TWO TUB KVENPMJ JTirWS WEDNESDAY, JtXY 1(1. lPlff, THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES BERT Q. HATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, Snbscrlptlon Rote Dally Pur year, by mall. In county.... $3. 00 far yar, outside of county 4. 01) Weekly. Per year 2.00 Six montliB 1.00 ' Entered as . Bocond-cluss matter, November S, 1908, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. ME.M1JER OF ASSOCIATED PllKKfl. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tiie use for rcimblicntion of ull news dispatches crcriluxl to It Vt I lot otherwise crodiUxl 111 tills paper and also the local news pub lished heroin. All rights of repub lication of special dispatches heroin ore also reserved. Penlmula, a portion of Chinese ter ritory, to Japan, wai the prico paid (or Japan's signature to the league of nation m, with robbing of China as the consideration. Lodge assorted that there Is no statute of limita tions that runs against a great wrong fine tnat." The rorelgu re lations committee began reading and discussion or the treaty today, (Jo ferrtng consideration of the league covenant. The reading will occupy several aays. HAYS OUT OK JIOSI'ITAU John Hays, who was Injured Hun day when the car driven by Mlk Ketten went over the bank at Shady Point, was taken from the hospital to his home Monday, lie will prob ably be forced to undergo au opera tion within a short time as h shoulder Is in such a condition that It 'is upt to be a permanent Injury. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1010. ttUIU'JUSK HONORS 1UKTIIDAY, Honoring the 68th birthday of Mr. L. R. Mynatl, a law niimbor el friends gathered at the home in Lai derla and spent the evening In en Joying a social time. The party was In tho nature 01 a surprise unu eacn of the guosts brought some article which wont into the making up of a delicious ropast which waB servod late In the evening. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Mynatt, Mr. and Mrs. K P. Caiiien, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. E. P Croft. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wolforth, Mr. and Mrfs. I M. Van Aukon, Mr. and Mrs. A, S. McGUl, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Austin, Mr. and Mm. J. C. Mofflt, irs. J. F. Riolh, Mrs; Uona Gregg, Miss Jnnott Croft, Miss Klorenco Woalhorford, Miss Dorothy Mynatt, Mr. J. D. Orimos, Mr. C. M. Mynatt HE PREPARED. Roseburg, Oro., July 14, 1919 iMr. T. A. Ilaffoty, Agont, the KM dollty and Casualty Co.. Roseburg, Orep.on. Dour Sir: I wish to thank you for tho vory courteous milliner In which yon helped me In handling the claim wllich rosultod from un nc cldent at the time our Ford Touring car skidded Into the Chevrolet Tour ing car driven by Mr. H. Clyrlo Boose of Portland, Ore. This accident oc curred on Hobort's Mountain about 7 a. in. this date and by 2 p. in. the same date you had Been to it that proper adjustments T.'ero made and tho claim properly handled. This was especially apreciuted owing to tho fact that I am from Tonnessoe and was a total stranger to you. In tho future I will always hoo to It that a policy on my nutomobllo is carried with tho Fidelity and Casu alty Company. Very trulv yours, MATT. ORACEY. The expense In connection with the above mentioned accident amounted to almost $100. It was Bottled with out question and without suit. Both parties went on their way 'without ill feeling toward oach other. It Is better to bo propurcd than to rogrot your nogloct. See T. A RAFFETY. PAT IU.AKE OIIANOES. Tho following from the Eugene Register will ho of Interest to Rose burg poople as Mr. Hlaek Is well known In this city "Pat Blake, who has boen employed by the Htandurd Oil Co., has gono to Chicago where ho will take up a position with tho Montgomurs, Ward & Co." . ALLIES PAY PHICH. WASHINGTON, July 15. During the debate on tho peace treaty teruiH and loaguo of nations today, Senator Lodgo, republican, of Massachusetts charged that awarding of Shantung We have a full line of feed for horses, cows, hogs and chickens, and the pilco is right. Peoples Supply company. Diamond flour, made of bard wheat, everlastingly good. Auk your grocer aDOut it. tf FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE GETTING. When about to buy land, ascor tnln flint of all, what you are nut- ting. Since tho tract of land was nrst wanted by the Government. It has probably passed through many nanus, mere nave probably boen many opportunities for fl.iws In the title to appear. If such a tltlo Is Imnorfoct. cood business Judgment will tell vou to nave 'It corroded before you buy. J he only way IB to demand an ah stmct niado by a reliable abstractor. By a roilablo abstractor, Is mean a searcher with his own plant, con talning all records carefully Indexed and recorded In such a way that It la practically impossible to permit an error. Tho added value of an ab stract mado by a searcher having his own plant results, from tho fact that he has an immense sum of monoy invested, which together with his business ropututlon is ut stake. Such a searcher's ubstract passes muster everywhere. Douglas County Abstract Com- ny. Incorporated. Ouly complete sot of abstract records In Douglas County. J-19 JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store EMPIRE BARN "W II IS AT Nico whout for chick ens 0o out. Wlmlo outH, (1 buahed. WANTKn Sucks. STOCK FRHD.-Sunnyljrt.ok liorr feud a now feed iX tho riKlit price. Mixed MoIuhsoa KoedH for dairy cowa and hogn. Nice lri(;ht Rolled Hurley; Rolled Out; Old fuahluod middling, mixed corn uud out Chop, nriltrui). Allalfu mm I uud boot pulp. Oala, $ 1 biiBhtd. I'OtTTKY FKIOIW Oystor shell, Ground Mono, Mcut Scrap, Kgg Mush, Sent tch Feud and Whoat. SIISC'IOLLANKOI'S One Kurd truck, ono 6-cyllndor Bulck nuto inubllu, Bome good ImrnoHt, a ono horso wagon, etc. Out nourly now grain scedor clump, and one hay riling lor un loading hay. CnroyUcd Stock Salt In nmull bricks rind largo ftO-pound bloc It h. Try It nod you will Hover mhu any o( her. III ; Msg) ' tz i . 1 rim fat Contents lSFluid Praoliinj ii mi CASTOBIA ALcoiioL-ariiBcisxr- Ai?..t..l.,.I..VWfAriitiiulfarAS siniiluliniiUiclood by Ki-C"1' ! liniillicSlomai'nsnmllwJ llicrrbj' ITomoum; u w- , I .hcciiulncssaiw neither Opium. .Mornmuv Mineral. i' i m"-1" tKnplm -tow .S'.:: .1 . ,.jd k- U Antinuimi'ii'.' i...iinnmul llflfrnoi. miiiiii""" . . I iind FwrWiness .uul rcsiillin t Iticrci ronvui Ik Simile S jnsim"' i XMiCrNiAuaCoHrASV. MKW t"' For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature I Jf a B W In Use For Over Thirty Years li 5:0 HWCaSTORIfl Rint Copy of Wrapper. . .... .,c,m w, nmniMifaw mm run jwwtnwm jui m i-juj..'.iju.jiiw Next Timer-Buy RED TOP TIRES Big mileage Fabric Tires built with an extra ply and a heavy tread Big tires with mileage com parable to that of Cords. THE HANDSOMEST TIRE MADE White side-wall lied Tread For Sale by Dealer TWn to Re-ttrafft HAIU'XV KOSSIHI.K. (Hy Associated Prt'ss.) '.VASHIVdTftV InK- If. Tli a. prohibition bill wan aain the 8torra con tor in tho bonne toduy, Speaker I UIIIIK LIIUL (70UI11UIIVH Uallivan, dnmocrat of MaHsachusetts itun nut, iiuiiaiunBuu iitu iiuuac itiit'D in Jonlfirliiv Hint !.. hwl linn kH nf utifti conmcii nuu jiuu mui eu U vay onoiigh whiHky to laHt them twenty yea in. KeprcHontutf ve Jllunton of Texas, another democrat, uttucked (iiilllvan'e Bpoech uud Htirrod up con didoruble cuininotioii. H Kit 10 TO ASSIST CltAAIKK. H. M. Sleeni of Seuttlo arrived In this city yesterday to UHHist S. A. Cramer, who is being held In con nection with tho Seoltuhurg robbery. Sleoin waH sent by M. A. Cramer, a brother of tho deputy coutduhle and who condurts a mercuntile establishment in Seattle. Contentment is a stale of mind IMPMALES MOUTMP1CCC create it. Their full fla vored, satisfying blend is tlie secret. They are a finality smoke. 10 for 13c The John Bnlliiiiiii Co. Branch Uanitfirluivrt N'ot irn in lwrliv tfl vim t )i:t I nn Monday, August 11, 1 0 1 H, ut li o'clock n tho afternoon ol sa'id day, at the ront door nf tlin f 111 I i.- Pniirl ITmtun in Wnmiliiuir nntii'liia riiniv Om. Con. DliiKiiiLnt In n rofloliitlon and order of t ho Hoard of Directors of Coos liny . l ow-usito Company, I :i flout oil liinrt A 1 u 1 nnl 11 uiih. I sequent n-BOlution duly adopted by Ham Hoard of Directors on the Utli I ilnv itf Jniirt IUIQ llinm XL-ill I. a 1 offered for salo and sold at public -Jillo V Din Si.tiTrttiU'V nf Cnna llfiv Town si to Company to the hiphest iMfUlei tor casli in hand tli0 follow inir (R'Ht'i'ihotl Hhiirnti of t )io rnnltnl stock of (os Hay Townsito Com- njtnv to rt;ilizn the :i tiioimt nf do- lino.uont culls and assessments upon tne same or seventeen ioiiura ($17 not per share, to-wit: A O co n . N'. Johnson .10 SO $1,5.10 N. .Inhlliwn S4 10 170 h. x. jnhiiRuii r 6 fro sro H. N. Jolinnnn til f,rt fiKil 11. N. .lohnson 7 4 10 170 II. N. Johnmin 79 L'S 426 H. N. .lohnson S2 7 1 1 n O. C. SutluM' 100 1.700 O. C. Si'ther H7 00 S50 O. O. Sotlnr :i! TiO sr.n O. C. S.'thor 4 2 10 170 O. t". Sothor 44 10 170 n C Sntlmr 1." 1,1 ,7,1 O. C. S.lhr 4l fi 85 O. r. Mpthor 4S fi S5 O. C. Sothar 49 5 85 (. C. Sothor 61 5 85 i O. C. Sothor 67 60 860 i O. C. Sothor f.S 20 340 ; O. C. Sothor 69 20 340 I .no Slonhonn 7(1 1 17 r If !L'!mila Ut it 711 ' C." I'.' MftKlonta"!.!! S: 40 6S0 I Tho phnroa of oach of R:ilil atook- 1 holdorn will bo eo mfferoil for salo j nd sold anpnratoly for the bent price obtainable at such Bale. . J. M. THRONE. j J Secretary. j NEW UIKKCTORY OUT. Tho new telophone directory Is now ready for distribution. They have not omitted our phone number this time, so bo sure to call 277 and we will cull. Watch Dor our new fall and winter line of samples. There will be about 900 to choose from. IMI'MltlAfy OI.EANKIIS. (Try Our Way) We call and deliver. Phone 277. . Attention, automobile owners bring your tires to the Roseburg Oar age for hlghciass vulcanizing and re pair work at reasonable prices, tf. We have Crlsco, Vegetol Cooking Oil,' Mazola, Wesson Oil, Com pound and Lard. Would advise you to buy now, as prices will bo higher soon. Peoples Sunply Co. tf CASTORIA For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Years Alwr bears , Signamre of MuafTkL&tf Garford Trucks! 1 to 6 Ton Capacity Riker Heavy Duty 3 and 4 Ton Capacity F. W. D. 3 Ton Capacity Four-Wheel Drive V. S. FRENCH District Sales Manager for Southern Oregon Headquarters, Roseburg, Oregon K. D. VAN DKRSAL, 330-351 Uurnsltlo Street, Portland, Orogon, llstrlbutor. To Our Many Customers who have been kept waiting for the past two weeks, we are glad to say that another 50 groso of new bottles will arrive tonight, and after tomor row we will be able to All all back orders aB well as all new ones. Families toho wish an assorted case or so, will be promptly supplied from now on. Roseburg IceCo Get on the "Business" !End of a Bank Account That Is own one for yourself so that when the oc casion arises to spend a liltle money nil you have to do Is Bit down and WRITE A CHECK You'll find most of the Roseburg people handling their monoy In that way and The t'nipqua Valley Dank extends YOU an Invitation to do likewise. Wo also have Time Deposit Accounts. J. M. THRONii - Cashier the UMPQUff VHLLEU bank ROSEPURO OREGON "ALL IN" Are 'ou fugged out, tired out, and played out, at the end of hot day? BATHE THE FEET Rexall Fcot Bath Tablets, 25c It is the restful thing you can do. Nathan Fullerton on in Perkins TJie ygCU& Store BuUding The Lltlo Gem restaurant and confectionery, 119 Sheridan Streot, opposite depot grounds, is open day and night. Service tho very bee$. We sorve College Ico cream, homo made pies and cukes, soft drinks, and our meals are like those mother serves. tf Back numbers of magazines for sale. All kinds 2 cents each. jy-18p FICTION LIBRARY. Agency Buick, Chevrolet Scripp-Booth Touring Cars G.M.C.& Chevrolet Trucks Samson Tractors Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Pilly Equipped Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full Line of Supplies. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE IlOSKBUIta, OREGON. 414 N. JACKSON STREET HE MVKS ON ins FEET most of the time, and If he did not wear tho right kind of slioes comfortable, well fitting, serviceable rootwear he would Boon get footsore and weary. We keep police officers', letter carriers', workingman's, and other folks who are on their feet a lot, pleased with our fine shoe repair work, and save them money. W. S. HOWARD 238 NORTH JACKSON. 8-16 International Tractor p1 J. F. BARKER & COMPANY About the Best Farm Power Obtainable CALL JFOR Jersey Brand BUTTER Delivered Fresh Every Morn ing to Your Grocer. C9 'Id