Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 05, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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Tuoight and Tuesday,
Reaches Ow;?
17000 Readers
In Which i Included The Evening New and The Roeburg Review
t.. v,
feay C. Scott Frequent Visitor
to Roseburg bnot Dy kod
ber In Seattle.
Vas K:Wenwl "' l'lllMlia ""'e'
KolluHiiiK AllniilaiH'e kt l-.iks
t'.mvi iition ut lilmiutli
I alls.
Scott, a friend of S. P.
Kiank linger and well
luanv other residents of
killed in Seattle yes-
i J.iy by
in: E. ('adv. and stripped his body
el :he pro ecda of tl.e six robberies
tliUii they had committed together.
I Stutt, v.Iij ut the time of bis
4ta;h wai sen met as deputy aberiff
tt Seattle, was all ex-private diiec
of I'm .Kind and Tor more than a was employed by District At
Un,' I0va::s ae a special a'nf ii.
flie .ii.-tKtisation of iiruuibition vio
la; ions, lie formerly resided In Sa
leni and was in the employ of tho
mate, operating out of the office el
the lale Governor Wtthycombo a ai
iu,r investigator, in that capacity
be visited in Hoseburg on many oc-ca-iens
and was well known here.
Me vifiled hero for several day? re
nt!y on his return from Klaniall
Falls where he attended the Klks'
Mate convention. He was registered
at the I'mpqua hotel anil remained
ill tl e eit lor snine time. He leaves
iiwife and two children.
I 'a Held Without PiuuPe!.
ah'.nlav night's series of robber-
!ltV. oilininaiiug in the shooting i
Stall ami the killing of the robber
hf ".'ilackie," Seattle polieo officers
said, ;s without a iiarallel '
crlmin il history. The two robbers
Marled -Nii-ly Paturday uibt haltiii'r
i't:toii:ol ile parties. Five iiiaeiiiues
were 3to ned on a lonesoirtei 'stret"b
of lead rear llenlon, the oceuijantj
rbbiied of their valuables and then
lid to a n.rbv cornfield, where the
wen- bound y.aged and left.
' lieiimy SI evih Seo:t with llerbcit
F-e! i'. And.-. v, William
P.we. iien iind .-:d. HuiheH, all depu
ties, had spen- the greater part of
Sauirdi'v tilie noon on a lntirde:
rt'.ith of the eit r and reported buck
(t tlie county ji il at I a. tn. this
irninsr. They Uarned at that llm.)
f lite series of Mitomobile robber
1k south of the cl:y and set out at
ItuhlK-rs t'aimht fit Work.
They scoured the roads m Ihu
j-triit until 1:4.) ii. m.. whin liii
bujipeiird upon the two lubbers,
giins drawn and ppureMnn rr-...-Ik:k
of two automobile parlies at
Cainier av'Miue and Donovan stree.
4 lew ulo t;s inside the city limits,
j ' I'm up ;jir liand;," one uf ih.
.e,MHie i.ied out. Seott had no'
stM m d wit of too machine yet. The
dMei.y'.- tomiiiand was met v'th i of shot: from the robbers.
li'-pi'Mc siiubt cover, better to
B':.!' the outlaws from tile
i: of persoi:s star.ding in the
K.adv.-.iy with their hands up and
l"ti o.iened lire. .More than a scoro
1 fl:o;.i were exchanged. Amid tlr
td of let ' the ifTputies the
n.iibi r, pointing their gnu at the
1.. II. A. Klvi, of tO.Ol'O Itainie
t1 i-'iue. commanded him to speed up.
I I iiinni ill Auto.
1 uh (lie disappearance ot the
J a nun bine down the road, the
J:ail:es c.nie into the op-n. eullilli.
Si'ott to start their car. Seott re
:ii!il iiintionless in his seat. On
run l:;s side he wa found dead.
' !u . .,i t;.e head. IIIp nortfM
J 'e luin'd Inside out by the roii-
r" and his g.tu and money were
t The ;emiio mim.1 tin,.!
s'r that thv - mmM.. In zive
H. is heeau'e tli: wiring nr. th. ir
"r ' e. ti cat by (h- rubb. is. In
"' -antinie, i;:,a urged km car to
' 1 ni bs a tnwsrd the nu.hi
I- "f th. . ity. r,..,,,i..,l bv HirMts
l the tubb r in the seat behind tli.'l
c kill h!m if ne s'l.'liencd speed,
j leiiiler KU: I'lir" ill t ar.
l e had Kpc-n under way but a few
:iui . whon a shot was fired
I " ' in. I'r: r to that tne he
t:' i !: 'be hum of conversation he
i he two robbers. After that
I' rd 'be V, i.-o r,f r.L- ..r,,.
t', o
rtit Ihe liiU7.z!e o'
sttirst his head and shouted to him
e I ,, tutxor. - The car was
B'-.ting bf.i;r ,,, 00 an hour
i, ".'L' '""' c -r 'lathed by, g-iiiil
io th. trene of the rh'.vry.
'! I'M suerne and Pike s'reet.
ait of thP business i'ls:rtct.
Jr' wis ordered to
top Coveriiis
revolver the rr.l.her
-are he
d hi. r.mnn..i..
"neT. iewelrv .n.i - !.. " ,
fci. , ' ",n an revolver r
is pgcktts and thn Ueparfii
Ward the
Eua uutlfti ollce ai ..n e A
cordon of polk, as thrown about
the entire dlftri :t. Sear.h vt mudo
of every room tn every bouse. Lalr
dozens of other oftlccia were pressed
Into setvl.e and scop of the ?arch
was enlarged. However, no time o(
the murderer wna found.
I. E. Staples who Is Interested in ,
many of the enterprises at fleeds-1
port, is a candidate for the slate,
senate according to the follo-vlug i
from a Portland paper: Isaac Sta-1
pies has announced himself as a !
candidate for the republican nomf-j
nation for state senator from Mult-!
noniah county. Mr. Staples says be I
candidate as a business man.
is a jeweler. There has been 1
a rumor for several months that j
Mr. Staples would enter the race
and he confirmed these reports by '
making public declaration.
Fined For Robbing
Railroad Cabooses
"lllackie," a drug edict ,
which is only uanii ; P. S. Spinas, boss wiper at the
liiowii im the murderer, panic. ) local roununouse. was tinea iu sat -
m nix automobile robberies liiturday evening after pleading KUllly
ic'.fle Satuidav night and in imiK-twhen charged with having pilfered
T' ........ ',,..t i, vi .M. ,.,,coa
llie murderer, pui tic'. J local roundhouse, was fined $.0 Sat-
HIS r...i.u ...... , . " . .
Soil murdered his compau-; Spinas was assigned to tue task of
seeing tlint the caliooses were fiup-:
.lied wtth coal nnd took advantage :
f nnlu.w..niv hir him.nir
'o articles of minor value bel mt;ing
'o mcmbera of the train crews. When
uptured !v a clever rufe nlaved hv
t. P. Detective Frank Rogers he
'nnfessed tn the crime and Informed
he GlTI'ers of the hiding places or
he other stolen articles. He was
rraigned before .Inst ice of the V? n- 'Z B,'a,e"f f
It. Kiddle Saturday and after fBnl , , vaue of $,0 00
leading gulltv paid a fine of V'iO.
Me also forfeits his position with the
railroad company.
Camas Valley Girl
Returns Home
Welcome .Marihwlnle has lust re
turned home from her trip to Port
Innd, where she received the beau
tiful sold medal awarded her hy
The Telegram for her essay on the
subiect of "What Are the Benefits
of Ai Enlistment in the United Sta
tes Army?" She received besides
her trip to Portland and the beau
tiful medal, (which bears the seal
of the State of Oreeon. around it
being engraved on a background of
royaj blue. "U. S. Army nrize con-
ut, on me iru k i iii iip-iiiii
being the words. "From the Tele
gram" and her nainet, a handsome
largo loving cup given by the re
cruiting office.
Welcome is a nappy little girl as
slfce tells her class' mates of the
wonderful reception that was given
her and the other contest winners.
On arriving 1" Portland the winners
were escr- up to the council
chtmber of the city hall where Mav
or linker presented the rewnrds and
where they listened to talks by Lieu
tenant St6vens, Colonel Brooks of
Washington, D. C, George S. Clarkr
and others.
The winners were then taken to
luncheon as guests of the Telegram
at the Hazelwowi and later the ma-
n-iger of the Pantags theater acted
as host for a then'er party. Thev
were also g-iven the oppo (unity to
iew the Columbia River Highway
The Camas Valley school has suns-
ly been made happy to think that
one of her students should have won
such laurels.
Card Party Given
An April Fo:il card a;-tv. spon
sord by the members of the Needle
Cr It Knibro'derv Club, took pltf
In. the I. O O. F. hall nt.Yomt'lla
on the evening of April First. Ttie
memhershin or he club -includes the
nialoritv of vountr women In Vrtn-
calla, and each member or the club
-this nccanfofi was privileged to
Invito at least three friends The'
hall was attractlvelv arranged with
Ivy, evergreons and sprlne flowers.
Ten tables were arranged for card
playinr. the game most In favor be
ing .1(10. Several musical numbers,
and good natured April Fool stunts
-dde-1 variety to the evening and a
dainty luncheon was served.
Popular Couple
Married Saturday
J. . Woody and Olga L. Erklur.d
oth rroniiricin reMdtuts of tho Win
chester victnitv. wrre nwrried at t!i
courthouse late Saturday afternoon.
tuiiii. Jiciur- ti. j. .-iiewari oniClUi- i no ceremony ritnaser,
by only a few of the immediate rela- to rt th net proprietor r.t.irfeti rif
tive, of the contracting parties, lioih ; fn eooi, nhnpe A E Morten ays
.f the principals are well knovn In ! that he has enloved a good hnsPnrs
his county and hav a hosf ntmVrr since stirting the store sad
srien-is who extend taeir mngiatula-
tmns ana veil wishes. They Willi
make their home at WfnchtiT. j
r j
O. B Frank left Sunday evening
for Portland where he will spend
several days transacting business af-
to- fair. '
; Council Will be Asked to Pro -
vide Furniture and Equip
ment For City Hall.
i-esent Xo l'litve Ik I'rovlded "for
Valuable Record to Keep
Tlieill From Loss hy Theft
or U- l-'lre.
The construction of n concrete
vault to provide u safe place for val
uable city records, bonds, etc., will
be considered by the city council at
las regular ineeling tonight. This
matter has been coi.uld.-red for sev-
eral years, but no uetloa has been
taken. The purchase, -however, by
,, - - " "
'ne Purchase, -howe
c"y of 8''ve,ul bo1111 1BSU';
i necessary a more secure pi:
issues makes
necessary a more secure place for
,. ,i k.. ha.
-"-"""" i
'""J ,,u """i
An '"P"" of the bui.dinit was
"la(lp yesterday by Conncilnuin AI i
treason, who found the ou en fix-
tun's to be dflapblaied and p:itl-:u-.
, and il is finite proba'ee that in con
' mction with Hie vault the council
will consider the purchase of addi
tional furniture and equipment for
the office.
In fact, an Inspection of the cliy
have been kept in a small tin box. ;
filed away in a cabinet composed of
iiiflamable materluls. Tht'He bondw
were stamped only with a small rub
ber si amp, and a pnron so Inclined
rould havg eabily a.ioltn the bomU,
erased the canrollation nmrkn with
bnl little trouble and at a sm.ill rl?k
hnvn otiained the interest for rov
eral years. The city has ubsohff
no place in which to store nuch
papers, the large safe being filled
beyond capacity with the actual cash
and records of the treasurer.
Not only !hip. but practically any
check paid out by the city treasurer
can be raised if it ohences (o fall Into
proper hands. In spite of numerous
requeds, the council has failed to
nrovide the office with a check pro
tector, nnd checks are being given
n. representing largo
sinus al'so
i from the
inu.y without, prottcii
unscrupulous persons who ofien at
tempt and succeed in raising the
amounts on such clieckn. This state
of afters isiiut more ) plnrahlc than
the other fixtures of Ihe city office.
Th-- Interior is nadlv in need of reno
vation, and tin floors should be
covered with nlw linoleum. Couueil-
man 'reason suited, following his
inspection, that he would recommend
that the improvements be made at
nce. ard will probably. nt reduce
;uc'i n prnposnl at this evening's
Another Important ma'ter which
ttie council wH consider tonight is
the passing of the ordinance provid
ing for the cMiiifr of nn clccsion to
vote on th. pr" Eied bonding act for
a municipal light and water enni-
nrtv, ThH ordinance, which In being
drawn bv the citv attorney, will call
for the cancellation of nil previous
bnd rud will refer the mat-
er of t'ie ismifne of new bond- to a
--ne of the people at the May elwv
. o
Local Youne: Lady
Is Elected Delegate
Dorothea Abraham, a well known
voung lady f-em this city anil Alice
H row n another girl of Jhe OieEon
Airr'ctflural College, who is'stndent
secretary fur the northwest wei e
elected delegates to represent O. A.
C. atbe V V. C. A. national con--t.tion
- n Clve!and this month. Th"
fallowing of'leers have also
elected for the coming vear:
Do-ethe-i Ahrsham. president
ma Scharpf. vice- president; Marv
Hill, secretary, and Dorothv KNl
wards. treasurer were Installed Th
mpmbers of theflrst cabinet. KMen
Jhnon. religious education; Win
nifred Hazen, world fellowship;
Grce Maxwell, finance; Martha Ov-
erstreet. membership; Marearet
, Iop-s. publicity: and Gladys Miller,
1 social service, were also Installed.
T!e folio wlni; from Nor'h Pnn 1
Harbor will be of Inter. t'Llo-al
"eirlents: Mr. K, T. Btumri! n
Poe org Is here and hps taken-over
the Morten store, and will continue
Npv. Ufii. Frank Mortem
oj v ut.,nA (vr.M
i,, arA nal .n n.l
thnt his onlv renon for vlllr.r ras
'hat h has too much work on h ind
to giv (t the necessary a'tnf Ion.
Mr. Blundell Is known on the hay
and 1s recommended as a rood busi
ness man, and will no doubt ).ep
th nlac up to Its oresent high stan-
dard. - e
Switchmen Walkout When Un -
authorized Orders Are
Received Today.
Tucking; (.'oiiiiioule An Forced to
Suspend Work 1'ntil Situation is
t.'kulvd and as Itesult
Thousands Are Jobless.
CHICAGO, April S. Train service
throughout the Ohicugo district, al-1
though seriously crippled by the '
snow storm, is virtually demoralized i
'"a"5' bv hB spread of an unauthor-1
m'. ''S
reports Irom the 11 railroads affwl-
".l. rearing possible riots. Chief of
Police tlarrity early- today places lu
i May Lose Jobs.
CHICAGO. Aunt 5. Fifty thou-1
- sand stoekvard i einoloyes may be
thrown out of work tonight as the : his allegiance.
result of the strike of Ihe switchmen! Since last rail Major Stehliu has
In the Chicago railroad yards, thejbven lighting In the avlulloii branch
officials of the packing companies j of the Polish army and In that set
said today. Five thousand were laid ' vice took part In the Polish drive
off today and others will follow as which threw the Ilolsheviki out of
soon as the small receipts or animals j Dvtnak.
are disposed of. Chicago's milk sup-; Siehlln, who was formerly a life
nlvi was seriously threatened, this ; Ruard at Shecpshoad bay, Brooklyn,
morning, but the railroad .officials
promised to make every effort to
keep the milk trains running.
Rlixuird Sweeos MInnhhi-I.
blizzard which swept Missouri yester-1
day destroyed the entire peach, ap-1
pie, cherry and nlum crops, causing
losses of. millions of dollars, accord-1
ing to Information given out hy the
state board of agriculture. .
oiiPiy ij;nr.
nr,i nun, ixjjiii o. i'-uii tuliiir , ana nnmsons scciors. Aiier uie nr
in the Micliignn primary today was tnistlce he returned to the Tailed
evidently affectpd by the Kaster , States and Is said to have joined the
Mtortn, as tho turnout of voters is j aviation section of the New York
generally lighter" than expected. ! police as captain.
ltolslieviki A'-e AuvuncJnr.
laONDO.W Apil 5. On the Call
tj)B(aN fr(.;( ;h(I. Holshevikl am ad
vancing along ihe Ulaok Sea toward
Mchougshuia, northwest of Tonpase,
according to an official announce
ment from the soviet government In
Moscow today.
Mining Heiress Found.
VllICAGO. Airi! 5. Juune De
Kay, missing heiress, was founfl to
day when the body of a young wom
an taken rrom Lake Michigan by the
police was Identified ns that of Mis
DeKuy by tMe gold fillings In the
te;th and the black Oxf'(rds and cor
set she voce, both of which were
labeled "Made in Switzerland." Miss
I Kay. a ward uf Jane Adams, dis
apruard several months ago. Her
father is a wealthy American now
living in Switzerland.-
Women Pickets Arrested.
wonien picketing the British embassy
today, advetiiHing the freedom of
Ireland, arrested by the police,
An hour b.'fore the police Inlervned,
two Washington women atiacked the
two pickets then "on duty" at the
emoasy, ami ontve on away aner
dftroying her banner. The women
making he attack were arrested.
Miners Are On Strike.
PITTSM.'ltG, Kansas, pril 5.
Two t housand miners employed in
ten mines of lhe Kifnsas coal fields
are on strike today, it wh Announced
this afii noon.
Fiuienil lo He Hatnrdiiy.
POHTLAND. April 5. The funeral
of Bishop Matthew S. Hughes, who
died in f'leveland yesterday, will
probably be held Saturday. Hia
brother, also a Methodist bishop, has
bert asked to brinp the body here
for 1 liner I und iiiti-rnxni at Salem.
Hixir Vetv Tri;tl Mtoii.
MON'iKSAN'O, April 5. Hearing
on a motion for a new trial for the
seven alleged I. W. W., convicted of
SHContl decree murder in c-onnwtion
with the slaying of Warren Grimm,
hi Cntri!ia on armistice day, began
f t 10 o'cbK'k tiiis morning.
lied Are Itelrellntf.
DI'SSKf.HOKF. April 5 Thf
Itefchswehr troops occupied Mul
heim. eau of Imishcrg. loday and the
red are retreating to Ksscn nnd the
south. Tg" Kt'icliHwehr are march
ing on F.seu.
t i (! Anirachloe.
WASHINGTON. April 5. The
I'nited S'aies i. expi cted soon iu
ni-'ke no iniuirv of France i h to her
inteiHions regarding advancing fur
ther into Gei ninny. it wa learned.
The cuviTiim' 'tt will vrobHbly nsk
how far the French propos- to go
and will Inonire as to the truth of
the report - that the French intend
to occupy Cnblenz, Cologne and other
mi it.ot arc n the nre;t itcrunmd
by the American and British troops.
Action to prevent the use r,f Ameri
can troops In firmany In the event
of srmed Cfmflict between French '
and Cerman in the Knhr dl?
nict, may be considered by the sen-,
ate, should the siMiai ion reach
crfsis, the Wader said.
Forh iK-rLliiiff I net or.
PA HI A April 5. French military
miHiuifi dnstlned (o force the Qer- In IMS csMualHs rnostly slightW In- Lida Wert, who v.H! alo rcn.! -e-ninn
gnverninf-nt to withdraw Its J tired. The militaiy ffirccs ar hi' eral ilays here. Thoy are makluit a
troops from ih Ruhr basin ara low control of tbt situatioa. jur of th coast.
Is Now Fighting With the
Lettish Troops and Has
Wonderful Record.
Will Not Hot in ii to I'ioalc Duties of
Lifeguard ui fuse U nr Should "
Kud in l-:urxM Has Kouglit
I'nder f-'olir Flags.
(By ARsociuted Press).
WAItSAW March 1 6. ( Uy Mail ) .
Major Joseph C. Siehlln, a 23-
year,,d nviaior of' Brooklyn. N. Y
, who already has fought In three ar-
ha 1(, tl) ,j () enlllirull.
. Akt ,,, lluK lu lhe Wlir
i ..i .ile iinsaian llulslievlki II
his services are accepted he will have
served under four iluga lu four years.
The colors of Krauce. America. Po-
1 land and Latvia, lu turn, have won
went to France In Juuuary, lit 17,
and Joined the French flying corp,
where he won two citations and wa
promoted to be sergeant for aiding
fellow aviators attacked by German I
When the American army, came:
over to France Siehlin tianhferred
his Allegiance to- the American ring, ,
i received a commission as first lieu- i
I lenuut of aviators, and took part In
i actions in the umuumtgno. ernun
Last September he Joined the Po-
i lish forces recruited In New York
I was commissioned as captain.' came
; to Poland and was assigned to duty
I ou the northeastern front. He spent
, four months with a Polish flying
: ?:!iindrou, the only American Willi
the Poles ou that particular front,
i and participated in all tho aviation
j work precedlng'and during the Po
. lish attack on the Ilolsheviki in the
region of Dvinsk.
Stehlin has flown over parts of
France, Belgium, Spain, Russia, Po
1 land, Lithuania and the I'nited
; States, and hns hones soon of seeinc
; Letvia and Uiga from the air in his I
I service vith the l'tl
Major Stehlin hji.vs he has no Ides
(what vocation he will take up if the
; war ahould vnd over here, hut he
i feels certain that he can never rn
back to the prosaic duties of a life
; guifrd stthe beach. That game Is
' not exciting enough for a man not
! vet 24. who has fought under four
j flags.
j o-
: nri1 n L
ClTfl mlllCT KCLtlCtl
Be Sub-Divided
Sam Miller is throwing over U.O
acres of his ram h Hi IHllard on the
market. H owns the pi-eater por
tion ii- Itillard Bottom and was re
luctant to sell il as it has been a
splendid paving proposition, hnt has
long been ffrged to divide this land
rind does not louver wish to retard
the development of that section. Tho
land is pijual, at least, to any land
In Oregon not only for Its productive
finacity and variety of cmps grown
but its earlineHs. Su h crops as ber
rlen, tomatoes, melons, broccoli, etc,
will always reach the earl'est mar-!
ket and cm te grown whiln orchards!
may be developed if desired. This '.
land fs all sub-irrigated and will be'
ottered In tracts from 5 o 20 acres'
each. The Pacific highway Is now.
paved through this property and the!
H. I depot and village adjoin the
ranch, while the heiutlfiil Sou'h. I
I'm poll a river which flows pat this
ranch adds much to the charm and
attractiveness of this new and Pr'
gresstve locality. A townsite mav iff
platted and businesi and residence ,
lots will be rVTerfd fur s.ile no doubt,
prior to the romp'etoa of the Too
Bay roftd. G. W. Young Son have.
the handing of this snb-divtHion
Chnrh-s A.
turned last
of S'ttherlin.
from a trip
in the hands of Marshal
. entirely
the ft-reigu office ;iid today.
Agreement s Itc.irheil. 'Someone notled an over lnuid;in"
COPKNHAOKN. Apill An 'of smoke coining from a neighbors
agreement to end the general strike chimney and turned in an ulaim.
which resulted In forcing Klngj s-
Christian to dif-mins the cabinet, has Mrs Pr d Swarlr. tod; iceive'
been reached by the employers and v ord that her nehe. K,:or of
workmen. 1 I a Crosse, Wis., Is on her way to
F.uHter Hundii Mairn. 'this city for a iit nnd fhonld ar
JKHUSALFM. April 5 A con- rive about the middle of th" month
fllct here on Faster Sunday result d She j Hcompunied by a fi i t.d. Me-
I'ortlund. While In the metropolis 1
he culled upon County Commissioner!
V. K. St. John, who is still very ill.
Mr. St. John underwent a throat op-'
eiatlon on March , nnd this resulted'
In tousllltis, which led to un lulec
tlon of the tluont and ear, a second
operntlon being necessary by a large
ulicess. He has been coiifineil to his!
bed for the major portion of thei
time and is mi 1 1 1 unite 111. although
he Is recovering slowly. He is un
Uer the constant rare of a physician
ntid will be forced to remain in
Portland for some time yet. Mr.
Stark is acting as his agent and speut
the day In hosetiurg attending to
Us matters.
RACK UtOM Hill'.
C M. Mynatt. candidate at the
coming primary .lection for county
uouiuit'i, un luiunitu i rum a i rip
I to Uleudale, Riddle, Myrtle Creek.
ICauyouvillo and other points lu tin
south end of the county, lie leaves
soon for C.urdiner, Ki-edsporl, Klk
ton, Scuttsburg, Kellogg, Drain.
Voncalla and all other points in Ihe
northeru portion of the county, lit
expects to spend about a week or to
days visiting there lu the lurth-:r
ance of his candidacy.
Clearing Ground j
For New Garage
Workmen today started breaking '
ground for the MIcellt-Hoover gar-1 h"vp K ' P'vp place to more
age, to be erected on North Jackson 1 modern methods of communicating
street on the Kpace now occupied by ideas.
China Sam's store. The building Their purpose is not only io slm
now occupied by China Sam will not i pllfy China's handwriting system but
be lorn down null! he has had stiff i- to give the country a common tongurf
cient opportunity to move his stock I to replace the present-day babel
to a new location. A large Hum to i which renders even th native who
ansint the aged merchant was raised i Is awav from his own home district
by the sale of tags StUunlay and he I almost as helpless as a foreigner,
will soon be provided with a new lo- The system of phonetic script now
cation. The concrete garage will he urged upon the Chinese was worked
rushed to a hasty completion and
when finished will he occupied by the
Service Garage company, which will
be composed of Menu Taylor and hlr
brother from Albany, Who are lo
operate a comple'o garage in addi-
j (oll 1o an uuf0 Hai(s agency
Plans For School
Building Received
County School Superintendent O
I C. Brown this morning received tin
' plans for Ihe proposed JJU.iUMl h!gl
'school building which Ihe voters o!
, Jteedsport are now cm-duet'In. An
election will br held within lhe very ,
t tn ar future for Hie purpose i.i con- ,
siilering the issuance of bonds in (
that sum. and as lhe Heiittinent is ;
vei'y strong lor the erection of such ;
a slruciure. it Is finite probable tUat ;
It will be built. The p ans wen
drawn by Aichllect Mnrrgraf, of Ai
bauy, and provide for a building two j
land most modern ennvenii'Hcrs am !
appliances. II Is proposed to consult- ;
dale the several districts In that lo
cality for the purpose of building this
fine structure. According to law. the j
plans mint be approved by Ihe conn- j
ty superintendent before the school
house can be built.
Fire Patrol Plans
Summer's Work
W. J. Lander, supenisor of Ihe
Douglas county fire patrol, is ixpeer
j d to arrive in Kos burg within the
! next few days to make prepiir-tt.ons
for the work of the coining stavm.
, Il is exiiected thut a great amount of
1 new trail will be constructed and
eoiisld'ratit ouaiitHy of dd trail
cleared. Some of the trails have b'-en
o erg row n and tnen will be pul to
work at once removing Ihe surplus
uudert'i owl ti, which is hindering
travel. Telephone lines will alo 1h
exfended und ctuislder able cui-'t me
lt tve work accomplished bet'ol e I lie
i Ore fighting seaaou.
SAC HA f KNTO. f'al.
California frtiignen. canners. ship-'-'rs
and all Dm ho who are connect
ed will) tho fruit IniHineMH in an v
wnv have every reason to feel opti
mist : over t'ie com fin: cron. s.i v-t
ChmlpH B. Mills or the CalifoMila
Fruit Idstrlbutors. IHMs has inst
returnt'd from a tr'p .of Inspection
thirmgh the I'rult districts and sayn
he has Pevt r Keen ."oiHlit iot;s mor t
ideal than they now at, with every
Indication of a biiinp"i crttp. Ann (L
tn to Charter K id-n the h-.,i;
season prdi?tby wl! open two week
eailler this spring than hint. Th's
wilt tiring chei rft into sh hiring
condition shortly after tluujnlddle of
I The fire depart nice was calbd to
l.avt Lane street Sihhtv ah'itit noon
I but its services wan not needed.
Future Generations Will Only
Have 39 Characters In
Their Alphabet.
Tyiwwrllew Will Also Re Included in
the Ttitie-Nnviiitf Process
Pbuiietic Proinotloii Coin
liiittae ut Work.
j' SHANGHAI. April 5. Chinese
I future gi;neiuiloiiH will write
phouftlc script nnd use a typewriter
i with only 3!) diameters Instead of
plying a brush to draw 10.0UO or
j more hieroglyphics, If mission work
j ers succeed lu an effort th.v aro
making to revolutionize handwriting
in use lu China for mote than 4 Out1
years. The work of the missionaries
is at liHt beginning to receive offi
cial panel Ion and they entertain
iinnpft Unit iwent ii nil v I h fhlnptm
brush, ink block nnd ink tablet win
out in Kngland In 1!03 by Wang
Chan. Besides Its 30 characters. It
contains 10 numerals. There are
no cnpitals.
Hev. K. O. Tewksburv. of Shang
secretary of the China Sunday
schnool union, nnd a member of tho
phonetic promotion committee, who
hns devoted HO years to teaching In
China, has put the new script Into
use on American tvpewrltera with
complete success. For this purpose
ivprwiitevs with blank type faces are
obtained rrom tha factories nnd the
characters are cut from these faces
here by Chinese engravers.
That the Pekln government at
taches Importance to tho effort helm;
4- L
ad" is r-een fit the . following CX-
ei pfs from a rvceut mandate -hMtied
iy the ministry of education.
"We recognize that because of the
'ifT'Tince between our cHssicnl and
spoken language, education 1 n the
rhooN males slow progress and the'
keen edge of the spirit of union, both
'etween inilivfdua'H ami in society at
large, has thereby been blunted.
Moreover, if we do not take prompt,
eps to make the written and
spoken language the same quickly,
any plans for developing our civiliza
tion will surely fail."
Supt. Aubrey Smith
A ttends Convention
I Aubrey CI, Smith, superintendent
of schools, returned to this cily Sun
i day fnun Spokane, where he hns
'been attending Ihe Inland Kmpiro
' Teachers' association, which met
' II.. re la tt week. This meeting la
I fnie of lhe biggi st of Ihe educational
! conventions, ami this year had an
! attendance or over 2 lou teachers
; 'imm M-mian-i llaho, Wadiiugtoii
and Oregon. Tint best known speak
ers this year were president Burton,
newly tdected head of the I'niversity
r M ichigan, at Ann Arbor, und
Hugh H. Mrflill, (b id secretary of the
, Nai ion il Kducal I. .rial association,
with headtiui'rters at WashliiKlon, I.
C. Mr. Mcf'.lll expects to visit in
Hoseburg about May 1. and will
probably address several meeting
The a:snrli.flon. nrrording to Supt.
Smith, was highly In favor of thn
proposed millage tnx bill for school
in this state, and also recommended
a minimum salary of $1200 for
leacle is of normal training. Kn--fiuie
borne Supt. Smith stopped in
-iilem S-iturday eveniuK. where he
va t a JiwiL'i in a delne between Wil
';r,iie I i.'vcrity and Pacific Uni
versity on t h" ( nest ion. "Itepolved,
t It it f the United States .hould have a
inrtiidr'tory cnu'rnl of M xico." Pa
elttc rmver- i.y proved to be the win
ners. PKi PAUA I
ios foM'M.u'n-;
poii i:v-;n:u hack
J All j re i nrat iee are roiup''e for
ii'i leg Kister d i.i'c to be ;;iveu a
lie rermorv ton 1 . V. bv Pt. .fos ph's
. oitil b A lar;.' number of tickets
I, ;.Ye be.-ii (!i-; d of an 1 a record
t-rieilfing rrowd is expected. Faster
. a voi s and ot her s'upts have been
!".iiii'iced for nhd a different" time
is ?s nreij. The five h'Minds of swi-o'i-.m.
ii. al' s th J:'77 O l our, wlP
iMr iteite th music from the or-
"ioslra platform.
Mrs. Wm. Pell of porttind who
has been visiting for the pist fe
days with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Tre
freii departed this morning for her
home at Portland.