The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 12, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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This Papei Has Enlisted
With the Government in
the Cause of America for
the Period of the War
, anew i TTUT? IA71T ATW?U
-r J""' Tonight "and Wednesday, Itnln.
f Hignest temp, yesieraay. od
f 'joweat temp, last night...... ..41
The Only Paper in Roseburg Carrying Associated; Press Dispatches
i NO.' 209
Emperor Charles Acknowl-
' edges the Demand of His
People and Abdicates.
Famous German General Who Guided
Kaiser's Troops, Now Declares
His Allegiance to New Re
volutionary Government.
(By Associated Press.)
' LONDON,- Nov. 12. Empero'
Charles, of Austria, has abdicated,
' according to a Copenhagen dispatch
' quoting private advices from Vienna
.Victor Adler, leader of the Austrian
socialists, and foreign secretary 111
- me ueniittu-AUBti uiu unuiuvi.. luimcii
. at Vienna OctoDer 31, is dea l, it it
reported. A general strike will b
declared at Vienna tomorrow, so ad
vices state.
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 12. Genera
von Hindenburg is not In Holland,
but remains at the main army head
quarters, and ADHERES TO TH
NEW GOVERNMENT, according to
- the Wolte News Bureau, ot Berlin.
The Crown Prince Rupprecht has not
fled from Germany, as some report)
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 12. The en
tire German northern fleet and th
Island base of Helgoland are in the
hands of the soldiers council, accordj
ing to telegraphic advices received
here this morntag.
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 12. Germar
socialists and Independent socialists
have agreed on a Joint cabinet, in)
eluding in its membership Philit
Scheldemann, Hueq Haase, Richard
Barth, editor of Vorwaerts. The ne
provisional government will be al
red. That Is, Bourgeolse parties wili
not be permitted reappointment:' '
. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. The
manufacture of passenger automobi
les after Jan. 1, the date fixed foi
a one hundred per cent curtallmen
in production, is likely to continue
due to the euduen collapse of th
war, and the consequent lessening ot
the. governments steel demands, ac
cording to an intimation goven ou'
by the war industries board.:" A list
will soon be published partially re
moving restrictions from non-war ac
tivities and readjusting industries.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. All draft
boards have received orders to Btor
classifying men under 18 nd over
36, and to withhold their questional
res. Such, registrants need not fill
out their questlonaires if received.
zMSTERDAM, Nov. 12. It Ib stated
on good authority, that William Ho
henzollem, abdicated emperor ol
Germany, compelled to flee from hie
own country, will be interned ill
Holland. 1
LONDON, Nov. 11. A supplement
ary declaration to the armistice
terms was signed late today, to the
effect, that if the German battle
ships ttre not handed over to the
allies, owing to a munltous state
existing, the entente powers reserve
-me rogiit iu uuw o,(,v.m,.,
an advance naval base to enable them
In enforce terms of the surrender.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. The
United States will probably be re
presented at tho coming peace con
ference by a half dozen men, includ
ing Secretary of State Lansing and
Col. House. The peace conference
will probably be held at Lausanne
CORVALLIS, Nov. 1. The dangei
that certain extra grade apples as
now classified in Oregon may be
thrown Into a cooking grade "foi
home consumption only'.'. Is seen by
growers in the movement to unlf;
and reduce the number of grades.
"There Is a possibility that the
federaf government will establish
permanent grades for our box apples,
which will control all Interstate ship
ments of apples." says C. I. Lewis,
chief ot the division of horticulture
at the Oregon Agrlcultureal College.
"The government has no intention to
penalize the Northwest growers, but
is asking them to come out and say
wnat It 1b they want.
"The question of grades will be
presented to the meeting of the
Washington state horticultural so
clety at Spokane, December 10 to 13
by a representative of the United
States department of agriculture. Re
presentative fruit men, especlall)
managers of sales agencies, and sell
ing organizations, should be on hand
to present their views on the propos
ed grades.,
' "The Northwest has been' boxine
apples for a good many years. We
have earned a world-wide reputation.
If any changes are to be made in the
classification thoy should be made
only, after thorough discussion and
"Some men are advocating pnlj
two grades, while now we are uslnf
four extra fancy, fancy, choice and
cooking.. Not more than three grade?
at most may be called for In the pres
ent movement two for shipmen
east; and one to be known largely ai
the cooking grade to be used a;
home. .
"Oregon should be well represent
ed at the Spokane convention by al
OR. W. W. F,
The sad news of the death of Dr.
W. W. Faulkner at Bend at 3:30
this morning was received in a -telegram
to his sister-in-law, Miss Alli
Black today. . Dr. Faulkner, who has
been suffering from Spanish lntlu
enza for about a', week, developed
complications of pneumonia a fev
days ago and rapidly weakening, he
passed away early this morning.
Dr. Faulkner, who is the son o
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Faulkner, was
born In Roseburg and passed the ma
jor portion of his life here, where he
was among the most popular of Rose
burg's young people. Alter takini
a course at the North Pacific Denta.
College at Portland, Dr. Faulkne
practiced dentistry in this city for :
short time, after which he moved tc
Bend, about nine years ago, where h
enjoyed a most successful patronage
up to the time of his death.
Dr. Faulkner had a host of friend
In Roseburg who deeply mourn hit
death, and extend the, deepest sympa
thy to his bereaved wife and' three
W. H. Fisher received quite a
shock last night about 8 o'clock
when he rounded the corner by th
Douglas National Bank where he hat
left his machine parked early in th
evening, and found that it was noi
there. It was at once conduced tha;
the car had been made away wltl
by the forger, who had passed a bo
gus check off at the Grand 11 shor.
time before. Diligent search did no:
produce the machine but about 1
o'clock rounding the corner where he
had left the machine, Mr. Fisher wai
surprised to see it standing innocent
ly at the curbing and he decided tha
he had been the victim of a practlca?
joke from his friends as the car wni
In good condition. v
Miss Ethel Clajon, the popuhv.
Paramount film actress, passed Sat
urday night' in the city and was t
gueBt at the Hotel Umpqua. Mb.
Clayton, accompanied by her mother
Mrs. John Blum, and Mr. and Mm
T. L. Park, her chauffeur and wlfo
are motoring from Hollywood, Call
fornla, to Seattle. The trip Is beln."
made Id a Pierce- Arrow car and al
though this Ib a very heavy machine
Miss Clayton says that they have had
very little difficulty along the road
with the exception ot a little spo
near Dunsmulr. Miss Clayton Is i
very attractive blond, and her eyes
that have caused so much confusion
amongst movie heroes, are large and
of a deep blue. Our city was gen
erously complimented by Miss Clay
ton, who asserted that she had sel
dom had the opportunity of visiting;
so pleasant located a spot.
Attorney Charles Hopkins filei
Saturday a petition for the appoint
ment of an administrator In thi
estate of Arthur E. Johnson, deceas
ed. The appraisers appointed were
John Marks, Alfred Cloake, and Al-
vln Cloake. The property contained
tn (he estate conalslt of a farm In
Garden Valley and some personal
Germany is Threatened With
Disaster Unless Allied .
Nations Assist.
Mutinous Sailors in Charge- of Ger
man Fleet Urged to Resist Bur.
. render to . Allios Fleet .
Enters Dardanelles.
(By Associated Press.) r
Nov. 12. Defeated on the battl
fields in Northern France, deserted
by their emperor, wno flea to noi
land for fear of falling into the pow..
er of German socialists, and subject
ed to terms tantamount to uncondi
tional surrender, the people of Ger
many have appealed to President
Wilson for relief from the ravages
of famine. Foreign Secretary Solf,
in a communication to the state de
partment of the United States, al
leges that fearful conditions preval
and that millions face starvation thi;
winter -unless the entente allies take
steps to overcome the threatened
Mutinous sailors are now in con
trol of most of the units of the nav '
anil may become so bold in theli
new found possessions as to risk a; I
engagement with the allied fleet
rather than surrender the vessels un
der the armistice terms'. . .Leader:
have already gone so far as to cal
upon the ships to defend the countr.
against "mis unheard of presump
tlon." Units of the fleet have beeu
ordered to asemble at Sessnltz har
bor off the Prussian coaBt but wheth
er a clash with the allied war ship:
will be risked is problematical.
Holland is said to be preparing tc
intern William Hohenzollern, ex-emperor,
the former crown prince and
other German military officers whe
sought refuge there.
Allied war ships have entered the
Dardanelles, and British naval force
has occupied Alexandrlai-V The mo
mentum of the revolution is appar
ently Increasing in Germany, when
the people, freed from the iron ham
of militarism, at least to a great ex
tent, are going to pieces rapidly
There is also evidences of consider
able friction between the mllltnr
authorities and soldiers and working
men's council in northern Germany
LONDON, Nov. 12. Germany has
requested President Wilson to Im
mediately arrange for the opening o.
peace negotiations, there being press
ing danger of famine throughout the
empire, according to a wireles.s mesf
sage received here. -.
12. Orders announcing the armist
ice with Germany were sent to thl
units in the front ranks. The mei
were notified that all communlca
tions with the enemy Is absolutely
prohibited, and warned that the pros'
ent arrangement is only an armistlci
and not peace, and nre advised to be
prepared for further operations at
any moment.
NEW YORK, !Nov. 12. Extradi
tion for former Emperor William
from Holland, and his trial in Eng
land on a murder charge, accordinj
to indictment hanging over him
there. Is urr.ed by James W. Gerard
former Aml-assador to Germany, In
an lmprc:np:u-speech here today.
Although the city was celebrating
with harp and cymbal the glorlout
occasion of te ending of the great
war, the local draft board yesterda
stayed at its post at the court house
and continued preparations for the
entrainment of the 39 selected men
who were scheduled to leave Rose
burg for Camp Lewis at one o'clock
this morning. All Induction papers
and preparations for the departure
were complete when at 5:55 last
evening came an order from Provost
Marshal General Crowder directing
that all general and voluntary spe
cial calls now outstanding for In
duction and mobollzatlon of regis
trants of whatever color of physica.
qualifications for the army were can
celled pending further instructions.
It was further added In the message
that no more, inductions should be
made In the army, or entrainmen
permitted or undertaken under such
calls. The telegram also stated that
nothing In this cancellation of or
ders should be construed as affect
ing any call or competent order foi
Induction into the navy or marine
corps. All- such Inductions and en-
tralnments are to proceed as ordered
previously. Mr. Kutlety was advis
ed that the orderly process of class
ification, physical examination anc
other activities of the selective draft
will not be affected or interrupted.
Upon receipt of the communication
the 39 men were, released and a con
siderable demonstration was made on
the strata last evening when the men
paraded, accompanied by the band
and a large number of townspeople
. Peter . Qardlpee, one of the In-,
dian boys who escaped from the
state school at Chomawa about two
weeks ago, was picked up by Deputy
Sheriff Raffety yesterday afternoon.
Gardipee, whoBe pal had been taken
Into custody Sunday, made no effort
to leave the city, paalng much ot hie
time loafing around the local South
ern Pacific depot. It was here that
Mr. Raffety found the young mac
last night. An attendant will be
cent down from Salem to accompany
the young man back to the state
school.', -
Subscriptions to the United Wa
Work Campaign are rolling in at a
very gratifying rate acording to Au
brey Smith, W. C. Harding and.oth
er leaders in the local drive. People
of the city are responding,
liberally, but spontaneously,: am
there is every indication that, the
quota tor this district will be cum)
plete at an early date. One Interest
ing characteristic of the drive is tha
practically everyone has eubscribec
who have been -approached by thi'
workers but that some of the peoplr
who have been accustomed to contr-j
buting large amounts,; have lowered
the standard of their -gift but It if
presumed that those who have fol
lowed this course will be called upor.1
tc ado. to their subscriptions in esse
ihere -is dlfticu'ty. )n raising tlii as-i.
cessment for Roseburg
According to an order iBsued today
by City Health OffToer Shoemakei
and Mayor Stewart the ban placed
on the city because of the Spanish
influenza epidemic wilt be lifted Sat
urday, providing that there is n
Increase in the number of cases in
the city by that time.
S. J. Jones Is acting bailiff for the
grand jury which Is in session.'- to
day. . . '.
Mrs. M. T. Dumbeck, who has beed
visiting -with Mrs. H. J. Denn foi
some time, left for her home at San
Jose, Cal., this morning. , '
. Upon receipt of a telegram last
night that her brother-in-law, Dr
W. W. Faunlkner, of Bend, was dan
gerously 111, Mrs. J. G. Stephenso;1
at once departed for that city.
, i
Miss Dale Coshow, who haB beer
at her home for -five -weeks on ac
count of the quarantine bf the ABh
land schools because of '. the "Flu',
epidemic, returned to Ashland this
morning. It Is expected, that that
city will be opened up within a few
What promised to he n right en
joyable time was staged last n'glil
wlen 9 party of aboj1: 25 RoHtrburij
pe-p!i went out to Dlxonvllla ami
started an evening of dancing. Aftei
about three dances word wax sent
out by local authorilias to disband
the party because of the flu i-pioom-Ic
ban and consequences, and a d.'e)
appointed crowd of morrv mnkerf
found their way back to town at an
unusually early hour.. - ,
W. R. Atherton, of Portland, hat
been passing a few days In 'Rose
burg with a view to locating perman)
entiy in this city. The gentleman It
in the furniture business at Port
land and has been looking over sev
eral pieces of property during hit'
stay here and1 he has concluded tc
make a selection of one of these dur
ing the next few di.ys.
The Grand Grill has established
certain hours for keeping open, and
Tor the present meals may be ob
talned there during the mornlnf
hours from 6:30 to 9 and from 11:30
a, m. to 2 p. m. The evening hour
are from 6 to 9 o'clock. The kit
chen Is under the management ol C. P. Lewis, which Is a guar
antee of the excellence of the table
service. Patrons of the place wli;
always find the, very best at their
Germans Have Thirty Days In
Which to Turn Over ;
'' "',' War Materials. :
Railway Equipment and Army Wa
gons and Means of Trains porta
tlon to Be Delivered to Allios '
.- Restoration Involved.
Following is the complete text oi
allied demand upon Germany, anc
In signing the armistice the enemj
envoy agreed to the speciflcationt
laid out in the most sweeping docu
ment of the kind ever drawn.
Military clauses on western front:
1. Cessation of operations by land
and in the air in Bix hours after the
signing of the armistice.
14 Days to Evacuate.
2. Immediate evacuation of invad
ed countries, Belgium, France, Alsace-Lorraine,
Luxemburg, so order
ed as to be completed within 14 days
from the signature of the armistice
German troopB which have not lefl
the above mentioned territories with
in the period fixed will become pris
oners of war.
Occupation by the allied and United
States forces jointly will keep pace
with the evacuation In these areas
All movements-of evacuation and oc
cupation will be regulated in accord
ance'wlth a note annexed to the
stated terms.
3. Repatrltion beglning at once
and to be comploted within 14 dayc
of all Inhabitants of the countries
above mentioned, including hostage,
and persons under trial or convicted,
4. Surrender in good condition b:
the German armies of the following
equipments: Five thousand gun:
(2500 heavy, 2600 field) 30,000 ma
chine guns. Three thousand minen-
werfer, 000 aeroplanes - (fighters.
bombers Urscly D 73s and night
bombing machines); ' The above t
be delivered situ (as they stand) : to
the allies and the United State:
troops was the eletailed condition Ial
down in the annexed note.
5. Evacuation by the German ar
mies bf the countries on the left ban!
of the Rhine. These countries on the
left bank of the Rhine shall be ad
ministered by the local authorities
under the control of tho allied and
united States armies of occupation.
Tho occupation of these torrltorleE
will be determined by allied ana
United States narrlsons holding the
principal crossings of the Rhine
luayence, Coblenz, Cologne, togothei
with brldgeheadB at these points li
30-kilometer radius on the, right
bank and by garrisons similarly hold
ing the strategic points of the .re
gions. A neutral zone shall bo re
served on the right of the Rhine be
tween the stream and a line drawn
parallel to it 40 kilometers to th -
east from the frontier Qf Holland t(
the parallel of Gernshelm and as far
as practicable a distance of 30 kilo)
meters from the east of the streani
from this parallel upon Swiss fron
tier. Evacuation by the enemy o.
the Rhine lands shall be 80 ordered
sb to bo completed within a furthe .
period of: 11 days, in all 19 days after
the signature of the armistice. (Here
the President interrupted his reading
to remark that there evidently hat
been an error in transmission, as the
arithmetic was very bad. The "fui
ther period of 11 days is In addition
to the 14 days allowed for evacuation
of invaded countries, making 25 daye
given tne (jermana to get entire!)
clear of the Rhine lands). AH move
ments of evacuation and occupation
will' be regulated according to the
note annexed.
IiiliabitaiitA to lie Safe.
6. In all territory . evacuated by
the enemy there shall be no evacua
tion of inhabitants; no damage or
harm Bhall be done to the persons oi
property of the Inhabitants, no de
struction of any kind to be com
mitted. Military establishments ol
all kinds shall be delivered Intact as
well as military stores of food, mun
itions, equipment not removed durl
Ing the periods fixed for evacuatloni
Stores of food of all kinds for the
civil population, cattle, etc., shall b
left In situ. Industrial establish
ments shall not be impaired in any
way and their personnel shall not be
moved. Roads and means of com
munication of every kind, railroad)
waterways, main roads, bridges, tele
graphs, telephones, shall in no man'
ner be Impaired.
Material to Be Given Up.
7. All civil and military personno'
at present employed on them shall re
main. Five thousand locomotives
50,000 wagons and 10,000 motor Ion'
rles in good working order with ali
necessary spare parts and uttiniEF
shall be delivered to the associated
powers within the period fixed for the
evacuation of Belgium and Luxem
burg. The railways of Alsaca-Lor(
rains shall be handed over within th
same period, togethor with all pre
war personnel and material. Fur
ther material necessary for the worki
ing of railroads in the country ou im.
left bank of the Rhine shall be loll
in situ. All stores ol coal and ma
terlal for the upkeep of pormaneul
ways, signals and repair shop left en-
tire In situ and kept in an efficient
state of Germany during the whole
period or armistice. All barrage,
taken from the allies shall be restor
ed to them. A note appended regu
lates the details of. these measures
8. Tile German command BhalfTc
responsible for revealing all mines oi
delaV acting fuses disposed on terri
tory evacuated by the German troop
and shall assist in their discovery and
destruction. - The German commani
shall alBO reveal all destructive meas
ures that may have been taken, eucl)
as poisoning or polluting of springs
wells, etc., under penalty of reprisals
Rights of Requisition Claimed.
9. 'e'he right of requisition' sh'.
be exercised by the allies and the
United States armies in all occupies
territory. The upkeep of the troopi
of occupation in the Rhlneland (ex
cluding Alsace-Lorraine) shall be
charged to the German government
10, An Immediate repatriatlor
without reciprocity according to de
tailed conditions which shall be flxe
of all and United States prisoners o.
war. The allied powers and the
United States shall be able to dlsposi
of these prisoners as they wish.
11. Sick and wounded who can no
be removed from evacuated terrltorj
will be cared for by German person
nel who will be left on the spot witl
the medical material required.
Disposition on Eastern Frontiers.
J 2. All Oorman troops at presen
in any territory which before the wa
belonged to Russia, Roumanla o
Turkey shall withdraw within the
frontiers of Germany as they existec
on August 1, 1914.
. 13. Evacuation by German troopi
to begin at once. .
Clause of East Africa.
17. Unconditional capitulation oi
all German forces operating in East
Africa within one month.
Naval Conditions Stated. '
20. Immediate cessation of all hos
tllitles at sea and definite Informa
tion to be given as to the location
and movements' of all Oornian ships
22. Surrender to the allies 'anc
the United States ok America of 16(
German submarines (Including al.
submarine cruisers and mlne-laylnj
submarines), with their complete ar
mament and equipment In port
which will be specified by the allle.
and the United States of America.
23.. The following German: surfacV
warshlps- which' shall be- dealgnatec
by the allies and the. United States ol
America shali.forthwlth be disarmed,
Six battle cruisers, 10 battleships
8 light cruisers, Including two mim
layers, 50 destroyers of the most mo
dern type. All other Burfnce war
ships (Including rlvor craft) are tc
be concentrated in German naval ba
ses to he designated by the allies anc!
tho United States of Amorlca. am
are to be paid off and complotoly dis
Access to Baltic Given.
25. Freedom of access to and from
the Baltic to be given' to the nava
and mercantile marines of the allied
and associated powers.
27. All naval aircraft are to
concentrated and Immobilized In Ger
man bases to be specified by the alliee
and the United StateB of America, .
All Stores to Be Taken. '
28. In evacuating the . Belgian
coasts and ports, Germany shal
abandon all merchant shlpB, tngs
lighters, cranes and all othor harbot
29. All Black Sea ports are to be
evacuated by Germany; all Rueslnn
war vessels rf all descriptions selzei
by Germany In the Black Sea are tc
be handed over to the allleB and the
United States of America.
Duration of Armistice -Given. :
34. The duration of the armistice
Is 30 days, with option to ex-,
tend. During this period, on failure
of execution of any of the above clau
ses, the armistice may he denounced
by one of tne contracting partlcB or
48 hours' previous notice.
, Arrested for carrying booze from
Weed, California, Into this state anc
offering the liquor to soldiers, Alex
Kltme, an offender of Oerman desconl
was handed over to Marshal Hodgo:
Saturday evening when train No. 64
pulled into Roseburg, by Mr. Rogers
secrot service agent for the Southeri
Pacific Co, Kllme, who was In his
way to Portland, had 4 1-2 quart!
of whisky In his posesslon, which he
generously offered to some soldiers
who were aboard the train. Mr. Ro
gers, who was on tne same car, kepi
an eye on tho man and when the
train arrived in Roseburg, placed
him under arrest and turned him
over to Mr. rlodges, who consignee
him to the county jail. In addition
to the 4 and one-hnlf quarts of whis
ky found on Kllme's suitcase, twe
more quarts were located In a trunk
The offender was taken before Re
corder Whipple and fined 1200,
which was paid
. Mrs.'. O. Maddux went to Sutherlln
yesterday for a short trip. -
Very Little Left That May be
Recognized as Once Pros
perous Section.
Blankets, Food and all Sorts of 8up
, plies Furnished to These I'hilo
. soplitcal People Who Have
. Suffered from the War.
PnrlR Opt.. 1 fi -.(!nrrAitnnnriAnce
of The Associated Press.) Carrying
thnlr llttla hunrilAB nf hnllHAhUl IHU.i
sessions, the B'rench refugees are re- -
turning eo ineir nomes -in unuieuu .
Thierry and the little French villages
n,.nm,l It in Vov ..,,nv DaIIadii ann
the rest, places now a part ot Aineri-.
can history. . , ,.
; They are coming back to ru:uj ot
villages and houses demolished by
German or American Artillery, to live
In nnllal'o ami In tlia nhiilfaR nf InHai.
Ing walls until they can rebuilt their
uuuies anu ineir return is a pitiiui
spectacle. i
Sometimes they find 'no home at
all. Never do they find any furnl-
turo. Often they find no food, and
then the American Red Cross stepB
in and help them: The woman who
can dig out her stove from a heap
ot dirt and plaster and patch It up'
flgnin. nn that It wtll h,,in nn.ini. ..
herself Inordinately lucky. One wo
man found remaining of all her
household goodB lust one hie: salt
cellar. Forks are worth their weight
In gold, and feather bed is prized
above rubleB, - Five thousand five
hundred - blankets the Red Cross '
shipped out to returning refugees In
a single week. .
The, people in the AlBue will hot
be able to spend the winter in their
own villages. The villages on the
banks, of the little Maine are too
UtterlV hnttAFAlf l,v nhollo tn fVnn
human habitations during the -winter :
wsaiuer. now, wnnei days are warm '
and -skies are blue, thnlr nnnnn fan
find-, some .tinv corner-or ntha tn itva
In, but the rain and mud and chilly
damp of a French winter will drive
them, or if It- rtrma tint a. nanHnni nA .
ernment.wlll send thom, back to their
iBuiyurmy uomes in tne unmvaded
provinces to Avait for spring.
One purpose Is sendlnir thom hnm
so quickly as to harvest the wheat
crops, but there was no food, so the
Red Cretan nntnhltaharf t-
many villages and served two meal i
while othera paid small Bums. Forty
Carloads Of food wara uanl tn II.-
Mnrne and the Alsne in u single
month. A grocery store lias been
Obened . in rhntan, ThlM, ...(.,.,.
- - -- -...,1 WUlVll.-
already Is a busy town again, though
-.. n-ono ui its nouses nave been
shattered and torn by 'Bhells. To
kSOD intrilrint-H nnt nl - u
- ----- - vt uie iBBiutraia
scrawl on their homes In oholk "Pro-
pneior returned'', or . "House oc
cupied". Rolling stores on trucks tour
through the villages In the valleys of
the Olsno and Alsne to supply the
returnine ratuenna with r..i
Ing and household utensils. Demands
come for coffee mllia
brushes, nails, u
and pots for the people, taking up
lu V .I smn a" literally all
tnoy fled. 'him linan natn.rA .
- -- j cii ur car
ried away to Germany. ,
To Amiens tne .refugees, are just
beginning tn . ... 4 ...
- - - - , wui LUUJ' Will
mV'h". 'rSe """ibo"-. and they
-,. urosB ready, to re-
n Am tTtJthZl ? "'"-
r " uoy s Bcnooi n
those half-forgotten days when the
city was not under shell fire. l"
beloncs to tha PJ n ' .
w uium uuw, ana rtr
hV. , "'B e de recep-
tlon", where tha rhi..i .1 v
are sorted out and their needs ol
certained. . There is a canteen thTt
17' ere I."'', HnM"
l)ed M h " lons ory with
E tile who com,
less housa." SE m" . ""-
a.les. a.Bpens-
ences. ' """"-"""louth exist-
cloThhrngetoCr0th.WO,Kk.er8 furnl8h '
abots. ' Twe ve 7h" B",8 "0e. .'
facts. Thevah8,a",,t,,:.0,,,accePtll'
(uoDiinuea on page 4,)