TV" gg3 BVF"CJ NEWS SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1010 THE EVENING NEWS BY B, W. BATES . BERT 0. BATB8 ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription juues Jjtuiy Per year, by mall, In county....S3 Per year, outside of county 4 : Weekly. Per year , ..12.00 Six months.. .. 1.00 . Entered as secondVolass matter, November 6, iu, ai itosouuris, u. under act of March 8. 1879. IIUUiTUIU, V- 1J'-I .J - . . The Associated Press Is exclusively enlluoa to uie use xur ropuuuvuiwi . .. ... - .1 11. w ... it OK au news uuiMivun w .. .. nihAMvlHA fveMteA In til paper and also the local news pub lished herein. JU1 rights of republi- cation of special dispatches herein are also reservou SATURDAY, JANUARY 88, 1010 THAT UMPQUA FISH BILL Every legislature that convenes has a new fish bill to wrestle with, and this bill usually pertains to Ash ing on the Umpqua river, mo uwu measure to oe presented iur cunnmor atlon is House bill No. 120, Intro rftinoHi hv Mr. Hukhea. of Salem, who, toy the way is not a fisherman, neither has he any cannery interests to serve, that is, of bis own making. But those of our citizens who are close students of these Lower Umpqua flsh bills see In this measure the fine Ital ian hand of the big Interests, also the complete ruination of the Ashing industry of the upper umpqua river. The bill as 'It now Btands, If passed . iby both houses of the legislature and . becomes ai law.- will (practically annul the enterprise In so far as It applies to the ordinary Individual, dui on the contrary, will redound with much benefit to the big fishing interests. At the head of the state game and fish commission rests a man of power- , ful Influence. : This individual is a big canneryman his name Is Warren andl the fact he has always been associated with tho Interests of the prominent cnnnerymen of the state, ' it Is more than likely he haB their Interests first to serve. He Is In a position to "rone" many influential men to work for any measure that '. Is for tho good of the large canning Interests of the state, and It is also alleged that ho has his finger tips 1 on public ornclais who are cioseiy allied with the Ashing Industry as It applies to the Umlpqua river. Taking these matters into consideration It is quite apparent that the "small fry" . the local sportsman stands a good chance of "going over the top" to return with an empty basket If the bill proposed by Mr. Hughes becomes a'law. ' Local sportmen claim the bill 'Is obnoxious In the extreme and should meet Immediate defeat, and others who have the best Interests of the up)per Umpqua in mind are certain It spoils ruin to individual fishing. The measure should be killed out right. It should pass neither house, ' ho matter what concessions the au thor or Its supporters agree to make In order to have the bill become a law. They will probably be willing to have It trimmed to a largo extent that a few of the salient features would v still remain Intact, but any juggling should be met with a prompt defeat, ,"' Tho big canneryman'B in terests should receive due considera tion and loyal support just so 'long as It; doeB not Bavor of an avaraclous dosire to control the entire industry to further their own personal ends. The Umpqua river should not bo com pletely bottled up at the mouth, as intended by the Hughes bill. On the front page of today's News Is an article from W. C. Harding, who pointB out a feasible way by which the county can encourago now (lie Wl people to locate within Its borders, hen the big land owner decides to break on a flfty-flfty basis with the small Investor, and penults his ex tensive land holdings to be subdlvld ed into small tracts and sold' at a ralr price on reasonable Installments, then, and not until then, will Douglas county reap the benotfls to bo deriv ed from a more thickly populated community. The locnl gas company hns again gone boforo the Publlo Service Com inlBBion and asked for a flat advance of fifty cents over tho present ratos charged to their patrons. Consumers or this particular varloty of 'Julco' hotter "come over the counter" with tho advance nslied. otliorwiso the da niocratlo administration might take the plant over and opernto It "for the good of all concerned," a la tels- pnono, etc. It Is now claimed that the hundrod million dollnrs for supplying food and giving relief to European suffer ers) Is to be used, In part, to feed the Russian Bolshevik. That's light, get them In good condition for the slnughtor that is sure to come unless that oloment is subduod In tho vory near future. There are a few democratic news paper mien In the stnto who still maintain that tho Wilson war pro gram has been a success. Hut most of thcbO follows have been awarded a "government contract" to conduct a post orflco as a side Issue to "ham mering out" a "weakly" publication. A TJolshevikl la a man with long whiskers. Hut this does not noccos Barlly Imply that a man with long whiskers la a Uolshovlkl. There's a few wandering around without any alfalfa on their chin, who would make good subjects. President Wilson Is said to be In favor of ft now 'International psycho logy." Well, If the league of nations 1b to be purely psychological maybe It will turn out all right after all, The easiest job In tho world will go to tho man who compiles the pub llo speeches of Col. House. Hennle Ford writes an article urg ing captains of Industry to quit re garding employees as factory fodder. Why doesn't he say something against the mangling of helpless po destrlans? German Bolshevlkis are reported to have seized the Berlin waterworks plant. Not nearly) as serious, tho, as if they had grabbed the brewery. The German health insurance plan Is branded as a failure. It must be admitted that Hunland Is not a very healthy (place just now. Norway will ask the peace confer ence for Spltzbergen. That sounds like It might be the place where the flu started'. Douglas county people want a sane fish law not a law with the meshes of the seine so small it will gather in all the trout. The Douglas county iprune orchard is always a safe and sane investment. 0 CITY NEWS 0 Gllsen Martin left for Sutherlin to day fora. visit with relatives. We carry over 700 different legal blanks. Douglas Abstract Co. 31 Sulphur in sacks, lime in barrels, at Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. tf For soda, soft diinks, phone 186. Order by the case. tf Follow tho crown get In line and eat at the Cafeteria. tf. Delicious home-made pastry at the Cafeteria. . , Money to loan on Improved prop erty, Douglas Abstract Co. 31 B - 4 - U buy a farm, C J. A. Walker, Roseburg National Bank Bldg., room 2, up-stalrs. tf Critics pronounce "The Karne" the greatest war story ever written. Fic tion Library. tf If you want to sell your Farm or City Proporty, soe Walker, room 2, up-stalrs Roseburg National Bank Building. tf Dutch bulbs now on sale at "The Fern". Hyacinths, crocus, tulips, all colors', freesia and gladioli. Mrs. F. D. Owen, 111 West Csbs street. tf Cooked foods, Baiads, Oct., for the parties, banquetB or dinners deliv ered on short notice by Roseburg Cafeteria. j tf. You will sooner or later use Dln mond Brand hard whoa Flour. Why not now? ' Quality the best. Cost Do you save as much as you should? If not. Why not? Try our method. Umpqua Savings andi Loan Associa tion. A home institution for home people. - Office with Douglas Abstract Company. tf JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store POULTRY FEED. Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Egg Producing MaBh. HOG FEED. More Pork, Barley Meal and Corn COW FEED Alfalfa Meal, Mill Run, Fisher's Dairy Feed. GENERAL FEEDS Rolled Oats, Rolled Barley, Hay and Straw delivered anywhere In town. Phone 153. SEED Oats, Wheat and Barley. Two gasoline Engines, One Feed Grinder, One Single Buggy. Sec ond hand Automobiles Bought and Sold. WANTED Some good cows. J. M. JUDD Empire Barn. Rosoburg REMEMBER Do you wish to be remembered by your loved ones? If so, set the example by placing pretty Mon ument or Headstone upon the grave of your rionr Kathor, Mother Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife or Child. We are In a position th serve you best. Come in and see what wo have to offer. We do all kinds of cemetery work and our prices are very reasonable. Peoples Marble & Granite Works W, E. Monitors, proprietor, BOS N. Jackson Street, or G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon. EDENBOWER DANCE. . Social dance' at Edenbower hall Saturday ovenlng, January 26. Good music, and a good time. Everybody Invited, j-25 - - gal Blanks. Douglas Abstract Co. 31 Townshop Maps, Blue Prints, Le- You may have an excellent voice and not be aware of the fact. We test your voice free. Roseburg School of Music, 105 E. Lane St. .,29 Broccoli. Its time to think about It now for next season. We will furn ish the seed andi help you grow It ight. See the manager. Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. tf THE SPECIALTY SHOP. HemBtltcMng, picot edging, pleat ing, button covering, braiding, all kinds of fancy stitching. WaistB made to order. 821 Perkins Build. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE First-class 1916 motor cycle. Inquire Ford Garage. FOR SALE CHEAP 1914 Harley Daviason motor-cycle. Phone 8F3. f-24 FOR SALE Cabinet Grand piano In first class condition. Cosh or terms. Phono 33-L. ' FOR SALE Eight lots and small house, good location, sity water, etc., 485. Inquire News. ' w FOR SALE. Hay at the Edenbower Orchard tracts. Fred Fisher, man ager. Phone 25-F4., FOR SALE Or will exchange for small stock ranch, block of Rose . burg property, small house. Borne I lruit treeB. Inquire ut News. v FOR SALE One gray gelding, grade Percheron, 8 years old. Geo. Tel ford, Happy Valley P. O. address, Roseburg, Oregon, FOR SALE 50 head of AI (picked) ewe lambs, none bettor. See them. Price $12. 50 per head. E. L. Rice & Son, Dlllard. Oregon. ' FOR SALE Heavy draft team, har ness and wood wagon. Price $250 if taken at once. Phone 11F2B. R. Stubbs, Melrose, Oregon. FOR SALE Harloy-Davldson motor cycle, electrically equipped, with speedometer and spotlights, and in AI condition. Ford Garage. FOR SALE 1250 feet No. 1 rustic, 660 feet No. 2 fleorlng; Star wind . mill, new. A. A. Emmons, Happy Valley. Phone 17F5. FOR SALE One double barrel shot gun and one .32 special Winches ter rifle, in god condition. Cheap. Phone 286-J. . FOR SALE Or trade for cows, Top buggy and harness, in first class condition, $65; pony buggy and harness, $65, good condition. Can be seen at J. F. Barkers, Roseburg. FOR SALE Top buggy, one light single hack, tw3 sets harness, one horse; will work single or double, gentle for woman to drive. Ad dress: Box 13, R. F. D. No. 1 city. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet, best of condition, bumper, tool box, flvo good tires, demountable rlinS. For , quick sale, $600 cash. Also 1917 Briscoe in good conditt n, $600. Will demonstrate both cars. R. E. Cook, Roseburg. FOR SALE 3 second-hand Dodge Brothers touring cars. One 1918 Dodge truck, one 1917 Ford truck, and one 1918 Maxwell touring. Terms can be arranged. See J. O. Newland, New Dodge Brothers Cars on hand at present. j-24-p WANTED. WANTED Some good cows. See JHfld. Empire Feed' Barn. WANTED H.Uf grown turkeys or poor birds for fatten!-!?. Phone 14F14. WANTED Two doz. White Leghorn hens. Give particulars and price. J. TO. Plnkerton, Ut. 1, City. WANTED Any kind of work by a woman; no washing. Address M. A., Care News. Jll. $2.60 per cord. Also want men to :ui Btuvo hwu. jriiuno nr 11. WANTEB An Experienced wnltress, middle aged woman preferred. Ap ply nt Grand Restaurant. WANTED Scrap Iron, metal, rub ber, rags, chlttlin bark, hides and , wool. Borger's Junk Shop. Phone 182. WANTED Dcslreable houses for renting. We have calls and cannot supply the demand. G. U. Helblg, 401 Cass St. WANTED All kinds of furs and rabbit skins. Must be dry. Borg er's Junk Shop. WANTED A position as housekco- por by widow with two children, ages 6 and 9. Phone 450-J. Or call 827 Fullerton. WANTED Girl or middle aged wo man for genornl housework; all modern conveniences In house. Good homo for right party. Mrs. Chns. ' S. Spinning, Sutherlin. Phono Onklnnd line S9F8. WANTED. Will pay 2.B0 per day and board for men to prune. Want two men at once. Also have 25 to SO arros of light slashing would like to contract. R. M. Knight, Canyonvlllo, Ore. To the People of Roseburg and Douglas Co. The Umpqua Trading Company solicits your business and If modern up to date methods will merit It, we will do our part; "No order ' too small to receive oir very beet efforts and painstaking care". You can send a child here; it will receive the same personal atten tion as though you came yourself. All goods are marked Id .plain flgureB. A complete assortment of fresh clean stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries In an absolutely plean store. Here Is something . new which will appeal to you. On and after January 1st all charge accounts are net cash 30 daya. Cash with delivery we will allow you 2 per cent discount. Goods paid and delivered by yourself 4 per cent discount. Stop think! hore Is an opportunity to encourage thrift and a . tidy saving on your months purchases. Umpqua Trading Co. THE STORE OF QUALITY GOODS. Phono 270. , . ' "' ' 225 N. Jackson Street. FOR SALE-rOne-tpn Ford truck, covered top. Motor Shop Garage. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 2 rooms Bultable for '. housekeeping. Phone 216-L. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep . lng rooms 308 S. Pine St., phono 1 3 8-Y. FOR RENT Furnished four-room house. Inquire 647 S. Stephens Street, or phone 454-R or 454-L. MISCELLANEOUS.. LOST Brooch with fire agate set. Phone 286-J. Reward. EXCHANGE. New five room House and two lots, clear of Incumbrance, for farm property. Inquire at the News office. STRAYED One dark-gruy 3-year old, weight 900, and 1 black, with Roman nose, weight 1000, Please notify W. F. Ramp, Route 1, Rose burg, Oregan. STRAYED One roan-gray 3-year old, weight 900, and 1 black, with Roman nose, weight 1000. Please notify W. F. Ramp, Route 1, Rose- burg, Oregon. WE WRITE BONDS We write all kinds of Bonds and represent the largest Insurance and' Bonding Companys. See M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice. tf LOST From a jitney Saturday even ing, ladles blue coat with fur col lar and band of fur around bottom, service pin on left sleave. Finder please return to News office and receive reward. WILL ECHAXNGE 70 acre ranch in Southern Oregon, close in, to trade for three ' or more acre chicken ranch anywhere between Roseburg, Oregon, andl woodland Wash. Address Box B, 188 Ca- ruthers St., Portland, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN -Rural credit farm loans. The only loan for the farmer. 20-year amortized loans w'th privilege of paying all or part at any time. Low rate of Interest. We specialize on farm mortgages. See M. F. Rice of Rice & Rice. tf ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE We write Fire, Life audi Automobile Insurance. All policies Inspected by one versed In the law of Insur ance. No loop holes to escape lia bility. Risks promptly inspected and all losses receive our personal attention. M. F. Rice, of Rice & Rice. tf. WE BUY AND SELL BONDS Gov ernment and municipal bonds. If you have money to Invest see us. Don't let your dollars lay idly by. U. S. Liberty Bonds at market less small brokerage. If you must sell, sell to us. If you wish to buy more, buy from us. You can't do bettor, you might do worse. See M. F. Rico of Rice & Rice. tf Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed tor $1.00. AU work given prompt attention. Bargain day prices do not include calling for or delivering clodhos. G. W. SLOPER 308 N. dackson. CABINETS for filing letters or card cases, for loose ledger cards, are always usee1 In offices where they file away let ters and bills and keep copies of those written in the office. We have some good Ideas In the way of letter files, cabinets, letter copying presses, besldoB everything that could be called a blank book filing cabinet. . Orders Oiled tor all kinds of frul boxes. The J. G. FIooR Co. Roseburg, Oregon. 111919 MAXWELL The unexcelled choice for LIGHT CAR , Up-to-the-Minute in ' STYLE 'AND EQUIPMENT Comfort Durability Economy H.MERTEN ROSEBURG, OREGON. ' Distributors for Douglas County. Service Station 214 S. Main St. Phone 192-Y. EggsWanted! We will pay a premium abo"e the market price for strictly Fresh Large White or Brown eggs. Must be fancy stock. Bring them In. UMPQUA TRADING CO. 225 North Jackson. FIRE INSURANCE! Risks Promptly Inspect ed on Application. We havo several strong' old-line Companies. Protect yourself be fore It Is too late. W. A. B0GARD 405 Cass Street . Phone 803. Pork; Krop. If pleased you'd be With the meat you buy For beef to roast or pork; to fry Beef and pork our leading crop. You'll find us always on the hop. Scrupulously clean, we use the mop. TRADE HERE. THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. Kolilhagcn, Prop, Phone 88. Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from loss with one of our properly written Insur ance policies. 6. W.Y0UN6&S0N, INSURANCE 11(1 Cass Street Rooebnrg. Ore. 'The Oregon Chamber of Commerce Upon this state-wide body will rest the responsibility of coordinating every community's efforts toward the bet terment of Interests and Industries. The MOST Douglas County can contribute Is the LEAST it can do. The Umpqua Valley Bank will help, of course. J. M. THRONE the UMPQUA E ROSEBURG Science plays Its part in a steam laundry and modern methods render contagion impossible. ' Be fair to yourself and your family. Patronize a steam laun dry. Try our way this week and measure cost fairly. On that basis, outside of the safety basis, you will win by sending the ; wash to us. . ' : 'Phone we'll call. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHON-1 70 , LAST WASH THURSDAY NOON. BETTER LIGHT! . . . s .our eyes and your business need It. " ' EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Are the most efficient Electrle Lamps made, v Sold By Douglas' CountyLight and Water Go. u;p uodf rrn Yhiif? nfw Ihome YOU'VE PLANNED-! THE FINEST PLUMBING THE LAND! We hear you're planning to build a now home. Well, do you know that it would be a matter of money in yonr pocket and good plumbing in your house if you talked your plans "er with us and1 got our prices? We're dependable plumbers. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE IB1. MRS. L. B. MOORE Piano Studio Latest Approved Methods. 611 Hamilton St. Phone 187-R. DELCO-UGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant economical in operation. Runs on kerosene, gasoline or gas. R. E. HARNESS Koeobnrs; .... Oregoa MRS. P. D. OWEN Oat Flowers, Ported Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Ron. . qnets, ete. . , ' FOR- SALE AT "THE FERN" 111 Case St. Rosebnrg, Ore. PHOJTE HO 1 a IN I Cashier VHLLEbank OREGON OFF WITH THE OLD ON WITH THE NEW. We don't moan new shoes but newly-repaired shoes; re-built like new by W. S. Howard, the expert shoe repairer of this city. Ladles' Blippers, high, shoes, shoes with long, narrow vamp and high French heels all kinds of fancy shoes re-shaped and re-made. W. S. HOWARD 214 N. JACKSON ST. M. C. RADABAUGH, AUCTIONEER ' Any one having sales can arrange for dates at the Umpqua Valley Bank. STOP AT THE GRAND HOTEL PASS STREET RosEnrRfl Dry Slab Wood Lime and Cement, AT H, J. DENN TRANSFER COMPANY PHONE 128 CRENCH CUSSES I HIS, ETHELYR BAME1IUX CANPBCLL Pupils desiring instruction In class Till please call for artlculars. Fory Studio, over Ott's Muslo Store. Heinline Piano School For ALL GRADES PIANO STUDENTS Children's Fundamental lasses a Specialty. 424 Perkins Bldg. Phone 800 DB. S. L. DaLAPP Osteopathic Physician A Surgeon 917-018 Perkins Bldg. Ofdce 119 '. Res. 454-J. Roseburg, Ore. . DR. M. H. PLYLER. Licensed Chiropractic Physician. 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation, examination free. Office Honra 0 to S Phone 1S9 - Chiropractic and Electrical ; Treatments.