T rwo THK tVEMWI S11W8 TTKHDAY. AltJIRT 2fl, 1010. THE EVENING NEWS II. W. BATES BY HURT Q. HATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Hures Dolly Per year, by mall, In county.... J3. 00 i Per year, outside of county 4.00 Weekly Per year , Sit months ,.. ...(2.00 1.00 Mrs. Kred Perry, Sr., Mr. mid Mm. Fred Porry, Jr., Vernon Orr, and -Mm. Chat. V. Stanton, will leav the flrat of September for White Rock, whore they will enjoy an outing of a couple of woeka In that delightful section. Brother Hilton expects to "gather In" a fine, blK buck deer before he returna. 0 CITY NEWS j& Diamond flcir. made of bard wheat, everlastingly tooi. Aak your grocer about it tf Entered aa second-class matter, November 6, 1900, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. ail.A liu.lnlml PrMfi 111 nYflllnlVl V . entitled to the use for republication of all new dispatches crwilt) to it op not nthorwlHe credited in till .. un,l dIua iff,, l,MJtl IDWI null lulled herein. All right of repub lication of special dlaputchee heroin ure nino reeerveu. TUESDAY, AUfiUST iatl. 1"" Live-wire Doings of City MIhs I'ilcliford Iteturtis Home. MIbb Afiiieu I'itclifoid ruturnud luat night Hum Uurumur uuu wm choBter diay whore aho had boon iU leudlug to Juvenile mtUierB. Kmury Miirntcr in Town. Emory Manners of Myrtle Creek la spending a lew days id KuBoburg viHfLinir Willi Jiltt uromer. iv. . Alurutma. Mm. WiUliuiw Homo. Mrs. it. M. Williams returned Sunday from San Francisco, where she vlHlted with hor siutora, Miss Lola Williams and Mrs. Arthur Pork or. ltoturnM from rortlaiul. Mra. Charles 8. Heinllno has re turned to hem home in this city after a short time spent In Port land where alio attended the Ellison-White music course. Hack from 1 Null ami. Mrs. Storey lies and son Ferrol returned yestorday from Portland where they have been spending the past two weeks visiting with some friends and relatives. Funeral at Cottage irovc. The funeral of Dr. II. C. Schteof wl(o died at Klamath Falls, Aug. 2 1st, will be held at Cottage Grove Wednosdup, August 27th, at three o'clock p. m. ooh to Sruttlc. Miss Hazel Wakefield, an em ployee of the assessor's office left for northern polntH Saturday night and wilt spend several weeks visit ing 111 Seattle. Touting Pacific 4'oHMt. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Uuvlnger, of Kan hub, stopped, in tuia friiy 'Ht night on their way to Sun Fran cisco. They aro muklng a tour of the Pacific count. Will KMnk nt (.lido. The ltev. J. II. Dickson will preach at (iHcle next Kunduy morn ing and afternoon. His morning suitject will be "Personal and Rela tive Uellgion," and in the ufternoou he will talk on "The Power of Words." Homo From NWHrl. Mrs. & C. Ilartrum and children and Mr. and Mis. John Flurry, who havo been speudiug some weeks at Newport, returned home yestenluy afternoon in Mr. Flurry's car. They report a didightful vucalion and Hay the weather at the sum mer resort was extremely col. I toy Young lutprmiitg, Koy "Young, the local mil estate dealer, who yesterday underwent an operotinn at Mercy hospital for appendicitis, Is reported to be Im proving as well as could be expected at this time, lie is under the care of Dib. Sether &, Stewart. Kurt for Divorce. 1eilia D. Chapman yesterday en tered suit In tho circuit Court to secure a divorce from her husband, M, lloach Chapman. Sho iiIIokoh cruel and Inhuman t reat mont. She will bo represented by Attorney C. F. Hopkins. IjiIhit Day Danre. Monday oveniug. September 1st. the armory will In the scene of a festlvo labor day danre given by the Koseburg Jn..-O-Four and Ibut inusieal orKauization is innhlng ela borate prupn rations for the event. 1 1 promises t o be one of t be de lightttil itfTnfrH of the Hi'iiHon. Home I'lne IVmhw. .A box of line, big Klbertii pencil -es, grown on hill land on the Henry FoU place in the W tent on section, has been on display In The News o t tl ce w f n d o w s t ml a y . T h e y n re very flno, anil taken into conslder allon the summer drouth and th grown, the peaches arc ci tnlnly excellent. Will Take VhcoIIoii. Miss Klnm Pnyton will leave this city T h u rsd ay for D u n s i n n 1 r, w h e r it Phe will spend a short tlnw visit ing with her relatives. I' nun that eity Bho will continue her trip south to Ran Francisco, where hc will witness tho arrival of the Pa cific fleet. lU'tuniN from (Janllner. Mis Agnes Pitch ford returned yenterday from Gardiner and Heeds port whero she has been spending several days enjoying a vacation. She reports tbu climate in that hoc-t-ion as leing delightful and states that a large number of local resi dents me camping in that vicinity. Die in Axyhiiu. Word was received hero today to the effect that J. A. Johnson, who was committed to the Oregon stato hospital for Insane Inst week, died at that place yesterday. Ho was taken from the local sanitarium by the officials and sent to Balnm, where he was to receive treatment, but gradually became worse and death resulted. 1V0 for Oiiting. Y H. Hilton, pastor of the 'urn, and wife, Mr. and .UdabaDrh, Mr. and v ZjADtr: When Irregular or delayed use Triumph Pills. Safe and nlwnys de pendable. Not sold at Dim g Storos. Do not experiment with others, save disappointment. Writo for "Kollof" and particulars. Its free. Ad dross: National Medical Intuitute, Milwau kee, Wisconsin. -2 1-26 New Book -By-Harold Bell Wright "The Re-creation of Brian Kent" Now On Sale Call and get your copy while stock lasts, Price - $1.50 By mail $1.56 The Roseburg Book Store M. ,1. & 8. J. SIIOKMAKKlt. W. P. Fuller' pu.'.ilf and oila, un excelled by ruy. P.ig block at Mar steis Drug Company. tf Attention, automobile owner ! bring your Urea to the ftoseburg Gar age for hlgnciaBS vulcanizing and rc alr work at reasonable prices, tf. i We have a full line of supplies for campere, canned meals, flsh, plcklca olives, JauiH, preserves, Jel lies, cook-U's crackers, eelf-lising ! pancake four two minute mush, and j canned milk. tf PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. Yea, como to the old fashioned shoo Bhoj) at the Duor Crenk bridije where men's shoes are half soled for $1.00, and ladles for 75 cents. There everybody gets satpfaction and best of nintorlal. J. W. Hall. tf. Coca Cola and Root Beer, the gen uine, put up In bottles by the Rose burg Soda W'orns Superior drinks, safe and satlslylng. tf For a little private lunch party aftor the show or a swimming trip, talk It over with tho Pollyanna for special flxups and eHt it with the I Klrls In our -booths. The Pollyannn ( Is a rest place for out of town folki ; with thirsty youngstors. We will make you comfortable. JUST AltltlVKI). Our new sample lino has Just ar rived. Wo have tho largest and bent lino this joar that has over int-n mil nut Vn( nnlv n a II.. samples up-to-lho minute In price and finality, but the new models are simple "nifty". Just think made lo lit you and for you atono. Not made on a midei and if you fit tho model it fits you. Mnde-to-your-uieasure. No two suits made alike. When you think of Kd V. Price & Co., think of I.MPI4KIAL CLF.ANUIIS, (Try Our Way.) DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician ft Hurgeon Phones: 81ll-:lU() Ofilce 11U Itcs. J.-.l-J. Perkins lildg. Roseburg, Oro. Heinline Piano School Open All Summer! 421 Perkins IH.Ig., IMiono .'I IK' At all hotels, confectionery storos cigar sLorea, grocery storos and cafe- j torlus where drinks ure served, you can bo assured of tho very bent drink going by calling for superior bottled drinks Hoot Heer, Cora Co- . la, Onger Ale, sodas all flavors. Ha uler Malt drinks and Orange Crush. 1 Ask for Superior Order a case for j homo use. Phono ISO Hosehurc Soda Works. tf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children lit Use For Over 30 Years Alwr 7 bears Signature of (vFc HOPE FOR YOUR NEWI HOME YC'JVE PLANNcD- THE FINEST PLUMBINb IN THE LAND', I We hear you're planning to build a new hor e. Well, do you know that It would be a matter of monoy In your pocket and good plumbing in your house If you talked your plans er with us and pot our prices? We're dopendal.lo plnmberii. Roseburg Plumliing & Heating Co. PHONK 151. 1 EPT secret and special and personal for you is WREGLEY5 sir - tiafit package. in its sealed A fioody that is worthy of your lasting regard because of its lasting quality. Three flavors to suit all tastes. Be SURE to get i it Scaled Tight Kept Right The Flavor Lasts M " f . . ..- . 3 WANTED! 101 WOMEN To Work in Cannery Umpqua Growers Ass'n Roseburg, Oregon Phone 310 SACKS WANTED. We want 2000 second-hand grain aacks In good order at once. PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. NO BARGAIN DAYS. WILL PAY CASH FOR Hides, Wool Mohair, SacRs AND Cascara BarK Five Carloads of Old Maga zines and Nowspapars wanted. Junk of all kinds bought. Berger's Junk Shop Cass and Pine Streets KOSHHUIUJ. Hereafter the Roseburs Cleaning & Pressing Works will discontinue the Monday Bargain Days. Regu lar prices will prevail. All work guaranteed. tf "HELP HINTS" IN SIGNING CHECKS OHKOKS must be signed by the bank depositor, or by hla authorized agent, and In each case must cor respond with the name and signature and handwrit ing appearing upon signature card filed at the bank. That the l'aqr;iu VoUoy-. Bank observe every RAFETY-FDIST piwantlon la Td.jio of its respon sibility. " J. M THRONU Cashier THE UftPQUfl VHLLEV BANK ROSepURO OREGON Frosh fruit and vegetables are at their best now. We have melons. cantalopes, apples, pearB, crabapples, peachee. tomatoes and plums. Come in and see them. tf PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. FOIt YOUK DRYER PIPE DIPPING BUCKETS AND TANKS Call at Sinniges Sheet Metal Works 110 OAK STRUCT PHOVIJ 428 -C-O-N-S-E-R-V-0- Conservo Is the IDEAL steam cooker. leal for aereral reasons: Flrat It naves fuel at a rate that will pay for Itself and fuel In a short whllo Secon It Is a savor of both time and labor. Third It saves food In that cooking 1s done without evapor ation. ing upOUrtl1 TI"ro 00 b"rnlng. scorching, overcooking, or dry Fifth It occupies but one burnor of stove of any kind, saves room. Sixth Takos Just enough heat to keep one quart of water colling Conservo contains four removable shelves and has two good pans for cooking. CONSURVo 13 IDEAL. One more! A GKKAT SPECIAL SALE. The King Kooker ror only a lew days as thoy to be moved quiokly, for special reason. ou know the King Is a high pressure cooker and la guarantood to do all claimed for It. FOIl $3.00 ONLY. Churchill Hardware Co. BITE BITER BITTEN y Does that tell the story of your discomfort? Not a pleasant story, Is It? But it might be worse. You might not know that there Is a remedy for that swolen, itching, burning nuisance an insect's bite. Mcnthollne Balm, And It Costs But 25c AT Nathan n i - iiouidii sk a a reruns Fullerton TJie JXUJ Store Building Vacuum Cleaners AND Electric Irons AT COST Douglas County Light and Water Co, FARMERS ATTENTION We are agents for a largo grain and milling company and are hipping whoat for them. Thoy pay promptly on arrival of the grain at mill and give Government price grade and wotght. We charge of 1 por cent and the mill makes a like charge mak ing a total chargo of 1 per cent from Government price. On pool cars where lots have to bo kopt separnto, we charge 1 per cont. Wn also have a warehouse for storing and loading for thoso who wish at a very nominal cost. Peoples Supply Company Agency Buick, Chevrolet Scripp-Booth Touring Cars G.M.C.& Chevrolet Trucks Samson Tractors Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Fully Equipped Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full Line of Supplies. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 444 N. JACKSON STREET ROSEBURGK OREGON. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Efficient and Economical On the firm foundation of the service made in the hands of 100,000 owners, rests the fact that this OAKLAND, Sensible Six, Touring Model, costs less to own, operate and maintain than any other Automobile built. High powci and light weight, insures more miles per gallon of gasoline and N more miles on tires. The price is $1275 IN ROSEBURG J. F. Barker & Co. ..... Roseburg Agents DOLLAR SAVED ON SHOO IHLLS. Worn shoes, repaired by our modern methods, give longer service, look smart an stylish, and cut shoe expense in two. Save money and Insure satisfac tion by sending the family's shoes to us for expert, guaran teed repairs. Here's the answer to the shoe problem. Act on this economy suggestion today. W. S. HOWARD 8S8 NORTH JACKSON. 8-16 International Tractor J. F. BARKER & COMPANY About the Best Farm Power Obtainable CALL FOR Os-Ji Jersey Brand BUTTER Delivered Jregh EvqMo .1 i - mw-v.--'- V-