Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 05, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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mv, .trim, n, iso.
Miracle Man" Is
Wonderful Story
Kroiii sordid slums of Ne..
li.iiikU to tu gianuei.a
il,e ( mat is the ran-.e of
i.h setting iu
itie .Miiatle Man, i
u l lit ;;ru mount -Arte rait pu-;
l in .-. pi udmed by (.ieui i;e 1-oai.e
i t,iii. which la cuiiiiu: lo the Ant
l.r's theater April 8 and f. 1 lu
-..i.h- e, unsi.euesa of visiim is iv-1
j't. d in tin absorbing s'ory, v. rii-:
f :l u,- Prank L. I'.ieKunl, iatt:,
.,ju:i;Uvil bv lioofKo M. Cohan, uu.i
rio.liir-d with StllKiUi; SU.C.i Oi
i ,.: ti-t:t'(.l 'Utir.' is a wliiie
I . . , i.itr.:trcii. who lit'e in tin.'
1 iu;u' Uic V.t.J tu.B l.
I ,i j own to 1m al the Hi k um! 1
ii.ij.h-d. Tom iHirke :md his ban.:
i t!.t'ir haunt in the New York mi
, ,i,Mi:d read of his mira-lf.s ami
,,.:.,.'). liii-i.K-;; of tuiHtrJizur.; them
. r their own ai u. i?o iuy
, K.w n . heie the old man ine.
i, .,J name, up a miruele for him. To;
il.-ii si they o i'i that Ik1 '
1 1 I! v ji'jssi h-u s tlio healing power
;ii r.'iiiud to l"i.
i.-.uItiaMy undw tha lciifflili! . .
, : h ir iu'v on vinu; itit'iit tiu'i'f i
. .,1 .1 r- tr.inr tm nu!. i'. n in th
1 ui if" of t))f :cruoks that makf;
I,,,., tie k:in!cs;er's li-aut il'ul dr
,, , 0 ' t-itarntiiiK K-rl i-ho in a
f. nt t evidvts a farm Lainl oui
if .i fund, mid l :ia'lv. brn
, ; ! lu'itt-: r.u. u of . rn t!i'
!!t'd, hoijhistl al. d Tom Unrk
.,,,. !n ihc liaict.s ot fa:i
; 1 iirti"-1 as 'CliiMii 's ,M'i!ia;i, (Jii
i I'.ir, . Jorfi-jdi J. I)ovl!is, lift..
( t..n. and oiIktr of similar
! . i i. il i: powerful .-toiy he'-oiiwrt n
In ni; thin? and one of th
i i i i1 ;t d r:i tafit 'c spr -larK-a tin
.-- v t rcnouUd.
eventually. Then
you will begin to
think of your
summer needs. -
Our stock of
W omen sVests
Union Suits
was never so com
plete, and as usual
our prices are low.
We save you
Vests, 19,25,30,33,50c
Inlon Snits,(55c, 75c, GOc
and $1.75
Ail qualities and styles;
also children's sizes.
lie i .'e.,11,,1 Wr.uni; Marhine.
I.I V nililillV, Auenl.
' ' :l SI. H ..el.i
A Variety ljre !
.'r.11 Mm ii
! iX'.tU.IK AMI lX( K
April 12, Hit), for benefit
or tin-. i.i;.u.i;y 1 t ni
- ,, , 7
lu;" -"'' Ilu-is, 1. gotc.
.... ....o. w. v
VI. n v an.i V. in li
I... an ha.! j 1 1 .--1 r ' .
.-.iillaiuoj U;e lu-.. In
n. s hi i-n t-, ,' ..I'll i.m i i
r.Mliiiia uf llio old I'll:,.
'! Ik- .ilru. litr.. is of l! ..
. I Vi i iy; i l-i n.ui'. . ri . ;
.; !i-o.:.I.!. !
' -l.l-.l. It-, li.i.i;. .ui. I
: o: ,1). ; .:if'. ..,l t-.:.-l.
r 1 1,.-:! ,1:, ;
'it ' ti !cil i I r, .1 l.t :. ,
.1 I rum
In., i.i i. '
... A.l.l-
:in fi a,.-
.:li whi,,
1... .-l.:)!!,
" a.'.l,
'.1 v.-i:.
ion i.r irn
.ri. ni hi' ;t
:.!!'..! aiai
. .11-: il rout tin., h. :
' brar. , cTri ; ami a s
t. i inn. Tito li.lti r is i
a ililii .:
ii.ii pi.
f..r ihi' iui simi i
!( y-. A lm-.'t r'!
- : -v. !' n I'.:
I.. a! ui it1 ui!.' : :t-..v. i'i l
i l.a i ' in the ):': u. r.v
V it'l t!iia r!i:.s'.ii.l-'.:!.
! i:?V'ii:w " a li.e ,
" i i . i ; j ' l " c! up : !: -;
."u. i " a.--n ii M. .i. !:..
W.lli V : I-.. I I 1.1 :
: to .!...' Il't.l- .(
..iMil.'iB of the o! 1 I n.,
TJiiil the l.iiM.liii:, , ii! i
I I 111" .!ll-': :l )..;.!;
:1k- :i...u.-i.i i' ii, ir .lim... i
i" ;'i at it :r.i i ioa. 'i In- inr.
the l rti aiu '. I.v . . .
n iho rm.iplel '!.! .-.r f
:;iial ioiir. and lno-'i'i n s. !
('. W. Pit. :ior ord f'm t.) I'ur latul hmj i,
:.!innl tiii.'r wt .'!--
to dal
I ..II .. t;
ii i.:ak
ii. Hi
Vr. : '1 s Ci-.i-itev ;
' :, ili:-i l.ui... ir. ,,. c,
:.i'int; at the V,'. K. I: .
lr-, Wm. M. Kn.- i'i, I
V'o.l -i:iv f..r r-'a.i i'i a:;
I. T In'; u.'.i.l i. i mi-!oyed
V. .1. llouaril ..-i:l
It ii.'-'il . V to cut-- il!' I i;-.
' rd v. n iti i'i t ton t :'
' fnaai (1 I I'ilnv. s v." ' -t a
1:11,1 :!,.
i I.'.
'.-"'I !:
1 I " ' U I S ' V '.: I''.'!! .r !.'(
U. A. it. (il "'i.i).' I .1 r
.1: e. r.t .1 lu lit" 1
: i II'' :''.-'l ''. " a . " ' '. ii
r .la-
I he
.'. .', .1,1 (.;., V . ; !, ( . .
'!' 'a X'.'e ;il' ;! - -! to !'
':. i.i duirr !.! i 1'-.
Mm. V. It. Kt-el : t I'r
c.i '.. wi'ie U '..i , j: -' ur- '
Hi V. fi. V. T.y .:.
',..!.''.) !-'i'".l! II
'I lie M. K. ill'irrh.
I : : : i : :i r I Crel.'.e r- I ' n I l :
'and r. n -tlv nor s-.. nd-ne :
..-.-k viih r.thi'iv.'s I1 (' :'"'
... ., -. . . p, .
and MuFarland, of llualun.
th ra-'!t at
I'iie ciaiii-li
lill:.:il'' HI
it. tne i ri'3'i:'
il.'lt Minth
.,r h i
I ii w: : n.::n;..
v, r to t..
!i si. Ii.. I.
!: n I'r.iv.i l-'iii-..-
Mrs. J. P. 'i ii
in i ri.'i.M 4
I I., a. i
I iriativtr. at W il'
.. a . ri. '.: O'
Mrs. ioe Cainpliell and i
I I ... t. iK'Utli! .
' h ufa. r. K'n-er Ki
tan Koseourg
School Teachers?
Eastern Oivgon citLo arc 'oiJuiii for their
service?, Vj must p-roviJc more money
in order lo keep our teachers. The pro
posed two mill state-wide fax levy for
elementary schools will help do this.
Vote 314, yes, May 21, 1920. -
r-i::...v..; i'A:;::N'r Ti:,cii;:i:s A.':;.
Fi :.i.i::n'"N' I'.u'kntTkai hki:s A.:.;.'.
L . r.'.nr.NT Tl '-!IKi A-sr:.
kS tjl
ChKcSrcn Cry
X ' 1 ' My.,...,.,.... .
C'J .-' V- f 1 fcy 'Sfl i, . j 1, v. tn ocr,-tary. uoorre tenner
i) ;?7 1 CVK H J a k( , l: ' Jr.. Kooms 2I0-U-12 IVrklni 111.1..
t 41 il K-J t-.j (' tJi m'.!av (! Hth day of April. m.
Vj. j-'.VJ.'l V-. al"' J'K ! V3 -'( 24 . fle-'tluK 'v.mi directors and three
Sis Hint". yuU U.ivc .lw.;yj EuunUt, laid v'ak-i las beea
la u ff over tLiity years, L i; bott.t tl a i tura i.f
t7 t and lias bcea m.:4e n: r tb per
untene :?, I.n:tatKas
ii:.nenmsnw tnat trite with and endaagor f health of
lrii..t;to r.r.J Ciiildren Exi'crience acninst ' raircctit.
c Whet is CASTORIA
tjsi.oru is a ha-mless suVtitute i.T Cr.i.s ir 0... tarcwJc,
lirors and S.oiliing Syrups. It is vh-aLTui:. I; ceauins
u:ither Opium, Morphiue nir other narcotic Sli1 :;:'.jice. Its ia its guarantee. For more than thirty viar it lias
. l"n ,a Cimstnnt tne for ths relief of Constipmiou, Fi-ttulcncy,
Vri:!d Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverurt......; r.rWng
tr.erefrcm, and by regulating the Stcn'.acU and ii iwe';;, alii
th csiiaiilarion of. Feed; Riviue healthy au.l aituril tUe.p.
Tl.s CtUdi'ta's rcaaua Ihe Kotaet's Sik-iii.
cnwuiE CASTOR I A mvAYs
I;c;-r3 the.
In Use For Over 36 Years
The U:r(d You Hsve Always Bought
S'l l liK.W Mi S
Win. I). link.'. Ilaitan T'.liilllTi.-uli.
Ii.h i ilinoi- Sherk, Mi'. Se- etin
e:nr Ml. mill .Mrs. W. .1. Havner.
A. !.. I'.l'.lii .. .i'S .1. W. Cil'.vi'r and
.on Jai-k. K'ss I.. Fianks. Trank .1.
,i. id :i i.i "ti;ii. u; s. .'1.1.1' ji uniar
:i. nr. II. wi ie a 1110:1 c the "itUeilin
. .t- s .t ll.e d..v in this
aa-1 ii: t olid in;
!o I ill. i-
la' 1 1 .1
o I nslli
.-11 I!.' d . ia !!:.; eii
h r.d and att.'i.diir
i matter.
.''is. .!. .1. I.i;;. 's uf Yoa.-lia s;
lau ni'ii; ia lli.s eily ;. iuiiiii!i
and isi;',.i; at liie huliie "'i Ml
I'. O. W. nisle.v.
Oi f o; rke.d rn left lhi. 'I'l.'in.i.n
''r I.e.. ia here ikey v.ill pl-.e fut
1i.n1 . I.I he Kir Ml tllel'. tollH'.llI.
'ih.-y iilai il; y.u at Sulherlli I iM
Mis. Il.d.11 Crei'-i aVd haay, '"ho
have In. 11 vi..l.,K a: the A. ii.
'In- 11 r.'siil.oii e hat tills a'ti'- auea
ti ' ..r'aiiiver v!:."e tie-y will le
sile. lr. (li-.-. a Hi'ii ia intiluyed ia
tie siiiji yards tii.-r w 's iniarei
iii.a': and is jaat rii ov.-rliiK.
A fire alarm rtalltahd fruni the
Ih'iiiMl liu alia;: hail -1' lii.s mi -.1 n
'' ''lil.i' i ill t'le ralliae .uul of the
i i - f di ;i , i t eat .;u ill! i f ii s uf Mil 11 :
were I'ieill'1 isiiini; I'lum tl:e raut
and it vas lluniL-iit tna' 1 1 1 - - a.
wii:- afii" hut eainin 1' pim.-d
ita i .' i V la'i- v had I ea nil" p . . -l
and '....s ii.-lthiiiK neiuk" into Ihe
spaa-e In t e-Mi t . eeilir. ; ami tie
l i I ' .'.. i i s '., 1!: la- ia .da a' 0111...
Loose the
T??K A
P ri ht'X t u
for FZeicks
w bj vr.i cxu.v , J lit litis.
and ju.-t-as-'-x-r
:.T. hllf
Sioriature of
Mll'lt l-i.l'Olt I tllS I t tit
si iii.i: r iii'i:i i:mi-:n r
Sealed propo-aU v. ill lie ri'i-.dve.l
liy the ua.lei .iiiiiicd al his uf.'U'e ia
! eily of l.usei .UI ':. ll lu f. u, !.ie
i. 111.. .Mo.lday. Ap al 1J, IH-II. fur
tho improvement uf Siiriiee Su-e..
iron the north Hue of o..k sin eel
to the Jiortliein lennii.114 of :a d
-leuie sl.ed 111 the e.iy of Hue
iniiK. Oreaon, in tla' n.aaii.'r provi -l
.led liy t'.'dlllallCH ... . 1
.Ml'ldds nm. t !! - ". a; 1! d upon
ik.nk foiin.t wliicii v i'i ia' 'aui sh
I 11 'nil apidii ..l ea la lie- a ad. r
. li ned, and lilll-t he aa lailll.l lllie 1
iy a rertilied cheeU navai le 'o tin
I'll) Tieasiller for ii'.' per of
; he' ainouiil idd, to l... forfeited tu
' ii rllv ill the ni' I tid hid is ae ;
, . and tlie I M i -r shall fall to
eater inla u rnnrinT and hond v. 1 1 It
1' a ;y aiaai' it ill , to the terms el
: ii.1 hid. A hond ol I mi per
uf tin' eontiai'l.
at Fin le y to th
will l.e reauii.'.l l ruin the ro.l
irei-ier. 'I i.e thin- staled ill the pio
I.i al ; fur I'umi h ilin; ll.e work will
he t ..11-idered in awarding the eoll
tra. t.
Tin' ro'.incil hi rel y reserves the
: ; i i r to i any and all h'i'ls.
I!-, u:,!"i' o:' lh" Co'.iilioa
Haled April I, 1 -:-
it i.. wHii'fi.;:.
lie -ot.'er of ti e CJty of it i e
HI!.!, U,, ;.. '. a-' -
voi'h ii rot: i:ii- r"i
sriil.l.T IMI'ltDX lilil N I'
1. s
iielied prure.lls Will he rerehed
by the un-.i r ieie d at his uila... In
ih fit ' "i II"-"' n1 np to a o'l loi' a
' p. 111.. All n.l,.y. . pill I -. I
I tl." i tli. re' air in "I West a:-hin
'-ia Hi:, t Ir" : 111-' we.t line of th:
Itlreaen t: I 'a 1 1 101 Ilia !!. II fo. ti " . I '
,,! v.av lu the e :s' line of Spill. a
I in . .-t in Ih" ! of llus-i u. It. i)ra-
eun. In th" maun, r proviil.-d Uy r
I dim. in e N'ii. 7 I 7.
I All hids must he submitted upon
Idfak fi.rm.i uhtrh will he rami, li
ed upon!'in lo the nnder- and nitisl he a'a'oinpalli'.'il
ay a i-i'ia i i, 1 . li. i'U payable to the
ciiv Tna niur ii.r ti''' ler rent of
I Hi., amount I... I. I" be li.i f.-iie 1 to
: the f itv ill the event said hid Is
,i(,',. . ii mid Ih" bidder shall fail to
1 .1(,.r n,li, a e ai'-ait and hull. I Willi
!'... f.t: ii'' una l" the terms o.
! .1.1 l!u! hull. I uf 1 1)0 p"r re-.l
,.f th" i'i:.t'."i. s .t.slai'tory to tile
i lly, ..all le r. illired Mimi the ro.l
Irai tur. I'i.e tin "-'! in 'he I""'
., ,.,!, tlv- r..a"ie'ia" tl"' w.ek wiil
i. i-m a.i. v in
Ii i. t.
The fn'Mll h
i iflit tu i. i .1 a
IP.' eider uf lb
ill avvalui.-' tin! cull
, '..v r"' "' ves the
, and nil bids,
fn "inu n fonm'll
luii- 1 Apiil 1. f-
i: l.
1 Wllll'I'i.i:.
uf io'e'.,lllv
I i .rur.ler uf tie' i a:,
: v,,Tll T III' 'il'l Ml'1 1 I'I its1
i. I TiM. i'i 1 "'' X
i .;;i)Uii:s' shi1'I'
N ''a
ai.iur I
. M. r. ".' f.iven. tleil th'
...tin.' "1 III- stuil.iiuld-r: i
i.i I... In l I
li e ( il V li.lll. I''!.''
1 lit; Sit '"t 1. in til"
' ui Ivu-elai '-' '". "n .' ill illl y ti'";
h 4.. v i.f M'-il. I'.'-1'. lit i'li'in
a; jr, tie fuie-oiin uf said day.'
fut lie' pa p..
p ,rt "f ih- I
liar a"ia-:
nf r ini! the re-
d ut I lire, lie s and i
, ., i hi., i. a. i-;
..I .-riy ui I, "fore ;
i 1 lie "1 :l:r
I t' i
at :..
l. i i.'
: d.iv .'' M ireh
iik li liielas fuiinty
. I i It . .1 It .
P inrl Jast received a large shipmer.t.
B f fi M , 4 riy oiutiivi is aetonu iu nunc
Notice Is hereby given that th
an rui 1 1 meeting of the Hto. khulders
reiving tlio annual report of the
is t i-etuiy. mid tmiidat't'intr imy and
nil such o'hev luisiiH'ss ns may pro
W'Tlv eonie Pefore s:iid inpetins-
I .ted nt K()st'hurK. Orison, this
.'Mst day i.f V jr-h. 1!L'0.
alO C '.i(M-! XKVNKTt. JR.. Pec.
i b'ul! 11 -:V.! ru .!. , nolea with rub
, her luet. $2.7"; tuM Neolin ruh'.'r
iolo with ! i'el. 2 5i;fn'.l I'oittiin 1
! t'lihher soh with nilmrr heela U J5
full leather ko!o with heels $J mi
larger soles in promrtion. Portlai l
half rubber tmles $1 25; Neidin $1.30
I'tkide $ 1.7 .; Winn Kont nibl-oi
heels. C)r- I'.ptlTi-s f t ;pa WH, 50c
and Portlands CO cents.
All. Wnhlt IM i.i;n., ,pm'H ; PieiS
fi:ll h-ai!'.'?- heel 75 r: l.i.'ies' leather
vps. pe: pair 1! T c; Ciibaii st. heel.
l-V; new Ctihan heel. i,c; nien
lialT le :her sole. h-ay. $1.?.".;
, I i';:er in pneiort'en. Women's
i half sides $1...; l.n re fir.P; Hoy a
' I chrome leather, nail: etc , for
tboM that do their own work. Ah)
all kinds of 1h strim-s, polishes.
Ureases, ete. Also new used shoes :i-J
. new o:ies. Have lso ni0 used nnV.
shoes which w-ill be hero about the
-!th. Our machinery Is up to date,
: and as pood us found in any of th
! larger cities.
Township Maps
Show-ins 0. & C. Grant
Lands subject to entry
April 12th. $1.50 per
Abstract Co.
I f I ' I V I IK'T . r . ii
Music and I duc alion
Managed by
Accredited Teachers Only
3 1 lit lali-il' iiihimI hit; My I'll.cii'tit C
r-i irm in r nim lint -fiiN u t 01111
Kill MT Cfllt H H II I lit' Slltlf htH .
1 Kohlha.'n Bhlg. I'I one 3U0
One of the most beautiful
h mcs in Rosel u"r.
If you expect to live here
permanently an will pay
the price for a good home,
you can't beat th's.
Call at Office for
I'lInHi il l I
Farm Wanted, Exchange
WANTKIl Metiiine puiie's and
III lilf.l. rinse In. K I I' ve! land.
Ho ml improvements, eiiiipped, or
general laim fan lo r out with
part level and seme alfalfa,
ril'lliinn water. K" "I liapinve
i, a nts, she p. storK. .- i u l fi iii'-nt . JO. 'in'1 lo 1 1'i. I fer
in eyehallK" oil" of the best bllsi-
iii..ji i lii Hun' las County, no
cnnijieti'inll, sales about $ u.ti 'I ')
per year, r n he di n'ihil with
mote rapl'al " l l ibn fuliy.
Iiiiutl'iil. prlie and all cuailif oris
In fiist letter or mi utteniloii
lioxllJJ Runlurg
l. t MIS
the State. Special Kodak Deft. C. V. . CLARK, ?roi.rietof
Stock nit full and widely varied at prwtent.
Styles were never prettier.
Materials never auy bettor.
You have everytldnK lo (.nln liy purvhaalng now.
1.KT 1'8 SHOW YOI'
Heavy Weight
I I 1
you get when an order is placed with us for
electrical work of any kind. We are right
on the.job to serve you promptly and most
efficiently. .
123 N. Plain Street Phone 447
Our Family Laundry Service
A help (lint will simplify your psrtlrulsr washilny problems
so. h Is our family laumliy service. Our driver cnlls for your Is'n.
II; bundle at u ilef.n to lime :ici week, sinl we'll do your wa.ti
in". in our ens' niiiiiry considerate and sanitary manner.
wrx if
- -
Fast Color
Moderate Print
That hinken machine purt can
be readily welded by our effi
cient oxy-actyletio process. Wo
make u specialty of welding
heavy steel. Iron and inetul
fianus. bases, wheels, shafts.
Rears, etc. The only metjioj
that Kets results that last la
our weld liit method. Your
machine will continue to give
you Koud results.
Empire Barn Huildiiiff
tiemely delightful. You will
enjoy every momeut. The lat
est has made a hit eery
whero. It t so light, easy to
run anil durable. All owners
are enthusiastic. Ridu one
and It will be a revelation to
n. w. JAMES
icnetal Iti'iirth' Hhofr--
.North .ln kson St.
Roseburj National Bank Buildlu