PAGE TWO Outing Flannels Are Snaps 35c COLORED OUTINGS AT 22c YARD. . 1500 yards of extra quality Outing Manuel. . We have them in dainty light grounds with pin stripes and broken checks, light and dark greys, odd shaded stripes and cheeks. This household necessity at the low unloading price we are offering you, you cannot fail to take advantage of. Remember the place; this is on your list at the unloading price of, - )) per yard ....... LuL Ji Fancy Washable Pongees $1.25 FANCY WASHABLE PONGEE AT 89c ; An absolutely all-silk genuine pongee made in China.l They have neat figured printed patterns, suitable for the making of afternoon dresses, waists, OQ etc. Special unloading sale... Style With Low $5.00 AND $5.50 GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS AT $3,90. The one beautiful fabric for a dainty evening or dress waists. They come in white and flesh colors, plain and fancy patterns to choose from. Ex- Q A eeptional values,. at unloading sale ...v" Staple Cotton Goods at Real Saving 37c YARD WIDE PERCALES, 29c Beautiful fine woven percales, light and dark brown patterns; small figures and checks; fully 36 OQ inches wide. Unloading sale price t7. 75c BATH ROBE OLOTH 49c YARD. , This is an exceptional opportunity to buy bath rob ing of pleasing designs; fully 27 inch. Extra JA well fleeced; unloading sale price.. '. "v 35c BATH TOWELS AT 22c An ever handy article about the house; these are full 18x40 inches, good heavy grade. We offer 99f at this unloading sale special u. . 35c CURTAIN SCRIM AT 24c Beautiful Curtain Scrim, in plain and fancy figured designs; 36 inches wide. In ecru and white )An grounds. Unloading sale....: tt Attractive Prices Winter Underw'r For this our big second annual UNLOADING SALE we offer to you our entire line of the famous "AHTENA" garments, at off. Full hue of cot ton, wool and silk, and wool; all styles. 14 fVV Unloading sale price " " " Exceptional Values in Hosiery $1.25 FANCY SILK HOSIERY 98c. They arc American made fiuest quality silks in va rious designs of stripes and also plain whites and blacks. This is the famous Eiffel silk hose and of good wearing quality. All sizes at special Qfi unloading sale, per pair "OL 30c CHILDREN'S HOSE AT 20c. i Here is a dandy stocking for boys or girls. Comes in all sizes, fast black, extra wearing, made of long staple cottons, double heels and toes, a hose that will stand good hard service. Special at the )fn unloading sale, per pair CJ, CLOSING ENTIRE STOCK We are going to close out our entire line of TJtz price as they are today and will be still higher next on your winter shoes, don't miss being here early LOT NO. 1. LADIES SHOES AT $2.98. In this lot you will lind many suitable styles of Pa tents and Gun Metals, button and lace, kid leather tops; at the present yaluo of footwear these shoes would cost you fronr$6.00 to $7.00 per pair. Full Goodyear "TJtz & Dunn" make. At the un- O AO loading sale THB KVKMXC NKW8, ftOSUBURG, ORKttON, XOVEMIIKU 1, Xmas Handkerchiefs Less 35c LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS AT 24c An Xmas special of dainty hew Handkerchiefs, com posed of linens, crepes, embroidery grounds, edges and corners, white and colors. This is the time to purchase for your Xmas presents. At the. unloading sale, each for.... 20c LADIES' FINE HANDKERCHIEFS 12c Beautiful line of bright new Xmas Handkerchiefs, dainty patterns, self hemstitched and eo- lored. At unloading sale : Prices on Waists $6.00 & $7.00 CREPE AND GEORGETTE WAISTS AT $4.90 , All the latest styles of exquisite Georgette and crepe waists. They have large collars, dainty and neatly trimmed with beads and ombroidered in silk. Your waist needs will be fully satisfied with one of t QA these waists at special unloading price.... Children's Hats For Less 50c TO 75c CHILDREN'S HATS 39c. Clever wool cloth felt and velvet hats for the little miss or boy. We have thehi in a large array of styles and labnes tor your inspection. At the un loadiug sale, price : : 39c BLANKETS FOR LESS $6.50 WOOLKNAP BLANKETS AT $4.69 $6.50 Woolnap Blankets. Just the thing for these cool damp nights. They come in white and a if a fancy plaids. At unloading sale, price 4.U" $5.00 WOOLNAP BLANKETS $3.89. This Cotton Blanket has extra heavy nap,, looks and feels like the real wool fabric. Bargain o on at the unloading sale, price tJ.O" $3.75 HEAVY COTTON BLANKETS $2.98 These large nice sheet cotton blankets. White, grey and tan, with blue and pink borders, at the O no unloading sale Z."0 Yarns Are Greatly Reduced 25c SHETLAND FLOSS 19c The most beautiful yarn of all for knitting purposes excellent for shawls, infants' wear, in all the dainty shades and colors. At the unloading sale, per skein 19c 25c GERMANTOWN ZYPHERS, 19c Of course you are knitting for some soldier boy they make the warmest sweaters, wristlets, and hel mets, staple colors at the unloading sale, per A skein IVC 90c KNITTING WORSTED, 79c The famous Fleishcr's Knitting Worsted, the only .yarn that is suitable for the knitting socks, sweaters and other things for the boy in the trenches, 7A-14-pound to the hank, all colors, special at VC 25c IMPORTED SAXONY, 19c Here is the yarn for the fancy little Xmas gifts, makes dainty infant wear, such as gloves, sacs f A sweaters. At unloading sale, per skein ' "C LADIES' FINE SHOES & Dunn fine shoes Rh ftA.ct Mr at a nana 00 ViirvVt season. ..This is a chance to save from $3.00 to $5.00 as the best will go first. LOT NO. 2. LADIES' BOOTS AT $3.96. Here we are offering you ultra fashionable Ladies' high-top, lace or button Boots in the following leather: Patents, Gun Metals and Kids; welt " soles. At the unloaiding sale, price 3.96 . - - 1 . . .:;-": . . - m m - m m r f m -m at -r -it; i . 1IH8 24c i - s s i n v I ICti I V I I Hi I il I I SI I I -""1 """I I I V-'J V X V V v r X X X pes THE one supreme sale event in the City of Roseburg. Owing to the quarantine placed on the city we find ourselves over-stocked with Fall Merchandise, which must be unloaded and turned into cash in the shortest possible time. We must unload all surplus merchandise in each Department. This is a sale that involves our entire stock of Dry Goods; Ladies' Furnishings, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear, Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses, Blank ets, Notions, etc. Not one single article from our immense stock reserved. All placed on sale at tremendous reductions. You will remember our first Great Unloading Sale, held last year; thousands of satisfied custimers were the result. This year we offer far greater bargains than ever before, so COME, DON'T MISS IT. Make it a point to be here when the doors open for our second BIG UNLOADING SALE. -t FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 l my win Ml i HJI inn m w m IYTi i ii-1 i ijii.iii rfim MTr"fti iiwim ii hi ii SUITS, COATS, FOR THIS GREAT UNLOADING SALE WE HAVE PLACED OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP LADIES AND MISSES HIGH GRADE SUITS COM- -PRISING ALL THE NEWEST NEW YORK STYLES. MEN'S WEAR SERGE IN SEMI-TAILORED ..STYLES, .POPLINS ..IN .PLAIN ..AND 'a BELTED STYLES, WIDE RANGE OP COLORS AND STYLES TO PICK FROM. CONDITIONS ARE SO UNNATURAL THAT IT IS TO YOUR 1 INTEREST TO CONSIDER THIS GREAT UNLOADING SALE. ilc $40.00 Suits, Couts and Dresses, $35.00 Suits, Coats and Dresses, $30.00 Suits, Coats and Dresses, $27.50 Suits, Coats and Dresses, $25.00 Suits, Coats and Dresses, WINTER DEMANDS UMBRELLAS $1.25 WOMAN'S UMBRELLAS, 91c It is nearing the time of year, when you will want an umbrella for the rainy season and we are there fore placing this value before the public. Made with 7-rib steel rod, American taffetta cover- a i ing, neat long or short handles; unloading sale... V 1 C II II iw If WW Don't Forget the Date, Friday, November 22. Sale Continues Until Further Notice DRESSES PRICED VERY IM $27.50 $25.00 $20.00 $18.50 $18.50 ENTIRE HIGH GRADE STOCK OFF. :' We are offering you the choice of our high-grade stock of women's umbrellas in all the season's latest styles and fabrics. Each one is made of the best coverings and ribs and rods; short and long handles, selling regularly up to $9.00, at the un- 1 A AFF loading sale at - STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AND IE, ft Continues Until Further Notice! Skirts Priced at One-Third We offer our entire line of high-grade skirts, plain.. . colors or fancy; big range of styles, a10 ftpP this unloading sale...1...... .' Ut l Entire Stock Laces 1-3 Off You have been wishing for some of those beautiful laces to make your evening gowns, dress waists, and other articles, requiring beautiful laces. We have the most choice collection of designs and patterns, all-over nets, edges and laces that will be found out side of a large city, The grounds are of silver, gold white, ecru and black, and we say to you again, that this is all unusual opportunity to provide your necessities now at this unusual low un- 1 9 fiVV loading offering - "ff THURSDAY THB BVISXPffl NEWS. ltOSKBl'Iffl, OitBOOX, XOVEMUHR 18, 1918 All Dress Trimmings 1-3 Off bi mom You all know our reputation for carrying the most dainty and exclusive designs in dress trimmings. At this time we place at your disposal our stock, which consists of beautiful jet, pearl, turquoise, gold and silver trimmings of the season's most wanted, pat terns. These creations you will admire and now you can purchase for your new eveninir dres-1 i app at the great unloading sale prices o -V7 r-V .'.:a 3.-: I Wool Dress Goods Greatly Reduced $2.50 YD WOOL POPLIN 40 INCHES WIDE Sil 79 A beautiful piece of' all-wool poplin. ,This is fully 40 inches wide, shrunk, comes hi all the leading shades. Will make the most desireable dresses, suits and tailored clothes for the miss. Now is the time to invest in these high grade fabrics for next year. You will pay for !this same quality at least $3.50 per yard. So enjoy the unloading sale price t 7Q of per yard ... : I " $1.00 36-INCH WOOL SERGES 79c A staple fabric for you to purchase now, and we say ISilk Petticoats For- Less!5 $5.00 SULK PETTICOATS $3.98 An extra quality of taffetta silk petticoat, comes in changeable or plain colors, elastic adjustable tops, ' neatly pin tuck and ruffled flounce. At the o AO ' ' special low price of ..................:.:.:.L vtyO- $1.50,SATEEN PETTICOATS $1.19 A serviceable petticoat made of best grade Sateen, Fancy patterns to select from. At the un-: i in loading sale price of ; I I V $6.00 SILK PETTICOATS AT $3.98 v Best grades of silk taffetta blacks and fancy, o no .colors. . Elastic tops. At unloading price of wVO Dainty Undermuslins For Less! $1.50 GOWNS AT SPECIAL $1.19. These gowns are made from best, grades of nain sooks neatly trimmed with lace and einbroi- Q deries and at unloading sale ; I ' " $1.50 FANCY SILK CAMASOLES $1.19. These are made of Georgette Crepes, daintily trim med with wide hands of lace, cream and flesh, Q colors; Unloading sale price, each '.J!" $1.50 COMBINATION SUITS $1.19. Beautiful combination suits made from nainsook and long-cloths of finest materials "trimmed with laces and embroideries, open and close styles. An unloading sale Special 1.19 . $1.25 NIGHT GOWNS AT 98c , Women's muslin gowns made from fine quality cloths lace and embroidery trimmed, French no neck styles, at unloading sale, price "OC $1.50 MESSALINE FOR $1.19. A beautiful 36-inch all silk Messaline, in all the most wanted shades and colorings, just the exact mate rial for dresses and waists. , Your opportunity to ' purchase the season's best material at the i Q unloading sale price of, per vard. I I " . $1.25 ALL SILK POPLINS 95c You know that poplin is one of the most popular and best wearing fabrics that is to be purchased today, We have them in all the new dark shadings. It is a full yard wide and we are quoting this high QC class fabric at unloading sale price, yard 70. SeasonsSilksPriced Ridiculous! vL Little Needs at Little Prices 8c Q. N, T. luster cotton............. ...... 6c 5c Safety pius ,....;.... 4c 5c Buttons ,..:..,.................................;.................. 4c 10c Buttons 8c 10c R. M. C. ..,.......:......... :....,.... .........;:.-.. 9c 10c yard Belting .:............,....L....y...... 7c 15c Childs' Supporters '. ...........lie 75c Huckab'kToweling 59 c Pure, line Huckaback Toweling, just the thing for the making of guest towels, runners, scarfs, in fancy figured designs of stripes and floral patterns, . CQn also plain cloths. At unloading special, yard...'' now because of the fact that we will be unable to again buy this quality of cloth at the price of $1.00 wholesale, and we are offering it to you in all : HQ shades at the unloading sale price, per yard.:.. FANCY WOOLENS $2.50 GRADES AT $1.79 We are offering for your perusal at this time a beau tiful line of full fifty-inch fancy woolens in plaids and stripes. Every thread is all wool .suitable for skirts, dresses and misses school frocks, at . I 7Q special unloading qale price, per yard.......::.:. I ' Table Damasks An Reduced A beautiful floral table damask cf linen and cotton niixed. Also mercerize cotton, full 60 inches wide. This is an opportunity to purchase now;, for your Thanlfsgiving needs as well as fc r later use. CQp At special unloading price, per yard .::..:;...'" $1.50 TABLE DAMASK $1.19 An all pure linen first quality table damask, dainty floral designs, full two yards wido. This fabric will stands lots of hard use. Will mal e a suitable Xmas , present. Now is the time to lay in a good i i Q supply of table linens at this unl ading sale I I " Crepes, Ribbons and Bed Spreads Extra heavy weight Georgette cm wide, in all shades and colorings, terial for making dainty waists, and dainty Xmas gifts. At the loading price, per yard : COMPLETE LINE FANCY RI Every woman loves beautiful ribl ipes, full 36 inches The adapted ma- ; Lingerie colors ipecial un- j jp BBONS 4 OFF. on and we have to of dresdeo Morie, offer you the choicest collection and woven patterns,, each; .one is a beauty itself, your chance to secure ribbdn fo making of Xmas gifts is here at th eeptional unloading price of ... DAINTY BED SPRi We have gathered together a cl Honey combed and. Marceilles spreads are of extra quality mat in service during the next generat the unloading sale price of the ' isex" 1-4 OFF JADS. ' .oice collection of r patterns. These nials and will be .on at 1-3 OFF ,ow $2.50 FANCY. SILKS XT $1.89 Here is just the silk sale that you for; the most beautiful collection have been looking of fancy silks in Mid dark grounds, pes; 36 in. gQ 16 YD. 'nO W $1.39 ind we are placing taffetas, full yard md dark gwmids. good and Ort yard all the wanted patterns of light of changeable plaids, checks, stiv wide. Unloading sale, yard 36-IN. PLAIN TAFFETTAS $2.( The only true dress fabric is silk . for your perusal these high grade wide in plain colors only, light ; It is soft in texture and will be serviceable . Unloading special,, PAGE THHRB irinc