THE EVKNINO NKWB TI KSIAV, HKPTKMBKR 3. flMO P OVER .. KODAK FINISHING ROSEBURC NATIONAL BANK - GRAPHS S Old Reliable (LARKS' STUDIO SMART COATS AND SUITS Just the sort you will like that sell and are appreciated, because BURCHAKD'S COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES represent the top-notch in styles and. design, and embody in the making, the fit, and the workmanship, unusual- values,' that will satisfy the most critical demands. MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY SQUARE STORE Live-wire Doings of City: : Ilt for Marsh (I., Mrs. Ruy Wright -and daughter, Lucille, left lust uight on train 16 I for liupeno and from there will go I to Murshflcld to enjoy a visit. lm-cli uses Xew 'Ovfrtaiid. Prof. Fred A. .'Goff, the Klkton school teacher, has purchuHcd a new Overland car, which he drove to Klkton Monday morning. Will liMtve for Kant. Mrs. J. C. Fullerton and Mrs. Na than Fullerton will leave Thursday (or Columbus, Ohio, where they will l enjoy a visit of six weeks with re- la lives and friends. j (n On Fishing; Trip. Chas. Stanton city editor of The i Evening News, accompanied by his ' father, left Sunday for the wilds i of Coos count)', where they will j angle for trout during the week. They expect to be absent for a week. Ieavo Sunday for (ianllncr. Mr. und Mrs. Bert Sprague left yesterday with Guy Flint in the hitter's automobile for Gardiner, whore they will spend a week enjoy ing the delightful summer climale of that section. OAKLAND V1S1TOHS HKKK. yA. F. Stearns, John Beckley and George Stearns autoed over from Oakland today to look after business maters. Mr. Berkley stated that his son-in-law Fred T. Smith, recently fell from a three-story building at Portland and sustained a fracture of the leg. Mr. and Mrs. Smith for nierly resided in Kosohurg. Prune drying will soon bo here be prepared with lye for dipping. We have a limited auantltv on hand in 5 lb. cans. Buy early as it is hard to get in the 5 lb. size. cf PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For 0ver30 Years Alwf bears the Signature ears - D. J. JARVIS Second Hand Store wants $100,000 Worth of Second Hand Furniture If you have anything fn second hand goods, call phone 251. Ho will pay you more than -it is worth, and If you want to buy anything, Bee Jarvls first. Ho will sell it beliw the cost or new goods. BARLEY . BARLEY BARLEY JUk'd Ilarloy, only $2.2r per Back. Xice Groy Oats, only 1)0 cent.s per bushel. Good wheat, nly $1.00 per bushel. Fine, Dry, Old Corn 3fs cents per pound. Plain Alfalfa Meal, Molnsses mixed Alfalfa DafVy Fetnl, Mill-runs, etc. Waverly Motor Oils. All .hose are ro:,l bargains. If you get them you will have to H u rry H urry H urry . JUDD'S . Feed & Seed Store EMPIRE BARN lit turns With Family. District Attorney George Ne tuner returned Sunday evening from Scottsburg; where he had gone to bring his family home after a vaca tion of several weeks at Winchester Hay. lieu yc foi- Klkton, Prof. Fred A. Goff and wife left Monday morning for Klkton, where they will take up thcirwhool work at that place September 8th. They left a week earlier3 in order to as sist in arranging for the community fair to be held at Klkton on the Oth. m CITY news a T. H. Hills, of Peel, spent the day in Koseburg looking alter business matters. , i Fisk Models with jet trim. Moll Millinery. Friday and Saturday, 5th and Oth. s-5 Ed. Standdifird. of the Soldiers Home.-wlll leave tomorrow for a sev eral mouths' trip. Mrs. Lyle Marsters and little son arrived here Saturday evening from Portland whore they stopped for a few days en route to Rpseburg from Minnesota. CHICHESTER S PILLS V y v TUB DIAMOND 11RAND. A i T.adlcal AU your DrMKttUt for-A cT(( (LMjU hl-rhr-Ura Diamond Ili-anlY tCiUL fill In itri ncl Hold aetalllAv iX-"' tJ 1 eiei with BI'jb Ribbon. yJ ' V i Kci and Hold metallic aied Tit& HI jo PruL'BlKU Askfor'HI.liIir,H.Tr:nt DIAMOND If HAND PILLS, for U5 yean known ki Dest, Safest. Always lieliat.U SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE VULCANIZING GATES "olI TIRES GUARANTEED 3.-.00 SIIMCS WITHOUT A I'UXCTUUE. GATES IStS TIRE SHOP IN T1IM ltKAR OF THK MOTOIl SHOP CiAKAGK. Mrs. Myrtle Helfils, of Kslacada. a sister of Mrs. W. T. VK right, is in the city for a few days' visit at the Wright home. h New It lou sos, Friday and Satur day, und 6th. Bell Miiinery. s5 Mrs. W. 1. McCeofgo, who has been a guest at the Wo mo or her aunt, Mrs. W. T. Wright relunn-d o her hoem nt Sale m Sunday. Xew Tailored Suits and Tricot ine nut Serge. Friday and Suturday 5-t. IJnll Millinery. s-5 New Coats in Peco. Plush. Alto Uouver, Silk Seal. Friday and Sat- PHONE 46 WAKEFIELD &HINEY GROCERIES CLEAN NEW STOCK SANITARY SERVICE PRICE IS LESS HERE DAILY WIOATIIKIl HKl'OHT. V. S. Weather Bureau local office, :tosnburK Oregon, 2 1 hours ending it r.:00 a. id. Precipitation in Inches and h'm ;lreths: Highest temp, yestf-rday 79 Lowest temp, last night 4 4 Precipitation last 24 hours 0 Total precip. since 1st of mo.. . .t) Normal preeip. Tor this mo t.0 1 Total precip. from September 1, 191 ii. to date 0 Average precip. from September 1. 1877 02 Total defilciency from Septem ber 1, 101!) 02 Average precipitation lor 4 2 wet seasons, September to May Incuslve) 31 .4 R. WILLIAM HKLL. Observer. Association is Advertiser The Hat Shop Matrons', Maids' Misses' and Girls' Millinery Character and Simplicity That appeal to women of refined taste. Surprising in quality without extravagance. The Hat Shop standard means refinement with no additional cost xotick to rinuc. ,Tho Heiultno-Moore Conservatory requests all former pupils, as well us prospective new ones, to call or phone thn school ns sdon as pos sible, as available reservations are limited. Preference will be given old pupils until the classes open on September 15. Phon 390. NOTICE Farmers, do not bring any more wheat until further notice, tf . Douglas County Flour Mills. Walla Walla wq have a most unique testimony. "Three years ago there was very tittle tourists travel through this city. Wnen our association was started it was claimed that these in terior cities and districts, largely de voted to farming und fruit growing would receive very little bonei u from our operation. 1 believe today tVoy are receiving quite as much benefit, as any of ine other sections. Howeter, this is the heading over an item appearing in the Wulla Walla liulletin on August 7lh: "Mo tor Tourists Leuvi'.g $50 UOO a month fn city. Figures based on Federal Statistics. Auto Travel is steadily increasing." And in the body lof the article we take the following: "About eleven families lilted the city so woll they stayed here and will make their permanent home here. Several brand new au tomobiles und one big motor truck wore sold to tourists through here in July." This paragraph fully just ifies the reason advanced by those who urged the state legislature to make an appropriation to carry on this advertising campaign, but the statement' contained in the head of the article is a revelation. "Just think of it, lit ty thousand dollars a month, new money, com ing into u city the size of Walla Walla, twice the amount of money that the entire state spends a year in this kind of publicity, 'hrough scarcely any effort of their own, ex cept their commendable enterprise in establishing un auto camp and in welcoming with true hospiiality those motorists who visited them. It is safe to say that during the whole year Walla Walla wil derive nearly a quarter of a million dollars from automobile tourist travel. "If this can be said of one city, what can be said of all the cities in this great territory of ours, especi ally those located on national high ways and about half way between tile larger cities. These are re sults, sent lemon, which con not be gainsaid. 1 Advertise. "Wo may bo asked, can we de finitely trace aii these results to our campaign? We would not cure to claim this. We can trace a great many of them through actual communications In our office, but let me Illustrate by a statement made by a prominent Seattle business man in my office the other day. lie said "My boy! is crazy about adertlsing. and almost every mora in g I find some new ad of one of my depart ments In the paper. If I were to charge up this advertising against each department, I do not know that I could trace sufficient results to justify the expenditure, but I do know1 this, that during the few years that we have been doing this advertising, my business has so in creased that I have to use seven floors where I previously could get along with two." This, gentlemen, Is about the most logical definition of the results of advertising that I have ever come across, and it per fectly fits the case 1 am endeavor ing to make out. I do know that just as those who are using irriga tion have made a blade of grass to grow where it did not grow before, I so are there now thousands of tour- ists where there were very few thr o years ago. "Therefore, there is a definito re lation between' the work of our as sociation and the highway. It makes these highways stromas of golden dollars which flow lino the pockets of the business man, the working men, the farmers and producers, and which remain in the state to help dovolod its other natural re sources. This work also creates a demand for more highways into the remote sections and moro inacces sible scenic beauty-spots and the hard surfacing of all other roads and highways. "It is sometimes said: wait until our roads are perfected beforo you bring in the tourists. Gentlemen, this Is putting the cart bofore the horse. 11 ring in the tourist and show the amount of money he is willing to spend in your section, that it is passing the other fellow's prop erty, making Is possible for him to sell It, and you will soon see that those people who have not got roads will clamor for them and demand them. And In the meantime, we have the revenue from the tourists to help pay for them. "The same can be said of hotol accommodation wait until wo got hotel accommodations before we bring in the tourist. That Is an other fallacy. It has been said in Seattle and, Tacoma for some years that new hotel accommodation was wanted, but no one could see the soundness of the investment until, as a result of publicity, the Pacific Northwest became the acknowledged Rummer playground of America, and gave some proof that these hotels would pay interest on their Invest ment, i "The tourist travel adds Just that increased business to the hotels which makes thorn operate profit ably the year round, and when they become insufficient to care for the public needs, larger and better hotel accommodations follow, available not simply for the tourist but for ordinary commercial and general business as well. ! "It is- this combination of good roads and publicity which Is going i to make thu stale and tint whole of the Pacific Northwest famous, not only as a paradise for motorists but as a territory rich in natural resources, possessing the enualuble climate on the continent, offering the most delightful attrac tions and advantages to home seek cvh and new residents. This com bination will do more than any one other asset or combination of as pets, to promote (he deelopnient of our natural resources und to bring the Increased prosperity we all so much desire. Vacuum Cleaners AND Electric Irons AT COST Douglas County Light and Water Co. (Continued from page one.) j tions and automobile clubs and in dividual autoist's have realized that it offers to them a paradise for summer touring. "We may point not only to these zeneral educational results, hut to those of a moro concrete nature. Last year there were at least 100 tier cent more automobile tourists even in the height; of war, than there were the previous year. This year, however, has eclipsed far and away the travel of 191S. From the information and press clipping com- ! ftig into our office, we find that not . only the large cities, but even the i small communities are experiencing l this vastly Increased traffic. Fl i gurea show that up to July 31st there was more than 100 per cent j Increase in automobile travel over ! the whole of 1918 crossing the Can adian boundary in both directions. 'From the Portland Oregonian : the following heading appeared over ; a three-quarters column item ; Tourist travel is breaking the rec . ords". Pilgrimaire to Pacific North ! west is greatest ever seen. Bigger hotels nereflHary.- "We find similar heading, only couched In different language. In al , most every newspaper published In the Xorthwett, but from the city of Harley-Davidson Clean-Up June 22, at Acot Park, Los Angeles, Calif., 200 mile National Championship race the Harley takes first five places. July 4, Baltimore, Md., five big races and Harley takes five firsts. Marion, Ind., Labor Day World's Championship Race, 206 and 9-10 miles. Harley-Davidson first three s places. Speed alone will not win. It takes Harley-Davidson endurance. 1920 Models on display soon. Harley-Davidson Sales Agcy 201 W. Douglas street. Stop! Mr. Man! You don't cut wheat with a scythe. You don't write with a quill. You don't read by a tallow candle. Why Do You Expect Your Wife to Use the , Old-Fashioned Wash Tub? Bring the good wife down to our store and let us demonstrate the Electric Washing Machine. A week's wash done in an hour. Sold on easy terms if you desire. Pays for itself in a year's time in saving on wear of clothes and laundress' time. DKMONSTKATI 1) AT OUR STOltK. Iliono lit. 1D5 Jackson St. Reasons Why, You Should Sell Your Waste 1 It is absolutely Useless to you. 2 It is in your way and takes up your home. ,J 3 It relieves the danger of Fire. 4 1 will pay you what is. right. I can use your waste'and you can use my money. Clean up you House, and then call up BERGER, The Junk Man. We are in the Market for ALL GRADES Other Fruits in Season Sutherlin Fruit Products Co Sutherlin, Oregon Beautiful Seasonable Goods lOvcrjInliiK ox and bright a the venlont spring iliij s w are nil enjoy, lug. If lu tlrraa wx In Intent at-' U rns and creation, Koncbunc Indlua iiuuht m .t to miss thu clinpliiy. It mlulit b onn iif n tlioiiNaiKl other artic le fmi nml(ii tho home. Auk UK nboai. it. We nri- tliinklliK of your comfort, and wclrnre and have a KTiuid lot of iioni mulile and most trunUM iiicrchnucllio for you to m-Ioct from. Wo will enjoy tho privilege of nhow lnir yyu article yon may need. I. ABRAHAM NOIITH JACKhON 8TKKKT IIOSKHUIW. OIIEUOX.