TWO TUB EVENING NEWSWEDNESDAV. FTflHtCABY 13. 1010 THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES BERT G. BATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Hates Daily Per year, by mall. In county....? 3 00 Per year, outside of county. . 4.00 ' ' Weekly. Per year ...... $2.00 Six months 1.00 Entered an secondmlass matter, November 6, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore. under act of Maroh 3, 1879. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS, The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in ura noner and also the local news pub. lished herein. AU rights of republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1010 A NEW "ANGEL" IS BORN. . , Having utterly failed in their at tempt to pass House mil no. uu, the big fishing interests have now carefully laid their plans to choke the vnnr life out of the upper Umpqua river fishermen by the introduction in the senate, of a bill that provides that all matters pertaining to the ash ing industry of the state be placed in the hands of the Fish and Game Com mission, which, by the way, consists of only five men, appointed by the Governor, who will, if the present bill goes through, have complete au- ' thority above any ana an comers, the governnor not excepted, to put into execution and regulation, no mat ter how obnoxious to the public, any law that they may deem fit "for the preservation of the fish and gamo of the state of Oregon." This looks like a little Bolshevism was creeping Into our legislative affairs.- When it Ib proposed that five men are going to be delegated with supreme authority to handle one of the moat Important industries affecting nearly every , nook and corner of the stato, it is high time that the people wtike up to their individual interests. The problem of handling the fish and game Interests of Oregon should re main within the power of the people as a whole and not be delegated to a commission of a few individuals to toss about at the command of the big interests, who see In the present measure clear sailing for controlling every stream in the state. The bill should never get out. of thn hands of the committee that passes upon Its alleged merits. STILL IN THE DARK. As the days and weeks fleet by, news from the Inner recesses of the peace congress in France is still lack ing, despite the very first of Mr. Wll . son's "fourteen polntB", which says ' that peace covenants shall be open and openly arrived at. The alleged ' secret treaties between Japan and ; China, which-are rumored to be threatening the peace of tho peace . conference, could scaroely be moie . secret that the councils of world le . legates, among whom are President Wilson and four other Americans. Why does not the presldont make good' his solemn pledge to America and the world for "open covennnts of peace openly avrlved at?" Th United States and the world are un- . questionably entitled to know tho details of thlB world conference, may be taken for sxanted that those handful of statilites behind the guarded doors of tho peace council chambers patch up a pact In socret that rails to meet popular approval , their league of nations and other features annexed will scurcely last as long as it takes to consider the issues. Secret diplomacy plunged tne world into chaos, and now. at though It would seem tho tragedy of tho past four years would have taught a groat object lesson, the practice Is being continued. Mean wniie unrest among tho masses world-wide. Ib The democratic administration Is a complete failure both in and on of war. No soonor do tho soldlors throw off the yoke of the battle front when they are confronted with after war conditions that are more tin struclve than German lead and ess. While the hoad of the nation is being winea ana ained and toted about murope, thousnnds of soldiers nt urest aro "up to their ears" in the slimy mud, washing their faces In filthy water and subjected to open avenues of all Borts of diseases. This is a ,pretty stnte of affairs for the nation to sanction. Better look aftor our own blood and flesh beforo con- trlbutlng millions of dollars to i,,c uolBhevlkl element In forolcn lands to "fatten them up" so thoy can at tempt to run affairs in America. Senate bill 210, giving a commis sion or nve men authority to close or open tne season for conimarclnl flh. Ing in' Oregon streams, .was liitroiliir. ed by a man Idontlllrd with several big corporations, among them fish eries. The whole thing is pornlclous, and smacks of a deliberate attempt to put Oregon's fishing Industry In the hands of commercialized organi zations, uoncentrntlon of power Is a bad thing for any people, and to ,uiuw n group or nve men to deal out tho fish to whom they would, Is but to invito possibilities of some of thorn Kolng on tho pay roll of the big In terests. Kill that measure at once, and leave tho fishing business In tho hands of the people. The Seattle "sympathetic" strlko is almost ancient history and the Bol shevlkl element had hardly got with in the ring before the punch of pub Ho sentiment floored tho rascals. Mayor Ole Hanson called the bluff ana naa tne ngnt kind of mottle to "stand pat." Whore the Bolsheviks reign, blood Jiouri. !, NOTICE TO WHEAT GROWERS - ' Any one having wheat to die- pose of now will do well to bring in fair samplos and see us at once, as we have opportunity to move several cars, if obtainable, Immediately. 13 PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. ''' "I" AM A WONDER. "I" have braved the wild sea for mere admiration. - And to make democracy sate in each battle-torn nation. "I" am Alexander, Napoleon, and Robert E. Lee All rolled Into one man of tho highest degree. "I" am Solomon in wisdom, "I" am Aaron's rod, And "IT show the world that "I'm" almost a god, "I" am a prophet with a divine reve lation. And "I" rejuvlnate the whole of creation. My wisdom, my power and my time tested love Will remain long on earth after "I" go abovo. "I" have more power than Kaiser or king, And, clothed with such power, "I can do anything. "I" shall establish the kingdom of Godi In each and all nations that man ever trod. "I" am great In my greatness that the world knows, "I" am the greatest of statemen that ever arose Look at Washington, Jefferson, and Abe. lank and tall. "I" am waist high over them . all. "I" am a great vine and the world is my trellis, Yea, "I" am a Saint, and they call me "St. El'ls." Just think for a minute the work "I" have done "I" conquered Mexico and defeated the Hun. Wrote more ultimatums than would blockade the sun. "I" played with railroads to pleaBe Doddle, my son. And it cost countless millions for hav ing the fun, But those hundred millions the peo ple will pay And pray for mora debts acquired that way. "I" alBO built airships and made castor oil, "I" also launched ships til "I" made the sea boil, Yea, "I" am notodi for patience and ton, But what will "I" do with that darn . ed castor oil? "I've" enough of that oil to float Noah s ark, And tho money it cost will reach n high mark. But "I" shall not work, lot the people do that. So come on with the pay and leavo me on in tne vat. I" will establish eternal "noace" From the frozen North to the Isle of Greooe. From Tlnibuctu to Kalamazoo, From Halifax to Bnraboo, And from Dublin's bay to McAdoooo. t in a worm s wonder now don't you Bee That Is why the wholo world has gone nuts over me. Ex. FRCNrNa. Have your fruit or ornamental b ees, vinos or DUBh s pruned by a man witn practicni experience; write. L.UU1H 11, UbJUUULD Koseburg, Oregon NEW SPRING SAMPLES. Our new spring and summer Bar plos have arrived and are now ready for your Inspection. Somo noat. nobby designs to make selections from. Order your suit early to In Bure prompt delivery. O. W. Slopor, tne cionner ana preBser. tf HANKERS MORTGAGE CORPORA TION. If you want to borrow money on your livestock, Wheot, Wool or Lib erty Bonds, talk with the First State & Savings Bank, of Roseburg, about our terms and sorvlce or write to as direct. The war is over and we want to help you do your part in taking enre of the reconstruction which Is' our next great duty. PORTLAND . OREGON CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE One Billy goat. Molvin West, Route 1, Roseburg, Oregon. WAR IS OVER. Prune trees $13 a iuu. u. Diorrrin, 5U4 will St. tl 1 p FOR SALE Oliver typewriter, latest model, practically now. Inquire at wows ortice. FOR SALE 5 acre lot, fully Improv- eu, an laoni chicken ranch. Call W4. f-144-p FOR SALE Grey Oats, cleaned, Bu. i.zo. Llndbloom, phone 19F6. . f-24-p FOR SALE Cnblnot Grand piano In ii nu ciass condition, cash or terms. mono 88-L,. FOR SALE. Hay at the Edonbowor urcnard tracts. Fred Fisher, man- nser. mono 25-F4. FOR SALE. A 1917 Chandler Six, t passenger roadster. A snap for nuuieuoay. aee it at the Roseburg Garngo. FOR SALE Buff Orphlngton eggs for hatching. N. C. Ashby, Routo 2, City. Phone 9F3. FOR BALE Used cars, E-passenger Bulck and Overland: alio Ford truolt. alotor Shop Qarage, FOR BUG FOR SALE. See George Shanks, Washington and Rose Sts, FOR SALE. Fine Loganberry tips, 6c each. Order now for ivlarch de livery. SunBhine Ranch. Phone lFii FOR SALE Heavy draft team, har ness and wood wagon. Price $250 if taken at once. Phone 11F25 R. Stubbs, Melrose, Oregon. FOR SALE. Case threshing outfit, complete, separator, 12-25 steam tractor, stacker, etc. Address John Abeene, Sutherlln. ' . FOR SALE. Heavy team of mares, - ; Bound and- In good condition; also team of geiuings. will sell cheap cor casn or will, trade for cows or goats. Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1F2. FOR SALE. Timber claim, near Hoseburg, Ore., worth $4,000. Will sell for $2,000 for quick deal. Ad dres owner, Geo. Grubbe, Timpas, Colo. FOR SALE Top buggy, ono light single hack, twj sets harness, one horse; will work single or double, gentle for woman to drive. Ad dress: Box 13, R. F. D. No. 1 city. FOR SALE. Power wood saw, 6 horse Galloway engine mounted on steel trucks. In good condition worth $300, will sell for $100 cash, or will trade- for two good cows. Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1F2 FOR SALE 1600 Italian prune trees one year old, 4 to 6 feet at 27c each. 2000 Petite trees at 15c; 100 Petite trees, 4 to 6 feet at 27c. This is all good stock, well rooted. True to name. Jos. van Sickle, 1101 S. Main street. f-14-p WANTED. WANTED Four good ' work horseB. W. E. St. John, Sutherlln. WANTED. Two men for general work. Sunshine Ranch, phone 1F2. WANTED. Housecleaning and work by Laohn. Phone 366. WANTED Some good cows. See Judd, Empire Feedi Barn. SEWING WANTED Phono 198, or call 136 Stephens Street. f-21 WANTED By ambitious young man work of any kind. 308 S. Pine St. WANTED Haif grown turkeys or poor birds for fatten)-!?. Phone 14F14. WANTED Woman for light house work, take care of year old child. 645 S. Mill street. f-11 WANTED Scrap Iron, metal, rub ber, rags, chlttlm bark, hides and wool. Berger'B Junk Shop. Phone 182. WANTED. Men to cut 16-inch stove, wood at $1.66 a tier, block at $1.40. Alexander addition. J. E. Plnlsted, phone 16-F2. WANTED To purchase 10 to 30 acre tract of land, improved or unim proved, near railroad station. Must be creek or river bottom; bearing prune orchard preferred. Address, J. B. Henslee, Riddle Ore. WANTED. Will pay $2.50 per day and board for men to prune. Want two men at once. Also have 25 to 30 acres of light slashing would like to contract. R. M. Knight, Cnnyonvllle, Ore. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 2 rooms suitable for housekeeping. Phone 216-L. FOR RENT Furnished four-room house. Inquire 547 S. Stephens Street, or phone 454-R or 464-L. MISCEL1JINEOUH. FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnish ed cottage. Inquire at 644 South Pine Street. DEPENDABLE PRACTICAL -NURSE Will go anywhere, any case. Call Courier House, 305 West Mosier st. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S' DRESSES made and remodeled. Sewing wnntod. Call 736 W. Lane. Phone 150-J. FOR EXCHANGE House and lot near Riverside school, for team, or will sell chewp. C. C. Stone, Rose burg STRAYED One dttrk-gr:.y 3-year old, weight 900, and 1 black, with Roman nose, weight 1000. Please notify W. F. Ramp, Routo 1, Rose- burg. Oregnn. LOST Somewhere on the streets, a plain goia liar pin engraved with tho word "Sktylark". Finder please return to iNews Office and receive reward. f-i LOST Two Jorsey heifers, coming a-year oia, ana look almost alike; no brands or marks. Strayed from Round Prnirle Ranch. Address: Rice Bros.. Dlllard. Ore. .Reward. MUSIC. TEACHER OF PIANO Mrs. Ethelyn unnnerman unmpDoll. studio over Ott's Music Store. Mrs. Campbell will tench throughout the winter. Phone 67-J EDUCATIONAL t'KKNCK CLASSES. Mrs. Ethelvn unnnerman Campbell. Pupils do- siring instruction In class will Please call for particulars. Studio over Ott's Music Store. RENTERS Why do you constantly continue to enrich .the landlord? The average renter will pay out $200 por year of good money for prlvllogo of living In a property nuiiu ituoui iuuu. in five years you could own the place and your money nil comes back- to you If you play the game right. Whv not begin now. Will sell you half block, small house, Heal location, small payment down and balance month ly. See Mr. Wood at News offlco. Property will never again be as hep right now. " EGGS FOR HATCHING From sin gle comb Buff Leghorns. Phone 28F-12, Mrs. Harry Lander, R. F. D. 1, box 137, Roseburg. f 2 4-p. LIBERTY BONDS All Issues bought and sold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. Now is the time to buy; Bonds will go higher In the near future. See M. F. Rice of Rico & Rice. tf MONEY TO LOAN Rural credit farm loans. The only loan for the farmer. 20-year amortized loans with privilege of paying all or part at any time, low rate of interest. We specialize on farm mortgages. See M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice, tf VIOLIN INSTRUCTION FOR YOUNG and old lessons for the verist beginner planned along modern lines, proceeding logically, step by step, making everything plain to the youngest student. Roseburg School of Music, 105 E. Lane St. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED farms in Southern Oregon; 20-year rural credit loans privilage to pay any amount at any time. Low rate of Interest. The only loan for the farmer. We make prompt inspec tions and close loans an short no tice. See M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE We write Fire, Life and Automobile insurance. All policies inspected by one versed in the law of insur " ance. No loop holes to escape lia bility. Risks promptly inspected and all losses receive our personal attention. M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice. tf WE BUY AND SELL BONDS Gov ernment and municipal bonds. - If you have money to invest see us. Don't let your dollars lay idly by. U. S. Liberty Bonds at market less small brokerage. If you must sell, sell to us. If you wish to buy more, buy from us. You can't do better, you might do worse. M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice. tf "THERE ARE JUST THREE KINDS of people who don't buy life insur ance: 1. The people who can't pay for it. 2. The people who can't get it. 3. The people who don't care for their families. Now, you are either one of these three kinds of people, or else you are ready to sign this application you will have to classify yourself." Special low rates. M. F. Rice, Agt. THE PACIFIC BUILDING & LOAN Association issueB the best savings proposition made. Their saving plan cannot be better. If you wish we can loan you money to pay the Mortgage on your home. $15.17 pays $1000 Interest and principal in 96 monthly payments. $5.00 each month for 96 months returns to you $1000 at maturity. Can you beat 11! If so come In. we will give you a job. See M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice. tf mm Pork; Krop. If pleased you'd be With the meat you buy For beef to roast or pork to fry Beef and pork our leading crop. You'll find us always, on the hop. Scrupulously clean, we use the mop. TRADE HERE. THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. Kohlhngen, Prop. Phone IM. CABINETS for filing letters or card cases tor loose ledger cards, are always usee in offices where thoy file away let ters and bills and keep copies of those written in the office. We have some good ideas in the way of letter files, cabinets, letter copying presses, besides everything that could be called a blnnk book filing cabinet. Orders filled for all kinds of fnil' boxes. The J. G. FlooK Co. Roeebarfi Ongoa, up unlDF for your new HOME YOU lE PLANNED THE PINEST PLUMBING THE LAND We hear you're planning to build a now home. Well, do you know that it would be a matter of money in - your pocket and good plumbing in your houBO if you .talked your itlans er with us and got our prices? t We're dependable plumbers. ' Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE 151. JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store Some Fine recleaned white Oats (Hastening Special) an extra fine white Oat. Also -Crown Union White Oats, Good Oats are scarce and if you need any, see me quick. Some Good Whole Barley and Club Wheat, Alfalfa Hay, and some Just Hay. Rolled Oats, per sack.. ...$2.00 Rolled Barley, 75 lb. sack $ 2.45 Mill Run, per 80 lb. sack....$2.10 Scratch Food, 100 lb. sack....$4.50 Egg Producing Mash, per 100 pound sack $4.00 Corn good Corn 2c. Always the largest sack for the least money. If you have any good grain to grind, bring it to me and I will trade you Rolled Oats or Rolled Barley for it. One Farm Wagon cheap. One good Farm Hack cheap. One light Buggy, awfully cheap. One double Harness, one single harness, several good Collars. One Cream Separator. J. M. JUDD Empire Rant. Roseburg Time to Spray LIME SULPHURISOLUTION 30 degrees and better $11.00 per barrel I. o. b. Sutherlln; $1.60 Rebate on return of container in good condition. If you can use 60 barrels or more, write for prices. Sutherlin Spray , Manufacturing Co. Heinline Piano School For ALL GRADES PIANO STUDENTS Children's Fundamental lasses a Specialty. 424 Perkins Bldg. Phone 890 FURNITUP.E REPAIRING. UPHOLSTERING, REFINISHING. . . All work guaranteed. 702 MiU St., or Phone 51-Y. "MRS. F. D. OWEN Oat Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bou quets, etc. - FOR SALB AT "TUB FERN" lit Cass St. Roseburg, Ore. PHONE S40 Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from loss with one of our properly written Insur ance policies. 6. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE llfl Cass Street Rosetonrg. Ore. MRS. L. B. MOORE Piano Studio Latest Approved Methods. 611 Hamilton st Phone 187-R. M. O. RADABAUGH, AUCTIONEER Any one having sales can arrange for dates at the Umpqua Valley Bank. DR. M. H. PLYLER. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN, 223 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Offloa Honrs 9 to 5 Phone IBS EUctrical Treatments. Ub?sd Roseburg . find the Umpqua Valley Bank adaptable to their selling plans at home andthelr buying transactions away from home. Complete local facilities and good connections outside make a connection here very desirable indeed. Keep step with Progress WITH US. JOHN M. THRONE - CASHIER THEUKPQUfl VALLLy BANK ROSEPURO OREGON Science plays Its part In a steam laundry and modern methods render contagion impossible. Be fair to yourself and your family. Patronize a steam laun dry. Try our way this week and measure cost fairly. On that basis, outside of the safety basis, you will win by sending the wash to us. 'Phone we'll call. . ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHOJT.l 70 LAST WASH THURSDAY NOON. Do You Want An Ironing Board? FREE! One "Rid-Jid" Folding Ironing Table with each Dover "No-Burn-Out' Elec tric Iron, sold before Feburary 20th. Douglas County Light and Water Co. IT'S SOME CAR -THE "D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You I. F. BarKer Co. Roseburg Oregon Hunter's Spray Company Is now making the same high grade Lime and Sulphur Spray Every barrel guaranteed above 30 hydrometer test and no waste or sediment. We have the only Spray plant that can filter spray and remove all trouble from nozzle choaking, when spraying. Not price at factory, 6 bbls. and more flu. 00. Net price less than 6 bbls lots. $10.60. We have Lime and Sulphur for Sale. ; Sulphur, 110 pound sacks, $4.00. i . i I : Lime, ISO pound- barrels, $3.60. Orchard Men, and Fruit Companies preferring to purchase' their materials and superintend the making of the spray; we will make the spray for $1.00 per barrel In orders of 20 barrel. Our plant will be iu. operation for ten days. THE SPECIALTY SHOP. Hemstitching. Ing, button covering, braiding, all Kiuus or iancy stitching. Waists made to order. 321 Perkins Build. FIRE INSURANCE! Risks Promptly Inspect- ed on Application. We have several strong old-line Companies. Protect yourself be fore it Is too late. W. A. BOGARD OS Cass Street Phone 80ft, , r Merchants JUST LIIiE MAKING YOU A NEW PAIR. Shoe repairing our way is the modern factory way precisely like the manufacture of a new pair of shoes. We use the same -materials, the, sariq ..machinery, the same methods. And our re pair men could make you a new pair as good as any in the shoe shops. But our business is re-maklng shoes. W. S. HOWARD 214 N. JACKSON ST. DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Economical in operation. Runs on kerosene, gasoline or gas. ' R. E. HARNESS Hoseburg .... Ongoa RA1AL fciJIATlJ City and Farm Property, Winches ter bay and Westlake Town Lots. GEORGE RITER. lit West Oak Btrent STOP AT THJB GRAND HOTEL OA SO STREET ROSEBURO