THE EVENING NEWS ' BY B. W. BATES BERT O. BATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ; Subecrlirtlon Rates Daily. Per rear, by mall In county ..$8.00 Per year, outside of county 4.00 Weekly. ' Per year Six months ..2.00 . 1.00 Entered as second-class matter, November 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 8, 18 19. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Preu la exclusively entitled to the tue for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republi cation or special dispatches hereto are also reservea. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1018. PLANS PERFECTED IE OF Positions Will be Secured For Disabled Soldiers and Sail ors Maimed In War. JOBS FOR THE LEGLESS Canvas Recently Made Shows a Great Varioty of Occupations That Can ik Al)ly Filled By In jured Men. I WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Plans for training and placing in ronumerative positions soldiers and' sailorB, mained In the war, worked out by the United States Employment Service and the Federal 'Board for vocational educa tion are ready to be put into opera tion. ', X The employment service has In structed its repres ntatlves through- ,. out the country to obtain Information that will be helpfu, in the placement '. of partially disables soldiers and sailors. Surveys of labor needs will be made In conference with employ ers to determine where jsuch men can be UBed efficiently. I The board of vocational education will maintain In oach hospital for the treatment of wounded, a represent- ' atlve who will confer with disabled men before their discharge from the ' hoBpltnl. If a man desires to con tinue in the occupation he has en gaged in before the war and is fitted for It, help will be given him in finding work in that calling; should Ills injuries maito It necessary lor him to Beelc a new means of liveli hood, lie will be advised of the linos in which he can enter without find ing his Injuries a ln.ndlcap and a course of trnining In the work to be adopted will be offered. Every effort will be made to aBslBt disabled men toward thyt occupalon in which they are most interested and for which, because of aptitude and experience on one hand and handicaps on the . other, they are best served. After the vocational adviser has assisted the recuperating patient to choose a suitable occupation, his case, with full Information, will be referred to a local board In hlB com munity made up of two representat ives of the district employment ot ' flee, one a physician, two represent atives chosen from the locality, one to be nn employer and tne other a representative of labor. The board Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Sayi w can't look or feel right with the system full of poisons. MllllonB of folks batho internallv now lnstend of loading their system with drugs. "What's an limide bathf" you say. Well, it Is guaranteed to per ' form miracles If you could believe these hot water euUiuslnBts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, Immediately upon artBlng In the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a tenspoonful of lime stone phosphate In It. This Is a very excellent health measure. It Is In tended to Hush tho stomneh, liver kid neys and the thirty feet of lutes'tlnos of the previous day'B waste, sour bllo and tndlgestlblo lunterlul left over In the body which If not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which Infest Hie IiowoIb, the quick result Is poisons and toxins which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headacho, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, Im pure blood and all sorts of allmonts. i People who fool good ono day and ItuiHlv thn tinvf imt ivlm lml not got fooling right are urgou to ontain a quarter pound of UuicBtono phosphate at the drug Btoro. This will coat very littlo but is sufficient to make anyone a renl crank on tho subject of Intornnl sanitation. Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, liver, 'kidneys and bowels. It Is vastly more (Important to bathe on tho InBlde than on the outside, because the akin pores I do not absorb Impurities Into the iplood, while the bowel pores do.' Ji I will' see to his trslnlne. nmi whllA It is In progress he will be supported by the government and' given the fame allotment and family allowance for dependants as when he was In military or naval service. His ex penses, in the main, will be covered from the compensation provided In the vocational rehabilitation act. Manufacturing establishments, of fices and farms will be used to give preliminary framing, especially for those occupations not yet regarded as being within the school or college Held. Afterward, through the Em ployment Service, a permanent suit able position will be found for him The board will keep in touch as a friend of adviser for such period af ter employment is found' as may be necessary to complete his reestablish ment as a civilian worker. A canvas- recently made at he Ford Motor plant at Detroit, showed the f ilowlng: Jobs that couiu be filled by legless men, 870; by one-legged men, 2,037 by one-armed men, 716; by totally blind men, 10. The time estimated to become efficient at these jobs Is estimated lor 1,743, one day or less; for 1,461, one day to one week; for 251, one week to two weekB; for 643, one month to one year; for 43, one to six years. . - , NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE, California haB 130 mountain peaks more tnan xj.uuu leer, nign. In about 15 years Argentina has trebled its area of cultivated 'land, A patent for a non-alcoholic beer has been granted a Minneapolis in vent5r. - More than 48,000,000 acres of cul tivated land In inaia are under Irri gation. ' The ant, in proportion to Its size, has the largest brain of any llvllng creature. German metallurgists have brought out a substitute for tinfoil that is made of zinc. Baby coaches' can be made to serve as cradles by the invention of detachable rockers. Telescopic spectacles have been Invented In Europe for extremely near sighted persons. A tool has been Invented for pry ing off tight fitting milk can tops without , (touting them. A paper chimney 60 feet tall that Is said to be perfectly fireproof, has been built in Europe. A gasoline road roller has been Invented that gives Its driver an un- onstructed view of his work. London chemists have perfected and patented a cold process for convert ing straw into paper pulp. A new convenience ior women's use is a Bracket to -noia a nana mirror upright on a dressing table. The same steam engine has Deen pumping water out of an English coat mine for more than a century. A whistle that can be strapped to a wrist like a watch Is the Invention of a California policeman. The world s largest artlllclal har bor, 760 acres in area and 28 feet doeo. Is planned for Rotterdam, To keen doors closed a spring has been Invented that can De nttacnea tn almost, nnv-hinge without tools. Spain Is to have one of the finest dry docks In Europe, cnpaoie or aa mittlng vessels up to 30,000 tons. The United States had 533,880 acres In sugar cane this year, about 12 per cent more than ten years ago. What Is claimed to be a satisfact ory method for plating aluminum upon Iron has been invented In Fnmce. Alcohol is vaporized by air pres sure and' burned In nn Incandescent mantle In a new automobile head light, i ' A now Cefman electrlcaT heating unit Is made of fine resistance wires woven across pure asbestos threads. UOASTI'UIi HOCHES. Once In tho days gone by, With hope and courage high, Old Hlndy In his pride, And Ludey- by his side, nit. think and loudly bonat, Thar with their mighty host, Tho armies they would meet, Would backward In deient, He very quickly hurled; And they would whip the world'. Thru France with liquid fire, Which kills ob they deBlre; Thru Franco with poison gas, They thought they could pass Thoy said, In tholr delight, We wore afraid to light; That thoy would make us cower Botoie tne Kaiser's power. To Franco, In her groat need, Our ships, with soldlors, speed. Our troopB with deadly guns Drive back and unck too Huns, And now them iovn in piles For miles, and miles, and miles. No longer Hlndy sneers: The Yank he greatly fears; And with Satanic brow, Base Liiidoy rages now. Or war, which he begun. Of war, which was his fun. You bet... Old Kaiser Bill lis shuroly got his All: But more than this he'll get, When sholls his cnatlo hit, And very near the Rhine Wo have advanced our line. ALDBN Oregon. HAHNIOSS. Roseburg, THE NEW MODKIS. Have you seen our models in La dles' Overcoats? One called the vic tory with large pockets and bolt, collar and all wator-proof and strict ly tailor-made. The other Is called tho Morsolllnlse and Is strictly up to tho mlniito with airplane cuffs, box pleats, full bolt, silk lined, water proof, etc. What could be nicer for cold, wlntor wonthcr which will soon be upon us. Call and Took over our numerous samples and have one made exclusively for you' not ano thor like It. IMPERIAL CLEANERS. (Try Our Way.) j We call and dollver. Phone 277 THB New Waists and Skirts! You Will Be Delighted with the Styles And the Prices Also Coats. Suits and Dresses We have new ones coming in every few days. You will be interested step in and see them BURCHARD'S 131 North Jackson St. CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS, (Notice is hereby given that all school warrants of School Dictrict No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon, to and Including No. 2809 endorsed March 15, 1918, not paid foa-vant of funds, and prior thereto, are this day called for payment by the un dersigned and all interest thereon will cease from the date of this notice. Dated this 31st day of October '18. HOSCOE N. GREEN, Clerk School District No. 4, N-6 Douglas County, Oregon. CLASSIFIED COLUMN TOR SALE Apples and cider. L. B. Skinner & Son. Phone 28P-2. FOR SALE One span mules, weight 2400 pounds. Inquire W. O. Hen derer, Anlquf, Oregon. FOR SALE Eljht !ot and small house, good location, city water, etc., $485. Inquire News. FOR SALE 15 tons of baled hay, $20 tons at the barn it taken be fore Nov. 5. Phone 3F24. FOR SALE Pair of horses, weight about 2600. Phone 14F14. Or will trade for cattle. GEESE FOtt SALE 40 Tolouse geese for sale, cheajp. Inquire 1-F21. Address C. C. Long, Cleve land, Ore. tf FOR SALE Or will exchange for small Btock ranch, jblock of Rose burg property, small house, some fruit trees. Inquire at News. FOR SALE "The Roseburg Cafe teria". A big bargain for quick sale. "The Best Money-maker in town". tf RESTAURANT FOR SALE A good paying business. Inquire at the Grand Grill, Reason tor selling. want to leave. FOR SALE CHEAP Six room bun gulow, modern, andi veiy conven iently arranged. Terms. 110 Brock- way streot. Please call; do not phone. n-8 WANTED Young man who wishes to learn a trade that pays top wa ges; one who lives at homo and who Is a hustler. Aovnncement is fast. Ariaiess In own hand, B. T care News. HORSES From colts to 1500 pounds weight; will trade for young cattle, or for a Ford. Will be In Roseburg after Friday, Sep tember 13. Inquire at The News office. Henry Kernan. FOR SALE-One second-hand Dodge J785. One scond-hand Dodge, $1060. One second-hand Ford truck, $575. Cash prices. J. O. Newland. Phone 468. FOR SALE Small white soup beans 10c per pound; ripe and green to matoes 40c bushel; Greeu beans, 2o per pound, pick 'ein yourself. 1320 umpqua ay., West Roseburg, I. Harrelson. FOR SALE. Cadillac 6-passenger car In tiratclass repair, just been overhauled, practically new tires, aosa magneto. $500 If taken Im mediately. B. F. Nichols, Riddle, Oregon. SAGE TEA If Mixed with Sulphur Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. It The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked nd faded hair is grandmother's recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance Is of the greatest advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and tho muuy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the rcady-to-use product, improved by the addition of other Ingred ients, called "Wycth's Sago and SulpW Compound" for about 60 conts a bottle. It 18 VCrV OODular heeAlliu, tinhnitv nan diKover It has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, tak ing one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with Wvell,' 8m and Sulphur Compound, is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it alio nrodnra-a soft lustra and appearance of abundance which la so attractive, This ready-to-use J 'reparation is a delightful toilet requisite or those who desire a more youthful ap pearance. H is not intended for the our, mitigation or prevention of disease. EVENING NEWS WEDNESDA. NOVEMBER 6, 1018. SQUARE STORE FOR SALE Steam wood saw and chopper on trucks. Phone 13F2. FOR SALE-Nico gray oats and clean vetch seed; some oats and cheet - mixed; seed wheats J. M. iludd. FOR SALE Splendid butcher busi ness la rich town near Roseburg. D. N. Mclnturff, Oakland, Ore gon. If FOR SALE Windfall apples, at 20 cents per sack, you do the picking. P. Sinclair, Garden Valley. Phone 31K2. FOR SALE One 8-inch swivel orch ard plow, 10; ne 4-foot exten sion orchard dies, $25; one nearly new 2 1-2 ineh wagon with pole and shafts. Chas. Insley, 1 1-2 miles west of Green station. FOR SALE OR TRADE Draft horse, will work anywhere. True and sound, also double work har : ness. Will trade for 2nd hand mower and hay rake, or a bargain for cosh. Phone 11F26. Melrose, WANTED. SEWING WANTED Call at 618 So. Main st. WANTED Retoucher at C. W. Clark Photo btudio, 126 Cass St. Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention. Bargain day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes. G. W. SLOPER 808 N. Jackson. Chalmers Mitchell Maxwell Motor Cars and Trucks Electric Light and Power Plants for Farm and Country Homes. H. MERTEN Roseburg, Oregon. Why is a b-IcK mason like a loco. motlvo? llecanse ho lias a tender, For a lender steak A Juicy chop. Direct your footsteps To our shop. Our saws are sharp) Cleavers, too -. e'll trim them np Just right for yon. THE ECONOMY MARKET STOP AT THE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSKHURG REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property, Winches, tcr bay and tVesttnke Town Lota. OKORtiE R1TKR. 12 West Oak aCV---::.--' S ) I The Exclusive Ladies' Shop WANTED 10,000 grain sacks Ber bers Junk Shop. Phone 182. WANTED Pantry woman at the Umpqua Hotel. Apply at once. WANTED Old magazines In 20 to 30 lb. bundles, tied up, at Berger's Junk Shop. Phone 182. tf WANTED To buy 5000 second hand sacks. Spot Cash Basket Grocery. A. Q. Dunlap. 1 WANTED Four men; four dollars per day and eight hours. OrantB Pass Construction Co., Dillard Oregon. WANTED 'Eggs, hides and 8,000 second hand sacks. Spot Cash Basket Grocery, A. SQ. Dunlap, proprietor. WANTED Scrap Iron, metal, rub ber, rags, chittim bark, hides and wool. Berger's Junk Shop. Phone 182, WANTED A day cook and a .light cook; dishwasher and chamber maid. Write or telephone at once, Clarke Hotel, Glendale, Ore. WANTED One young dairy bull, 1 Guernsey preferred. Have baled oats and wheat straw for sale. Round Prairie Ranch, Round Prai rle, Oregon. ... FOR RENT. i-OR RENT A two-room furnished flat. Close in. 119 W. Lane. FOR RENT Five room house for rent on Pltze- st. Inquire at E46 . Pltzer St.. or phone 436-J FOR RENT Five room house for rent on Pltzer st. Inquire at 646 Pltzer St., or phone 4361J. FOR RENT. 80-acre ranch, 30 ac res creek bottom land ready for ' plow. ,C. Merrill, 509 Mill sreet. n-7 MISCELLANEOUS. WELL DRILLING R. E. Helnsel inan, Roseburg, Route 1. LOST. $20 bill last Saturday. Find- . er leave at 'News office and re- celve $5 reward. LOST A pair of eyeglasses and case Finder please return to iNews of fice and get reward. FOR RENT Hotel Umpqua has special rates by week or month for permanent guests. Inquire of manager ror particulars. TO EXCHANGE Block of city res idence property, vell located, par tially Improved, for lot and house of five or six rooms. Address E. A., care 'News. NOTICE The parties who took two maitese kittens from 606 South Pine street will 'please return them o the' rpemlses, and no ques tions will be asked. MRS. L. B. MOORE Teacher Progressive Series Piano Lessons, Harmony, Theory. Oil Hamilton sr. Phone 187-R. Heinline Piano School For ALL GRADES PIANO STUDENTS Children's Fundamental Classes a Specialty. 42i Perkins Bldg. Phone 300 DIl. M. H. PLYLER. Licensed Chiropractic Physician. 223 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation, examination free. Office Honrs 0 to 5 Phone 152 Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments. DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician Burgeon Slf-818 Perkins Bldg. Office 119 Res. 434-j. Roscbnrg, Ore. MRS. F. D. OWEN Out Flowers, Potted Plant, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bou quets, etc. FOU SALE AT "THE FKRN" lit Cass St. Rnseburg, Ore. PHONE 240 DR. K. L. MILLER Physician and Surgeon. Oround Floor Masonic Building, comer Cass and Main Sts. Phone 1S2. Bouse 6 s Anvantages of a Checking Account THE farmer, the merchant and the housewife equally en;oy these features of a Checking Account at The Ump qua Valley Bank. 1. Convenience In paying bills. 2. Record of financial transactions. 3. Safety In handling money. . If YOU haven't a checking account ' ' let us help you open one. the U2UPQIM ROSEBURG JUST ARRIVED New Models in Langham High Suits Sizes From 32 to 35 SANITARY, SIGHTLY AND DURABLE are the words which have spelled success for ub In the installation of plumbing for many satisfied clients. - And when we are called upon to correct mistakes that have been made in Jobs already put In, we do It in a manner which proves that-we know how to do the work and make It last. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE 151. J. H. SINNIGER SHEET METAL OFJALL KINDS 119 OAK ST. PHONE 428 Fruit Boxes , Don't forget that your local box factory can supply apple and all other fruit boxes at a saving. Ask us about it. J. G. FLOOK & CO. Roseburg Phone 100 DELCO-UGHT The complete Electric Light and ' Power Plant Bconomlcal In operation- Runs on kerosene, gasoline or gaa. R. E. HARNESS Bosebnrg .... Oregon Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from loss with one of our properly written insur ance policies. ' 6. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 116 Cass Street Rosebnrg, Ore. Jersey Creamery Butter 1-4 lb. Prints FRESH DAILY. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY WORK VtLLEy bank OREGON ORDERS FOR PURE MILK. Send In your orders for pure Milk, $3.76 per qt. At Deer Creeit Jersey Dairy. IRA HULL, proprietor. N-26 REMEMBER Do you wish to be remembered by your loved ones? If so, set the example by placing a pretty Mon ument or Headstone upon the grave of your dear Father, Motlier, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife or Child. We are In a position to serve you best. Come In and see what we have to offer. We do all kinds of cemetery work and our prices are very reasonable. Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Mars tors, proprietor, 502 N. Jackson Street, or G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon.. Judd'sFeed&Sale Store Extra nice clean wnoat; extra nice clean barley; mixed EngllBh Rye Grass; Groy ana White Oats; Tall Hay Cheat; some nice clean Vetch. Rolled Oats, Rolled! Barley, Mill Run, Alfalfa Meal, Holstlno Dairy Feed, Scratch Feed and E. T. C. 30 tons of nice Alfalfa Hoy, 30 tons of good Oat Hay, some second grade Hay cheap. One good Ford Touring Car In good shape. One Ford Car with delivery body on it. One Buick Six, 5 passenger cor In fine shape, only been used about 8 months. A few good stoves, iplows, e'.e. DON'T FORGET. I buy. Bell or trade anything. If you have anything you don't want bring It to me. Just come In a little while. The bargains here will make yon smile. J. M. JUDD Empire Darn. Roaeburg SHOE ECONOMY Have worn shoes repaired by re liable workman. Prices right W. 8. HOWARD, 114 Jackson St,