TBB EVENING WEWB TfKSDAV, At'OVST !W, 1 0 10. PHOTOGRAPHS Old Reliable CLAR OVER ROSEBURG NATIONAL BANK KODAK FINISHING KS' STUDIO "Eves Occur to You?" says the Good Judge THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put ufi in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco . PHONE 46 WAKEFIELD & HINEY GROCERIES CLEAN NEW STOCK SANITARY SERVICE PRICE IS LESS HERE Garford .rv. 1 to 6 Ton Capacity RIker Heavy Duty 3 and 4 Ton Capacity F. W. D. 3 Ton Capacity Four-Wheel Drive V. S. FRENCH DistrictSales Manager for Southern Oregon Headquarters, Roseburg, Oregon H. D. VAN DHR3AL, 850-854 Burnslde Street, Portland, Oregon, Distributor. "It All Comes Out In the Wash' True enonugh; but If you hare to rub the life out of the garment where Is the gain? Better let us steam It out and cave the garment. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY phon:i 19 last wash thursday noon. Photographs The Pioneer Electric Studio Is now open for business. Come In and let's get acquainted. We have the most up-to-date Photo Studio and Kodak Finishing Parlor outside of Portland. We have the newest styles of Photos and Folders in all sizes and prices. Retouched Post Cards that please. Kodak Finishing at Portland prices. We sell Eastman's Films , and everything for your Kodak. R. KENNETT, Photographer liB! CASS Prune drying will soon be here, b prepared with lye for dipping. We have a limited Quantity on hand aJn S lb. cans. Buy early as It is bard to get In the B lb. site. rf PEOPLES SUPPLT CO. MBS. r. D. OWEN Oat Flbwen, Potted PUnu, hsml Deaine, Wedding non quota, etc. fXR SALE AT rnjS FERN" 111 Cam Bt. Rn-eborg, Or Screen Out the Flies! Cpttjrlon i carried hy homntr tO Its protection to the fa mil V."-.' Wam nnt Dram r-at fnf .6 feesU befofe they iwarm 1b fft&h window! and doori. Our That it's foolish to put up with an ordinary chew, when it doesn't cost any more to get real tobacco 'satisfaction. Every day more men dis cover that a little chew of real good tobacco lasts longer and gives them real contentment. ' There's nothing like it. Trucks! STREET. 7 DOING Wht OWN WORK. G. W. Slcr'-T, the cleaner and presser, 4s now giving his personal attention lj all work executed at his place of business which insures perfect satisfaction. Remember, when you want your work well done place It with him. tf DR. O. H. DAY O9TKOPATHI0 PHYSICIAN AXD 81'ItGKON 17-18 Perkins llldg., Roseburg. Office Tel. 801 Residence, Grand Hotel. DELCO-L1GH T The complete Electric Light and Bconomtcfd la operation. Runs on kerosene, gasoline or (& mm. Jl MBJUSE BOY IS Harry Lindgren Trkes Over Position on A Colorado Agricultural Journal. IS A LIVE STOCK MAN iUm lleon Stationed a tiu vein incut Kiiipulyo lit Melrose, Colorado, and .Now Takes Vhwo uh Writer in Livestock Dept. Harry Lludgren, sou 'of A. J. Lindgreu, o Melrose, has achieved au enviable reputation as a V riter In Montrose, Colo., where he is now located, according to the following clipping taken Horn the M'mitruso Herald: 'H. A. Llndgren, the government livestock man who lias been sta tioned on this project and who has written the livestock department fur the Enterprise for a long time, has been offered and has accepted a position on the Denver Weitera Kami Life as editor of the livestock department in that paper. Of course we very much regret to see Mr. Lindgren go, tho we are glad to see him got a position that will extend his field of usefulness. That he will make good there is no question. He is exceptionally well informed In livestock matters and all subsidiary subjects. He will teach his readers just how to trans form the herd of cows that are now free boarders into money-making dairy herds, and he will perform 44ke services for the hog growers, sheep raisers and all other livestock growers. He will put the creamer ies and cheese factories on a better paying basis if those engaged in that line will study his methods and follow his advice. He will change all the "had luck' farmers into prosperous growers if they will hustle out and do as he telln them. All the industrious, reasonably In telligent farmers among his readers who have not. been making money will coriytl the filthy lucre sooner or later 'If they will obey his injunc tions and follow his advice. And our community suffers a dis tinct loss in the departure of Mr. Lindgren. He-is a hard-working, public-spirited young man who al ways does his part in tho commun ity. Ho Is a bright, clean, ambi tions young man who does ihlngs and gets things done In all lines of community welfare. Success to Mr. Lindgren find the readers of Western Farm Life.'' CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANTBD Girls at the cannery. jMust be 14 years of age or over. Umpqua Growers Association. WANTED Boy over 18 year.) to work at nights. Umpqua Hotel. LOST On Deer Creek road, be tween Roseburg and Dlijonville, large Cotswold black-faced ewe. Reward. Frank Horius, Kt. 1, box 'JB, Roseburg. FOR RENT C-room house In West Roseburg, barn & chicken house. 1 acre of ground, some fruit $ 12.Cn per month. Phone 4IS-R WANTED Porter at Koutches res ttirnnt, opposite depot. WANTED Wfoinan to do washing. Jitney fare p.Tld to house. Phone 12-L. FOR SALE. FOR SALE- Alfalfa hay, third cut- ting. Phone 6F21. Henry Conn. EARLY CRAWFORD PEACHES All grades and sizos. Phone 307-L or coll at ranch. O. J. Lindsey. FOR SALE Hudson Six, looks like new. A good buy. O. K. Gin-age FOR SALE Second-hand brlcl:, $13 per M. Seo diet Fisher, O. K. Garage, Winchester tsreet. FOR SALE 1914 five-passenger Ca dillac In good running condition. Price $500. inquire. 9B3 Cobb St. FOR SALE Small house. 3 lots, good garden soil, Riverside, cheap Mrs. Jennie, Route 2, Hoscbnrg. WANTED, Dry bones, sacked, COc per 100 pounds. Derger's Junk Shop. Cass Street. FOR SALE. Sharpless cream separ ator In good condition. Fred Fish rr. phone 2BF3. . FOR SALE Registered Red Polled Hull. Write for Information. B. 71. Adams. Elkton, Oregon. FOR SALE Almost new 1919 mo del electrically equipped Harley- Dnvldson motorcycle and side car. Ernest Weber, 4F13. FOR SALE lxioso Alfalfa hay, third cutting. Clean alfalfa cur ed In first class shape. Delivered Roseburg. $25 ton. Notify at nce: Ornce Clayton. MilroBe, Oregon. Phone fiFSfv FOR SALE 94 head grado Ram boulet Shrons. all young !;heep. Phone 179-L. or write K. II. Hil liits, 01 4 Cobb etroet. Roae In'rc Oregon. FOR SALE I have the most com plete stork of fruit and walnut trees In Oregon. lo in'irbsrry hps. K. L. Ellis, Roseburg, Ore- OAK 8TUMPAOE FOR 8AU5 Close In. Inquire News office for address. M FOR SALE Barredlymouth Rock cockerels from f. A. C. stock, or FOR SALE Good team, wagon, and harness, cheap if token at ours. Can be seen nt 117 N. Parrott St. across from S. P. dopot. FOR SALK: Studobaker bug. Soe thi;s car nt O. K. Garage, near tourist camp ground. FOR SALE Piano. Will sell cheap If takon at once. Bert Willard, 409 Cass Street. FOR SALE At a bargain, a modern 6-room house, large lot, nice loca tion. For particulars call on Mrs. D. N. Cllruore. 930 X. Jackson St. FOR SALE F rd touring car. O. K. Garage. FOR SALE 7 V, acres at Oreen Sta tion; house, barn, family orchard. Address, A. Wilson, Box 100, lit. 1, Roseburg. FOR SALE First class picker for wool, hair or any mattress ma terial. See Chas. Lerry, or the Churchill Hardwnre Co. FOR SALE Peaches at Edentiower ' Orchard Tracts, $1 per bushel. Bring your boxes. Fred Fisher. Phone 26F3. FOR SALE Second hand Chevro let in first class condition, with over $100 extras. You can buy this car cheap for cash. Can be seen at 320 West Cass. rfDOEWATER FARM At Myrtle Creek, Oregon, breeders of Jersey cattle. Foundation stock from tops of Island of Jersey. 3HHEP ON -SHARES 100 head of sheep to let to responsible partloi on shares, also furnished room to rent, fnqulro, 527 Mill St. FOR SALE One John Deere dou ble disc plow, as good as new; 2-bottom, 24-in. disc. Round Prai rie Ranch, Round Prairie. r'R SALE 1917 Ford touring car, Grey & Davis starter, dimmer lens shock absorber, 0 good tiiea, 3 extra tubes. Car has run loss than 1500 miles. See It at Rices Garage. FORD CAR FOR RENT Good Ford autos will be rented to careful, rosponslblo parties who under stand how to hand: j the machine. O. K. Garage, nei r tourist auto camp ground. FOR SALE ISO acres for less than $10 per acre, 4 miles from Dll lard Station. For particulars about this land, see Geo. Keller, 'Dlllard, Oregon, or write to E. -Ackerson, owner, -3164 Montana street, Los Angeles, Cal. FOH SALE Bay work horse, pure bred Gurnsey cow, 3-4 acres corn and growing garden, nil for $100. W. F. Davis, Box 150, Route 1, Roseburg. FOR SALE! Four mules; 3 of them 5 years old, one 3-year old; all well broken and gentle. ..Will sell nt a bargain or trade for cattle or touring car. S. L. Buell, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE 170 acre ranch; 30 riv er bottom; 30 beautiful bench, nearly level; rost hill; 1 mile new woven fence: fine creek, springs: over V4 mile South Umpqua front outrange; 8 acros ready for plow; 45 slashed and seeded to English rye. On Crater Lake national highway. No buildings. Fine road ond school, dally stage, telephone 18 miles to railroad. Prlo $3,000. Terms. J. F. Bonobrake, owner, Roseburg R. F. D. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Position by experienced prune drier. Can come at once. State location and size of crop. Address. Watson. 1021 Harvard Street, ROBeburg. Oregon. Phone 2fl!-L. WELL DRILLING Call on R. .2. Heinzelnian, Route 1, Roseburg, Oregon. QUARTER ACRE GROUND, CITY water, Binali house, fine shade trees, beautiful location for home, near paved street, beautiful view, only $375. It beats paying rent Innuire News office. HUT LIBERTY LOAN- BONDS NOW The Worlds best security. Ab soutely the best investment ob tainable. We buy and sell liberty loan bonds. See M. F. Rice of Rico & Rice. o-l PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN on Improved farms. Low rato of terost with payment privilege. We negotiate loans at.d sell secur ities. See M. F. Rice of Rice & Rlce o-l MONEY TO LOAN On Improved farms. Insurance company money, for long time loans. Amortized plan. Prepayment privilege, low rate of Interest. The only loan for the farmer. See M. F. Rice of Rico & Rice. o-l WANTED. WANTED Prune pickers. Phone or write F. O. Hatfield, Hoseburg, Oregon, Phone 6F11. WANTED Fire brlgU, sepable La dies to travel, demonstrate ant) ell dealers" $25.'6o To iO'OO.per week. Railroad f4rpa1d T&Us at ouee. Goodrich Drug 'ConiCJfuy, Omaha, N'eLji , K WANTED 10,000 grain sacks at Bergur's Junk Shop, Cass street, Roseburg. WANTED Turkeys, laige nnd small Phone 14F14. D. Boyei HELP WANTED Oood woman or fc.ii iur general nouaeworg on me farm during prune drying time. Address Mrs. C. E. Hagar, R. F. TJ. Rt. 1, Box 114. Roseburg. WANTED Canary birds, alngers and baby birds. Mrs. Geo. Fouteh, phone 252-R or Inquire 140 Flint Street, - WillsM ' Only Two Kinds of Batteries Those that have Threaded Rubber Insulation and those that don't. Ask any owner who has had years of experience with each and he'll tell you the difference. It means money in your pocket. We can give you , the names of some owners to refer to. AUTO ELECTRIC STATION 313 North Juckson Street PAUL K. NYUKEN. I Hay Lard, roal qulckl You can't say It backwards without a drawll Say! do you use our lard? We wish you would, you'll find It good! The best you ever tried! Those who have, have never yet the fact de nied! It's of our own rendering! THE ECONOMY MARKET Oen. Kohlbairen, Prop. Plio 68 D. J. JARVIS Second Hand Stcjre wants $100,000 Worth of Second Hand Furniture If you have anything In second hand goods, call phono 251. Ho will pay you more than -it IB worth, and If you wont to buy anything, see Jarvls (list. He will sell It bolow tho cost of new goods. M. O. HADAIIAUOH, Auctioneer 30 Yenrs Experience. Any one havlo sales can arrnnge for dates nt the Umpqua Valley Bank. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Ill. M. II. I'l.V XKIt. OHinOI'KACTIO riivsiciA.v, 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Offloe Mount 0 to 5 Phone 109 Electrical Treatments. BARLEY BARLEY BARLEY ltllrl Hurley, only 2.Z1 per sork. Xlce Grey Oats, only BO cenls per bushel, fton wheat, only HI. OO per bushel. Fine, lry, OW Corn 3' cents Mr pound. Plain Alf.ilfn Meal, Molasws inltecl Alfjill'n Dairy ' Feed, Mill-runs, clr. Waverly Motor Oils. AU Ihese are re-J bargains. If you got them you will have to Hurry Hurry Hurry. JUDD'S m Stop! Mr. Man! You don't cut wheat with a scythe. You don't write with a quill. You don't read by a tallow candle. Why Do You Expect Your Wife to Use the Old-Fashioned Wash Tub? Bring the good wife down to our store and let us demonstrate the Electric Washing Machine. A week's wash done in an hour. Sold on easy, terms if you desire. Pays for itself in a year's time in saving or), wear of clothes and laundress' time. UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE l)E.MONSTIt.lTl l AT OUR STORE. . Phone 123. 135 Jackson St. VULCANIZING GATES TIRES UUAKANTUHD 0300 MILKS WITHOUT A PUNOTUIU8. GATES ll TIRE SHOP , IX TlfW HliAll OF TUB MOTOR SHOP GAltAGH. NOTICH OF MERTINd OF HOARD OF ICQUAU.ATIO.N. Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, Soptomber 8, 1919. tho Board of Equalization will meet nt tho court house In Douglas County Reasons Why Sell Your 1 It is absolutely Useless to you. 2 It is in your way and takes up your home. 3 It relieves the danger of Fire. 4 1 will pay you what is right. I can use your waste and you can use my money. Clean up you House, and then call up BERGER, . The Junk Man. Kita We are in the Market for APPLES ALL GRADES Other Fruits in Season Sutherlin Fruit ProductsCo Suthcrlin, Oregon Beautiful Seasonable Goods Krerjtliing as fresh and bright as the verdant spring days ue on all enjoy, lug. If Its .lr.ni goods In latent pat terns anil creations, ItoHfburg Indies) ought not lo miss, the display. It might be one of a thousand otlicr anli lm you n x-il In the home. Ask us about It. We are thinking of your comfort and welfare and have it griuid lot of seAMonahle and most wonted mcrr!i.inille for you to select from. We will enjoy the prlTllege of show ing ron article yon may need. and publicly examine the assessment rolls nnd correct nil errors In Talu tlon, description or qualities uf lands, lots, or other property asses sed for the year 1919. QUY CORDON, County Assessor. s-S You Should Waste jfa want. w' wn make It "1 tiwrlfb 'HB"pnllt8 of same EM & Seed Store I. ABRAHAM WAVTFJD Boy over II ream of! age B. E. I1ARNE A,V TU makes batterlv J ft BRN NORTH JACKSON STR15ET ' St. Roeebui r