two THE EVENING NEWS! h W. BATES HI arm o bate IxajVED fAJLY XCEPT 6CN1AY. butMcrlpuuci Hau Uttllr Pur rear, by niiji. In count 13.00 Per year, ut;da cl count 4 ( Per rar Hix IBOLtb WedU;. -12.06 1011 Entered u aeeond-claaa matter. Ncnuiiwr t, 1K, at Kobeours, Ore., underact of Mann 8. 1H- ! MEMIJKlt OK ASSOCIATED PRE. XUa AaaortaLed Pre 1 ecluislr entitled to die ue lor republication of Uj xm s utmcli credited to it . or out bnrte credited la Uii IMIfier h iu tfi local na putt lUUtd 1m. ckiL. All rifcbt of refit- I iUMtiou fr. apodal UpuiM Item : mjc alao rrrrrl. i THCRSUAr. ALOCWT 81, j A CORRECT UlAGNOrjlfc. j Tijeje la di!frente betaeeu ! stuboorneaa ajud firuine- A owut- ; ao-f eharacleriauc ct Pretiicu- 1 son, u bia Iixea cetruinjii.ou u bae tu uva ar, reeaidie ol lO epiWWsd iSl.; oi apioiiiuaie- Jy eigiity iuiil:ona iree iwiu ftiw ' can cilixeus, bo iave luwrwi h- der liie leal tbe president j was tbeir KrrwL lr. Wilson at- . mud Yju me dajiigbt aavine In , va du credll to him, ntiuier did It bring ivucwa tor popuiant. A grai majority renta Inn ooitiou. and looted upon nut 1"" abeie br the poop ""bo do tbinfca niigal ; b ioiced into longer boura of or", . vblia lb ciaaaes with tiin on their hand were given tiiviiege for jor rxr.n and pleaauroa generally. Con greaa beard tbe rumblings of d;a- . dvnleul and tiirwj times repeal of ...... i ...... ...,.,lv i-J-lifed. liut it i me- " """' vu oaly Uie mco&d tteiipt to ptii tae iuejur over tbe tio tiit on by a uttaiiUia two-third. Lwo crkU tood wjtn rtuOhn In re oukiiig u pittideiit. "id tbn r mmoiiit biai uiil Uii i euoc TC7 laid men fcicud to even tne preavdeDtuii tii i aire, after all. lut aerTanu of tiio jo?le. The rtart iua;onty axe glad ttat another ong tAfOO la GitVJ4 ot. AHT1X.X4S XAI MlALEAW.NU. It ia aaid that the Monroe doc trine la aiiioiy ualKtuirdeKl in toe league covenajjt, awtion XI. liot U n? Oc iJ-rU Aiiril S, 11. tie JJritifcU oeiesavioo to the Fane t.eaoe oonlerenoe lstud a aenea of romiiienuriea on the Ojveliaul. in r hich. referring to the J4onroe doc tUie, the atateiiienl fc-b xcjide that aiiould any dikui a to lu mean ing "ever aria between Anient a and Etiroiean powera. the league u there to aeule it." By thia it u atu that thoae ho drew tne covenant tetendd tiiat the league aiould re Uin the power to Interpret the Mon roe doctrine. iiriuaa dii'Iomata framed the covenant. Britain baa in votei to America a one in the league council. Great lirita'.n and other power would not reognile the Monroe doctrine, becaue It ha oecn a thorn in the flesh of them all lnce It u firt en'incated and so Articl'- il l V.Tio'V.'-i out. Hefuaal of the preaideut to reveal the Inner arranKenienta made be tween the peace council and Jajian in oiniiectlon with the Bhanlung aet tleinenl, is auffirleut evidence that the executive ha entereu into a pact that he la afraid to place he lore the American puhllc. Since the executive refuse to tell the people what promises he made the only tl.lnic lor the country to do Is to annul the deal. We want and muni have "open covenanta of peace openly arrival at " j Thank the poweia that he that the ; daylight aavlnc law will he a thing ! of the pat after Octoher tlint. An- i other one of Woodrow' pft holMii has gone to the trah pile. Now , let's; "wind up" the ieagun covenant j and get down to real hunliieB for . awhile. j Tlila weather sure ha a tend ''", j to drive the native to the tall ilni- New Book -By-Harold Bell Wright "The Re-creation of Brian Kent" Is on sale Thursday, August 21 Call and Ket your copy while stock lasts. Prkff - $1.50 Hy mail $1.5 The Roseburg Book Store M. J. H. .1. HIIOI.M M It. WANTED! WOMEN To Work in Cannery Umpqua Growers Ass'n Phone 310 Roseburg, Oregon VULCANIZING GATES "ole TIRES Cl'AKAXTEKD MOO 3IILKS H ITHOl'T A I'l'XCTfltE. GATES ?SH TIRE SHOP IX THK fK THK MOTtJIt )HOI CAJIAGK. -C-O-N-S-E-R-V-0- Conaerro Is the IDEAL steam cooker. leal for several reasons: First It saves fuel at a rate that will pay for Itself and fuel In a short wh.le Secon It is a aavor of hoth time and labor. Third It saves food in that cooking is done without evapor ation. Fourth There is no burniup scorching, overcooking, or dry ing op. Fifth It occupies but one burner of stove of any kind, aaves room. Bulb Takes Just enough heat to keep one quart of water boiling Conaervo contains four removable shelves and has two good pans for cooking CONSKRVo is IDEAL. One more" A fjl'.KAT SI'ECIAL SALK. The Klrg Kooker for only a few dvs as they to be moved quickly, for special reason. You l:now the King in a high pressure cooker and is guaranteed to i'j all claimed for It. FOK VAM OXLV. Churchill Hardware Co. FARMERS ATTENTION We are ajrnts for large praJ:i and mllllrjg coti.paDy ind are b.pping wheat for them. T'.-y pay promptly on arrival of the Kraiu at mill and k'wv iov4.-rr.rfM.-ut prj'e Krudy and wf-iKht. We r:irt-i i-: tA l pi-r ff-nt in l the mill makes a lik? charge ruak Irnr a ;. h atv- , -it frorti (lovt-ruincnt trice. On c; r v.hi-n I'.ta. ).- tri bf k-pt B'-part. charpe 1 per if Til U .n", ; ;, w- a .:- ou so stoJ icp and loading for tfi'M- yf. hu w i 'i -.! a -ry no inlnal cost. Peoples Supply Company OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Efficient and Economical On the firm foundation of the service made in the hands of 100,000 owners, rests the fact that this OAKLAND, Sensible Six, Touring Model, costs less to own, operate and maintain than any other Automobile built. Hih powei and liht weipht, insures more miles per jrallun of gasoline and more miles on tiros. The rice is $127.1 IN KOSEBURG J. F. Barker & Co. Roseburg Agents Oregon 0 CITY NEWS 0 JlsT AF.rUYED. t'l bare a full Kne of surp'leJ for camera, canned meau, &&h, pukles olives, jams, preaervea, )ei ues, cookies crarkra. aeli-ns:x pancake lour two nuziuta miian, and canx.e4 milk. If PEOPLES SUPPLT CO Frw-h fruit ar.d Teeetables are al tne:r oet nor. We nave melons. caxtaJoe. ap;lea. reara. crabapple. peacnea. tomatoes and plnma Come :n and see them. tf PEOPLES ECPPLT CO. Our nev stmple Una cas just j riveJ. T' LiTa tt.e u.rgeit aLd I Y. tfci u.r that nai ettr &een puf ot. Not on!y aie tna cp-to-tbe minute in price and quality, tut the new ntoie'is are simple niftr". Jost think made to fit yon and for von alone. Not made on a model and if you fit the model it fiu yon. Made-to-your-c:ea5ure. N'o two suits made alike. When yoa think of Ed V. Price a: Co., think of IMPERIAL CLEANERS, (Try Our Way ) We rail and deliver. Ptone 177 Pmne drains: -ili soon be berv-., te prepared witi lye for dippcr. 'e hare a United auantitx on band ia S lit. cans. Bay early as It is hard to get in the 5 lb. sire a PEOPLES SUPPLT CO. Tea. come to the old fashioned Ehoe shop at the Iieer Creek hridpe vrhere men's shoes are half soled for 1.('0. and ladies for 75 cenl. There everrtody pets asufaction and best of uiatenal. 1. W. Hall. tf. Coca Cola and Root Beer, the gen uine put up in bottles hy the ROBe hurp Soda Won.s Sui-erior drinks. sa;e and satisfyine. tf M. C. RAIIABArGH. Auctioneer SO Tears Krperletice. Any ona harluk aaiea can arranc for dates at the Cmpqca Valley Bask. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. J. JARVIS Second Hand Store wants $100,000 Worth of Second Hand Furniture If you have anything in scond haiia pood., call phone 251. He will pay yti'j more tiian it is worth, and Jr ioii ant to bay aayth'nr. s" 'ri'vjs firat. Jle irill ff ll n 1 e. v.- t;:e co3t of new goods. WILL PAY CASH FOR Hides, Wool Mohair, SacKs AND Cascara Bark Five CarloadB of Old Maga zines and Newspapers wanted. Junk of all kinds bought. Berger's Junk Shop Cafcs ami Pine Streets KOSSHCRG. FOIt TOUIi DRYER PIPE DII'PINO ItrCKETS AND TA.VK.4 CaU at Sinniger's Sheet Metal Works 110 OAK KTUKKT PHOXI3 428 l'WE HOPE FOR YOUR NEW; HOME Y0UVE PLANNED-J TUf FINFST ' PLUM8ING IH THE LAND! r We hear you're planning to build a new hop e. Well, do you know that It would be a matter of money In yovr pocket and good plumbing lb your house If you talked your plans er with ua and rot our prices? We're dependable plumbers. Roseburg Plumbjng & Heating Co. PHONB 181. DR. M. 0. PLTXEB. cHinoPKAcno fhtsiclj. Ill W. Lane St., Boeeburc, Or. Office Honra 0 to 8 Phono 109 Electrical Treatment. .NOTICE OF MEETTSG OF BOARD OF EQl'ALi.ATION. Notice is hereby riven Ibat on Monday. September 8. 1S1. the Board of Equalization will meet at the court house in Douelas County and publicly eiamine the aase&sment rolls jid correct all errors in valu tion. descrihtion or qualities uf lands, lots, or other property asses sed for the year lili. GUT CORDON, County Assessor. s-6 CHICHESTER SPILLS I aVI. M aCakV. KIT mf TOVf MAlJu.ND HKjLM FILLS. 1- u van wx as bat. &iarst.X:ri- k.r; J.'-il SOLO BY DRIGGtSTS ntaWWa "HELP HINTS" SIGNATURES VERIFIED W'HEV a CheckinK Account in opened Iicre at tlio I'miiua Valley lUnk the new .1. -ponltor'a aUjimture U recorded and kel for reference. If lie haa Klvt-n n. hi. signature aa W. H. Smith, then 111 cl.ecUa mu be a. aiBned. and NOT "Hm. Henry Sii.lUi, unleas due notification be Kiveii u. "Carefulneas," is Hie first reo,uille of SAFE: bunking. J. M. THRONiJ - Cashier the U24PQ M VAU&y bank ROSEBURG OREGON XlBBUMEBBBBKajiBBSKSaBBSBBt I as Say Lard, real quick! ! ifou can't say It backwards without ! a drawl! j Say! do you UFe our lard? V.'e j wish you would, you'll find it good! I Tee best you eTer tried! Those who 1 have, have never yet the fact de inled! It's of our own rendering! THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. Kofalliaeem. Prop. Pboae fif) "That's Me All Over, Mabel"- '1 want you to have some Rexall Ice Cream Iv'e already had two plates, today, but I'm ready for another, if you'll go with me." Nathan FulJerton P. S. Thev are now at TJio ffiymfc; Store Perkins Building Diamond floor, made of hard Blens Drug Company. wheat, everlastingly good, grocer about it. Ask your tf W. P. Fuller's paint and oils, un eicel'.ed by my. Big stock at Mar Attention, automobile ownera ( bring your tircB to the Rosebura; Gar age for hignciass vulcanizing and re pair work at reasonable prices, tf. BARLEY BARLEY BARLEY RUwl iiarlvy, only per k-e Gry Oats, only tK cenl Ikt buheL fiornl wheat, only $1.00 per btisuel. Fine, lry, OM Corn 34 (T-ntu jkt pound. Ilain Alfalfa Ieal. ..1.vvm- mixttl Alfalfa lair l-'eed, Mill-rujjs, etc. Wavfi-ly Motor Oils. All vhes? are rt-A Jjarpains. If you pel the-in you will have to Hurry Hurry Hurry. JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store EMPIRE BARN Agency Buick, Chevrolet Scripp-Booth Touring Cars G.M.C.&ChevroletTrucks Samson Tractors Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Fully Equipped Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full Line of Supplies. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE R0SEI1UKG, OREGON. 444 X. JACK80X STREET DR. 8. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician Surgeon Phones: 8 1 0-,'rJO Office 118 Itea. 434-1. Perkins lildg. Roseburg, Ore. lKMJ.AIt SAVKI) O.N S1IOK Iin.LS. Worn shoes, repaired by our modern methods, give Ioniser service, look amnrt an stylish, and cut Khoo expense In two. Snvo money and Insuro satisfac tion hy sending the family's shoos to us for expert, guaran teed repairs. Here's Die answer to the shoo problem. Act on this economy sucgostion today. VV. S. HOWARD 1218 XOItTII JACKSON. MRS. F. D. OWEN Oat Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Dealgna, Wedding Pno queta, etc. FOR SALE AT "THE KERN" 111 Caaa Hi. Roieborg, Ore. PHONE 14 lilt. C. II. DAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RGEO.N 217-18 Perkins llldg., Rosel-urg. Of lice Tel. :!01 lUldcncc, Gnuid Hotel. 8-16 International Tractor J. F. BARKER & COMPANY About the Best Farm Power Obtainable Heinline Piano School Open All Summer! 424 Perkins llldjt.. Phone SP' CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years j Atwr;- bear I tNe ' I Signature of CALL FOR Jersey Brand BUTTER Delivered Frwih Iwcry Morn, intf to Vour C.rovv.r. O