Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 19, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    m(mt, . run 1. n.
: t ...... : -
teeth, good appetites
and digestions.
benefits are
Its cost is
It satisfies the desire for
sweets, and is beneficial, too.
Sealed Tight
Following a well known rule the
Balvulion Army, In Its Industrial
homes, 1b tukiiiK lhe clang of man who
early finds his way to the poor house
mil rt'hiibflitatua him, makes hlin
uvur, given him couttilimco lu himsHlf
and turns him over to employment
that enables bira to tunta... himself.
The County Government maka Its
"down and onta" habitual fmliKpntB.
H makea them a monthly ulliwaucu
of mnnuy or kooiU fur which It re
quires no service.
The Salvation Army titkeg the ttame
nan and given him, not money, hut
It paya him money fur his work, and
renews In him the knowing Hint
con Ri in us and direct ml effort 1m entitled
to and will urlnn him conunensuiale
It hatheft him and wins hlin aain
to clean habit and thought.
It buildH un his BtrviiKtl- und hi
morale until he In fit attain for the
II j;lit with the world.
Then It fiuda him employment and
sends him forth to work that he Ik
fitted to do.
IUtm iu a nut shell is the story nf
the iilvatlon Army's hulutrial
Homes and the story of the Iniliistrlal
Home In I'ortlund. where scores of men
from all over tho state uv found
UieuiHolvua. '
F.lectN IU'ruNeaituUves- - at
Rising .Slur India1. 1. O. O. V ., bar
elected as representatives to the
Crattd I-odge of Oregon which will
convene in the city tit tinker en May
26, Rev. K. W. WarrintUun, Fnstci
lltitner, A. C. Hi i"ad, A. C. Mam
tera. "3
KNH F1TH W rvrniAS Alpha
Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed-
0da.y evening, our. Jacksoa and
Case at. Visitors alwsr welcome.
F. W. WIMrfKRt.Y, K. R. &
J O. T. ,M ltM-liiiK Hive Xn. tl
holds regular reviews on second
and fourth Friday aftornoona In
Maocabee hall. Hlsters of other
hives visiting In the ettr are cor
dially Invited to attend our re
views. Maccttbee ball 01 Cass
,, KM. A LANE. Com.
JKSSIK R PP. Col., RiMteburt Aerie meets In
their hall on Jaecjton 8U, In In)
and 4th sfunduy evetilttss of ese
mnfth, t o'clock. Visiting breth
ren In good standirk always wel
come!. FRED P. CLARK, W. P. P.
B r. OOtUt.MAN. Secretary
The If. It. K. I. A. t'nion M.vtltig
will be held at the Maccsbbee hull
every first and third VYei'iirsttays
of the month.
I Evcry f ywcureg'TI F,av5rl
i Meal EWMKMM&r, Lasts i
j j
rosy cheeks.
smiles, white
Kept Right
tt, I. U. KIKS, FuMWWHirg I-odK, No
8-Ea Holda regular coiumunlca
tlona at the Elks' Temple on
each Thursday of every month.
All members requested to at
tend regularly, and all visiting
brothers are cordially Invited t
I HA B. RIDDLE. Bec'r.
Lilac Circle No. 49 Meets on 1st
and 3rd Monday evenings. Vigil
lug neighbors invited to attend
TI1.LIK 1. JOHNSON, Clulk.
. O. F. riilletnrlatt Ixxlge No. 8
Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple,
corner Jackson and Cass Sis., on
Saturday .eveuing of each week
Visiting bretbreu are always wel
come. VICTOR BOYD, N. 0.
A. J. UKUDKb, Rett. Sec.
J. B. BAlLliY. Fin. Sec.
KI'.HKKAHS. noscburg RebekaL
Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meets
In Odd Fallon.)' Temple every
week on Tuesday evening at tiie
Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting mem
hers In good standlug are luvlted
to attend.
MAt'l) PLYI.KR, N. O.
DF.I.LA LEWIS. Financial Sec
Camp No. 116. Meets In t) Odd
Fellows' hall In Itoejburg ever)
1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Vis
iting neighbors always welcome.
11. CARRICK, C. C.
M. M. MILLER, Clerk
burg No. 10S7 Meets sec
ond snd fourth Widnetdny even
ing or each month at K o'clock In
the Moose hall. All visiting bro
hets are Invited to attend.
C. W. n.OAKH. Dictator.
H. O. PARI IK. -Kit. Secr-larv
. r . Jt A. M., Tsuret Twlge No. 18.
Regular communications 2nd an.
fourth Wednesdays each month at
Masonic Ietnple, Roeoburg, Ore,
Visitors welcome.
. E. ., Ilivwhurtf Ouiter So. S
Holds their regula." moetlnc on
the 1st ana Jrd Ttiursilay In each
month. Visiting mombeTn In goofl
standing aro respectfully Invited
to attend.
I. O. O. F., ltlslt g Ktr Inxlge n. 174
meets In trie Odd Fell s' Tenip'.s
every Frilay evening. Visiting
brethren aU e welcome.
Victor MIckIH. N" G.,
Perrv Rov.l V o
J. ERI. Pl,-Ki:.3. Rec Sec
M FICKLE r,no,ll
ROSKIII IKI lOIM.K NT), loo.t, lol
ted Itnttherhood of Mnlntensnce of
Wny Kui'!-yee and Kmlvta; sInii
loborers. Affiliated with the A.
F. of U Meets at Moese hall the
first Wed., fourth Sat. alshts and
third Sunday of each month.
J K. SMITH. President.
W. J. MERKPITH, Reed Secy
GEO. MAC IVEK. Fin. Secy
Va. the noted author -Idah
MSGione Git Jon
The niA( thing 1 heard was a
voice Hint seemed to float to my
ears from a great distance. It said:
"Well, alia will be all right now,"
and thi'n 1 opened my eyes. I never
knew that eyelids could be so heavy;
It seemed to me that mine weighed
pounds and 1 looked up Into the
fare of my kiitd old doctor.
I knew, of course, the moment
that 1 saw til in that I must have
been unconscious a long while, long
t-nouKh to send for him, and lonfc
enough for them to stretch me out
on the lied and remove my clothing.
I was lying there In my night dress.
and for all that 1 knew, I might
lave been ill for weeks.
Alice came forward and said.
"Don't talk, Katherine, Just He
"Hut I don't understand. Th,e
last thing I remember, you asked
me to go with you to see Rutn. U as
that hours or days ago?"
"It was about two i hours ago,
Katherine, when you fainted."
"I have fainted so many t'mes
lately. What Is the matter with me,
The old doctor looked at me
"lion't you know what is the mat
ter with you, my dear child?" he
Never Fainted liofore.
"I haven't the slightest Idea. My
heart has always been strong enough
tntil now. I never fainted before In
my life until within the last few
months. First, Just before the au
lomobile accident, when I was ex
pecting" a rush of realization came
over me.
"Was It possible Oh, It couldn't
be." Uut even as my thoughts
formed again the sentence, "It
couldn't be." I knew Instinctively
I hat tho doctor was right.
"Oh, doclor. I can't, I don't want
a baby now. I said.
"Why, Kalherine I thought you
would be delighted" be said sooth
"I'm not. I don't want one," I
aid hysterically. "I wanted my
other baby, only Ood knows how I
wanted It .and that awful automo
bile came and took It from me. And
I grieved and It seemed to me as
'hough I could not bear It, because
lohn. my husband, was not as sym
nnthctic as he should have been.
It seemed to me that an unborn
child meant nothing to him. Tint.
H. UltY Mc.WOY, well-known Angeles hotel iium who
says ho Kiteiit tt Hiiutll fortune and
tried evtM'y treatment money
could luy without gcttiiix relief,
until lie tried Tnnlac. .Kays
sit ITentl for twenty years.
"In 1900 I suffered a general
hteakilovvn and during these twenty
vears 1 uncut a small fortune search
ing for health." said Harry McAvoy.
with the Alexandria Hotel of l.os
Angeles, one of the largest and fin
est hotels in southern California.
"I went to the best specialists ll
New Virk, Chicago, New rVNcans and
Seatle. I tried every medicine and
treatment money could buy. but the
icst 1 could do was to get a little
temporary relief. Finally I gave mil
lompletely under tiie strain and had
to quit work altogether. I was ter
ribly discnuntucd over my condition
and fell that I would be an Invalid
fi r the rest of my days.
t nan tniiiKcstlnn jn its verv
worst form. In fait. I was a con
firmed dyspeptic: nothing agreed
Willi me and I suffered from the ter
rible symptoms of Indigestion. My
'.art Palpitated so badly I thousht
I had In-art trouble and 1 would get
so weak and faint at times I would
stagger and several times I fell In
my tracks Ivcfure I could support
utysetf .
"I as absolutely afraid to eat.
tnt no:inng but suffering
tt'erwar.t ind l would have awful
lams and burnings in the stomach
and chest. si.ep! Whv. I didn't
knew what it was to get a night's
sleep' I would lie In bed a while
end then get so restless I would have
o cet up and walk th- floor. I was
almost a nervous wreck and couldn't
even sit still and writ- a letter 1
lost so much weight and strength I
a loo weak to walk, and 1
honestly h,.,.le , ,
world suffered any mere than t did.
"Last Scpicmlx-r I tealiied I could
hol.i out no long, r and as I had
read a great deal about Tanlac I
n-s.! up my mind to give It a trial
tt ell. sir. It was the greatest and
lap; test surprise of mr life for 1 to feel hetti-r right awav. My
r.pp'tlte Improved 1 h..n ... .i
better and my strength gradually re
now, now, I don't want a baby and
I can not understand why 1 must
have one now."
I was crying hysterically and Alice
was trying to calm me. The doctor
mixed a sedative and Insisted upon
my taking it.
"She will be better In a little
while," be said.
Never Will be Better.
"'"No, 1 won't." I answered. "I
will never be better. I shall be quite
as unhappy about this baby's com
ing as I was about losing the other."
It seemed to me, as I lay there,
that no woman had ever been so un
happy over the knowledge thnt a
child was coming as I. I trM tn
tell myself that I was wicked and
selfish but all the while that In
sistent thought was flashing thru
my brain that when a child comes
the marriage bond Is tightened.
As Alice said Just before 1
fainted, "When children come, the
mArriaffA Is cemented In snch a way
that whatever one's personal feel
ings and Inclinations are, one s duty
Is Imperative." I told myself these
things over and over, but It meant
nothing, literally nothing. Beside
them In my brain was written all
John's neglect of me, and his iitt'W
selfishness where I was concerned.
I think perhaps, what crvstalled
this In mv mind was the fact that
since I had Inherited money .lohn
had been so kind and thoughtful of
me. He could never do anything
nice for me in the future, never gave
me a caress, or even a smile that I
would not think was Inspired, not
by me his wife hut by a Texas oil
well that was pouring money, money.
Into his wife's pocket.
Wanted to be Free.
I do not think that ever before
had I wanted to leave him so much
as this moment. Never had I wanted,
wllh such great Intensity, to be freff.
Perhaps this was because I realized
that I was hound, bound forever to
'"hn and the baby that was com
ing. ,WS
Oh, I wonder bow many, many
women. In the ages thnt have come
and gone, had these thoughts that
were wracking my soul. I wonder
If any other expectant mother ever
fairlv hated the little life that was
budding, because she knew that
when that life bloomed she would
ever after be bound by the great
duty of motherhood.
Tomorrow Tliliiirs That Make a
turned. So I kept right on taking
the medicine and In only a few
weeks time my troubles had all left
me and I found I had gained fifteen
min1a in vi-afirht
j From that day to this I have posi
tively been in the AobI health I ever
enjoyed in all my Ine. I never nave
an ache or pain. I eat anything I
want and don't suffer any bad after
effects at all; in fact t feel Just like
a new innn and have plenty of
strength and energy. My nerves are
steady and strong, I never have a
dizzy spell and my sleep Is restful
and refreshing.
"Tanlac has been worth Its weight
in gold to me and all the money on
enrth could not buy the good It has
dune me."
Tanlac Is sold In Roseburg by WT.
V. Chapman, and by the leading
druggist In every town.
Four Legged Duck
Hatched Saturday
A four-legged duck possessing
equal facilities with the more usual
biped member of its tribe, is some
what considerable of a freak, but such
a fowl is the possession of Ralph
C hurch, son of 11. B. Church, local
iiisil carrier, the duck having been
hatched from a setting of wild Mal
lard eggs Saturday. A person wit
nessing the antics of the duck is car
ried back to the days when that
which is now technically obsolete was
prevalent, for the first impression is
that one's eyes are playing false. I
Not only Is the duckling consid-
crahly alive, but as soon as it had
discovered its distinction it began to:
lord oer the remainder of the brood1
and In a series of thrilling battles I
had asserted Its leadership nnd Is
now in full control and command i
with none to dispute its power.
The quartette of pedal extremeties
can be manipulated perfectly and In
order. Either one, two or three of
the four feet can be called Into use
singly. In pairs. This fact was plain
ly demonstrated when the said duck
ling became disgusted with the pro
ceedings of an obsteperous cootie be
hind its left ear and began scratch
ing first with its left hind foot, then
Its left fore fool and when said cootie
changed sides, the right hind foot
was hoisted Into position and put in
operation In full accord and co-operation
with the other two which still
retained their Intermittent motion,
until s.ild sagacious cootie at last de
sisted In Its efforts.
The duckling Is able to walk swim
and quack the same as the remainder
name an itie remnilHier
rrs&s tre.u
. '
of the outfit
fcetl;.' normal
clher regards.
Frank A. Terry, representing the
Equitable Savings Loan Askii.. is
now In the city. For an interview
call or phone the I'mpqua hotel, tf
We solicit your decoration work
er banquets, parties.
Fern." 403 We,t!
cnurch socials and
when decorations are
reasonable. "The
Case St.
Why suffer the discomforts and
embarrassments of a Coitret
O. Ci. C. preparation for Boltra bas befle.
hu-d many.
Whr par several hundred dollars tor an
operation ton move a vuitre vklien O. U. C
cio lie obtained for suco a comparatively
small expenditure?
0.(J.C.hen properly applied flvef fatis
lartuiy results, or your money will be
refunui-d. o.ti.C. is sold dneei, by mail
en. Write lor book lot.
Address Dept J
Seattle. Wasliinvton
Horn, tn Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dick,
Saturday. April 17, a son.
J. F. Uoneurake Is in rortiana on
the grand Jury.
S. A. Couthler and small daugh
ter, Lucy, both have chicken pox.
Joe W attemiier bas sold out his
Interest in the mill to Ell Thrush
Grandmother Martindale is 111 wllh
u bad cold.
Death Chapman and a friend are
making arrangements to live on Mr.
Chapman's homestead down In the
i. ni
Paul Spear Is leaving soon to go
to sea again. Ho expects to be gone
for some nine.
Don't fall to call and Inspect our
fine line of spring samples for men's
clothing. A beautiful line to make
a selection from for a nobby suit.
O. w. Sloncr, the cleaner and pres
sor, of
Thoroughbred wblte Rocks from
300 egg strain. Also thoroughbred
3 C. White Leghorns Taucrcd strain.
Eggs 18.00 per hundred. A few
wbite Rock cockerels for sale, $4.00
cash. A. S. Hunt. 225 Jackson St.
N., Roseburg, Oregon.
si-.TTixti e;i;s.
C.Am Itloh PertHittnr. U'hltA I C".
horn hens Tnncred Strain, $1.25 per
petting of la; 8 per 100. Earl
Vosburgh, 227 N. Jackson or 702
r ullerton.
Now Is the time to have your
nlnnn n rt I tit lenll v tnnpd f! H
Arundel, phone 189-L, 25 years in
ternational es uei teiice.
mm (oin
All Classified Advertisements In
serted new today will he found on
last page ondcr "New Today" bead.
WANTED Dishwasher at Foutch's
WANTED Young lady. Reception
room work. Clark's Studio.
WANTED A spinning wheel. Ad
dress Hex 74, Wilbur, Oregon.
Phone 34F11.
to slash brush.
Leslie Hatfield,
WANTED Lady roomers,
ler St. Phone 1S3-R.
846 Mil-
WANTED Waitress at Foutch's
restaurant, corner Cass and Sheri
.dan. WANTED. Hoy over 18 years old
for porter at Umpqua Hotel. Ap
ply at once.
Kitchen Cabinets, BUR in effects
of any sort are made by us. Its
all home industry. See us about
anything In this line yon want.
The J. G. FlooKCo.
Phone 'OO
I Will Accept
Tntil April 21 at 50c per 100
lbs. delivered at
twttw m
12 j
! 4 AfU"r ,h'5 dat positiTeIy 5
not buy any more paper. C
o rush your
magazines in.
old papers and
WANTED Woman to do conleo
tionery work. Apply at Foutcb'l.
WANTED Steady man for ranch
work. Good place. Phone 29-FJ.
WANTED Plain dressmaking, reas
onable prices. Mrs. CI. W. Phil
lips, 926 So. Jackson.
WANTED Nicely furnished house
In good residence district. Ad
dress A. C, care News-Review.
WANTED Woman to do washing;
also a woman to help tn general
housework. FLone 404.
WANTED To rent a small tract
wltb good bouse and modern
equipment for, chicken raising.
Phone 43S-J.
WANTED Rider, one with some ex
perience, to help with horses and
ride at county fairs in Oregon.
Steady Job for right party. Ad
dress Box 447, Myrtle Point. Ore.
WANTED A No. 1 logging camp
cook. Must be well recommended
and able to handle 75 men. In
quire News-Review for Informa
tion. WANTED Man with family wants
steady ranch work. Will make
contract by the year. Best of ref
erence furnished from former em
ployer. For particulars call at
125 Cass street or phone 219.
FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms
646 So. Pine St.
FOR RENT Safety deposit boxes
Roseburg National Bank.
FOR RENT 1 1-2 acres river bot
torn soil, close to town. Phone
1.1. mums at rMnnonflhle Dricea
Roseburg Apartments, aor Main
ana Douglas.
DRESSMAKING Stylishly done;
tailoring. 749 So. Main. Phone
and country trips a specialty
Troxell & Co. Phone 251.
FOUND An envelope containing
kodak pictures and films. Owner
please call at News-Review office
LOST A bunch of keys. Finder
please leave at News-Review of
fice. Reward.
SAFETY FIRST Secui a safety
deposit box for your valuable pa
pars at the Rosebure National
Pank. tf
LOST-On Deer Creek road, pair of
silver mounted spurs. Finder
please return to Lynn Creason
Leghorn, good layers; 15 for
$1.50. D. S. Houser, pbone to
302-L. . tf
MONEY TO LOAN 20-year mral
credit farm loans, low lnteres
rate. (20,000 local money to loan
on good real estate. First mort
gage. See M. F. Rice of Rice &
Rice tf
WHO will be the Ice man? Will fur
nish 2 tons per day during the
Bummrr months at a reasonable
price. This la a good opportunity
for the right man. Casey-Harding,
USED CARS 0. K. Garage bas a
large number of different makes
Prices and terms to suit your poc
ket book. Call and we will de
monstrate them to your satisfac
tion. Geo. Shanks Son.
Review office.
FOR SALE: Medium sized safe. See
1t at Foutches.
GOATS FOR SALE 100 head.
uulre at Newa-Kevlew office.
FOR SALE Detroit gas 'range.
Phone 192-W. 407 Ella St.
FOR SALE Two good Fox hounds,
will run coyotes. Phone 33-F14.
FOR SALE! Baled hay. W. F. Ramp
Kt. 1, 1 mile oast of town. 270-R.
FOP SALE Old lumber and barbed
wire. Nachter'g Grove. Casey
Harding, Lands.
10 acres 11 -year-old trees; 2 acres
loganberries, 8 acres grain;
$7500, half cash. The apple or
chard alone is worth more than
the total price asked. Casey-Harding,
Builds Anything. First
class work. Let me figure
with you. Box 304, Resi
dence 305 Douglas St.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Poultry and Eggs
We pay highest market price
in cash. Highest market price
paid for your cream, no deiays.
Bring In Your Product
Roseburg Produce Co.
501 N. Jackson St.
FOR BALE Good 1914 model Ford
touring car. w u-
the Cafeteria. "
FOR SALE 1914 Ford In good con-
.... s-iun- wagon in good
abape. Pbone 32-FU.
llker. Lone Oak ranch. BrtJ
Fred Schmidt. u
FOR SALE 50 Angora goals; iM
naing cultivator, almost new
Pbone 34-F2. J. C. iloyse.
frlTrw n..i. . ... , 1
"'"" service.
Prices reasonable. Pbone 20F2
FOR SALE, BARGAIN l room mo-
ueru uuugaiow, steeping, porch
garage, close in, phone owuer at
187-R. ' "
FOR SALE One good Jersey cow.
vucap, svuu ueavy norscs I
Mint 'arm wagons. Judd A Mo.
COAL, BODY WOOD 81abwood
mill ends, cement, lime, plaster'
storage, transfer. H. j itenn'
Phone 128.
FOR SALE Black Jersey cow. Am
leaving city and will sell at sacri
fice. Phono 418-J, or call at 604
FOR SALE Eggs for hatching front
pure bred O. A. C. La r red Rocks
$1.23 per 15. Address Elnisi
Swan, Looking Glass, Ore.
FOR SALE 75 tier of hard wood;
also gas saw and buzz saw, In first
class condition. Phone 11-F25.
Jaalmar Hanson, Melrose.
WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs,
Tancred and O. A. C. strain, $1.50
for 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Mrs. C.
G. Sheppard, Dixonvllle, Ore.
FOR SALE 11 1-2 acres land, half
mils to town; good 6-room house,
barn, chicken honse. Easy terms
no. 13. Rt. 1, Roseburg, Ore. '
FOR. SALE Large county maps,
shows all R. R. and government
lands open to entry, price $3.00.
F. C. Frear, county surveyor,
Roseburg, Oregon.
?OR SALE: Sawmill complete, with
donkey engine, capacity of mill $
thousand feet. Plenty of timber.
Address S. M., care News-Review.
120 ACRES of timber land for sale
by owner, located west of Drain.
Price 75c per M. C. O. Anderson,
Box 463 Ballard Sta., Seattle, Wn.
li'OR SALE Mapleleaf Confection
ery. Bargain if taken before April
1st. Owner desirous of taking trip
only reason for selling. Good lo
catlon, good business.
FOR SALE 7 acres near Winston;
4 acres 4-year-old prunes; 3 acres
grain; 5-room plastered house.
Dandy good buy, $1600 cash.
LAND 11 acres of It river bot
tom. Price $3700, half caBh. This
Is a good one. Casey-Harding,
Lands. ,
FOR SALE: 606 acres of timber for
sale; few rods from highway and
near siding at Riddle. Must be
sold at once. Good team logging
proposition. Address Harry L.
Grube, Cottage Grove, Ore.
lisle an J Physical Education
Managed by
Accredited Teachers Only
The State demands highly efficient
teachers and this School eoaipliea
1 Ou per cent with the State law.
Kohlhagen BIdg. Phone 390
Township Maps
Showing 0. & C. Grant
Lands subject to entry
April 12th. $1.50 per
Abstract Co.
Watch Our
Roseburg Dairy and Sod? forks
Land Bargains
I have quite a few nice Bornei M
sell In RoBeburg. several Dies
country homes in Edenbower.
some of them well improved I ana
up to date, ranging from 4'
15 acres; small and large fsrmi
on Cow Creek, above Gnd7
ranging from 40 acres to
Come and see the property.
the land sulta we will try to !
the price right.
Write or call on H. J. WILSON
Roseburg. Oregon.