THKKH Expert Kodak Finishing Kodak Films and Cameras Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention The Oldest Studio in Douglas County Clark's Studio OVER BOSEBURO XATIOX.U. BAXK ram yvusrsa Mrws whom-spay, jtlv ia. tow. Special Safe! OhioTuec Ellectric Suction Cleaner! Cleans without beating and pounding, ' ' '" .Takes out ALL the dust by greater suction and gentle sweeping. The OHIO-TUKC uses u brush only for picking up hair, thread and litter by gentle sweeping. No Vacuum cleaner can safely, be Judged by Its looks, because they resemble each other very much in mere appearance, whereas ' there Is a wide difference In their performance and efficiency. Nine women out of ten to whom the OHIO-TjEC Is demonstrat ed choose it. ' Why? Because it excellg in suction power, . which means cleaning power. CalKor phone us today. Regular Price $45.00 - 45 Sale Price Douglas County Light and Water Co. THE CANNERY WANTS YOUR Loganberries Blackberries Cling Peaches Bartlett Pears Green Gage Plums Silver Prunes '! Italian Prunes Umpqua Growers Association Phone 310 Rosebuig,0rccn Money Saving Prices Royal Baking Powder : 40c Peanut Butter, per lb .20o Bob White Soap, 4 for 28c Citrus Washing Powder. S8e Campbell's Soups, 2 for 25c Dependable Tea, per pkg, 18 and 80c Soda Crackers, per lb 18c Why send away? The Basket Grocery Co. Jackson and Washington Sts. "It All Comes Out In the Wash True enonugh; but If you hare to rub the life out of the garment Better 'letsteam It out end save the garment. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHOST.l T9 LAST WASH THURSDAY NOON. We make a specialty of writing prune drier Insurance. Douglas Ab stract Company. 9 Hemline Piano School Open All Summer! 421 Perkins Bldg., Phono 300. Screen Out the Flies! Contagion Is tarried hy honseflles, o Its a protection to the family to keep them out. Prepare for the. pests before they swarm In through windows and doors. Onr tine assortment is now ready for your Inspection. If we don't hare what you want, we can make It. TheJ. G.FlooKCo. RmMtrara. Oiwcow. - oo$32.50 Secure our quotatlonc before "sell ing your Liberty bouds. Douclaa Abstract Company. a 9 Storage space lor rent. Douglas Abstract Company. a 9 For Correct -Weights, Tests and Prices Bring your cream to" the Haz elwood Cream Station, located at The Umpqua Trading Com pany, Roseburg Oregon, Main street entrance. Top prices paid for cream. Checks for same Is sued following day after deliv ery of cream. We will also pay yon spot cash at Portland prices for yonr eggs, less express charges. The Umpqua Trading Co. 227 N. JACKSON 8TREKT. I NOTICE TO COXTRACTORS. I Highway Construction, Douglas I. . fount)-, Oregon. Sealed bids will be rocoived by the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon. at the Court House, Rose burs. Oregon, at 2 o'clock . ni on the 7th day of August, 1919, for construction work on a section of t road between the City of lloseburg j and I. O. of Melrose. Douglas Couu I ty, Oregon. . The work involves approximately 0.43 miles of construction and gra veling, the limits being more part icularly described ss from Engineer's Sta. 0 0 to Engineers Sla. 22 99.3 : Engineers Sta. 4 dO falls on the I SB cor. of NW54 of the NW j ol I Sec. 22. Tp. 27 S., II. 6 W. j No bid wll be considered unless : accompanied tiy cash, a bidder's bond or certified check for an amount equal to at least live (51 per cent or the total amount of (he bid. ' A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful perform ance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of contract, proposal blanks and full Information for 'bidders ob tained at the office of the county clerk or the county roudmaster, Court House. Roseburg, upon the deposit of five dollars. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or 'to accept the pro posal or proposal deemed best for the County. . COUNTY COURT OP DOUGLAS . COUNTY. R. W. MAHSTERS. County Judge. W. B. ST. JOHN, , Commlsfoner. EDWIN WEAVER, Commisioner. Attest: E. H. LENOX. County Clerk. Datod July 12, 1919. a-2 A late phone call the other night said: "Eur suffering humanity, can you send a case of Soda up right away we've haven't a drop of water or anything to drink, and It's hotter 'n h'l". We snvod their lives and for a life saver you'd hotter have a case on hand. For a refreshing drink ulterior Soda It "Is." Call ISO we will he glad to deliver any time day or night. Soda (all flavors) Luxo. Loio. Coco Cola, Orange Crush and everything. tf. Say Lard, real quick! ion can't say It backwards without a drawl! - Say! do you use our lard? We wish you wouldt you'll find It good! The best you ever tried! Those who have, have never yet the fact de nied! It's of our own rdndoring! THE ECONOMY MARKET 'leo. Kohlhasen, Prop. Phone 58 DR. B. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician Burgeon Phones: 310-320 Perkins Illdg. Of (Ice 1111 Res. 454-J. Roseburg, Ore. H. J. DENN TRANSFER COMPANY Wood, Lime and Oregon Cement Phono 12H. Cor. Oak and Main. DR. C. IT. DAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 217-18 Perkins Illdg., Roseburg, Ofllce To!. 301 . y Residence, ('rand Hotel. I For Your DRYER PIPE Dipping Buckets and Tanks CALL AT Sinniger's Sheet Metal Works 110 Oak Street. Phone 428 DELCO-LIGHf The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Jconomlcal In" operation. Runs on kerosene, gasoline or gas. 5 n n n n n a r: e. harness Moaetrarg Dragon TILLER DANCE POSTPONED. The dance to be given at Tiller on the completion of the now open air pavllllon haa been postponed owing to the fact that the mill supplying the flooring haB been compelled to shut down on accouut of an acci dent. The date of the dnnco to be given upon the completion of the structuro will be announced later by those In charge of the affair. j-16 .NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS. SiHx Ial Sleeting I'mpquu Ynl'ey Fruit Union. - A special meeting of the stockhol ders of the Umpqua Volley Fruit Union will be hold in the City Hall, Koseburfr, Oregon, on Saturdnyi July 2lSth, 1919, at 2:30 p. m. for the purpose of considering a proposition from the Oregon Growers Co-operative Association, and Oregon Packing Corporation, which, If adopted, will result in this Union being absorbed by, and becoming a part of above conoerns. No change or transfer to be made until after January 1st, 1920. All stockholders are request ed to be fpresent. By order of the Ronrd of Directors R. A. BUSENBARK, President, Roseburg. Oregon, July 12, 1919. j-25 uit hopp for Your new IHOME YOUVE PLANNED THE FINEST PLUMBING IN THE; LAND We hear you're planning to build a new hop e. Well, do you know that It would be a matter of money in your pocket and good plumbing In your house if you talked your plans - er with us and got our prices? We're dependable plumbers. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONH 151. MRS. F. D. OWEN Oat Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Hon. qneto, to. FOR SALE AT 'tTHB FERN 111 Cass St. Rosabnrg, Ore. PHONE 10 CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE. FIR WOOD Dry block. $3.25 tier. Phone 313. FOR SALE One dandy Ford auto. If taken at once, $285. J. M. Judd. fOR SALE-Studcbaker touring car, 5-passenger. O. K. Garago. RHONE 11F25 for all kinds of dry wood. R. Stubbs, Melrose, Ore. FOR SALE F rd touring car. O. K. Garage. COW FOR SALE Good milch cow. Inquire 1332 Umpqua Avenue. J-20 FOR SALE One span of 8-year-wlil horses, 2G00 pounds. C. E. Mab ley. hone 6-F 4. BUG BODY FOR SALM Large neat room for 3. Inulro at News ofllce. tf EXIBB AND WILLARD STORAGB batteries for 'all makes of cars. Roseburg. Garago. FOR SALE Wheat nice wheat for chickens to eat. Wholo oats, (1 bushel. J. M. Judd. 118 FOR SALE II head of sheep 10 ewes and 1 buck. One O I C hoar, full blooded. Phone 17F5. A. A. Emmons, Happy Valley. tf FOR SALE Harley Davidson 1918 tnotorcyclo and side-car In good condition. Address Clinton Cam eron, Route 1, Roseburg. FOR SALE Story-iiid-a-half house, to be moved at once. See Mr, Wood, manager of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. FOR SALE Grand Restaurant. In quire of 0. W. Stuley at cigar store, next door, for particulars. tf FOR SALE 7-horsepowor gasoline engine In first class condition; guaranteed. B. A. Smith, Weiss ranrh, Roseburg. Oregon. FOR SALE 12x16 wall tent, in first class condition, for half what a . new one will cost. A. D. Hulbeit, Route 2. City. Phono 32F12. FOR BALE" Two pak or saddle ponies; 900 pounds each. Will soil reasonable. Will Austin, phone 37 F-2. tf FOR SALE One large five year old Burro; gentle and hrTIke to rtde, drive or pack. Address: Fred. C. Johnson, Box 93, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, , OR SALE Light car, small tires, U"st right for a bur. Am leaving the city Thursday. Here's a real bargain at $160. Call 130 S. Jackson. FOR SALE St. Valentine broccoli plants, late cabbage and kale plants. All grown from choice Jsccd. Inquire Mrs. A. C. Kldd & Son. FOR SALE A new carpet and rug loom, cheap for cash; warping bars and sto '. sign included. Call at the Cuss street shoe shop, near depot. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acre dairy ranch, located In Lincoln county, $2500; or will trade for small place here. Beat of terms. Inquire E. D. Vosborg, owner, ' phono 95, or 391-Y. FOR SALE or will exchange for clt property, 15-acre trultanch, two miles from Foseburg. Prunes. Cherrlos, Currants, berries, good 5-room house, bnrn an! well. In quire 1227 W. Second Street, or address A. J. Saundors, Overland Orchards. Roseburg, Oregon. FOR HUNT. FOR RIENT 3-room furnished flat. Inquire 119 W. Lane street. FOR RENT Piano. Mrs. C. A Brand, phone 31F5. FOR RENT 4-room furnished cot tage, inquire 647 s. snepnens i. Phone 454-U. FOR RENT 350 acres good pasture land, plenty good wuitor. B. A. Smith .Roseburg, Oregon. Weiss ranch. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Black loalher folder purse containing $40 in paper money and $2.00 in silver, between Can yonville and Perdue. Findor ploaso address Ira Pool, Days Proek, Ore. Reward. FOUND Ladies "land hand hag with lew toilet accessories. Owner may get samo at this office. FOUND Cap to auto gasoline tank, also auto crank. Owner may get saJiie.ot News office 'XOHANCil'' OR TRADE. WANTED TO TltADE Five-room bungalow. North side, for small ' acroiige or vacant lots close in, suitable for chickens mid gardens. Apply Foutches Restaurant. tf WILL EXCHANGE A good sorrel smooth turned work horse weigh ing about 1100 pounds, for one weighing 1700 or 1800. Must be sound and true. Apply W. R. Vln son, Umpqua, Oregon. WANTED OHEGON FOR CALI FORNIA PROPERTY Wanted farm of 50 or more acres between Knschurg and Kiddle suitable for stock (must have plenty of water), In-exchango for California prop erty. A good lemon grove of about 8 acros; good buildings; plenty of water; good Implements and buildings; ulso trttctor; one horse; 350 shares of water stock; grove six years old, paying good Interest on valunt-ion of $15,000. I also have house In Los Angeles, now renlod $15 per month, vnluo $4,500; also four fine lots, also In city of Los Angeles, value $900 each. All or any of above pi-ojKjrty -in exchange for Oregon farm land. Owner new in Riddle. Will be here nbout ten days. If you have something to trade for California, writo at onco or see me at Riddle. Address W. S. Phillips, care A. L. Alkcns, Riddle, Ore. WANTED. WANT to rent water wagon or tank. Box 1075. WANTED. Heavy cast Iron, $10 per ton at Bprger'B Junk Shop. WANTED Pantry woman, at the Umpqua Hotel. Apply luimedl atelyr f- WANTED White Leghorn pullets, will pay top prices. Phono 8F4 or 331. J. H. Clark. Kdonbowor. WANTED Cascara hark and oak tanning bark. Bring samplo of tanning hark. Bergor's Junk Shop. WANTED Tu buy a R'lud team of iwork horses, weight about 1,400 each. C. C. Weaver, Rt. 1, city, or phone 5F31. WANTED Newspapers, 16 cents a hundred; Magazines, 25 cents a hundred, dolivored st Ilorger's Junk Shop. - WANTED Competent woman for housework. Address Mrs. S. C. Miller. Dlllurd, Oregon, or phone 22-F 11. WANTED Few good men for high way work near Roseburg, $4.60 per day inquire 816 Hourk St., at tent. WANTED To lease good sheep ranch or form Hint will keep 100 head or more. References if want ed: E. A. Kruse, Rt. 1, Roseburg, Oregon WANTED Five brlgnt, capable La dles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $26.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Wits at once. Ooodiich Drug Company, Omaha, Nebr tf WANTED Live wire demonstrator and salesman for Southern Ore got for the R-K Socket, now Ford light. Oood money to right man. Write or wire Brock Bro3., Cor allls, Oregon. Cool Draughts CAN BE HAD FROM A THERMOS BOTTLE We Carry Only the Genuine UNIVERSAL -YOU WILL HEADQUAHTEHS FOR LABORERS WANTED AT DlT.LARD Highway work, wnges 60 cents per hour; bonrd 35c. Two enr pentors to build crusher plant S miles from Myntle Proek; wages $5.60. mlsokijLAM'ouh. WELL PRILLING! Call on R. 3. Helnsolman, Route 1, RoBeburg. Orogon. I have decided to stay at the Poor Creek bridge and half-sole men's and boys' Blioes for $1, and ladies' for 76c. J. W. Hall. tf NOTICE I hereby give notice that I will not pay bils mado "y any other persons. I. M. OERVAIS. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY That cost you loss and got you nut of debt. MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN low rate of Interest. Pacific Building & Loan Association. See M. F. Rlro, of Rice & Rice. QUARTER ACRE GROUND, CITY water, small house, tine shade treos, beautiful location for home, near paved street, boautiful vlow, only $375. It bents paying rent Inquire News office. BONDS! BONDSI BONDS! We buy and sell Liberty loan bonds. New York market less small brokerage. Buy now. Later you will not bo able to socure theso good securi ties. M. F. Rice., of Rice & Rico. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS INSURANCE COMPANY We are now representing the well known fruit export firm, Dan Wuille & Company of New York and London arid are now ready to make arrange ments for financing and handling crops on consignment basis or cash prices f , o. b. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co Sutherlin, Oregon Beautiful Seasonable Goods Kverytlilnic ns frcIi and bright am Uie vcrdnnt aprlng tUiyn we aro all enjoy ing. If Its drcM rwxIm In hit est pat terns and creation. ItoNeburg larilea ouht not to tnlsu tho display. It in I Klit Iki one of a thousand other articles you nwd In the home. Ask its nbout It. We are thinking of yonr comfort and welfare and have A griwd lot of seaMonnblo and most wanted merchandise for you to select frem. We will enjoy tho privilege of show ln you articles you may need. ESI I. ABRAHAM) JiORTtl JACKSON STREET LIKE THEM- EVERYTHING ELKCTHICAL. MONEY Long time, low rate of interest, payment privilege any time, rural credit amortised plan. Pay on or before 20 years, See M. F. Rice, of Rica & Rice. - INSURE! INSURE! INSURE! That , irtiue dryer. At the prevailing prices you should keep fully pro tected. ' We have the largest old line companies. Why pay the samo price to small companies? All prices are the same. Our legal experience costs you nothing. Rlos & Rice. LIBERTY AND VICTORY LOAN BONDS If you must SELL your Liberty and Victory Bonds, sell to us. If you can BUY more Liberay or Victory bonds, BUY from US. We buy and we sell Victory Bonds at the market price. YOU CANNOT DO BETER YOU MAY . fiO WORSE. M. F. Rice, of .Rice & . Rice. SI. O. RADARAUGH, Auctioneer 30 Yours Kxnerieuoo. Any on havlns sales can arrange for dates at the Umpqua, Valley Bank. . ' Satisfaction guaranteed. dr. m. h. vvnm. cmiiiopRAono physician, 223 W. Lane St., Rossburg, Ore, Office Bourn 9 to 8 rbona IAS Electrical Treatments. ROSED 11M3, OREGON.