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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1920)
PAOB ADC J ,SiiMMMHfttfM""""""""MMt'MMM " Same IMr Price As Before The War and the some pure, wholesome beverage so many have enjoyed for yeors. Instant POSTUM t has a pleasing coffee -like flavor bub is more economical than coffee and has the added value of absolute freedom from, caffeine or other harm ful ingredients. ThereS a Reason" M ce hy Aostum Oreal Company., Battle Creeh..MkH T LOVE and MARRIED LIFE fctj. the noted autfior j Idah MSGlone Gibson 1 lug. (-a outstanding warrants will abjorb moat of thin sum. Current expenses fur tb three luontbi cov ered la the report totalled $97 2,000. Buiule l sailors and ready-to-wear h.iU In Miluns, J.lsere, Basket Weavr, I'.mekoka. Dell Mlllluery. TKLtl!lt.M TO UKSS MOKKLA.N'D. Good Carnival Shows Available the matter?" asked Alice. (an Not Catch Her Itrealli. I was sobbing bo bard that I could not catch my breath to tell her. "Perhaps you had bettor go away. Charlie." Bhe Raid "and 1 will nee If I ran quiet her." "l.ot me help you take her back to her room." said Charles. I managed to apeak, Baying, "Oh. don't worry, I can (to to my room." And then the comedy of It all came over me again and I commenced to The committee appointed by' the Merchants' AKsoclatlou and Chamber of Commerce to piece before the ex service men and the locul firemen the poHHibtllty of putting on the next cni-nival, ure today in receipt of a letter stilting that It will be possible to secure the Foley anil Itiirk Com bined SIiowb between May 2 4th and L9Lh. Ily ninking arrangements for thiB aggregation of carnival people a large part of the success of the carnival Is reasonably assured. The lepresentutivo of the Foley and Iturk shows will be in Hoseburg within n few days and It will be the last chance to secure a date with these people or any other rellnhle combi nation. The committee hopes that the legion and fireman can get to gether In the next day or two and talk over the cnryvnl with the rs- I YAI DKVU.l.U sY.NI DA.NUH ! April 12, 1920, for benefits i of the ! I'L'ltl.lO UIUMRV FUND r4 Uuder Auspices of is Committee of '95 Mental Cul- ! ture Club. Tickets, $1. Spec- tutors. 20 cents. tf. As I held the blotting paper up to the mirror everything grew black before ino. 1 was ah-aid, oh, so afraid to look. Two or tiiree times I told myself: Put It buck, Katherine, put It back; It I Kiit fair to do a thing like that." And then I knew that if 1 did not look I would never again be satis fied. I would always feel that I was not quite aure. Again my mlnil went hark over the ananymous let-'laugh ter I hud read Just a little while ngo. I could not understand If it were from Klizabeth Moreland why she aald, "Kverybody In town since you have been away has been shocked and disgusted to see your husband riding with Klizabeth More- land. She is cleverer than I thot If she has written Burn a Bentence is that trying to make me disgusted as well as those who saw them to tether. Alice Is right. Hess .More- land Is certainly determined to get John by fair means or foul. ltf-venlcd hv tlio Mirror. I took a sudden resolve and held nixed the doctor's name and I knew the blotting paper up to the mirror. I they were sending for him. The first words were: "I don't need th,e doctor, Alice. f'Klixnbeth Moreland, 182 West I If Charlie will go away and leave Klrvonth street." Then the citv wa- I vnn and me together. 1 will get uu- Mank, the impression hadn't been i ilrcsKcd and get Into bed. I am all taken. TIlO first word nf the tele- rlt-ht " gram was very faint. It look'ed like "Well, of course. Katherine," snld the" or "this." Finally upon read- Charles, "if that is what .you call be ing the rest of the sentence I d-:ine all right. I have nothing mon bled that it was "this." This is no to say. Call me. dear, If you want time for making our explanation. ' , nnvthlng that 1 can do for you. I read in the mirror. "I must not; "linn't send for the doctor, I don make Kiilherlne more unhappy than j want him. My malady can not be sue Ir. Her motlier's will leaves her I cured by pills or powders. I aon i uie neiress to at least half a million .dollars." I laughed so loudly that Hannah "me to the door, but I motioned My hysterical laughter seemed to frighten them more than my weep- Ijng, and Charles plcrked me up with out any more auo anu cm-rim mc upstnirs to my room. "Katherine," he asked, "have yon gone mad? Please tell me what Is the matter." "I can not, I can not, it is the fun niest thittg, Charles, and the saddest thing I have ever known in my life," and I commenced to weep sgaln. 1 knew that he thought that I had gone insane and he spoke a few words to Alice. Among them I recog surance that the merchants' associa tion will stand back of them once the carnival co littee is organized. SPRING SAMPLKH AltltlVKI) fon't fall to call and Inspect our fine line of spring samples for men's clothing. A beautiful line to make a selection from for a nobby suit. (. W. Sloper, the cleaner and pres sor, of Half box lor children, linery. null Mil- Haste Makes Waste These are busy days, and days we must be saving, but in your haste do not forget, that a person to be prosperous must look prosperous. Have your suit cleaned, pressed and repaired by our skilled and san itary methods. Our work and service will please you. WHO'S YOUR CLEANER? TRY OUR WAY Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call want to see the doctor, he looks at e so queerly." Almost fonsclonce Stricken. Charles shut the door softly and her awav. telling her thai I wna n 1 1 1 r..i nimost ronsclenct-stricken as right. Xo wonder Klizabeth More-jl caught the last glimpse of thir lanu wrote me that letter after re-Uroubled face. -eiving surn a telegram as that from her lover. John is the most trans parent man 1 have ever known. Cer tainly it is no time to make a wife more unhappy than she would natur ally be over her mother's death when vou have found out that she has luiir i million dollars more than vou I down and whispered curiously. thought she had. I kent Inmrhinv u'hut hia been the matter. Knthcr- until I grew hysterical, and finally ' lne. tell me." I opened my eyes and .aniiuh. who must have stayed on I said. "Co down into the room tnai the outside of the door, heennm ner- i,.h hu been using, take tno dioi vous, for Alice and Charles both ting paper that you will find on his came ;in together. Hy this time, ! desk and hold 't up to the mirror however, I was weening. nn.l I think vou will understand." "Oh. my dear, mv dear, whit h j Tom-iron- An lmnndhlp Situation. Aliep hel ned me to undress with out a word, and Insisted upon niuan Ing my hair and putting a cold com press about my forehead afterward It was soothing and gradually I be miieter. Just before I felt my- oinir off to sleen Alice bent Landing Field Is Lack of License Not Dead Issue Tag Causes Fine i4S Or Spring Styles Select your spring styles from oar new arrivals of wools, serges, silks, printed rrepo do rliene and voiles. We also have In Now Spring I'uats. The snap nnd freshness of Spring find expres sion In the rblc Btjlrs and brilliant weave of our new fihrlc. Tliry combine exuuislte taste with perfect reliability which htjunt them as the best. Dnv tiOODS I. ABRAHAM "Kverj tiling the llest" LAIUIN WKAK The Chamber of Commerre is in receipt of a letter from H. O Snell Jiik. president of the Wehfoot Air- iinft To., KtutfnK that an aeranautir C. F. Carlson, employed for the mist two months with the state highway commission at Ashland, was fined $ 10 yesterday wvien .ho at- will be held in San Francisco tempted to drive his car through rom April 1 to 2N, inclusive. This j is icoing to be a feature proposition and one or tno oik new 10 passen- Ihe city without license taps. Carl son has been working as an auto mechanic at Ashland and recently per, twin-motor Curtiss Kagle planes purrliased a Ford bus which he over hauled and put in good shape. I,eav ine his place of employment yester day morning, he arrived in Uoseburg laste yesterday afternoon minus a license tat?. Whrn brought before the city officials he admitted that he had started out with a "License Ap plied For" tas. although he had not npplied for his license. He was on his way to Salem and expected to irrt his license after arriving there He was given a fine of f 10 and forced to make out his application nnd forward it to Salem before be ing allowed to continue on his way. cam. is vai.m:v iiaipkm;h. will be there. Intest flights at Car den City 1 1114 plane has developed a speed of 124 miles per hour and has been up in the clouds -5,000 feet. This shows that commercial and pas senger carrying ships are here. These ships will make trips within a year from San Francisco Hnd will make stops at all towns having land ing fields. .Maps nhowing these li'iidinx fields will soon be finished ' . show private and government I tiers where the fields are located mtd once these maps arc made nnd Uoseburg is not on them it will be difficult to establish this plate in the minds of the fliers and in having r; me pla ed on government maps. It is only a matter of n short time. April showers and sunshine ar until the air routes will be irmly f (hp ordor of tne d jl)at now established nnd the fliers will do-, Cropg m lookJnR fine an ar( mand camping grounds just the , crowlnc fnat thpBe warm rtaVR fame as the auto tourists. Last night i t r tiri(l. va -t,H fr-,, eight tourist cars camped In Rose- j Porj,nd urincin with him his lit burg. This Is just a small item of thjt,p Rranfdal:;nt,r! Maxin. ru.nner uiai win oe mere wnt-n in-, Slinday srhooI has acain 1ipen rP. u.! are MuiMimiiy .uuua ..Msnmed A fpw Raster songs and rood Condition. ftnlka nor Plvon Inat .Qni.Hnv IMrs. S. A. Oouthler nnd daughter. Mary, have been 111 with chickenpox. J oe Th om pson Is at present on T. H.'thn iiek list. April 2. t Hy Mail) The Japanese v Welcome Marfindale has returned American Citizens' association of.-'Vom her trin to Tortland nnd mvr Ifilo refontlv passed a resolution fav-Uhe had a very pleasant time while oring the reputation of Japanese nnd J there. other foreign language schools and I Mrs. J. P. Penn nnd son. T-eo. who leaving to the territorial legislature T were rlslttn? with Cecelia nnd Ada the method of procedure. jnenn nt Mrdford. nre now In Port-j The Iforelgn langttago school pro!.-, land visitii with Victor. 1 leni has become n center for heat-' AUen Churoh reeclvofl a bad cut ed debate during the past few j rn the lo while meriting n belt at, months nnd hoth here and in Hono-th mill the first of the wk. 1 lulu American cirir, business and f The school nre nrocreing nice eilurationnl bodies have pressed for lv. Veres Kdmnnd' has 'nteH r-1 t"U HIT I Hill If r -t"I Ill It-Hit 'writing from the Pulmer company. RKSIDENT. von roiti;i(;x senoous HIKO. Inland of Hawaii. ( AU OlaMlfled AdtrertlsemeuU In serted new today will be finind on uwt paxe under "New Today" litmd. WANTED Dishwasher at Foutch'a restaurant. WANTED 15 gallons lullk par day year round. Puoue 15. WANTED Woman to cook for four persons. Phone 7F5. WANTED Man to help in harvest ing garden products. Phone n. WANTED First claau mncn cow. J. C. Koyse, Phone 34F2. WANTE3D Man to slash brush. Phone 3 4 I'll. Leslie Hatfield, Roseburg, Rt. 1. WANTED To exchange use of nif ty pull cart for baby buggy, phone 600-Y. WANTED Work as cook In camp or hotel. Addrosa Mrs. C. S. in care of News-Review, phono 433-J WANTED Nicely furnished house. In good residence district. Ad dress A. C, care News-Review. WANTED Small house or suite of rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Address "G" box 09, care Newt. WANTED High school boy or man to work as janitor evenings for board. Apply at Cafeteria. WANTED Man for general work on farm. Good wuKes with room and board. Address G. 11. care N'ews- Review. WANTED Man to work on farm principal work handling team cul tivating orchard and berries. Phone 34f4. C. V. Oden. WANTED Married man without children for ranch. House and $80 a month. Permanent If O. K. Inquire at News-Uevlew office. WANTED A woman for geheral housework on the farm. Good wukus and steady work. Address Lock Box X35, Yoncalla, Ore. WANTED Prune orchard and gen. eral farm proposition, a total of 50 to 100 acres. Must be well Improved and well located. Would prefer place fully stocked. Will deal direct with owner, all cash. No agents. Give full Information Address A, II, C, News-Rovlew. ' FOK RRVT FOR RENT Safety deposit boxea. Koseburg National Hank. FOR RENT 1 1-2 acres river bot tom Boil, close to town. Phone 278-L. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Also sin gle rooms at reasonable- prices. Roseburg Apartments, our Main ana Douglas. FOR KENT 20 acres, one and half miles from Roseburg; a 9 -room house, windmill, with water in house, largo barn, hay barn, fam ily orchard. Balanco In cultiva tion. For particulars call on or write to C. G. Shcppard, Dixon vllle. Ore. M I HCEMjA N I-XHJS. O. & C. LAND LOCATOR And compassman. Chas Kyes, S2 7 N. Main St., Roseburg.- DRESSMAKING Styllshiy done tailoring. 749 So. Main. Phono 4 29-Y. FOIWD Purse with money In it. Owner apply to R. H. C. Wood, T. V. Fruit Union. FOUND An envelope containing kodak pictures and fiftns. Owner please cnll at News-Review office. SAFETY FIRST Secui a safety deposit box for your valuable ptv- 1uiB ai Luq nuiwuurt; lauonai Bank. tf STRAYED 2-year-old red heifer marked under alopec In right, and swallow fork In left ear. Latt seen on Myrtle Creek. Finder please notify Herman Oden, D1n onville. Reward. Precaution is a Preventive those who suffer most from periods of inNulloii or dcflnliiir mo ihoso who simply refuse to realise that conditions t-luuie, uiid who are therefore never prepared. Conditions at present are not noi iiul. Would VOL' be pet-pared If a change should come? An I'liipq'M Valley bank account u always preparedness, a i. SI. TllltONE, Ouhler the VKBQVR YHLLEy bank ROSEBURG OREGON F.GG3 FOR HATCHING Brown Leghorn, good layers; It for $1.60. D. S. Houser, phone to 302-L. tf MONEY TO LOAN 20-year rnral credit farm loans, low Interest rata. $20,000 local money to loan on good real estate. First mort gage. See M. F. Rice of Rice Rice. " U3HD CARS O. R. Oarage has a large number of different makes. Prices and terms to suit your poo ket book. Call and we will de monstrate them to your satisfac tion. Geo. Shanks & Son. rXHl 8 A LB. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE News Review office. FOR sALH Medium sited safe. See 1t at Foutches. FOR 'SALE Genulno Elk teeth. Room 806 Perkins Bl-.lg. FOR SALE Baled bay. W. F Ramp Rt. 1, 1 mile east of town. 270-R. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow with young calf. C. H. Keyser, Wilbur, Ore., phone 27F1 1. FRESH COW 411-J. FOR BALB-n,,,, ft FOR 8ALB Sow and fjre pig. FOR SALE Singer sewing nuchin. latest model, cheap. 222 So. Pin, St. FOR SALE Chevrolet. overhauled. age. recently C. O. Thomas Cu. FOR SALE Day old White Ltm chicks, good strain. Ross Ball Phone 'S4g. w' COW FOR SALE One Jersey, good milker. Lone Oak ranch. Bract, way, Fred Schmidt. g FOR SALE Span ot work mlm or either or bofi. Price icMt able. R. A. Hercner. DiUard, Or FOR SALE, BARGAIN S room mo. dern bungalow, sleeping, pon garage, close In, phone owner it 187-R. FOR SALE. Jersoy heifer calf.- C. E. Coates, near rifle range, east cf city. FOR SALE Six-lid Real Estate range for either wood or coal. Phone 9-F 15. FOR SALH Several good Jersey milch cows. A. B. Cbenowetb Looking Glass. OAK WOOD FOR SALE MOVE BY TRUCK. Quick reliable service. Prlcea reasonable. Phono 20F2 FOR SALE Good 6 year old work horse, weight 125c. . S. L. Moss, Ten Mile. Oregon. a9 FOR SALE One surrey and one good set of harness, almost new. E. E. La Drie, Wilbur. Ore. tf. FOR SALE Bargains -in 11 Chev rolet and 1919 Maxwell, In good mechanioal condition. Liberty Auto Sales Co., 6 07 N. Jackson St. FOR SALE 21 acrs s miles from Kkna, Wash., or will trade for Douglas county land. Address G. W. Bowles, Elma, Washington, Rt. 2. Box 40. FOR SALF. Modern 7 room- bunga low and furniture, on pavement $2400; also 40 acre dairy farm, good buildings and orchard, price $5,000. Chas. Kyes, S27 N. Main St., Roseburg. FOR SALE 200 acres, about 15 acres under cultivation; balance fine timber; wood alone will more than pay for the place. Lots of fruit of all kinds.. Address F. W., care News-Review. at HATCHING EGGS Hollywood 200- egg strain White Leghorns, Gold en Camplnes, from first prise pen San Francisco Word Fair; White Face Black Spanish; heavy layers and nonsetters. Eggs $1.50 per setting; $8 per 100. Phone 9F25 Ed Bryant. STOCK AND FARM PROPOSITION 758 acres, all good soil, 200 ac res In cultivation, balance pasture land, good house, stock barn and other outbuildings, good location. For full Information call at 125 Cass street, Lawrence-Cordon Co. tlie abolition of such schools. Snrella Corsptlere.' Clnra Comm. Phone, 402-R. 311 W. Wash. tf. tear TSMtw er i i WAKEFIELD & HINEY PHONE 4Q GROCERIES Fresh Vegetables Cereals, Canned Goods firead, f lour. Candy g. VO.VT 46 Dress h.tts In transparent brims nf hair braids nets, trlmmines of Mny French roses, leaves, gauze rib bons, lace. Bell Millinery. Wll.l. IIAVK WOMAN" DKl.KtiATK MANILA. P. I. Mar. 2 tny Mall) The democratic Insular convention hern April 10 for the first time In the history of Anipi-ican politics in ( the Philippines will have a woman I slttlnir ns nn Insular p.irtv conven- tln'i delegate. Mrs. A. D. Williams the state government is In excess of STATE SIIOJtT OF Kl'XIK. SAI.EM. Ore.. April 8. Although the current expense of conducting has been selected as committeeman from the Mountain province. Indications are thnt the sir dele- HEINLINE -MOORE CONSERVATORY Music and Physical Education Managed by Accredited Teachers Only Th Ht nte demands highly effirliwt tMrh(r and thi School cotupilr KM) jwr ctuit with the State law.. Kohlhagen BIdg. Phone 390 FARM AND FRUIT LAND 20 ac res In tract, all good tillable land. 1 1 1-2 acrdee in S year old prunes a family orchard, 2 good wells, pump for Irrigation, creek thru place, good seven room house. barn and other outbuildings, good location on good hard gravelled road. Price $10,600. Lawrence- Cordon Co., 125 Cass street. COAL, BOD7 WOOD Slabwooi. mill ends, cement, lime, plutei, storage, transfer. H. J. Deu! Phone 121, FOR SALE-1918 Ford tourlnj as, new tires, first class condition! some extras, $490. H. H. Owen! Oakland, Ore. WANTED A No. 1 logging ami cook. Must be well recommenM and able to handle 75 mea. u quire News-Review tor- Inform tlon. FOR SALE 11 1-1 acres land, ilf mile to town; good S-roora how, barn, chicken hoase. Easy ttmi Box 18. Rt. 1, Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALH Large county mipi shows all R. R. and government lands open to entry, price II.ul. F. C. Freer, county iineror, Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE: 1919 Maxwell 5 putti ger touring car, run only 3500 miles, new tires all around, loon and runs like new, $750. 11. E Owen, Oakland, Ore. FOR SALE Mapleleaf Confection ery. Bargain if taken before April 1st. Owner desirous of taking trip only reason for selling. Good lo cation, good business. FOR SAIJ3 Black mare. Jtvi old. weight 1300; four-year-oll gelding, weight 1050; bay man I years old, weight 1000; bay mm 4 years old, weight 950. 0. llu tin, Went Roseburg. FOR SALE Store building an4 ' lots at Myrtle Creek, near depot $1600 and goods and fixture! t Invoice. Terms on part. Mti Catherine Frltti. Myrtle Creefc Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Twe sterr frame, 10 rooms, modern, fall ce ment basement, plastered. 1 lots, paved street, sidewalk, fir age, car line. Unlveralty Park dis trict. Portland. $8,000, term: or trade for grocery atore or I raneh In Oregon. Address, 71! W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. m agents. . f.'lOO.oiMI a month, there remains in the general fund of the treasurer! only $11.0S!.St! to meet these pbli uates to be sent to the dermerattr ions until the tax money for llie national convention nt San Francis-! year 1920 commences to arrive co from the Philippine Islands will shortly after Mar 1, accordins to a rWAKEFIELD & HINEY PN0NE41 II. K. Manlv. national committee man. Justice P. M Voir. E. .1. Wes terbouse. A. D. Glbhs. William II. Anderson nnd Dr. S. W. Carson. Viiiimik those mentioned for nlte-- naies are l-rank I.. Crone, formerly financial report prepared by O. P ItofT. state treasurer. The report shows total expennps d-.iriup the period from .lantinrv 1 to March 31 of $.7fi2.9S7.38 and a hnlniiep 111 thn .lain lilt-liv-ov fmwl r.f illiector of education. Maurice Low-; 1 1 . 1 7.32S M en--teln. president of the Psrlftr' rndr the classification of cash on ( company. Mrs. E. J. ' hand there Is $2. 427.705. 10. but this Wes'ernouse and Miss Bessie Dwyer. ' is said to be merely a paper show- Old Papers Wanted Will pay 30c per 100 lbs. A SQUACKER BALOON Free to Boys and Girls bringing in old papers. SATURDAY ONLY Gather up your Old Papera and Magazines and turn them into cash. BERGERS JUNK' SHOP FRUIT LAND IS acres In tract. 600 prune trees, 125 apple treea. 60 pear treea, all full beating, grapes. S acres low land part plan ted, well fenced and cross fenced, modern eight room house, plaster ed, big barn, 7 tunnel drier, other outbuildings, close In on a good road. Price. $8,000, very easy terms. Lawrence-Cordon Co., 125 Cass Street. FARM AND STOCK PROPOSITION 320 acres, 65 acres under plaw. 30 acres timber, balance pasture land, 3 acres family orchard, 4 1-2 acres one year old prune trees, 2 creeks through place, good five room house, water piped to house from spring, 6 barns, chicken house and other outbuildings. All stock and equipment Including a Ford ear goee with place. For full Information call at 121 Can Street, Lawrence-Cordon Co. . PRUNE ORCHARD 10 acres A N 1 prune orchard, all In prunes years old, all under Irrigation, Improvements except fencing. Tim Is a barga-in at $5,000.00. U-rence-Cordon Co.. 125 Casi itrset- FRUIT AND FARM PROPOSITION 59 acre In tract. 50 aerei cultivation. 18 acres young pran ce, 6 acres bearing apple orehira. cherries, peaches, quinces, pearl all crops In, plenty df out ranf. new house, 2 barns, granary, Iar apple house, chicken house, im0" house, tool house. large goat ehed and place all fenced and crow fe oed with woven wire, creek UfJ place year round, well, oa roads 4 1-1 miles from tows. and full set of Implement!. IndM Ing a new Bean Spray Outfit. r .with this place for $10,000. UJ-rence-Cordon Co., 125 Casa itn WH HAVE THE FOLLOVTT0 f Farm Implements for tale: 1 two-horse riding ealtlra' (new shovels). 1 one-horse cultivate. 1 McCormlck mower. 1 self dumping hay reta. 1 double harpoon hay fort 1 two-horse reveraible orcW disk with tongue truck. 1 one-horse orchard plow. 1 set hack harneaa (new iw Extra horse oollara ( eh). Doebletreee aaf etaalerreM. Dr. a). H. huruT ) Pheie 14 Ft 4 ftesesurf, H