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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1920)
HIGH-CLASS ART FRAMES Just received a large shipment. My STUDIO is second to none in the State. Special Kodak Dept. CLARK'S STUDIO C. W. CLARK, Proprietor Rosebar. National Bank Buildiaf le lljp T ' I I NEW SNAP SHOTS ! J moxkv imumisei city. yisv - yAmi - . nnv mi : LAST - 1 DAY MIRACLE IAN t tiTT-Se ill 1 1 ifc .-. . n ni : frtesw n n iTfugri irmitYitn wiwiwfr Maawirrt i iftf-i-i i ftj-; fa&jiJjLMliauiiV m i in i r itA i'tfil III !' The Pholo Play With an Amazing Soul Came and See, Come Live a Life in an 1 1 Hour -And ! FATTY ARBUCKLE . CAMPING OUT Admission including Tax: Adults 55c; Children 28c. I " I INCREASE GRINDING TIME Coshow in SaWm. Attorney O. P- Coshow left yo terduy morning for Salem to attend to business matters for a short time. lti-turna Home. Mia. I. J. Udff who haa been visit ing here at the Jerome Smith resi dence, left for her home" -in Sutuer- in yesterday. Home to lUildle ' Mia. C. K, Tuojnton, who spent yesterday in this city shopping and visiting with friends, left for hot home on the evening train. Return Itonio- Mrs. Frank Fate returned to her home at Kiddle luat night after p-uding several days attending to business matters In this city. Dilhml ljullea II Mrs. H. 11. Handle and Mrs. John TaJie, both of Dlllard, were Rose burg visitors yesterday, leaving foi their home on the evening train. Hern From Huthertlll. Mrs. G. F. Adams and Mrs. T. W. Hnrvey were Roseburg-visitors yes terday morning. returning to th.iir homes In Sutherlln on the afternoon train. fc I rm Myrtle Creek Mis. A. W. Caswell, of Myrtle ' C'rf ek. spent Thursday In this city j attending to business matters. She departed for her home on the 5 o'- clock train. Business Ii Oaklanil. C. O. Thomas, local agent for the Studebaker and Overland cars, left yesterday afternoon for Oakland and spent a Ifew hours attending to busi ness matters. Visit In Onklnnd. Mrs. W. W. McDonald, Mrs. M. J. Stafford and Mrs. C. H. McClung. I left yesterday afternoon for Oakland to visit with relatives for a few days. Mrs. Stafford is Just return ing frnin nn extended visit in llan ford, Calif., and stopned in this riv lfor 'a few days with her son W. W. McDonald. She resides at Oakland. CoininiHioiir Candidate Hero Arthur Walker, of Rcedsport, 1 candidate at the primary election for county commissioner, is spend ing a few days In the city. Mr. Wal ker says that the Reedsport country The county court yesterday afternoon agreed to turn over to the citv all of the $10,000 held in the road fund with the exception of $7500. which is to be held for the Alexander brldire. The remainder will be given to the city to expend for i road and street improvements; At a recent meeting of the council the citv attorney waa Instructed to bring suit if nec- 4 essary to collect the money. Xew 8nap Klinta. Friday afternoon Individual Re construction talks by Dr. Elisabeth ! D. Pickett of Portland, Oregon, at the Hayden studio, 8 p. m. Arundel, pisao tuner, pnone 19L. NOTICE FOR HID KOIt STREET IMl'ltOYKMKXT Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at his office In tho city of Roseburg, up to a o'clock p. m.. Monday, April 12, 1920, for the Improvement of Spruce Street from the north line of Oak Street U the northern terminus of sa d Spruce street in the city of Rose burg, Oregon, In the manner provi ded by Ordinance No. 71ti. All bids must be submitted upon j Diank roruia wolcn win be t'lrnun ed upon application to the under signed, and must be accompanied by a certified chock payable '.o the City Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the city in the event said bid is ac cepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into a contract and bond v. ith the city according to the terms of said bid. A bond of 100 per cent of the contract, satisfactory to the city will be required from the con tractor. The time stated In the pro. posals for completing the work will be considered in awarding the con tract. The council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. II y ordor of the Common Council. Dated April 1, 1920. .' R. L. WHIPPLE. Recorder of the City of Rue burg, Oregon. a-1 2 NOTICE FOR 1111)8 FOR TllKKT l.MriVF.MIOXT Sealed proposals will be recnlved br the undersigned at his office in is growing rapidly and the residents! the City of Roseburg up to & o'clock of that district are greatly pleased p. in., Monday, April 12. 1920, for with the rapidly inorjnsing popula-'the Improvement of West Washln iton. ton Street from the west line of the Oregon & California R. R. Co. right V-rs. Hitcliln llore- - , of way to tho east line of Spruce Mrs. A. L. Kitclrin, a former resl- ' street In the City of Roseburg. Ore- dent of this city, arrived In Roseburg Wednesday from Modesto, Cal., at which place Bhe has made her home for the past two years, and will spend several weeks here attending to business matters. She was joined here yesterday by her daughter Mrs. . M. Cooley of Smith River, Cal., who will return with her. Smart and serviceable styles for st'mmer wear, hats, coats, suits and waists. Hell Millinery. o- DKLKGATIONS IN CITV.- DcloeMtons from looking Glass Yoncnlla and Myrtle Creek, as well ss Tlllir and Sunshine valley, ap- peared'before the countv court with requests yesterday. The Looking OInss people requested that the Old Coos bay wagon road be made ready for travel dnrin the summer months and while the Camas Valley route is closed. Satisfied Customers We do a great deal of advertising in various ways, but we believe that the most favorable publicity which we receive is through the medium of a "satisfied customer." Such customers talk about us to other prospective customers, and this constitutes "advertising by word of mouth," and Is most effec tive. Besides providing the very best of service, we Install every conven ience that a good store can ob tain. Our stock of ready to wear dry hats, shoes, shirts, men's and women's hosiery and finder Our prices are as low as right auati'y can be had for anywhere. If we have not had the pleasure of serving you. we should like to add you to our list of "Satisfied Customers." Peoples Supply Company KAN I '-ill CATARRH. I'renthe Hyomci Fit Tm'o Minutes anil StufTi I up llriiil Will Go. HONOI.CLIT, T. H.. April 2. (My Mall) Despite the fact that the Ja- nanaoa CmlarullAn nf I .hn, firmlv bv Its walkout order. Issued I If w"' ' 10 '; rP"Ft from late In January in an attempt to i catnrrh. cold in the head lor from an force up plantation labor wages, the IrritntitiK roiitrti in tho shortest time broathe Hvonioi It will out your hpad In two mn?itps ami nllow von to breathp frorlv. pwake or aaleep, or monpy coin in on sugar mills on the slc Island of Oahu plantations affected are in creasing their grinding time. Kahnkil mill recently was rennrt- ed on full time. 24 hours dally, and . refunded. k. aPa rn.,in f-... , ie llvnui''! should end hours. The planters saV thev have '. "'"i re 'eve you of dl 'rustint more than 2000 strike breakers In snuffles, hawking, spitting and or the fields, exclusive tlf another 2000 I fenslve breath in a week. P'Hpinos who have returned to work ; 'Hyomei is made chiefly from huca and the hands who refused to walk Hptus, a soothing, healing, germ n, ,vhn iho I.,,,.,. r.i.,i Hllinir antiseptic, comes from and tho Filipino I nlon declared a 'hp eui-aluptus for. sts of Inland Aus- gtrikp Itralla (where catarrn. asijima ana At the time the general strike on 'other bronchial troubles are seldom Oahu was called it was estimated known. that approximately 8000 men quit' Hyomei is pleasant nd easy to nresine. jum pom n ... In lh Hard Rubber Inhaler, use ns ' dirertd end relief Is nlmost certain l"1 ! k r.mnUa Hvniliel Outfit. Ilicllll! Ing Inhaler and one bottle of Hyo- work. o NIfly millinery at Bellows, over 115. tr WE SELL Edison MADZA LAMPS Doufhu County Lightland Water Co. GHAVF. OF A HORSF. CRASS VALLEY. Cal.. Anrll S The strange spectacle o)f the grave of a hcrse belne kipt In tldv enn Idliion and decorated once each year with flowers and flags Is witnessed near Forest Hill. Placer county, to th- onlhwest of here. The horse, a common stage anl mal. on .lulv 3. 1902. was shot dead by i hoM up a stage I Among the psssenaers was a CM nnninn mei, costs but everywhere and Pharmacy. liiiln at druggist at the Red Cross DAILY WKATIIKR HKl'OBT TJ B. Weather Bureau, local office Roseburg, Oregon, 2i hours ending S a. m. . Irerlplatlon in Inchee and Hon. 'rerfths. bandit who was attempting to.Hlchest temp, yesterday 81 Lowest temp, last nl?nt Preclnitntion. last 24 hours ... .27 who following the robbery Total f-eelp. slice first of carefully burled the horse and pla-' month " red American fines on the grave. Vormal proclp. for this mo - 2.48 Once each year he has reappeared . Total ureelp, fro'n Hep. 1, 1919. to renew his ministrations. . to date 19.24 4 Averse preelp. fm'n Sept. 1, FOOD SALE 1 S77 29.1 4 Total deficiency from Sep. 1, The ladles of the Pnlnt Josenh 1919 0 Parish will hold sale of home cook-; A", preelp. for 42 wet season Ing st the real estate office rtf Cav 1 (Se t to Mar lnc)nslvel....31.4f and Harding. April the 10th. as WILLIAM BELL, Observer gon, in the manner provided by or dinance No. 717. All blda must be submitted upon blank forma which wilt be furnish ed upon application to the under signed, and must be accompaniod by a certiried check payable to the City Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid, to be for felted to the City In the event said bid ts accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into a contract and bond with the City according to the terms of said bid. A bond of 100 per cent of the contract, satisfactory to the City, will he required from the con tractor. The time stated In the pro posals for completing thework will be considered In awarding the con tract. Tho Council hereby reserves thu right to reject any and all bids. My order of the Common Council. Dated April 1. 1920. R. L. WHIPPLE. Recorder of the City of Rosebnr. Oregon -12 NOTICE OP ANNUAL- MKKTINCi OF KTODKHOIJHJtH OF TIIK IIOHKIU ltd rU ll.DI VO IIO.MKS AiWOCIATIO.V. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholder of the Roseburg Build-in Homes Association will be held at the of fice cf the secretary, Oeorge Neuiler Jr., Rooms 210-11-12 Perkins Illdg.. City of Roseburg, Oregon, on Wed nesday the 14th day of April. 1930, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven director and throe auditors for the ensuing, year, re ceiving the annual report of the secretary, and transacting any and all such other business a may pro perly come before said meeting. Dated at Roseburg. Oregon, this 31st dsy of March, 1920. alO UEOROH NEUNKR. Jit . See. SODA Buy It By the Cae All Flavors Roscbur; Dairy and Sod? Works PHONR 1HI1 Buy Garments that serve you Style is a wonderful thing, marking you as in the mode and giving you an individuality, if "you choose wisely. But service see that you get garments made right. tag" will give you service that you expect, so it proves its value as you wear it. See the dainty, becoming serviceable coats and suits we are offering during this month. BURCHflRD'S SQUARE STORE r. SOMETHING NEW Cameron SHIRTS Heavy Weight Strong REGULARS- Fast Color Moderate Print -EXTRAS SLIMS HARTH S TOGGERY NOTICB OF BTOOKrTOLIW MRHTINO r TUB UMI'gl'A GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Poultry and Eggs WANTED We pay highest market price In cash. Bring In Your Product Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson St. PHONE 279 Notice Is Hereby Given, that the annual meeting of the stockholders df the Umpqua Grower Aisoclatlou will be held at tb City Hall, cor-1 ner of Main and Oak afreet, in the city of Roseburg, Or. on Monday the 12th day of April. 1920, at 10:00; o'clock In the forenoon of said day, for the purpose of receiving the re-1 port of the Board of Directors and transacting any and all other busi ness that may properly oome baforo said meeting. Hated tMIs Slat day df March, 1 920, at Hosaburg, Doug! County, Oregon. GEOIIGE NBUNER. JR., Secretary. NOTICK OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER. General Land Of fice. Washington, I). C, March 26, 1920. Not lea is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limita tions or thti Act or June 9, 1916 (39 Slat., 218), and the instructions of I he S.-cretary of the Interior of Sep tember 15, 1917, the limber on llm following lnnds will be sold May 12, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public aiiciion at the United States land office nt Roseburg, Oregon, to I he highest bidder at not less than the nppralt-.ed value as shown by fills notice, sale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the In- t lirior. The purchase price, wllh all mldillonal sum of one-fifth of nin1 pit cent thereof, being commission allowed, must be di-poslted nt tiim of snli', n;niii-y to be ri'iiirin-d if sale Is ni.t approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed wlihin ten yi-ars. Bids will he received from citizens of tie I'nlled Stales, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United Stales l nr any stale, territory or district Hierrnf only. Upon application of a ililallfled purchaser, the timber on any lentil subd ivislnn will bn offered separately before being Included In any offer of larger unit. T. 16 8.. I It. 1 W.. Sic. 7. Lot 2, nr 85 M-. I.o' , 3, fir 300 M.. nut to be sold for lesv inail l.:i'i per . i. i : i. W., See. 33. SWH SW14. fir HUH M., SK'-i SW'4. fir 1070 M.. not t lie sol tor less than f 1 75 per M T. 37 S . It . 7 W.. See. 11. NK14 NEW I Or fi15 M., surar pine 35 M.. none of th fir timber to be sold for less than M 25 per M.. and emne of the sugar pine limber to be sold for less than l.eo per M. T. 37 S., It. T W . See. 11, I-ot 6. fir 800 M. NWt4 REVi. r 5nn M . nine 25 M.. SWH SFV, . Or 2000 M Lot 7, fir 1?00 M., NK4 SW4. fir 170 M., pine 170 M.. sr MW"i. fir 1200 M . none of the fir timber to he sold for less than f I 25 per M.. and none of the nine timber io he sold fur l"s than 12 60 per M. CLAY TAI.I.MAN, Commissioner ijflcneral Land Offite Prunes 8V2 Acres Young Trees, fine sou, $8G5 cleared in 1919. PRICE $7000 Call at Office for particulars. . LANDS CcASfy-HARDINC LAN 1)4 phone mi Township Maps Showing 0. & C. Grant Lands subject to entry April 12th. . $1.50 per township. Douglas Abstract Co. CoroNA "l he iVrMinuI Wrttiiitf Machine. Price tnO. 00 with rase. OUT CORDON, Airenl. 12.1 Cass Sit. Il.-.el,nr fct ti in ft til- A'' ').