vwo vtra Kvuuvta vima ti isha f, ,h i,y t at a t a. THE EVENING NEWS BY BEUT G. B. W. ftATKfl BATES rSSCED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Rates Dully Per year, by mall, la county.-.. $3. 00 Per year, outside of county 4.90 Per year .... Six months Weekly. $2.00 1.00 Entered as second-class matter. November 6, 1909, at Itoseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. MKMHEK OK ASWKIIATKB I'HUSS. The Associated Prwia in exclusively entitled to Uio use for romlllcallim of till new dispatches credited to It pr not otlwrwlaa credited In thin mpcr and also tlio local now pub lished heroin. All rllils of repub lication of special dlspalclios herein lire also rornTvod. TUESDAY, JlTIiY IS, 1010. i Iff It I T r" L I T -A, ? FOR EVERY OCCASION -That's Why It Is The Drink That Fits" THE IHRKHIHTJIMiK Sl'IKIT. There are always a lot of people who rafuBO to talie their part In the iiieasurett necessary for the benefit of the community. You can see ex amples of it every day. For In stance, a drlvor with a heavily load ed truck pulled Into this ctty from somewhere the other day, slopped his machine, and proceeded to do liver his stuff. It took him some thing over half an hour. All that time he left his motor running. That motor was needlessly wasting buho- fine evory minute of l-.s stay, if the driver noticed it, he probably argued that the gallon or two he .might be throwing away would ho worth but 25 or GO cents, and thut his em ployer would never fuel or know the difference. Perhaps he was one of the men who complain about the un satisfactory wu;;es the;' earn, if so, ono reason for the same Is the waste ful habit of so many workers who never consider the Interest of tholr employer, or the necessity of operating in community measures of economy. And so it goes in all the policies that ought to be adopted for public benefit. A man may think that the few cents worth of gasoline he wastes are not enough to amount to anything. But if everyone wastes In the same spirit, the supply Is de pleted, the price Is advanced, and an added item addod to the costs of every one who does business. So it 'is In the waste of paper stock, food and fuel supplies, and everything elso the community needs, hut Hurts scarce and high. Whatever one does, he should ask himself the question, what would be tho effort on the com nn unity If everyone did the same Not until he has himself checked every 'Item of wntUo In his own work and living, can ho consistently com plain at tho scarcity and high cost of tho essentlulH of existence. There are all manner of brews on the market. Blitz has tasted them knows what is in most of them and how they arc made. It wants YOU to try them all A UlUMWIt'tt 1'ltKUKTIOX. This i the season of conventions and therefore of prophecy, sa'ld Kred K. Drake of Kaston, Pu., at the annual gathering of the wholesale grocers of Amer'ca, in Cincinnati, says the Now York Sun. Tho timo has como when tho Ame rican houHcwJfu will make her pur chase and do hor shopping by the metric system. "Citizens No. 1&287034 was tho cojivpluinant In Dranch Court No. 2Nt:t of Zone No. 000 of the League of Nations yesterday aguinst Kood Licensee No. 18(172. tihe declared that she flew to the defendant's storo on tho 404th floor of Public Supplied lhillding No. U842 to buy nine metres of spaghetti, a centiliter of pepper, seven hectograms of eggs. a dekaliter of spinach, a dekagram of garlic (this last by Special Neigh borhood Consent No. 4:t0 and a de ciliter of yeaut. The licensee tried to insist upon her buying a couture of flapjacks nut prepared according to the receipt which was adopted by the Leagues Committee on Interna tional Digestion. They were really of the kind, ho explained, that mo ther used to make. "Constable 198G4 said that when he arrived upon the scene, summon ed ty tho citizens bonnet wireless. the guilty grocer, who has been tak ing a correspondence course In levi- tatlon, stepped out of the window, but the countable, who wag lu fhliiK uniform, caught him at the elgh tenth floor. Tho prisoner was neii- tenced to read a live kilorram vol- umnu of the speeches of Gilbert M. Hitchcock, which art) still preserved for punitive purposes In extreme cases." ) Some day our defendant's may read nn Item like that, l-'or the present tho American housewife will use the ancient "pound" and "doen". The use of the words "pint", "o,uart" and gallon will b greatly basened af ter this month, however. Roseburg Ice Company 33 Bottling Department Phone 14, The Litlo Qcm restaurant and confectionery, 119 Shorldnn Slreot. opposite depot grounds. Is open day and night. Service tho very bout. Wo serve College Ice cream, honio mado plea nnd cakes, soft drinks, and our meals are like tboso mother sorvus. tC CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Alwr the Signature bears u'e'o, (Z&PfZzZt 7 WW Get on the "Business" End of a Bank Account That Is own one for yourselfso Ihat when the oc casion arises to spend a Mill,, money all ynu liavo to do is sit down and WltlTK A CI1KOK. You'll Mini most or Hie KoHeburg people handling their money In that way and. The I'mpinia Valley Hank extends VOl' an (nutation to do likewise. We also have Timo I eposlt Accounts. J. M. THKONU - Cashtor "Come back here" were tho shrill cries that overtook a ninnled Ar- gonnn Tiero as he hobbled Iroin a Chi cago drag store, where he had pur chased liis favorite hunion pads to e;iu h I renui i n I n g foot w recked when lighting linns in the trenches, lie had deposited the regular price ptamped on the box, 2 cents. "You come n "tu.-R with two cents more to meet the luxury war tax on corn l.ads lor crippled Foldlers," he was told. And as the hero digged down for the extra b'ownleK. h was heard to mutt'T s'Miiethtug familiarly similar to what Sherman denominated war. American War Kronomlral. Kvpn tho children ni- taxed on every stick of candy they ln.y and ice cream they out. ixiring the rush of war snd necessity for raising money rapidly, the passage of this act ran b excused, but there In no excuse now for failure to change tlt-u "nag Clng tax.", remark an exchange. uiven rree rein a man wijl go vnere bo prefers to be. His unwil ling prose nci n n y where Is min: li worse than his absence. It not only pays to advertise, but it pays your competitor If yo don't, i THE UMPQUfl VilLLEV BANK ROSEptlRO OREGON Attention, automobllo owners bring jour tires to the ItoseburR Gar age for hlhciass vulcanizing and ro pair work at reasonable pricoa. tf. CAVEAT EMPTOR Looks liko Latin, nnd Is Latin for Lot tho buyer beware" nn ld time lctial term, that still lias some standing In the Courts. but was never n part of our business, afld never wilt be. Seeing that earn buyer pets Just what he wants Is our motto, and thut Is w by we say "Your money's worth, or your money huek " JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store EMPIRE BARN AVI l K AT N'ico whoiit for chick ens In eat. Whole oals. l bushed. WAXTIOD Sacks. STOCK IT:Kn.--Sunnybrook hor, feeil -a new feed ;.t tho rinht pihe. MKed Molasses reeds for dairy cows and hof:s. Nice btiplit Itolled llarley; Itolled Oats; Old fashined middlings, mixed corn and o:it Chop, millrun. Alfnlt. me;rl- and beet pulp. Oats, 1 bushel. I'ot l.PltV l i:i:iS Oyster shell, ('.round Hone, .Meat Scrap. Egg Mash. Srretch Feed and Wheat. MISCI-XMNKOl's Ono Ford truck, one t;-cylinder liuick auto mobile, some good harness, a one borso wagon, etc. Careyised St.ick Salt in small bricks and large r0-pound blorks. Tr it nnd you will never use any other. Kmplro lUrn. i Mil ''I'll mi mm 1 i i S8.itii;j: II I XKW DlltlCCTOltV OCT. I Tho new telephone directory Is j now ready for distribution. They i ST "$W have not omitted our phonu number f k : this 'time, so bo sure to call 277 and i iVli 1 Is 7ST we will call. - AV C( if 1 Watch for our new fall nnd winter e'Vv "?" '-i'". line ol samples. There will be about 1 ffy ) iNi ?SV !nu to chooso from. i 3 rlmLc-. Rw&S IMI'KltlAL tLKAN'KltS. I , JS2k W'o call and' deliver. ' IMione 277. j . i- ' M 8-16 1 T j I NOTICE OP SAI.E. Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, Auguat 11, 1919. at 2 o'olock In tbe alternoon.of said day, at th frontdoor of the County Court HousS in Roseburg, Doug!a County Om Bon, pursuant to a resolution anri order of the Board of Directors Tof Coos Bay Townslte Comnanv adopted June 4, 1919, and a 'sub ' sequent resolution duly adopted I hJ said Board of Directors on the 24.IK day of June. 1919. th " '., 3 m uoos Bay rownsite Company to the hii-liBi,f--4 iMdder. for cash in hand the tM. nu; described sliares of the capital stock of Ooos Bay Townslte Com puny to realize tho amount of de llnquent calls and assesaments UDon ! anl"tL Sev?nn Dollar" 7? (ft Is. e a 2 " This splendid thirst quencher, lunch topper and 'tween-times drink is brewed differently. It has all the flavor of Oregon's unsurpassed hops blended with rich, nourishing malt and well, right here is where that difference begins. The usual formulas are done away with. The new way the Blitz pro cessis substituted and a drink with Body, Sparkling, Life is produced. When you open a cold bottle of Blitz don't ex pect a sluggish drink. You won't get it! When your foun tain man or beaproned host hands you a foaming glass across the counter, don't hesitate-Blitz is good, mighty good down to the last golden drop. You can get it In Bottles on Draft Throughout the Northwest Order it caso for home; slip n bottle or two in the auto or bout; stock lip for mention fun time, und you'll say Willi us: "At last, we've found satis faction In (ho friendly drink the on,, that iifiws with everybody. The drink that Ills." B.. N. Johnson So ... N. Johnson 64 I). N. Johnson 66 H. N. Johnson 61 H. N. Johnson...... 74 II. K Johnson. 79 H. N. Johnson. 82 O. C. Sether 35 O. (!. Sether 37 O. C Sether 39 O. C Sether 43 O. ('. Sether 44 O. C Sother. 45 O. 0. Sether. 4(1 1 O. C. Sether 48 o. C. Sether 49 j O. C. Sother 6 1 o. c. Sether 67 0. C. Sether 68 O. C. Sether 59 Irfo Stephens 70 C. II. Maginnis 81 C. P. Maginnis 83 holders will be so "offered for sale and sold saparatoly for the best price uiiL.uiiiiuie at sucn sale. 3 g if II 0 r I ; '90 $1,530 10 170 B0 goo . 60 800 1 10 170 25 425 100 1,700 - 50 850 00 850 10 170 10 170 10 170 6 85 5 85 5 85 B 85 50 850 20 340- 20 340 1 17 43 7.11 40 .. C80 J. M. THRONE, Secretary. Say Lard, real quiclt! foil can't say It backwards without a drawl! Say! do you use our lard? V,'e wish you would, you'll find It good! The best you ever trlod! Those who have, have never yet tho fact de nied! It's of our own rendering! THE ECONOMY MARKET tleo. Kohlliagen, Prop. Phone 58 WeThave Crisco, Vegetol, "Cooking Oil, Mazola, Wesson Oil, Com pound and Lard. Would advise you to buy now, as prices will be hlEher soon. Peoples Suiinly Co. tf UK MVKS O.V HIS FEET most of the time, and If ho did not wear the right kind of shoes comfortable, well fitting, serviceable footwear he would soon get footsore and weary. Keep police officers', letter o havo a full lino of feed for horses, cows, hops and chickens, and i the price is right. Peoples Supply ' Company. tf ; carriers', workinnmnn's. and other folks who are on their feet a lot, pleased with our fine shoe repair work, nnd save them money. W. S. HOWARD 238 XOItl'H JACKSON'. Koeeburg Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention. Bargain day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes. G. W. SLOPER 308 N. Jackson. International ractor J. F. BARKER & COMPANY About the Best Farm Power Obtainable Nalhan Fullcrton TJ10 jaxC Store Perkins Building Agency Buick, Chevrolet Scripp-Booth Touring Cars G.M.C.& Chevrolet Trucks Samson Tractors Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Fullv Equipped Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full Line of Supplies. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 414 X. JACK SOX 8TKEKT ROSKBClia, OREGOX. CALL 'FOR Jersey Brand butter' Delivered Fresh Every Morn ing to Your Grocer. "e K'tfinnrVTjmAAAJT-rtJT-rtj