Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 22, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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BosEnrna NEWi.RisviBW
Issued Dally Eieupl Sunday.
It Wimbsrly
B. W. Bates
lirrt J. Uatea
Dally, per year, by mail '
Dally, six months, by niuil.... 2.00
By Carrier. cr mould &"
Call at office, per moult) .3
Weekly Nes-Kevlt.-w, per year 2.00
The Associated I'reiia 1 exclusively
Mantled to me use tor icvuwuvi.v..
., ji..,,,,, ..rwlitfH Ifl it
or not otherwise ere J lied la tbl
paper and also tue local ne. v-uu
T. . ( I.. All rifhla .f rliutlll
Amueu ubiciw. ....... .. -
cation of jrwclul dlspalcun berelu
are also reserve!.
ItnwDliurK, Ol-eipm, April SA If-"-
A lil lLki ItllTION ItATF-S
The following subscription
rotes become rffecllve April 1,
A 11211. fnr the Vjws-Revtew :
Dally, one ycnr by mall. ...4.00
Dally, 6 months by mall.. 2.00
Hy carrier, per month 60
Call at office, per mouth.. .35
The sayings of crrat mfn often
poiisess a special applicability long
after the spenker's voice baa been
sillied, lu Marrh. 1916, speaking
of the approa-hini; national conven
tion of the republican party. Thco
dure Roosevelt snld:
June la a ionic way off. Many
thliiKs may occur between now anil
then. It In utterly ImpoxKilile to hu
now with any degree of certainty
who should be nominated at Chlrauo.
"The tryliiK, the vital need now It
that the men who next June assemble
at CIiIcbko from the H states am
express the views of the entire coun
try shall act with the slille and lofty
devotion to the Interest of our na
tion as a whole that was shown by
the orlRlnel continental congress.
"They should approach their tusk
unhampered by nny pledge except to
bring to Its accomplishment every
ounce of courage. Intelligence and
Integrity they possess."
There Is as much force and as
much pertinence to these words to
day as there was when Hoosovelt
tittered tlinrn four years ago.
Spokesman Review.
When a homo merchants sells his
stuff to his own townspeople, he gets
the most thorough test of the value
of his goods. If anything doesn't
absolutely make good. It comes back
to him at once. His customers re
turn to the same plnee week nfler
week. He quickly finds out whether
his material has proved good, bad.
' or Indifferent. He finds out how the
goods work In actual use more quick
ly and thoroughly than the large city
department store of the mall order
house. So the heme merchant quick
ly learns what lines can he depended
upon and what cnu't. The latter h
cuts out, and places his reliance on
Ihep roducers who have made good
When you buy of a home ftoro
therefore, you get the benefit of thf
test of the articles made in your own
home town, carerully watched liy the
man whose Interest It Is to hue bin
sabs satisfactory. No test f the
value of goods made In any ot'ier
way can be so dependable.
Here In Douglns county where tht
tornadoes and blizzards are un
known a person occasionally hears
complaint directed at the continued
rains and a few days of snappy.
I.rtulr nhi uioniiHr ltnl v,itt-ii
read the dully dispatches from souili
ern stales, now being swept by ter
rifle storms. It tnkes all the "kick'
out of their dissatisfied rcmarkr
concerning weather conditions hi
cally. For an nll-venr-rnnnd climate
Douglas coiuitv has would be com
petltors backed off the map and our
sympathy goes out to IhoFe who are
so unfortunate to hae cast their
lot In n section where the element!'
raise havoc with the peaceful inhabitants.
"I am for Hli'aiu" is the saying on
Hiram Johnson's cnmpnUti button
(list will he worn by supporters of
this distinguished gentleman tor
preference cillidtdate for president
of the Tnlted Stittes. The slogan has
a rural aroma that will get Hiram
rome good supporters.
Who remembers when potatoes
were so cheap that no housewife was
ever expected to pay ba. k any that
she borrowed?
"Sugar to i?o up airnin" reads a
dispatch. This going up tu-hics is
getting as regular as the call of the
elevator boy.
The trouble with It- ' ib ad past is
that even thn'lcli it loines Its dead.
It digs them up every once in a while
and displas the m iitiiin.: ;ke!t!otis
This Is cerlitin'v ro Mmwli.-rrv
weather -but li s great stuff for tin
wood man.
The ilav of has passi d. but
there's a big .lol. nbcul for thos. al
ready In the nnc
Hoover sees a cut in pri.-es A
lot of us must Mill be fiifTcriiig from
Kaeo suicide ninv l.o threatening
the nation, but the birth Matlstics
have not found It out
It's slways Irritating for uf'toi peo
ple to think thulr business is as im
portant as our own
Then there are men whose only
proof that they are alive Is that tticy
are alwav kiekine.
woi LnvT i." i r vol a coat-
LeltiniC S.mic'iie !.! Itua lour
IIumiic-s l-"'t tiool I'olicy,
AsMitH Grower.
Itoivliui. Die., April 21, 120.
Kditor .Nc-llcview:
I enjoyed Mr. Ilusenbark's letter
very much nnd a;;ree with hliu in
all tliilii,. eve; l the 1-arcUage ni
the liru.voll Industry. However, bis
con. ludiii.-: ai'1'C..l that we ail pull
together proniptii me to explain why
I lime sold my hiurcoli i ropa Inde
pendent of III" fruit union. And In
order to place myself in the mo&l
favuiuhlc lu.l't posfible I shall sub
mi! a h pom- ileal case: Suppose,
Mr Kditor. that you had be n boin
into a family cf newspaper editors,
and publishers; suppose that at tliej
early age ol lonrtcen years you nan
aj.sumed moie or loss responsibility
in the maiianemcnt of a newspaper;
suppose thai as time went on you
had traveled extensively over our
coiiiiirv and had studied the news
paper business from every anirle.
political, social, advertising and
what not: :u;:ose that you were
rccogiuzid ' 'lie newspaper fratern
iiv us an able newsi.aper man. coiu-
it,.m iii all respects, having the
abiiilv to talk subscribers Into pay
ing two and three years In advance,
lo keep advertising columns loaded
wiib iinfitabto iiitf. to write edi
torials of such chara tcr as to please
both democrats and republicans, to
buy vour paper and other necessities
intelligently, to keep your employes
loval and satisfied; then suppose,
Mr. Kditor, that you picked up fag
,,nd luigt'ime and settled down In a
cfction remote from your former
habitat a section where the news
paper business had Jil: t been dis--overed
and. of course, where every
body desired to become engaged In
ibe newspaper business; now sup-
nose that none of these editors had the a-lvnnta' e "f training and
ri .-. lie in ievsp;..r v-nrk. sup
pose they v ere form r!y barbers,
hanker.:. di'cIkh, c!ithi-ri. rib
blers, 1. alien biotoll t'i'oweri.
then suppose that Inf'ead of each
one editing a paper they efferled an
organization and elected the butcher
edlto; an'' general manage' suppose
that vou were skeptical and con
tinued conducting your own sheet
according to the most approved mod
ern methods and were able to keep
your head abovo water, financially
speaking: suppose this organized op
position took advantage of every op
portunity to point you out as dis
loyal to tho community because you
had views contrary to their own:
suppose as time went on your com
petitors perceived the merit of some
of your ideas nnd rifplci!. or attempt
ed to ennv. them In their endeavor
to edit their paper, never giving you
credit, however, but always taking
pains to give tho credit to either tno
brocenll ernwer or the butcher when
they found that It wns better busi
ness to collet for sunscripiions m
mlviiiien nt a stipulated, rate than
'n wait until the end of tho year nnd
hint to the subscriber that you were
wllllni! to settle the bill for what
ever he felt like paying, or when
Ihey discovered that a smaller sheet
branch t lust as lunto returns nnd
-est considerable less; now, Mr. Kill-
or. Just siipnose you were a regular
fellow (I believe vou are, at man
not undillv conceited over vnnr news
paper ability. Just having tile feel
ing of nbllllv to run your affairs,
without which no man can succeed
nnd feeling that nltlionph denselv
Ignorant of conditions In the cloth
ing trado nr the meat business or In
mending shoes, you knew you were
a competent newspaper man, sup
nose your competitors continued lo
assert that you were not working
for the best Interests of the com
munity because vou refused to Join
'hem nnd penpii Mie cobbler or th
broccoli grower li edit your views
oii-erniog the p-ace re iiy just
suppose all thn Mr. l-'Mlor. then
answer Ibis iiu.'stiou: Wouldn't It
tot vour gout?
rto. Mr. Kditor. I want to nssert
that niv experience in tho wholo-
pale fruit and produce business has
lieen along the lines pictured in the
newspnper business. Since boyhood
1 have been either selling, growing
or packing fruits and produce. There
,'s no more of vauitv in asserting this
Ihan for you to say you have been
editing a newspaper for years it Is
'imply mv line of woik and fl Is a
specialized work r,. unhung experi
ence and study. I'enult me to sav
that I want to see tho In
dustry of llouglas rolllitv become
one of the things for which Oienon
Is famous: I want to see it estab
lished on a cash basis with our ln
tets filled with buyers from eery
largo city In the country, buyers
whofe pockets bllblue with those
heiiiitifully engraved documents
known as New York Kvhamro.
t'ontrary to Mr. lltisrnbark's opin
Ion. I have no desire or intention te
belittle llr. It:lile's elTorls to pro
nioii. the bioc.oll iiidii tt-v of Doug
las county. I'titlolll.tcllv be has oc
coinphshed a great il. al and should
'lave the support of the union mem
bets, if not all the grower of lioug
'as county, .ind I', seems to me that
the union members consoler him
the "rather of the Industry" the
li : I ! Is not hiiiiorii. tl.e pan n!
when It sends Its i .ib out ol the
colli, u li it i 1 y for the s I of unnthei
irmwer who lavs lie il.iun to belli::
the lather of the lieu.;ias eouiiM
broccoii industry. Holes to tho suc
cess of the broccoli m.insirv of
1'onclas county - inn! lo the falliei
ol the Industry, whoever he luav be
Itespe, tfullv, I'.l'TNKU.
Sutherlin Resident
Appointed Warden
C. A. Stsrk. well known and popu
lar real estate broker of Sutherlin.
haa been appointed Douglas count..
Kbine warden to succeed K. II. Her
rinwioi', wlo lesicued from tba'
pusitioa on April l.-:t. .Mr. tUark'r.
commission tom-ther with star anil
blanss for orlico records were re
ceived by him last Thursday, accord
log to tho Sutl.erlin .Sun, and Mi
tit.irk is now on the Job. The Job
carries with It a salary of $150 u
mouth and traveling expenses tint.
In will have the appointment of two
do;, mies who will perforin service
under his direction. The appoint
ir.ent . nieets the approval of Mr.
Htark's large circle of friends lr
Douglas county and no one qties
lions his ability to make good on th
j revival meetings that the church has
held in years, and all hoarta are re-
'juicing. Tonight evangelist will'
I use for hu theme. "Doel It 1'ay lo
Ibe i. Christian.'" On Friday nisht
I the subject Is. "Stepping rt-ulu s lo ,
Iciorv. or Wat.h Vour Step ." There
I will be a hervbe .Saturday night and,
I three services onl Sunday, tho met t-i-tng
cl03lng Sunday night. On Sun
li.a attvruoon inei'O w ill be a special i
I mcoliiiB to mothers. All peop'e are
(Invited to this meeting, and 111 fact!
urged to come, bin mothers are go-1
I lug to bo given the seeclal seats and
will sit together. A bouquet will ue
worn bv every one attending. At
!:.'i0 Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cross
I will have a story telling hour for
j children. The children dearly love
I her stories, and large numbers at-
tend. Tonight Ihere will bo a spe
I rial meetliie of ibe board of officers.
(and It is honed that all members of.
I the hoard will be present to help con-
' slder matters of Importance 10 ine
I future work of the church.
The Near h'a-Jt Relief campaign
will b continue! until Saturday,
April 24.
If i ou have something to sell or
rent try ail A Iv. In the Newi-Revlew.
Fence Fence Fence
For Infants and Childrea
hUrnrnv.slnv I
Four More Added
CITY TO III-: tilVIN rt lll.KTTY.
- . , ,. ( The .Near Fast symbol, now dis-
In ReVlVCll Meeting r!yed on the stony face of Mt. Neho
to in place of the hK'h s-hool numerals,
1 io to give Koseburg considerable
' ""blbitv If plans work out properly.
' The sign is to be given a fresh coat
of I lint to make it more vlsinle, and
a dose-up photograph will then be
laker), it Is to be used on posters
'which will be sen, throughout the
t'nitid Stales to assist in further
rampalins and through this mean'
'the citv will obtain a great deal of
Page woven steel coll spring wire
fence, loop ends, no trouble to splice
Just received car load and havo In
stock the S bar 26 In., t la. star. 10
lar 28 in S In. stay for bogs; also
bar 36; S bar 3 In.; 10 bar 40 In.
V bar 42 in.; 13 bar 47 In. stock
fences, and 20 bar 48 In poultry and
rabbit fence. Soft wire fence 7 bar
26 In. at 33c; bar 39 In. at 42c
Also several kinds of poultry fence,
12 to 73 Inches high. Barb wire,
brace wire and staples. White foi
Four strong young men walked
forward at the Christian church rc-
vnal, and accepted the great Invl
li lioa. To those who are interested
in il.e Lord's service It was a beauti
ful sight. The audience was line.
and the rermon on Heaven was well
'-eceived, as was the special solo. The
'meeiing goes on over Sunday. This
has been one of the most successful
favorable publicity.
Oakland and Yoncalla
The Whole Seciret o
A Better Tire
Simply a Matter of the Maker's Policies
This you will realiijfj once you
try a Brunswick that a super-tire
is possible only when the name
certifies that the maker is follow
ing the highest standards'.
For tire making is chiefly a mat
ter of standards and policies cost
plus care. Any maker can build a
good lire if he cares to pay per
fection's price.
All men know Brunswick" stand
ards, for Brunswick products have
been famous for 74 years.
Formulas, fabrics and standards
vary vastly in cost. Reinforce
ments, plies and thickness are a
matter of expense. A; id these vari
ations affect It rests
with the maUsr how far he wishes
to go hew much he can afford
to give.
For there are no secrets nor pat
ents to hold cue back.
To ascertain what each" maker
offers one must analyze and test
some 200 tires as our laboratories
have done.
Then it is a matter of comHning
the best features and building ac
cording to the highest standards.
Once you try a Brunswick you
will understand how we have built
model tires, regardless of factory
Yet Brunswick Tires cost you the
same as other like-type tires. Our
saving is on selling cost, through
cur nation-wide organisation.
We realize that you expect more
from Brunswicks, and we assure
you that you get it. ONE Bruns
wick will tell you the story.
And thea youH want ALL
Brunswicks. No other tire, youH
agree, give? so much fox your
Tcst'-and Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street
Sold Gn An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
i' i rf -i. i- ra-s Is.
-Ss -r n -a vt--. - iv.
Cord Tire with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treadi
Fabric Tire in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treadi
Rosebur Garage LocaI Distributors
Peoples Supply Co,
A Few of Our Regular
Fisher's Rolled Oats, pkg.
Kellog'i Corn Flakes, pkf.
Krlnkle Corn Flakes, pkg.
Shreddod Wheat, pkg
Standard peas, per can . .
Standard tomatoes, per can
Standard corn, per can . . .
Milk, all brands, per can . .
Macaroni, per pound
.35o Soda crackera, per pouaJ
.15c Jelly. In 7 01, Jar ...
.10c Olympic flour, sack
.15e 8nowdrift Hour, pr 'i'
.15c Bob White soap. 4 bars
.lie Wh,,e ba". pounds '
.ISc Cocoa- 4 -pound cans
Cora atarch, package
lac Matches. 4 boxes for '"'
.10o Sardines, per can
A Good Place to Trade.
The little town of Uillard. with a
quota of $50, has contributed the
amount of $55, or 110 per cent.
Other places are approaching the
lums assigned them. Myrtle Creek
reports $210 of its fllo, with the
possibility of exceeding its quota by
the time all returns are in. Canyon-v-ille
has $70 towards Its $100, and
Flhldle has raised $91 of its quota
of $125.
Hoseburt; itself Is approaching Its
$1700 mark. The junior Near East
relief dance, as well as Hdenbowor
and a number of the women's teams
of the city have not yet made defi
nite reports but It Is felt that the re
sults will prove very satisfactory.
It has been decided by those In
"barge to continue the campaign un
'.11 next Saturday.
To (.'rants Vntni
Mrs. A. L. Uunmlre and h.
ren. who have been J!0tN
winter in Oakland, left ,hi. i
lug for Grant. p. i.! 5
having driven .h.l :.r' .""M
mobile yesterday.' Ther n1
him there and motor to uT;. te
and other Callfomi. i.t"
Itetuins Home-
Mrs. John Patrick, who k.. w
visiting In Silverton Coni
Posehurg. left th!.' momu I
Grants Pass, where so,
home. n ie
Vbiitlne at Dillanl
Mrs. L. White left thl mm.
fnr nilla i. :.. V B
.... -weio ue wul .
day visiting with relative..
William Kletzer, of Yoncallt,
M. E. Ritter, whose fine new home
's now nearly completed, has recent
ly purchnsed through Ott'a music to Roseburg this morning and iT
'itoro, a Stelnway baby grand planothe day attending to buiiseal mi
ind a Chippendale Edison diamond ters. '
Use jihonograph. nolh instruments
re of a brown mahogany finish and
will add much to the Joy and beauty
if the home.
Visit at I.pinl
Miss Ruth Walters, who Is em
ployed at the Umpqua hotel in this
city, left this morning for Lelaud,
where she will visit with her par
nts. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Walters,
'or several days.
Dancing at Sykei' Hill M
day night. April 23. TiekMI
75 cents, ladles free. Thereri
best of music. Don't fall to at-
tenu tnis social affair.
Substitutes Often Worthless
It is a well-known fact that Lydia E. Pinkhair.'s
Vegetable Compound is the most successful remedy
for woman's ills obtainable. Actually thousands ol
women have proved this to be true. Notwith
standing, some women make the mistake of trying
something else, said to be just as good, simply because
it is new.
Is It not foolish to risk tho possible bad results of i
experiment and is it not better to depend upnn njeu
icine that you know In reliable a medicine that has
no equal for more than forty years? .
Itcad what these Women Think About I'
North East, Mil." I was In 111
health four or live years and doc
tored with one doctor sfter another
but none hnlped ms. 1 was irregu
lar and had such terrible pain in my
back, lower part of my body and
down each side tl'at I hail to go to
bed three or four d vs every month.
1 was Tory nervous, tired, could not
sleep and could not eat without (tot
ting sick. A friend asked me to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Veiretablo
Compound ami I am surry 1 did not
take it sooner fnr it has helped me
wonderfully. I don't have to po to
bed with the pain, can eat without
being sick and hare more strength.
1 recommend your medicine and vou
are at lihcrty to publish my testi
monial." KurkBKTH W SAVES, li.
U. 2, North East, Md.
tTtlca, N. T-" I wm'!1!!!
and hail no energy or srasi"
no Mrenuth to do my snrk. 1 J
to the doctor's olii every
and could hanllv crawl
and back. My hu.l-an.l "f'1
to try Lydia E. 1'i-iklisi"
tnldo Compoun.l an.l he P s
ltlle and in two week"
cino did me more rl tli
tor's niacin, ha.1 dene l
kept m until I hlt..k til
and felt like a nrw w- H
doallmyownwork l- """"
of dreasmakim and ""i"Ki
Lansing I will '"'.mr.''iZ
E. Pinkham'5 VeneUl." t"P
as Ions a. I live ' '. "Tc
liah my testimonial. .:,lr. s.I.
Ta-vsia, 61U l'laat St., L tics,
Me Wise Accept Nothin;
g But
s .in i I urn i s i
Weather iorccMt:
the next day.
And It raliA'd
Always srs