irouR ' MRS. J. S. FRELINGHUYSEN A new photograph of Mrs. Joseph 8. Frelinghuysen, wife of the aona ,tor from New Jersey. The Frellng. huysens have taken a house In Six teenth street, Washington, where they entertain extensively. PAUL HYMANS Paul Hymans Is Belgian minister for foreign affairs arid formerly represent cd his country In England. I MISS ROSE ROTHENBERQ it t ' a. rp;:v Ail i; U ' 'III Mies Reso Rthenbfrg, twenty-tlx ( years of agr ha J;ix been appointed by Dlstrist Attorney Swnn H his staff as Wie first woihuh deputy prose cutor tht Nbw York sowvty ever has had. Miss Rofrhantjes ki-tta t stand up for Ju&tiee fev te 3mtm4 ta the women's court Waiting for te MosteM. I wn Invite.) nut (-r -limi.r nnt It lt:;ptMiioi ihitt (li minMur ninl hn wife were nln prvncni. V. won r fiioniHy (rrmin. At !h,ii'r finn wo Mi'i'p rented nt the tnM. nil lm( the lxiitoi. who wns hrti-nrliiii: t cotue Mrtle mutter In thf kltrin-n. UVwcte v nit Inn f"r Iht to tnke li-r plnct fore tho minister sulci eruro. The I Imstcss wn n wit hit fiissVil nm pitllwl nut from tlu kUohi'ii : r'clit In, folks : Um' 'wult for toe : lint Vie wmh C"t n. xt to hfTs. lf nHd look her ptnt'e. Ki lmniri'. Quotations for Self Advertiser. "I do advertise. Wliy nut? etc., etc., etc." W. L. Georye, "And here I value out their censure tlmt pretend It Is foppish nn1 affected for any persno to praise himself; yet let It be as silly at they please. If they will but alldtv It needful; on.) Imked what U more befitting thnn llmt fully should be the trumpet of hnr own praise, mtd dance after her own pipe? For who can set me forth better than myftelO nr who rim he bo well ac quainted with my condition?" From ICrnsmm, "i'Uu "re of Folly." GfiarlesDc; The Lav of the NortK jp ill piiSli? ('harU)H Kay H boonmlng more and more popular with each sur cnuiling picture, and the rimHim Tor hl success Ik nut difficult to flml. Ho 1h a hard workliiK player who suUmlinntcs everthlng to Iris nct Iiik. and by (IlilKi'iit Htudy he makes each character creation that tin at tempts miiru lifelike and satlstylliK than tho unn preceding It. Ah Ih well known locally Julien JoBeidtnon formerly of this city, writes about ninety per cent of bin It Is 'I to ing and to app is vh do sho ask vm KVEhmn awa tksoav. ' Afflu&r 1 a, " ioio. Let Monkey Do the Work. Garner, the nftturuINt, who bit spent many years leurnlng the mon key hinctiaire. bellaves thov could he j developed 'nto a race of workors upp- fu! on the form and In the mill. "Sum. a hoy upe, that sluiced my home In Africa, " he said, "learned to fetch llilnicu I colled for. If n mini can triihi a dojc to herd Klu-ep, niy couldn't he train an ic to help uhn farm and milt work?" Maybe he could, hut If the ape hud to be fed on fresh cueo- mi t n and had an attack of pneumonia witli every rtiliiMorm Mh keep inltht cost more Uiun his vvuilU. slorles. and to bllll iH due no little credit lor the wonderful popularity of this star. Mr. .limcphHon usually writon or llltle Imppenlniis. in ela borated form that have at one time por another taken place in the near vicinity of KoschurR. and of course liy loraHzinK his scenarios, people of this city are keenly interested in them. The Law of the N'orth will lie shown at Ihe Antlers Saturday nlcht. only, August 1 1;. Our Daily Task consider and solve the problems of our customers each one we solve gives us so much more experience r to the next one. This we are besT: equipped to rour printing in the way it ild be done. Suppose you us to submit specimens. ARTISTIC PRINTING of livery Description Neatly and Promptly Executed. THE NEWS OFFICE f v vf V7 x r.i,e. Vi .&.- , afA - V Vis' Art of Literature. I.'url de bleb dire Is but a drawing room accomplishment unless It Is pressed Into the service of the truth The difficulty of literature Is not to write, but to write what you mean ; not to ulTeci your reader, but to affect hlra precisely as you wish. This Is com manly understood In the case of books or set orations; even In . . . writ' Inft nn explicit letter, some difficulty I admitted by the world. Hut one thing you can never make Philistine natures understand ; one thlnfc, which yet lies on the surface, remains as un selzuhle to their wits as a high flight of metaphysics nuniely, that the busl- less of life is mainly carried on by melius of this difficult art of literature. nnd nccordlng to a man's proficiency In that art Bhnll be the freedom and the fullness of his Intercourse with other men. H, L. Stevenson. Of Course She Knew. P.iilli and her papa were sitting on the back porch watching the birds, when a woodpecker flew to a nearby tree. "Do you know what kind of a bird that Is?" her papa asked, and, with an air of Importance, Itutli quick ly responded: "Why, sure I do; If a I lted Cross bird." NICHOLAS MISU V Nicholas MIeu is the most dlstln juished living Roumanian diplomatist. He his served his country for many years i Balkan capitals and In Lon. don. He negotiated with the British government the part Roumanla was to play In the world war. . print- isi UF!. Wt-0 rj7e-50 18 ERMETICALLV sealed in Its wax- . wrapped package air tight, impurity proof- is hygienic and whole some1. The goody that's good for. young and old. The Flavor XOTICK !' MKKTIXG OK BOVRD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice Is horeby given that on -Monday, September 8, 1919, tho Board of Equalization will moet nt the court house In Douglas County and publicly examine the assessment rolls nnd correct all errors in valu tion, description or qualitios of InndK, lots, or other property asses sed for the yeur 1919. GUY CORDON. County Assessor. a-G rKKNCH DKY CLKAXING. Now is tho time to get your suits, liloves, waists, in tact all your wear ing apparel cleaned of dust and grease. . If you been on your vacation. you will need your gar ments cleaned and If you are getting ready to take your vacation, a good cleaning anil pressing will mako them look like now. Phone 277 and we -will call for them. IMPERIAL CLEANERS. (Try Our Way.) We call and deliver. Phono 277 Do not forget that we are ntltl giving away tickets to the Saturday nft.ernoon matinee at tha Antlor's Theatre to our out-of-town custom. ora. Ask for them, reonlej Supply Company tf. Bay Lard, real quick! ou can't say It backwards without a drawl! Say! do you use our lard? We wish you would, you'll find It good! The best you ever tried! Those who have, have never yet the fact de nied! It's of our own rendering! THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. KohHumen. Prop. rhoM M A PHONE WAKEFIELD & HINEY GROCERIES CLEAN NEW STOCK SANITARY SERVICE PRICE IS LESS HERE ' III Lasts Be sere to t WRIGLErS Look for tti asms DOING HIS OWN' WOIUv. G. W, Sloper, the cleaner and presser, ls now giving his personal attention to all work executed at his place of buslnesu which Insures lerfect satisfaction. Remember, when you want your work well done place it with him. tf IUDS ASKED FOR. Notice Is hereby given that School District No. 2 and union High school District No. 5, will receive sealed bids up to and including Thursday, September 4, 1919, for twenty thous and dollars worth of Improvement bonds. All bids must be accompa nied by certified check of at least live per cent of the amoun. bid. Particulars concerning these bonds may be had by addressing E. U. Russell, clerk, Wilbur, Oregon. 3-4 ; Secure our quotations before sell Ing your Liberty bonds. Douglas Abstract Company. a 9 We have a full line of Mas m Economy and Kerr wide mouth fruil jura, also Mason raps and' rubbers and Economy caps. Be sure and put up plenty of fruit, as canned fruits will be scarce and high. Pooples Supply Company. D. J. JARVIS Second Hand Store wants $100,000 Worth of Second Hand Furniture If you have anything In second hand goods, call phone 251. He will pay you more than 1t Is worth, and If you want to buy anything, see Jarvis Brst. He -will sell It below the cost of new goods. 46 CAUL FOB BCHOOk WAHRAJfTS. Notice la hereby given that all school warrants of school District No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon,.. to and including No. 3C28 endorsed March 7th, 1919, not paid for want of funds, and prior tnereto, are this ' day called for payment by the u$ dersigned, and all Interest thereon will cease from he date of this notice. Dated this 4tn, day of August, 1919. ROSCOE N. GIIEEN, . Clerk of School District 4, Doug las County, Oregon. a 9 LODGE DIB ECTOR V. - KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed nesday evening, cor. Jackson and Cass sts. Visitors always welcome. D. N. BUSENBARK, C. C, CHAS. F. HOPKINS, M. P. B. B. WIMBERLY, K. R. 8. 3SE, RoS, LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE, burg Lodge No. 1037 Mesta sec ond and fourth Wednesday even ing of each month at 8 o'clock In the Moose hall. All vMttng bro thers are invited to attend. C. W. CLOAKB, Dictator. H. O. PARGETKR, Socretary I.O.O.F.PIiillioiTiioniiin IkxJko No. 8 Meets in Odd Fellow's Temple, corner Jackson and Cass Sts., ou Saturday evening of each week. Visiting brethren are always wel come. F. F. PATTERSON, N. O. A. J. GUDDES, Ree. Sec. J. U. 1IA1LEY, Fin. Sec. A. F. & A. M., turel lioflge No. 18. Regular communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month (it Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitor's welcome. GUY CORDON, W. M. W. P. HARRIS, 8ec. REBEKAHS, Roseburg Rebckah Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F.-Me'ets in Odd Fellow' Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters and brethren invited to attend. ETHEL BAILEY N. G. BELL STEPHENSON, Sec. DELLA LEWIS, Financial Sec ROSEBURG LODGE NO. 1003, Unit ed Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. Affiliated with A. F. of L. Meets at Eagle Hall every Sat urday night. J. P. SMI1H, President. . W. E. ANDERSON. Sec-Treai WOMEN OF WOOHCRAFT, Lilao Circle No. 49.--Meets on the 1st t"d 3rd Monday evening of each ruonth at Odd Fellows' hall. Vlsit Ing members in good standing aril invited to attend. ANNIE E. CHURCHILL, O. N. TILLIE I. JOHNSON, Clerk. B. P. O. EI KM, HoseDurg Lodge, No. 820 Holds regular communica tions at the Elks' Temple on the 2nd anl 4th Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothors are cordially Invited to attend HARRY HILDEBURN, E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE. Ses'r. EAGLES, Rosebuig Arle meets Ir their hall on Jnckaon St, In 2n and 4th Monday evenings of etc. month, ;-.t 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren in good standing always wet come. FRED P. CLARK, W. P. P. VICTOR MICELLI, W. P. B. T. GOODMAN, Secretary. I. O. O. F., Rising Star Lodge No. 174 meets In the Odd Felloi a' Temple every Friday evening. Visiting b re th re always welcome. FOSTER BUTNER, N. G., A. C. MA11STERS, V. G CARL W. OHMAN, Rec. Sec :vT. FICKLE. Financial Sec. O. E. S., Roseburg Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully invited to attend. MRS. CARRIE BELL, W. M. FR3E JOHNSON. Sec'y. U O. T. M. Roseburg Hive No, 11, holds regular reviews on second and fourth Friday' afternoons in Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cor dially Invited to attend our re views. Maccabee hall on Cass Street. . ELLA LANE, COM. JESSIE RAPP, R. K. WOODMEN OF WOULD. Camp No. 125. Meets in tie Odd Fellows' hall In Rosjburg every 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Vis iting neighbors always welcome. H. CARRICK, C. C. M. M. MILLER, Clerk. FOR YOUR DRYER PIPE DIPPING BUCKETS AND TANKS Call at Sinniges Sheet Metal Works 119 OAK STREET PHONE 428 T