ni'SJXEftS MEN MKFT. FevpraJ local buHluoss mon will meat this evening to consider whut can be done to urge the highway vcrti on the Roseburit Myrtle Point load. setters have been received here from Commissioner Honsou, who la heartily lu fuvor of the Im provements and favors letting the bids at oik's (o start the work. Oppo sition Iiuh arisen, liowovor, aii'l un less an effort is .made soon Borne obstacle ruur present itself that will caue the work to be diverted froro the local highway and have lt placed In some other Bection of the state. C. H. llulnline is working diligently en the proposition and today up peured before tho county court lit regard to tho matter. Live-wire Doings of City mi miiMnii Last Time Tonight Marguerite Clark IS Three Men and a Girl" WK'VU HI0Altl IT SAID THAT TWO'S XII'ANV. Ford- Wmsm Ford Weekly SSg Weekly "THE VILLAGE CHESTNUT" M ACK -8 UN .VET COM KI V OUR LINE OF Infant's Shoes is complete. Bring us the baby and we. will dress its feet properly. How about that old pair you want repaired? Send us your work and see the dierffence. Quality Shoe Repairing Roseburg' Booterie IKVIM IIHUN.V SHOES THAT SATISFY ANI FIT VOIIll I''KKT Perkins llulldlng Cuss St. Underwear For All the Family! We have received our Fall and Winter stock of Un derwear and are prepared to supply your needs in this line at saving prices. BUY NOW. i. Buying constantly from us means utmost economy Incorporated S I LAST TPIH TONHiMT IST TIME TONHJT ENRICO CARUSO IV "MY COUSIN" Comedy Scenic THURSDAY ft I'lUD.VY M A H Y P1CKFOUD IV (UlMttCK. A Deluxe Edition of One of her jitvntit MicrraMfi. Visit in Itosebnrif. H. Brunu, fattier of Irvia Brunn, locul shoo dealer, left this ufternoon for Portland after Heveral days spent here visiting with the Urunu family. U'tivi'f for Tho Ihillen. Mr. and Mrs. Harlau Fancher and llttlo Hon left thlH morning by auto mobile for The Dalles. Mrs. L. B. Kanclier accompanied them and will go us fur as Portland, where she will visit her son, Carroll, and her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Holland. Ijulntr fHtice (jJvcn. The Jaaz-O-Four, composed of ex service men, last evening sponsored a delightful dance at the armory which was attended by a very large crowd. The floor was in excellent condition and the Jazzy strains ren dered by the four jnzzers added pep and zest to the occasion. Arrives From Portland. Mrs. N. C Maris arrived hore Sunday from Portland to join her husband who Is doing tho judging at the community fairs In this coun ty. Mrs. Maris will assist her hus band In the judging work and will review tho needle work and sewing part of the fairs. Him Fine Apple Orchard. The apple orchard of Captain Hackctt near this city is said to be one of the finest In the valley and this week he is marketing tho Whi ter llanana variety of apples. He is receiving a top notch price for his product. Visits with Judge. Ilex Stanherry and wife, en route to their home -In Los Angeles after touring the orthwest, Mopped for an hour hero today to visit with Judge 13. J. Stewart, an old time friend. Mr. Stanherry at one time was edi tor of one of the leading papers of Mason City Iowa, and the judge re sided at that place also during that tjnio. They renewed acquaintances and talked over old times during the ex-editor's Btay hore. Fine IVnch Kxhiblt. The fine Elborta peaches which woro exhibited in the News . office last weok on the branch of the tree thoy woro taken from, came from the C. M. Anderson orchard In what is known as' the Swedish settlement near Melroso. These peaches were grown on hill land, but their size and excellence proves that the dis trict Is peculiarly adapted to peach culture. Mr. Andorson has taken the best of caro of his orchard, and the young trees have jut begun to bring returns for Ms patience and toil. Forgots" False Teeth. Charley Lerry Roseburg b all-the- tlmo janitor, left Sunday for Sacra mento, where ho will spend several days visiting. He evidontly arrived at his destination safely, according to a telegram received yesterday by It ay Ward, who occupied the rooms In the llotol Grand annex vacated by Mr. Lorry. The toft-gram reads as follows: "Find false teeth in mug in my room on wash stand. Mail tpecial delivery, C. K. Lerry. Golden Kaglo Hotel, Sacramento." Perhaps tho sirloin steaks Bcrved In Sacra mento are not of tho tender variety found in tho Umpqua valley. MK'AI MKS ATTEND MEETING J. E. Knger, trainmaster, and G. I. Fl'int. road foreman of engines, both of this city, wore among the 150 em ployes of the Southern Pacific com pany, members of tho safety com mittee, who met in Eugene yesterday to discuss plans tor increasing the efficiency of this department, and to decrease the number of accidents which result from unsafe practices and equipment. Meetings of this department are lu form of open dis cussions, and each member is urged to make suggestions for the protec tion of not only the employes but the public. J. F. (Jrodzkl, ge lie nil safety agent for the northwest, acted as halrman. THE NEW TEXT BOOKS for the Public Schools are now on sale. .We invito the Tivuh er?i of 4ho county who will bo here next week at the Insti tute, to call ajul pee tho new Hooks of which wo liavo now it nearly complete Assortment. We are also ready to make an exchange and redeem all the discarded books at stated prices fixed by tho State Board of Public Schools, Bring Yours In. Books must bo in fairly good condition with no missing leaves. Avoid the open-in g week rush. Attention of District Boards is called to our supply of Ch a I left, Crayons, Pencils. Tablets. Pens, Inks, Black board Erasers, Paper. Student Note Books and all other sup plies. The most complete assortment ever "earned in Roseburg. The Roseburg Book Store M. i. & 8. J. SHOEMAKER. UMPQUA YOUTH LANDS ! A THREE POINT BUCK UMPQUA, Or., Sept. 1, 1919. Editor Kvening News: Floyd Enimltt, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Emmltt of Umpqua, succeeded In landing a Ihree-point buck on the opening of the season, which would make many a local sportsman sick with envy. Master Floyd was hunting squirrels with his ".'it special" when he saw the deer about 20 yards from him. Never hesitating a minute, lie pump ed three shots into him, which knocked hfm down. These were not sufficient however, and the animal was soon on his feet and able to hold his own with the dog. At this criti cal moment the youthful hunter's sun failed to pull the. empty shells from the barrel which made It nec essary for him to pry them out with his jack-knife. After firing three more shots with the Ill-working gun he became too excited to finish his job, and running two hundred yards where he could call to the house for help, he 'summoned his J 0-year-old brother and sister, formerly Huby Km in i 1 1 of this city, to his rescue. "Bring the butcher-knife, quick!" he called. Seizing the desired wea pon, his sister and little brother ran to his rescue. When they reached the scene the deer was patiently waiting and holding the dog at bay. Floyd's nerves were loo unsteady to ihoot off-hand again, so renting his cun o?i his leister's shoulder and 'Iring his last cartridge, he succeed ed In landing his big game. The Hinting party dressed the deer and 'wing unable to load It on a horse, Vought It in on a M-heel-barrow. rlie hnckli hide was well riddled vlth shot. Tt dressed 100 pounds 'nd Is one of the finest Been In this mrt of the country for some time. s Floyd expresses himself. "T didn't nve the buck-oner a bit until nfter 'he third shot." X. SOHOOTS OPEN' SE1T. 15. According to an announcement 'MHO todnv the Roseburg pub'fc schools will onen on September 15. Hst of the text books to he U9ed his term will soon bo published and i. sunnlv sufficient to satisfy the de nnnd been secured by lncnl denl ts. "Young America" will now bnve to bid fnrewell to vacation Invs nnH Rot down to "brass tacks" vnd study. MILLINERY OPENING Announce First complete showing of latest novelties in Tailored and Pattern Hats for Fall wear FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 5th and 6th JEJWEV OOW D1KS. A choice Jersey cow died yester day at the county farm east of the city. Terry Dunham in charge of the farm, states that he regretted very much losing the cow as she was a very valuable animal. The exact cause of the death is not known. Mrs. Van pickenB will start a class In music September 10. Phono 221-J. 634 South Main street. DAILY WEATHUR REPORT. Duds for Men Announcing the Arrival of A. E. Anderson & Co's. line of Madc-to-Measure Samples of Fall and Winter, 1919-20. On display for Your inspection. U. S. Weather Bureau local office, Itoseburg Oregon, 24 hours ending at 5:00 a. m. Precipitation In Inches and hun dreths: Highest temp, yesterday 79 Lowest temp, last night 53 Precipitation last 24 hours 0 Total preclp. since 1st of mo 0 Normal preclp. for this mo 1.04 Total preclp. from September 1, 1919, to date 0 Averago preclp. from September 1. 1877 06 Total deficiency from Septem ber 1. 1919.? 0G Average precipitation for 42 wet seasons, September to May, Inchisivo) 31.98 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. l 1) UKree Consultation. D I . JI1 BUBAR BROS, M JACKSON STREET 9 E I Friday and Saturday, 5-6. Iarge novelty shapes of silk panne velvet, with Ostrich plume trim. Bell Mil linery. s-5 School Time and Your Child's Eyes How About Your Children's Eyes? Does your child eaijoy nor mnl vision? Is he a little near or far-sighted? ' Does his eyes tire easily? School time Is near. Have your children's eyes examin ed at onco nnd find if there is any trouble. Proper attention now, may savo more serious trouble later. Born Eleven and ono-quarter-pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. Wood ley Stephenson, September 6, at Mercy Hospital. Mother and child are doing nicely. NOTICE. Roseburg Chapter No. 8. O. E. S., will meet next Thursday night, Sept. 4. There will be a, short program suitable to the observance of the birth of obert Morris, founder of the order. JTEW TODAY WANTED Prune . pickers, family preferred. Phone 2-F-4. WANTED Board and room in pri vate family by two railroad men. AriMresB M., care News office. LOST Blue brocaded scarf, please leave at Cafeteria. Finder FOR SALE 50 head of sheep. L. M. Boyd, Lookl'ng Glass, Oregon. LOST Betwen Melrose and East . Deer Creek, ladies' cape. Please leave at News office. Reward. FOR SALE Remington typewriter, in good condition. Inquire 519 Cobb, or phone 454-L. FOR SALE 1915 Ford car in fst class condition. A bargain. Ford Oarage. WANTED Two vfomen dishwash ers. Apply at Foutche's restau rant at once. WINDFALL SMALL CRAWFORD Peaches. 25c per bushel at orchard ,on Sy. Smith place. Bring your boxes. Chas. Insley. FOR SALE A second hand Win cheslor magazine shot-gun, fully equipped. Can 'be seen at Churchill Hardware Co. store. TOMATOES 50c per bushel at tho patch; watermelons lc to 1 He per lb., vanteloupes 50c to $1 doz. Bring your boxes. T.' B. Evanti A Son, Dillurd. FOR SALIC 1 registered Shrop buck, Copper Butte stock, $110; 1 grade Shrop Imck, I grade Cot buck. $20 each; all 3-year-old, and f. o. b. Riddle. E. H. Billing, 614 Cobb street, Roseburg. FOR SALE OR RENT If you want to save commissions, buy of own er direct. 300 acres, 120 In cul tivation. Will sell outfit and rent ranch, or sell ranch on terms. B. M. Oanoung, Melrose, Oregon. FOR SALE Farm Implements and livestock, two good cows, one bred heifer, one calf, yearling colt. Do Laval cream separator, some household goods. Also good gray and white oats. Two miles east of DIxonville. C. L. Oldham, s-9 IjOST Diamond fiolitaire stick pin with two small diamonds set in platinum, somewhere on Pacific Highway, 3 miles south of Can yonville, where road construction camp Is located. Finder return to Aronsons, Jewelers, Portland, Ore gon. Reward of $50.00. j X IT DOES NOT REQUIRE A GENIUS to, demonstrate the fact that saving brings success. There is no secret process about is. It Is open to everyone who earnestly endeavors to accomplish. Why not start this good habit now-? You can start an ac count with us with $1.00 or more. The Roseburg National Bank Rospbur.Ore. xl Inexpensive Coats of Certified Style! re ' i wr Every factor that contributes to smartness in winter coats has been incorporated in materials, linings, trimmings, workman ship. Yet the prices are unusually low for the times. There are sizes for everybody; there are colors to suit every taste; with workman-, ship ensuring long wear and unfailing satisfaction. Note these two specials A score as good await you T Clever sport model tot girls and small worn n. Klne Heuthercloth, $37.50 11 ELLOwsStqr ft This new silhouette for girls and small women moder ating from extreme fullness at top. Of snappy Sparkle cloth $40.00