THE MEWS Pull for a bigger, better THE WEATHER ana more prosperous? KoseDurg and Douglas Tonight. Fair; Saturday, Bain. Highest temp. !'esterday....49 Lowest temp, teat night 43 uounty. , , Ttie Only Paper in Roseburg Carrying Associated Press Dispatches VOJj. IX. KOSEI1UKG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON ERIDAV, NOVEMBER 22, 1018, NO. 278 ALLIED FLEET WAS READY FOR FIGHT No Chances Taken With Ger. ' man Treachery When Ships ITCI W WUIIvllUCICUi A HUMILIATING SCENE Spaniards Brave and Undaunted at Santiago, Hut tho Huns Unblush- . Ingly Give Up Thrir Ships On Donuuid. . (By Associated Press.) EDINBURU, Nov, 22. With the surrender of a large part of the sur face fleet yesterday, Germany as na val power ceased to exist. The turn ing over of twenty-two dreadnaughts andl cruiBers to the victors was some thing unprecedented In the history o, nations and naval operations. - The surrender was on a gigantic scale. and to any nationality but tho Ger mans, It is believed, would have been an unendurable humiliation. United States and allied war ships steamed out under full head, decks stripped and gun crews standing by, with ev ery man at his post, in order to avoid disastrous results should the Ger mans show treachery. The prepara tions for a fight were needless, as It proved, the enemy ships meekly sub mitting to the capitulation. - A Uni ted States naval officer who witness od Che surrender from the deck of an American ship, astonished! beyond measure at the spectacle of a power ful navy that'had once boasted of ability to cope with all comers giv ing up without a show of resistance, exclaimed: "Even the .poor old Span iards, knowing that they had no pos sible chance, came out of Santiago Harbor and went down to defeat like brave men, but these Germane nn blushingly surrender like a set of craven cowards." , MINE SWEEPERS INTERNED. . LONDON, Nov. 22.-iTwenty-seven-mine sweeping vessels passed from German control and posesslon Mon day, when thoy arrived in Dutch wa ters from Belgium, where they had been operating from German naval bases, and! were Interned. "WILL LEAVE GERMANY. AMSTERDAM, Nov: 22. All mem bers of the Hohenzollern dynasty will leave Germany soon, acording to a Frankfurt diapf.tch. Their destina tion 1b not yet known. EXTENTE TROOPS AT KIEV. - BASEL, Nof. 22. Entente troops are now marching against Kiev, and reports have it, that General Skoro ibtskl, Ukrainian dictator, has sur rendered. General Denikine, (heading the anti-Bolshevikl forces, has been named as successor, with entente con-, sent. v . - SOHEIDEMANN RESIGNS. BASEL, Nov. 22. Islilpp Scheide mann, foreign minister in the new German government. Is said to have resigned. His place has been filled by Herr Landsberg, secretary of pub licity. SO AUTHORITIES SAY Some alarm Arts felt htls morning, when It became noised) about that several new cases of influenza had developed during yesterday and last night, and coupled with the death of Mr. Bennett last evening, caused con siderable aprenension. ' Following a conference of the health officers with Mayor Stewart, It was deemed un necessary to place a ban upon the city, audi believing that a sane course should be followed the officials de termined to discourage the practice of public funerals, particularly where death from Influenza has occurred, and to close public dances. In ac cordance with this conclusion the fol lowing statement was Isued. Owing to a slight increase in the number of cases of Influenza during the last 24 hourB, the city authorities ifeel It axrVisable to close all dance halls. D. J. STEW-ART, Mayor B. R. SHOEMAKER, City Health Officer. PRESBYTERIAN AID The Presbyterian Aid Society held their regular bi-monthly meeting at the church parlors yesterday after noon. A very Interesting program was rendered of the following num- berB: Instrumental solo,: Mrs. Mario Flint, Vocal solo; Mrs. w. w. Asn croft and a clever original poem by Mrs. Smlck. Rev. Quick gave an in spiring talk on the reconstruction work of the church. Rev. Quick said that it was now necessary that the church be made over to meet the de mands of the boys who are returning to ub from over the seas. He said that it was mp to the church members to cease all hipocrlsy and to live to the fullest interests of the church in order that these boys, who have been fighting for the 'holiest of causes might not find the church wanting in the respect of living uin to the teach ings of Christ. 1 At the conclusion of the program, refreshments were served and a so cial time enjoyed. OKFrCIORS WERE HONORED. The past patrons and post matrons of the Eastern Star Lodfee were hon ored at the regular mooting of the organization last evening. Hon. O. P. Coshow gave a short entertaining talk and Mrs.. Heine sang a charming solo. It was votedj by the lodge that $50 be donated by the Eastern Star for the United1 War Work Campaign, a like sum being pledged by the Ma sonic order. The past matrons in attendance at the meeting were the Mesdames Edith Pearson, Nannie Sprague, Llbie Coshow, Prank How ell, Mayette . Koh-lhagen, Regina Sawyers, - Maude Kidder andl Miss Margaret Page. The past patrons re presented were O. P. Coshow, Free Johnson and James Sawyers. TAKE A BIG DROP Cadillac People Lop Off an i Even $300 From Their Former Prices. .... NOTICE RECEIVED TODAY Hig Manufacturers Prepare ' to Meet Normal Conditions Tlint Are Sure . to Come, As a Result of End- ? lng of the War. While the national administration is busy boosting freight and express rales, telephone and telegraph charg es, and' otherwise making a frenzied effort to prevent a natural return to normal conditions, manufacturers are seeing, the light and meeting the emergency with keen buslnss intui tion. With their sensitive fingers on the country's Industrial pulse, realiz ing that the war is over, and that thousands of men are rapidly return ing to their old positions, that work must be found for theBe demobilized soldiers, and In order to put the ma nufacturing business on a level foot ing, products must be turned out at figures that will commend them to the buying public, automobile con cerns, probably in a -better position than any other to know where to check the upward tendency, are be ginning to cut war-time prices. The very first automobile manufacturers to throw off the yoke of constantly advancing schedftilcs are the Cadallao" and Chevrolet people. Announcement today by the Motor Shop, of this city, who handle tho agency for these ma chines, that the former company had lopped off in even $300 at one stroke from their war-time prices on cars, and that the Chevrolet people havo reduced the price on that car $130 from the figures that have prevailed for a year, is an indication that the reconstruction proccs has begun. In communities like Roseburg and the county generally, where no war industries are situated, the people are In a better positlen to know and imnartiallv prjss judgment upon in- mated' values and exhorbltant sche-; (iules than those of the localities ! where industrial plants enjoy, the j benefits of boom prices. Owing to the fact that a majority of the peo ple are In exactly the same (position, these unnatural conditions are work ing a hardship upon the public, so that any movement looking toward a return to a sane plane Ib received with Intense satisfaction. Automobiles, tractors, machinery of every conceivable kind, manufact ured goods of innumerable descrip tion, railroad rates, express rates in tho process of going skyward, and a thousand anrt one items tli-.t might be mentioned are due to drop back to where the public as a whole may enjoy the benefits. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Not better than the rest, but as good as the best. Sittings made by day or night by the new Mezd'a blue ray electric light. C. W. Clark, ground floor studio, 125 Cass St. tf Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Harding have taken the Bob Smith house on Clair Street for a couple of yean. 1500 GERMANS DIE D Fire Started byChildrenSpread to Munitions Train Standing Near. . OFFICIALLY ON THE JOB British Government Htut No Direct Knowledge that Emoror William is No liOiiKer ltnler Ford Will Jjjtlifc l"Iicr. ' (By Associated Press.) LONDON, Nov. 22. Tho explosion of two munitions trains in. Belgium, Thrursday, caused cassualties estimat ed at between 1600 and 2000 Ger mans, according to an Amsterdam dispatch. - The injured are being taken to Budel, Holland1, and early reports state that .160 dead have already been counted. The disaster was caused by some children building a Don m o near the railroad track, and spreading to the trains near by, the explosion followed. Destruction !n the vicinity was .enormous. Dutch military detachments have been sent across the border to give aid. , , HILL HAS GOT THE "FLU." LONDON, Nov. 22. William Ho henzollern. ex-emperor of Germany, is reported 111 with influenza in Hol land. . - ' li!G PANIC YESTERDAY". LONDON, Nov. 22. The greatest nanic on the Berlin bourse occurred Thursday .when it was reported that extremists in several German coast j towns had usurped the power of the ; local authorities, according to a Co- penhagen dispatoh today, -, ; " LORD CECIL RESIGNS, LONDON, Nov. 22, Lord Robert Cecil, under secretary of state for foreign affairs, resigned today after a disagreement regarding the dis establishment of.. the Welch church. .lohn R. Clynes, British food commis sioner, also resigned. . NO ACTION ON LAFOLETTE. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Investi gation of the alleged! dlcloyalty speech of Senator La Follette at St. Paul over a year ago was abandoned today by the senate elections com mittee, on a vote of nine to two. Senate members stated that however much the speech might be deplored, there- was no -basis for La Follette's expulsion from the senate. Two de mocrats, Pomeron.and Walsh, voted against the dismissal of the charges, ind it is -possible that a contest will result in-the senate over adoption of the majority report -when congress reconvenes December 2, Pomeren de claring his intention to submit a min ority report, ' HENRY WILL BE EDITOR. DETROIT, Nov. 22. Henry Ford has announced his retirement from -ctive -parcipation in the management of the Ford Motor Co. His son, Ed ;'ol. has taken over control of the business, and Henry Ford will devote his time to the -publication of a na tional weekly newspaper and to the j farm tractor Industry. QUITS THE CABINET (By A soclatod Prew.) - - - O .Washington, Nov. 22. Socrc-' tary McAdoo has resinned as Secretary of treasury andl 1)1- , rector General of Railroads, cf- -9, foctlve on appointment of Ills c successor, January 1st, and o asked the president to relievo him now, that vmr Is over, so ho might return to his private business. President "Wilson lias accepted his resignation. ' - EXTRA 0: RCE HELP The local draft board will .rqp all assistant civilian clerks. Only the chief clerk, together with the en listed personel of the clerical detach ment detailed for duty here will re main to finish the work Temalnlng to be done, according to an order re ceived by the board Thursday morn ing from captain Charles F. Deebe, of the adjutant general's office in Portland. By reason of tho suspension of all major a"tivlties by board's In connec tion with the administration of the Selective Service Law, It Is deemed unnecessary that increased clerical forces be required to perform, the work. With the cessation of hostili ties 'across the waters, the govern ment has found it practicable to ceuse mobilization of a national army and Ib rapidly taking steps to demobilize the no inconsiderable army now in government cantonments - in this country. It is the purpose of the ad ministration to soon be demobilizing on an average of 30,000 men a day und even now 600 soldiers are Ipass Jug through Roseburg dally for de mobilization purposes. '. In the faco of these circumstnnces,1 tho work of tho local and district exemption boards lias .decidedly decreased, . There are still many details to bo attended to by the-bowdand for this purpose, the administration has au thorized the inaintalnance of the en listed personel oi the Oregon Clerical Detachment detailed ifor duty with boards. It is ordered that the serv ices of such soldier clerks be utilized to the fullest extent in finishing up tne work -or the board, y This order recelvod by the board Is to be construed as affecting, for the present, the status of any chief clerk heretofore regularly appointed anrt acting in Buch caflmclty; ., .. . W D. BENNETT PASSES AWAS LAST EVENING . - W. E. Bennett, for several years in business on Sheridan. street oppo site the depot, died last, night at eight o clock rrom pneumonia following in fluenza; This sad termination of the malady was not unexpected, sb Mr. Bennett was very 111 from the start. anil the disease nun its course with in a very, few days. All day yester day friends were watching by the bedside, hoping'thet the crisis might pass and the patient rally, but in stead he grew steadily weaker, and finally all hope fled, death enBulng in the evening. Mrs. Bennett was also taken ill about the same' time that her husband was stricken, and is very ill at thiB writing, while -the little son; Do Witt, Is recovering from an attack Of the dread' pestilence. When Mr. Bennett appeared! to be unoible to throw Off the disease, his narentsr -MrV-and"- Mrs.-.BennettV- -of Portland,-and Mrs. Olivia Wallace, and Mrs. R. E. Gross, of Eugene, and Mr, R. E. Hanson, Bisters and bro thers of Mrs. Bennett, were summon ed and were in attendance at the bed side when the end came. ' Deceased is survived by his wife and one son, his parents, residents of Portland, a brother, Edward, in the navy at Mare Island, and. also another brother, Pearl Bennett, of Portland. Dr. K: L. Miller and two trained nurses were in constant attendance with the patient during bis Illness rind everything possible was done to overcome the affliction, but this with out avail, and his death came r.bout eight o'clock last evening. . The body -will be) taken to Eugene, the funeral party leaving here on the early morning train tomorrow, funer al services to be conducted at the nor thern city In the afternoon. This evening at five o'clock the friends of the deceased wil have opportunity of viewing the -body at the local under taking parlors, arrangements having been made to that effect. THANKSGIVING TURKS Douglas County's annual turkey harvest is in-full blast today, and the birds are coming in satisfactorily, bo the buyers say. Prices ranee around 35 cents per pound for prime birds, with a discount of five and six cents per ipoumd) for Inferior specimens. The turkeys offered are generally In fine condition, and the farmers realize handsomely for tholr work In thiB line of endeavor. A visit to the two principal bylng marts late today Indicated that probably not less thnn 10,000 turkeys will he shinned by the George Kohlhagen market and tho Peoples Supply Co., most of tho stock going north to tho Portland and Seattle markets. At Oakland the E. C. Young Company Ib also buy ing, as they have always done, and doubtless will handle a many tur keys as either of the Roseburg firms. Presuming that these three buyers will handle a total of 46,000 birds, and that the average weight Is 12 pounds. It Is easy to calculnto some where near the amount of cash that was put In circulation among farmers and ipoultry ralaerB in Roseburg and Oakland today. Twelve ipounds Is a low average for the birds sold here today, hut on that basis 180,000 pounds of turkeyo changed "hands. At a pried of 3B eenln per pound the farmers received something like $03,- 000 for their sales, and this sum re presents only about 70 to 76 per cent of the total sale for the county, r-s several other small buyers were In the field. It Is safe to assume that the sales of Douglas county Thanks giving turkeys for this year will range around the $75,000 mark. AT After War Program Effects Live Communities Roseburg ; Y Must Get Busy. TO SHARE; PROSPERITY Concerted Action Must Be Taken If (jlreat Wealth and Undeveloped Opportunities of This Count) Are To Be Exploited. After the war, what? This question is being asked on all corners: Cities which have enjoyed an unusual time of prosperity on account of war in dustries working overtime, employ ing hiundreds of people, are asking the question, realizing that the pe riod of reconstruction Is fraught with great possibilities, as well ae dangerB. Already the Chamber of Commerce of Portland has set In motion a plan to unite the Commercial bodies, of the entire State under one head, that there may be a combined effort to secure for Oregonlevery development and Industry possible during the next few years, and: while this combined effort may iprove to be -wise, yet each community must also, be awake to its own Interests, and put forth every legitimate effort to secure their full snare of the prosperity which Is surely coining to the Pacific north west. The un-developed resources of Oregon are well "known to men of wealth, and already .there Is a quiet search being made by large interests looking for the best fields for de velopments operation. - Douglas County has- to offer moro timber more mineral, greater water power than poBslbly any other county In the State. Only a few years .ago, ' Rose burg seemed to have secured nn :In dustry, which would have given us a pay roll running into the hundreds of thousands nnnually, but we let the orjnoxlunlty puss -Dy. and tatnione thnn three years we have been quiet ly sleeping. .No nay .soil, no Indus tries, less population, but this is an' in the past now. Those who assisted In defeating tho proposition doubtless thought they were doing tne very best thing for our city, at any rate they have lived to enjoy the quietness of mtral life, and no noisy wheels of in dustry to Interfere with their peace ful Bleep, but the hour has come now for an awakening. America; must re spond to tne great demands which will be made upon her for goods and materials of all kinds, labor must find employment, our resources must be developed. Capital will seek friendly (surroundings for their enter prises, where they can know that thoy have the 'hearty co-operntlon of the citizens. Cheap water and elec tric (Power will bring more factories to Roseburg, than any -bonus we may offer, and this is the one thing that Rosoburg can offer, that Is if wo are wise in this regard. The Commercial Club has struggled through the pe riod of the war, no effort has been mndie to create anv great expense. For six- months we have had no lite rature to mall out to the hundreds of Inquirers: only a few -have been asked to pay their dues; the expenses havo been kept at the minimum: no new debts have been contractod: old indebtedness amounting to about one hundred dollars remains unpaid; at this writing we have $1:35 in the treasury. At a meeting of the board of Trus tees recently, It was (decided to only sk for sufficient back dues to meet the necossary expenses, and to have nrlnlad a rmnll booklet, describing tho Umipqua Valloy in general, bo that the ninny Inquirers enn be sup plied with this information. Other commercial bodies in the State have already started to worK. Salem Is undertaking to Increase their mom bernhlip bv 500. The officers and trustees of the Roseburg Commercial Club are will ing to make the effort, if the progres sive citizens of the community are convinced that the time is opportune. ROSEBURG COMMERCIAL CLUB, By .1. E. McCLINTOCK, President. P. T. BUBAR, Vice President. CHAS. HEINLINE, , Secretary. - . 1 J. W. THRONE, , Treasurer. ' - A. S. HUEY, J. E. PICKENS, W. F. CHAPMAN, Trustees. . PEACE TALK. Do not 'et peace talk slow un our eiforts. We must press on until the finish Furthermore, even should peace finally be arranged within the next few months, the production pro gram at the Navy Yards and Arse nals in all probability will provide employment for men secured for a year or more to come. Men employed on work not classed as essential should not only be so ltcited but urged to give their ser vices to the government. It will be seen that Navy Yards anxll ArsenalB are classed among plants of first Im portance. , . , ' T AND VAUDE VILLE SHOW DATED The concort and vaudeville show that has been prepared by the Liberty Chorus will be given next Tuesday evening at the Antler's Theatre in connection with the regular run of. pictures." The pictures will start at the regular time and will be followed by the opening, chorus. The songs are patriotic andl full of snap from start to finish. There are five num bers on the vauaevllle program con sisting of Bongs, with accompanying actions. - Mrs. Ivan Pickens has writ ten three, clever pojuular songs for this program, which are sure to "get across",' The - evening's entertain ment will wind up with the singing of the Stnr Spangled Banner by all present. 1 t ' The proceeds from this concert will go for the Red Cross and surely tho public will help out the good cause at this time. The boys 'over there" will neodl our money for some time to come and Inasmuch as the joy of the recent victory is still ring ing in our hearts, let s all come out next Tuesday evening and rejoice to gether. , Remember only one night and only the one show. The prices are 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. ' i 30 COUNTIES ARE Many More Are Near the Last Round of Ladder In- ) Present Drive. MAKE -GOOD SHOWING Response of the People Haft' Tleon Most Gratifying According to the ' - Local Clmirman O. P. Co- y show Detailed Report. General' chairman Coshow received this morning the following dispatch from State Director Davidson: mk "Thirty-six counties in Orego:n re port total One Million Forty-two thousand dollars. Thirty countieB over top. Ten counties oversubscrib ed; fifty iper cent or better. We are now One Hundred Eight Thousand dollars short fifty per cent oversub scription for the entire state. Of this the Portland manager expects to furnish fifty thousand dollars. -I am thorefore more confident than ever that Oregon will maintain her record as leader in "Patrotlc Drives." Douglas county returns so far as reported show the following results: Quota Reported Glondale $ 900 $900.00 Riddle 900 676.65 Canyonvllle 300 433.76 Days Creek 600 441.00 Myrtle Creek 900 900.00 Dlllard 300 258.00 Camas Valley 400 ' 260.18 Looking Glass 400 1 13.80 llrockway 200 . ,158.00 Iloseburg 9100 5777.07 Wilbur 300 300.00 Sutherlln 900 Oakland 1000 973.00 Yoncalla 900 820.00 Drain 900 645.74 Leona :. 700 009.57 Blkton , , 400 Scottsburg 200 275.25 Reedsport .....1000' 186. 6-0 Gardiner 1100 Coles Valloy " .'i00 600.25 Glide 600 12.30 Tho only olstrlct making complete onortB so far are. Days Creek, Ca mas Valley, Brockway, Coles Valley, Leon a, Scottsburg and! Drain. Olendale. Cnnyonville, coles vai- lnv and Wilbur have reported their quota fully raised and all these di stricts nro senrching for more. Dlllard. Sutherlln, Oakland, Yon calla, Elkton and Leona all sen as surances that they will raise tne run quota. All of these districts report ing evidence a large amount of work on tho part of the solicitors and 0 largo number of glvors. Nearly all rnport a very small percentage of nledges. The response of the people to this large domand upon their gen erosity has been most gratifying and demonstrates a splenijld loyalitv to our Government and a hearty devo tion to the welfare of our boys who have represented us In the conflict of righteousness against unrighteous ness. ' This reiwrt will bo completed as returns are received from the di stricts not yet complete. , The unpaid pledges in Roseburg District are not Included. O. P. COSHOW, General District Chairman, THE YANKEE BOYS E London Times Tells How the American Forces Ousted German Troops. FACE A DEADLY, FIRE And OoasolcftB Criu-'k . of Bursting Shrapnel and Roar of Hand Gre nades as They Face Enemy . in Gigantic Struggle. Ab evidence of the Amerlcnn sol dier's spirit tor holding the Hun at bay and oventufilly putting him to ' rout, in recent heavy fighting on the battle front, the London Times, apeak thusly of the Yankee forces: Tho very severe resistan-e which the Germans have opposed to every American movement on the Meuso-Ar-gonne. front during the past week shows'no signs of slackening. How the Americans took any of the wooded heights Ib a puzzle, but the Btory.ot the seizure of the Cote de Chatillon, one of the finest Ofiiera tlons the American forcer have ac-: -' conrplished, Ib Illustrative not only of their deathless valour, but also of the grim tenacity : with which the : Germans are holding on. This hill Is 820 feet high. Thickly clustered with trees and rising steeply It was an ideal position for idiefenBe. . The Americans on Wednesday, attempted Its c vpture. : Traversing Its slopes -yard by yard, they found that the Germans had constructed a, machine gun fortress on the height, and every minute of tho 40 hours they spent there a merciless rain of lead poured ' ' Into them from all sides. : A- 77 gun was ensconced on the summit of the height andl fired steadily on' the as- sending Americans i.; ,. - 1 Slowly the Americans, crawling on their stomachs, faced that mussed llro of machine-guns and rifles, ac companied by the ceaseleBs crack of turstlng1,hrafpnel and the ' roar of ' hand grenades. It was deadly work. The trees were all wired . together, 1 making an almc;t ImpoBlble barrier, Volunteers faced the fire to cut lines through this -.belt of wire. . But It; was decided! Instead to bring up Stokes mortars. Through dreary mud and depressing rain the Ameri cans dragged "these up to their posl Mons and turned thorn on the Ger mans. . . Soon thero was consternation -imong the enemy. The lire of tfhe mortars, converting the wholo side 'nto a mass of Bhambled earth and rion 1 brought out several prisoners, who sought to surrender. But most it the Germans contlnuod to fight. 'Jour after hour went by and! brought 10 cessation to the grinding and mer dleos struggle. , Yard after yard, the merlcnns gained, stopping not for the darkness of the night, but push ing on slowly rnd determinedly. At last tho greater part of the llopes were gained, the wire ipene '.rated, and all that remained wns a 'iand-to-hand fight As the enemy's machine-guns etopped' firing, ' out ame the bayonet, and, with a spring , -nd a wild hurrah, the Americans fell ipon the enemy. But the Germans were brave men. Standing and kneel ing at their guns, they fought to the last. Many were found dead on their ?uns the following day. The prisoners at the rear were astonished to. and. that the Amorl- -ans looked qulto humane, and, all -they talked about was the absolutely wild men with fierce 'faces - whom thoy hurt seen behind a bayonet. It was a glorious American victory. Such a flcht Is indicative of the spirit of both the Americans and the Ger mans. The Germans know that their failure to hold the Americans means the (tutting of one of the most lm- -lortant railroad systems of the Ger man Army and one of -the two great avenues of retreat. , 0- Yesterday afternoon the parsonage of the Christian church was thrown open to the Ladles' Missionary So ciety. This Is the first meeting since the ban has been lifted, and It was by far the largest attended meeting that the ladles have had during the present pastorate. A most interest ing meeting was enjoyed. Mrs. Al- " bert Abraham was the loader, and the subject was The Industrial Pro blems of Our .cities. Mrs. Abraham made a good leader, and a number of women had part in a most Interest ing program. The pnsjor gave a brlof review of the gospel of Mark. After . the . business session, the hostess Ferved Ugttt refreshments, and a de lightful social hour was spent. There la a most hopeful outlook for tho work of the missionary society of his congregation. ., MISSIONARY SOCIETY HAS GOOD MEETING