rem mtoma wa WSADAV, Jt'f.V IN, lAliV Expert Kodak Finishing Kodak Films and Cameras Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention The Oldest Studio in Douglas County Clark's Studio OVER ROSEBURG NATIONAL BANK ' i Special Sale! Ohio Tuec Ellectric Suction Cleaner! Cleans without beating and pounding. " Takes out ALL the dust by greater suction and gentle sweeping. The OHIO-TUliC uses u brush only for picking up hair, thread aud Utter by gentle sweeping. No Vacuum cleaner can safely beludged by Ms looks, because they resemble each other very much In mere appearance, whereas there is a wide difference In their performance and efficiency. Nine women out of ten to whom the OHIO-TUEC Is demonstrat i od choose it. Why? Because it excells in suction power, wnicn means Cleaning power. . Cull or phone us today. Regular Price $45.00 Sale Price - - $32.50 Douglas County Light and Water Co. THE CANNERY WANTS YOUR Loganberries Blackberries Cling Peaches Bartlett Pears Green Gage Plums Silver Prunes Italian Prunes Umpqua Growers Association Phone 310 Rosebuig.Orcgcn Money Saving Prices Royal Flaking Powder 40o Peanut Butter, per lb 2K Hob White Soap, 4 for -Wc Citrus Washing Powder 2Ho Campbell's Soups, 2 for 23o Dependable Tea, per pkg, 18 and 5c Soda Crackers, per lb 18c Why send away? The Basket Grocery Co. Jackson and Washington Sts. "It All Comes Out In the Wash" True enonugh; but If you have to rub the life out of the garment where Is the gain? Better let us steam It out and save the garment. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHOJT-l 79 LAST WASH THURSDAY NOON. We make a specialty of wilting prune drier insurance. uougin.s stract Company. ! Hemline Piano School Open All Summer! 4a Perkins Bldg., Phone 300. Screen Out the Flies! Contagion Is carried by houseflies, bo ita a protection to the family to keep them out. Prepare for the posts before they swarm In through windows and doors. Our fine assortment is now ready for your Inspection. If we don't hare what you want, we can make It The J. G. FlooKCo. Boaspurt. OreeTom. Secure our quotation:; before sell ing your Liberty bonds. Douglas Abstract Company. a 9 Storax,, space for rent. DoukIsb Abstract Company. a 9 FINALLY REACHED HIS POINT Lawyer's Flowery Eloquence Turned uut to tie prelude to very Simple Request. Tvonniin UnpKond, Hip now. minister to Denim irk, wns talking uhout a "viiitewutfliliig" cusp. "The t-nse reminds m?. Iio said, "of IMwpo I.ibcillnl, a scion of sunny Italy, who wns on trial for n tmirdj.r ous HKKiiutt. His lawyer defended him In this urn nner: " 'Your honor,' Mi lawyer bep:in, my client, ISlKnor Pletro Llberllnl, comes from Italia In Holla, land of ro mance, art and Immortal literature. II o comes, ynnr honor, from the sun kissed home tif llm illustrious Michel angelo Himmtmrtl, nf the divine ltiif fnello and the tUMlying Dante Alfhieri. lie conies frmn I lie ollve-ernwned hlrthphico of Tusxn, Arlosto nnd the humorous Homuvlo. His , home n Italia, prolific mother of art nnd sci ence, progenitrix of Galvanl and Gali leo Galilei.' "After the lawyer had pone on In lliltt strain for nhmit an hour the Jiifljze begun lo gor Impatient. "'What has all this got to do with the case? he finally nsked. 'My poor wni'ils,' suld the lawyer, 'aro hy way of preface. My client, from linmortnl Italy, home of the painter and the sculptor, humbly prays this court to apply to him the very lowest form of pietorlnl art. He prayy, your honor, to he white washed.' " TIIXEK DANCE POSTPONED. BIRD APARTMENTS RENT FREE Orchard tsU Seek to Encourage the Woodpecker to Settle In Their Midst, m It Wert, It may sound like ti Joke to speak of the manufacture of woodpecker nests, but there Is actually a factory In Maine that takes many orders for such nests. The blrdhouses are constructed of pine blocks 15 Inches long and from live to six Inches In diameter. The bark of the block Is squared to per mit of th patent adjustment being properly attached to the tree or placed where the house Is to be located, a canopy or top piece to keep out the weather being made like a roof. A perfect nest Is drilled by n reamer. Within three Incites of the bottom a corkscrew Indentation Is made to the bird entrance, as the toes of the wood pecker are In pairs, two before and two behind, with sharp, strong claws, the whole structure of the foot making It ndaptahle for climbing. The houses aro sold to orchard owners, as the claim Is made by the ornithologists that the woodpecker's feed consists chiefly of insects and their larvae, which the birds get by digging Into the bark and wood of trees. The woodpecker's tongue Is an Important Instrument in obtaining Its feed, as It can be extended far be yond the hill. Its tip being horny nnd furnished with a barbed filament. - The dance to be given at Tiller on the completion of the new open air pavilllon has been postponed owing to the fact that the mill supplying the flooring has been compelled to shut down ou account of an acci dent. The date of the danco to be given upon the commotion of the structure will be announced lator by those in charge of the affair. j-16 NOTION OF STOCKHOLUKIiS. SjuhIuI Meeting I'mpqun Valley Fruit fa ion. A special meeting of the stockhol ders of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union will be held In the City Hall, Rosebui'fT. Oregon, on Saturday, July 2 C t h , 1919- at 2:30 p. in. fur the purpose of considering a proposition from the Oregon Growers Co-operative Association, and Oregon Packing Corporation, whicii, if adopted, will result In this Union being absorbed by, and boconilng a part of above concerns. No change or transfer to be made, until alter January 1st, 1920. All stockholders are request ed to be present. By order of the Board of Directors R. A. BUSKNBARK, President, RoHoburg, Oregon, July 12, 1919. J-25 new one will cost. A, D. Hulbert, Itouto 2, City. FOR SALE Two pack or saddle ponies; 900 pounds each. Will soil reasonable. Will Austin, phone 37 F-ii. tf FOR SAUK One lurgo five year old Burro; gentle and brfiko to rldo, drive or pack. Address: Fred. O. Johnson, Box 93, Myrtle Crock, Oregon. I'Oll SALE Light car, small tires, Just right for a but?. Am leaving the city Thursday. Hore's a real bargain at $150. Cull 130 S. Juck- . son. AHVHtin NOLLOId d8I-f sjnea z sp"!5! UV 'P18 so siuzu3mu jo sjaqmnu ipvg FOR SALE St. Valentine broccoli plants, late cabbage and kale plants. All grown from choice jHeed. Inquire Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son. FOR SALE A new carpet nnd rug loom, cheap for cash; warping bars and ate, stgu included. Call at the Cass street shoe shop, near depot. FOR SALE OR TRADE ICO acre dairy rnncli, located in Lincoln county, $:i&00; or will trade for Binnll place here. Best of tonus, Inquire E. D. Vosberg, owuor, phono 95, or 391-Y. MRS. P. D. OWKN Out Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Hon qaets, etc FOR. HAtm AT "THE FERN" 111 -khh 8t. Kosebarg, Ore. PHONIC 40 CLASSIFIED COLUMN Changes Planes in Mid-Air. The during maneuver of jumping from one nlrplime to another while In'full flight was recently accomplish ed hy n lieutenant of aviation, find Is pictured In Popular Mechanics Mag azine. Climbing down to t ho under carrlaue of the ninchlne In which he liiui left the ground as a passenger, lie reached the horizontal bar nf the landing chassis. Hanging to this, nnd executing acroltatic evolutions, he nwnlled the approach nf a second ship flying at a lower level. As It ramelie nenth him. he released his hold nnd dropped onto its top plane, landing at n point near the middle of the right wing. While lie hud estimated the relative speeds of Iho, two machines correctly anil Judged his distance with out error. It still remulned for him to obtain a firm hold, or possibly suffer the Inconvenience of falling 6,000 feet FOR SAI..K. FIR WOOD Dry block. $3.25 tier. Phone 313. FOR SALE Ono dandy Ford auto. If taken at once, $285. J. M. Jud.l. '"OK 8AI.10--Studobaker touring cur, 6-passengcr. O. K. Gfuago, WHONK 11F25 for all kinds of dry wood. R.Stubbs, Melrose, Ore. FOR SALE F rd touring car. .K. (larae. COW FOR SALE Good milch cow. inquire 1332 Umpuua Avonue. J-20 FOR SALE One span of 8-year-old horses, 2C00 pounds. C. K. Mab ley. liono 6-F 4. BUG BODY FOR SALft Large neat room lor 3. lnulre at News office. tt EXIBI3 AND WILLARD STORAGB batteries for all makes of cars. RpBCburg, Garage. . FOR SALE Wheat nice whoat for chickens to eat. Whole oats, $1 liuBhel. J. M. Judd. J18 FOR SALE 11 head of sheep 10 ewes and 1 buck. One O I C hour, full blooded. Phone 17F0. A. A. Emmons, Happy Vnlloy. , tf 'OR SALE Harley Davidson 1918 motorcycle in good condition. Ad droBS Clinton Ciuneron, lit. 1. Roseburg. FOR SALE Story-and-a-hnir house, to he moved at once. See Mr. Wood, manager of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. FOR SALE Grand Restaurant. In quire of O. W. Staley at cigar store, next door, for particulars. tf FOR SALE 7-horsepowor gasoline engine In first class condition; guaranteed. H. A. Smith, WoIbs ranch, Rosehurp, Oregon. FOR SALE 100-pound unlettered. flour bagB, $1 per dm Douglas Countv Flour Mills. FOR SALE 12x1 G wall lent. In tlrst ' class condition, for half what a For Correct Weights, Tests and Prices Bring your cream to the Haz elwood Cream Station, located at The Umpqua Trading Com pany,, Roseburg Oregon, Main street' entrance. Top prices paid for cream. Checks for same Is sued following day after deliv ery of cream. We will also pay tou spot cash at Portland prices for your eggs, less express charges. " The Umpqua Trading Co. 227 If, JACKSON STREET. Statement to the Business Interests of Douglas Co. The Oregon GrowerH Cooperative Association Is organized to promote the fruit Industry of Oregon. It will advertise Oregon fruits under an Orogon lalwl. The growers will receivo the highest legitimate market price for fYuit less only operating charges, thus there are no profits to leave the county. Packing, processing and storage plants will be erected in various districts. The Oregon Growers Cooperative Association will eHtabllsh prosperity in the fruit Industry. Every business In Douglas County will prosper accordingly. This is a constructive movement to build up the horticulture of the state. It will make more money for the fruit grower and that means more money for you. t ISAAC D. HUNT, President. Vice-president Uidd & Tilton. PROF. C. I. LEWIS. Vice-president, Chief Dept. Horticulture. O. A. C. i JSEYMOUR JONES, Secretary, Ex-Speaker House of Representatives POR SALE--or will oxchango for cltj property; 15-acre fruit rauch, two miles from FoseDurg. 1'runes, Cherries, Currants, berrlos, good 6-i oom house, barn ani woil. In quire 1227 W. .Socond Street, or nldress A. J. Sounders, Overland Orchards, Roseburg, Oregon. FOIt RENT. FOR KENT Piano. Mrs. C. A. Rrnnd, phone 31F5. FOR RENT 350 ncros good pasture land, plenty good waiter. R. A. Smith .Rosoburg, Orogon. Woiss ranch. LOST AND KOUXI). FOUND Ladies hand hand bag with tew toilet accessories. Owner may got sumo at this office. FOUND Cap to auto gasoline tank, also auto crunk. Owner may get same at News office :.rn.i.v;n or trade. WANTED TO TRADE Flvo-room bungalow. North side, for small acreage or vacant lots close in, suitable, for chickens and gardens. Apply Foutches Rostaurant. tf WILL EXCHANGE A good surrol smooth turned work horse weigh ing about 1400' pounds, for one weighing 1700 or 1800. Must be sound nnd true. Apply W. It. Vln son, U m pqua, Oregon. WANTED OREGON FOR CALI FORNIA PROPERTY Wnntcd farm of DO or more acres betweon Rosehurg and Riddle sultnble for stock (must have plenty of water), in exchange for California prop erty. A good lemon grovo of nbout 8 acres; good buildings; plenty of water; good implements and buildings; also tractor; one liorso; ;50 shares of water stock; grove six yoars old, paying good interest on valuut'ion of $15,000. I also have house In Los Angeles, now rented $15 per month, value $4,500; nlso four line lots, also In city of Los Angeles, value $900 each. All or any of nbovo property in exchange for Oregon farm land. Owner now In Riddle. Will he hero about ten days. If ynu have something to trade for California, write at once or soe me at Rlddlo. Address W. S. Phillips, care A. L. Aikons, Riddle, Ore. WANTED. WANT to rent water wagon or tank. Ilox 1075. WANTED. Heavy cast Iron, $10 per ton at Borgcr's Junk Shop. WANTED Pantry woman, at the Umpqua Hotel. Apply lminedl-ately. WANTED White Legl.orn pullets. will pay top prices. Phone 8F4 or 331. J. II. Clark. Edonliower. WANTED CuHcarn bark and oak tanning bark. Bring sample of tanning bark. Horger's Junk Shop. WANTED To buy a good team of rwork horses, weight about 1,400 each. C. C. Wcavor, lit. 1, city, or phone 5K31'. WANTED Newspapers, 15 cents a hundred; Magazines, 25 cenLs a hundred, dllvred at Berger's Junk Shop. WANTED Competent woman for housework. Address Mrs. S. C. Miller, Dlllard. Oregon, or phone 22-F 11. WANTED Few good men for high way work near Rosebiirg, $4.50 per day Inquire 816 Houck. St., at tent. WANTED To leaso good sheep ranch or farm that will keep 100 head or more. References If want ed: E. A. Kruse, Rt. I, Rosehurg, Oregon WANTED Fire brlgHt, capable La dles to travel, iTomdhWrnte aifd s'ol! dealers'. $"2BfiO ft ISU.bO peV wftek. Rallrfiad art paid. Writs at ones. Goodrich Drug Company, Omahs, NVl.i tf WANTED Live wire demonstrator and salesman for Southern Ote gon for the R-K Socket, new Ford light. Good mtoney to right man. Wrlto or wlr Brock Bros., Cor Tallls, Oregon. O Ml Cool, Refreshing Breezes Enjoy Living Phono 12.1. 135 Jnckson St. LABORERS WANTED .vT D1I.LARD Highway work, wnges 50-cents per hour; board 35c. Two cal pontoru to build crusher plant ? miles from Myittlo Preok; wagos $5.50. MISCELLANEOUS. WELL DRILLING Coll on R. 3. Helnielnian, Route 1, Roseburg, Orogon. I have decided to stay at the l.)eor Creek bridge and half-solo men's and boys' shoes for $1, and Indira' fr 75c. J. W. Hall. tt NOTICE I hereby give notice that I will not pay bils made by any other persons. I. M. UERVAIS. Joalously LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY That cost yon less nnd get you out of dobt. MONTHLY PAYMKNT PLAN low rate of interest.' Pacific Building & Loan Association. See M. F. Rico, of Rico & Rlee. QUARTER ACRE GROUND, CITY water, small house, fine shade trees, beautiful location for homo, near pavod street, beautiful view, only $376. It beats paying rent Inquire News office. BONDS! BONDS! BONDS! Wo buy and soli Liberty loan bonds. New York markot loss small brokerage. Buy now. Later you will not be able to socure these good securl ties. M. F. Rico,, of Rice & Rice. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVJ3D FARMS INSURANCE COMPANY MONEY Long timo, low rata of Interest, payment privilege any time, rural credit amortised plan. Fay on or before 20 years. Sea M. F. Rice, of Rica & Rica. INSURE! INSURE! INSURE! That prune dryer. At the prevailing prices you should keep fully pro-, tected. Wo have the largest old . lino companies. Why pay the same price to small companies? All prices are the same. Our legal experience costs you nothing. Rica & Rice. LIBERTY ANI) VICTORY LOAN BONDS If yoa must SELL your Liberty and Victory Bonds, sell to us. If you can BUY more Llberay or Victory bonds, BUY from US. We buy and wa sell Victory Bonds at the markot price. YOU CANNOT - DO BETER YOU MAY DO WORSE. M. F. Rice, of Rloe ft Rice. M. O. UADAJIAUGH, Auctioneer 30 Years Experience. Any ono bavlnn sales can arrange for dates at the Umpqua Valley Bank. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. M. H. PIYLEH, omnoPBACTio physician, 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Offloe Hour 0 to 5 Phone IB Electrical Treatments. We are now representing the well known fruit export firm, Dan Wuille & Company of New York and London arid are now ready to make arrange- -ments for financing and handling crops on consignment basis or cash prices f, o. b. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co Sutherlin, Oregon Beautiful Seasonable Goods Everything ns fresh and bright as the verdant spring days we are all enjoy, lug. If ita lrms goods In latest pat terns and creations, Itoseburg Lullea ought not to miss the ditplny. It might be ono of a thousand other article you need In the home. Ask us ahnnt It. We are thinking of your comfort and welfare and have a griuid lot of seumuhle and most wajiu merchandise for you to select from. Wo will enjoy the privilege of show Ing you articles you may need. I. ABRAHAM NORTH JACKSON BTHBET ItOflKBURQ, OREGON. A 0