TT . lATTRnAY, Aran, n. ! i ii i rr , "i .. m ' ii- Atew Arrivals in Men's Dress Shirts Every man is particular about his Dress Shirt. We have them to please every fancy. Better ma terials with more style can get elsewhere; because our buyer has a much larger held to choose from than the ordinary dealer who is compelled to buy from the road salesman. Our unit purchase for . ui- 11 tkm frvr loca IVn invite Zvl Stores enauie ua lu atn urou i ...... thpsft new arrivals and be convinced I JfVSU kV v Hf ' ----- of their real Beauty, Style and Quality. Fine Dress Shirts, band collars, soft cuff $1.79 Fine Dress Shirts, detachable collar soft cuff $1.98 Fine Dress Shirts, Band collar, stiff cuff $1.98 This nation-wide institution is doing much to keep down the H. C. L. List of Claims Allowed by Court 8.60 36.00 12.00 MIL J. . DAY CRITICIZES Judge I will muke no confession of METHOD OF MANAGEMENT, i indebtedness of a questionable na- lure against Douglas county, nor pay Editor News-Review: Desiring to convey to the republi can voters of Douglas county some criticisms on the management of county business, and a protest against further diversion of road dis trict funds by tho present county court, I respectfully ask space In your columns. The Oregon road law of 1917 Is plainly worded aud Its provisions are euallv within the grasp of ordlnury minds. It empowers the county court A local automobile dealer today of each county within the state to i received a letter from his firm which levv a tax not to exceed 1U mills on contained a great deal ol valuable any claim not validated by compe tent authority. J. O. DAY, Jr. Candidate for County Judge. (Paid Adv.). o Valuable Hint To Motorists the taxable value of the county for road purposes, 70 per cent of which shall be apportioned to the road dis tricts lu such proportion that the taxable vulue of each dlHtrlct bears Information to the average motorist nlld one of the paragraphs which will be interesting to every auto owner reads as follows: 'The gasoline we are now getting (Continued From Thursday.) R. R. Clark, labor, DlsL .No. 1 0. O. King, labor, Dist. No. 1 Karl Barker, labor, Dlst. No. 2 J. H. Gardner, labor, Dlst. No. Ii Alfred Audersou, labor, Dlst. No. 3 38 00 Arthur Walker, labor, Dlst. No. 6 45 00 rt ti Walker labor. Dlst. No'. 5 0-0 Edwlu 11. Grubbe, lubor, Dlst. I No. W. J. Buichard, labor, uisi. n.i fi 8-00 n it w'utherlv. labor. DiSt. No. 7 3. P. Fenley, lubor, Dlst. No. 7 J. K. Hutchlusou, labor, Dlst, No. V. S. Woodruff, labor, Dlst. No. 11 F. K. Heard, labor, Dlst. No. 12 Corviu Heard, labor, Dist. No. 12 i w. Newton, labor. Dlst. ' No. Ii ? 1'. Drake, lubor, Dlst. No. 15 E. Itcnville, labor, Dlst. No. 17 F. It. Steluhaur, labor. Dial. No. 18 W. C. Leviui, labor, DU. No. l'J Win. Copley, labor, Dist. No. 10 A. V. llerrick, lubor, Dist. No. IS II. F. Oruves, labor, Dlst. No. ia F. H. Haseel, labor. Dist. No. 1M Geo. Holtsclaw, lab jr, Dlst. No. 19 E. II. Alvord, laW, Dist. No. 19 Jam. Swcarliigioa Irbor, Dial .No. 20 W. C. Hendurir. labor, Dlst. r-o. 21 . nior Allen, laVr, Dlst. No. 21 hairy Grubbe, labir, Du.t. No. 21 J Hear Rer. W. L. VanNuyi, or ; Portland, OQ "The ' T j Banc." at tb. Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'lock. At 7:30 P m. lo P" tor will speak on "Th. Seven I AnV ot Jesus." Th Olrli Chorus will fin. Z, 20 00 68.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 8.7 8.00 8.S0 8.50 44.70 12.00 20.00 J 22.76 6.00 39.00 4 00 12.00 8 00 4.00 .00 18.00 29.00 4.00 12.00 Wallace Smiley, labor, Dlst. No. 3 W. W. Walker, labor, Dist. No. 6 N. ilogan. labor. Dlst. No. 6 Mary Grubbe, labor, Dlst. No. 6 G. 1,. Shortridge. labor. Dlst. No. 6 Harry Haines, labor,-Dist. No. 7 10 UU W. W. Bunch, labor, Dlst. No. 8 A. Mode, labor. Dlst. No. 9 Carl Bachlund. labor. Diat. No. 11 Neal Heard, labor, Dlst. No. 12 L. McDanlel, labor, Dist. No. 13 J. I.. Hullack, labor. Dist. N'n ir. Edward Edmonds, lobar, Dlst. No. 16 C. W. Groves, labor, Disi. No. 18 I,. Scott, lobar, Dist. No. 19 A. Jenkins, labor, Dlst. No. 19 J. A. Ronney, labor, nisi. No. 19 to the taxable value of tho county, ! very low gravity and a portion ofiOeotge A. Brown, labor, wis . aud the remaining 30 per cent may 1 1( does not burn. The portion that No. 22 be expended for roads within the,,,)es not explode runs down the ryl- G C AinbroJ), .ab'.r, Dlst. county aB directed by the county i iii..r walls, drops into the crank No. 22 ................ court. Acting thereunder sucn court case ami becomes mixed with Hie of this county In December, 1919,. lubricating oil. This reduoes the levied the following amounts: I quality of the oil and if allowed to General road fund $ 84.000.00 continue will cause your bearing Bridge fund 20,000.00 tu ourn out and the cylinder walls Bights of way (Pacific blghw:.y) 10.000.00 mid pistons to wear. In order to avoid this, we slrongly urge you to change the oil In your crankcase at Total flU.OOu.ou .least every 1000 miles, was out with Which sum If apportioned accord- dlHtlllato or kerosene und refill with Ing to the provisions of said law. fiesh oil." would yield to the separate road o funds as follows: General rosd fund 3flcr.$ 34.200.00 II MPTl Rpflim Road districts fund 70', 79,800.00 : IU OTC lYlCTl KCIUTTI to Work In Mine Total l 14.000.00 Hut the declared Intention of the court Is to limit the amount to be apportioned on the 70 per cent basis ... .t.A ....... nt mi nnn And therebv ...- ,., an.,,nf nvHllnlile' fllirlllKlbUt lltl tllO COUipaUlcS report short the current year for the inulntMiiiiuce ! crews. Only u small tonnage of ore of lateral roads over which tho pro- l being hoisted. Governor Stewart ducts of the county are conveyed to l hero today and expects to confer the meager sum of 858.000. with (he city and county oiflclals r.- To levy a tax speclflcullv for "peeling the strike situation. The bridge construction or for a further strikers did no picketing today and .n.rihn..n in the funds of the stale no disturbance have been reported. highway commission. Is to act out ni.te of authority. To strain inter- nlaln orovlston or I e BUTTE, April 24 More men re turned to work In the mines today. HOYS aitki iii:mh:i). 31.50 S.00 4.0) ell mutle. low, in excuse the diversion of the ' Several high school boys wen road district fund from Its proper found last night playing pool in N. u uses for any purpose, however inell- " cigar mom on . ass sucei nner lorlims. Is In mv Judgment. Indefen- ' ' ! h"; ol by tin. council In a ri sible In emergencies for bridge re- ordinance prohibiting minors nlr or eonst nipt Ion at a time when n V .k. i i d nru nv,.ll,.l.l.. from the 'no arrests have b. i.snsl sourre It Is nrovlded tliat any fund not required for Immediate use.' Itl SlVF.SS PICKS I l may he appropriated therefor, condl-1 Honed on timely restitution, and' The good weather has made n no there Is no necessity to niisnppn.prl- 'tlcealile imrease in the business of llo road district funds, ns large ' b-col mercantil.- establi ilunents. amounts are now Idle In Hie county ' H ade having fallen off in a great ex treasury. 'tent during the rainv weather. A Some recent legislation Is liilru- ' large number of fanners were lu the Ive on county rights and alms to In-'city todnv transacting business mat vest non-resident authority wlth'ters. All are very busy and are op power to Incur expense within lis tilulstlc over the crop outlook. lines for purposes beyond Its control o and has so completely hvpm.tlted the i oVIMt t'HOM M HSItl II I II. county court thnt frantic efforts are , being made to enter into void con-1 Ernest llarnuii'. nrnprh tor of u tracts for the tiaymetit of rights i'f gamge at .toreil over way and to Impose luxation therefor tn l Ills city yester.lav and villi snend regardless of law or the Interests of tlm week .m) In this city visiting the producing population of this' with friends and i. l.itivcs county. o If nominated nnd elected pounly' Advertise in e. e. ;,. l..v No. 22 itn'ph Cochran, labor, Dist. No. 23 Claude Green, labot, Dist. No. 23 Juuies Hchosso, libor, Dist. No. 23 Robert Parks, labor, Dlst. No. 2 4 John ltkhurds, lubor, Dist. No. 26 Bill O'Mura, lubor, Dist. No. 28 J. II. Large, labor, Dist. No. 27 B. W. Laiubmon, labor, Dlst. No. 29 Q. A. Ilrown, labor, Plat. No. 32 3 W. H. Hose, labor. Dlst. No. 33 Sylvan Burroughs, lubor, Dlst. No. 33 . . . : '. C. W. Groves, labor, Dist. No. 38 Chas. Jones, labor. Dlst. No. 38 16 00 J. 1.. Morrison, labor. Dlst. No. 38 E. I'. Davis, labor, Dlst. No. 39 I. W. Newton, labor, Dist. No. 40 F. Drake, labor, Dist. No. 40 C. D. Newton, labor, Dist. No. 4 2 J. II. Cook, labor. Dist. No. 4 5 W. It. Slock, labor, Dist. No. 4 a Thus. Wilson, labor, Dist. No. 45 T. .1. Gustafson, labor, Dlst. No. 411 Otto Gustafson, labor. Dist. No. 49 W. Castor, labor. Dial. No. SI Harry Glaze, labor, Dist. No. 51 S. I)., labor. Dlst. No. 51 Calvin Spencer, labor. Dist. No. 52 William Cole, labor, Dlst. No. 5 2 Jim I.onthorwood, labor, Dlst No SPECIAL i 2 Mmaay uinner ! , Foutch's Restaurant 8.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 6.25 10.00 ..99 9.00 8.00 4.00 12.7 6.00 10.00 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 23.00 60.00 4.25 36.00 39.00 21.00 DILLARD RIVER BOTTOM LAND FRUIT LAND in Large and Small Tracts STOCK RANCHES Call in and see us. We have a list of choice properties to select from. G. W. YOUNG and SON Ileal Estate and Insurance 116 Cass St. Phone 417 J. C. Jones, labor, Dlst. No. 19 W. W. Ramey, labor, uihi. No. 19 Wilton Garrett, labor, Dlst. No. 19 A. J. Ramey, labor, kisi. No. 19 Lee Barker, labor, Dist. No. 20 John Boak, labor, Dist. No. 20 F. Galdablna, labor, Dlst. No. 21 M. Perinl, labor, Dlst. No. 21 Jim Grubbe, labor. Dial. No. 21 Henry Burt, labor, Dlst. No. 22 Bud Moore, labor, Dlst. No. 22 D. A. McCord, labor, Dlst. No. 23 Albert Cochran, labor, Dlst. No. 23 , O W. Angst, labor, Dlst. No. 23 H R. Parks, labor. Dist. No. 24 John Abeene, labor, Dist. No. 24 J E. Cooper, labor, Dist. No. 26 Jchb Shambroog, labor, Dial. No. 27 B llullwlnkle. labor, Dist. no. 29 Ed. Hervey. labor, Dlst. No. 29 Eldred Trussell. labor. Dlst. No. 32 F. B. I-ane. labor, Dlst. A. T. Taber. labor. Dist. No. 27 p H. Groves, labor. Dist. 'No. 3S F. I. Belts, labor, Diat. No. 38 C. W. Groves, labor, Dlst. Yanks Win Today In Hockey Game Ity Associated Press ANTWERP. April 24. The Ameri can hockey team defeated the Swit zerland team in the Olympian hockey tournament here toon-, y the score of 29 to 0. The Application. of improved methods and latest facili ties, to the service of the Roeburg Na tional Bank makes it increasingly valu able to customers. Are you banking with us? If not, we invite you to start a Checking Ac count. TheRosebuift National Bank Rosebur.Ore. 61.00 42.00 30.00 4.00 47.75 2.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 4.00 8.00 21.50 4.00 Thomas B. Kay, of the Thomas Kay Woollen .Mills of Salem has sent word to this city that he will be here next Monday afternoon and spend some time in this vicinity In vestigating the wool situation for this ear. Mr. Kay is president and manager of the Kay Woollen mills and is one of the most extensive buy ers In this locality. it is under stood that he is to drive to this city. NEW TOD AT FOR RENT Room with bath. In quire 401 So. Main St. FOR SALE Leather vest. 213 Cass St. Call Sunday. WHY DOES C. Merrill sell fnrms and houses at low prices? Be cause hiB overhead expense is light. Warns Against Any Delayed Settlement By Associated Press WASHINGTON. April 24. Warn ing asulnst further delay in settling the wage demands of 2,000.000 rail- i lit I Via pnillltrv. Tlmo- UttU WUIIkO.O ... thy Shea, vice-president of the brothernooa oi iocou.o.itc ,..r,,.--. today told '.he rnllroad labor board that the men "were reo up on prom ises anil they are dead dog tired of delays." o Ift Ijwt Mit Miss Alvira Lewis, who attends high school In this city, left last night for Dillard, where she will spend the week end with relatives. ARMORY DANCE TOXIGm, As usuul, It makes-no diffo.) ence wueiner you wear ottM alls, soft shirts, dress tulu . pajamas, the Jazi-0-Kour , this evening hold their refuU... Saturday night armory Roseburg's best floor mi bes(i UIUBIC. ,,M'J FREE! FREE! The local florist shop. "7Vr. I announced today Its IntcnUot i give a J5.00 basket of roseiint.! j Moinere Lay, aiay sin, to tb frl I holding the lucky number. Actel will be given with every porchutil t"c or more. FOR SALE Houses, $1 50 down, q nn balance same as rent. C. Merrill, 8 U0j 504 Mill. 8'r'iSEE MERRILL if you want a bar 46 75 I gain on houses or farm. 540 Mill. .oft' WANTED Man. or boy over 18 I years old, as porter. Apply at Ho 16 00' tl-1 Vinpqua at om. - 1 FOR SALE Lewellen setter dog pup 15.7 4.00! 6 months old, $10. O. L. Suther- lin, Oakland, Oregon. 8.00 1 59.50 8.00 8.00 80. ": ! WANTED Apartment or rooming house. Give location and price. Address E. O., News-Review. WANTED Gentle horse, also buggy. Give cash price and description in first letter. F. E. Jordan, Rose-burg. r 00 44.00 28.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 W. M. Hunks, labor, Dist. No. 54 G rover Tison, labor. Dist. No. CO C. K. Brown, labor, Dist. No. 60 O. A. Parker, lubor, Dist. No. 61 6.0U 8.00 62.00 Corner Cass and Sheridan Streets An attractive menu of dellclou sly cooked and well servci fee.!:. Prices moderate. Try our Sunday dinner, and you will come ac.ilu Dining room beautifully d.-corated by Mrs. Owen, of tin Fern. FOUTCH'S, Cot. Cass & Sheridan ! , r, aifl.iren.e Waller Meliee, labor, Dlst No. t.1 s.00 W. Newton, labor, Dist. No. 6i 3S.25 A. Hullack. lubor. Dist. No. 65 10.00 T. B. Burnett, labor, Dist. No. 66 42.50 Elmer I-aac, labor. Dlst. No. 66 4 00 K.luumd Bounds, labor, Dlst. No. 66 4 00 Kcntiiedy & Brouno, sup Plies. list. No. 6 20.50 Arthur Walker, freight, Dlst. N" 3.86 H.e'.ser 4 H. rrtiiKton, ! :.i. k .inlthlnc Dist. No. 17 3.00 1' HuUwmkle. supplies. Dist. I 6.70 It IV Connine. lubor, Dlst. . N" - 55.25 I s. I nrker. labor. Ii!t .ik'c, labor. Dist. .1-kV.jod, labor, Dist. 12.00 76 00 4.00 6.00 42.50 6.00 13.50 4.00 4.00 . . 36.00 32.00 D W. Hunter, labor. Dist. No. 39 J. L. Hullack. labor. Dist. No. 40 I. W. Newton, labor, Dist. No. 42 W. F. Hrlggs, labor, Dlst. No. 45 Win. Farris. labor, Dlst. No. 4 5 J W. Pardee , labor. Dlst. No. 4 5 II. A. Carlson, labor. Dist. No. 49 Dan Craig, labor, Dist. No. 4 9 L. B. Judy, labor. Dist. No. 49 J. K. Thlel. labor. Dist. No. 51 D. E. II listed, labor, Dist. No. 51 R. L. Siears. labor. Dist. No. 52 26.00 Elmer ISartrum, labor, Dist. No. 52 4.00 John Duer, labor, Dist. No. 52 5.00 Joseph Brown, labor, Dist. No. 54 18.00 ("has. Pike, labor, Dlst. No. 54 32.00, W. L. Tison, labor. Dist. No. 60 18.00 , 11. A. Arehumbeau. labor. Dlst. I No. 60 12.00 Hyman Huntley, labor, Dist. ! No. 61 r.0.00 J. .1. Meredith, labor. Dlst. 1 No. 61 J. !,. Bitllat-k, labor. Dlst. No. 63 F. Drake.- labor, Dist. No. 65 W. N. Moore, labor. Dlst. No. 66 Dsve I", labor, Dist. No. 66 Watt Shipn Powder Co.. sup piles. Dlst. No 5 J. G. Leffer. blacksmithing. Dirt No. IS John Gll!eau. blacksmithing. Dlst. No. 17 Wvnee AY Klme, supplies, Dist. No. '2t tTo be Continued.) FOR SALE Four-room house, two lots, woodshed, poultry yard, etc. Paved street. Bargain for cash. See owner, 842 Mill, after 2:30 p. m. LADY OR GENTLEMAN AGENT wanted in Roseburg for Wutkins' famous products. Waffcins goods known everywhere. Big profits. Write today. Watkins Co., 51. Winona, Minn. 34 ACRES PRUNES. 10 acres 11-year-old Spitz, and Newtown ap ples, with good crop prospects for this year; 6 acres ideal logun berry land, river bottom of the fin est quullty. Inquire at our office for particulars. Casey-Harding. A LAKCE Old Line Insurance com pany desires to make a general agency connection in Douglas county. Do not apply unless you wish to enter the business in a permanent way and can furnish the best of references. Previous experience not absolutely neces sary. Such a connection offers a permanent Income. Address O. L., care News-Review. V M TS ... v (jioni: mux, "Hour euef. Squint eyes detract from y our appearance and efficiency. If you have EYE-STRAIN, come to us and let us fit you iK the glasses you need. You cannot afford to let jour eyes "Jt Our expert will be glad to examine' your eyes. Consultation fnt When you need glasses we will sell them to you for a REASON ABLE PRICE. When looking for glasses, also look at our beautiful JEWELS! and silverware. Our WORD is our BOND. BUBAR BROTHERS fe3 41.00, 28.00 ' 2S.00 ; 8.00 ' 4 00 49 S7 9.50 ' .00 i Miss Molly Songer. who has been visiting in this city at the Henry Hurth residence, left this morning for her home In Ashland. o Mrs. M. C. Boynton, who hss been visiting at Coles Valley with her mother. Mrs. M. E. Black, left this I morning (or hr borne. I This is a Good One 275 acres 130 acres In crop, nearly 100 of which is creek bottom of the finest quality. Balance first class pasture and wood land. Enough oak and laurel wood to pay for the entire place. Living springs, good well, fair buildings. For full informa tion call at our office. $15,000 $6000 Cash. LANDS ASEMMHDIHC PHONE 834 3 TO W DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IX Knickerbocker -Buckawi Night of the Dub, and Pathe Nova. Sunday: Gernldlne Fnrrar and Hcebert ItawlUison in "The To" the Wheel." TODAY ONLY DOROTHY DALTON IN TheFlame & YuM A famoua star in a wonderful picture. Scnnett Comedy, "Treating 'Em Roiigh.