THF EVP.NTXn HKWS FHIIVW. ,!CU 27. 1(111). THRU Hello Bill and Sister Se" VICTORY iome Coming Jubilee! Roseburg, Ore. AUSPICES OF THE 3; P. O. ELKS ND LADIES MENTAL CULTURE CLUB he Carnival That's Different Big Joy icing, Dancing, mething Doing Honor of Soldiers, Sailors arines of Douglas County PLY 2, 3, 4 GGEST AND BEST YET It Is Our Daily Task to consider and solve the print ing problems of our customers and each one we solve gives us jusT: so much more experience to apply to the next one. This is why we are bedt equipped to do your printing in the way it should be done. Suppose you ask us to submit specimens. ARTISTIC PRINTING of Every Description Neatly and Promptly Executed. THE NEWS OFFICE Days 3 Band Concerts Every Minute! Lijj t"C Lc Si'e VY iJ ?'c iNii' II 5,V V.B fUftS V - A.S t -QV'V.g Vt.A,9 BN&V.g i l orxrv claims .i,iwkd. Following is the list of county claims allowed at to June trin ol the County Court; A. B. Dye, dep. s'her. eloe- tlon. Glendale f F. M. Batctielor, election, Ap plcgale Mrs. Mav, Scott, election, Ap plegate G. W. Kezartee, election, SI. 40 Cut) li.00 6.00 Bellows C. H. Arundel, election, Del lows Belle Kezartee, election. Bel lows Mayhelln AV. Church, elec tion, Benson Cora Church, election. Ben son Fred Hand, election, Cala pooia O. C. Powell, election, Cala pooia Oeo. M. Wilcox, election. Cr.lapooia J. P. llenn, election, Camas Valley Wilfred Brown, election, Camas alley J. 1.. Boyle, election, Can yonvllle 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.40 n.oo Thos. Wilson, election. Can- yonville Clara Willis, election. Can- 3.00 yonvllle Lewis Hanks, election. Can - y,,nVn"P' . 4 V 30" 3. M. Pardee, election. Can yonville :!.0" C. H. -Hilton, election. Caro 6.00 C'orrlne C. Alley, election Caro ;t on C. i-:. Johnson, election. Caro 3.00 Frances M. Stanton, election Caro 3.00 Grant S. Clayton, election Civil Bend 6.00 O. A. Parker, election. Civil Bend 6.00 li. I). Kleist, election. Civil Bend 6.00 II. F. llehard, election. Coles Valley 6.00 W. F. Powell. eletioli. Coles Valley '. COO Roht. Anluuf. election, Coni- stock la .40 Flem Henderer. election, Comstock 6.00 Robt. Clark, election, Com stock 6.00 W. S. Booth, election, Cow Creek 6.00 Jake Fisher, election. Cow Creek 6.00 W. 11. Raymond, election, : Pays Creek 6.00 ! J. R. Chaney, election. Days Creek . . ". 9.xn . T. F. Kliping. election. Uavs i Creek 6.00 F. A. Remis. election. leer Creek 3.00 : W. II. Buz.ell, election. Deer Creek 6.00 W. D. Bell, election. Peer Creek 3.00 I). W. Hunter, election. Dlx- onville 6.00 V. B. McKean. election. Ilix- ! oeville 6.00 I Dwij;ht Heed, election, Drain 3.00 J. W. White, election. Drain 3.00 'Horace Putnam, election, 1 1 li Drain C. F. Morinsstar, oluction, Drain . . . ." Cha3. S. Haaard, election, Drain Harry nanficld. election. Drew . , E. T. Hamlin, election. Drew L. M. Jacques, election, Drew II. L. KnKlea, election, East Uuipuua Leslie Lilly, election, Kast R. H. Williams, election, Kdenbower Mrs. Kva Marks, election, Kdenbower Frank Clemens, election, Kdenbower F. D. Owen, election, Kden bower M. II. Payne, election, Klk- head Ceo. H. Wilson, election, Klk- head Frank Priuitle, election, Klk- head II. A. Taylor, election, Ktk- ton F. w. Binder, elcctiou, Klk- ton ! Clyde Hockley, election, Klk S0o; (OIl j F. F. Wells, election, Klkton ; Chester A. Hydell. election. Klktnn w- " Hess.'eieclion,C.ardeii Valley Peter Sinclair, olectlon. Gar den Valley J. S. Cray, election. Gardner Lizzie Perkins, election, Gai- diner Aiice Lancelot, eleeti.iu. Gas diner Ceo. Perkins, election, Gui dinor .1. R. Rush, election, Oardi ner Joe Brown, election, Gleu dale ? M. liodfield, e'irtion. Glendale O. S. Brown, election, (lien dale I'M. Cooper election lircen T p. Carnes. e.'ecti. n. Green F C. II ctfield. el lion. Gi-en P. A Gu'iter, election. Gun ter G . Woolley, election, Gun ter A. S Bue.l, election, llamll-to-. Frank I : burn, election, lla-nilton losephinn l.i'in.rn. election. Hamilton F lleffina . election, Hap py Valley F. R. Sleinhauler, election. 6.00 3.00 C.C0 6. nO 6 00 6.00 t; oo 6.00 6 00 6 110 r. 0 ) 6.00 Haipy Valley McW. DatiKherty. election, Applcgate Will. Kletzer, election. Ap- PICK'ate Klmer DailKhe.rty. election, ApploKHto B. 1". PaKe. election. Bellows Kleanor Lahey, election, Bel lows Cora K. UatToty, election, Benson MarKaret PaKe, olection, Benson Moda Whipple, election, Ben son C. L. Hamilton, election, Calapooia M. T. RiRKS. election. Cala pooia A. H. Church, election. Camas Valley Lane Thornton. election, Camas Vallev C. M. KolKci, election, Camas Valley 6 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.0O 6.00 6.00 3.00 .'1.00 3.00 C. O. Hartley, election, Can- yonville Susie Burnett, election. Can- youville Wm. it. Stock, election, Can- yonvllle Victor Shaw, eloction. (!an- yonvlllo J. A. Fenn. election, Canyoli- vllle -T. G. Bclicii. election. Caro Allie I-ickle. election. Caro Ira B. Riddle, eb'i lion, Caro Ada L. Payton, election, Caro 1. II. Nichols, lection. Civil Bend V. F. Hercher. elct lion. Civil Bend 3.00 3.00 6.110 3.O0I 3.00' 3.00 I I 6.00 , I 6.00 F. Fortln. election. Coles Vallev Loo Winnifonl. election, Coles Valley F. O. Gooil election. Coles Valley Kl hn ii K Allen, election. 6.00 6 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6 0 0 6.00 6 01 6.00 6 on 0.00 6.00 6 . 0 1) 6.0 0 6.00 6.00 .1 00 :: oo I Comstock Roy GriL'cs, eleetjnn, Comi ! ivk W. II. liedflcM. election, i Cfiw Creek i J. W, Thomas, election, Cou I Creek Roc II. Mi-Gee. ele. lion. Cow i Crock Joe A. Snvder. elettion. Ias I Creek I'lav I'lain, ele. lion. Iiays Crei'k R. T. Asiiworiii. election, i Dee, Creek Maliel c. Bryan, election. Iieer Creek j Kllzalioth Hunt, election, i Iieer Creek R. L. Cannon, election, IJix- 1 onville 1 W. H. Blown, elertlon. Ilx- ' onville C. H. Bailey, election, Ilix- I onville i C. W. Burroughs, election. Iiraln ! F'inice Post, elmition, Iirain K O. Pat' hen. election, Iirain , B. V. Williams, election ! Drain ill P He leKton. ele.tlon. ! Drain 1 I. .1. Norman, election. Drew j Clias. K. Brown, election, ! Drew I C. F. Watson, election, Kast ! l'mpoiia 1 Mrs Alice Shruni, election, Fmpfjua I). C Livingston, election. F.ast rmnoua Arthur Cloake. election. Kdenbower Mrs H n Connelly, election, 3 00 6. on 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 a. oo 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 .1.00 3.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 'J. 00 3 00 3.00 3. 00 3.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 Price K F. O. B. DETROIT Place Orders Now and be sure of delivery as production is limited and we will not be able to supply the demand. This reduction in price is sure to stimulate the demand. First come, first served. Place Order Today I DOUGLAS W lOilenliower R. J. Fll rtlH VVortll, elertinn, K'len liower Curtis Calkins. el.Thun, I'Mcnbower J. B. llsoii. election. K!k head MiClt Co. keiaill. ele lion. Flkliead fp.ile IHdell, ele.liuli. Kik- tOII )l.:il S. Becklev. lie. lien. Klkton W. W. Illinell. ee, :ro.. Klk ton Walter Hyd.-ll. !.-.! him . Klk ton A. L. Ham oi If. election, Klk ton K. K. I.ahrie, election. Gar den Valley F. G. Pairott. election, den Valley R. A Calhoun, election. Gar den V.lllev F. M. Spencer, elation. Car diner Annie perk 1111, election. Gar diner . Krnest Haskell, election. Gardiner .1 A .lanelle, election, Gar diner Vaiik'lm Perkins, election. Gardiner John Hanks, election, Gbn dale A. :'mplilette, election, Glen dale W, G. Bcrnwtlne, election, Glendale Robert McCullodi. election. Green L. l. Van Auken. election. Green .!. O. Glinter. election. Gun- (CantlDued on page four 1 COUNTY AGENTS, ROSEBURCJ, OREGON . Moiulaj Is u.iinaiii day.ot the I ins foxrlohS'oiKmaklng dellverloa. Ronelnii jr Clcanlni; and Prosslni! ! llnnfr. your domes in. tt Woiks. Men's suits F'lench Dry! 'cleaned and pressed Tor tl on. work clven prompt atterWion. rain rb,v i,,ice do not Include iv.jj Is our Registered and G mnion-!av Trade Mark and can only be riglitfu !y used on goods made by us. Sliould any dealer I ry to sell you any garment lor Cliiklten I to 8 years of age under llir; KOVLI IALLS name you may lie sure lie is Lying to market an inferior sulibli'ulc on Koveralls repulalion. UnlpsB nude hy I.e. i S rausi &. Co. tjTyVe not K OVERALLS fry $1.50 lh,i 1 tit Wi KC');.KALl.'i are made o' !y ly lf. i S ran fle Co., S. n I randsco V e' lcir this if" educed ons An I Diamond flour, made of hard liar- j whoa', everlastingly good. Ask yonr etill ' erocer about It. tf . u. : Pot .Off. Koverallj Keep Kids Kleen FREE IF THEY Kovjeralls .rcg.u.s. PftT.orr. LfVI STRWSS&Ca SAN rDNC'SCO. CAL .v' '