Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 07, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    roseburg News-Review
TonWbt. ThnnKUj.
Reaches Over
17000 Readers
In Which it Included The Evening Newt and The Ro.eburg Review
,. .v.vjii. so. i ok itnsEucita review
minium iv
-i j
elock In Statement Before
Board Implicates Karis,
Says Juvich Innocent.
pernor Request IHstrict Attorney
Neuner to xiaso
lion Ooncorntnn the Scotts
burn Uobebrj'
Homo time ago District Attorney
leoree Neuner. rtjeiveu
en letters from Portland residents
aridently Mends of John Karis, a
ortland jitnejr driver who was sen
meed to the penitentiary following
!s conviction on a charge of rob
ry committed at the Scottsburg
marrv. wherein it Is claimed that
f-ko Zlock. co-defendant w'th Ka-
4. had made a confession claiming
tat Karis was not Implicated tn
ke robbery. The letters request the
tlsirirt attorney to make a further
mvestiratlon and recommend a par
Ion for Karis. From the similarity
it the letters it Is evident that they
fere all dictated by the same per
ian who Is working earnestly In the
Klialf of the jitney driver.
i Attorney N'euner. recently explaln
4 the whole affair to Oovernor Ol
tt and also to the secretary of the
role board, and thl morning re
vived a letter sent the governor by
ke secretary and referred to Mr.
tenner. In this letter It is stated
km Mike Zelnek recently appeared
fore the parole board" and save
a account of the robbery in which
M implicated John Karis equally
rlth himself. His account was de
fied and there Is no question as
the guilt of either of tha two
itate prisoners.
Jin his statement Mike referred
Joe Juvich as being perfectly In
ascent of complicity In the crimn
! the officials are Inclined to be
tve that way and have requested
he district attorney's advice con
erniiiK leniency.
Mr. Neuner Ifrnm the outset has
fltertalned the theory that Joe. nl
hough guilty from the standpoint
if law was Induced Into the com
alKHion of the crime hv his cotn
nlnns under a pretense of seekine
r employment. However, he did
lot demur, after ascertaining the
rpose of the trip and therefore in
ie eves of the law Is deemed guilty,
i Just what the district attorney will
commend is yet uncertain. He
of the opinion that Juvich should
rlvon leniency of some nature
t has not yet decided the answer
will make to the parole board.
U the time sentence was passed he
commended deportation for Juvich
l it Is quite possible that this will
run be his advice to the board.
lork, unon appearing before, the
ward . requested deportation for
UP'ef so Mr N-euner , informprt
zlok was given a sentence of
Jf" Imprisonment, and Kara and
mvirh maximum sentences of 2n
ars each. The rohberv was a
rv sensational one and culminated
a shooting affray at Senttshurg
rnn a posse formed by the con
""'. of that place halted the trio
W owing their crime. Zelock was
Hv wounded and was kept at the
orcy hospital for several, weeks
5. brought im court
ihil i 'l"r crPS'"l sensation
, Wa' temporarily insane
El clnn& "P" on fire police of
L,, ,uh,idne only after (being
Wr, wlth hcav'' '
" 'he Jail door.
'-OS ANGELES. Calif.. April .
iniar5'. Pickf"-'1 hve Scriptural
V Jor " divorce from Owen
,hl Rev- 3 WhHcomb Brougher.
Li Performed the ceremonv unit
?.'..Ml.ry Plckford and Douglas
L" r,nlt. "Id she had sudfl
i-,, . e would not divulge the
,;u, of " Scriptural cause, star-
-'"t confidence.
trliT.1 onlT " Scriptural
J:." divorce commonlvi ac
rv' ' 1 ,n",t Permlta of remarriage.
.-inpie Haptist church admit
'!i,f'hl,i ' Kro" Infidelity. MiRJ
not allege any Scrlp
ground In he? petition for .ep-
..7 . "wn Moore. She al
"d cruelty and desertion.
.,,,"?' ,n'o all the facts of Miss
h"T" 'married life before I per-
... rrpmonv ' ii it n.
"With all the details he-
rr" ,k ' ,,t waTnt-d In perform-r-'
the marrisre. Whil. th.r. i.
'o'r."".' .Sori"""- 'round for dl-
Mriftlv speaking. I believe
nr ar .), . . , ....
I t.
i. "hsolute desertion
Pruafc. n ,n "roller sense
..r1".,Bn and crueltr ih. ei.!
unit a Wfe from D,,n nappT orlcrntcd contrihuHons are a I
' lth her husband might b profeaalnf Christiana. ' (
'n.., O,., strued as a Scriptural cause
' not say mat miss i-icaiora
"A.-, told me of the Scriptural
It may have been her and
. t may have been some one
else u.t I talked to several people
about the details of her marriage to!
Owen Moore.
"I also refuse to state what the J
a minsiter cannot make public prl- T,. c..h
vatd affairs told him in strict confl-1 uamDlerS laken Utf SOUtn
dence." I hnnnrl Train anrt fiwan
Troops Marching
on Dusseldorf
My Associated Press
German government troopa are mar
ching on Dusseldorf and the occu
pation of the town la expected to
night or tomorrow morning.
British Will Not
Join the French
Ily Associated Pre
LONDON. April 7. There Is lit
tle probability of Great Britain par-
tlclpatlng in the French. advance into
uermany as iar aa can oe amceriuyi-
- --.-w- i
ed at present according to tne state- ,
ment current nn some quaners. i ne
British government finds ltseir pla-
ced in a rather awkward position j
lv the French ocupation of t.erman
Mrs. Bert Holmes, Now Resi
dent North Bend, Works
Hard For Missions.
In Well Known In This Vity Im
preNNion Made Among In-adrrs
of rroMbytei-lan Cliurrh
t:0 Karnetl by Work.
The widow's mite of Scriptural
story has a modern prototype In the
remarkable contribution of Mrs.
Bert Holms, eff North Bend Ore
gon. Mrs. Holms, like many an
other housewife of Blender lncomo
found herself unable to' give as she
desired from her husband's wages
to the cause of the church. She was
particularly touched by the appeal
on behalf of missions and determin
ed to find a way to capitalize her
desire to help. Therefore Bhe wen
out to work during odd times thn
she could spare from her household
duties, resolved to devote nil dC thi'f
earnings to the service or cnrisr.
By dint, of wahslng. house clean-
Ing and other menial tasks she go. j
togetner 30 in lime ror ine unan-
clal Ingathering of the North Bend
Presbyterian church. Thin was sent I
to Presbyterian headquarters at 15S I
Fifth Avenue. New York City, as
constituting the largest single con
tribution made to the Presbyterian
missions after a special solicitation
following a series of studies on the
needs of Africa and the plans of the
Presbyterian church In that benigh
ted land.
Receipt of this contribution, with '
the details of how the money was
earned by the hard labor of a frait j
women, made a profound Impression
nmong the leaders of the Presbyter
ian church who felt that -if all th
church members everywhere were as
zealous In the Master's service as
Mrs. Holms the work of the King
dom would speed to realization for
the evangelism of all nations.
In transmitting Mrs. Holm's eif
the officials of the North
church wrote: J
"The only money this womsn gets?
to give she works for and when she
brought In this amount to give fo -
the Lord's work we were verv much '
touched as we realized how much
sacrifice It must have cost her. She i
does not have anv of the luxuries :
of life and she his ie- of the com- 1
forts. We asked her if she wished
her tnnnev to en to anv sncial nur-
pose or to lie used in anv specta'
field and she said 'Spend It where- ,
ever it will do the most good." J
has successfully raised two strl-
art boys to sterling manhood, both
of them earnest Christians. One of
them served through the war. wen
"over the top" In France and
turned to finish his edncafion thm
hnUfahin st Qlonfnfrf nnl.nnltT
Mr J A Wilkinson, an elder nf '
fha Vrtli nonrl rhprh I
KtaA I- f.mlU.e Sfllk 1
ho Is
familiar with the fact of .
Mrs. Holm's cas. savs
"This noble woman bun thronrh
her splndld sons alreadr ben n
warded for her Christian irfrlnr. Hr
life proves that the Lord nnrer faf!f
to reward His own. It sfenrfhena
our Ifalth to mwt with nnh charac
ter. Her dvoton and her cons-
lesson to
i in nnirn nnnr
111 limER UMIVIL
WVUIIU iiuiii unu vivii
Fine In City Court.
Professional Card Shirs Take Con
siderable Amount of Money
From Young Fvllows on
Way to San Francisco
A marked deck df cards in a pok
er . last night resulted l;i the
collection of an even 100 hv tho
liv nnlice court when .!. C. Morse
was fined $'n and O. V. Gets and :
F A WIHg $25 each. Alfred An-1
derson one of the ringleaders In ther
crooked cird game and known to
bp p prr,!stional ccrd sharp and
..sirkpr" osraDod and is being look-
p( (or ,,y th officers. Morse ann
Anrtor5on ar(1 nai,) to ,n partners!
an( durlnt ,no SUmmer months nly i
r.Bullll.,y on ,h tninK between San I
nH Portland fleecing all
would ho pr.kpr players who ;iro nil
suspocttnt? of a crooked pamo. Th
trio were taken eft train nuni'ie''
1 S last night and were fined by Oltv
Hrvordnr Whlnple i.f(fr pleading
uHtv to the charge.
TTe Kanie started shortly after
thp four men left Portland. Morse
and Anderson, who are old heada
it the came pretending to he strang
er Getz and Wirip nre both yotinsr
Mlows and like many others thought I
they knew something of the intrica
cies of poker. Their belief was
itrngthpned when by the time they
had reached Salem they were con
siderably ahead of the game. Soon
however, they beean to lose roKi
'arlv and the same old story, so fa
mtllnr in the nnnals of the card
game, was reflated.
The marked deck began to ge
results and as the game proceeded
'he two young fallows Investor! more
and more heavily as their- winnings
Hid then their savin ps slipped from
'hem. As they neared Roseburg one
of the men became suspicious of
Morse and Anderson, having caught
vhat he believed to be a crooked
nlnv. He watched more closely and
n t las became convinced of the
presence of a marked deck. He
"ha rued the nrofessionals with being
'rooked nnd a heated argument
rose. The conductor as soon as
'he trnin stonned In Roseburg in-'rv-med
N'cht CTffcer Percv Webh of
he occurrence and the men were
landed as thev stennnrl from the
rntn to n men re a lunch, when the
train arrived at S:15. Anderson who
was a short distance away from his
companions, saw their predicament
nd "skipped" nnd although the
rafn w;is seTrched managed to make
gnoH his escape.
The- trio was landed in th cty
'a; anr frjven a henrlne late In the
voning. All plead gulltr to the
-hurre of gambling nnd Mnrnn 1 -
-nitted tf-at the deck used In the
w nnri hPPn marked. Anderson.
However, had made the most of the
"rlonn-up" nnd Morse had less than
$200 in winnings on his person. Af
r nnvin' his fine of $."0. he re
funded J90 each to he two who
were fleeced, the armflnt renresent
Ing 0ilv a portion rtf what thev hnd
' Getz and U'irig admitted the
"hrge of "anililing and paid their
fines of 2.ri each and all were re
leased from custodv. presumnblv
taking the next train south as they
WPre bound for San Francisco.
Seattle Hotel Burns
And 2 Are Killed
KKATTI.K. April 7 Two person
t'are known dead, five are injured
number of others received
or hurts as the result of a fire
r" which early today destroyed the Lin-'
lcoln hotel, a family hostelry in the:
downtown district. The property
loss Is estimated at $100,000. The
dead are Fred R. Hamilton and
daughter, ('.race Hamilton, of llerke
1 v. California, who jumped from the
r fifth floor. Over two hundred
auests. scantily clothed made til
way to safety down
Etairways. 0
A rm 0 n f7 n Tplipf
rl f IUC UlUI I.
. Drive For County
S. S. nruce, a member of the Ar-
menian relief committee for Oregon
aiTiVed Itl 'tllS C1I lOOl
to make
arranirempnis ror ine ronou. u-m. u.
the drive for funds in Douglas coun
ty and h-ld a luncheon at noon to
diy tn ihe Hotpl I'mpqua pcrlil at
which time a numkr of the reprtv
entrntlvit buslnfs men of this city
met with him and made tentative
plans for the county organization.
Those Included In the committee in
Roshurff r: t. Abraham, O. W.
Young, Ktv. Warrington. A. C. Mar-
stera. George Neuner, Kcv. Wright. I
I Mrs. A. C. Marstera, Mrs. J. W. Por-
king, Mra. Wm. Bell. Mrs. A. J.
Llll'Urn. The quota for Douglas,
I county has been aet at 14.400. Al-1
I though no specific time haa been aet '
for the drive, the tentative datea are
from April 14th to 21st. Every !
I county in the state but Douglas hare :
had their drive and subscribed the
complete quota allotted to them. Mr.
Hruce today had a aet off photos
with him showing the horrible con
i dltions existing in Armonia and
I which depleted the actual noods of
that country. It li believed that
Douglas county will not be in the
I arrears in subscribing their quota I
lo this excellent causo and prepara-
lions will be made at one to receive
I douatlons. i
! o . I
Italian Commission
Goes to Soviet Russia
(Ily Associated Press
ATHENS. April, . It waa an-' A musical program of rare artlst
nounced here today that the Italian "' '" d,'P'h quality of
mission has arrived at Athena on
their war to Russia to negotiate with .
the Soviet government for purchase
of raw materials, for manufacture.
o !
... t n ,
New York "Big 4"
C' Jj: Inhncnrt '
lUr ill JUIllloUn
. . ng nianners. It wus an easy matter
Ily Associated Vronn forihe Portland singers to hold
NKW YORK, April 7. New York spellbound, and sway them at
state's "big four" uninstrutod dele- 'their will, from the opening number
KUtUm to the republican national pros in to the last triumphal
onvention rolled over the opposition ong.
of former state senator William M. Mr. Mm. Street divided nmnl
Itennett and pledged the tin siden- tho honors of the evening. Kach
tial candidacy to Hiram Johnson In , sang a group or songs, ending with
Yesterday's primaries, according to ,wo duets In which their volcca
virtually complete returns today. j
Greek Troops Are
fA nviA A iiitic) nature to reach the henrts of nil
LrrUerCU lU SiUVUHLe ho heard them. George Hotchklss
: street is a lyric tenor with mi aliil
... , . . ! ilv to shade his voice to many dif-
U.V Assoelnte.1 Press , fmnt ,,, Bnd moanlnBBi Varj-lng
ATIIRNS, April 7. The Oreek rrom thw nRiitest and ditlntiest of
troops have been authorized by the i,aSBKpB to u hurst of wonderful
allied supreme military council to
nrtvance in Asia Minor in anticipa
tion of an eventual attack by Mns
pnpha Konial. They have occupied
.1 stiteglc position oast of the sec
tor they have held ground Smyrna,
according to a newspaper dispatch
to the newspaper Ethnos.
Military Conspiracy
Discovered Today
Ily Associated Press
ItEltl.lN. April 7. A great mili
tary conspiracy which was to have
been the Bavarian proletariat to the
recent Merlin revolution has boen
discovered in Munich It waa announ-
! ced today
Two Bills Against
Reds Introduced
t, ,mH lutiyl Press
ALBANY. N. Y., April 7. Two
1 IiIIIh designed to carry out the re-
commendation of the assembly Ju- their friends were present, each pn
dicinrv committee "for barring the nonnring the entertainment one of
socialist party" was Introduced In the best ever played before the pub
Ihe legislature today. ,11c here. This is the third group of
- I artists brought here by the music
Believes Germans
r1 I 1
nannea zcnemc
Ilv A-siM'iiileil Press
PAULS. Apiil 7. The entry of the
- trol,ns of the
,,.' ,u ni,r .
rman government
strict interrupted
tentative negotiations for an econo
mic undersianding between France
and Germany. In authoritative cir
cles here there Is the conviction that
it was deliberately lanned.
2000 Communists
Cross the Rhine;
(Itv Associated Press)
COI1LKN.. April 7. Two thous
and ComiOnists have croBsed the
Rhine luto the llriiish zone of occu
natbm and have been Interned. The
flight in occupied territory is con-
sidercd an Indication that the re
volt In tho Ruhr region la Hearing
an end.
Report Says Huns )
eium Airi Unrivna
1 Ilv Associated
Bv Avoclated Press !
LONTKJ.V. fiir. 7 Recent reports
of a Sinn Fein plot for an armed
uprising In Ireland are based on
facts according to the Irish police,
They state thev are In possession
of Information not only Indicating
that an uprising was Intended but
that certain (iermans In Berlin had
been engaged to furnish the. war
Clyde Chase nf Reedsport was In
the cliv todav visiting with friends
and attending to business matters.
Program of Rare Artistry is
Presented by Portland
200 Clients Crowd Stliillo
leAsing PerstmalititH of Stretts
Won Uie Hearts of the
Audience at Once.
wliicn It is the fortune of but a few
to possess, and with a tone worthy
many more fatuous musicians,
M'n 'he concert given by Mr. and
NlrR- George liotchklss Street at the
iieiiuine-.ioore conservatory iasi
nigiu uimer tne oireciion Of ine
Roseburg Music club. Winning the
l,parts ' ,no audience at one
their pleasing personality nnd i
re with
"inaea wnn astonisning sweemehs.
i ne nnmnK 1phsou, ny rijinre,
received. All the numbers used hv
them were new nnd original and of
ran,atle force. The full, rich qnul
ity of Mrs. Street's contralto vni
is most enjoyable, and her range Is
unusual, almost placing her ns a
Mr. Street explains all the music
fully before singing, making It un
derstandable for even those In the
mdience who are not familiar witli
tile composers or their works. He
lold ninnv humorous and interest
ing tales of his work in Italv durinu
the recent war with the Italian sol
diers, he hnving the distinction of
being the first to succeed 111 the
teaching of mass singing to the Ital
ian people, lie gave several of the
Italian folk songs popular with the
soldiers. Mrs. A. f,. Strickland, th"
' accompanist, deserves a Kreat deal
f credit. She has accompanied the
Streets during much of their work
and fills her duties perfectly, altho
handirnpped last night by a complete
lack of llcht for half an hour, and
the fact thut a portion of the musical
rcencs had been forgotten, necessi
tating that she play bv ear.
The studio was attractively fir
ranged with masses of narcissus,
peach bloom and daffodils. Over
"00 members of the music club and
club this year. Punch and waters
were served hv Mrs. John Knger nnd
Mrs Wlllltm Hell, and Misses Maud
r i i I A-- llrvot, nrtnA ft A
- mr
gram follows
Mr. Street. j
1. Rolling Down to Rio . Kd German
Pilgrim s Song . . . .Tsrhaikowski
3. Ilreams Slr.lezski
The Last Hour Kramer
A Fool's Solilonuv
fi. f-'rtiortation ''""k
The Ballad of Little Billee . . Poet
Five What Nots Ilrnnett
Mrs. Street.
2. Prelude Ronald
Sones My Mother TailKbt
jo I ivorak
The Turn of the Year . . . Wlllehy
i. Oh. Mv Heart Is Wearv . .
..Thomas, from "Nadeschdn"
7. Three Children's Songs . .
Kd German
9. A Spirited Flower
Down In the Forest Ronald
Love. I Have Won Y'ou ..It'Qald
My Dear Sou Sand.Tson
I diets.
r,. Serenade Totl
10. The Singing Lesson . . . .Squire
vomers wan imcui
Conference Leaders
I $. W. H fiibson. of the Portland
I executive office of the Interchur' h
world movement conference, who
! arrived In Roseburg yesterd i unf.
conferred with Rev. J. II Dlck"n
of the Haptist church, and w ith H.
' w. Strong, county leader or the
' movement, left this morning for
I southern Oregon. Dr. Olbson was
hers for tho purpose or enmnssmng
the Importance of the coming Sun
dav nrogrsm. at whlcxi time ifie
interchurch worbj movement w.ll l
launched In this city. The Portland I
team which, is to take part In the;
services here Sunday are In south
ern Oregon at the present time tuk-,
ing part in similar servicea, and Dr.
Gibson will join them there and re
turn with them to tins city. The
contral feature in the Sunday's pro
gram will bo the world survey, given
by Btereopticon views in the even-1
ing. The survey presenta all rellg-1
Zo". In the !
lous and soclul con
Protestant mission fields, both for-;
eign and home, and Is a fine oppor-.
tunity for young people aa well aa
e.4I to catch a comprehensive view i
of world conditions. i
More Threaten to
WalkOUt On Strike
Ily Associated lress
CHICAGO. April 7. Representa
tive dt 8.500 members of tho Broth
erhood of locomotive Firemen and
Euginemen employed In the Chicago
sv Itching district today defied the
union officials and voted to join the
unauthorii'.ed swiihchmen's strike.
Freight traffic through the expan
sive Chicago district Is already re-
stricted seriously, ltoth Bides agreed
that if the forco of strikers Is aug- i
inented much the traflflc will be
louglit virtually to a standstill.
Special Session
iJ sitirkn nl A ccmMMi
Ily ANMiM'latiMl lreH j
11LMI IV A nM f k .nnnUI aiA
.i..-' .... i..i " in
i. . i.,. 1,1 c ......... h -
call issued today.
i iilty and student body. The JoKes
were nil modern and of a sldespllt-EX-ServiCe
Men Adopt ReSO-iting nature. Some clever musical
lution In Order Comrades
Know Land Opening.
Heads of tho American I-eglon I
Kvrry Slnle Will lte Notified
Concerning the . nnd C.
(irniit lands.
At a small hut enthusiastic moot
ing of the I'nipnun Post No. 16 of
the American Legion last evening
In the C. A It. rooms of the nrmory
the ex-service men assembled there
adnnted resolutions descrying the
publicity being KHon n?o' ,...Ki,,,la services at the Christian
,r the n nnd C. grant lands nti" - ..
iu ..llccl nreference right to be
given soldiers, sailors and marines.
The resi lnilons which were drawn
liy tbe se"relnrv will he sent to the
tieail of the Amerlcnn l.eelon In ev-e'-v
stfe in the union for tho pur- ;
pose if warning the men enntem
ti'itlng n vlsl to the Hoscburg dis
trict. Ar'lu'ant Cordon stated Inst ;
evening during the course of dls
r,ss(n concerning the grant lands.
tl.t he hits boen t.esetgeii won in-
I . M
unlit v nf the lnnds and many or
thorn hnve spn sums of monny in
Mill' II llipt I" inin i
find that the mnlortly mf the lnnds
i I..- .hid uwt nn rttllV Tn
to be opened uro practically worth
ies;:. F-'lorso Snlvntlon Armv.
T'le t'tnpoita post also went on
o-ord last nlrht. es endorsing the
Home Service Program of the S'll
v iCnn Armv nnd urging that the re
s'dents of Hondas county get be
hind Ibis move nnd subscribe tile
oil, . which will be used in carrvlne
.m Mie wonderfel work of the armv
the remote districts of the state
Tin- c"-snrvieo men realize perhnn"
p ore Ibnn anyone else, the value of
ii. Salvation nrtnv and thev stand
r.-rwtv and willing at all times to
lend n hand In nh'lne; tho lassies
who ore "on the ob' 'every min
ute o' the time across the seas.
Will Not Sponsor 'nrnlviil.
t-i, n.n,,,.n, n.t ...ninr tnte,t
that the lo. no., ha, been asked
hv the Merchant's association
the Cbimber of Commerce to iVi
ever th" strnwberrv carnival this
'ear and be resnotisible for the con
duction of It. The Icrlon hovs do
rl.led thi.f It would be lmpi"slhle tr
make sit'h s move this venr bn 1
instructed Ihe secretnrv to IriVorm
the orcanlzfitions to the effect that
the llr.n w'il assist a coe"n"ee
cnnolnted to make tho affair a
"Wlltz-banr" Stlceess.
Memltor.tltln ts flrtmltig
The net1t'ersllfn nf the post lu
seadilv incrcaslnp Stl'l It is hoped
that hoforn lone tho toaioritv of e
servtce nen In Donrtas countv will
h, . -irned Last nleht a number of
inn'lcitlons were received snd the
nnMcapts .were admitted ns mem-
i, ,.,.. . ..YO-st rf the officers were
h-pn' ."' t-ist nlrht' assembly hut
usual "pep" was evident.
Seniors Entertain the Student
Body With Vaudeville at
High School.
ywver ' Entertaining Skits Are
llt on by Members of Senior
(lass Originality living
shown In Production.
A vaudoville performance, which
would be a credit to professionals,
wan given by the members of the
senior class at the Mku school this
morning. The numbers presented
were excellent In the extreme and
W(ire weU 'orth reproduction before
a. muth laror "jnce As it was
tho program was givoti to the mem-
bars of the student body and a nutu-
; her of visitors, each selection being
given a hearty round of applause
laud being greatly appreciated.
1 The program opened with a sil
houette performance of 'The hare.
the Tortoise and Miss Mahle." The
us one in which the wealthy
young dude hud the favor of
"mnmma" in his suit for the hand
of Miss Mable, while the steady.
plodding young fellow was In dls-
fnvr. However, It worked out all
I right when In the end the "dudo"
I fulled to show up for the wedding
I servlco, the "hare" being present
' and "on the Job." The whole play
was acted In pantomlne, the silhou
' ctees being shown on a lurge whlto
1 screen, the whole performance be
f Ing very unique and clover as well
.as entertaining.
Miff and Spiff, comedians, cracked
some original Jokes, bringing In the
; names of many members of the fac-
I illUlllr) WUltf illttU IIIIIUlllll t il I'J LU-onv
two clarinet, and saxuphone fiends.
"The Doll Shop", wtilca .followed,, . .
represented a great deal of prao
Mice and work nnd was beuutlful lit
its costuming. A doll shop was de- t
kinds represented. Promptly at the
hour of twelve, the dolls came to
.life and engaged in a frolic, solo
dances and group dunces being pre
sented. In the end the clown failed
, lo get to his place by the stroke of
(one and ended the performance with
' u huge craBh.
I After another short musical skit
i by the comedians, tho vaudeville act,
' indluestion." was put mi. showing
the effects of the various edibles of
. tho baimuet. the stomach at last be
j ing sorely vanuulslied
' Following tho class program, Mr.
I'ercv (Jeoriee Cross und Mrs. Cross,
1 tvangelists who are conducting tho
hurch. enterUilned the studentB.
Mrs. Cross Is a singer who has re
fused attractive otters to sing tn
grand opera and In her charming
way sang "When Irish Kyes Are
Vtnlllng" nnd "l.lltle Papoose" for
he students. Mr. Cross spoke brief
ly on tho subject, "The Secret of
Ttw complete program follows:
I. The Hare, tho Tortoise and Mis
Mable. (A shadow play in six
ller mother Marguerite Oden
I Albert Jamie Smith
Vernon MarKay
The Minister ..Rev. Kd. Kohihagcn
Tho dther" girl Rosalie Kadabaugli
The dog Clare C.eddes
II The Celebrated Comedians,
Miff and Spiff. (Some of Hie hits
of the day. assisted by Miss llln
kle at piano.
HI. The loll Shop. (A one-act play
In pantomine. The cast of The
I Kill Shop contains many of the
most famous actors.)
Shop Keeper .
The Mother .
Little Girl ...
Colonial Poll .
Snllor Doll . .
.lapanese Doll
Ralph llurklngharl
.Vermin Kohlhacen
Lillian Kiln'.
Jennette Gib'-s
....Bertha I'entney
Avery Roser
. . .Trilby Kilbourne
Negro Mammy
.l.ucile Myers
. . ,', u,rl,l Ilallf
Ill 01llIea nun, 'e. ..........
Rag Doll Wllm a
I 11(11.111 ID 1
I'aner Isills
.Maud Prior. Mable
t;trl I .,ll Emma MrKee
IV The following persons anpeared
in a comedy skit, entitled "Indi
gestion." Harold Ilallf. Harry llallL Ruth
Powell. Francis King, Millard Mere
dith. Ilazle llinkle. Islle Rutner,
Manila Young. C.ladys Hunt.
W. F Drager oT Salem, arrived
In thee Itv this morning to spend a
short time looking over his plant
County Commissioner Edwin Wea
ver spent th day In Rosehurg lok
Ing after business matters.