TWO THE EVENING NEWS BY II. V. HATKB lilCItTOHATEa IHNUIID DAILY KXOEIT SUNDAY. SubocripUon lUtna Dully Per year, by mall, In county (3 00 Per year, outalde of county 00 Weekly. Per year BU roonth - - 1'u" Entered aa second-class matter, November S, 1909, at Hoseburg, Ore., under act or Marcn a MKMI1UII OK ASSOCIATED I'ltKSS. The Associated I'reeH iJ exclusivel) entitled to the ue for republication of all news dlMputchen credited to II or not otherwise credited In till i .1... limit nftWU ! ! paper ana lls'iod herein. ..All rltfhu of ropuulK .. ... .iiu,H,tiliiMi herein lira mm rwwi w I'ltlDAV, Jt.NK UT, "' TIIH M-I'OIXT IILN IIAVI4X. Kortnt news dispatches and pho tographs from (iermany i" connec tion Uh demonstrations agalnsl tho peace terms center mound the lact that the Imsls for Ihc opposi tion to the siKninii by (iermany are Iho Wilson "14 Points". One pho loKrapli taken at a demonstration In Hurlln before the Victor Pillars at Koeiriiisplnlz shows streamers haim inn from tliu many pillars upon which am printed. "Only the I I Points". What a climax to an other wise undnbatablo victory that the basin for peace udvornted so early In the cainu by President Wilson should prove the ainuinent or the enemy lor refusion to sicn a treaty which only demands what she iniisl riKlilly pay as Iho dercnted would be world conqucrror! ir there hail been no 11 points no doubt the Her mans would have cooked up some other excuse for not siKlllllK. but It Is huuillatillK to the American people Hint the president should have proved such a poor diplomat as to allow bis own utterances t be such us could be turned Into gain by Hie enemy. While there uru those who would have the I'niled Stales waive the re payment of the war advances made to Kuropean countries, it Is interest ing to nolo the Increase in taxes in the various countries allied against (iermany. The Increase in Krunce and Italy, where from all reports everything but Hie air has been tax ed for Hie last few years, is about (', per cent, (ileal llrllain made a vastly larger Increase, that of alioul 1. 1 nil per runt. Hut It lias remain ed for Iho I'llited Slates Willi tin grea'est resources and weallh of all to n.aku an Increase of about 2. mill per cent. Poor management and ex travagant waste on the part of Ihose democrats controlling America's war program can be the only real excuse lor such u In Midous In crease. It has been said that figures do not lie' and It would seem that the discovery made through the me dium of Hie percoiilagc Increase figures would prove siiinclent In warn against future loans of tbh chin ai'ler anil decided argument In favor of exlreme economy for t In future. The record of the sixly slxtll congress to date proves thai the majority of the members ol America's greatest law-making body are of the same opinion. .Senator Knox: "1 am not now concerned with the situation which would confront us. If under Ihc heel of a viclorlons loe. imposing upon us his will and Ills sovereignty, (In treaty mulling power ol' the rnilod Slates should in the dire necessity of defeat act as a consl-ituenl as s lily, and, as the functioning gov ernment insli iimi'iltallly. make a treaty which should surrender oui sove n-iiity, iMTuiirto. Sir, this Is not our position now, and, pray Coil, it may iirvi'i lie Wlit'ii (hiiL uiilinni lime cinnt'rt, wo shall t';ue it as wo in list . Wo Htatiil now -ictorlourt ami as vh-iortt our institutional ho dlos nunc in thrir n'Kiili.r and up poinlod minis Wo havo now only iIiiim' poAciH with which tho novor -mn i-.Mplo oi tho 1' nit oil Slate hao t ii.lo (1 it M.ihcliim in th position ami hauiiK lln's.- lunila tions. it is tn-ht ih.,1 we .limild pro rlaini to Iho pi-nplo. whoso si'ianU w o nr.'. that wo kiinw our pow or anil tho extent of our authority, ami it is hul fan to those ho negotiate with us at tho poiuv t.ihlo that tho n htm hi ti kftt M' I o iimmIo ;, ;ti e ol llie exhut r our power anil 01 tin llinilal ion-: ot on r authufilv. as the a r net to 1 1 h In Hi is resoltit ton ' 'I ho l-' inu .lnutiial. i nih il at I'lu laii.lphia. iv.ulHMts -,l...te and roun I .nit lnTit H's in i oil a ill to ma Kim: t ,. i.l- ,.t 1. it .1 sii: l.iriiu' In all evt I ul ..t 1;.n l sir l.x im- 111 all evt I li.r. 1 1 M i A l K nnniii . ays lit t In pfi'tt i' I' ia''ip t-.n fur suiootli h mi i.'. i. Is f.M autniiiol'lh-s. ina l .1 till ( I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I inn H'llH'ITI I nf hoi iH.ilU 1 I'l- I' HI that I hoc- .no t li.uisaniN sitll 1n ii'-f liaprovoil Hi v ol w oa in -l".'t 1 tit hurt ran Hi'! ( i .1.1,1 itn ti"'!!' . -ft Tin had -. . II All plans Imni ill- !..! til" I "1 '-t I Hi t a v !! u in ' w i-l". .nl a.-h snl" ol nta.N 1 wt,. . in t till i ll el' I nil ell in.ltrn.J ami at :! ulo sullal'lo fur tho tc (t t!it- h-'is.- Tin- ml. Ml" p-'Miot ,f I1'.' In. ul k to ho l'i"-.T "'I " clii-(v t l :u' ma.'liinos l' .m v he I" t u o l' four I'o.! mil lor In th" St ii" who runs a work lv jiowr.pap-r a "til" Ihhiio Is jrrrat in ) U pr.ii -o of tho woilxim; of (h" pi'-s.-nt ii.lTHin.nt i at ion atiil il, pnlirv hi.f.oo ami aft"i tho war Tho puiil liir-'liiu'i aio th.Tt Hko a duck It's lir.'ail and w a tor or thorn Jtit so lotir. n- Wt'O.lrow is 1 n k U"' I'H'op iiandlo T'i I mm r o.LSon Is on in roa 1 o, rtl"Mt llnnoTt should ho t'.irofut tmt to M i"kois pnthor tho fruit when it in wot with dow or mist. The Sutherlia Hun Id of the opin ion that Hlnce offlcialH have placed another cargo of contiscatod liquor undur lock and key iu Iho itoseourg city la 11 thai all danger of a serious drouth Is ut;aln elimlnuted lor wtv oral woekfl at k-aflt. No one known hotter than tlirmo Suthurlln fellows about hucIi tliiofis, lor unre on a tiiuu undur local optiop UifluoiK-x thai charming bur was the on' oasis In the entire county, and m u 11 a thiiHty uilprim found his way then' to (uewh that awful desire to lool upon the wine when It Ik red. It 1h too had that those captured boo. pat'KooH revive such diHtreH.siiiK re rullootioiiH. New Zealand, an Island lyin aouth of Australia, having an area only S0UU Hquare iiiIIoh larger than tho State or Oregon, aupports half as many flheop &a are found in the entire United States. In thin fact Is food for much profitable roflecllon for Oregon fariuois. It is alHo a fact that sheep are a mont paying adjunct to any farm, and Oregon, with her almost limitless range and equitable climate, eliminating Ihe necessity for feeding to any ex tent In winter, ought to give New Zealand a close tie In the sheep In dustry. In place of sheep being a rarity on farms, no farmer should be without them. A farm journal says that if any lamicr is dissatisfied with his ranch he had bettor put it lit the hands of a real estate dealer lor sale, i'h (;n he should road tho glowing account of the farm offered, ami it Is a safe bet, he will not want to part with his holdings. A good many people do not know what a good thing they have until they see it through some ono else's eyes. It appeals to me that whoever wrote up the proposed corn .show omitted the most Important benefit to he derived from such an exhihi tion, namely: finding out which va riety gives the best yield under Douglas county conditions. Kxten lvo corn raiding Is com para t i vol y new and there are almost as many kinds of corn grown us there are growers. (!nduhtodly some of those varieties are hotter adapieu to (lie condilioiiK of this county than others and a Held test such as is noees uuy In Judging for the host acre is Ihe way to find out which gives I he best, results. In W-lscniiHin, after selecting a va riety in this way. it was tested for five years on t;ti; farms along be side the varieties these mm hail been growing, some of them, for many years, and gave an average Increase in yield of nearly eleven tiusliol per acre over all other var ioties. ' An Increase of even five bushel per acre on only half the huid plan toil to corn In Douglas county would result iu a considerable year ly Increase in the wealth nf the coun ty. Such a result is quite possible not her great benefit -is the com parison between results obtained b llt'fernnt methods of tillage, time nf planting, kind of cultivator used, etc Seeing is hellevoing and if one man gog hotter results t ban another from about the same kind ol laud there will usually he some visible reason for It. Kinally. if th se gen tlemen from Missouri will just stick iron nd until corn show day lho will be shown good and plenty that wo can and do grow eorn in Douglas county. IV K. ItANNIN'tl DAVIS LOST SAP OVER AIR FLIGHT WASHINGTON'. June '2 -V ' I lost "onsldei able sleep over the dangers Wh it'll t k new -intervened bet wren ' It". I. linn. t'alW.. and Kukoiio. Or . ! .luring the r mi! flight." 'ol Milton : !' Davis of Ihe ai m air . service wrote to Lieutenant Henry I. Wat i s.ui. l of Mather fit-id. Sa era ii ien to. con g rat u la I i n k him on ( ;h" sm restful r.'tmn ol the lust six I f the airplanes which gave exhiln ' turns at th.- Villain! (ise IVsmal I I'lu- netx.iiis Intfiest with tin I'llited States ail seiwco watched the I t rip of the st mad roll nf an p tan t s j !rotn Mather fit-Id t.t audi : "t urn was probably n,. .-r appro .-l.ited by those who .saw the plain- I 11 a t Inn in Oregon .iiid along i !n w a v The t" n si tin utitlfi w h it !i a:i -t-rw. o t-ilit-ials labortMi is b. s( r.-vealt-.t hi ft.b'liel Davis' letter H. " I fonsitle; (his flight oil" the best pieces ..f flying work that '.as h.'.Mi tiotie in America. To tak- I -ix Mps from Sacinmento t. I'oit land and n tuni witlomt setious mis ' hap is ;i iMi" pie e ,.f work " BAPTISTS SHUT OUT With a scon- of T (o o the liap tint team nf the Twilight l.e.iiif W ed night delented the l'i isb tei 1.. ns -Mi a tday -off m' a po-t ponod game The game was not annnuncid i until shortly before It was pl(e d i and se ei at of t he I'reshyt ci I. m-. j were afloat However, the MajXist aggrei:atioii hatl on their tattini: i lothes am! the fast I'tesbie- w et . unable to Meld the large number of hits in spite of two losses t ' Insets in last night's same are Mill at the top of the percentage enh:n;n .1 ml nre determined to renin in In I that position. the: KITCHEN CABINET Never tflve up! Ttiie ti'- rliunceH und rliuiiKtf" Ih-lplni; ItiR hopeful a hundred to nn. An 'I tloiiuifti tlifi ch.mii hltih wisdom Ul TilIlKI! Kver Hii' tjfcjot, If you'll only htjld on. FOOD FOR TODAY. The onion Is one of tho most vfihm hie vegetables, and should be en tea freely throughout the year. A little sprig of parsley eaten nfter eating onions will remove the objectionable odor. Onions Stuffed With Nuts. Hall even sized onions until tender, remove the centers, chop and mix these with hutter. chopped nuts,, salt, pepper and bread crumbs. Kill the onions and pour around them a little thin cream or rich milk, or any broth with which to haste them while baking. Ser.'e as a garnish to u plat ter of pork chops or they may tnke the place of meat. Baked Ham. Souk a ham over night. In the morning put In a kettle one onion, one carrot, six cloves, six pep percorns, one hay leaf and water to .over. Simmer for two hours. When tuider remove the skin, place on a rack iu a baking pan and hake two to three hours, basting with and a cupful of water from the ham Ibpior. When done stir in a titbit-spoonful of hrnwn sugar Into the rider same and cover the ham and brown. Serve hot with the liipior fnnii the pan poured around H. or served In a gravy boat. String beans are delicious cooked for several hours wiih n piece of sweet,' firm sail p.rk. They are good conked with olive nil or with bacon. Season tin-in sometimes with cheese or hup ped parsley or chives. Hot Potato Salad. Holl half a dozen, potatoes and slice while hut. Kry 1 1t f ii slices of bacon ami cut them into jKiiutll hits, using half u cupful. I'our off the fat, leaving two tablespoouf uls, stir Into this one tiihle-pontif ul of ti.uir. a pinch of mustard, a dash of cayenne and salt to taste. Stir until smooth, lidding gradually one-half cupful of mild vinegar, i he dressing boil, add the bac.m and h small onion llnely chopped, then the pnlutoo. Serve very hot. v Nippon Salad. To one cupful of crnh meat add one d.i.en stuffed olives chopped, two ou pf u Is of celery and French dressing well seasoned tn mar inate. Serve with inayontiaTse dress ing garnished with capers and pickles. It t hi ur.-fty tin fx.iKKrai inn to miy that nianv niHtlerf wtilt-li aultntt ihe p. i til l- n. tri.l nre not wort h tt thou ht In ct imparl son with ajptn ry .pifitttmiH to will. Ii a thmiKlil IR KMh'Mi nlvfn. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. The early green apples make deli cious spiced apples tti ue throughout the year. I'repnre a moderately sweet sirup with a few chives mi. I twice as much cinnamon. Wa-di. but ! not peel the appl"-. a green apple skin Cooks well and add to (he thivor. Drop In the sliced apples a few ni a time and cook until tender, when all ate conked let the -.imp cook down until tpilte thick am! pour m.-r tin in. Seal In small glssr or y.n Cheese Salad. 1 Us, :i table- j poont'iil f gelatin in tur tabl spoonfuls of hot water, add half pound of grilled whipped ertaiii. and paprika w n h eiilie. l'olir inlo it to ht- -'Hie to hi In -he-. -Me -oiinai-e dre mg e and a pint t pint of -mi well with -alt few da-he- nf cay icl limb! ami allow Turn mi' .tnd . ut h'1tu o w :n:iy- with a:i .lc-ircd l"'il'i tire mg. Savory Rice and Vegetables. 1'eel and -lice mx larc i.'in.itoos- and . h.- tjvo -weet p.-ppt r- line butter a (tak ing d'-li and put in :. I;iut of t.'ina 1... -. ."!.'! w ul: half a - uptul of , o,.lc. d rice mi. I . b.-ppetl p. j.p- r- with au.'lh.' ..-!-. -ca-M ea. h 1, -i fill- .-f butter. ,g:it ami -alt T.ak ipisrtei'- of an hour wiih Ii mi- ling o! for tin t-ti cr for 1 minutes. Date. Nut and Pineapple Salad. l 'hop a cup! ul ut" -tile- mid ihrec go.'d iipp.i-- add a t iiiUul of chopped I't'l.T), a iiipful of broken nuttiua!- and a h!f poutid f beetle! and -ktnneil grapes. Mi all tofthcr and heap on a -lice of pineapple arranged en a b-tMi.v lea: "m.- with uui ontiaise dte-siiu A few tnar-lmial tows tmi be added or -ub-tituted for tho nut mean If de-ire. !. Rocks. Heat tog ei her a linlf cup fill each of lard ai.d other shortening, add h cupful and a half of sugar, tw.i egtf well beaten, a .'Ujil'iil of -our milk, two ctiiifu!- of oiiinn ul nnd thrt'e cupful nf than-. -I fled with ii trn-poon fill of so. hi and one of Mnmitimii. Add a half cupfMt each of raisins and w a! nuts chopped. M. and drop on a but tered pun and bake in ti moderate oven. TUB FVF-VIVO NKTWH Fllin.W. l j:jf jl-j.; ii--V-jLrj!:v- ll'NK i Are You Hunting for the Easy Way to Keep House? . Us ELECTRIC Way Douglas County Light! and Water Co. "It All Comes Out Li the Wash" True enonugh; but If you have to rub the life out of the gaiment where Is the gain? Better let us steam It out and pave the garment. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHO.V . 70 LAST WASH THURSDAY NOON & CITY NEWS & May magazines, Library. 2c each Fiction 1 jn i Kvangehno (cloth j :vc postpaid. Fiction Library. jy-3 W. P. Fuller's paint? and oils, un excelled by any. Big ttock ul Mar stora Drug Company. tf O.bbage plants Tor sate at the home of 11, li. Church, 318 Euiit Com. Ave. Phono 283. tf Hiley's selected poems, cloth. 1 -1 Illustrations, 50c postpaid. Fiction Library, Hoseburg. Or. J27p Wo have a full lino of feed for horses, cows, hogs and chickens, and the price is right. Peoples Suppl Company. t It's not so much the hone you giv a doK, it's the way you hand it to him that counts every case of sod; water we deliver, they smile a d as! for more. It's quality nnd s. t'vio that makes them smile. A real dt-in recommends itself. Older your cas early and have it deliver to voir home. Hoseburg Soda Works. t' IlAILY V KA 'I'M Kit KKltMtT. i'. S. Weather Bureau, local office. KoKchu rg Oregon. 2 4 hours ending at a: (10 a. m. Precipitation In I nehes and lain -dreths: 1 1 Iwhest teni pi; rat ure yesterday ..To Lowest temperature last night On Precipitation last 2 4 hours 0 Total precip. since 1st of mouth. .ns Normal precip. for this luont Ii 1 0a Total precip. from Sept. I, 131H. to date :!4.0S A vera Re Precipitation from Scjh teuiber I, 1S77 :t;:. TS Total excess from September i, ii'is ;:u Average precipitation for 42 wet sea sens (September to Mav inclusive). 1.18. WM. BELL, Observer. we hope for your new, HOME Y0UVE PLANNED -j PLUMBING ti THE LAND! We lnar you're pl:inn!ns to build n new ho!' e. Well, ,o you know t!i;,t It would be a matter of money In yorr pocket and pood liiumhing lu your house If you talked your plana er with ub and pol our prires? We re dependable pI'UllltCTH. Roseburg Plumbjng & Heating Co. rilONK IM. Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned :ind Pressed for $,00. All work irlvnn prompt Attention. Hars&ln day prices do not Include calling for or delivering cloihes. G. W. SLOPER 'ins ii-k r TOV AT THI GRAND HOTEL CASS KTItBKT Ethelyn Bannerman Campbell teacher of piano I.KSSONH l.."SO Studio over Ott'u music Btore. Telephone, Hotel I'mpqua. JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store EMPIRE barn STOCK KKKD.Sunnybrook horse fe.-d n new I'tted : t the right price. .M ied Molasses Feeds for dairy cows utu hoj:s. Nice bright Rolled Harley; Hulled Oats; Old i'iishined middling, mixed corn and oat Chop, millruu. Alfalfa in'a and beet pulp. l'ot II'ltV l'!:i;iS Oyster shell, fliound Hone, Meat Scrap, Egg M:sh, Hero tell Feed and Wheat. MISCKLLANKOI S One Ford truck, one t;-cylindur lluick auto inobile, some good harness, a oue horse wagon, etc. Careyised Stock Salt in small Inickrt and larmj .'.ii-pound Idocks. Try it anil you will never use any ot her. Empire Ilarn, Roseburg For Correct Weights, Tests and Prices Hiing your cream to the Haz .elwood Cream Station, located at The l'mpHia Trading Com pany. Hoseburg Oregon, Main street entrance. Top prices paid for cream. Checks for same Is sued following day after deliv ery of cream. We will also pay you sitot cash at Portland prices for your eges. less express charges. The Umpqua Trading Co, 2-J7 X. JACKSON STKKBT. DELCO-LiGHT Tho complete Ele ctric Light and Power Plant Beonomieal In operation. Run on kerosene, gasoline or (as. R. E. HARNESS Moooburx .... OreoB M. f. i:liAH.rtill. Anrtiomvr :IO 'earj Kvjnrleiui Any ons havlnt alea can arrango for dates at the Umpqua Valley Bank. Satisfaction guaranteed. nu. m. ii. plyij:r. CHIltOl'HACTIO PHYSICIAN, 232 W. Lane St., Roebur, Ore. Ufflee Iloura 9 to 8 Phows loS KlBCtrlcal Treatmsnta. M118. F. D. OWEN Oit Flower. Potted Planta, runeraJ Itealsna, Wedding Poo. qneta, ec. fXK HAt.K AT "TUB KKR!" 111 t'a Ht. Ronebnrc, Or. PHO.tK 140 Deposits and Wihdrawals Permitted, by Mail Tlione who live too far away from Rosoburi! to get in town aud personally transact tholr bnnklng, can handle ' it safely and conveniently through Tho Umpqua V; .lley ' Hank by mail. Weaball be glad to glvo you full infor mation regarding this service upon request. J. M. THRONl! - - the UMPQUil (90SEBURO Agency Buick, Chevrolet Scripp-Booth Touring Cars G.M.C.& Chevrolet Trucks Samson Tractors Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Fully Equipped Machine Shop. Tires and Tubes, all sizes. Full Line of Supplies. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 444 N. JACKSON STKKKT ALWAYS IX TIIK WAY' "LIKE A SORE THUMB" Maybe you never bad a sore thumb. Perhaps your trouble is a sore llngor there are more ol' them but the soreness is ths same, and so lon as It is sore, 'it is ill the way. ('l l!K IT. There's a Rexall Remedy Nathan Fullerton TJie yg DEMONSTRATION! International 8-16 Kerosene Tractor '"hursaay6 xiril' i"th! " f'0m WedDesd A'rl1 14th' On Friday and Saturday, the 18 th and 19th we wlii DEMONSTRATE this tractor plowing and dtclng on the Jos. Wharton place In W est Rosebttr. If you are Interested In a tractor, don't fall to see this on" work. J. F. BARKER & CO. EMPI.KMKXTS. I KHlCI.ES AND MITCIIKI AUTOMOBILES. KllShlH Rti, call; Jersey BUTTER Delivered Fresh Every Morn ing to Your Grocer. Cashlor VALLLU bank OREGON IIOHEIItniG, OREGON. Perkins - XOXb Store Building lim.MJ IS A.WTHIXO IX FOOTWEAR not cmnplotoly worn out and we'll iniiko them look and wear ltkn n.'U- imiiiu. Take a l$ilM thfi shoes in our window. Tviey aits not new, though they look bo. Thny are just samples of :he wonderful repair work we lo on our inodurn machines. So brlriK your old shoes with eon lldence. What we have done for others wo can do for yd'J. VV. S. HOWARD 214 N. JACKSON ST. OHKCiON. FOR Brand ,