in... . " : 1-7 .. . -"WIT S-3REVIEW BUI Today'sEdlUon Reaches Over 17000 Reader In Which it Included The Evening New and The Roseburg Review ROSEItrita, OREGON. THVRSUAY. AP1UL 13, IK JO. VOL, XI. NO. VI, OP THE EVENING HEWS .. r i n m new SS5!F:. . Strike leaders ARRESTED Lad of Railroads Expect to See Break in Harms gi Men on Walkout. JVIOLATE LEVER'LAW John Reed Was ,m. Who Hemlril tho Mcvi jirikf, U'a l-oraled Today ut HU Home i" FlHlTt . IHnles A")' Connection. (Dy Associated Press). .1,. iMiiiiiiK railroad oflltlals .LuW lines "ave b"'" rlPPlMl h ,e uaauiliurizcd sinke ut operating (MDloyw. wailed today lor a big break m the ranks of the strikers. ,mch they hoped would be produced k, AUoniey-liciicral Palmer au nuiuiccuicni that the strike leader- .. . ... rtiHinl .mar. illnaS OCeil ." . ........... oniriula Are Arrested. CHICAGO. April 15. Six officials It the -ouilaw" railway unions were krretucd today on warrants issued Iv tinted States Commissioner lasou, charging mem nim '""" ,f the Lever act. Warrants have n issued for 24 other aliened In- irzrnt railroad slriKe leaders, ll as laid at the lederal buildinK. The kparimeiit of justice agents expect rratenini'iil only before Coiumia- lioncr Mason. Leader Is Located. PITTSISlitl!. April 15. w. Z. oiter, leader of the late steel strike, hose name was brought out at SVashiiigton yesterday a the prime liover heninu ine outlaw idiuuuu rike. was located nt his home here indav. He said he had only been out r Piitxhuru once ill four months. fee tan b.-en busy writing A book on lie bIi el strike, hut said that he may Lve something to say later regard- f the Washington statements. Strike Is l iik Out. CHICAGO. April 15. Reports from the rail renters of the central test and the Pacific bora out (he as- rtlons of the brotherhood , and ilroad officials thai the Insurgent tailroad strike is dying out In those ieetions and that traffic conditions nve been materially Improved. The inkers are reported to be returning n work in a number of cities. The ruthcrhood officials said the back bone of the strike has been broken. Raids Are .Made. rmCAfiO. April 15. Federal penis raided a strike meeting at the n-adquarters of the yardmen's asso- Ihtion and arrested John Grunau, sidont of the Chicago Yardmen's association, and three others. At trother hall they made four arrests. f -ports at the federal building say at 30 warrants have been issued d that this is onlv a starter and t over 2rt() members of the out law union have been marked for ar tist. Police Reserves Ask For Assistance (By Associated Press). NEW YORK. Anril IK Police ffiicera commanding the reserves "is outy in the west side market mrict, where the teamsters and liters are on a strike, this after- f.ior. i;at a call to headnnartera for reinforcements and rennrla were f wived that more trucks are being Hacked. Another Country Sore at Germany By Associated Press BERLIN, April 15 The Vnulseho -"utif says the Polish government informed Ih. nltii ........ M"el' It intends shortly to oc IF '"nan territory should Ger F'any fail tn cr ,. i... nu with the Pain. S American League strongest Is Claim " . Associutcd Press CHICAGO. Airil IK ..Tk a.., I. assncitlA i ' .. ... the .i. unquesnonaDiy IzIk1 th n,innr l"agues." . '"ue. upon the eve of i V?n"" wason. "We are open our ni..tu..k 1. 'ni.T... . ..t-ii.ii m-hmiii ui '"raou baseball, with the pos- i , '7IM "I two months during r ihU t"n uspended by order ine snvernment. I'itnted ih orl"ay con- kith eiikl. Kir' J! po" rm series K.M ,i 't1" Plci"c '"' " m tv:4i: "L.1.?- However, ou- uth " , ,a Vernon elnb i - uuuer do consideration bom. I Will Wv 4 Biiuum mvjr iw m winners. ' ... CllLlUNG A-s v.lATIOX MEETS. The Roseburg Building Homes as sociation met last night at the of fice of the secretary, George Neuner. it'., and elected officers, It. M Hrumfield being chosen president; George Chandler, vice president; George Nenner, secretary and at torney, and Jos. Mlcelli, treasurer. Seven directors were also chosen. This was the annual meeting and nearly all of the stockholders were present. Not bxecuted By Associated Press WASHINGTON. April 15.- John Reed, American magazine writer, re- j ported recently to have been execul- ; ed in Finland, is alive and well, ac coruing io an onic.a. repor, rec-iveu r,.i-, . . ai me siaie aepunnieni naiay. . o Allies Agree on ir '111 -T 1 VerSaillleS I reatV Hy Associated Press PARIS. April 15. The allies have reached an accord concerning the ex-j question, was characterized by a tol"t follows: , vote of local residents on the proposl-, publican primary ballot, arrived here ecution of the Versailles treaty, it j singular lack of levity, and by the' "' never knew it to faii; a wo-1 'on for a municipal water and light-1 today shortly after noon from Port was stated here loday. thus remov- t seriousness and sincerity of purpose man's curiosity Is always certain to : 'ng system. Whether or not there Is land. ing one of the causes of friction he-' anions those attending. Thev showed Kt her into some sort of trouble." a,,y truth to this allegation cannot ' 0 tween France and Great Britain. j clearly that they were there for Such was the frank admission of be staled, but it is believed that u' p. ,. n business and in an honc3t endeavor Bert Kritrh of Vancouver, j decision to grant increased rates II ' ohOOtMP AffraV - w 1 rUrilUriLl LtlPruriUn Passed Away Today, Hy Associated Press , cnairman Air. siarrctt nns tn-en in-; PORTLAND. April 15.-Maryi K-ltli.g the movement Frances Isom. county librarian. ! "" ' ' very Interested known over the entire coast for her 1 !n ,:" 'l"'""" "'lied work ..lied here today from cancer, j ''P'"1 "'eral well known men of the - Se had been confined to her bed for1''1": :""n "" being Ine Dast few weekB nnd no houo was hnld ont for hnr rnrovrv , Striving to Make Model Penitentiary liy Associated Press - DBER LODQB. Mont.. April 13 1 .n.urnn, m tti i Hr.vari t.-i-n nr. i Stewart were mast, nf honor re- u.......,, r.,.".r..'. "'"" i'.'- ."' """, ? t,M.hS5 ihe-e "e ,r': cently established theater in the Montana state penitentiary. ; ml ',n !7.arL?VoT,h;7hrtner" ible, In a large way, for the theater. at which no, only amateur perform- .i .ill .n" ' Th ,h i'r lotl'e-" "kl'." or "overall" UIlH,.,. tho ,,' of Andrews, adver fesslonals will appear. The theater, clum nnd Fomo hol(, thB i(lpa thn, . . . ., . Fritch is pan or a program wmcn ne is the Rood ,.,., can ai.B,,v he felt. : ..The personal stated that he was a 7" ""rlnsI ,n, hearing, to write m - "i" " , '" at most ethorbltant prices. Per wnrklng out to make the Ileer Lodge 9-.., f ,hl ,nv, hnd seen . ' T.. ...2 : 'I" ""-retarv of the commission and sinners in P.-.rl.and will before onn . ... ,. ' a. .nlH hv prison a model penal institution. n a rr y v A l CIlO Win FirSt PriZe , I I CORVAI.I.IS. April !". O. A. C hens won first place In the Western Wairhington egg-laying contest for March. The pen of five Oregons entered by the college led all other nens with an average production of club and a larse Increase on this 24.6 eggs a hen for the month. For: number la expected. Many are ap the five-month period the Barred l rearing In their overalls and soft Rock pen entered by the college ! shirts today, nnd all are to appear i leads all others in production, hav- ing a record of t0 eggs. The "Ore-1 eons have a total production for ; the five-month period of 614 eggs. ' The market value of the eges of r the "Oregons" amounted to $3.81 i for the month of March. The Bar-; 19 for the five-month period. The cost of feeding was 34 cents a bird for the month of March. Veteran's Magazine To Be Discontinued 'his man In the southern city after. The Home Sector, a magazine for:,hr rounds of fichting. was ar-l the former service man. conducted 1 by former members of the editorial j council oi tne :ars ana .-tripes oi Eugene charging him with forgery.' up the iienson noiei aim learnen American expeditionary" force fame, j r,,,lllty sheriff Croner of Kugene. left that he had left the i lly the day be ta to discontinue publication itl ! tn morning and will return with the, tore I telephoned, the Issue of April 17. and most "f80,er tonight. Detnella is charged : "And that Is as far as my deal its editorial staff will join the,w)1) paJ,ng a fraudulent check fonlngs with the man went." American Legion Weekly in a slmi-ij,-,;, at ,he southern Pacific station The report lhat Mrs. Carl Stolke. lar capacity, according to a letter : in p;BH1p. 214 Kast Ninth street, Vancouver, received In Portland vesterdav and! ' . n . I .nn nno of llnlrt's numerous wives signed by Stanley II. Latshaw. ad-1 I'flrtl.tHv director nf the Home SeC- tor I The printers' strike, tne pnperi shortage and ihe fact that the field is covered by the American Legion Weekly are reasons given for the sustiension of publication I "The Home Sector has made a ronslderahle number of friends. chleflv among readers, but also smong advertisers " Mr. latshaw rays "It Is to be' hoped that this friendship and allegiance will be. transferred to the American I-egion (Weekly in its praiseworthy efforts toward a more complete Americani- zation." o I Miss Iva McGilvray. of Canyon- vllle. who spent yesterday In (HIS .. . , A hlli.,iy It will accommodate ;ne growin service Halea agency or moior trucss or ine year i... . -..-i....... ' - city shopping and "yJ"'r l l for ,everal yetor, to ; with headquarters In Portl.od. wa. was spent much Jollity and laugh, the hard work th overalls were In nes. mattera. left last night lor her, or ine buslnes. visitor in th. city today, tee. the irl. of '72 recull.d tended for. II will help lorn. BUSINESS MEETING 1 II Mass Meeting at City Hall Last Night Makes B. 0. S. S. Club a Reality. LACK LEVITY NOTICEABLE Meeting 1ianiclTl-l by Sincerity I or -un'-e Anionu All l'i.ent Hurl Xel Week Ul Ele.-I tfrir. Perfwt ruuk. lhk.....k -i i. ..inuumi iii.:ih is tk ifreui iiein mr hllllir , ... h" - , " ' . , . uiijb, ii iub preM-ni plans ,.a.-r. 1.1. .A n 1 ... .... ; ........ ..iu- u.riuii- unit hoi 1 suiris. : the historic ; c habiliments of the small I hoy. of the "hnvseed I. .h'vfaa employed here with the Stand- livery - day dress of the majority of . ,h most prominent business men in 1 ihA eitv ihi. .u- ...... iii'-iiuk ii iiiei city hull last night, called for the 1 . . I purpose of organizing the B. O. S I S. club, and gettin toaether on the; 10 uo sonieilling wnun would nave ,ne en-ect o: lowering the hiKh cost 01 living, nnd that the matter was not a loke to them. ; J. V. Starrett. of the Ak Sor lien land coinnam. ncied t-ninoraiv . n ' "". i (, , imh - , chml C. II. McKnipht. .f tho lo.'at , i hlph spliool. Mr. Inninn. A. R. Street, t i Win. ltell, C. A. Wilhor nnd P. A. t Pa. rint nn(lf4 oiure in the rai l mv:,s.o or irfio romnilasion I al ! Ch'inons. All. thn mpflnkHrs were Kh cannot be llntnd as one of romW invimi-d lint lias hooi piKPon- Jlioarllly In favor of thn proposed Hunt's numoroun wlws ; bolod. prnsnnialily nt tho leipuwt 0f chili, ns wre tlu niajoritv of thoHi piewif. Thero were no talks made! In nminuitifin ntllimitrh aurh a tan! i-i I ment has been expressed by several. I All woia In unonolt it r 1 t0 ,he prevailing prices of all com- .... . . ninoitles sort were ne.nnsf evTrnvn-l . .''.""' " rr"..:., '. " ' trniipft ntwl lnvnrt Thp triiiprul nnin op ,.- Cl 11 na ton was that if enoimh of these clubs; ere formed, and if each town would (in ,,. .,.., rirea would ne-es- sarilv bo lowered nnd much good: rPR"U' T0W"S Ver h" 1 rnd si,.ioa .r. fuiiimr in line : d.,iV" and foiling either "old 8ilniar tactics it. effect in other ; towns, and In even' instance thev ' l-were pronounced a distinct suecesiJ. I it was decided to postpone definite. 1 nnytiniTaMiin until ihn nnvt mPPlillZ hlch will take plnre the first part of next week. At tins time column- ,nP to answer the personal, and I tees will be appointed who will have'djd. am frank to admit that I wa? certain alma relative to the purpose not adverse to finding out something of the club which they will be given the responsibility of rarrving out..j There are at the present time over , 200 signers who are members of the fn them by tomorrow. Those who have not signed up are also privileged to wear them to show their sympathy with the movement. o Dgmglia A TTeSied Charge of Forgery Carmen "Kid" Demella. a 1'nited States soldier who was In this city with n recriiitiniE nartv a short time ago. and wno sparren several roiinns while training for bouts in Ornnts rasa, nnd later knocked out Tf.ntcfi yesterday at Vancouver. I Washington, 0n a warrant issued in' SITFF.HS STHOKK. TT . . . Jim - of the city, suffered a paralvtic stroke last night Mr. (raven nas been in poor health for several years, having sustained a stroke aw time ago. Ills condition al the Iresent lime Is very serious. '.l's API'llOVKIi. The plans for the proposed Reeds- port hiKh s -h building ap- proved School this morning oy i iiunii Superfntendent O C. Brown and will be forwarded to the board of the district at onme. The build- ...... ...... ........ i k,.ii. ing is o . u . ; ana .ill ie . " 1 . ' It will .ccommcKia.e ine growin BLUEBEARD WRITES i Bride of Three Months of Former Resident Says She Wrote Him Just For Fun. MARRIED 25 TIMES' r Stop)' ' .Matrimonial Advenliires of m Anaoles Mull ti. Startling Stikiiiion Hid Nirtlilnic on II I in. it Won III Apear. TtiA Pirltnttri nFfttnnlBn In Ihia - - -. ... morning-, issue has a smsationsl irv concemln-r Mrs llerl r-rlte'i 7. ' 1 : . . three-momhs' lit ill. of Iterl hr leh - - - " foI'mer resident of this city who "A " 'imipany. The story has to t;,'u, w,,h ,ne ' tlviile of the Los Angeles "Bluebeard'' who married . 2" nl with whom . lr-i It'Vitr-n slului aha unmunAnituil MrK' Fl',rh ttes she corresponded ' "'Bt tor curiosity sake. The ac-, " as"., lormeriy .urs. .iijuib unless. ' - bliirlilKe apaitments, Portland, . no toiu a reporter 01 ine tiregonian , yesterday that she had carried on ' matrimonial coircspondenre with , Kicuam riuirt, alias viatsnn, ttie 1 '"" .....eea.,.. ,. . . r.......rca 1 nai one or tne om-; a,d to have married a score of wo-.clals 0 the local water and light i met. during recent years co p oration , upon a recent visit to , Mrs rlt.-h however, insist, (hat j h is city ,ta!. d lhat one of the con- , their brief letter-writing c,,,,ip( nlss.oners had been "swung" and , d,d not tertninate at the altar audi hat Inerc-scd rate, will he wanted - - iia coriain mubt come to nor as a k-hiiu or hor litter-wrlttn oara-, leiier.wrltli.e es. a-' llriilo Has Worry. Mrs. Krltrh( who embarked on her : . 1. 1 -.i .-t j ... . three ..u.Miiio.iia. aooiu.,, d the co months ago. Is a s rlklngly ; t J1 , f na ,R" UJ w;;,6n.r"n- ome woman of al 10 years. .0.'0"'" , " d hr ch?ef concern vtsL.. av was ........ ....... .- i i-i 1 woniierinn wnai m Drmegroon 0f three months might ssy w hen loomed that flhe ninsl he hrntiehf lonrned that slie must he lironirhl ,nto the rmMnllc ,n(!le of the k ..t WHg eUllP1. ia;t s, or "'" . 11, . .7. - i. 2 ' ' er ij ' 1 ' eoiH i f,.ri,.h th. hihe. references . as to hIs fln.lndal sla,lrflllg and goort nionil character. . . . . ! "iip .ave hig addreHs at ine time n n Is ..... I 1.. !,. I .. A One of my Spokane friends dared about tho man. slthnugh 1 am not the habit of picking up with strangers. MiiiTlae Offer .Mailt. i "A short time after that I moved ; to Portland, and it was after I or-; rived here that I received the ans- wer. riuirt. or Anuress expresseu .... ... .... . a iwr ' j. j " " ' wanted to know it I was realty sen- ous in consenting to consider his , matrimonial orfer. I I had rorgo ten all anout tne, jman until I received that letter ami men in, luw iin ... would be good fun to continue tne correspondence. It was my sons daughter who wrote the next letter At that time I believed he was... ' . . ,.. either in Spokane or Seattle, it was then we got a reply In which he made the offer to marry. He prom-' isen to isse me urine on a wen....... trin to Honolulu and to give her everything possible for her pleasure and comfort. "In this letter he said he would !ie In Portland soon and would stop at the Benson hotel. Later I called 'proved to be unfounded yesterday i.hen Investigation disclosed that Mrs. Stolke. formerly Mrs. Margaret yey.r of Spokane, is living nap- ... wj,u i.(,r husband, who is a ma- ,.,,,, mr,pi()y,.d i,y the I'nlon Ma- rorrr Mr. ' arid Mrs. Stolke explained , r,la,iVPH )n ,s,,kane had lump-. p() a, ron,.n., nd e. pressed fear that she had married llnirt because rhe had left Spokane suddenly lo mnrrv Stolke at Vancouver in Jan - arv. Th, Vancouver police chief yes- terdav telegraphed ine lls .Migeii s offii ials tint It was a plain case of mistaken identity r.n..i,... m,-id. ih. " . ' 1 . , service naiea agency or mo.or .ruc.s RATE DECISION 0 UAMTCn MRU 10 llnlllLU HUH Alleged That Results of Hear- ing Are Being Withheld For Political Purposes. INCREASE IS EXPECTED Ituimiml That Otrlelal of i i vra. ! lion .siuied That XHliiillsiimer Huil Iteen "Suiiigt i,J Thai Higher llativs lie 1iaixl. Mayor Hamilton today instructed ' Aitornev R. . I'.ddy to gel in touch with .i. u..i.i, o ' . , " " ' "": .-mt ice coinmlsslon nf ir..i..n u. . " i win e Miiu secure 11 nos-. slide a decision on the hearlna re. ! rently KjVen ,he I)ol.u. 1- .... Light a Water company's appllca-i lion for Increased rates. This de- clsion m. ni ... ka .i.. - - . v- . uue annul twill weeks ago but It is hinted that it is; kt.. . 1...U .. ... being held up until after the Muv i tl election in order to luflue,., ih "-neiii limn nuer eiecllnn. would 'iseiy nave s profound eflfect upon 1 e pmposeu municipal plunl move j ment and possibly upon the vote fori some of the commissioners who asain i couio un lor nnuiinat on. , - .U iti , , ', iw "Irak- in iho cee ,, . .,. .. ' . wiimsa sponsors a riimnr Hint thn wmnnm 01 tne nouplns rmintv Aeu nWrf 3m,.'f"v. nfior tho nPOple OT KORftlturZ hftV vnttil nil i ',,',r P""ln "tntlon and distrlhul ling system. If the decision Is In 1 . . ... ;;"';, have decided effe uno , " " u ( uh i i in 1 1 upon nn in. k i ... 1IT- inni mi' int. rcinillllH- Pinners nt the coipIiik Hedion relieving n,nt the det-Klon Is he- ! nnr 'ii'ivor , an r'Xu-r 'T ""sslng the matter with several or the coiinctlmen hn. ......loH ii. rcrron ''! "k ,hi,t "" de-lslon be handed down once and that the voters of the u"' - " u. ti rfn i iniprpHi a s n ivcn dv "" '"'"''le of "" A. E. Shiria Out For Representative. A. E. Shiria one of ihe best known ! citizens of Sulhi rlin. has noml j nation miners wl'h Ihe secretary of ' i.itT me iniie in hi. lie renre- ,, ,ve rron, (,)11Bltll eonnlv on the renu'ill-an ticket and his slogan is .., pw rPa enfor-ement: will onpos(1 ,,, ,n,r,l(1ll0l.d 11nOT constructive legislation." . Mf Shiria has le-en a resident of r)011(!,II, r(,n,v fnr mllv yrg , .psme to Sutherlln from Clendale established ' t, 1 " i ...,; n i. . : V. .'i. X i i t" ii i i " " , .,',.,, ininiliin - Silther- ?' """ "K-'"i'"'ln. 'i""r , lin Sun. High School to Have Tag Day A student body meeting wns held al tho local high s hool Just before boon yesterday for the purpose ol organizing the students in the In-! terests of the Near Kast relief fund The students were addressed by S Bruce, who Is here f rum t he Port - land headquarters to get the ram rum. .... .......n , ... ..... .....- tv. A rommitiee was . pointed from among the student l.odv con ; sisiing of Iris Rice, chairman: .lames ic(ilnto k. Clare (i.-ddes. Lois Cot. I, Kdward Kohlhagen. who will devise some way in which to raise meiiev for the campaign. Ihe committee todav decided to have a 'ag day Sal inrd.iy and will later hold an enter- , tainmeut of some kind. ..,, . ,m ............ -- 1 A nleaunnt event occurred at Yon- i calla on April B. when Mrs. .(. T. Miller entertained five of re old .choolm.tes of the Vnnralla sr hmil .v. ion Tk. .riornnnn n, ... ."V'. amusing Incidents of the long ago; while at times a feeling of sadness touched the hearts at the recollec tion . he many loved oiu-B who have p. sesd beyond since that day. Mrs. Lucy Kurt Saiuler read a . itiui-iiuig nine fjiir.iiiai poem, coll old frlendr. Miiis Sue Burt brought luuny beaeulifitl flowers to adorn the rooms and table. Those present were Mrs. Jose Am brose VIes, Mrs. Laura Bridges Ap plegate, Mrs. Lucy Bridges Samler. "Mrs. Lena Ambrose Long, Miss Hue Burt and Mrs. Km ma Bridges Miller. Colonel Geo- White Be Adjutant Gen. Hy AMoctnleil Press SAL1CM, April 15. Colonel George A. White, former adjutant general of the slate, resumed Unit position to day, replacing Conrad Stafrin. of l-allas, who held that place during the absence of While overseas. o j si a irMliM ji m 1 11 1 ti la 1 1 r. 1 ,u 1 w 1 n r Hoover Petitions Hy Associated Press SALEM. April 16. An airplane carrvioi t'he ..'tiH..n ... ,,tMe 11,- name ,.f n..ri,..n n.,,...v..r .h.. ,.w w Results 3 Deaths Hy Associated Press Three clvil- nrtu.iN. April !,, were reported killed and nine I were wounded in a shooting affray ' in County Clare mis morning. It was eE, d the police and u.ill.ary were involved. : O . r j 1 fc - ' ' " " Y l r I u To 25 Cents Pound (Hy Associated Press) PORTLAND, April 1- a(i vance In sugar to the consumer is scheduled for Monday. One of the refine vesterdav notl- "1 'f'"'""1 J-fterday notl ........ .r. ....... jr....., -...- I f,cd the trade of a rise of 11.25 n . h,.n.l,.H 1.. r.,ri..-o l,lu , "Uv.nt-. will take .'ffert here as soon ' :ik ft irnr rtmiuiiT ht inn nw -- ... --- -- i rrtvea. ine locni wnoieftiue quoia l'n v . r .oaniy ,e , . n - , "-"ll ,,Hi-e "mLst go up abot' i ii tnni ine, "''n,H n Pound. As raw sugars are advancing " "d.h Von.1 have to pav l , cents ii m.und T nere t nn mucn " r -1 v n" r. neither "'wirolls, nor resile" . ,i, , n ,,,,n.iiit.' ' " i nose aayfl Martial Law Is Proclaimed Today "' Associated Press AC.I'A PIIIKTA. Sonera. Mexico, April IS. Martial law was pro- iiuiim-i. .-,- uniuj e- i -- for a possible attack by the Carrnn- za forces, should the Mexican prest- dent's forces break through the bar- rer f ,,ders the new republic of Sonoru has stationed between here and Chihuahua. Sonora boundary.! Tn Carranzn troops are reported at , Ca-a (.ramies. ZilU miles Irom 'ere. and are making ready to march Into o,. ,,. Ma rnU n n 4c 14 nl ,1 irl t-' nnn-o nun Business Session A very Interesting meeting of the Roseburg Merchants' association wns held al the Douglas National bank bull. ling last night. A communica tion was read from Winnie Brady, agent for the slate exhibits at Port land, asking thai exhibits irom Southern Oregon be ohtuii and f, warded If possible. Another co inillin wa, r,.d accepting the ,n,.In,prshlp of the local orgaulza- ii,.., in ihe Oregon State Retailers' association. The plans for the ad men's caravan were d'scussed nnd the nction of the council In providing parsing places tor ;:ie cars ia. Mr. McClinlo.k reported the action f ,h,. ,.ilv ?,mri inking charge (lf rmp i,e unlll election time an(i ,.avhK the measure up lo the p,K)pi,. fr setilemeni, and the mer- chains were well pleased with this H., ioll f u,e i.roblem. There was ai cw,ierable discussion perialn- , ,,. aviation site and this will be put up to the people WllllHl llll ll.'lir Illlllie. The Salem Capital Journal has the following lo say in their editorial lolumns: "Roseburg badness mnii are pledged to wear blue overalls lo rnn.h.l Ihe high nrlres If Ihey do ,k ' " .V.v.; ..,. ,. APPLE GROWERS MUST ORGANIZE Writer For Sunset Says Spec ulators Threaten Fruit Industry of Coast. POOR PRICES EXPECTED S-uvuliiliH-s and Healers Ijmt Heavily on I jim Crop and Will Nut he W illing o Buy lluring the tXiuiing UeuMHi. "If you had started two year ago your opnortunillet fur rapid lucceitfl would huve nettii fur k router than now," the Hun Kit magazine Informs a reader who Is auk tug reitsrdlnf the ad Inability of RoIiik into the ap ple indudtry. Tb article contains m Kreat deal of Information concerning the prlres paid for apple and what the future will probably be In this UiduKtry bo far us price are con cerned. II continue: "At preiteul land prices every where in the country are very hiKh, timnK rlxen rapidly In retiponfte to the extreme prices paid for farm pro duce or all kind. Apple orchards which two yeats ago could be had for t;0U and $0 per acre are now held al f 1'iHO to $ JO 00 an acre and haro apple land has none up in proportion. "II you have followed the develop ment of tlie box-apple industry you nill remember that after tremendous Irltlal profits batted upon a heavy de- manu wheh couldn't lie supplied by e ..i J ,? "m " ecnlaTve pr uZ of JZ land went fn ', , , T T hi" boom was fol- ' I " "' J, , ,'7,,, 1KI2 when the increased output from me new piantiiios oegan 10 come on the market. For several years prices were low, profits practically non existent nnd npple orchards became a drug on lha market. During thll time the growers wore partially or- ganizeu anil ine ueveiopuieni 01 a ",r " nrkot ng lv larae scuiv synLemaiic viiitiuu BHsoclutinns promised to problem and place th in- - . ...... u V".,"??"' iZ. war lipnev ciuciiinuuiis. iui ...v '"t lh" r the output of the nnhnrilH hun hern Hold for verv hiKU - prices. In the tteanon of 1918-19 the Kuxtern apple crop was short, tne . - med, ' ' .".Z "'l - . . ----- - - chased the rrop made tremendous nroflis 'Its. As a result they proceeded last f" to buy .wr boi-.i.Pie m -jght . commission houses " Peculators at prices better than fortunately for the HpccuiaioiB mw crop wan n rwimi who croii ' .. m in 25,1100 carloads and in addition the barrel-apple crop In the east wa.i heavy. Also, lack of refrigerator j cars and lack of cold storsge facili ties in the apple districts forced an immediate movement into the mar kets and caused heavy losses through I freezing. When the speculators sold I tc the dealers they were compelled to ssk such high prices that the con sumer declined to buy. the dealer lost and the crop did not move. There i. .1 i mriu . very heavy per rentage of last fall's crop ,.,! undoubtedly K0 tier cent or tne eoininlssion houses and speculators who pald the high prices last fall heavily. "The future depends upon several fBl.tnrs. Cndnuldedlv the outnut in Btnrnate years will exceed Z;.,uuii , rars: this iiuantliy could lie sold at !. rir nrie .ml reasonable orofit a fair price and a reasonable profit If the growers would get together an dorganize so as to elemlnale tho speculator from the Industry. Other growers, like ihe orange producers, the raisin and the cranberry grow ers, have demonstrated that It Is possible to regulate the supply sent to market at any time, to bring about an even distribution of the crop throughout a long time and through this systematic marketing to dispose of even larger crops at a reasonable profit. The apple grow ers will have to follow suit or else he.vllv. The present ' ,.,,,. , reawaken them season nroinlsea to reawakei In the need of co-operative market ing and organization. "You see from this outline that the problems of the box-apple Indus try are not vet solved. But we be lieve they will be solved nnd It Is our opinion mat ine smaller crop im .. . .. , d prof; "',r wl" "" " Miners Will Accept Government's Offer llv AswicliiliNl Press LONDON. April 15. Member of the miners federation have decided lo accept the government's offer of a 20 per cent increase nn the gross earnings. The decision obviates the danger of a strike, ; Mr. and Mra. D. W. Rlggs left thlt ....rnln. tor l. where ther 1' ,.ur, ." ; . .i dayt. . it . !);: ill' v.