The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 04, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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The Large Gan Saves f
2Scts on the Dollar (
CHBSCBNT MFO. CO, jjTiu'1jji . Jo." i..oei CM pal a...
Seattle, Wain.
Crescent Baking Powder
Order your'new fall and winter
suit now while our sample line is
complete. Just received a fine line
of snappy designs to make your se
lections from. Call and inspect
them. G. W. Sloper, the cleaner and
pressor. tf.
W. P. Fuller's palntt? and oils, un
excelled by my. Big clock at Mar
Bters Drug Company. tf
Riled tturloy, only $2.25 per
Nice Grey Oats, only 00 cents
per bushel.
Good wheat, culy $1.00 per
Fine, Dry, Old Corn 3K cents
per pound.
11 ain Alfnlfa Meal Molasses
mixed A J l a 1 l a Dairy Feed,
Mill -runs, etc.
Waverly Motor Oils.
All v.hese aro rotd bargains.
If you got thoin you will have to
Hurry Hurry Hurry.
Feed & Seed Store
J J -vtf :
J Associated Industries of Oregon j
and Crescent Baking Powder .1
does not deteriorate. Even alter
the can it opened Crescent re
tains its original strength and
efficiency. i
Therelore you make this posi
tive saving in the 5 lb. tins of
We know indeed that Crescent
can stand the severest tests lor
baking efficiency and
all around good quali
ties, lor not a pound
can get by the rigid
tests and technical
scrutiny ol our chem
ists. Cieacenl raited loodf tie
light, aweel, rid whole
Lonely Britisher.
Living on an island belonging to the
Paumotu archipelago, a French posses
sion in mld-Paclflc, mitny thousands of
miles from the Australian continent, Is
Kdward Dnvles, who claims the distinc
tion of being the loneliest Britisher.
There arejrnly three other white men
on the Island, which Is 40 miles long
and 20 miles broad, but these are three
Frenchmen. Hundreds of miles to the
southward of New Zealand are the
Macqimrie Islands, on one of which
two men manipulate a wireless service
to Australiu. Their small hubltntlon Is
the only one on the island, which has
no trees or shrubs, natives, hurbors,
and very little sunshine, being bitterly
cold and most desolate. Their only
companions are penguins. It Is the
most southern abode in the world for
a Briton.
Almost an Unknown Race.
In tba extreme north of the Russian
province of Archangel dwells one of
the queerest and least known races of
mankind. These are the Sanioyeiles.
the wandering tribes of the vast frozen
marshes which extend in these regions
from the forest belt to the shores of
the Arctic ocean, an exchnnge soys.
They worship idols and their sole
wealth consists in reindeer. Living,
the reindeer draws the sledge, which
transports the Samoyede and his be
longings from spot to spot In search of
the game fish which constitute his
principal sustennnce. Dead, It provides
hfm with meat in times of scarcity, and
with skin for his family tent. With Its
sharpened bones he tips his wooden
fishing harpoons and hunting spears.
Its sinews he uses to sew together the
shirt, breeches, and boots of sealskin,
which are the attire alike of the
Samoyede men, women and children.
"VTOU can purchase goods made elsewhere and send
a part of your money to other sections to be distri
buted in payrolls for the benefit of those communities.
Or you can insist on Oregon Made Products and your
money all of it will remain in Oregon to increase
the output of Oregon factories; to make bigger pay
rolls for Oregon; to build more homes and better
schools in Oregon.
Which are you buying?
The Mongols.
.The "Mongols, Tarurs or Buns" srs
now generally held to belong to, nei
ther "the Semitic. Htmltlc or Aryao
races. The latest authorities divide
the Inhabitants of the world Into the
Ethloplc Mougollc and Caucaslc
groups. Central and north Asia, the
Balkans, parts of Russia. Tibet, China,
Japan, Finland, Lapland, Siberia, Hun
gary, the Malay peninsula, Madagas
car, Philippines, are all peopled by
Mongols 'to which family, are also
ascribed the North American Indians
and the Eskimo. We have traveled
far from the elementary teaching of
the old-school geographers you will
notice, though we are still compelled
to accept as characteristics of the di
visions the colors black for Ethloplc,
yellow for Mongol I c and white for
the Caucaslc.
Story of Familiar Quotation.
Correctly given the quotation 1ft
"When Greeks Joined Greeks, then was
the tug of war." It Is from a tragedy
entitled "The Rival Queens; or Alex
ander the Great," by Nathaniel Lee,
a tragic poet who died in 1092. He
wrote a number of tragedies in spite
of the fact that he had occasional at
tacks of Insanity, a misfortune that
seemed to assist rather than retard
his bursts of eloquence. Curiously
enough, while that one line has lived
and has been wafted down through
the centuries and quoted by thousands,
there is not one person In a hundred
who knows who wrote it or anything
about Its author, even after they have
heard his name. Advice to authors.
try to utter at least one pungent sen
tence if you wish your words to be
That "Stranae Herb" Tobacco.
Tobacco and America were discov
ered at the same time. The party Co
lumbus sent forth from his caravels to
explore the island of Cuba brought
back the report that they had seen
men with lighted firebrands which were
perfumed with a strange herb which
they carried on their persons. The
"strange herb" was first taken to Eu
rope over half a century later by an
other Spaniard, Francisco Fernandez,
who had been dispatched by the Span.
ish king to Mexico to Investigate the
products of that rich country.
Plants Have Eyes.
Most people are awnre that potatoes
have eyes, but how many know that
certain common garden and wild flow
ers are similarly equipped? The nas
turtium, begonia, clover, wood sorrel
and, bluebell, among others, have eyes
placed on their leaves, says London
Tit-Bits. They are tiny protuberances,
filled with a transparent, gummy mix
ture, which focuses the rays vt light
upon a sensitive patch of tissue be
hind them. A nasturtium plant has
thousands of such "eyes" on Its leaves,
but It Is not yet known if the plant
can actually see. Are the sense im
pressions telegraphed to some central
nerve coresponding with the broln of
l lie animal kingdom? In. addition to
this visual organ many plants show
sensitiveness to touch that points to
further resemblance to animals; while
certain seaweeds and mosses In an
early stage of their existence are able
actually to swim through the water.
iW . - ...aWS"
should satisfy
without surfeiting
Snow Flakes are of ft
texture and crispness
for suppers.
Sold fresh everywhere
Learning What to Kill.
Did you ever stop to think when yon
put your foot down to crush a little
Insect thru you might be taking the
life of sumethltiK very valuable? Kven
the little hectics nnd ton Is nnd snakes,
which I know you don't like, according
to our nnturnllsts are' doing a good
work, destroying Insects that are hurt
ful to our crops, our vegetables and
oven our pretty flowers. The snuke
really ents so many poisonous Insects
that ho Is like nature's policemiin sure
enough. Some, one has suggested that
each boy and girl call themselves mem
bers of a protective association, and
see how many little harmless lives
they can protect everyday. Always he
sure before you kill anything Is the
best plan. Kansas City Star.
Where Pearls Abound.
""On some of the Islands lying to the
north and east of Australia, Inhabited
by natives who still practice cnnnl
ballsm, stories of vnluablo pearls are
not infrequently found by daring
white traders, evMi to this day. Nn
tlvtfs often part with their collections
of gems In exchange for mere trifles,
particularly for things that they can
use for personal adornment. In the
New Hebrides, the Solomon Islands and
in some ptirt' of tin Kijl group pearls
:ire still ohttdni'd In considerable quan
tities by natives. These divers perform
wonderful feats. It is not unusual for
them to bring up shells from n depth
of 120 feet, and It Is an ordinary thing
for them to work In water 50 to 75
feet deep. They do this without diving
equipment of any kind.
Thomas Jefferson's Bible.
In 1904 congress caused to be re
produced in photolithographic fonn
the so-culled Jefferson Bible, or more
correctly, "The Morals and Life of
Jesus of Nazareth," extracted textu
al ly from the gospels In (Jreek, Latin,
French and English, by Thomas Jeffer
son. Texts were cut by him out of
printed copies of Greek, Latin, French
nnd English Testaments and pasted In
four parallel columns on blank pageH,
which later were bound In red mo
rocco, ornumented In gilt, nnd titled
on the back In gilt letters, "The Morals
of Jesus." The original Is In the Unit
ed States museum at Washington, and
0,000 duplicate copies for the use of
congress were printed In 1004.
J. Don't ask for Crackers jL Pacific Coast
ft say Snow Flakes '' Co.
Efficient and Economical
On the firm foundation of the service
made in the hands of 100,000 owners,
rests the fact that this OAKLAND,
Sensible Six, Touring Model, costs
less to own, operate and maintain than
any other Automobile built.
High power and light weight, insures
more miles per gallon of gasoline and
i more miles on tires. The price is
J. F. Barker & Co.
Roseburg Agents Oregon
by grocers.
Where She Drew the Line.
Noru hated to have her hair washed,
so mother came to this solution: She
would tell the child that sometimes
hair turned red If washed with tar
soap. The plan worked beautifully.
There were no mure uproars on hulr
washing days, for the little one was
fond of red hair. But one dny when
mother bt'gan using the same soap
for Norn's bath, the child let out o
scream and said, "Mama, 1 like red
hair, but oh, I don't want red feet,
Why Called "0en Bird."
Do you know how the oven bird got
its name? Well, It wns because Its'
nest built among the leaves or pi tip
needles on the ground Is arched nnd
nf an oven-like appearance, says the
American Forestry association, Wash
ington. You do not see the oven bird
sitting on the topmost twig of a tree
like some oilier members of the fenth
ery tribe, but ho sticks close to the
ground, mourning to the lower
branches nf a tree only to sing or to
scold an Intruder, The song of the
oven bird somewhat resembles the
word "teacher.'
Second Hand
Worth of Second
Hand Furniture
If you have anything In second
hand goods, call phone 251. Ho
will pay you more than It la
worth, and If you want to buy
anything, boo JarvlB ftrat. He
will soil It below the cost .of
new goods.
And His Time
Shown in His Own Letters
Whit Ttuftdar Rotsmlt wi Pmldiit
III wrtU 150,090 Ullirt U mpnrt ..J
kiw. trim ninliUri mi italMaia.
kulariau and anlaar, iplortr a ad aat
rattiti. Hiddn away ui Uw fil titan
tatuiiM lata ta Iriaf (ar raan wftk
Ika lattan itim hi carrtiaadaU.
Tha ! fBBrtaat l Ukm ItUtn an
n appuiiaj hilly la
Scribner's Magazine
CfaJk Your DUr
Or Sana1 aaor nm aa. S4-M aaw te
Tark Cur. far a raar'i laaacfiftia.
Our new sample line has lUBt ar
rived. We have tha largest and
best Hne this year that baa ever
been put out. Not only are the
lamples up-to-the minute In price
and quality, but the new models are
simple "nifty". Just think mado
to fit you and for you alone. Not
made on a mjodol and It you fit the
model it fits you, Mado-to-your-meaaure.
No two sultB made alike.
When you think of Ed V. Price &
Co., think of
(Try Our Way.)
We have a full line of supplies
for campers, canned meata, Osh,
pickleB olives. Jama, proservotr, jel
lloa, cookies crackers, aelf-riBlng
pancake four two minute mush, and
oanned milk.
I '
O. W. Slcpor, the clennor and
pressor, 'Is now giving his personal
attention tj all work executed at
hla place of business which Insures
perfect satisfaction. Remember.
when you want your work well done
place it with him. tf
Yes, come to the old fashioned
shoe shop at the Deer Creek bridge
where men's Bhoo9 are half soled for
$1.00, and ladleB for 75 cents. There
everybody gets satsfnctlon and best
of material. J. W. Hull. tf.
Sheet Metal Work
Of All Hindi
Warm Air Heating
Screen Out the Flies!
Contagion Ib carried by houseflles,
so its a protection to the family
to keep them out. Prepare for
the pests before they awarm In
through windows and doors. Our
fine assortment Is now ready for
your Inspection. It we don't have
what you want, we can make It.
The J. G. FloohCo.
nowDara, Oratros.
Mohair, Sacks
Cascara BarK
Five Carloads of Old Maga
zines and Wewspaporg wanted.
Junk of all kinds bought.
Berger's Junk Shop
Oasg and Pino Streets
The complete Electric Light and
. Power Plant
Dconomlcal In operation. Runs
on kerosene, gasoline or gas.
ChrttncU Token and Kfltlmatea For
Dished on All Work In Our Una.
Household Goods Promptly and
Carefully Moved
Notice la hereby given that on
MnnHaV. SantjamhAr ft Ittltt Ihja
! Butu-fi of Equalization will meet at
'. the court houae In Douglas County
ana puoiiciy oxumine the asBesaiuent
rolls nnd correct all errors In volu
tion, description or qualities uf
lands, lotB. or other property asses
sed for the year 1919.
OUY CORDON, County Assessor.
. s-6
Rnv T.nri9 rnftf nitli.lrt
You can't Bay it backwards without
a drawl I
Sayl do you use our lardT Wo
wIbu you would, you'll find It good!
The best you ever tried! Those who
have, have never yet the fact de
nledl It's of our own rendering!
I Geo. Kolilhaewn. Prop. Phone B8
' Attention, automobile owners ,
bring your tires to the RoBebur Oar
aee for hlghciass vuicanlt!:," and re
pair work at reasonable prices, tf
Do you wish to be remembered by
your loved onos? If so, set the
example by placing a protty Mon
ument or Headstone upon the
grave of your dear father,,
niolhor, brother, sister, husband,
wife or child. We are In a posi
tion to aerve you best. Come In
and see what we have to offer.
e do all kinds of cemetery work
nnd our prices are reasonable.
I ooploa Mnrble Granite Works,
W. K, Marstom, Proprietor, 803
N. Jackson Stioot, or
G.W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St.
Oriloo Horn's: Phono 0&
0 to 1 a. m,
1 to 5 p. m.
31 1 Perkins lluildluff
HoHchurg, Oregon
317-18 Perking Illdg., Roseburg.
Ortlce Tel. 801
Itentdcnce, Grand Hotel.
DR. 8. L. DeLAPP
Osteopathic Physician A Snrgeoa
Phones: 810-820 Perkins BIdg.
Ofllce 118 x
Reg. 4B4-J. Roseburg;, Ore,
Heinline Piano School
Open All
. Summer! "
424 Perkins Illdg., Phone 80A
222 W. Lane St., Ronehurg, Ore.
Of Roe Honrs 0 to 5 Phone 109
Electrltal Treatments.
, Oat Flowers, Pottod fHuaS,
' rameral Degltrng, Wedding Hoa.
' qnetev.etc.
for sale it
111 Cass 'Ht.' RoMtbnrt;, Ore,