PTVW fcxpert Kodak Finishing Kodak Films and Cameras Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention The Oldest Studio in" Douglas County Clark's Studio OVER ROSEBURG NATJO-VAL BANK ! - C - O - N - S - Conservo is the IDEAL.stenm cooker. leal for several reasons: First It saves fuel at a rate that will pay for itself ana fuel in a short while Secon It Is a savor of both time and labor. Third It naves food In that cooking is done without evauor ation, r .- s lng up0"'"1 There is no burnine. scorching, overcooking, or dry Fifth It occupies but one burner of stove of any kind, saves room. Sixth Takes just enough boat to keap one quart of water boiling Conservo contains four removable shelve, anil has two uood gfep pans for cooking. CONSERVO One more! A filiHAT SPIOCIAL SALE. The King Kookor for only a few duys as they to be moved quickly, for special reason. You know the King is a high pressure cooker and is . guaranteed to do all claimed for it. FOR 9.1.00 OXI;Y. I - Churchill Hardware Co. Vacuum Cleaners AND Electric Irons AT COST Dougias County Light and Water Co. MAKE ROSEBURG GROW 3ive Hoseburg your undivided support and she will so ahead in bounds. Sell your produce In Roseliurg for cash. Trade with your home merchants and pay them the cash, deposit the balance in the home banks. Empty buildings will soon be occupied, new ones will be built, your farms will be worth more. Let us try and watch her grow. Be a Booster. We are with you. Watch our Daily Mar ket Reports. Spot Cash Purchasing Prices. Dalr yProi ucts pgj. (0Z Pullet Eggs, Dirty' or or Cracked, not leaky ( DOC tyM UOZ. Al;h WHITE, FAXfV SELECTED FRESH EOS 43 CENTS Buttortat, hand-skimmed, (over 20 pounds) uo Cents Butterfat, hand-skimmed, (under 20 pounds).. . 50 Cents Separator Cream, 1 Cent per pound additional. The Umpqua Trading Co. PHONE 270 "It All Comes Out In the Wash" True enonugh; but If you have to rub the life out of the garment where 18 the gain? Better let us steam It out and save the garment. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHOJT.l 70 LAST WASH THURSDAY NOON. FRENCH TRANSFER COMPANY CbntracU Token and Estimates Fur nlslied on All Work In Our Line. Household Goods Promptly and Carefully Moved QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE Screen Out the Flies! ContlFgion Is carried by houseflies, o Its a protection to the family to keep them out. Prepare for the pests before they swarm In through windows and doors. Our lm. assortment Is now ready for your Inspection. If we don't have what you want, we can make It. The J. G. FlooKCo. Roaaonn. Orecom. M - V - 0 - Is IDEAL. JACKSON AND MAIN STREETS DELCO-UGHi The complete Electric Light and Pcwer Plant Economical In operation. Run on kerosene, gasoline or gas. R. E. HARNESS Moeebarg fvf8 i I"' Hri i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Highway Construction Douglas County, Orogon. Scaled bids will be recotvod by the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Orem, at the Court House, Roseliurg, Oregon, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 4th day of September, 1919, for Graveling on a soctlou of road between tho City of Roseburg aud the Post Office of lieston, Doug las County. The work involves ap proximately .85 miles of Graveling, the limits being mtore particularly described as from Engineer's Sta tion 0 00 to Engineer's Station 45 00, which station bears S. 67 de grees 60' E 1311 feet from the NW corner of l. L. C. No. 38, Tp. 27-7. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, a bidder's bond or certified check flor an amount equal to at least five "(5) per cent of the total- amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful perform ance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the bid. v Pains, specifications, forms of dontraet, proposal blanks and full Information for bidders may be ob tained at the ofHce of the county clerk or the county roadmaster, Court House, Koseburg, upon the deposit of five dollars. The right ! reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal or propsals. deemed best Cor tho County. COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. .11. W. MARSTERS. County Judge, W. E. ST. JOHN. Com:missloner. EDWIN WEAVER, Commissioner. Attest: K. H. LENOX, County Clerk. Dated Aug. 8, 19. J. a-26 XOOTOK TO CONTRACTORS. ' Highway Construction Ikinglus County, Oregon. i Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, at the Court House, Roseburg, Oregon, at 2 o'clock . m.. on tho 4th day of September, 1919. for construction work on a section of road between the City or RosebuVg and the P(wt Office, of Dixonville, Oregon. The work In- i volves the construction of 2 concrete : culverts in Sec. 15, Twp. 27 S., R. ; 5 W., and eartli embankment over i culverts. No bid will bo considered unless ! accompanied by cash, a bidder's bond or certified chi'uJi Dor an ; amount equal to at least five (5) ' per cent of the total amount of the bid. A corporate suroty bond will be ! required for the faithful perform-1 nice of the contract in a sum equal to one-lialf of tho total amount of the bid. I Plans, specifications, forms of ! ilontract. proposal blanks and full Information for bidders may be ob tained at the ofllce of the county clerk )or the county roadmaster, Court House, Roseburg,, upon the deposit of five dollars. ' The right 'is reserved ro reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal or propsals deemed best ''or t tie Countv. COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. It. W. ..lAitSTERS, County Judge, W. E. ST. JOHN, Commissioner. EDWIN WEAVER, Commissioner. Attest: IE. H. LENOX, County -Clerk. Dated Aug. 8. 1919. a-26 When Irregular or delayed use Triumph Pills. Safe and always de pendable. Not sold at Dn g Stores. Do not experiment with others, save disappointment. Write for "Relief" and particulars, its free. Address: National Medical Institute, Milwau kee, Wisconsin, 1-.2 1-26 Be Sure to Say "Threaded Rubber" If everybody taid "Threaded Rubber Insulation' when they bought batteries and saw to it that "Threaded Rubber" was what they get there would be a lot less battery grief. Far fewer jobs of reinsula tioo that is so often necessary to get full life out of the plates of an ordinary battery. Assurance of longer battery life. If your battery is getting to the point where it shows signs of quitting it will pay you to get on the track of Threaded Rub ber. Come in any time and have talk about batteries. AUTO ELECTRIC STATION 312 North Jrvkon Htrret PM i, K. NYGKKN. ROLSHEVISM TMltKATKN'S OMSK (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. Re ports floduy fomist a severe set hark to the K ok-link inovemout In Siberia, his forces (having been Corcod bark by tho Rods for a dist ance of almost 200 miles. Omsk is threatened with evacuation. The failure of the allies to get supplies to General Kolchak'B armies is be lieved to be responsible. It is sug gested that the president may call the attention Jof congress to the threatened Bolshevist control of all of Siberia. ' Heinline Piano School Open All Summer! 424 Perkins Hlilg., Phone 3tK The Book of the Year We are now hooking orders for delivery August 21st, for the latest and best book of HAROLD BELL WRIGHT, The Re-creation of Brian Kent This delightful story of life and love In the Ozarka the Shepherd of the Hills country Is the greatest novel ever written by the most popular author of all the world. So that you are sure of having the hqok when first out. leave your order with ua or mall a request to have one sent or placed aside. Tho first edition will be exhausted in a Bhort time. PRICE $1.50 NET. Special Notice Popular Itoprlnts will very llkoly he higher In a short time. We have Just rocoived 1000 copies which will bo sold at 75 cents ' until advance comes. The Roseburg Book Store M. J. & S. J. HHOKM.YKER. DE. 8. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician Burgeon Phonesr 810-320 Perkins Bldg. Office 119 Res. 404-J. Roseburg, Ore. , MRU. P. D. Ott'KN Out Flowers, Potted Planto, raneral Designs, W (Hiding Poo quota, eto. FOR &ALR AT "TH VERS" Hi Cass St. liweburg, Ore. PHONE S40 DR. O. II. DAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUIlfiUON 217-18 Perkins Illdg., Roseburg. Office Tel. IIO I Residence, Grand Hotel. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR HUNT 2-room furnished flat. Also largo airy sleeping room. CIobo in. PaterBon Flats. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 308 So. pine street. Phono 138-Y. KOIl SALE. FOR SALE Ford Truck. See It at O. K. Oarage, Winchester, St. FOR SALE-Studebaker touring car, 6-paHsenger. O. K. Oarage. RHONE 11F25 for all kinds of (try wood. R. Stubbs, MctroBe, Ore. FOR SALE F rd touring car. O. K. Oarage. FOR SALE New Underwood type writer. Inquire Oco. Staley, Grand hotel cigar store. bugi-.y and harness, 5plgH"team, weight 2800. wagon, mower" rake. Inquire J. T. iKpperly, Wilbur, Oregon. FOR SALE "4 acres at firecn Sta tion: house, barn, family orchard. Address, A. Wilson, Ilox 150, Rt. 1, Roseburg. FOR SALE One perfectly gool au tomobile trailor. See me quick. J. M. Judd. FOR SALE Second-hand brick. $13 per M. See Chet Fisher, O. K. Oarage, Winchester tireat. FOR SALE 1914 five-passenger Ca dillac In good running cotulltlon Inquire 953 Cobb street. I OR SALE Black mare colt, aged 15 months, price $40. C. L. Old ham, Dixonville, Oregon. FOR SALE Small house, 3 lots, good gnrdon soil, Rlvorsido, cheap Mrs. Jonnie. - Route 2, ITbaoburg. WANTED, Dry bouos. snckxd, COc per 100 pounds, liorger s Junk Shop. Cass Street. FOR 3LEf No. E L.-C. Smith type writer, usea very uiuu. 119 eai Lane Street. FOR SALE. Sharploss cream separ ator In good condition. Fred, Flsh cr, phone 25F4. FOR SALE Shropshire buck, ellg Ible to registry. Inquire Edenliow- er Orchard Tracts. Fred Fisher, manager. Phone 26F4. I FOR SALE Registered Poland Chi na boars. 4 months old. Also oak stove and block wood. Phone 14F32. B. R. Banning, Route 1, Roseburg. ; FOR SALE 64 acres. Improved valloy farm, nour Dixonville, all un der cultivation: 30 ac. fine prune soil. Price tCOOO without crop, one third cash. C, L. Oldham, Dixonville, Oregon. FOR SALE 1914 model Overland In good condilon, electrically equipped, $500. Box 8, Route 1, Wilbur, Oregon. EXIBE AND WILLARD ST0RAG9 batterios for all makes of cars. Roseburg. Gnrsg&. OAK STUM PAGE FOR SALE Close -in Inquire News ofllce for address. M FOR. SALE Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels from O. A. C. stock, or will trade for pullets of same stock. A. O. Rose, Olty. FOR SALE Horloy Davidson 1918 motorcycle and side-car in good condition. Address Clinton Cam omn Route 1. Roseburg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres of land 12 miles northeast of Ml not, N. D., 140 aoroa under culti vation, lialanco good farm land, crops look good. Imprlvomenta fair; good doop well, Boft water, all fenced but 35 acres. Address owner, H. A. Cntherman, Won burn, N. D. VUtt. SALE or will oxchihgo for clt property, 15-acro fruit ranch, two miles from Foseburg. Prunes, Chorrtos, Currants, berries, good 6-room houae, barn anl we'll. In quire 1227 W. Oecond Street, or address A. J. Saunders, Overland Orchards, RosobHrg, Oregon. T ACTOR FOR SALE; Going to Cali fornia, will sell my 3-bottom Nil son tractor, 8-foot doublo tandem disc, three 14-Inch bottom P. & O. , automatic lift tractor plow, to tho highest bidder. Write or phono ,H. J. Elllaon, care F-irat Stato Haiik, Sutherlin, Oregon.' FORSALB 1 C 0 acroi-foirleBS than (10 per aero, 4 miles from Oil lord Station. For particulars about this land, see Geo. Keller, Dillard, Orogon, or wrlto to E. Ackerson, owner, 2154 Montana Btreet, Los Angeles. Cal. FOR SALE BARGAINS IN DAIRY Ranches. I am offering the fol lowing four fine dairy and gonoral farms at a sacrifice if taken at once: ITS'ncros, 10 cows, 1 hull, 3 hor ses, 7 yearlings, 8 llogB. All im pftmenls, fair buildings. Price 115,000, (5000 cash, balance 87r. 105 ncros, 12 cows, Gyoarllngs, 5 calves, 10 hogs, 4 doz. chickona. Ail implemonta, all cropa; fair buildlngB, between Myrtle Po-lnt and Coquille, Price 1 12,000; part cash, balance nitg. 57r 200 acres, 8 cows, 5 calvon, 5 hogs, 75 goats. 3 doz. chickens, 2 horKos, All farm implements, buildings. Prlco (9,500; cash. (5000, balance 6. 90 acres, 19 cows, I bull, 14 cal ves, 2 heifers, 2 horses, 2 colts, 1 sow, 10 pigs. All Implements. 1 V4 miles to P. O. building. Price (11,500. Can arrange terms. These places are all in short dlstanro of towns In Coos County end real bargains. Address: J. HAG LEY. Myrtle Point, Orogon. EXCHANGE OR THADK. WXNT E rTTo"!' R'A D B Flve-roon" bungalow, North side, for small acresge or vacant lots close In, suitable for chickens and gardens. Apply Foutches Restaurant. tf WILL EXCHANGE A good sorrel smooth turned work horse weigh ing about 1400 pounds, for one weighing 1700 or 1800. Must be sound and truo. Apply W. R. Vin son, Umpqua. Orriron. WANTbil). WANTED I'lano Player lady pro forred. See Mr. Percy at Antlers Theatre. WANTED To rent or buy a mo dern house with turn or thn-e lots. Possession Aug. 15. Ad dress, Buyer, c-o News WANTED Second hand Ford bug or touring car, not later than 191" model. Price must he rea- I sonable. Address, Ilox 131,-Myr-1 tie Creek. Ore. I WANTED "Are you a successful salesman working amonr farm trade? Or are you aml-lllous to become one? Do you unt to earn (250 tn (350 a month. I wholesaling groceries to farmers Stesdy demand. Yearly neater Same territory. Car required. H . Hunting, Box 2090, Portland, Ore gon." ' Without going Come in and see these appliances demonstrated UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE Phone 123. WANTED TO RENT A furnlshod house. Phono 97-L. a-11 WANTED Woman for asalBtant. Apply at Mrs. Dorgor'a Rooming house, Cssb and Pino. WANTED Man to work on fruit farm, permanent place for right man; married man preferred. Goo. A- Hradburn, Phono, 28-F-3. WANTED Man to do improvement work on placo. Will furnish huuso, bnru and. chicken parks to reli able party. Place Is B miles west on Melrose road. Frod A. Ooff, Roseburg. WANTED 10,000 grain Backs at Borgor's Junk Shop, Cass stroot, Roseburg. WANTED All-round coolt wanted at the Cafeteria. WANTED Woman dlahwaahor. In quire at Foutches restaurant, op posite depot. WANTED Turkeys, large and small Phono 14F14. D. Boyer. WANTED White Leghorn pullets, win pay lop prtcoB. Phone 8F4 or 331. J. H. Clark. Edonbower. WANTED Canary birds, dinners ana oaoy birds. Mrs. Goo. Foutch, phones 252-11 or 1uiulro 140 Flint Stroot. WANTED Small threshing outfit ior mountain uso. Must be In good condition. V. C, Johnson, Box 93, Myrtle Crook, Oregon. We .are now representing the well known fruit export firm, Dan Wuille & Company of New York and London . and are now ready to make arrange ments for financing and handling ' crops on consignment basis or cash prices f, o. b. " Sutherlin Fruit ProductsCo Sutherlin, Oregon Beautiful Seasonable Goods Kvnrythlng as fresh and bright as the verdant spring days.we are all enjoy, big. If lis dress goods In latest pat terns and creatloni, Roar-burg Indies ought not to miss Uio display. It might be one of a thousand other articles you need In Uie home. Ask us about It. We are thinking of your comfort and welfare anil have a grnnd lot of seewinablo and most wanted merchandise for you to select frem. We will enjoy the privilege of show ing you article you may need. I. ABRAHAM NORTH JACKSON STREET Serve Breakfast near the Kitchen IBS Jackson St. WANTED Boy over 18 yoars of age to learn the'cleanlng and pressing business. Oood opportunity. In quire O. W. Slopor, Norh Juokaon Btreet. ' W A NTED Couiuetent woman for housework. Address Mrs. S. C. Miller, Dillard, Oregon, or phone 22-y 1 L WANTED Five bright, capable La dles to travel, demonstrate and - sell dealers. $26.00 to $50,00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Ooodrlcb Drug Company, Omaha, NeU tf MISCELLANEOUS. WELL DRILLING Call on R. 3. . Huinzelinau. Route. 1,, Roseburg, Oregon. ? QUARTER ACRE GROUND, OITY wator, small house, fine shads troes, beautiful location for home, near paved Btreet, beautiful view, only (376. It boats paying tent Inquire News ofllce, .-- : M. O. ItADAIlAUGII, Auctioneer 30 Years Kxiwrloiico. i Any one bavinh sales can arrange for dates at the Umpqua , Valley Bank. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. M. IL PLYIiEB. CniROPRAOTIO PHYSICIAN, 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Office Houra 0 to B Phone 159 Electrical Treatment. KObLBL'HO, OREGON.