The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 26, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    'if '
i " S-l L-il-!
Snbacrintloi. Hute Dally
Per jreur. by mall, iii county.... J3.00
for year, outaide or county i uu
Per year .$2.00
Sir months 100
En to rod as aocoud-clusa mattor,
November 5, luO'J, at IloaeburB, ure
under act of March 8. 187 9.
The AmovIiUmI IroH Ih cxrliwlvcli
entitled to Uie una for remlllcatin
of all news dispatches orlitxl to If
or nut oUierwhto crtMlitotl in Uith
paper and hJo (ho local now pub
Untied herein. All rights of riipub
1 lr alio n of special dUputchtu herein
are nlo reserved.
SATI KIAY, JTfV 30, lll.
A corroflpondcut of the Now York
Bun regnrriH an the most "unnpoak
able perfidy" of the Shantung ar
rangement "the delivery over to oui
most trofif'heroiiK loos of eight mil
lion potential aoldlers to ho con
scripted aKnintit us In the next great
war." In that connection he de
plores the fact thut the UnKod
.States was not represented ut the
peace conforonce by an American In
stead of by an Internationalist. This
'is a feature of the controversy that
should not be lightly passed ovor.
According to the latest available
figures the population of Japan is,
roughly, 40,000,000, Including Ko
rea and Formosa. Tho population
of Shantung Is estimated at the same
figure. Its addition to Japan prac
tically doubles the man power of the
Empire, and also doubles the army,
as the Japanese would not hesitate
to draft ovary availublo man In hr
now possessions If she found hurself
In a war. There Is no question that
war between the United States and
Japan looms as one of the poHHibll
Itles of tho not remolo ftituro.
Senator Uorah very pointedly refer
red to the alternative that confronts
us as a nation when ho said: "We
do not anticipate war with Japan;
but one thing tho American people
will never uubmlt to when the facts
aro known they will never remain
a party to a treaty which has the ef
fect jt oppresHiug millions upon mil
lions of peoplo." Although the Pro
si lent may blind himself to the
menace In the Far Kaut, the Senate
must take cognizance of it and re
joct the Shantung lrunnfor not only
to provont an fujustlco being done a
dofonscless iieople, hut nn a measure
of protection to tho United States
A thrilling piece of heroics was
staged at the capltol In Washington
on tho occasion of Prosldent Wll-
sou's return to open the summer sea
son. Just as the President rtepped
through tho entranco a sinister look
ing bundle was dropped in front of
hi in by a siiHplcious looking person.
There wsb a minute of awful sus
pense and tho ntatuo of Freedom
which tupB the dome shuddered with
nprehenaion. Drawing a deep breath
Major Raymond Pullman, the dapper
chieftain of the Washington police
force, tiptoed to the rescue. Cau
tiously the bundlo was ruined from
the ground and with the delicacy of
touch with which tho swaddling
clothes were later removed from the
league of nations, the bundle was
unwrapped. The report was made
that It conlalued nothing moro ex
plosive or incendiary than the Hol
shevlk fulminatious of the Washing
ton Times, edited by Arthur Bris
bane, so the country was saved anil
the heart of the world was not
broken. It developed later that the
bundle had been previously examin
ed by one of the capltol police and
pronounced sate, If not sane. It is
now rumored that Major Pullman
will bo decorated with a medal de
pleting AJax deTylng the lighting,
and he may later he sent to Eng
land to receive knighthood at the
. hands of good King lieorgo. The
world la still safe for democracy, and
will bo until the Republican noiulua-
ti;m next June, when the game nea-iull
sun will open.
Assertions by some newspapem
and platform orators that the league
of nations' means peace through en
forced decreased aruiamwnts of all
nations are positively iulse. There
is not a thing in the league cove
nant that requires uu allied uatlou
to reduct armaments. It 'is- true
thut this leaturu wus proposed by
Mr. U'lhion In his "fourteen points",
I j ut Lloyd George quickly disillusion
ed the president s piind alonj; those
hues and the rear apostle of pudl'lum
from the l ulled StateH accepted the
'lip" and no more was heard about
the matter, JOugland as "miutresH of
me sea'' proposeH to hold the title
jgaliiHt all coiner h. Ked net ton ot
uruianient would only mean that
1-Jngland would relegate her power
ful nuvy to thy hci ap heap. Kor
this very appurent i-uukoii Lloyd
Uoorge, nl way looking out for Kng
land hrst, failed to see eye to eye
with Mr. WllHon. Kngland s navy
is sale and the way open to build
more and greater litkinhiim. The ,
Jisarmamnnt plea is used for effect
Ihere Is nothing to it, so dlHHonturs I
ire urged to get access to the lea-
ue covenant and treaty and lind the
text verifying Mwir claim.
,ry;i;k ARsutus law w.kjh.
Under the league of uatlouH cove
nant as It now stands, endorsed by
Premier Lloyd ieorge, Japan and
President Wilson; bewjdes a galaxy
if lesser stars, tho Immigration po
licy of the United Slates would he
determined by league conference.
fapan, it will bo remembered, along
with some oilier nations, have in
sisted on uureHorved admittance to
our shores. With tho league in
force Japan and those nations who
tiave hoen denied general welcome
to America, would be able to throw
iside existing restraints and flood
tlie country with coolie lulior. This
Is a question which meaiiH much to
every man who works for wages,
If it seems desirable to compete with
Asiatics, hy all menus leu bavo the
leanue ratified at once. Wages .will
drop to about 11 fly cents a day and
the Oriental will have the job at
that. It 'is atmurd to say that the
Japs have plenty of work at home
to keep them there. Don't bo footed
Into that heller. With the ha ih
down, Chinese, Japs and every other
nationality would took for new
worlds to conquer In economic line.
(it'AltA.Vf 1010 AMKKH'AX ItKiHTS
.MIhhouiI has two xenatnrs who,
true to their coiiHtll ueney, must
'bo hIiowii' before accepting new and
untried theories. Senaior Heed, de
mocrat, and Senator Spencer, stand
agu-iiiHt the league of nation and
(ts fallacies with all the power of
their strong personalities. It Is the
patriotic attitude of such men which
Is causing a glimmer of light to fil
ter into tho mind of the proKidcnt.
oiuilM tifc him to eo
, t
that A merlca
comoH Hrst. In tho treaty. The Mon
roe Doctrine; the Const Itutlon. and
the right, morally and legally, ol
this people to determine vbo shall
and who shall not be permitted to
become cltlzenn, must be guaranteed
beyond the shadow of a doubt In
any treaty ratilled by the senate.
In deposing Hitchcock, of Nebras
ka, from leadership of the league
forces in the senate, and selecting
Swanson. of Virginia, in his stead,
the 'resident once more evhlbits his
preference for Southerners. Two
members oT his cabinet are Tevans,
as also Is Iris closest adviser. Colonel
Divorce figures Indicate that al
most nobody is happily married and
your experience reaches you that
most unmarried people are unhappy
till they tied they are to be married.
Somewhere there ought to be a hap
py medium.
Some girls seem to delight in be
ing pawed over like an old woman
paw h over rem nan is on a bargain
counter, and one Is usually about as
cheap i Hie other.
Ahout every bov wishes he could
be it traveling Hiilesiuan and nearh
traveling salesmen wish they
eould stay at home.
A Bumper Crop
w .r. r.., " ' , 7
Because a inan" occasionally "has
been able to cheat his fellow man,
ho thinks he can also cheat Nature,
but nu ll always find Nutura sitting
on his doorstep on pay day.
'Most men tell their wives nearly
everything and then wonder how the
news gets out.
They call it "cold cash" because It
burns your lingers.
Storagc space for rent.
Abstract Company.
built on historic ground
New York City's Big Structures Stand
on Land That Is of Sacred
The hind on which the Equitable
building stands, and the, territory
around and about it, is of sacred rnem
ory so fur as enrly American history
is concerned. Just acrose the way on
Broadway was Burns' coffee house,
where the Revolution reHlly started.
Here whs erected at a later date the
My hotel, the scene of many memor
able functions during the early days
of the republic.
On (be northeast corner of Nassau
and Cedar streets Is a bronze tablet
which rends as follows:
TOre Stood
The Middle Dutch Church
Dedicated A. D. 17
Miide a Brlllfih Military I'rlBon In 1771
Restored 1790
Occupied an the II. 8, Poit Office
Taken down 1S83
At which time the post office moved
to the present federal building In City
Hull park.
On the site of the present subtreas
ury, nt Pine, Nassau and Wall streets,
a new city hall was erected In 1(109. In
front of the building was a cage for
criminals, with whipping post and
stocksbut not the kind of stocks they
sell there now. When Independence
wns declared the building became the
capltol and was called pderal hall.
Here the Declaration of Independence
was read from the steps In 1770, and
here also Washington was Inaugurated
(list president of the United States, in
The wide strip of pavement on the
west wide of Nu s.shu street In front of
the Idinkers Trust building bears evi
dence, of the former existence of Fed
eral hall. The hitler extended across
Nassau street to the building line of
the siieei and no closed the thorough
fare I hut a passageway was estab
lished around the building In order
that pedestrians might more readily
get In Nassau street. When the sub
treasury win built In IHiMJ on the site
of Federal hall, Nassau street wits
opened to Wall street, and the little
passageway wns left, and forms the
wide sidewalk of today. Fi ill table
Pardon Recalls Famous Crime.
A fitmiMiH crime Is recalled by Ihe
grunting of n decree of pardon to a
large number of convicts in llaly.
Among i hose thus pardoned ure
I octir Nn hit and Tulllo Murrl, who
were sentenced in connection with the
murder of Count Immnarllnl, .Muni's
btnl her-in-law. Count lion marl inl, n
Mologna spendthrift, who frequently
quarreled with his wife, was found
In his II: 1 1 with Ids throat cut. In
August, I! Nil. The trial, lasting six
mouths, of (he conn I ess and four ac
complices in the murder, in llMK),
aroused enormous Interest throughout
Italy. All tho prisoners were con lined
In a steel cage In front of the Judge's
tribune. Tullio Murrl. the countess'
brother, declared that he remonstrated
with the count for ill-treating his wife,
and killed him In a quarrel that fol
lowed, lie wjis sentenced to Jit) yenrs'
solitary con linemen). Doctor Naldl,
n friend nf Murrl's. received the same
N'Mitcnce. He declared that his part
In the crime was to cul the corpse in
pieces, but that Ibis was not done ow
let, to the date arranged for the iiiur
del being altered. The countess, who
w as sentenced to ten years solitary
confinement, was released In 1000.
. . J i
D-r i iff ih t
The Last Day
Plan to attend and
share in these big
savings on
Everything White on Sale
See our windows
Prices will talk
Shoes will walk
Repair Department Running An
Usual, Bring Us Your Repair Work
Neither Too Big
Nor Too Small
Tha Uuipqua Vulloy Bank is largo enoueh to handle
the biggest accounts In Douglas County and is yot
small enough not to have outgrown its appreciation
for the Bmall accounts.
So, you see that this hank Bta your "pllo" no mat
ter Its sl2e. "
the UMPQUfl
Under restraint, but some chafo, In hot weather restraint or no
restraint. To such we bring good news Yea, we'll bring the re
lief Itself, If you desire.
Jontell Talcum Powder
The Lltle Goni restaurant and
confectionory. 119 Sheridan Street,
opposite depot grounds. Is open day
and night. Service the very best.
We serve College ice cream, home
made pies and cakes, soft drinks,
Agency J.
Buick, Chevrolet i
Scripp-Booth Touring Caf
G.M.C.& Chevrolet Trucit
Samson Tractors
Batteries- Rebuilt and Recharged. Fully Equipped
Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full
Line of Supplies.
8-16 International
About the Best Farm Power Obtainable
Jersey Brand
Delivered Fresh Every Morn
ing to Your Grocer.
. Cashier
and our meals are like those motherf
serves. tf .
Safety deposit box' c as low i
per year. Douglas Abstract C
We repaired shoes, such as we
;urn out, show when you walk
down the street. Women's shoes
as well as raon'j must look right,
to conform to the rest of t he
attire, uur rebuilt and reshaped
ihoes stand the most minute In
spection. They look and wear
like now shoes and that means
a whole lot.
: a I
See the Difference.