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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1920)
noiBBcno iswi rkvikw pnro.iT, avril 0, two. the Douglas County Conference at the Baptist Church Roseburg. Oregon, Sunday, April 11, '20 I tnry answers r a h communication I Jffi?l wlih personal letter instead 01 a I'tjiJv.' 'circular iuiih in a iu r,.- trjitiiig resulta. Mr. O N- ll slates, and i5i 1 the practice 01 wiling ine iruui ! without o-ai-'n iilion of any kind l &'52s i al-su 'nuliliiis nivialil reuutation r v'u? for the itum-burx commercial body. IgfOJ 1 o Jersey Club Gets g Fine Heifers All Day-A Great Day: 10:30, 2:00, 7:30 H'hav ii.-ir.-r K'fi'i Cuttle cl 1 IS Who ar Invited? All church members anil friendly citizens are Invited. Will you be there? You should. Yes, this la one meeting you -annot afford to mis. The greatest World Survey ever presented to a Kose burg audience. Stereoiitleou Survey In the evening at 7:30. COME! ji tort li web Wvrlrf MuvMiiaut of Nmtli Auisi-tra'. Safe Milk For Infants & Invalids Ne CeoLiof A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes EOGS FOR UAICHLNO. Thoroughbred whit Rocks from 300 egg strain. Also thoroughbred 0. White Iexborns Tan end strain. Eggs 18.00 per hundred. A few whit Dock cockerels for sule, $4-00 Hlh. A. S. Hunt, 223 Jackaua 31.. N., Buseburg, Oregon. If you have something to sell or Mnt try an Adv. In the News-Kevlew. County Club Leader A. E. Street and Arlciiltunillnt ('. J. Hiird re turned this iiioinliiK from points in tin- Willamette (alley, where they been iiurrhsiHini thoroughbred r for thn Smith liiver Jersey lub, ttie larKest club of its the sate and very imilialdy In the l ulled tSates. .Mr. Street has been working for a lone; time on this elub, and at last has had the honor of nuiiini it nicr. Seven boys of the Smith river vieinity huve :i?reed to eaeh take a thoroughbred Iteirer and rare for It under the In structions of the county club leader. Tho First biink of Iterdspoi t volun teered to finance the s'hcme and has lilven the boys three-year loans of money sufficient to make their purchases The bovs each Instruct ors ' ' r nura to IMIV llll! lill.lU iimu mn;i a inj ...... fill search of the. herds of Ihe W'il lamotlo valley, five ani mals have been selected, and it Is hoped to secure the other two with in a short time. Mr. llurd and Mr. Street In mak ing this selection visited practically every thoroughbred Jersey herd In the Willamette vallev. They visited Henlon. Folk. Yamhill, Marlon and I. inn counties and met with all own rrs having: pediciced stock of the I kind desired. After a careful ex 1 'animation onlv five animals nnswer- John H. O Nell, traveling uKenl jnK qualifications could be found lor uib u. . it. s ..., ii,i an(1 ,.se W(,re bOURllt. luesoay in in s city i-nefKing uV 0ne of the animals rurchased Is a wun t ie ma nner oi ' ,,0,,M,ij and ou t)l0 2oth of the ? "' ., -w til complete her test. It Is lion, in order .nut a system o t-o- Rhp wl, fihnw operation oeiween uie ioi-ai cna m- c(,IltaKa of ;;00 pollmlH of butterfiit ,. unu u.o i .) p. ........ " -lw,,,,.h wm K,,ranteo X00 pounds by pur nieni can ue arraiiKcu. ...r. -.. u, snP reaches the four-year Nell offered the complete co-opera- nmrk TnR he)(nr3 w ,)e B,lp. tion of his company and whenever ueedsport within two weekE nn Inquirer seeks Information re- ' ., . , ' ,.., , ,,, h..a garding HoiiKlas county, tho rail road company will send one of l'.s iepresentaives to that person to assist them in making their plans as the,- mav desire. The work of thousand Oernan army helmets have the local chamber was praised l.v ' n crushed into the mud at a !-al Mr. O'Noil, who stated that in hl i vage depot here to make a pathway travels he heard n great ileal uf i'nr caniiire:! tlerman guns and oth- coiiiiuendatlon for the way the Rose- er heavy traffic. It would have cosl burg publicity ciiinp.ilt'ii Is being more to sell them as soi'venirs than bandied. The fact that the aorru- would bo derived from the sale mm, i I Railroad Offers Its Cooperation and will be turned over to the boys IIF.I.MKTS l-'Olt I'AVKMKNT ntOYllON-. Kng.. Murcli 24. Ten CALUMET GRIDDLE CAKES -golden yellow, coated with toasty brown, light and tender. No other griddle cakes can be so delicious for the one reason that no other bak ing powder is so good. K--kKVI aw a nm. m Makes Most Palatab.e and Sv.ectcst cf FaGds It is absolutely dependable. It is always the ; same always superior always sure. Its uniformity of quality its powerful, unfail ing strength guarantee greatest baking success and savings. You save when you buy it moderate in cost. You save when you use it has more than the ordinary leavening strength, therefore you use lets. You save materials it is used with. Produced in the biggest, most modern and sanitary baking powder factory in existence. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by U. S. Food Authorities, ft Try it! Then you'll quit loukinsr for something better bocause you'll know from results from comparison -tnat LALUML 1 has no equal in quality or in economy. One can will convince you. Order today! a la "i. I 4 PJ I II X E'T.Hl- I EE Ifc. a is i i KT-'i - , I I.I j 113 IS fe:C::-Yr flliJME 1 mmm ''. it v . HISTORY OF LIFE Repetition of Roseburg Case and Countless Others of Similar Character, " SALEMITESARECHEATED Carlos Iti run Visits State 4'iiiital Ui-t Full While out oil Itond ami Make His Kli-.l llitf l leilliup -IU-sliU nls Hold Sut k. Remember when you buy Calumet, you get a full pound, if you want it. 16 not 12 ounces. Those who cheerfully contributed to the l-.u.oou jack-iiot raised in rialem by Carlos L. liyron last fall iiiid cherish any deluaiuiia ahoul liaving their money returned, will liaiiKe their minds if thoy read ttie history of the case in which Myron- was connected, as it appeurs In ia I'ederal Iteports. Hymn is now rviiiK sentence at the McNeils Is land federal prison os a result of his conviction, says the Salem States man. Story of a Swindler. The story of this case is a 'repot I-1 tion of the Baleni cases, the Seattle cases, the Tacoma cuses, the Hose buric cases and counth'ss other cases dating most any old time in the past 10 years. ltyrou's .record proves him a heartless and cold-blooded professional swindler who has used and reused the same old game ol contracting to deliver patent to tim ber lands, for a cash consideration and who in the language of the re port: "never had succeeded In secur ing title for anyone for cither "se lected' or 'patented' lands by means of his procedure or otherwise; that every application filed would he re jected; that prior filings covered all land In question; that defendant never Intended to repay his victims iml agreements made were only to prevent victims from discovering that thev had been cheated and de frauded." (VTerity and Silence. Ilyron moved with celerity and sl 'ence in making his Salem shake down. Secrecy, he represented, wa an essential to success and his grave vise connection with the land ofTici mustn't be whispered about for a very good reason, as is now appar "nt. I'.yron was accepted at his own valuation evidently, for without looking up his record, notorious throughout the northwest, without an imiuiry into his character, which was as shady as his timber deals without ascertaining the status of the timber land In question or By ron's ability to. deliver title, citizen if Salem, business and professional men, merchants. educators and 'clerks eagerly gave up their money to a couvicted swindler already un der sentence to the federal peniten tiary for perpetrating the same old fraud. It was in September that Ilyron made his first Salem clean-up, while out on bond pending appeal. In De cember, his appeal had h-en lost and he had been twice Indicted for new swindling operations at Seattle but got a stay of Judgment to pre inrc for his new trial, which he uti lized to finish up his Salem enter prise; slinging some of his victims a second time and extending con tracts generally. This caused hftn to be taken into custody to protect Sa lemltes from further losses. Official Court The record of Byron's operations for which he Is now serving time, is given in the l!j9 Federal Reporter containing the record of the case in ihe federal -circuit court. It is prac tically the same scheme and the same land used later In defraudinf Seattleites and later upon Salemites. Kxtracts from this offbUl record read as follows: The defendants, for the purpose f defrauding victims would fraiulu lently represent that trtey could pro cure for them patents and titles tr certain lands called 'selected lands and 'patented lands' if the victims would pay to the defendants certain moneys as location fees and expen ses. Defendants had been successful ly engaged in procuring for appli cants, title to such patented' and selected' lands having great value of timber thereon by means of a pro cedure substantially as follows: "It would be repersented tnat tne lands designated as -selected nan previously been selected by Hyde & Co.. and other transferees under thf Forest Men selection act: that the manner nv which the title to the base lands offered to the selertor had been acquired. was unlawful anil adverse proceedings were pend ing in the land department seeking to cancel the selection on the ground of fraud: that the result of such proceedings would he the fin--ol-latlon of all selections: that there were large tracts of olher lands, designated ns -patented' which wen- lands to which naienis from the I lu ted States hud previously been fraud-J ulenilv obtained; that the lands hau been restored to the public domain bv reason of a decision of the su preme court In certain equity suits. Victims Art- Mulcted. "It w:i misrepresented that the 'selected' and 'patented' lands, were open to pntent and sale under the timber and stone act; that those whe filed through Byron would receive patent and title within two years frori application: that persons who inane such application and services to lie rendered bv defendants, ob ntn preference rights to purchase from said government at 2.".0 per n. re: thrvt personal examination by the applicant of lands apulied for was not necessary, and that upon navment of $2.50 per acre the gov ernment would issue patent within two years from date of application. The victims were mulcted from $100 to 11000 each for pretended services in locating them and would then do fraud the victims out of all of :heir money so receiied and give Jhem nothing in return therefore, though it-fund of money In case of failure was promised. Xeter IVlivereil Title. "The Indictment negatives the sev eral alleged lalr:e representations and pretenses by setting up that the defendants never had succeeded In necuriftf tHle for anyone 'or either said 'selected' or 'patented' lands, by means of their procedure or oilier wise; that tho procedure was worth less; tlmt It was impossible u tuiil ate or secure preferences rr.r the lands: that neither the 'selected' nor 'patented' lands were open to sale, selection or entry under any of the nubile land laws of the I'nited States and applications for tiio sann would be rejected; that the lands cculd not be purchased under the timber and stone act for S2.r0 an acre, and If open to i-ntrv. could only be procured bv payment of the appraised value rjirreof; Hint the patent could not be secured for any 'anils under the timber and smite act inless the appll-ant personally ex amined the land applied for wilhlu '0 days prior to filing the nppltca--tion; that every application filed vould be rejected by tho land office: hat upon varioui tracts upon which ''he 'victims' inii-ht file there had ilready been similar applications to mirchnse said lands, filed by others chose filinif were prior: that Ihe o"e endants never intended to repay the noneys raid by the victims, and that ai-y agreements for the return ftbe moneys were made to Induce the victims to believe that theh nonev would be returned and pre vent them from discovering that -hey had been cheated and do-rrauded." BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER IHfc 151U VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS ForB!lJt'ISLS!,Sic?wk THE F. F. FA! I CORPORATIONS LTD., BUFFALO. N. V MILL ItKVISK MALL IMH'TKH I.UTLL LAW TH KKATKNKI. LODON. Mnrrh 24. The Russinn Soviet Rovprninont has threatened to nut tb wornshnrtR nf tho northern rallwnvs under martini law to put an end to what -ft calls tho "erfnio" if tho workers wasting tiiuo In holf- day making, nccordfng to a wireless menage from Moscow. The govern ment asserts that 1.0U0 workfni? days were thus lost in one mouth ind 1 hat "the railway men are nr ranging to have two days of Idle ness eardi week at a time when mil vons or people are hungering and when it Is Impossible to transport bread, owing to lack of railway en linen." It notifies the Idlers thn hey will either have to make ur for the time "of which the repiiM-' las lienn rnbhed" or receive ful penuiiv iimi'T niiirimi law. The message Issued by the gov ernment is headed "Shame Comntd Qa," and declares that Russia can not await salvation Ifrom foreigner but must fight her own internal blockade in order to end the "ruin ins condition of things, confuer huti W and save the Soviet Republic." s Peredixo Tooth Paste tsss. loom rate y-syiJ ''fiL Soldonly f .-"7w f f where I 't&tr I I V ' " ADSfcxJ. I i ' ) GREEN'S' TIRE SHOP rebuilds tires in the late improved way retreads of the Good Year all weather tread, Firestone non-skid; repairs blow outs, rim-cuts, bicycle tires. All my work ab solutely guaranteed. NEXT DOOR 10 tiORTH SIDE GROCERY SAX KHANC'ISCO, April 9. Re vision tl' the man routes to Central America so that mail from tho Paci fic Coast may go down tbe we-it coast or elso follow tho most direct lines on tho east coast -Is being sought by trade development bodies of San Kraiicisco. At present tho only melhod of utilizing the speedl eit route is to specify the name of Ihe ship on which the letter Is desir ed to travel. Otherwise mail go?s through New Orelans and may tio as far as Panama and then back to N-.caragua. instead of entering the latter republic by a shorter and mo:e 'direct line, according to those n(fr. estAl In the move. The experience of ono San prM. Cisco business man, who had to ieUj a packaue Ifrom Montevideo, fri. guay to Panama, via France, instep of directly up the west coast m South America via A'alpaiaiso u cited. Tills was merely because an old postal agreement, an result fd In the pacl.age beinir delivnJ ' Just a year later, because Krecl ste inishlp lines to Panama had beW withdrawn during the war. Type that Jotter v rrn a I On display at 125 Cass stre" u 1920 MITCHELL STYLE PLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., implemnts automobiles TRACTORS a------- -i-g-inrvifwwwiuuu YKH SIR, iH CAN' IK) IT That broken machine part can be readily welded by our effi cient oxy-actyleno procens. W make a specialty of weldinj heavy steol. Iron and metil frames, bases, wheels, thatti. gears, etc. The only nietkod that gets results that last U our welding method. Toir machine will continue to tin you good results. Mathews Welding Works ACETYIEW WfiDIHC & CU11IMC A SPfCUllt IIUSI.Ill lili, OIIKIKIN It's Time We Repair Your Bill if you want to get th full be nefit of the season. Erer; day's delay -is a day's pleasuft lost. So bring the good old wheel around and hay u put it In first class riding condi tion. You know what kind o( work we do. Every old rider does. D. W. JAMES General Rvlr Shop 321 North Jarkm fc I SOME SERVICE. you get when an order is placed with us for electrical work of any kind. We are right on the.job to serve you promptly and most efficiently. MILLER'S ELECTflIC SHOP 1 OO XT 111 . . ' 1 i m i.o iiain aireet rnone w New PHOTOGRAPHER j I .ATE OK PORTIA M) j HuviiiK lenHl ireiiii-es In the K"1"" liaen IliiCdlnu is now ready ' biisfneAs. . IF IT'S PHOTOGRAPIIY-COME AND SEE ME I HEMUS ODORLESS CLEAN EFFICIENT BoM only in 25 lb. white cotton bagt 9235 And t lb. pckarc M 36 No rillrr No r.ulk All rerlUiirr tctl CAI IJT-IESI EJL1TH Cli PI?W:i Tor Lwti, rio'tem. CaM-TiB. Shrub lltrate) l'iiDtt, ; '11 tin nd Orrhnnli , Boole IHEB -VFj ju.n HOW A 1 lb bac covr Invrn pae of usir frt' a ear or mor. A tabteoportnftil to hill of fKtai". to matoet or ordniiirjr ,or bunli meant atun dant flower, rrlip and ariy vojc tai-Ua, A tcftf.foonful fur ( lu I in putM plant. Frna iov it Fvllr Cuarutccd. DIMRinnOB J. F. BARKER. (Sh CO. Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT IS A help that will tlmplify your particular washday rbl" uih is our family laundry sarvlre. Our driver calla for yon' J ily bundle at a definite tlmo each waek. and wa ll do your " lflg in our customary ronsldarat and sanitary manner. ROSEBURG STEAM LAWDRT.