The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 15, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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inrrm wwriTTf
Warm Weather Necessities
Panama Hats
There is nothing that will give you more lasting
comfort these warm days than one of our cool
Panairfa Hats.
1 Toyo Panama, .$.249, $2.98, $3.79
; ' . Genuine Panama $4.98, $5.90
Silk Pongee Shirts
We have these cool "shirts in natural (jo QQ
color with military collars, French cuffs pJ0
You Buy It Here for Less
--- - -
Our new aprlng and Bummer nm-j Ca)Dag0 patB Tor sale at the home
pies have arrived and are now ready f H B church 318 East Com. Ave.
for your Inspection. Some neat, . ,gs tf
nobby designs to make selections
from. Order your suit early to In-j n,lf()ty dl.)08t hox,c a8 low a $1
sure prompt delivery. Suits made to ,0r yoar. Douglas Abstract Com
your measure, (18 to $G0. O. W. pany. a 9
Sloper, the cleaner and presser. tf ,
Kllcy's selected poems, cloth. 14
Six cents porpound paid for Rood IMiiHtratlons, 60c postpaid. Fiction
cleaning rags. tf., I Library, Roseburg. C. J27p
Shoe Repairing
Now in Operation Here
Bring Your
Vei'klns ltulldliig lltVI.N
War If) past and government has allowed iv iiinniifiurtuivra
to resume their commorclnl butt I nHH.
We have the first Hhlpiiiont lu Hint wo have hud for three
years. "
Remember SILVER STEEL is the very best grade of
American Enameled Cooking Ware
If you doubt It, all we ask Is that you give It a good fair
trial. Tt Is mado over a heavier pi alo thnn most other eiunneled
wnres, ond tho enamel Is of a to uglier texture.
,"Wo bavo n good Block of all the cooking utensils usually
needed. Sauce pans and kettles from 2 quart size down. IHsh
pans from 21 quarts to 10 quails. ' , .
Baby baths, palls, steamers, f rult Jar fillers, and O.well, just
drop In and look it over.
Churchill Hardware Co.
The Road Called Straight
"Why Get a Divorce"
THURSDAY FRIDAY Hurry ('.ui-y in "A l ight for Love."
. -
- . -
Shoes to
llltl .N.V Cass St.
Live-wire Doings of City j
: Leave for CViilfornlu.
i H. II. Maxwell and wife or the
I Soldiers Homo, will leave Thursday
, for Sawtellc, to visit with relative
for a month or six weeks.
Return from lriuitM 1'
j IK. Hadger, and wife, who have
i been vlsiling at llio V. II. Hose
' home, left this morning for Cranls
J Puss, where they reside.
i (Iocs tit Dole.
! Mrs. Mary Flint spent Monday at
jjoiu visiting wnn Mr, i-.u. wingiel
ou. ,
oir fn Vacation.
Mrs. N. H. (flhson left yesterday
afternoon for 1'ortland and Seaside
where she will spend her vacation.
UiH'H to HaN.'iti.
Attorney H. L. Kddy, left yeRter
duy evening tor Sulum, where ho will
spend a couple of days attending to
Uif,ul mutters heforo the Supreme
lii'aveH for Kukcim.
Mih. T. V. MrKechnio and datiKh
ter JJoiolhy, who have been visiting
the Hldenour lirothers, left Monday
ultenioun for their home at Kugene.
it Middle on liiisincss.
Carl UerKer, local Junk dealer, loft
yesterday morniiiK for Kiddle, where
he spent the clay attending to busi
ness matters.
Will Attend .MrrlliiK.
K. T. Compton, chairman of the
local H. of H. C. left Sunday for Han
Francisco, where he will attend a
convention of chairmen of the newly
ostu bllshed order.
(rocs to Sllicitl.
Attorney 1J. I,. Eddy left yesterday
evening for Salem to attend to legal
matters before the Supreme Court.
License I-ssiicd.
.Mrs. Htnrint'r Dome.
Mrs. Ham Stunner and daughter,
returned Sunday from Myrtle I'nint,
Co(iiil!c and other points In that
iclnity, where they have been visit
ing with 1-elativrn for the past two
Ibtrtriiiii I,4vet.
S. C Hart rum. forest supervisor,
left Monday afternoon for Oakland,
where he it pent the afternoon. He
spent today attending to matters at
Itctitriilnif to MimieNoin.
Mrs. Win. JoIuihoii am! hoii. Wil
Itnin, who have been visiting at the
I. It. Thompson home -in Rrockway.
left yPHterduy evening for Han Fran
cisco, on t hoi i- way to Minnesota.
Making Ofllco ItepaliN.
Slight chaiiKeH in the urran Ye
meni of rooiiiH at Hie of'nVrs of doc
tors Sether and tewart are Ih'Iiib
made. I'ai-tiebniH are btiinn removed
ko I hut additional space can he pro
cured. ftetimitt tf Tori land.
Mrs. Hardy O. Howard, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Emma How
ard In this city, left yesterday morn
ing for her home.
Leave for Arizona.
Mrs, t 1'. Cramer and Hon. who
have lieeu visiting at (lie home of
L. W. EnuelH and H. C. McCeliey. left
yesterday morning for their home In
Mother is III.
Mm. Kndolph Harness left yester
day afternoon for Yon ca Ha in ans
wer to a message announcing the
serious illness of her mother.
Orcutt In Salmi.
Attorney A. X. t treutt lelt Sun
day afiernoon )'ir Salem to arue
l the ease of Wrii:ht s. W iniherly
'. w iiirh i iwiw hefore 1 he State Su
jirein,' Court.
Will Take Vacation.
Sheriff ljutno and family will leave
the city within a few das to enji
their vacation. The Sheriff Males b.
Is go! ns to pick out a Kood trim i
stream and then enjoy hiuiHolf.
1 Mrs. Hunch l"av's.
j Mrs. Ea ItiiMch, who has been
tsiling at the homo of Mr. am!
! Mrs. l- I.. McC.rew, left this morn
I In: for San Francisco, where she wil
, slop on her way home to Ijs An
Meles J Xtlftmey .1. t. Watson Uetimi.
; Attorney .1. O. Wat. on has ret urn -i
eil from a business trio to Keedspoi '
1 and (Jaidiner. where lie reports all
tilings moring ulont; brisky. Inirinr
his a'senct he also spent a efw days
at I'oitlnnd and Salem looking after
b-i;a1 matters.
! Iae for Middle.
Mr and Mrs. Fete Flam, of KM-
. die, w ho have been vlslti'ln ill tint
city with their daughter. Mr-. Wen-
dei WrUltl. left Monday morning
i for their home They recently re
turned from a trip to Hums.
Tea tcr-i 'nrpon ter uptlaK,
Eerett 1.. Teaier. of this city,
and Miss Dorothy M. Carpenter, a
popular you iik lady of Ilo ebui g.
were married at tho rarsonace of the
M E. Chun h. Smith, yesterday nf
tutnooii. Rev O. C. Copp.ige. oftl-
riaiing. I :ie ceremony nn wunes
i sed bv only a lew close fi tends. Mr.
n ..,) l I 1 T.i 1 I will 111 1.' . t ll l f
borne nea r t his city,
Mithotiin Man In Town.
Elder J. A. Rippev. president of 'he
Southern Otviron Conference." S. D,
A . w'lose heatbittnrtei s are new at
Sutherlin. wheu the denominational
academy ha1 been established, was a
business visitor In Roseburg I'rtay.
Elder Rlppcy whs vcompan!d by
Prof. Weaver, principal of the aea
demY Tvhey motored oyer, relum
ing bonit this afternoon
BvtiiMiuiit Jtolti HiiUlikf.
The hot dn'8 are drawing mauy
to the swimming hole In Alexander's
Addition tyoh day. On account of
tho condition of tho bridge autoa
ctutn-jt cro.'-'fl but. th0 dusty walk do;
not Uet;r many. It -in a cortalnty
thtit when the hildge U rebuilt there
will be a great rush for the cool
waters,. To u rial s passing through
the state, say that It Is one of the
bent spots to bo found along the
Hero Ut Vi id ergo OjM'rntlon.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Itandall, for
merly reaidonU of thin city, but now
located at Eugene, arrived In Rose
burg u nil ay, tho latter to receive me
dical attention, having entered Mercy
hospital and today was operated
upon by lr. L. H. Letirbach. . Mr.
Randall has a good position at Eu
gene to which place he will return
as soon as'hia wife in pronounced out
of danger.
j(Hy Associated Press.)
COHVALL1S, .Inly 1 5. "One
young fellow who applied for work
when men wore not to bo had whh
asked if he bad ever lived on a
farm," writes C. C. Calkins, county
agent of Sherman county In the June
Oregon Countryman.
"O yes, all my life," ho said.
"A farmer out here wants some
one to drive alx horses; can yon do
it " he was told.
"Don't know; I could harness
them, ibut never drove a horse in
my lire."
"What! Didn't your father have
any horses on the farm?"
"We had horses all light but dad
would never let me drive; he always
held tho lines."
Further questioning revealed the
fact that dad still owns tho farm
but hires some other father's Hon to
run it while C.eorgw is away In a
state that is not his own, looking for
work because dad just has to hold
the lines.
Other boys tell the same story -in
different words. "It's nil " dad's
farm," sighed one young lad. "It
was my calf hut dad s cow. said an
other. ,lt isn't enough to give the hoy
nine months of schooling: give him
a chance at the farm business; even
if he doesn't want It. It's up to dad
to ereate and rill the want.
Experience hIiowh us that If you
want the child at homo this has got
to come. Tho letter head that used
to read ".I. C. Hrown. Shorthorn
llreeder." must b changed to read
"llrown & Sons.'
And then dad has got to play the
A new Sawyer-Seovllle hearse has
been ordered by the Roseburg Un
dertaking Company direct from the
factory at Cincinattl. The old hearse
has been sold to James Dearling, the
Oakland undertaker. The new ma
chine should arrive in this city soon
as the order 1r to 'bo given Imme
diate attention. It Is a beautiful car.
Mulshed in three-tone black, genuine
mahogany woodwork and avlckleplat
ed metal. The body contains a re
movable flower rack while the back
of the car Is fitted with Pullman
'urtains. Tho driver's compartment
is completely enclosed, the entire ap
pearance being very pleasing to the
-ye. The chasnis has a wheel base
of i:'.S inches and carries a aft-horse
iwnvor Contlnential motor. Mr. Hit
ter s-iys "there Is nothing too good
ror the Roseburg public."
Matt Oracev and Jones Elliott on
the way to Tennesson by auto, today
"otlided with n car driven by Clyde
Keese, of Portland, and occupied by
bis family, on Roberts mountain.
Tli,. hitter's ear was badly wrecked
hut fortunately no one was In lured.
Ml came to this city and as Mr.
Elliott carried nn Indemnity policy
Inn his car be went Immediately to
T A. Raffety. the local agent, and
he matter was adjusted to the mu
tual satisfaction of all. the damaged
car being repaired at the cost to the
in sura n re companv.
Will ASK PEN"!
.Mrs c. R. Sanders, widow of Geo,
Snnders. who was killed near Ixona
on W'nil nrmd n v nf In at n-oAlt U'hnn a
tree fell upon him. was In the city
today to look after business In con
nection with the death of her hus
band. Mr. Sanders, a hard working
mnn, left no estate, and the widow
;md eluht children nro without nnv
means It was 4he Intention of Mrs.
Sandnf); to n.k for n widow's pen
sion, but owifir to tho absence of
.tmli:e Marsters she wns unable to
i lare her request before tl county
court FrietiOs of the little wo
man state that she Is standing up
hravtdy under the ord'al, which rob
bed tbf. family of Its bread winner.
;id Uat she Is most deserving. Some
of the hlldren are quite small)
Bracelet Watches for ladies
are very popular. Conveni
ent and appropriate are
these neat, dainty time
pieces, combining ornament
with usefulness. We are
showing a variety of at
t ract i v dl y cased V al thai n
and Ulgln movements. You
will be delighted with them.
Wrist Watches Fop Motor
ists, Sportsmen and every
body who works or plays
out-of-doors. . Handy for
mechanics. With Radlollte
dials. Priced $ 5 . f. 0 to $L'G.
See them.
Jewelers ami Optometrlsta
$7.30 OK $A7."S.
By buying a Season Ticket to our
Chuutuutiuu lroin the Locul Commit
tee Tor J2.75, before opening day of
the Chautauqua, you will save $4.75
and at the same time help the Lo
cal Conimitteo of 4,j of our citizens,
who have guaranteed the 1!)19 Chau
tauqua. The Local Committee aro
obliged to sell tiuo Reason tickets to
make good their guarautee. The
program thlB year is without doubt
the beat over brought to our City
and community, and in addition tu
the printed program, the lilliHon
W'hlto Company have added without
addition all expense to season tickcat
holders, the Hon. William Jennings
Hryan In his great lecture "Foreign
and Domestic Problems." Tickets
now on sale at the Douglas National
Hank; . Hoseburg National Hank;
Cmpqua Valley Bank; Marsters Drug
Storo; Hamilton Drug store jind
Chapman Drug Store; Adult tickets
including war tax High Stu
dent tickets f 1.65 and Chllds tickets
wi'iiii ox i'oi.k i: h)h;e.
During the absence of Dave Sham
brook, who will spend a couple of
weeks visiting his daughter at Jlc
Alinnville. Percy Webb will serve as
chief of police, having been appoint
ed by the mayor, to that position.
Mr. Webb bus been employed as lire
liuck driver until recently whon he
The H. McKay farm, 8 miles
north of Oakland, was sold through
Rice and Rice real estate dealers, to
hobort Harvey, a resident of Oak
land. Tho farm consists of 6GII
acres and Is considered an excellent
locution. .Mr. McKay will retain
possession until fall, when Mr. Har
vey will locate there.
SAKKTV I'lliST .MKim.Nfi.
Following up Iho "safety first"
slogan of the S. 1'. Oom-uiny, a di
vision safety meeting ' Mil tie held In
Ibis city at 1 p. in. on July UK. al
which lime a number of the olllciuls
will bQ present and address the com
pany employees. A. T. Mersler, su
perintendent or the Portland divi
sion will l.e one of the chief
County Judge It. V. Marsters left
Ibis morning for Salem, where he
will spend a few days attending to
personal business matters. The
Judge only recently returned from
a trip lo Portland, where be mel
with the highway commission in re
card to road matters.
Deeply appreciating the kind as
sistance from many friends and ac
qualnlares and the comforting ns
surrances that were extended us fol
lowing the accident which took from
us our husband and lather, we here
by express our heartfelt gratitude to
all who gave us help in the hour ol
When about to buy land, ascer
tain llrst of all, what y:i are get
ting. Since the tract of land was
llrst granted by tho Covornnient, It
has probably passed through nianv
hands, there havo probably bo.'n
many opportunities for In the
title to appear.
If audi a title is imperfect, good
business Judgment will tell yon to
have it corrected before you buy.
The only way is to demand an ab
stract made by a reliable abstracter.
By a reliable abstracter. Is meant
a searcher with his own plant, con
taining all records carefully indexe
nnd recorded in such a way that it
is practically impossible to permit an
error. The added value of an ab
stract made by a searcher havlnc
his own plant results, from the fact
that he haa nn immense sum of
money invested, which together whh
his business reputation is at stake.
Such a fearcher's abstract passes
muster everywhere.
Douglas County Abstract Com-
iTnny, Incorporated. Only complate
J et of abstract records In Douglis
i County. J-19
! v Monday Is Drcain hit at hft
Roseburf Cleaning and Pressing
Works. Men's suits Frenci Dry
cleaned and pressed for 11. 00. Al
work kIvib prompt tteiuMn. Bar
gain diu 1'iTicea do not Include call
In tor clothes or making deliveries
Bnnf jour clothes in. it
M'mmST-: IB
Your Boy's Future
You have a great Interest In the
fu'turo of your hoy you doslro to
sue him thrifty and prosperous. -
An account with us promotos these
good qualities.
The Roseburg National Bank
Roseburg, Ore.
i ne
Red Lantern
Don't Miss It
Ouuing IU'x Beach's "Crinisin
Mr. and Mi-s. Edgar Lewis, who
have been visiting at the Umpqua
Hotel for the past ten days, left this
morning for their home atSan Fran
cisco. .Mrs. Lewis Is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. II. Wollenberg of this
city. They are accompanied by their
daughter Jane.
FOR RIENT 3-room furnished flat.
Inquire 119 W. Iane street.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished cot
tage. Inquire 547 S. Stephens St.
Phone 454-K.
LOST Mackinaw between Roseburg
and Sutherlln. Finder please leave
at News office.
LOST Black leather folder purse
containing $40 in paper money
and $2.00 in silver, between Cau
yonvllle nnd Perdue. Finder please
nddrcss Ira Pool, Days Preek, Ore.
A Into phone call the other night
said: "For suffering humanity, can
you send a case of Soda up right
away we've haven't a drop of water
or anything to drink, and It's hotter
'n '1.1" We saved their lives and
for a life saver you'd better have a
case on hand. For a refreshing
drlng Superior Soda is "it." Call 1st;
wo will be glad to deliver any time
day or night. Soda fall flavors)
Luxo, Lojo, Coco Cola, Orange Crush
and everything. tf.
Second Hand
Worth of Second
Hand Furniture
If you have anything In second
hand goods, call phone 2.". 1. He
will pay you more than it Is
worth, and if you want to buy
anything, see Jarvis lirst.
will sell it below the cost
now goods.
n " i
Don't Take Chances
Insure against Fire. You Protect your cash. Why
not protect your investments? We write Life Fl-e
Automobile. Ilurgl iry and Plato Olaaa Insurance. e
liable Old Line Comoanl-a; See us about Insurance.
IX STACK, irrt
G. W. Young & Son
and Be Sorry
Gardenia." Thursday and Friday.
0. S. Weather Bureau, local office,
Roseburg Orogon, 24 hoijra endlEK
at 5:00 a. m.
Precipitation in Inches and hun
dreths: Highest temperature yesterday... -ICS
Lowest temperaturo last rright GS
Precipitation, last 24 hours ,00
Total precipitation since first
of the month 01
Normal precipitation for this
munth 32.
Total , precipitation from Sept.
1, ISIS, to dale 34. 09
Average precipitation from
-Sept. 1, 1S77 34.00'
Total excess from Sept. I, 1918 09,
Average, precipitation ror 42
wet seasons (sept, to May
Inclusive) 31.48;
WM. BELL, Observer.
Just Arrived
Munson Last, Kdmondized,
Munson in forepart and Com
bination in waist, instep and
heel. Plenty of ball room and
a snug glove-like fitter around
ankle and Instep. Higher and
narrower arch keeps foot from
sliding forworn. They insure
the correct walking position
and thrercby give the l)ody
perfect poise.
Heing combination In both
last and pattern, they hug the
-foot all over without binding or
pinching they lit even the
hnrdesl-to-flt feet as we carry
I hem in practically all widths.
Made with full .single, Good
year Welted. 10-lron, grain
oak outer soles, uppers of a
full grain calfskin of a rich
dark Mahogany shade, solid
leather throughout. And good
value nl $10. . . .
? 0