The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 12, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Under Price and Over Value
.aaaasmmrv- :v n :: 1 "rr-. i . r in, r u rs ,r., :--' ' 1 - lia
Suits Coats Dresses
Skirts and Waists
It requires a store like ours, whose resources and
resourcefulness are as potent as our intentions to
Under-Price and OVER-VALUE, that alone can
come through with world-beating merchandise
and don't forget it.
Several large shipments received
today; call, see our window display
The Place Where Your Dollars Have More Cents.
lnC0TPrat? .nil rf
just Aiimvun.
Our now sample line has Just ar
rived. Wo have tho largest and
best Hue this year that has ever
been put out. Not only are the
samoles up-to-the minute In price
and quality, but the now models are
simple "nifty". Junt think made
to (It you and for you ulono. Not
made on a model and If you fit the
model it fits you. Mado-lo-your-meauure.
No two Bulls made alike.
When you think of Kd V. I'rtee &
Co.. think of
(Try Our Way.)
We call and dollvor. Phono 277
Wo want 2000 aocond-hand grain
sacks In good order at onre.
You fan buy any kind of soda
at any )f the stores, or get It by
tho caso lor $1.00 dellverel to your
home. Special drinks mode to Hull
you, flavors mixed or Htralght.
Phone 1811. Hoseburg Soda Works.
We are selling soap, below the
in-eaent wholesale price; take ad
vantage and lay 1n a supply. Puoplej
Supply Company. tf.
We are agents for a largo grain and milling company anil are
shipping wheat for them. They pay promptly on arrival of the
grain nt mill and give (lovnrninent price grade and weight. We
chargo V4 of 1 per cent and the mill makes a llko charge mak
ing a total charge of 1 per cent from Government price. On
pool cars where lots huvo to be kept separate, wo chargo 1 per
cent. Wo also have a wnrehouso for storing nnd loading Tor
those who wish at a very nominal cost.
Peoples Supply Company
Tho murriitge of MIbs Stnlln
Krolui to Arthur Knauna, is to take
piano tonight at tho Krohn homo
In Portlnnd. Sovoral RoKoburp po
pto aro In Portland to attund tho
An intcroHlliiK unmo of buHolmll
is oxportml tonU'ht whim tho Clirint
iRiifl and Mitthodiats croaa hatH.
Only two more rhiiich romaln tu ho
played and an IntorosthiK time In
FOR ItlCNT 6-room holiso In W'oHt
KoHoburK, burn & chickon hoimo,
1 aero lot k rou ml, ome fruit
$l2..r0 per mouth. lhon 4 1 S-H j
VOli SALK U lit'ftd pradi? Itam-j
boulot Shrops. all young aherp. !
I'hono 17!i-U or writo K. II. BU- !
litiKH, 614 Cobb Htioot, . Koko- j
burg, Oregon.
U. S. WoiUlmr Hiironti, local offlco,
Honeburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending
at 5:00 a. in.
Precipitation In lncheit uud hun
dred b:
IliKhPHt tpinporjituro yiMterday..
LowcHt ttMiiporal it ro last night .
I'rec i pita t inn, last 24 hours....
To I nl prot'lp. plni'o IhI of mo
normal prucip. for month
Total prtiiip from RiM'tmbor 1,
191S, to dato 3 4.14
Avernno proi-lp. from Sept. 1 .
t S 7 7 3 1.17
Total oxoohr from Soplenibor 1,
1 01 H
Avoraco precipitation for 4U vit
Reason, ( S:tiriibor to Mv
Incli'-.lvp) 31 4.
WIT.I-lAM MHM, Olmervor
Could be nforo comfortable to
work In than a thin Hummrr
v eight tin Inn suit ? Wo b;i vn
a lull run of sizes in a rinsed
ei iilt'h nuarler shei r In t ht
whlli' priced at SI .'H; a ninn
highly nierrnrizi'd u mn tin- in
the ecru nl Jjtii.2r and JjKi.50
If you preftii tlie two-piece we
have shlrtH nnd draw urn In alt
hIzos of oxcidlent quality, pre
war vuIuoh and goods priced
at 75 cen I a the garment. May
wo Biiggest your early action
If you wish to make a saving?
Live-wire Doings of City
Private Peat
Two years in hell and back with a smile.
Smiling Bill Parsons
Rov. J. H Dlcksoa will preach
Sunday morning and atternoon at
Get Mnrrlatfc License.
1. ileitis Klncaid and Alta Rurch.
both of this county were granted
a marriage license Saturday
tUu k I-Yoiii ouoi't.
Airs, K. U Watson returned Sun
day from Newport after enjoying a
week's outlnp.
iiwH To Ulihlle.
Jtay Lenox left Monday morn
ing for Kiddle where he is In the
employ of the Forestry department.
A. Jl. I lines and wife, of Fort
: land, are visiting tho lutters par
ents. Commandant and Airs. Shaw,
' .of the Soldiers Home.
j Men. iHinlap Leuvcs.
! Airs. V, It. Jiunlap, left this inora
,111k lor Ashland to visit with her
' frj;nds for a lew days.
; 'iltin Mrs. MarsU'1-n.
Mrs. Lee iJavenport, of Portland.
arrived yesterday for a visit with
Mrs. A. C. Mm hUts.
AltoriMiy On IlusmeNs.
Attorney J I . V. La Ho u re t to, of
1'oiHlaud, spoilt Aynduy In itose
burg atteiidiiiK tu business matters.
I link fnmi 'iM'jitloii.
W. 11. Caiion and wife -of the
Iand Office have ruturnod from a
vacation trip to the count. -
Over l-'i-nm Hiillierlin.
Mrs. Lorin Cox and daughter Lu
phene, and Mrs. L. Hall, were visi
tors from Hutherlln Monday.
Mrs. fleiiillne Ijenves,
Airs. L. C. iieinline departed for
Portland Monday afternoon to visit
with frionds for a low days.
Mi. Coiil In City.
Mrs. H. A. Cool of Drain, spent
tho dap In Hoseburg shipping and
visiting with friends.
visiting- from Martdifleld,
Mrs. A. L. llouscworth of Marsh
field is spending a fow days in Rose
burg visiting with friends.
Dr. Ciuillehl Hero.
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Canfleld of
Drain, spent today in Kosehurg at
tending lo business matters.
(ncM To A.slilaiMt.
Ali s. Kd. Cocklore; so and daugh
ti Hazel, departed this niorujng
for a visit with friends and relatives
at Ashland.
VIsIUnI Dick W illiams.
L. C. Williams, who has been
visiting his brother H. D. Williams,
left yesterday nfternoon for his
home in Portland.
Will VIhK He r
Airs. .1. A. Morris and daughter
Bessie, of Dermot. Ark., arrived yes
terday afternoon to visit at the John
(ilkesou home.
I (Worn Homo.
Airs. Thomas Cruzon nnd daugh
ter rtugy, who have been visiting
at llrewster, returned homo to
iM'ain yesterday afternoon.
MM'N (O I ltlM)lia.
Llltfe Overman departed Monday
aftornohn for I'm where she
will spMid .a short time visiting
with friends.
VIsHimI HrJitlier.
Mrs. .1. M. Crtdtcock. of Phll
llp.sburg, Mont., left for her home
yesterday afternoon, following n
visit with her brother Culp.
Ui'tiiniH To Knuvne.
Airs. V K, Watklns, who has been
visiting at the homo of Chester
Uowe, left yesterday afternoon for
her home at Kugene.
Mrs. Cora Knnpp. of Los Angeles,
formerly residing at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Krnse, nenr Mel
rose. nrriviMl here last evening for
a short visit with relatives.
i ......... i i
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Agee left early
this morning for Klamath Falls.
They will remain there for a week
"taking in the sights.-'
Ionves On VUit.
Mrs. Wm. M. Ilannnin. of Mrnnts
Pass, who has been visiting in this
city left yesterday afternoon to
spend n short tlmo with friends nt
Come l-'rum Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. .. A. Tavlor of
Portland, came to losehurg today
to visit with friends for a short
Mrs. J. O, Lewis and daughter.
Miss Opal, left this morning for 1 1
Ashland, where they will attend the i
Ailventist camp meetiug in session i
this week i
I - i
Will Visit II. -re.
Mrs. .lack McKay nnd children.
are expected to arrive in this city
this evening to visit with Mrs. Me-j
Kay's brother Charles 0. Stanton.
Moo Itlcc l,eavm.
M. V. Ulce. of the firm f Uioe I
and Rice, left today for Grants Pnss ;
to spend a short time attending to :
business matters
Knrni I HAi.
The fifteen aero orchard tract in
KdenNnver was sold today by Wm.
Thacker, through the W. A. Hognrd
Compnny. to S. H. Mulvnny. The
consideration was $2 200 ;
On Husiiiesfi.
K. B. Wnlto, the well known Suth
ertln resident, spent the day In
I Kosehurg greeting friends and look
j ing after business affairs.
Inf. Koitnou la City-
Prof. H. Omar Bonnett, of Suther
lln, spent the day In Kosehurg at
endlnij to business inattois and
. with friends.
rtetiun Ti Buck Pork.
Mrs. Fred Asaui and child re
turned this morning to tholr homo
at Buck Fork. They were accom
panied by Master Ralph Warner,
who -will jtisit there lor? a short
Attend Celebration.
Judge and Airs. J. C. Kullerton,
Mrs. II. C. Stanton, ond Mrs. Geo.
.Sowell, left this morning for Kiddle
to Join with Mr. and Airs. O. L.
Willis in the observance of their
golden wedding anniversary.
Former ItcfddeittH Arrive,
L. J. Neuner, wiie and daugther
arrived here today from Tucson,
Arizona, where they have been lo
cated fro some time past. Mr.
Neuner Is the travelllnl auditor for
the Southern Pacific company in
Arizona. They will remain here tor
a short time visiting' with friends
and relatives.
Sale Awarded.
The Western Lumber and Export
Company, of Cottage Grove, succes
sor to the U. S. Logging Company,
has been awarded the aalo of a
tract of timber adjoining tho large
tract now under contract to that
Company on the Umpqua National
Forest. The sale prices are $1.25
per Al. for Douglas fir and cedar,
and 50 cents per Al. for the other
The emptier a man's head
the bigger noise he makes
quietly speak quality
through their moutlipieee
because they're lull of
real qualily ht tohaeco.
Apjiealingly blended.
10 for 13c
The John Tlollman Co. Bra mil
(By Associated Presi. )
POKTLA.VD, Aug. 12. Twenty
seven thousand acres of Mr owned by
the Oregon-American Lumber Co.,
and controlled by David JOccles and
ITtuh associates,- will be cut and
sawed as rapidly as possible, it Is
announced. Those holdings were
formorly known as the )u Bo-Is
properties, and cover adjocent cor
ners of Ooluinlila, Clatsop, Tilla
mook and Washington counties.
Two large saw mills will be built.
One will be located on the river
below Portland and the other at an
interior point. The contract has
already been lot to the I tah Con
struction Company to built 30 miles
of railroad, starting at Wllkesboro,
to Vermonla and on up Rock Creek,
penetrating the timber belt. Tho
roiid will be standard guage and
will be used as a common carrier,
with connections into Portland over
the I'nlted Railways.
'By Associated Press.)
PORTLAND, Aufc. 12. United
Rtatcs Attorney llaney la conferring
with W. B. Ayer,' former food ad
ministrator, concerning food regu
lation. He may name a price fixing
committee whose duty it will be to
establish prices on foodstuffs.
jjlj ii '' ' " " a'u
I .r. Wt11" ""'I
Ifow thankful are all nations, for
a definite tangible pence, Tho sti-css
of war taught nuiny lessons, among;
them; (creator efficiency, intensive,
production and thrift. qualities
worthy of constant practice, not
only In war times, but in times of
The Rosebyrg National Bank
Fine Display
Do not miss soelng our win
dow display this week. We
are showing tho largest var
itey of Camoos over shown
In Rosehurg. Personally sel
ected from tho finest stock
Imported direct fiwm Italy.
Carnellan and Pink Shell
Cameos. Pendants, Broo
ches, Rings and Scarf Pins.
Now is the time to select
that Cameo Brooch. You
will find it easy to select
from this large assortment.
Jewelers and Optometrist
Our attention has been called to
the fact that a person traveling un-
der the namo of Harry A. Truman
; Is canvasing the country getting or
ders for Kd. V. Price & Co.. .Made
, to-measliro clothing. After writing
tho house, we have been authorized
to publish notice that there Is no
such authorized agent taking orders
for Kd. V. Price & Co. Do not pay
your deposits to a stranger, come in
and look over our new samples that
have just arrived and be sure you
are taking no chances on being
cheated on your suit. Whet you
think of did. V. Price & Co., think
(Try Out Way.)
We call and deliver. Phone 277
You can buy any kind of soda
for fc al any store or get It by tho
case for $1.00 delivered to your
home. Special drinks made to salt
you, flnvorsj mixed ;qr straight..
Phone ISC, Roseburg Soda Works.
Bulgers Animal
Children 25c
Adults 35c
A Show
For Kids
6 to 60
Going StrongerThanEver
The Booterie's Big Economy Clearance Shoe Sale now
in its second week and selling more shoes than ever.
Your neighbors can tell you of these wonderful bargains. Did you get
your share? It will be your own fault if you don't. Thousands of pairs
of shoes are here on sale at prices less than we can buy them from the
manufacturer today. Here's a few examples of the way shoes are selling:
Ladies and mens white tan oxfords OQ
on sale
An assortment of ladies' oxfords, black AO
and tan, all sizes to 4 1-2 '
Ladies' patent leather cloth top shoes, button
or lace models, with Louis leather heelso AC
could not be bought to sell for $5 LyO
Ladies' black kid lace shoes C Jn
Be sure and see these u.Oy
Ladies' all brown kid shoes, lace, 1-2 Louis
leather heels. Sold for $8, and cannot f. OQ
be duplicated to sell for move today U.Oy
Men's English black gun metal
About 20 pairs
A lot of men's gun metal shoes, Good- A (c
year welts, English and broad toes ."0
Ladies' gray kid oxfords and gray A nr
suede pumps, sold for $7.50, on sale at
Ladies' patent leather pumps, were O Oft
5.00, now on sale at O
Ladies' white canvass shoes t no
On sale at I.yo
Shoes That Satisfy and Fit the Feet IRVIN BRUNN Perkins Building, Cass Stree
Try our repair department. Bring us your shoes to be repaired. See the difference