The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 06, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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The Only Paper in Roseburg Carrying; AssociatedfPress Dispatches
( This Papei Has Enlisted
Tonight and Thursday, Fair;
Heavy frost In morning.
Highest temp, yesterday.. 64
Lowest temp, last night 37
With the Government in
I the Cause of America for
the Period of the War
No. 064
Landslide Relegates the Un
terrified to Oblivion For
Another Period, i
Great American Electorate Has Very
Clear Personal Opinion as to Who
Should Run the Govern
ment at This Time.
The election yesterday was perhaps
the turning point in the political
complexion of the United States sen
ate and house, and it believed to
mark the return or the republican
party to power. There seemed o
be a general feeling throughout the
country tnat with the war doubtles:
noaring an end, there would be needr
ea tne sane and safe hand of the re
publicans to guide destines of gov
ernment tnrough the shoals oi re
construction. Early reports from
eastern points indicated that Ken
tucky has elected a republican to
the seat in the house over Sherley,
present democratic incumbent. New
York appears to have elected several
republican members of congress.
Michigan turned Henry Ford, demo
cratic favorite of the president, down
with a dull tnud. Medill McOorniick,
republican, was doubtless elected to
the senate from Illinois over Senator
J. Hamilton Lewis democratic and
special friend of Mr. Wilson, and re
cently returned from Europe where
he was sent on a mlBslon by the pres
ident. Kansas is safely in the G. O.
P. ranks, but New Jersey is' conceded
to be 'democratic, and even before
election was not counted on by . the
- republicans.
Nebraska Is republican. Walsh,
democrat, is leading Weeks, repub
lican, for senatorial honors in Mass
achusetts. Delaware has gone re
publican, electing a member to both
houses of congress, and the state
legislature is also admitted to he re
Incomplete returns from Montana
show the democratic candidates for
congress to be slightly In the lead.
WASHINii-UN,- Nov. 6. The re
publican national committee today
issued a statement claiming safe ma
jorities in both houses of congress.
The committee declares that fifty
senators and 230 representatives
have been elected, and there Is ex
cellent prospects that complete re
urns from the country at large will
materially increase the .majorities al
ready assured.
In opposition to Lie republican
claim the democratic national com
mittee alleges that the senate will
be democratic by at least one vote
and the party will also have control
of the house oy a small margin.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6. Prom early
morning returns it was not apparent
which party would control congress.
The governorship of the state is so
close between Whitman, present In-,
cumbent, republ'can, and Smith, de
mocratic, that the soiuier vote may
he the deciding factor In the contest.
Weeks, of Massachusetts, republican,
Lewis, of Illinois, democrat, and
Saulsbur.v, of Delaware, democratic,
were defeaed.
Returns from Missouri Indicate
that the fight between Speaker
Champ Clark, democratic, and B. H.
Dyer, republican, is very close, hut
the odds appear to be in Dyer's
favor. . Representative Sherley, of
Kentucky, has been defeated by the
republican candidate, Ogdon.' Henry
Ford, democratic, is already snowed
under by Nemberry. republican. Folk,
democratic, of Missouri, has gone
down to defeat before Judge Spencer,
republican, for a seat in the Senate.
Uncle Joe Cannon, old . republican
war horse, of Illinois, is reelected to
his seat in the house. All socialists
In New York were defeated, but Vic
tor Berger, of Milwaukee, is conced
ed. All women candidates for con
gress appear to have been beaten.
SEATTLE, Nov. 6. A solid re
publican delegation to congress Is
PORTLAND, Nov. 6. Reports
from all sections of Oregon Indicate
that the entire republican ticket Is
elected. On the face of early renrns
McNary's majority for the senate is
apparently greater than that of Wl
.thyconrBS for the governorship. Sln
natt. Harvey and McArthur are
doubtless reelected. West acknow
ledged defeat this morning in send
ing a telegram to aic-xary, nis oppon
ent, offering congratulation!. Ben
nett Is leading.for- the supreme just
iceship, although the contest Js close.
BOIbE, Nov. 6. Apparently not a
single democratic candidate in Idaho
was elected. .
TOPEKA, Nov. 6. The entire re
publican state ticket Is now believed
tn have carried in yesterday's elec
NEW YORK, Nov. 6. Both the
New York World and the Times con
cede that republicans will control the
next congress. The Times claims a
republican majority of four in tiie
senate and nineteen In the house.
NEW IYORK, Nov. 6. A state
ment Issued at republican national
headquarters just after noon today
alleges that the republicans will have
a majority In the United States Sen
ate of at least five and possibly six.
vernor Stephens, republican, is lead
ing Theodore Ball, democratic, in tiie
governorship race by 36,000 votes
this afernoon, Both the bone-dry
amendment and the liquor1 regulatory
measures are running behind in the
DETROIT, Nov. 6. It Is a nip and
tuck race between Newberry and
Ford fof a place in the senate. Tho
latest figures give Newberry 177,101!
and Ford 171,377.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 6. Champ
Clark is reelected. Judge Spencer,
republican, is elected senator over
rolk, democratic, by 20,000, it is
estimated. Missouri has lost threo
democratic seats In congress, accord
ing to returns so far counted.
!NT3W YORK, Nov. 6. Governor
Whitman, according to latest return !
this afternoon is 32,000 votes behind
Smith, democratic.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6 On the faco
of incomplete returns the republican:;
have reversed the control of tlio
house, but both parties claim tho
senate. Indications are tha. the vol.")
Is very close, and may possibly tie.
In which event the viGe-preslden :
would cast the deciding vote. Appar
ently 225 republican represenativc ;
have been seated' to the democrat t
91. Each party has 45 senator,
white six contests are undecidet ,'
three republicans leading and thrc
PORTLAND, Nov. 6 Multnoma'i
county gave the following vote fc
supreme justice: Olson, 2101;Coko
1634; Bennett, 124B; Campbell, 67l:.
Politicians believe that Olson is elect
ed. The normal school measure fv
leading by 700 in Multnomah. It I .
estimated that McNary will win ovc
West by 12,000, but that the govern
or's vote is somewhat less. Multno
mah gave the proposed dellnquen
tax measure 1000 majority, and pub
licatlon of legal notices measure r
700 majority. The Rogue river fisli
ing measure carried here by 122, am
the Wlllamettte fishing measure b;
PORTLAND, Nov. 6. State wide
figures give the normal school b'li
a majority of 2000. The Wlllamettte
fishing , bill a majority of 0000.
The delinquent tax measure 680C
majority; public compensation 2500.
The children's home bill was defeat
ed by 5000, and Cie tax increase
measure was defeated by 124.
Returns from ctunty precincts nr!
coming In very slow, but so far a:;
counted the results on the Benatorlo
contest give McNary 1930. Vvest 1401.
Withycombe, the present governor.
Teads Pierce slightly, the vote stand
ing 1695 to 1916.
Coke leads all supreme court can
didates for the vacancy caused by
the death of Justice Moore. The vote
is only from a few preclnts and Is
Coke, 114; Bennnett, 91; Olson, 83
and Campbell 16.
Hoff, republican for state treasur
er, has 670 votes to 298 for Mason,
So far as Douglas county Is con
cerned, all of the initiative meas
ures went down to defeat by nearly
two to one on an average.
The county ticket, republican
democratic nominees, was elected.
Brand and Uriggs are returned to the
Allies Closing in on Emperor's
Troops From West
and South.
Germans Are Abandoning Vast Qiuin
titles of War Stores and Muni
tions in Their Flight on tho
Entire Front.
(By Associated Press.)
Forced to a realization of
cne impending: danerer iwpi-nhnnwtnv
the nation by the rapid progress of
crmsn croops southeast ot Valen
ciennes, and tiie Irreslstable advance
of French -and TTnttp.l stnton rni-nD
south of Sedan, Germany's shattered
and dlsnearted armies are now in
full retreat on tho entire line fiom
the Belgian frontier tn tli.t Aln-ia !,
er. The Huns are- apparently not
carrying out tne orderly retreat that
marked tliet-.- withdrawn! tvntu it, a
Maine and Somme districts, but in
dications ot demoralization are seen
in the vast quantities of war muni
tions they are abandoning In their
BERLIN, Nov. 6. An official
satement issued today says that a
German delegation authorized to con
clude an armisltice and take i:p peace
negotiations with the allies has left
for the western front.
PARIS, Nov. 6. As a result of the
latest .battle, which is still progress
ing, the allies nave soundly beaten
140 German divisions, and In the
victory attained hundreds of French
villages that have been freed from
German occupation and thousands of
prisoners taken. The enemy posi
tion, which was bad before the of
fensive, may now be considered ns
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 6. A German
armistice delegation left .or Berlin
today for the western front, where
they will present their petition to
General Foeh.
PARIS, Nov. 6. Retreat of the
German army aiong tne whole of the
French front continues.
SEDAN, Nov. 6. German opposi
tion to the American advance on the
front here is stiffening. The enemy
is using artillery, gas and machine
guns to stop the drive.
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 6--I-Germany
has demanded the withdrawal of all
Russian representatives in the coun
try. German reDresentatives in Rus
sia have been recalled.
MONTREAL, Nov. 6 The Montre
al Star publishes a dispatch from
London tonight which seml-officlally
alleges t' at Germany has ueclded to
accept Marrhal Foch's peace terms.
Mrs. George Chandler received a
telegram late last night from the
hospital adjutant at Camp Kerney.
Cal., announcing the serious illness
of her son, Albert, who is suffering
with a severe attack of pneumonia.
The message conveyed the Informa
tion that everything possible was
being done lor the young patriot and
that the tamily would be advised dal
ly concerning his condition. Albert
spent several weeks at his home in
this city the post summer and has a
large number of close friends, who
deeply regret his serious .i.ness. That
he is dangerously 111 there Is little
doubt, otherwise the family would
not have been notified.
8am Word well, who has been con
nned to his home for a week with
Spanish influenza, was yesterday
taken to Mercy Hospital. Mr. Ward
well. had been Improving steadily for
several days, when suddenly a bed
turn In the disease appeared and it
was thought that he could be better
cared for at the hospital.
Interesting Details Concerning
Activities Where the World
Struggle Is Carried on.
Hard To Get Information as to Lo-
cation of Different Companies
at Front Runs Into a Bar
rage Fire on iourney.
The following letter was received
from Walter Fisher yesterday telling
of an expedition to the front lines
in search of friends in the 91st di
vision, whtcn left Camp Lewis list
summer, ana in wnicn there were
a large number of Oregon boys.
"We have had a jbusy day and
this evening we have arranged
everything to be ready for an early
start tomorrow to look for that evas
ive 91st- division. We have per
mission to go to the front if we want
to and we are going to try to run
the boys to earth ibis time, if it
takes us a day and a night, and
through all ot the towns in thin
part of France. I have an excellent
map showing every rood and bvoatli
and after a good night's sleep, I be
lieve we will be equipped as well
as possible for a regular abventurc
and expedition.
Two days later Hughie and I start
ed out shortly alter breakfas. By
catching trucks loaded with supplies,
which the soldiers always ride on,
we got a long way by noon. We
found It-harJ to get information
about tho division we were' looking
tor, as no one knew, anything scarce
ly about any other organization than
his own, but finally we caught a
little car, which was headed for the
same destination we were and a little
after 12 o'clock we landed in the
right territory. But Just ' here our
troubles began. We were nenr some
supplies and a mess sergeant gave
us some hard tack and beans, and
we ate them and enjoyed them. I
tell you, though it was a gruesome
sight, by the wide shell crater -but
it was an old one and several houses
around showed that something had
been hit. In the afternoon we had
to go through a section which had
been under fire, for "our division"
was on the other side. Once over
we were alright, but to get through
was not only dangerous but it was
difficult for walking arid the trucks
do not make It." We went to. a vil
lage and made inquiries at 'a hos
pital and just a little before, a very
few minutes, I guess, a -lieutenant
told us, a shell had torn- tnrough the
wall of the building and killed'
of his own men and wounded two
others. The shells were whistling
over our heads both ways all the
time and I tell you it is a weird
whistle that they make and you can
hear them coming a long ways and
then they end in an explosion some
where at the side or in the rear.
It comes suddenly and rips up a
little hole or a big one, according
to the size of tne shell and the
fields ere pitted every llftecn or
twenty feet. We met two men of
the boy's regiment later and they
directed on accross the section I
mentioned. Jut Hugh Was adverse
to being here and I didn't blame him.
he said he did not favor tito unnuc
cessary risks and shortly after the
lieutenant's story, at the hospital,
he made for a passing truck. I told
him, I would try to go on. I did
not see him again until I got bock
about 11 o'clock that night. He
regarded It as foolish for me to go
on orar, but someway or other I
was impelled and I could not go
back -until I had gone as far ns !
could. I made ihe next village, which
was not hard at all. but beyond the
thickets througu wnlch the Germans
had been driven, only a few days
before, there was a barrage falling
in the underorush and shells were
dropping close to me about every
half a minute. To make It hard, 1
was alone and with no one near you
in a place like that, going through
brambles and In' danger of losing
your way, especialy towards late af
ternoon, Is pretty difficult and about
the most dismal thing In tho world.
Of course, I passed some men back a
little ways but they had dug them
selves in and were lying quietly In
side. Finally the whistlings got so
close I turned back to tiie roid to
think It over before trying again. I
was half Inclined to look et It as
Hugh had done, but by this time a
Red Cross wagon had dfivea up In
the road and was serving hot coffee
and hot soup to the soldiers who now
and then straggled along. One, but
that soup was good and oifree could
never be better than that was and 1
(Continued on page 4.) '
Lieutenant Leslie Tooze Lead
ing His Men Toward Enemy
,, When Shot Down. ;
j Criuched in tho Woods Hie Hun Sni
per Picks tiie Leader of American
llutollion as Latter Advanced
Death Instantaneous.
Further aetails concerning the
death of Lieutenant Leslie Tooze was
received in this city last evening
tnrougn a letter from, his brother.
Lamar, who was tn the same sector
where the gallant young lieutenant
lost his life, though not In his im
mediate company when the fatal Bhot
was fired by a hun'snlper. The let
ter, conveying the Bad details in
connection with the death of this
worthy young patriot, in part, reads
as follows:
"I have prayed for days for the
time to write a letter, whereby I
could tell you in more detail about
the awful tragedy that has happened
to us all In the death in action of
Leslie. Possibly it is better that I
could not have written sooner, be
cause you can appreciate how I felt
when the news was brought to me,
but I had to play the soldier's part
and at - the same time carry tho
burden of our great loss. I sent a
message home October 2, the first
opportunity that waB given ine, and
it. may have oeen somewhat cryptic
due to the. fact, that ai. tae time it
was written. I was under heavy shell
fire. I will tell you about the sad
Incident chronologically:
"On Friday, Sept. 27, we wero,
ordered to take up the attacking
line of our regiment. The Germans
were retreating, but had left behind
many machine-gun nests and snipers.
The shell fire, high explosives prin
cipally, a little gas- and some shrap
nel, was terrible, but you can usually
hear them coming soon .enough to
get under cover. Friday night we
spent In a trench line and the fol
lowing morning we began our attack,
i.eslle and I Company were In the
iront line and M Company .In sup
port. Leslie's platoon was the as
saulting platoon of the company. I
was at batalllon headquarters most
of the time but my duties took me
to every part of the line. I saw
Leslie several times Saturday morn
ing, when our auvanco was halted
tempotarely by the German machine
gun fire, r.o was cool and nis men
were held well in hand, but I cau
tioned him several times about tak
ing cover because the snipers (Ger
man) are dead shots and you have
to keep a close watch all the time.
We advanced about 300 metres that
morning, but In the afternoon Com-
oany K was held up hy some snipers
located In the woods. I took four
of my men out to fight them and
I saw Leslie alive for tne last time
just before I left. He seemed in
high HplritB and I remember Jits
words. "Well, Lamar, the first and
second platoons (he had the second
In the light) cleaned out tnis vil
lage" referring to a small village
through which we passed. I recall
cautioning him about seeking cover
hut he seemed much more concerned
about me than about himself.
When I had returned iront an unsuc
cessful searcn for the snipers, he had
gone on with his platoon and that
was about 2 p. m. We advanced
over a brush-covered hill which wtfs
under heavy shell and machine gun
lire. About 8 p. m. I got caught in
a bombardment of shells and took
reruge In a shell holo and when the
tiring ceased somewhat. I took a
run for the place where I thought
batalllon headquarters was. Machine
gun and snlporB' bullets sang all a
round me and I had to take cover
behind a stone wall and It was hero
that I first learned of Leslie's death.
Corporal .1. M. Mull, of Co. L, came
up to me and said: "Sorry to tell
you that your brother, Lamar, tins
been -.killed." I asked him If he
were sure, and he said he was. and
had heard that he had been struck
by a shell. The 'shock stunned mo
for a minute, but I knew that I
must control myself, hoping- all the
time that a mistake had been made
as It is sometimes hard to Identlfv
a soldier Btruck by a shell. I had
lo go on a part of warfare obe
dience that must be obeyed. I have
had to leave wounded men without
giving more than a drink of water
and easing their position, men who
were suffering badly.
"I Inquired from every "K" Com
pany soldier I met and unally learn
ed that Leslie had been shot by a
sniper while advancing with bis pla
toon. The plnce he was struck
down was the fartherest advanced
point reached by our regiment, si
though now: our lines are well he
yond. He had gone tnrough these
woocIb really brush, and had struck
the open country beyond. He was
at the ITead of platoon encouraging
his men to 'come on, boys.' iis
men followed him 'blindly, leader
that he was. One man, who was
near him when the shot was fired
that took his life, said, that his men
felt so much confidence in him, that
they would have gone anywhere with
htm. There was a little exposed
ridge beyond the woodB andi tjto
platoon advanced- on lt-'-Leslle al
ways in the lead and shouting words
of encouragement to his men, ap
parently regardless of personal dan
gor. It was here that a sniper,
evidently .concealed In the woods,
seelhH thai he was the leader, picked
him out as -is mark. He fell with
a bullet through the base of. his
brain and death was lnstanteneous.
The platoon never got any further,
and In fact the whole line fell back
for about 100 yards. As it was re
ported tnat ' Leslie had been shot
down, volunteers were called for to
go out and! bring his body tn, as the
lines were then In the rear of the
ridge. Practically All of Company
"K" responded. Four men braved
machine gun bullets and brought tho
body back to the linen. His features
were very natural, as though he were
asleep and apparently resting from
a hard day's work. I had a casket
made of the only material available,
but I was fortunate to get this ami
he Is the only officer or ', man
who was so burled. I also had
a cross made, his name engraved
thereon, rank and date, so when the
war Is over, his hody can be brought
home. It was a heart-rendering duty
and I marvel how I withstood tho
ordeal and how I am still standing
it. His body has been placed in a
little cemetery at Eclisfontalne, about
12 miles norhwest of Verdun, and I
have the burial place well located.
His grave is just ten yards east of n
little and only. German cemetery, and
he lies on the rlgnt Bide of Lieut.
JameB S..Hlgley of our regiment, and
who was killed tne same day. i we
had. short, simple funeral services;
during which time the heavens wero
filled will bursting shells from the
heavy guns, but under these trying
circumstances the burial was most de
cent. The chaplain of our company
conducted the services over the body
of Leslie. ,
I hope thes lines will give you
comfort.' Leslie was a hero among
the men of his company and he could
not have died more gallantly, terri
ble as Is his loss to us.".
The letter received from Lieutenant
Lamar Tooze shows that both of the
boys, who are twins, have been tak
ing a very active part In the big
struggle, have been leaders against
the "Germans in that battle sector
where the most Bevere fighting has
been carried on by the American for
ces. They have been under con
stant shell fire and subjected to all
the methods of modern warfare ad
vanced by the enemy.
These young soldiers will go down
fn history as patriots who served and
saved their country with that true,
red-blooded American spirit so dom
inant among the courageous and
fearless boyB who have Baved the
world from Prussian dominulon.
To Editor The Evening News;
Owing to the great need brought
about by the war for the saving
of food, there have been In force
restrictions on the feeding of when!
to poultry and live stock. 1 am ad
vlBed that Instructions are about to
be Issued by the Food Administra
tion removing these restrictions
This will be of great relief because of
the scarcity of other foods, due to
drought conditions In many parts of
the country.
The good news from Europe, In
dicating the early closing of the war.
may have a tendency to create undue
optimism as to tho food situation.
Mr. Hoover is reminding the country
that even if the war should close
Immediately, there will still be ur
gent need for conserving food, be
cause great populations In Europe
and Asia, some of which were not
heretofore accessible will face star
vation, and tremendous suffering will
roBiilt unless they be fed from Ame
rica. This will necoBBlate coreful
saving of food, for tho sake of hum
anity. As In the past, no serious
hardships will be placed on our
people, but they will be expected to
avoid waste in order that from our
surplus we may feed the hungry of
the world.
With reference again to the sub
ject of wheat, tnere has been some
little dissatisfaction expressed ibe
cause a congestion exists at shipping
ports, which Is holding up the trans
portation of wheat from the inland
Rev. 0. C. Coppage Explains
Details Concerning United
;;Z War Work Campaign. -
Both of Which Are Folly Answered
By the Good Work to lie Ac
compllslied In The Fortli
( coming Drive.
(By O. ' C. Ooppage, Four-Minute
i Man.),
The country as a whole has tome
to realize pretty clearly the import-'
ance iof the work being carried on
by the 'several organizations repres
ented by the United War Work Cam
paign, In sustaining the morale of
the troops both at home and abroad.
But there are at least two objections
offered' to this arive by the people,
one Is that the war will soon be over,
and the funds will not be needed.
The other Is the t; represented'by the
word "UNITED".
The answer- to the first of these
objections is very simple. If the war
had already closed, every cent of the
$t70,600,u0u asked for, and more,
would be needed. The need of the '"
men for this kind of work will be
greater after peace is declared than
before, If that is possible. Then will
come the long months, that must
necessarily ensue, before the troops
can he transported) home and die-
banded. These- months rwlll be
months of comparative idlenoss and
therefore months of greatest danger
to the men. They muat be kept em;
ployed, and this will be the. work
of these organizations.'
The second objection is offered hy
that somewhat larger class of cons
cientious people who object to help-
Ing to finance a work carried on by
an. organization, whose religious
teachings and beliefs are so antagon
istic to their own. In anjwer to this
objection let us first mentllon some
benefits derived by merging the effort
and pro-rating the funds. (1) econ
omy. It will save time, men, and
money In the canvas, and the regular
audit will put a check upon exrava
gance and waste. (2) Efficlennv.
The several organizations are learn-
ing valuable lessons from each others
experience. (3) It is enabling It.e
stronger agencies to help the wak,
ana replacing mutual rivalry and
misunderstanding witfi . bettor, fenl
fng. (4) It is promoting the right
sort of religious unity. (5) It Is
cementing that national solidarity
wnicn is so indispensable to winning
the war.
The best soldier Is tha one who
has his morale kept up to tho hlghett
point, and litis is the chief aim of
the organizations, whether that
soldier be Jew, or Gentile; Roman
Catholic or Protectant. Again in the
division of the funds each organi
zation shares about tn the proportion
that It would if the "drlvos" wore
inado separately and independently.
For Instance, the Jews are to receive
only $3,600,000 or 2.S per ceut while
the Y. M. C. A. receives $100,000.
000. or nearly 69 per cent. And last
but not least, Dr. Mott,. has stated
in answer to questibnB, that tho ask
ings of the Jewish and Catholic
agencies were only for Items similar
to the work or the Y. M. c, A. and
Y. W. C. A., their othor "DENOM
INATIONAL" actlvltloB being financ
ed from "DENOMINATIONAL" sour
ces. He also explained ."that any
person would be able to designate,
WHICH, of the societies should be
nefit by his gift."
A letter from B. F. Kidweli, ot
Green, states that his son, Webster
D Kidweli who Is stationed nt Camp
Lewis, has been chief mechanic of
his company and given the rank ot '
Sergoant. Sergeant Kldwell's chance
for promotion came recently when
there was an urgent need for a motor
truck driver in his section and ho
disposed of hlB duty so efficiently,
that he later received his advance
ment. - i
districts. When It Is understood
that this haB been due to the great
rush of troops and other supplies to
France, thus monopolizing the avail
able ships, in order to deliver a ,
crushing blow to Germany beforo
winter, and with the great success
of these strenuous efforts now de
monstrated, surely our people havo
no ground of complaint. It will not
be long until wheat will move again.
As to planting wheat for next year,
the farmer has every reason to do
this, because he knows what price
to expect. B. L. BODY.
County Food Administrator.