U)tmriw?;?,M.. r-..,.,l .' '. ' " ' 1 i " - r - i. ..ii....... j ., i-,,.--.. . . ZZZT'is. THE EVENING NEWSTMTIISDAY, NOVHMllKIt 81. 1018 THREB Special Hat file Friday and at the Saturday 25 PERHOT OFF ON ALL HATS All $14.00 Hats, - $10.50 All $10.00 Hats, - $7.50 AU $12.50 Hats, $ 9.00 All $ 8.00 Hats, - $6.00 All Untrimmed Shapes from $5.00 to $6.00 at $3.50 All Hats in this sale are this season's stock, strictly up to date. Big Bargains at the prices offered. Don't miss this sale, two days only, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22-23 TIRE ECONOMY In thee war time daya ECONOMY la the watchword. We are here to help you economlte on your auto tlrea. Have ThemRetread BT ROSEBURG VULCANIZING WORKS 816 N. JACKSON ST. Quick Prompt Service, Pricei Reasonable. & CITY NEWS 0 I Ernost Poehlman .went to Grants ! Pass last evening. i Mrs. T. "Campbell, arrived from Eugene last evening to visit for a few days with Mrs. P. Campbell. i ! Umpqua Valley products are unex celled our milk supply comes from the best herds in the Valley Rose burg Dairy. tf : An error was made ;n Hie Evening News last evening in stating that Mrs. George Neuner has resigned as president of the Mental Culture Club. By the unanimous npprovol of the club, Mrs. NeunSr holds this position. Mrs. Aubrey Smith however, resigned TfouNeedLess SugarVVhen tf . I i i ii if vi v 1ST ?JKJt Jl Vl' is your table beverage, The natural flavor of -this family "table drink is close ly like excellent coffee. PoSTUMlis a good .addi tion A: "There's a Reason" X 15. 1 I It. her position as treasurer of the As sociation. I Subscriptions for magazines solic ited. Fiction Library. N-30 You will sooner or later use Dia mond Brand hard wheat Flour. Why not now? Quality the best. Cost less. U-15 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bennett, who have been dangerously ill for some days with Spanish influenza, are Btlll quite sick, hut It is thought they will fully recover in due time. Their son, aged about ten years, has also been quite sick with the disease. C. B. Brockway, who haB been visiting with the W. S. Howard fajmily for about a. month, left last evening Jor Oregon City, where he will remain for several days after which he will return to his home in Arizona, Mrs. Frank Kirk, of Seattle, arriv ed last night and will make her home with Mrs. C. W. Kirk during the remainder of the period that her husband Is connected with the army. Mr. Kirk has been at Gettaburg, Pa., for six weeks. 1 . Mrs. Jean Pitts recently received a letter from her nephew, Godon Burnett, who 1b first mate in thu navy, stating that Earlcourt Stewart has been recently transfered to Mia mi, Florida, In the hydroaeroplane section of the uavy at that polr.l. This branch of work involves the fly ing of boats and landings are made on the water. Since making the transfer, Mr. Stewart has received the rank of Captain. ORDERS FOH PURE MILK. Send in your orders for pure Milk, 13.76 per qt. At Deer Creeit Jersey Dairy. IRA HULL, proprietor. N-26 SHOE ECONOMY Bare worn shoes repaired by re liable workman. . Pricei right W. S. HOWARD, 214 Jackson St Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from loss with one of our properly written Insur ance policies. 6. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 116 Cms Street ' Roeetrarg, Ore. JUDD'S Feed & Seed Store Nice, Clean Wheat, Nice, Clean Barley, some Gray, White and Red OatB. Rolled Oats, Rolled Barley, Mill Feed, Yellow Dent Corn. Fisher's Egg Mash makes the hena lay. Try Fisher s "More Pork" for hog feed it's gr at. Alfalfa Hay, Oat Hay, Cheat hay. . i l7i 4 One Fresh Jersey Cow, 6 years old. One big, Red Durham Cow, 3 years old and week old calf. Some bargains In used cars. One 3-horse gaBoline engine. : Feed ground while yob wait. J. M. JUDD Empire Barn.' Rogoburg KEMEMBER . Do you wish to be remembered by your loved ones? If so, set the example by placing a pretty Mon ument or Headstone upon the grave of your dear Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife or Child. We are In a position to serve you best. Come in and see what we have to offer. We do all kinds of cemetery work and our prices are very reasonable. Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Morsters, proprietor. 503 N. Jackson Street, or i - G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon. Chalmers Mitchell Maxwell: Motor Cars and Trucks Electric Light and , ' . Power Plants for Farm arid Country i " V -Homes. H. MERTEN Roseburg, Oregon. .c RE ARE DOCTORS OF HIGH AND OF LOW, DEGREE - I AM A HOUSE PHYSICAN SEEJ ABUT I'm the house physician you should send for immediately when one of your water, Btonm or gas es go on a rampage or when you have made up your mind to install some new kitchen or bath room conveniences. That supply line Is ono place where we shine. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Col PHONB IM. S City and Farm Property, Winche ter liny and Weatlake Town Lota, GKORGlt RITHR. m Wtat Oak 8trot. 1 CRENCHCLASSES I HIS, ETHELYIIAHKEINAHCANPBEL Pupils desiring Instruction In class vltl please call for pnrtlculani. Fory Stiyllo, over Ott't Muslo Store. To Discontinue 'Sot business, but a few colors, of -pnint and a fow stains and varnishes. -. At the ..govornir.ont's ..request ..the manufacturers of some shades of point wore discontinued so as to re duce Clio number of containers nee esxury for currying, and thus reduce the consumption of tin plate. ' On wluit wo luvve in stock we ore offoriug a Tory special bjirg-oin. dome In und see If theie is not somotliiiifr you need, for "IIIUGHTENING UP," and save a little money. Churchill Hardware Co. Diamond Flour Everlastingly Good Ash Your Grocer About It IT'S SOME CAR -THE D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You T. F. BarKer Co. Roseburg Oregon BETTER LIGHT! ' "" lour eyes and your business need It EDISON MAZDA LAMPS' Are the most efficient Electrlo Lamps made. Sold By Douglas CountyLight and Water Co. SAVE YOUR PENNIES The Cash and Carry System Will Help You! All goods marked In plain SguroB. No special baits necessary. Just the beBt of everything for less, at the SPOT CASH BASKET GROCERY A. G. Dunlan Prop. Corner of Jackson, Washington and Main streets. All kinds of Stock Feed and Poultry Supplies. OftOWN FIXUR laSlUCK'S BLEND flour Science plays Its part in a sMam laundry and modern methods render contagion Impossible. Be fair to yourself and' your family. Patronize a steam laun dry. Try our way this week and measure cost fairly. On that basis, outside of the safety buMls, you will win by sending the wash to us. 'Phone we'll call. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY ' piiojsk 70 ' v . . LAST WASH TI'.UKHDAY NOON. FOR THE BOYS ; (AndH.' e Girls) "Homo Again'" Porshlng "School Again" Shoomnkor "Lunch Again" ..Neely A MAN IS WHAT HE FEEDS ON The housewife, looking to the family health, will buy whore she can get Fresh, clean Groceries. Our Htock Is Clean and Sanitarily Kept nd all goods are of lbs best manufacture., Orders personally look ed after. 1 WALTER PATTERSON. I HE CASS STREET:GROCERY,?PHONE 279