dn nf at tend iii ic Ihe annual Odd 'vijnws id'tiic and "high jinks" held there all dav. The np-nle U held in commemoration of the found ing or the I. (). fl. l- bulge, this be ing ihe lOPh Hiiulem:irv. The nn niversarv was ceb-bra ted in this citv last yer. A larue attendance was expected from ea h 'rter in thn county, nnd a pun-ram whkh would ma ke (he ticca sin tt one of i he big gest, events on the Indue calendar for the vcar had been arraimed for. A prt)grani, basket dinner, picture show, tlegree wnrk and social dance urn some of the mans by which Sutherlin prepared to entertain the viwitors. j ervlcea of a tralnd nurae are not cent) luffercd a stroke of paralyals. first grade itock. Little Change In Live Stock Market Vv .Asxmlatcd Presn roTLM, Apnl 2H. - Prime cattle are showing n firmer market (oil ay, with chiitce joeers going at from 1 1 to 1 2 Vj cent. Hogs show a continued to a weaker market, ruiine mixed lo's rrtntmaudhig only from $15 TTi to $11.73. Sheep have dumpi'd from a strong demand last week to a slight demand and jirn we.tk today. Butter Is ntetnty at St cents per pound. Kggs, case count. are fUoted at 31 Ceiild per doxea for o