WA'O OUT WHAT VOC ARE GETTING. When about to buy land, ascer tain flrt of all, what you are gat ting. Since tho tract o( land was nrst granted by the Government, It has probably passed through many bands, there have probably bejn many opportunities Tor tl.iws lu the title to appear. K such a title Is ImporfcH-t. sooil business Judgment will tell you to have It corrected beforo you buv. The only way Is to demnnd an" ah stract mode by a rollablo alistiacter. By a Tellable abstracter, is meant a searcher with his own plant, on talning all records carefully indexed and recorded in such a way that it Is practically Impossible to permit an THB EVENING KKW WittfVVV. trt. iOi, error. The added value ot an ab stract mads by searcher having bis own plant reaulta, from tho fact that he has an immense sum of money Invested, whloh together with his business reputation ia at stake. Suoh a searcher's abstract passes muster everywhere. Douglas County Abstract Com pany, Incorporated. Only comploto set of abstract records In Douelus County. J-19 , Monday la bargain day at the Roseburg Cleaning and Pressing Works. Men's suits Frenc'a Dry cleaned and pressed for 11.60. AH work, given prompt attention. ' Bar gain day 'prices do not Include rail Ing'for clothes "or 'making deliveries. Bring your clothes, in. tr I jnERMETfCALLy I " .. sealed in its wax- j wrapped package, air- m ti2ht, Impurity proof' 111 WRIGLEYS 1 is hygienic and whole some1. The goody thafs good for young and old. 1 a The Flavor Lasts Look (or me liWillliMHW Ss Gar ford Trucks! 1 to 6 Ton Capacity Riker Heavy Duty 3 and 4 Ton Capacity F. W. D. 3 Ton Capacity Four-Wheel Drive V. S. FRENCH District Sales Manager for Southern Oregon Headquarters, Roseburg, Oregon E. I). VAN DERMAIa 8.W-3." Hurnstilo Street, Portland, Oregon, Distributor. "Listen!' says the Good Judge "And remember it, too." The better the quality of your chew, the more you'll enjoy it. You'll get more out of your to bacco money, too you'll save part of it for something else. A small chew of this quality tobacco tastes good and it lasts and lasts. I: THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco t W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco TO INSURE AGAINST POVERTY Writer la Confident That a Practical Scheme Will Be Worked Out Before Many Years. Sickness la an Insurable rlk and there Is no doubt that some very com prehensive and acceptable scheme of liisuranre npnlnst It will yet be worked out. Whether, In the United States, it will be a compulsory. stnte-mRiinged scheme Is by no means so certain. But the more that subject Is agitated the faster sickness loss will be reduced, for agitation will direct attention to public benlth, und means that are hied and proved will be more exten sively employed to prevent sickness. Slendy, intelligent public attention la what the whole problem of poverty needs. There Is no doubt that a irreat part of It is preventable. The poor, It Is true, we have always with us. Time was when we had always bad slavery and smallpox with us. Now out of half a million persous ono person dies annually of smallpox in the United States. Time was when slavery and smallpox were generally taken as a mntter of course. As soon as they ceased being taken as a mat ter of course they were put Into the way of practically dlsnppearlnit not by any magic formula but by tireless, sure-footed, practical-minded effort At length we have the means of re duclni! poverty to Its practical, Irre ducible minimum. It Is only very re cently, as history runs, that we have bad those means.' But now wo have the weulth not enough wealth for a limousine and a grand piano to every Inhabitant and a four-hour workday: but enough for tho essentials of decent physical existence to every family. We have the soclnl and Industrial or ganization und the body of sciential: knowledge. Poverty is a soclnl loss nnd a social danger. We can tako out on Insurance policy against It. Will I'ayne, In Saturday Evening Post. ASKED HIM TO SEND THORAX Specialist Invited to Forward X-Raya by Parcel Poet Became Some what Satirical. Dp. "Simon Flexner of the Rockefel ler Institute, who has Just received oae nf the French government's highest decorations, told a story at a New York dinner. The medical Ignorance of some peo ple is staggering," he said. "I know mi X-rny" specialist who got n letter from n middle western former the oth er dny. The fanner wrote: "l.)ear Sir: I have had a nail In my thorax for 17 years. I am too busy to come to New York, hut want you to come down here to Paris Corriers with your rays, as my case will he worth your while. If you do not find time to ironic, send a dozen rays boxed, by express, with Instruction card, nnd I wll) try to? work some myself The X-ray specialist wrote hack to ttie farmer of Paris Corners: '"Dear Friend: I regret to sny that Imsim-ss engagements prevent a trip to Paris Corners, and I am mifor- lunntely out of rays Just now. If you cannot come to New York, send me yor.r thorax by parcel post and we will see what can be dflnc.' " The Persistent Echo. "flood morning." "Ciood morning." "You remember that house you Bold tne last week?" "Certainly." "Weil, I had my wife up to see It yesterday, and now I wnnt to sell It imck to you again." "Rut yon said you admired the house." "I did." "What fault do you find with It now ?" "It has nn echo In It." "That doesp't hurt It." "Yes It does." "In what way?" "When my wife scolds me for stay ing out late the blamed old house will repent it six or seven times, nnd gosh, how I do hate nagging." Uehoboth Sunday Herald. Apricot Oil, Ono good that Is working out of the evil of war Is the demonstration that chemists, under the spur of de mand, can readily surpass the accom plishments of German science. The following Is a concrete example: Cali fornia has an annual by-product rrop of 7,000 tons of apricot pits, which were formerly sold to Germany and Den m iirk at $45 a ton. When the war closed this market, aud the price dropped to $15, a California chemist bought a supply and started experi menting. He is now marketing a substitute for olive oil; a meal used In cooking; oil of apricot, known as bitter oil of almonds; American blue, from which Prusslc acid can he made, and a num ber of other by-products. American University In France. At Heaune, 175 miles southeast of Paris, Is the seat of the new Ameri can Artny university, which Is, per haps, the most outstanding of the ed ucational work carried on by the American expeditionary force, says the Poputnr Mechanics Magazine. Housed In what was formerly on American hospital are 15.000 soldier students and a firce of 500 teachers. The curriculum Is notable for Its agri cultural college with a 600-acre form. How He "Hedged." He Artists sny that five feet four !s the divine height for women. His Darling (crossly) You know that I am five feet nine. He (quickly) You are more than dlvlue. London Tit -Bits. ROYALTY IN JAVA Pomp and Majesty Always Ac company Sultan. Oold Umbrellas an Indispensable Ad Junot of Procession With Which Ruler Dazzles the Eyes of His Faithful Subjects. The most cherished batik day In my memory was the day we went to see the palace of the sultan of Djokjak arta, who has an establishment of 15, 000 wives, children, grundchlldren. soldiers and servants. An old Dutch olliclal showed us everything except the old sultan himself, A gold um brella, the Insignia of Javanese royal- alty, always accompanies the sultan aud his family wherever they go. On state occasions many gold umbrellas are carried behind the sultan or held over him by his maids of tumor, who live In one of the shed I ike entrances to the private apartments of the sul tan. Tiiese maids of honor, to whom we talked through an ( Interpreter, were handsomely dressed in the finest batik sarongs and wore glittering Jewels on their bare necks. No one can bo ad mitted to the honorable post of maid of honor until she has reached the secure age of 70 years, and those we saw, to Judge by their wrinkled faces and bony shoulders, must have held the position from twenty to forty years. The royal batik workers in the palace also are old hags, so that there may be no grounds fcr Jealousy on the part of tho sultan's 300-odd wive. The soldiers guarding the entrance to the different courtyards wore as tine looking men physically as one might see in Java, in spite ol their perfect comic-opera uniforms. They seemed taller than they actu ally were, because each of them wore a black fer. tall as a chimney-pot nnd held himself as straight as it ramrod, as he marched across the plaza with slow, majestic step, which was not un like the ritualistic walk of a high church acolyte or a stately Shinto priest. The soldiers as a rule weor nothing above the waist, but, In defer ence to the "cool" season, perhaps (the temperature had dropped to only 05 degrees or so) they were, when I saw them, wearing bluo and black jet- seys with broad stripes running around their muscular torsos. Their brown batik sarongs were not trimly nnd tightly folded about the waist, as most Javanese wear them, hut were bunched up in a fantastic way like a huge bustle or pannier over ono hip, to allow them, I Inferred, to get at I lie krls, which was always worn on the tucked-up side. Their feet were bare, yet I noted thut several of them were wearing puttees above their shoeless feet. When on guard at the entrance they do not stand as our sentries do, but squat Jn Javanese style or sit cross-legged In semi-Turk Ish fashion. Their officers, rich young noblemen, were obviously elegant dan dles, who disported with un lndescilb nble grace and air the most wonderful cream and chestnut batik sarongs. Asia Magazine. China and the Y. M. C. A. That the "Y" hut of war-time days In France Is a good thing which should be preserved and copied in Chlnn Is the decision arrived at at a conference of some GO Chinese Y. M. C. A. secretaries who were appointed to work among the hundreds of thou sands of Chinese coolies employed as laborers In France. It was tho first time that any of them had come in contact with the work of the associa tion and they have been no Impressed they have decided to carry on the or ganization work which now reaches chiefly the higher classes, among the coolies nnd others. China was well represented at the conference. Dele gates came from widely separated parts of the republic, such us Man churia, Shanblng, Klangsou, Chi-LI, Hupeh and many other places. Work for Business Farming, A large number of Montana farm bureau members have organized a state farm management association and will offer over $1100 In cash prizes for the advancement of this type of work. There will be a prize of $100 for the best kept nnd most accurate farmer's account book, another $100 for the best organized fnrm as shown by the account book, and a $100 tro phy as sweepstakes will be offered ns a combination prize. A $-5 shield will be awarded to the county or farm management club showing the most re suits accomplished from keeping and studlng record books In groups. These prizes have been donated by commercial firms doing n state-wide business, all of whom recognize the Importance of this work. Taught to Use Both Eyes. The royal air fort e of England has Instituted nn eye drill thut has made many splendid pilots out of men who otherwise would have been useless. It was discovered t lib t a large percent age of men only use one eye at a time, and in the early days pilots were not tested for eye balance. Many men were then pawed 'nto the air service who could never Jand correctly. When ihee deficiencies were" d!co7ered a school was formed and under an eye specialist twice a day airmen under going the cure weje paraded for eye drill nnd taught how to use both their eyes at the same time. The result was that 05 per cent of the men who would have been bad pilots became good ones In a little while. HONDURAN CITY OF MYSTERY No Scholar Has Been Able to De cipher the Picture-Writings Left In Copan. Copan Is a city of mystery. The people who once thronged Its streers nnd bowled at Us nltnrs are long since gone, Icnvlng no record of their ex istence save the hoary stones of their clly. These stones, built Into pyra mids, walls and monuments, bear their story carved In the Maya characters. But no descendants hove survived to interpret the stories, and uo srhotnr has arisen wiso euough to read the picture-writings of Copun. Hulns of this oldest city of tho Maya Indians may still be seen by those sulllclentty persistent and en thusiastic to seek them out. A lit tle Indian village In western Honduras, aud the river on which it lies keep the name of Copnn alive today. To visit the ruins of the great Copnn you must seek out this village by train and then go a long Journey on horse back. Just beyond the village lies the old Maya metropolis. The only .inhabitants of Copan to day are queer figures of tho Maya gods, that peer out of unexpected hiding, places llko the cren tares of a bad u renin. Wonderfully curved many of them ure, grotesquo In attitude aud expression,, according to the artists' conception of the beings of tho other world. When Copnn flourished, how It fell, and what been me of Its last people, no ono knows. The city Is as deso lato as only a deserted city can be, oppressive and sad even in the bright, sunlight of a tropical midday? "Nlksah" In Indlnnapolls Star. FIRST TO WEAR FINGER RING UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION. DIRECTOR OBXKRAU OF RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD LINES NORTH OP ASHLAND Vacation Resorts A vacation N n good Investment. Rent ami change are very hciirtlclnl to iHidlly health nnd mental vigor -July nnd August nro tho Ideal vacation months. Attructlvo hu miner reports arc within easy roach. Kxcurslmi tickets are on solo. XEWPOKT Season tickets from Rovehurg Corresponding fares from other points. .910.1.1 tiMjAMook rorxTv heachi s. Season tickets from Roseburg 918.03 Karts to Keah-K;iy-Nie, Man an it a and Hay- ocenu slit'hily highor. Corrouponding fares from other points. , huasta srmx;s. Season tickets from Roseburg $11.05 Correspond!::; fates from other poluta. CKATKIl LAKE. Son son tickets from Rosoliurg .$21.30 Fifteen-day tUihota from'Hoseburg $20.23 Corrcsp Muling l:irs from other points. Park will open about July 1st. VAHIOtS. ' ' Special fares In olToct to Columbia River Beachos, .Marblo Halls of Oregon, Mt. Hauler National Park; YollowHUno National Park, and Ulucior National Park. Inquire of Ticket Agent. . JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agont. Legend Makes Prometheus the Pioneer of Custom That May Now Bo -Called Universal, The first finger ring Is supposed to have been worn by Prometheus, who stole fire from heaven that man might warm himself and cook his food. This act so Incensed Jupiter that the klnir of gods condemned him to be chained upon a rock whero vul- i Hires could constantly feast upon him. The sentence was carried out, but Prometheus was released. Then Jupiter ordered that Prometheus wear a link of chain about his finger as a remin der of the punishment. A fragment of the rock to which he had been chained was set in the ring, so that he might stilt he regarded as being bound to the rock. The custom of wearing an engage ment or wedding ring upon the third finger Is due to no ancient belief that a nerve or vein directly connected tills finger with the heart, according to n writer In the Pittsburgh Dis patch. Macroblus said : "Hoeauso of this nerve t he newly betrothed places the ring on this finger nf his he loved, as though It were a representa tion of the heart." And Jmt tn show that l he practice Is a very old one, Macroblus admitted having obtained the farts from nn Egyptian priest, thus linking the belief with the dim reaches of the post. "Junior" Resen-bles His Papa. Ills friends said It was excusable because It was his first boy. Ho ex hibited tho photograph at the bank where he was employed. "Isn't he a wonder?" the young fa ther would say, passing It through the window. "You bet he Is really good looking nnd Intelligent; yes, he does resemble his father." And papa would beam and act ns though he had not noticed the flattering smile. Ail day the same thing wns repented as friends entered the bank. He was "real tickled" with himself when be went home that night and handed I he package of photographs tn his wife. Ah she opened it the much flattered pnpa told her how his friends had admired "Junior," nnd did she think the little fellow looked as much like him as people bad said? Mrs. Rank Teller took one look nt the contents of the package. "Why, dearie, the photographer has made a mistake; he gave you the wrong pictures." Kansas City Star. Clock Tower of Jerusalem. Since the occupation of tin- holy city of Jerusalem by the Itrltlsh It Is gradually becoming more western ized. For the first time In its history Um streets nre properly cleaned and it has been given a lire brigade ser vice and now nn efficient water-supply. Hitherto Its Inhabitants de ponded upon a few wells and water collected In overhead cisterns. The telephone, too, has been Introduced. lu most striking improvement though It is one that wns carried out Just prior to the war was the erec tion of a fine clock tower at the Jaffa gate. It Is built of white stone obtained from Solomon's quarries, of which the temple wos constructed. The clock, which was supplied by a London waichniakcr, shows both Kuropenn nnd Amble time. Opposite the tower a drinking fountain bus been erected, nnd the roadway which lends through he old walls Into the city at this point has been entirely rebuilt. Vary Your Garden. 1 IN -member that plant diseases nnd Insect thrive where they have become stalilifhed. Therefore, gardeners this year should take care not to plnce the Individual crops where the same crops pvw last year. Varying the arrange ment of the garden reduced the danuer from disease and Insects? The Mime rfg'-table In the same plnce each year r:hnnf certain food elements, and re du ':' I yields are sure to result. FRENCH TRANSFER COMPANY Omtrncta Taken anil IiNttnintea Fur nished on All Work In Oar Une. Household Goods Promptly and Carefully Moved QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE B 1 SPECIAL ADDED FEATURE r' f 1 J 1 f if 2 4 0 hllison- White Presents gWilliam Jennings BRYAN Lecturing on Present Day Issues "Foreign and Domestic Problems" Monday Eve., July 21 Roseburg Chautauqua