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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1920)
itoamrM ypwtjucnww, frtpat, aprtt, a, im, " MSI RTDT "Miracle Man". Wins : Great Applause . . - . nkjitnntAT SO Pro Lv .Urred " dld loWJLunt.Aricrafl picture. tJ f?V"..i., Man." at the Antlers, ,hitr last evening. TM'?P" ,!J! which followed in. .on " f "rebate to a pSo" , Vhich. without a doubt, deserve "".lac. bVsid. ihe really g real scrc-eu -'iri,laru,.d.wh.,,, 'r.l,rr0ower oe.Ve sick ! JmT with power to neai me .ic cW?"Tr!l New. of hit proweea .h.. Torn Burke, leader of an uu H"n,'oo band of crook. In New vnrk's Cfnatowu. w or . ...... ,h. hauler for comtner- 'ul SurpoJ. and taking the pro di for hlm.elf and hla pals. Ro.e, S '" ,ne Fr0g' t ' no the train the Frog make, use hi. ability to throw hla body out 0 .d attract, the attention of Richard Km, a millionaire, who r Kicn nrlvnto car with hi. tr na inter The Frog announce, thit be I. going to the Miracle Man S'b. cured King 1. Inspired to help from the .aiue .ource for Bit .liter. All alight at the patriarch a vll . reached by Burke, the Frog ?,U In hi. distorted shape to the Vie Man', door, and. when the thaler appear., pretend, suddenly to b, able to "land erect.. But some thing unforseen happens. A little trippled boy. who haa been looking utter, a great shout and, throw inr his crutches away, rushes to the '".:.,. feet. And Claire King Irlies from the wheel-chair which has Jhfld her from cnuanoou. i The weeks following see Burke 'growing rich on the bequest of weal itM people who are cured by the healer But a gradual change takes kl.ce In his pals, under the benefi cent Influence of the patriarch. 1 Only Burke is untouched. When 'he thinks King Is about to win Rose HI, (weetheart, he threatens to kill itbe millionaire. Then suddenly in a :reat wave of remorse, he .eeks and ends that peace of soul he yearns or Thus, Hose, who has loved him ill the time, finds him, and they Jut a bright future together. Eliminates All BRAND FLOUR for every " 'MS; Home economy is always a matter of big moment; particularly today with the high cost of living the most talked of topic. An eastern tlty conducted a school of Household Art and Science to point a -way by which harassed housekeepers might make their incomes balance the high cost of living. Demonstrations and lectures tended to point out the enormous waste resulting from the purchase of cheap and inferior sub Hitutcs for standard articles. In JUOr BLEND FLOUR we offer the housewife a breadstuff which eliminates all waste. Actual baking tests, scientifically conducted, demon strate that it makes more and larger loaves of better bread to the given amount than other flours. It costs you a few cent more per sack because it costs us a few cents more lo produce thia high grade, blended flour, but it COSTS LESS PER LOW. Manufactured in "Amtrka's Finest Flouring Mills" by Fisher Flouring Mills Company Seattle -Tacoma iVo Profiteers Says College Man (Br AuoctaUd Pres.) LAFAYETTE, Iud.. April . The Indiana farmer receive. $5.85 for . v, weighing 176 pound., according to Claude Harper, Perdue university ,pef ?""' "I ?"P!r.h" I'l sued a statement declaring farmers are not profiteering lu the sale of clothing. Mr. Harper lays that If a suit Is made of the very best gra'l' of wool. !'' . fff scoured pound, then the wool lu the suit will cost $7.37 BOOSTING MJLLAGE RILL. A Joint meeting of the IT. of O., the O. A. C. and the Monmouth nor mal alumni and former students will be held next Tuesday evening. April J 13. at 7:30. In room 205 in the high school building to make plans for csrevlng on the camnalgn for the mlllage bill for high education, which Is to be voted on May 1. It Is urged that all alu'jnl and" former students of the three Institutions be presont. AUBREY C. SMITH. Count' Chairman fr r. of O. MISS E. M. I'ELAND. County Chairman for O. A. C. UeuUi of Ctiiltl Announced Word was received here yester day bv Mr. snd Mrs. Van llnrn of 'he death of their little granddaugh 'er. Jane l.eadbetler. at Santa Bar bara. California. Wednesdav, April 7. at the home of her great grand mother Kirs. Annie Leadbetter. Fn neral arrangements are awaiting the arrival of the child', mother, Mrs. Florence leadbetter. who is in New York. Mrs. leadbetter is well known in Rosehurg. and she will have the svmnathv nf her many friends here In this affliction. o Th regular meeting of the D. A. R. will be held at the residence of Mrs. flrlnsted Monday evening, April 12th at 7 o'clock so as to give any in nnpnrtunitv to attend other en tertainment, later If they desire. If vou have something to sell or rent try an Afl.v. In the News-Review. Waste BAD BREAT DO YOU WANT your friends to avoid you? They will certainly do 60 wlien your breath is bad. There is no excuse for anyone having a bad breath. It is caused by disorders of the stomach which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after years of suffering. Price 25 cents per bottle. CHAKTKK IS GRANTED. CORVALLIS. April 9. Chl.Epai son, a local honorary chemical engi neering and chemical fraternity, has been granted a charier by the stu dent affair, committee. This organi zation is formed tor the purpose of providing an incentive fur better un dergraduate' work in chemistry and for the discussion und better under standing of new developments in the science. Members to Chi Epsilou ale chosen on the basis of high scholas tic standing and participation In stu dent activities from men in the Junior and senior classes who Intend to make chemistry their life work. FAMOUS SWIMMER VISITS. CORVALLIS. April Norman Ross, of Portland. Is (pending a few days on the campus visiting friends before going to Sail Francisco where he will take part in the nrelim'oTv trynuts for the Olympic games. Ross is one of the world's greatest swim mers and hat; Just returned from Australit and the Hawaiian islands. While in Austtlia, Boss made an excellent record. winning seven world's championships and 24 Aus tralian records. Bcilingham Mt. Vernon HTrn M 1 Industrial Court To Settle Disputes By AssoriMteJ 1'l'etta LINCOLN, Neb., April Crea ., April Crea- u" """". state legislature of,J!,on1le "",v '"cetlng a J 3f mrt to determine Sud!' evonlng. subject. " hnl juri 10 uiiermine u-iih i.- a,mHuv' tion by a future an Industrial cou controversies between employers and employes in any business or voca tion affected with a public interest Hill be possible In Nebraska If 7 constitutional provision Is adopted by the vote, at a specie! election i.ext September 21. This Is one of about 40 other con .'titutionul changes proposed by the i-.cent state constitutional conven tion. The Industrial commission, under the proposal's terms', would ulo' have power to enforce laws ngalnst "unfair business piactites .md uncousiionable gains alTectinR llie public welfare." Appeals to the supreme t-ourt from the commis sion's final orders would he provided. NKTTlN'ti KGtiS. From High Producing White Leg horn hens Tancfed Strain. 11.2.1 per setting of 1; $S per loo. Karl Vnsburgh. 227 N. Jackson or "02 Fullertoll. Al.lllOltr l. STKI.VLIl, of SI. ' lnnl, Minn., who declare lie Is now able to do twice Hie work lit- could ln-rore taking Tanlac and tin.! Ills sister lias gained six teen HlimN. "Talking almut I hints that help people, I have Just received a letter from my sister in Waterloo, Iowa, tellinl! me she had nalned sixteen pounds In welsht by taking Tanlac," said A. 11. Steiner, SI. Paul, Minn., recently. "Mv sister was on a visit to me a short while aao, and as she was snf- ferinn from stomach trouble some one advised her to try Tanlac, which she did, and as I saw the ureal bene fit she was gottlnK from It I decided to trv It mvself. for I had been troubled with my stomach for the past two years I had a very poor annetlte. and the little I did manage to eat seemed to bidce right in the nit of mv stomach and sour. 1 would blost terribly after eating and have the werst sort of pains in my stom och ami at times I had such at- fncks nf heartlmrn 1 would nearly en wild. Mv back gave me a lot of trouble, nnd I had suc h Intense pains In the small of mv ba-k I could hard ly bend over. To add to my other troubles, about two months ago I began to suffer with rheumatism In my shoulder blades and arms, which got so bad 1 could hardly do my work and could not even put on my coat with out assistance. I was so i.ervous I coubl get but little sleep and would roll and toss from one side of the bed to the other all night long, and would get up In the morn ing all tired out. I wa. so badly run down and hpti iosi so mum weight I was so wak I could hardly get about at all. "Well, while I have only taken five bottles of Tanlac In all my im provement Is simply remarkab'e. I have such a good apiwtlte I am hun gry all the time, and mv slomp. h is In such a splendid condition I can eat anvthlng I want without suffer ing the least bit from it afterward. The pains have all gone out of my back'and I never have the least sign of the rheumatism. In fact. I never have an ache or pain of any kind. 1 y'c-n s sound as a log every night and have gained in wflght and strength until I can do twice as much work as 1 could before I be gan taking Tanlac. Yee. sir. I can recommend Tanlac after what It has done for me. and I know It will do the same for other. If tbey will only THE SEVEN Sl9 AGAINST TUB HOLV SPIRIT. ' "The Seven Sin. Against the Holy Spirit," will be the theme discussed this evening at the Christian church. Another great audience wa. present ai night to bear the discussion ou 'Seven Thing. Ood Cannot Do." The preacher showed that Cod could hot lie, that he could not forgive 'those who were unwilling to for give, thai Clod will not answer prayer while we have iniquity in our heart that God cannot make you do right, that God cannot make you grow in Vnce. unless one partakes of the means of grace, that tied cannot stop Vou from fulling away, that Uod Vannot make you feel rlnht when you do wroi.g. The evungelist' uniquo way of putting things, nnd his aptness in illustration holds hts aud'ences tbroutchout. The sieclal songs nro ceitalnly heart touching, and many people are thinking, be- i'cause tiiey are seeking the evange list to ask questions. There will lie sr-rvlces Sitturday evening, subject, The !lng of Heath. Sunday niorn- flia the theme will be, "Cod's Tuiuli fstoiue." Sunday nfternoon to wo men. only, subject, "The Oman ho Told the Truth." Preparations are being made for a great women's meeting. Sunday nUhi the theme will bo, "God s Dynamo." Special j musical fe.itures at eeh service. M.ast Sunday 3"i0 were lu the Bible School.' It is hop-.! that there may be more this Sunday. The young 6:30 t Shall We "Do With Our Sundays Mrs. Anabel Klemm will lead. The revival meetings will continue thru out the coming week. o XOTICK TO OHI) KKI.I.OWS. Third degree tonight. Insinuation of vice-grand. Light refreshments. All Odd Fellows welcome. V. G. MIOEI.I.I. Noble Grand. Now Is the time to have your piano artistically tuned. C. H. Arundel, phone 1R9-L, 26 years ln 'eruational esoerlence. Spirella Corsetlere, Clara Corum. hone 402-R. 311 W. Washington. For Sour Stomach Bloating, Gas, Coated Tongue, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Bilioai new, lodiAestion or Comtipation take FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLET! They clcsnie the bowels, sweeten the stomach and invigorate the liver. Do not gripe or sicken. P. 8. Mrch.n. Elm St.. Hancock. Mlch.l "I bave given Foley Cathartic Tablet a iboroutb trial and can poaitlvely ataM Ibat they ar Ui Sett laaatlee." Soid everywhere. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R. P. ItRADKOHH WI'E Chiropractors, West Rosiburg Phone 40F4. DR. CLAIR R. AM.K.V Dentist a' 131 Perkins Building, Koseburg Oregon. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a m 1 to 5 p. in. Phone 65 DR. C. II. WADK I'HYSK'IA.N AND SUItfiKON Room. 421-422-423 Perkins Bldg Office Phone 81. Res. 12. MRS. F. I. OWKN Cut Klowera. Potted Plants. Funeral Designs Wedding Uouquets, Ktc. Ill Casr St. For sale at the Fern. Phon 240, Roseburg. Orenon. DR. 8. L. ReLArr Osteopathic Phystelan and Surgeon. Phones office 119, residence 464-J. 319 30 Perkins Duildtng, Kosoburtf Oregon. DR. M. II. I'LYLK'R Chiropractic Phvs.cian. 222 W. Lane St. Llec trlcal treatment.. Hour. 9 to 6 Pbone 152. RADAHAUOIf Uvj Wire Auction eer will get you the high dollar Better look hint up before arrang Ing sale. Date, made at Umpqu. Valley Hank. Office Hour.: 10 to 12. 2 to 4.. Phones: Office. 171: Re... 1'72. DR. 1,1 CK'rrA SMITH. I'HYSKIAN Women and Children Disease. Specialty. Office, Masonic Building DR. C. A. SMITH, M. T. Successfully treat, all disease. Consultation Free. Lady attendant Office 404 N. Jackson. Phone 122-J Hour. S a. m. to 6 p. m. DR. II. V. TITUS. I. M. I)., Dentist Modern KUlimeiit and Methods. Hour.: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m.; 1 p. to 6 p. m. Evening, and Sunday by appointment. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. THE RU1TER SANITARIUM (Incorporated) Our improved facilities are being appreciated, so that even now de ilred entrance should be arranged for several day. In advance. Ur Brnwer I. tho house physician and h prepared to answer any call made upon him. Phone 313. 327 West Douglas .treet. DR. V. I,. Ill'ITI'lt, M.tllral Director KONKIIl ltd miix;i: NO. loo t, I n! ted RrotherlitKMl of Maintenance o Way Kmployes and Railway Sbor laborers. AiTillaten witn tne V. of I.. Meets at Moose hall th first Wed., fourth Sat. night, third Sunday of er.rh month. J. K. SMITH. President. W. J. MEItKr'ITII, Reed. SecT OKO. MAC IVKIt. Kin See. THK H. It. E. I. A. UNION meetln will be held at the Maccabee hall every tint and third Wednesday POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS WWWVWVvW WW WW WW WW ww WW WW FOIl r.EPIUCSK.VTATiVK I am hereby announcing my can didacy for nomination ou the repub lican ticket a. lepresentutlve from Douglas county sublect to the ap provaf of the voter, at the prima)' election in May, 120. B. F. NICHOLS JXJIl JOINT KKPUKSENTATIVK I hereby announce my candidacy for election as Jo, at representative of Douglas and Jackson couutiea. subject to the will of the voter, of the republican party at the primary nominating election to be held May 21, I20. CHAS. F. HOPKINS .KOIl KEl'KKSKN'TATIVK. This anonunce. that 1 am a can didate for nomination of represen tative trom Douglas county, subject to the endorsement of republican voter, at the primaries. May 11, 1920. ARTHUR H. MAKorl FOIl ItH'VrV Jl'IKiK I desire to announce my candl dacy for the office of County Jiiuge for Douilus County, sunjeci 10 is; approval of the republican .v.uer. at f o prinn'y election May zi. u.u. O. J. STEWART FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I desire to anounce myself a can dldate for the otHce of county sur veyor of Douglas county, subject to the aprov'al of the republican voterp a", the primary ele?tl6n. F. C. FRKAR. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I desire to announce my candl- acy for the office of County Asses sor for Douglas county, subject to thi approal of the republican vot ers at the primary election May 21. 1920. FRANK L. CALKIMb FOR COUNTY CLKRK I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection to the office of Coun ty Clerk of Douglas County, subject to the will of the voters of the De mocratic Party at the primary no minallnx election lo be held May 1, 1920. B. II. LENOX - FOR COUNTY CI.KKK I wish to submit my name to thi- ttenuhlicnn votois of Douglas Coun ty for the nomination to the office of County Clerk at the primary election to be hold May 21, 1920. 1 It A II. KlIIUl.l-.. FOR COU.NTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidno or the nomination as County Com ulssioner. northern district, on the republican ticket, sutiject to the ap proval of the Douglas county oiei it the piimury election to ue neia h lay. WILLIAM Kt.ET7.ER, if. Yoncalla, Oregon I'OR COUNTY HU'KRINTKNRKNl This announce, that I am a can" lidute for ro-electlon to the office of county school superiiitoudonl subject to tho will of the voter, ai he republican primaries. O. C. BROWN FOR COU.NTY TltliASUHUR I hereby anonunce that I will be candidate at the May primaries cm the republican ticket for nomina tion of treasurer of Douglas county C. M. MYNA'IT FOR COUNTY TREASURER Announcement is hereby mad iIihI I will be a candidate for noml nation, of treasurer for Douglaf c'iiiiniy on the republican ticket subject to the decree of the voten. at the May primaries, iviu. JAS. haw i r. 113 FOR SHERIFF T heiabv announce my candldac) for renominatlon on the republlcai ticket for sheriff of Douglas count) subject to the approval of tne voten at the primary election to ne neio il May, 1920. OEO. K. yuiNRi. FOR SHERIFF Announcement of my candldact for nomination of Sheriff of Doug las county on the republican ucae In hereby made, subject to the ap proval of the qualified voters at in primary election In .May, iviv. DAM BIAn.u&n FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE Announcement Is hereby mad ihst I will be a candidate for mlnallon of Justice of the Peace to Deer Creek district, subject to tn anorovul ot the republican voters it the May, 1920, primaries. GEO. JONES. IHH.ITICAI, ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candldtc for county commissioner for Don las county on the Democratic tlckt J. F. O'Mera. I-OI.ITK AL ANNOUNCEMENT I announce to the Republican vot er, of" Douglas county. Oregon, tha I am a candidate for County Judge of sib! county, to be nominated the Primary Election to be held on ;he 21st day of May. 11120. If noml naled and elected I will transact county business economically without sectional favoritism, pro- mole timely county road maliilon ince. exnend the balance of the county road bond Issue, as originally apportioned, under efticiem super vision and will secure an early an nual audit of account.. Your .up- FOR REPRESKXTATIVB I hereby announce that I am candidate tormonilnulton oa the re publican ticket for representative, subject to endorsement of qualified voter, at the primary election Ma SI, 1920. NOBLE A.NDRKWg FOIl ( OltONER. I am a eandldate for renomluatloa on the Republican ticket, for Cor oner of Douglas County, subject to the approfal of the qualified vutere at the primary election In May lv20. M. B. R1TTER. FOR COINTV tXXM.MISSIONEIt I hereby announce my candidacy Ifor nomination on the republican ticket for commissioner -- of Doug las county, subject to the verdict of the voters at the primary election May 21. 1820. ARTHUR WALKER. Reedsport.. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY I will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination, to succeed my self, a. District Attorney for Doug la. County, Oregon, at the primary nominating election held on May SI, 0, your support will be appre- lated. GEORGE NEUXBR, Jr. n FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I submit my name to the Republi can voter, or Dougia. county tor nomination to the office of Ccjunty Commissioner at the primary elec tion to be held May 21, 1920. For and with the producer, ot the county. Lowest possible tax with consistent progression. All road dis trict, to have their Just amount. nd In proper time to Improve their ads. and In accordnnc with tne de sire, of tho people Interested. A fair price for labor, with fair result.." A. F. Slh.AK.NS. IOIK.'E DIRECTORY. NIGHTS OF rYTIIIAh Alpha Lodge No. 47, meet, every Wed nesday evening, cor. Jackson anil Cas. sts. Visitor, alway. welcome. C. A. CHAMBERLAIN, C. C CHAS. I". HOPKINS, M. P. . E. B. W1M11ERLY. K. R. ft U O. T. M. - Itoseours flire !. tt bold, regular review, oo eecona and fourth Friday afternoon, la Maccabi hall. 8lsters of other . hive, visiting In the eitr are cor dially Invited to attend our re views. Maccebee hall oi Case Street. EI.LA LANE, Com. KATE P. WEBBER. R. K . btfil.l.S, Rnaoburg Aerie meet. In their hall on Jackson St., In Ini and 4th Monday evening, ot eao month, . t 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren In good .tending alway web come. FRR-D P. CLARiv, W. P. P. VICTOR MICELLI, W. P. B. r. OOOD.MAN, Secretary. NEIGHBOUR OF ' WOODCRAFT, Lilac Circle No. 49 Meet, on lit and 3rd Monday evenings. Visit ing neighbor. Invited to attend. EDITH CHURCHILL, 0. N. Til. LIE I. JOHNSON, Clerks 1. 1. O. El Km, nosenurg Lodge, Ho. S'M Held, regular communica tion, at the Elks' Temple oa each Thursday of every month. All fnemoora reqiieeted - to atp tend regularly, and all visiting brother, are cordially Invited ta attend. HARRY HILDEBURN, B. R. IRA H. RiDDLE. Se'r. Die II. It. K. I. A. Union Mating will be held at the Mnccabbee hall every first and third Wednostlayi of the nwnth. O. O. F. I'lilletartnnr Lodge No. 8 Meet, in Odd Fellow.' Temple, corner Jackson and Cas. Sts., on Saturday evening of each week. Visiting brethren are always wel come. VICTOR BOYD, N. O. A. J. OEDDFS, Reo. Sea. J. B. BAILEY, Fin. Sea, lEREKAIIS. - rtosenurg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Uee(a In Odd FejlonV Temple every week on Tuesd.iy evening at the Odd Follows' hull. Visiting mem ber. In good standing are Invited to attend. MAI'D Pl.YLER, N. O. BBLI STEPHENSON, Bee, " DELLA LEWIS. Financial See, WOODMEN OF WORLD. Camp No. 125. Meet. In tie Odd Fellow.' hnll In Rosiburg every l.t and 3rc, Monday evenings. Vis iting neighbors always welcome. H. CARRICK, 0. C. M. M. MILLER, Clerk. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Rose berg Lc-txe No. 1037 Meets w' ond end fourth Wtdnesday even ing of each month at o'clock In -the Moose hall. All visiting bro thers are Invited tn attanil. C. W. CLOAKH. Dictator. II. O. PAUOE-.'KR. Secretary I. F. A A. M., l-aartl Toflgo No. IS, Regular communications 2nd anl fourth Wednesday, each month at Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. A A WILDER. W. M, W. F. HARRIS. Seee r). K. H., Rosehurg diopter no. ft Holds their regular meetlnc on the 1st and 3rd Thursday In each month. Visiting member. In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. I.EONA ABRAHAM, W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Secy. I. O. . F., Rising Star Tmtge No. 174 meet. In the Odd Fetlo .' Tempi every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Victor MIcolH. N. O., Perry Boyd. V. O , J. EAR1.E PICKENS. Ree. See, M. FICKLE, Financial See. I. : r - I. , i: v, , ! i' Portland give It a fair trial." la each month. port 1. solicited. J. G. DAY, Jr,