THE I WMim t? """"zrrr::. Pull for a bigger, better and more prosperous Roseburg and Douglas County. : E WEATHER iv W Thursday, Fair. Hu a ?i i. yesterday........60 The Only Paper in Roseburg Carrying; Associated Press Dispatches fe, . last n(ght........40 'fwww..ww.. VOL. IX. llOSERURG, DOUGLAS OOUNTY, OREflONWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, tfH v-y- NO. 276 " " ' " -A E Situation In the East Causing Deep Anxiety to the Huns, t , Causing Action, U-BOATS SURRENDERED Enomy Activity Has Not Censed. Twenty Undersea Craft Turned Over to British Nary at Sun . rise Tills Morning. ' (By Associated Press.) ' LONDON,- Nov. 20. The situation In the east is causing intense anxiety in Germany. ' The Berlin Lokal-An- zeiger gives out the Information that to meet this crisis a great German army Is now marching eastward. SUBTLE GERMAN INFLUENCES. LONDON, Nov. 20. Sir George Cave, speaking to the House of Lords, today alleged that the enemy's ac tivities have not ceased, and that "Germany has already begun the work of attempting to destroy the unity of the allies and our unity at home. I believe there Is a close alli ance between the Bolshevik! and Ger many, and we have ample evidence oil this alarming situation during the past week." v 1 lo U-BOATS SURRENDER. LONDON, Nov. 20. Twenty Ger man submarines were surrendered to Roar Admiral Tyrwhltt today at sun rise at a point thirty miles off Har wich. . These are the first U-boatfl to be turned' over to the allies under the armistice agreomtn. Twenty more are to be surrendered Thursday and twenty .will be turned over Friday. The remainder, of the underseas fleet will be. -given up .to -the. allies .later, The su'bmarines surrendered today will proceed to Harwich In charge of their own crews, and the German sailors will then board transports for return to their own country. GLEN B001E VICTIM Closely following the message yes terday afternoon announcing the cri tical Illness of Glenn L. Bodie at Fort Worden, Washington, another wire reached his parents fist at evonlng stating that death had ensued. Glenn Leslie Bodie was born at Elgin, 111., July 10, 1894, andl was therefore a little more than 24 years of ago. The family lived at Elgin until Glenn was nine years old, when they moved to Sycamore, Illinois, remaining at that place until 1910, when they came to Roseburg, making (his city their home since that date. In 1913 Glenn obtained a position in the local postofflce, which he filled until Juy 1 of this year, resigning his work to enlist In the army as an auto mechanic. On August 15 he was entrained for Spokane, Washing ton, latter being transferred to Fort Worden, Washington. , On June 12, 1917, Glenn Bodie was united in marriage to Miss Opal Attertaury, of this clty.who, with the father and mother, are left to mourn his loss. Funeral arrangements have not been announced, but It Is believed the body will be brought to this placo for burial. Mrs. Bodie was with her husband When death, resulting from pneumonia following Influenza, came yesterday evening. RURAL CARRIERS EXAMINATION The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an exami nation for the County of Douglas, Oregon, to be held at Roseburg on December 14, 1918, at 9.30 a. 'm., to fill the position of rural carrier at Wilbur and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from other jpost offices In the above-mentioned county. The examination will be open only to mole citizens who are actually domiciled In the terri tory of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth In Form No. 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the .offices mentioned! above or from the United States Ci vil Service Commission at Washing ton, D. C. Applications Bhould be forwarded to the Commission at Washington at the earliest practic able date. ' -.'.. ISH MARRIED MEN FIRS TO BE RELEASED ' (By Associated Press.) r LONDON, Oct. 30. (Correspond ence of The Associated Press) . Mar ried men and those who have seen long service in the British armies will receive first consideration in the demobilization of British fighting forces, says Dr. Christopher Addison, Minister of Reconstruction. "Pivot al" men, he said, would come back early. .':':.-.;' ..',;."'. ' The demobilization, said the Mini ster, should be so conducted that mil lion's of men In the navy and army would have nn early opportunity of emtployment. Accordingly a plan ar ranged on Industrial requirements had been prepared. , As the men are demobilized they will be re-emiployed in the various Industries from which they were withdrawn to enter the army. There will be special facilities giving access to the land, said Dr. Addison. 1 Gar dens or large plots will be provided. Councils composed of employers and working men have been organ ized in forty or fifty different trades. Already these bodies are removing sources of irritation ; and bringing a spirit of solidarity, a better spirit then prevailed under former agree ments, said the Minister. . In as much as the necessity for producing as much food as' ipossible will not end with the war, Dr. Ad dison said,, he believed some control over the useof the land would con tinue to be exercised by the govern ment Great Britain Bhould manu facture' nitrates for "manures on t large scale. ' The Minister declared that unless care was exercised; there would be a great deal of speculation while the demobilization of the army was in progress and prices might advance to the great detriment of industry. AT THE SKINNER HOME Mrs. L. B. Skinner was a delight ful hostess to members of the Men tal Culture club at her country home, -Edlegenge, yesterday afternoon.. Hie house was charmingly decorated with bowls of Chrysanthemums. At a short business meeting at which Mrs. George Neuner, president of the club resigned, Mrs. O. P. Coshow, vice president, occupied the chair. It waB decided! that the next meeting on December third, will be devoted to war work and that the Christmas so cial meeting will take place on the 17th of December. For. this latter occasion a refreshment committee was elected composed of Mrs. J. A. Buchanan, Mia. Hagar, Mrs. Hinkle, Mrs. Plerson and Mrs. Mose Rice. At the conclusion of the "business meeting, a short program was en joyed. Mrs. Hoover read a very in teresting paper on Medical Supervi sion of the Public Schools, which was followed by two solos by Mrs. Heine, beautifully sung. The final number on the program was a reading by Mrs. Jean Pitts, delivered in her own original style. A social hour was enjoyed and de licious refreshments were served by the MeBdames Sklnner.s Bradburn, Woolforth, Van Horn and Bell. Those participating In this func tion were the Mesdames W W. Ash craft, E. C. Bale, William Bell, J. A. Buchanan, George Bradburn, R. M. Brumfleld, O. P. qoshow, W. H. Fi sher, Roscoe Green, Eleanor Hagar, George Houck. E. V. Hoover, 8. B. Evans, George Kohlhagen, Frankle Howell, A. C. Marsters, T. M. OlII vant, James Pearson, Jean Pitts, M. F. Rice, L."B. Skinner, W. A. Smlck, Esther Van Horn, Marie Flint, Fran ces Russell, Heine, Robert Gilo, Win ston, Fred Winaton, Harry Winston, Howard; and Miss Marie Martens. 'A number of new names for member ship were favorably considered. WORST OF BATTLE Cossacks Clean Out Vipers Nest at Kiev and Establish Sane Government. . v WASHINGTON IS GLAD See Way Clour for Keacliing Euro pean llutisltt with War Supplies by Way of Black Sea. The Assembly Flees, (By Associated Press.) COPENHAGEN, Nov. 20.-7.The (Jkranian ' Government, established under German influences following Russia's collapse and withdrawal from the war, has been overturned and Kiev captured by troops from Astrakan, apparently under leader ship of General Denlkine, antl-Bol-shevlkl leader .according to reports published In Swedish newspapers. The Ukranian national assembly fled and a provisional government was immediately established by the suc cessful army. t STATE DEPARTMENT GLAD. . WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Reports of the overturning of the Ukranian government by. General Denlklnes' troo(s was received with great satis faction in diplomatic circles - here. Officials stated that this fact will make the Allies'-work In handling 1 the Russian problem much easier, j With the Cossacks in charge, many. of whom are themselves Ukranians, It will be easier to. reach European Russia with supplies and munitions via the Block Sea. General Denlklnes was commander of the Russian ar mies on the southwestern front and before the collapse of the govern ment successfully led the troops In the invasion of Austria, and only fell biack when the morale of his army was broken down by the Petrograd government going to pieces. MORE HIGH LIVING. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. A gen eral Increase in express rates is an nounced by Director McAdoo. ., West, of the Mississippi the rates on merch andise will be Increased about ten to twelve cents per hundred pounds over the present scale. The Increase on ifood stuffs will be about 75 per cent ns much as on merchandise. AMERICANS MOVE UP. WITH THJ5 U. S. ARMY OF OC CUPATION, Nov. 20. The Ameri cans shoved their lines across the Herman frontier today at ipolnts op posite Briey and Audun-Le Roman. To the northward the American troops also entered tlieDuchy of Lux emburg. PLANS FOR SAILING. ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Pres ident Wilson and the United States reace 'delegation will go to Europe i n a big army transport conveyed by :. dreadnaught and flotilla ot de : troyers. , ' ; ..FOR .7AL EXPANSION'. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Secre tary Daniel today recommended, to : he house naval committee a policy I continued naval expansion, rogard ' 2S3 of possible peace conference de- Isions, because, he stated, no one 1 an forsee their decisions. TAKES OVER TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON, ' Nov. 20. Post naster General Burleson today an nounced' the consolidation of the We stern Union Telegraph Co. and the Postal companies under government control. HIGHWAYMAN KILLS F (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND; Nov. 20. After robb ing C. G. Hermann, tender at tho Oregon end of the Inter-state Bridge crossing the Columbia river last nlcht, the highwayman shot and kill ed Deputy Sheriff Frank Twombley, who camo up at that time, then made his escape In an automobile with a woman companion The Multnomah County Court has , offered a reward of $1000 for apprehension of the muraerer, ana tne erra'ge commission has offered a like sum. U. P. PRESIDENT IS CAIIEOJHIIE MAT ' (By Associated! Press.) , NEW YORK, NoV, 20 Roy How ard, presidoht of tjhe United Press, r -turned from Washington, today, after a conforence Tilth Secretary Da niels, of the navy, pnd has Issued a lengthy statement In explanation of the hoax .perpetrated on the public by announcing an armistice several days before the agreement was reach ed. - Howard blames Admiral Wilson', and) says, that were the same "iden. tical proposition 'presented tomorrow, we would act as we did on November 7. Tho report says, that all of the army and navy bases on the French coast celebrated as a result of the same report ' -, c WASHINGTON, Kov. 20'. Secre tary Daniels road President Howard's statement, blaming Admiral Wilson for the false press reports of the supposed signing' of the armistice several days In advance, and then said: "I authorized! Howard to make no Statemont 'concerning his confer ence with me in relation: to this mat ter. - In fact, I did not understand that he had an; Intention of making a public statement." r- IDE STRIKE TO SAVE TOM HONEY -?l ' ' (By Associated Press. 1 SEATTLE, Nov. 20. The metal trades council of this city has tele graphed the American Federation of Labor, asking that a general nation wide strike .be ordered as a protest against the execution of Tom Moo ney, convicted of murder In connec tion with preparedness day parade In San Francisco, and sentenced! to die December 13. British labor leaders will also be asked to call a strike In England and Canada. FOOD FOR GERMANY MAY BE DENIED THEM (By Associated Press.) : LONDON, Nov. 20. In' any quest ion of provisioning Germany, Eng land will be obliged to take Into ac count the conditions under which Rrltlsh prisoners In Germany are be ing released unless the cruel treat ment they are receiving Is" discon tinued, the British government warn ed Germany In a wireless message. IN COST OF MESSAGES . (Byi Associated Press.) .WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Post master Gener 1 Burleson today order ed today a reduction In the telegraph rates on night messages, cutting the minimum toll from one dollar to fifty cents between Atlantic and Pa cific coast states. The order becomes effective January 1. WANTS TO PROVE BILL DID REALLY ABDICATE PARIS, Nov. 19. To end the dis cussion as to whether or not Wfl helm Hohenzollern has really abdi cated, It Is understood that the Ger man government Intends to publish his decree of abdication, consisting af an attempt to justify the war on the ground of Germany's Isolation. BORN To tho wife of D. O. Flanery, of Dillard, November 20, 1918, a daughter. Bells and Whistles Proclaim Tidings at Two O'clock and Crowds Gather. WOMEN WEEPANDSMILE Mrs. Lyle Mnreters Gives a Graphic .. Portrayal of tKe Street SceneB in the Canadian City During . , the Vast Festivities. A most Interesting letter, written at Toronto, Canada, by- Mrs.1 Lyle Marsters, was received! here by Mrs. A. C. Marsters this week, and is de soriiptive of- the intense joyousness that swept over the people there, when the news of the armistice was -proclaimed throughout tho city. Eli minating the personal foatures of the letter, we quote: , The news ot the signing of the af mlstice reached here at 2:06 a. m At three o'clock we were awakened by the fire engine the engine house Is directly across the street from our window. In about five minutes they came back clanging their bells and Veiling? "The war Is over, the war Is over." Sirens and bello began, and soon the people commenced filling the streets. Craig awoke and noth ing could Induco the youngster to no to sleep again, so about five a. m. he and I got up and dressed and fol lowed the crowd. I shall never for get It as long as I live. It was still dark, but that did not matter.; Evorbody was laughing, singing and hugging each other. Here and there you would see; women 7 with tears streaming down their faces, 'but smiling through it all. You can real ize that It is such a great deliverance to these people hore, when you have seen the number of crippled soldiers and read the casualties and the "In Memoriam" In the dally papers. There was to have been a half holi day this p. m. In the Interest of the victory loan. Well, Everyone took a whole holiday. No one even thought of going to work, and the street cars have not been running since about eight or nine this morning. It is 9 p. m. as I write and the people are still celebrating as violently as when they began at 3 this morning. Yesterday there was a big thanks giving service In Queen's Park. It Is estimated that from 76,000 to 100,000 people attended. Sousa's band of sailors from the U. S. Great Lakes Naval Training Station played and was In the parade today. It had been planned as a victory. loan pa rade, but was much larger than was anticipated. Several contingents of returned men were In It what are left of them. There were also several klltl bands-wlth their bagpipes. The United States Jackios were certainly given an ovation. You would be surprised of course every one wears or carries a flag but Just about every other flag Ib the Stars and Stripes. When the R. A. F. ca dets' paraded the other day, nearly everyone had the U. 8. flag pinned on his coat. Saturday afternoon we wont to the big football game between the R. A. F. and the O. T. C. Lyle's knee was so bod- that they did not ask him to play, although he went on the field as a "spare" In case they Bhould need him. Fortun ately his particular man did not get knocked cut, so he did not have to play. O. T. C. won. The M. O. sent Lyle to the general hospital this morning and they took an X-ray of his knee. It does not got well and they haven't been able to find what Is wrong. Ho has "no duty", but has to stay at tho bar racks until about 10:45 nearly every night. They are keeping a certain number there evory night In case of a raid. It idbes'nt look as If there wquld lie now, I never saw such a mob of happy people as are here today. Even the Chinamen hod a big parade of their own about 8:30 this morning. Just now I can hear the bagpipes playing "Ood Save the King." Lyle feels terribly disappointed at not getting overseas. . If this armis tice had come one week later, he would have been in England now. The "flu" was the excuse given for postponing the draft, but it was plain to be seen' that it hardly applied In the. case of tho O. T- .C although It dirt! In some other companies, but we cannot help being thankful it Is over, especially when you see the happi ness It has brought to these people. . It is thought that the men overseas will be demobilized first, and In that case it will be several months before Lyle will be free. Lyle thinks he will know something about when he can get away in a few days, and wants me to stay until Thursday, but will leave the last of the week sure, un less I find that he can get away very soon. ' .' -"';. We saw a case of shell shock to day the most -plttiful - thing you can Imagine. A firecracker had ex ploded in front of a soldier and made him faint. ' Thoy brought him into the restaurant where we were taking Jinner, and after he came to he twitched all ovor, and had no control of himself for several minutes. The soldiers who were with him seemed to know just how to handle htm, and he was soon all-right.- He was not nearly recovered from shell shock, they told Lyle, but that little fire cracker was all that was necessary to send him into one of those fits again Some of them never get over It, .but grow worse and worse until they be come Insane. There seems to be no specific cure for It. !. : OF . A special meeting of the executive committee of the United War Work drive was held this morning and the matter of putting on a whirl-wind final to the drive in this' city was dls cussed. County Chairman CoBhow re ported that,he had been informed by headquarters, at Portland that up to last evening Oregon -had subscribed $1)69,000, or nearly $200,000 oyer the original quota for the state, and' now that they were undertaking to reach the fifty per cent additional called for. Twenty-eight counties in the- state are already over the top; eight countlos have passed the 150 per cent mark. Portland has given $475,000 and will likely reach $600, 000. In tho list of counties publish ed In the morning papers, Douglas Is still near the bottom of the list, with only 62 per cent. raised..- Rose burg still lacks over $1,000 of her original quota. A special committee was named to undertake to secure the full quota for Roseburg, and this committee will begin Its labors this afternoon. A number of tho outBlde districts havo not yet reached 'their full quota as yet, -but will no doubt be able to report having done so by tho end of the drive. Many of o'jr patriotic citizens have doubled their first subscriptions, and others will do this, rather than have our city and county fall, . UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN By J. 13. McCLINTOCK. '("' Publicity Chairman. PATRIOTIC SERVICES' The patriotic services hold at the Presbyterian church today met with excellent favor, and the morning and afternoon sessions were well attend ed. This evening the session will be of a nature to Inspire better citizen ship, and doubtless many who were unable to attend the day sessions, be cause of bJslnoss hindrances, . will take advantage of the opportunity. The following program will be given at the Prosbytorlun church, be ginning at 7:jS0 o'clock: Scripture Reading and Prayer, Rec. J. C. Spencer. Hymn, "Onward Christian Sol diers." What Is It to be Born In America. Mrs. Thackrah. Selection, by the Liberty Chorus. Address, "The Dlble School as a Factor In America", by Rov. Coppage. Selection, by the Liberty Chorus. Addlress, "DerAOcracy Safe for tho World", Rev. Quick. Salute to' the Flag, Liberty Cborus. America, Liberty Chorus. All Civil Actions Triable Jury go Over to the February Term. by milium in iniiniiiiinrrt KULINb Id AmNUUWbLU Ono Hundred Forty-four Cases In Docket Little Decrease iu Liti gation During the War Year. , Docket Well Cleared. , At a meeting of .the mombers of the Roseburg bar, held at the office of Hon. O. P. Coshow recently, it was agreed that, owing to the prevalence of Influenza, all civil cases triable by a jury Bhould be continued to the next February term of Court. ; Judge Hamilton accepted the agreement of the bar and consequently the call of tho docket for the November 1 1th term of court -was not taken up until , this morning.. It was then announc es by his honor that he would call no jury for the 'November term and all cases which are to be tried before , Before calling the ' docket . Judge . Hamilton announced! his ruling In the case of Libblo Forman vs. Wil liam Forman, a contested divorce case In whloh the testimony was taken last week, and gave the plain tiff a decree of divorce with $160 alimony but without costs to, either (iarty. .' ; - .1 ' ' '.'' The call then proceeded and re sulted in 12 cases being dismissed, .17 continued over the term, lnclud- -lug all jury cases, and 23 were passed for various reasons. . The total num ber of cases on the docket was 144 but many of these hadf been already tried in the court before the call and others such as -foreclosure "of tax Hens are subject to sdeh proceedings ns may be had by default. ' ; The net result of the call was tn clear up the docket to a greater de gree than usual. From the number of cases It appears that' business be fore the court id of about the usual magnitude. The docket for the No vember term one year ago shows only , twolvo'moro cases' than at .the pres ent term, so there has -been little de crease In litigation during the war year. ' - : ' ' . . Do not fall to complete your Li berty ' Bond payments Is the appeal of Secretory of the Treasury William G. McAdoo, as sent to Twelfth Feder al Reserve District Liberty Loan headquarters. ' Following Is the Secretary's ap peal: ' ' , 'Many employers throughout the country have rendered most patriotic assistance In the distribution of Li berty Loan -bonds to tholr employees rnd have asslstod them- In the pur chase of these bonds' by arranging that paymonts may be made In In stallments covering a period! of time longer than that which could be granted by the Treasury Department. 'It Is the duty of the subscribers to- bonds of these partial-payment plans to complete the contract Into which! they have entered. If they do not do so, both they and the Govern ment suffer, as the bonds for which they have contracted and for which t hey do not pay In full must usually he sold In tho open market. 'It Is, of course, recognized that In case of necessity caused by slck- s or other unavailable circum stances, cancellations of subscriptions or Bales of bonds are warranted! In cases where employees have made arrangements to purchaso these bonds on Installment ,plans and then rover their connection with the em ployer with whom they have made subscriptions, arrangements should be made for the completion of the subscription or for having the sub scription tnlton ovor by tho new em ployer or by a bank In the community where the subscriber resides, thus avoiding the necessity for sale of the bonds covered by the subscription." DON'T FA L COMPLETE YOUR BOND PAYMENTS