TWO . - -L "' TIIB rTENRO KBT! 0DAV. Jt'l.T !i (Kin V THE EVENING NEWS B. W. BATES J99Ct3 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Snbscriotlon Kates-Dnilv Per year, by mall, la couDty....J3.00 Pr yfor, outside of county 4.00 VT year '. $2.00 Six months j.QQ Don't Overlook the Household Account Entered as second-class matter, November 6, luuu, at Hoseburg, Ore under act of March 3, I M 7 a. AIEMltUR OP ANSOCIATHI) I-III.S8. Tho Associated l'ress J exclusively entitled to tiio uno for republication of all uos diutUlies crullturi to It or not otherwise credited In thlN paper and also the local nous pub lished herein. All HkIiU of repuM llcatlon of upeciul dispatches herein ore- also reserved. Pay the household bills by check. Then thero will be no danger of having to pay a bill twice because you have lost or misplaced your receipt. You will get your canceled checks back from The Unipqua Valley Rank If you have an account here and every ono Is evi dence of payment. Small accounts as well as large are welcome. MO.lAY, ,IL'1,Y ai, lll. J. M. THRONtf Cashier II I . fl i 1 1 f D i n n III 5 J AXOTIIRK "Ol'l-.W" COVIOXANT. Th0 President Is reported to have refused to authorize publication of the text of the treaty with France, on tho ground that is was properly to be regarded as confldontial until It had been, laid bcfor0 tho .Senate and that body had Itself removed tho injunction of secrecy, Bays Harvey'a Wookly. That was, of course, the old-tlmo rule, but we had scarcely expected to find It reoked and upheld bV tho Qlltlinr nf thflt rognll rwl.ln., glittering generality about "open i-uviMiiwiiH openly arrived at. iHcsldes tho President hlinsnlf re venlod after denying Iho exist ence or an en treaty, and Its general purport, wun sucii (iiscioHiire al roady made, why maintain the flr- " " w:recyr we snouiu say that the Htatemnnt whlh iho o....ui.i.... himself made about It was one of me strongest posslblo reasons for maning ino rompioto text known, In order that thero mlilit be no nils nprelienslons nbout It, such as might rise from merely partial knowledge Ul II. IL seniH .In im itilulolmn dnllfl.. r..- the President thus to dlscloso mero- ty nuii'i'ii'u portions or treaties for , publication, while keeping or trying to koop the Instruments as a whole profoundly secret. He has done II before, notably in the case of tho treaty of peace. Ho gave out for publication the literal and complete text of one long chapter of that In strument, and Insisted that the res) of It should be kept under tho seal of secrecy. Why? Was It because lie wanted to conduct a propaganda 'In favor of the Covenant of the League, that he thus blazoned It to the world in advance of tho rest? If courtesy ronuired that this French tronty be "i voiiiiuoiiiiiii until it was given to the Hennlo and that bodv saw n t to publish II, why did It not require similar treatment of the Covenant Wo are ourselves sulnclenlly old fashioned to recognize the dcsirnbl Ity, In many canes, of withholding treaties from publicity until they an completely made which means, or course, ratiried by the Senate as well as negotiated by tho President. Hut WO trilHt I ll II t It flm.n n,,t i-nn.,a to bo old-fashioned to insist upon ino neeu oi consistency and courlesv In the matter. There are said to bB only 22 dif ferent and distinct scraps going on In various parts of (lie world right now. We presume the peace con ference devotees ino walling for authority from the senate lo set the machinery In motion, to iiielch those outbui'sla of human hatred. It will lake just nbout one-half I lie world to conipell the oilier half to be good. And It will be some nlit HOOKS OX VACATION. If you were uslicd lo maho a guess, what sort of hooks would you say peoplo are Inking with them to the seashore and Hie niounlaliis Fiction? Yes. of course. Fiction b; always a safe bet. and vet of the more than IllOO books already Is sued on vucallon lime (until Octo ber 1) at the Pacific Library, onlv lit! per cent are llcllon. What then Is the next most po pular subject? Is II religion, or trnvel or cooking? x, , .is nra, of these. It Is line arls with a cir culation of Mil books. Of those NK are music sonr,. .....i i. ...... .' about music. The remaining vacation clrciila Hon Is distributed as follows: Hooks ?:! I L'llli j0fK 5 -WW '."'fix the UNPQUA VRUEU bank ROSEBURO OREGON ' 4 i It Ilobert K Smith, whose iVrilllnp i'rt Tvnm Qn IT..n..nt..nn a , . .. iu a niiisa, nas ecnpseu even the fanciful dreams of Jules Verne and h;-s estab lished a speed record for the Pacific Coast. Is a citizen of whom Uose bing may well be proud. Working his way up from an axe handler In a logging camp of the northwest he has attained one of tho most responsible positions on tho Pacific Coast while in Itoseburg and Douglas County, his character and business Integrity entitled him to be numbered among the most desirable and useful citizens or the state. ,ln spile or the fact that he lias taken a !iositionin ono of the largest cities of the coast Mr Smith still claims lloseburg us his home and never neglects an opportunity to spend a little time In this' cllv if possible. Horn In Minneapolis he came to Oregon when but a young man and went to work in a logging camp Laler he became assistant manager lor tho Hrooks-Scanlnn Lumber Company and then came to Ror.eburg lo engage in the timber business but as conditions were not favorable at the time he changed his plans and bought out the Douglas Abstract Company, of which corporation he was president for many years In MHO he organized Iho First Trust and Scvin;;a Hank of which Jos. M' colli Is now cashier. During the re cent war he engaged In war work and was State Chairman nf one of the most successful Liberty Loan drives put over in the country. Hi cognizing his ability as a sales man nger. officials of the Twelfth Federal Unserve District secured his services as director of the war loan organization for the district Mr. Smith in his race for Sent tie has thrilled the entire country. Starting from San Frajncisco he travelled in a motor boat, train, alrp Lane, and automobile, setting a speed record which will probably stand for many years, lie carried $.-,0.00.1 in Treasury Savings certificates which are to be distributed among the banks of Alaska and which it was necessary for him to place aboard the mall steamer which sailed yesterday evening. The remaining JUaO.noo worth-of certificates will bo placed in The banks of ' the northwest. EVERY BODY CHAFES Under restraint, but some chafe. In hot weather restraint or no restraint. To such we bring good nows Yea, we'll bring the re lief itself, If you desire. PHONE NO. 4." AXI) SAY Jontell Talcum Powder 25c Nathan Fullerton TJie jdexcJUL Store Perkins Building The Lltlo Gem and confectionery, 119 Sheridan Street, opposite depot grounds, is open day and night. Service tho very best. We serve College Ice cream, home made pies and cakes, soft drinks, and our meals are like those mother servos. f Hack numbers of magazines for salo. All kinds 2 cents oach. Jy-18p FICTION LIBRARY. VOI R ATTENTION ASK HI). We have houses for sale cheaper than you can build. Om slm-v nn.l a half houso, 2 largo lols, will be on paved street, paving paid for: price J'lfiO. Ono (i-room house In the 100 block from Cass street, price 100(1, Willi small payment (town, balance like paying rent. We write an Kimis or insurance, prune drvors. autos, etc. 0. P. irHIJUC REALTY CO. Riley's selected poems, cloth. 14 illustrations. 50c postpaid. Fiction Library, Roseburg. C; . J27p. Diamond flour, mnde of hard whoa., everlastingly good. Ask your grocer about it. tf W. P. Fuller's paints and oils, un excelled by any. Dig stock at Mar stors Drug Company. tf Lltorarv History ami Travel rueful aits (agriculture, 1110 jilclne. cooking, etc I Hloivrapliy Pllilosoilhv Social science r,:i Religion Language sillily Oregon Vot 1 I. -1 illl pro Ion I! AN EXPERT niOEESSION. 1 no making of distracts Is fesnlen reunhiiig skill mid training. It Is cheaper am saler 1 1 lo the best ubstiacter ami gel iho t aid. Although the ao.irrhei- i,,av ho perfectly sincere ami honest. If ho depends upon (he ofnYinl records he Is looking 'Tor a needle in ;1 ,,. stack". There are nniuv technicali ties which may escape him - ihcio may bo many entries whh h have never been made In Iho o'llclal in dexos. Ofien a lmwer, ovamimns your nbatract. has no moans of find ing these flaws. Tho only really safe wax Is to in sist -upon an nlis! 1 not niiel,. by re. liable, expert nhstr.,.'t eomeain owning Its own plant, vho;, evciy, entry Is made and wli. ro loinutt ! care Is taken. Such 11 compain h;a i a largo sum of money invostii and j has a valuable local reputation lor' accuracy at stake. It cannot nrfnid ' to risk this reputation nml it s- : mires you a perfect title. If it makes an error It costB them nionov i not you. Douglas Abstract Company. Incur- i poruted. Only complete set of ab stract records In Douglas Counlv 1 M6 Attention, automobile owners brlng-your tires to the Rosebun: CTi. age for hlg'nciass vujcanlzlos and re pair work a? reasonable prices, tf. Wre are selllnir snnn lialnu. . present wholesale price; take ad- fur new spring and summer sam ples have arrived and re now ready for your Inspection. Soma nat nobby designs to mafce selection from. Order your suit early to In- vantaee n,i i ( r' V,.. I surB Prompt delivery. Suits made to Supply ConiDanr r , J?ur ma8ure' 18 to 50. O. V. 1 1 y 1 0""an', tf. I aioper, the cleaner and presser. ' tf Attention! Fruit We Have Them! THE KEN YON Wrapping Paper Holders! A Sure Success, Each 80 CENTS THREE RATTERNS uK I KI IT ItOX II MCIIFTS. Half lit SIIKl, Pl M; HASKETS, WITH II W.I:. I RUT I'll LADDERS AND COMMON STE I.ADDE .S. For engine liouble a SPARK I'l.l'i: thai will last ns long as your engine, baring accidental breakage, ( all for "The Kxpress Iben you should by all means us,. - .Motor Life", not onlv because il will reduce your gas bill, but bocaiir.e your engine will run so much smoother be.-ns r lis use. A cost or about li cents to each gallon of as. Churchill Hardware Co. FRENCH TRANSFER COMPANY Ojntwwt Tnlutm sad rNtlnmlos Fur aixtmi m All Work In olir Uno. IloioutehoU Goods Promptly and Carefully Moved QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE Agency Buick, Chevrolet Scripp-Booth Touring Cars G.M.C.& Chevrolet Trucks Samson Tractors Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Fully Equipped Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full Line of Supplies. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE ROSEBURO, OREGON. 444 N. JACKSON STKKET SHOWS IV WALKim We repaired shoes, such ag yta lurn out, show when you walk down the street. Women's shoes as well as men's must look right, to conform to tho rest of the attire. Our rebuilt and reshaped shoos stand the most minute in spection. They look and wear like now shoes and that means a whole lot. W. S. HOWARD 8 NORTH JAOKSOX. To Our Many Customers who have been kept waiting for the past two weeks, we are glad to say that anothor 60 grosn of new bottles will arrive tonight, and nfter tomor row we will be able to fill all back orders as woll as all new ones. Families who wish an assorted case or so, will bo promptly supplied from "ow on. RoseburglceCo 8-16 International Tractor J. F. BARKER & COMPANY Ahout the Best Farm Power Obtainable CALL IFOR Jersey Brand BUTTER Delivered Fresh Every Morn ing to Your Grocer.