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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1920)
iwirortm wii.row, minir. arty t, gL ttn. v7 Ladie's Pumps and Oxfords With the'approach of Spring everybody wants a good dressy low shoe. Through our quantity purchase we aw enabled to offer you high-class Pumps and Oxfords for a great deal less than you can get them elsewhere. Fine Black Kid Oxfords, Louis heel $6.45 Patent Dress Pumps, Louis heel $4.98 Patent Dress Buckle Pumps, Louis heel $5.90 White Canvas Pumps, Louis heel $2.98 White Rain Cloth, Louis heel $3.08 Charming Luncheon j Given Yeshrday GEORGE R. COOKSEV TfPe A charming luncheon, for which Mm. W. K. W illi was the hostess, was given la the dining room of the I'mpqua hotel ul noon Thursday. Spring wild flowers were the motif lined In the taljle decorations, a large centerpiece of lamb tongues and bird bills being effectively arranged. An unusual touch was given by use of small hand-painted place cards) each card containing a bit of seen eiy retouched and tinted from photo graphs taken on a vacation trip. Cover were laid for Mesdaiues Fly man Wollenbnrg, E. R. Hanan, J. F. Tumpliu, W. T. Wright. A. C. Mars ters, H. M. Ilrumfleld Wm. Hell. C. Merrill, J. C. Hume, Oeo. Neuner. S. 1). Evans, and the hostess Mrs. Willis. Following the luncheon the ladles adjourned to the A. C. Mars tors residence where they spent the afternoon. Ladies Aid Society Gives a Social SOCIAL DAXCK. To be given at Winchester hall Saturday night, April 10, 1920. Good music, a good floor, and a jolly good time for everybody. K. B. COOK, Manager. , A complete line of Infants' wear, coats, dresHes, bonnets, Jackets, hos iery, comforts, Oirtrudes kimono, pell Millinery. Ileal KMtate Sale The Klce II Ice real estate com pany report the sale of three lots located on South Stephens street, to William Carll and W. L. Metiger, the contractors. Both purchasers pro pose to erect mmw and modern homes on the lots i the near future. They are Ideally situated for homes. Kobo corset In flosh and white. Hell MIlHnory. tf. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church sponsored an evening's en tertainment at too home of Mrs. A. C. -Marsters last night. The beauti ful Marsters home was attractively arianged with spring flowers and ferns. A large crowd was present, each member of the society .belne privileged to bring their family and guests. A program in which many of the members took part was given, following whlrh games of various kinds were played. A dainty lunch eon was served at the close of the evening. Foutch's Restaurant Corner Cass and Sheriian Newly renovated ana fitted up. Finest dining room in Roseburg. Prices Reasonable Services Good Try Our Meals You Will Like Them NEW SNAP SHOTS 230 Jackson CJ.BreierCo. 230 Jackson New Arrivals in Men's and Boys' Suits BOYS' SUITS Large assortment in Blue Serge and novelty pat tern, latest designs. rtQ r j in rn Reasonably priced P0.3U 10 tj)10.DU MEN'S SUITS Assortment of Serges and fcQ7 rni. rtr a aa Worsteds.-Prices from f.0Ul0$0U.UU If in need of clothing, do not fail to see us. Visit lug He Iliith Allen, of Marshfleld, office manager for Allen A Lewis, of that place. Is .In the city visiting at the home of F. C. Ockelmann. ItWiun to Oakland Mrs. J. C. Young and daughter. Mrs. Gertrude-Young, came to Rose burg on the morning train and spent a few hours here shopping. Ui-ttu-n Ui Kiddle Mrs. John Arzner and daughter, MIbs Ahble, who have been spending ' SHVeral days in this city visiting with friends and shopping, left this morning for their home at Riddle. Visit in ;lcndnle Mrs. II. O. Hamilton and daugh tnr. IStolla, left this morning for Glendale, where they will st,cnd the week end with Mrs. Hamilton's mother, Mrs. Preston Jackson. Ylxlta DaiiKlitnr ' Mrs. Jamoe Ambrose arrived in calla, where she resides, and will vlRit here for several days with her daughter. Airs. Kuaoipn Harness. Hero Front Sutlierlln Miss Velma Goff and Mrs. C. A. Stark, both of Sutherlin, spent the morning in Rosesburg shopping, re turning homo on the afternooon train. Supier Monday Nl;lit At the Kaptist church Monday night at 6:30 a basket supper will be served. Coffee will be furnished. Please send or bring baskets by 5:30. At 7:30 Rev. Franklin, known the world over, will give an CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use ForOver 30 Years Always bears the Signature of !&ffl&c&14 George R. Cooksey. for three years assistant to the secretary of the treas ury, nominated by President Wilson to be a director of the War Finance corporation. address on Inter-church world move ment. All will be welcome. To Hnlem Atty. A. N. Orcutt left this after noon for Salem, where he will spend several d s attending to legal busi ness matters. Returns to Oitkuipd Mrs. Kllza Hunt, or uakiana, was Modern Cottage S room platsered house with bath. Modern plumbing. On pavement. Lot 40 x 102 feet to alley House Is modern with I birllt-ln features. PRICE $2500.00 River bottom land, fruit lands, stock ranches. A choice selec tion of properties to choose from. We have what you want. Call la and see as. G. W. YOUNG and SON Real Estate) and Insurance 116Cass St. Phone 417 st. (iKoitGK'M mrncH. i r . -a " r a 1 There will be but one service on Sunday. ! Evoning praiyor wtll Le said Pt 7:30. The sermon will be on "The More Abudunt Life." A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present. The church school will meet at 9:4",. TJIK rRKSHYTKRIAX fltl'KCH. a Roxeburg visitor this morning leaving for her home on the after noon train. Sunday will be the Interchurch "World Movement day for Douglas county. You will, doubtless, never have a better opportunity to ac quaint yourself with this movement. A survey has been made of the eco nomic, social and religious condi tions of America and of the world. The general results of this survey will be placed before the people of Roseburg in the conferences on Sun- day. .Many of the addresses will be , Illustrated with the stereonticon. Here Kmm Wllbun ! Six of the picked workers of the Mrs. T. B. Orae and Mrs. H. S state will compose the twm to pre- Corvnlho, of Wilbur, were Roseburg visitors this morning, leaving for their home on the afternoon train. Visiting Son Hero Mrs. H. M. Royd, wh ohas beei visiting here .with her son, H. II. lloyd. left this afternoon for Drain, where she resides. Here From Portland K. McGarglll, of Portland, an ex service man, arrived In Roseburg this morning and Is looking for a loca tion near here. He was attracted to Ibis part of the country by ihi at tractive reports circulated concern ing the O. A. C. grant, lands and same here for the purpose of taking up a homestead. Former lUvsldenU Here Mrs. P. Cochran and Mrs. V. II. Jamleson, both former well known residents of this city! who have been spending a few days here visiting with friends, loft this afternoon for Portland, where they reside. They have been spending several months in I.os Angeles and other points in southern California. Mrs. Cochran had not been In this city for fifteen years, and was much Interested In the growth of Roseburg during that time. Her husband was formerly manager of the water and light plant here. SHRINKIW TO MEET. The Rosesburg Shrtne club will meet at the Masonic Temple tonight for a social time. This club boasts twenty-five members and although newly organized. Is enthusiastic and progressive. The meeting tonight will be for business and social pur poses, and a good time is expected. suit the program. Our program for the day Is: 9:4 a. m. Sunday school hour. Every member present on time and with a mind to learn Is our Ideal. 11 a. m. The morning worship at this church. One of the members . of tho visiting team of speakers will give the message. 6:30 p. in. Y. P. S. C. E. Miss Esther Nichols Is leader. All the young people of the church are invited to be at this Rervlce and nil the friends of young people are welcome. The other Bervices of the day will be given over to the conference and are: Mass meeting for women at 2 o' clock In tho Presbyterian church Mass meeting for all others at 2 o' clock in the Baptist church. General mass meeting at 7:30 n m. In tho Baptist church. Watch announcements for any change in the program. Tickets to the vaudeville and dance April 12, $1, which admit lndy and gentleman. Extra ladie3 for dance, 25c; spectators to-il- lery, 20e. to A benefit pie sale to assist China Sam will be held Saturday at Kidds' store, conducted by Epworth League of the First M. E. church. Xcw Snap Shots. Friday afternoon Individual Re construction talks by Dr. Elitabeth D. Pickett of Portland, Oregon, at the Hayden studio, S p. m. Spring millinery, smart, and cor rect, though moderately priced. Hell Millinery. Hart- Schaffner- ; Suits Langham & Clothes I Suits 9 ,a.vVI.. Old stock of Shoes and Suits at Old Prices. antlerstheatre WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 Alcazar Stock Company IK THE NEW YORK DRAMATIC SENSATION "BROADWAY AFTER DARK" A Story of New York Political and Society Life. Another Great Show! Seats now on Sale. Pricas 25, 35, 50, 75, Plus Tax WILLIAM BRCSS LLOYD IP maoism in eInoerell j weeks lluoiL. Mltl' n Dear Friend: , You have beard the story of Cinderella and bar slipper of how she won the prince. , , Well, we are going to let "Little Cinderella" toll yen eac, week about the many beautiful things we have la our RHLIa HLH Jewelry store where you can always find rare Jewels and works of art reasonably PRICBfX Read what little Cinderella aays in this paper. She will tell you what you NEED and what to get to ADORN yourself or give to those you love. OUR WORD Is our BOND Respectfully yours. BUBAR BROTHERS See the vaudeville, April 12. Spec tators, 20c. Dance tickets, $1, ad mitting lady and gentleman. Pro ceeds for the Library fund. tb fEOR SALE One Caae gang plow i, guuu i-uuuiuou. Li. Weber Et No. 1, Phone 42-F 13. O. M. Plummej-, manager of the Pacific International Livestock Asso ciation, and County Agriculturist C. J. Hurd will go to Camas Valley to night to meet with the residents of that locality, where they will discuss matters relating to the livestock:, industry. NKW TODAY FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Mrs. A. Fisher. Phone 20-F2. WANTED Dishwasher at once the Cafeteria. FOR SALE Oil heater, good af new. Inquire 135 So. Stephens. FOR RENT 2 furnlsred housekeep ing rooms, 112 Brockway. Phone 202-J. FOR RENT Nice large Ifurnlshed room, with bath and fire. 851 W. Mosher. Phone 36G-R. FOR SALE New $72 Western Elec tric sewing machine, rotary type, cheap. O. B. Frank, Vmpqua Hotel. FOR SALE Good work horae ui double harness $lio for both if taken at once. A. V. Hanimoot E. Second Ave. South. FOR SALE 1918 Harley-Davldsot motorcycle and sidecar in tint class condition, $326.00. Call Hir rlson's Oarage. 123 N. Main 8t. FOR SALES Italian prune trees for fall delivery. ( to 8 feet. 50c; 4 u 6 ft., 40c; S to 4 ft., 25c; I to! ft. 1 5c. R. L. Ellis, 2 miles wt of Roseburg. FOR SALE Prunes and ail varieuaj fruit trees, ornamental, shade, roses, including climbers. Prim on application. Van Sickle, lit Sheridan. FOR SALE l18.Studebaker Slili A-l condition, cord, tires with a tra. Driven less than 7000 mils. Parker, Roseburg Oarage, 121 No. Stephens. CHICKS Purebred Plymouth Roth and White Leghorns; day old, 15 etc.; 10 days, 35 cts.; 4 weekioll 60 and 66 cts. Mrs. E. H. Hit ham. 826 Houck St. Phone 257-11. GERMS can't live in pasturized BUTTER and Cream Insist on Jersey Brand IT'S PASTURIZED Douglas County Creamery The Umpqua Savings and Loan Association ORGANIZED 1917 Capital Stock $200,000.00 Offers you a larger return on a savings account than outtlds concerns, who pay large commissions to stock: salesmen. Investigate our proposition before investing. Office with Douglas Abstract Company, 243 North Jackson St William Bross Lloyd, tht wealthy communist of Wilmette, III., who has j been Indicted In Chicago, charged with j 'wnsplracy to overthrow the govern. , nnt 2fA Ends ind&sstion It r'hove lofftfh titistry, sour gov ach, bclchin; n! a!'. 'cna.h divise or men.' I .if V I. .re I t of tibk-ts CO fen'.). !):b; .:. in all tcns. MARIE DORO in ToDay TWELVE-TEN A Super Special Feature Crammed with Thrills.' DE'HAVEN COMEDY "CLOSE TO NATURE" SATURDAY: ENID BENNETT in "THE VIRTUOUS THIEF"