. TUB fcV&iyiNf) tiffl WfatlttlAV QCfOBtiR fl, 101(1, ftaun HOLIDAY SPECIALSIT NOW! IF YOU WOULD SEND FOT09 "TO1 THE BOYS IN FRANCE YOU MIST GET THKM IX THE MAILS NOVEMBER 1BTH. KEMJJMBKK THE PLACE OVER ROSEBURG NATIONAL BANK. ' ' LLU-ll-l !!! l.iJiLj.,'w'.j U1J LiillLJi", ,1, , J. ,, CLARK CLARK Over Roieburg National Bank Building FISHER'S 230 N. Jackson Street Coats of Elegance and Refinement You'll want to be "in Une" when your friends are showing . their new fall togs. 'Choose the new Fall Coat yon are going to bur, from among Classic Coats for Fall They Are Stylish and Distinctive It means you will have the pick of a fascinating variety of styles. The Classic Coats are fuU of charm every line showing skilled and artistic workmanship. You'll enjoy wearing a Classic Coat tills . fall come in early and make your choice while the selection is at its best. Maybe it is a Suit or Dress you want, if it is, we have It and a big Une to chouse from, and the prices well they are but a little higher than last season owing to the advantage we took of early buying. Come and See Us S30 North Jackson Street. Opposite Review Bldg. NOTICE! On the account of the shortage of fuel and labor the Roseburg Steam Laundry will not take bundles for the week later than Thurs day 12 M. Bundles coming in later will bo held over until next week. No more special work until after the war. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY "Down the Little Red Lane" Is the only route, by which nn y Influenza can reach you. Spray It. Spray It well, with Rexall Throt Gargle and the "flue" will And no abiding place with you. Nathan Perkins Fullerton TJie ZReaXX Store Building TIRE ECONOMY In these war time days ECONOMY Is the watchword. We are here to help you economize on your auto tires. Have ThemRetread BY ROSEBURG VULCANIZING WORKS 216 N. JACKSON ST. Quick Prompt Service, Prices Reasonable. BETTER LIGHT! our eyes and your business need It. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Are the most efficient Electric Lamps made. Sold By Douglas County Light and Water Co. IT'S SOME CAR -THE "D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You I. F. BarKer ft Co. Roseburg Oregon REMEMBER Do you wish to be remembered by your loved ones? If so, set the example by placing; a pretty Mon nment or Headstone upon the grave of your dear Father, Mother, lirother, Sister, Husband, Wife or Child. We are in a position to serve you best. Oome in and see what we have to offer. We do ail kinds of cemetery work and our prices are very reasonable. Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. IS. Mara tors, proprietor, 003 N. Jackson Street, . or G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon. Chalmers Mitchell Maxwell Motor Cars and Trucks Electric Lights ,and Power Plants for Farm and Country Homes. H. MERTEN Roseburg, Oregon. DELCO -LIGHT - The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Economical In operation. Runs on kerosene, gasoline or gas. R. E. HARNESS Koseburg - - Oregon AUTO PAINT SHOP We have Just opened op the best and safest auto paint shop in the city. Shop Is brick, and safe from fire. Machines painted reasonable V.S. PATTERSON & CO. TRY UB. 812 Main St., Corner of Oak, ' HOLD OLD FASHIONED 1 MEETING CHAPEL CAR Savoring of the good old) fashion ed cottage prayer meeting was the service at the chapel car, "Good Will," last night between the hours of 8 and 9. The chapel apartment of tne car, which has a seating capac ity of 100 'persons, was filled to the limit. After a short musical, pro gram consisting of a selection of pieces on the victrola, Rev. Driver, who has a tenor voice of exceptional quality, favored the audience iwitn a song, after which Mrs. Driver' ac companied him In a lovely d)ue. Rev. Driver then told those assem bled something of the nature of the work accomplished through the me dium of the chapel car. i This chapel oar, which Is one of the seven of its kind operated in the United States, Is under the super vision of the Baptist Publication So ciety, but is not strictly denomina tional, charged! as it Is with the work of carrying the message of the gos pel In out-of-the way communities or in iplaces where pastorates are not filled. The chapel is a very roomy aipartment and tastefully appointed. lu the chapel is a choir loft and an organ, which was donated to the car by the Estey company. Back of the chapel apartment Is a drawing room, which serves as a lounging iroom, with Its hunt in couch, and as a din ing room, with a collapsible table. In the rear is- the kitchen in which everything Is most convenient and every inch of space utilized. All In all, the chapel car is a most com fortable and livable home and It Is well this Is so as Rev. and - Mrs. Driver have mode It their permanent home for the jpast four years. - The Baptist pulpit will be occupied by Rev: Driver for the next two Sun days, after which these evangelists will go to Ashland and Mcdfordi. MEIZ-MS ANT B ASE MPORT WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Sept:, 15. (Corres pondence of the Associated Press.) Offensive operations toward- Metz strike at one oi the most Important German bases in the west. The city and the twenty-eight encircling forte comprise what 'haB been regard ed as one of the. most formidable fortresses in tJhe worlu. Metz also Is the center of important iron; fields, which; before the war supplied .France and Germany with more than two-thlrtlB of the ore used by their iron manufactories. Metz is on the Moselle 10 miles west of tihe French border. The city lays astride the Moselle river as well as on both sides of the Scllle.- Part of the city is on Islands in the Mo selle. To -the east, north and north west are the Iron and coal fields of French and German Lorraine. De prived of these fields Germany could not conduct the war for another three months. It is asserted. The chief iron field of the Rhine d, strict is tihat of Lorraine, Includ ing the Bassint de Briey, (the center of which 1b the little village of Briey), the greatest Iron producing region in the worlldL It Is located mainly in Alsace-Lorraine and over laps Into Belgium and Luxemburg. It extends along the Franco-German frontier for thirty-five miles, almost up to Pont-o-Mousson. Germany's possession of the ma jor portion of thlB productive area followed the signing of tho treaty or Frankfort In 1871. Previous to the present war Germany obtained from the mines on her side of the frontier 21.-000.000 tons of her annual pro duction of 28,000,000, while France got 16,000,000 out of a total pro duction of 22,000,000. Since her occupatlnn In 1914 of the mines on the French Bide of the frontier Germany has added to her mineral wealth the 15,000,000 tons annually obtained by the French, bringing iher total production from Lorraine alone up to 43,000,000 tons a year. The only practical road to this Im portant region, military authorities agree, is the valley of the Moselle. At the Iheakll of the vallev and barring the way lies , Metz, ranking with Strassburg as one of the two great bulwarks of the German southwest ern frontier. Metz is a city of 00. 000 poipulation, Its chief Industries being the manufacturing of weap ons, clothes, shoes and hats. As a fortress Metz has been Im portant since the Roman era. Since that time it has never succumbed to frontal attack, Its present system of fortifications includes 28 detaoued forts which encircle the city proper. The outer chain of defenses, built within the lost two decades, and un doubtedly perfected since the out break of the present war, extend to Thlonvllle on the north, and Grave lot to on the west. ' : West and southwest of Metis the cdtirse of the Moselle Is lined with high, wooded hills. The German fortress is also protected by holBhts anidi woods northward. On th south, however, the terrain Is more open, with few hills and little wood. From the American lines south west of Metz the nearest forts are Forts Haessler and'de Somniy on the right bank of the Moselle and Fort Kronprlnz on the left bank. Fort do Sommy Is less- than five miles frrtn the French town of Arnavllle, on the Franco-German border. The forts surrounding Metz were sliulUrt to those at Liege, which- were notable for their disappearing turrets. Ger- man guns, -however, overcame these forts. . Metz also 1b an important point on the railway Qlne supplying the Ger man line eastward from Laon. The fall of Metz not only would probably seal the fate of the iron and coal fields, but, through the sever ance of railway lines,' Imperil the German line west to Laon and thence northward to the Belgium coast. All reports or a ipossiMe German retire ment in the west have Indicated that Metz would form one of the bastions of the German defense. - 10 CULL OUT Prof. Brewster, of the Agricultural College will hold two culling demon strations in Douglaa county i next week, one at Myrtle Creek on Mon day at 2 o'clock D. m., on tho' farm of C. Aft Hermann on North Myrtle creek, and one at Roseburg on iTues- day at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Farm ers' Feed Sheds. These demonstrations are 'being held for the purpose of assisting the farmers in culling out . non-layers from their flocks of hens. This Is along the line of the government's war program for conserving food. Willie it (has been demonstrated time and again that there are very few flocks which do not contain number of boarders, the : ordinary farmer has not had practice In cull ing, and for that reason docs not know just which of his hens are lay- ins and which are not. Mr. Brew ster has been able In a number of test cases to select 95 per cent of the hens out of any Hook leaving the others to -be sold. The demonstration being -held In Roseburg Is for the benefit oB those peoiple who are living In town and keep a few chickens, and it Is 'hoped that their attendance will be good as no charges are made for the demonstration. TED'S LETTER. son (By Orpha Colllno.) -Last week, Pa said, "My! come here, . i , You love your brother Jim, And I want you to take a pen And write a line to him. He's lonesome over there In France, I know it very well. Of course ho didn't say Just that, But anyone can tell. He's like so many other chaps -He'll never "cheep" alright, But now you write a line or two -And we'll send It tonight." Twas then I wrote Dear Brother Jim That almost choked me down To think of him so for away, . But I began to frown. And muster all my courage up, And this Is what I wrote "Jim Jones' boy. Is In the pen For stealing Thompson's shoat. Old Tlge and Rover caught a skunk That bothered mother's chlckenB. Today I won a prize a school. For memorizing Dickens. Old Bossy's calf the one you tuugh To bunt when he was small Chased Dootor Carver u the stops And clear down the front hall. The Simpson girls ask every day, "When did you hear from Jim?" "D'ye think I'd tell such sill uiings As you," 1 sold, " 'bout him." I But I did tell a girl you know, Exactly your address I saw her picture In your trunk So you won't care, I guess. She dtidn't ask me .how you wero, Hut said, "Don't tell your brother. And 1 will come here every day And try to cheer your mother. Now she and ma's been cleaning -house From attic to the cellar Except one room, and that Is yours, They wouldn't let a "feller" Ransack that room for love nor gold SHE often goes there, too, And once I saw HER sheddln' tears, But both of them'e true blue. They wouldn't say a word no ways Not If their hearts are aching They'd tolerate no slacker here ' Each irule and promise breaking. We keep 'the little service flag A floating night and dlay And now I'll send our love to yo.u, Ten thousand miles away. Your Brother TED. Monday, Bargain Day at the ' .. 1 !.: Roseburg Qeaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for 11.00. All work given prompt attention. Bargain day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes. j G.W. SLOPER .; "' 808 N. Jackson. FJTS Lniniiiininnnniiriris Seven hundred jewelers cooperate to sell you better merchandise at lower prices That's the reason why. you can he s ure of getting the utmost value for yaur money when you patronize your local HALLMARK Jeweler and pur chase any article bearing the HALLMARK trade mark, whether It be a wiatdh, a brooch, a piece of sterling or plated silver, or any of the other numerous articles of merchandise that the HALLMARK jewelor handles. Hallmark goods are soldi at exaotly the same prices in every HALLMARK store In- the United States. And every HALLMARK article Is guaran teed to give entire satisfaction that guarantee is backed toy an associa tion of 700 leading jewelers (one only In a city) who have the vast purchasing power and the reputation which come from doing a total annual business of $30,000,000. :.',( You will save money by buying HALLMARK goods, you Uie extensive Une, We will gladly show THE DIRECTORS SPECIAL. HALLMARK Bracelet Watch B 355 Named "Directors Special" because it was . specially planned by a committee of five direc tors. Illustrated actual size. Cased exclusively In a gold filled case. Movement is 15 jewel with lever escapement. A thoroughly dependable timepiece. - - PRICE 20.00 A. S. HUEY Roseburg , Oregon Nlllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli!lll!l!lll!!ia Guy Martin, Scott Goodwin and - Pastor C. H. Hilton, of the Rose Harold Mullln, of Oakland, were In burg Christian church, went out to Roseburg yesterday- taking i their Looking Glass, and conducted funer lnedlcal examination preparatory to al services this afternoon of the late Induction Into' military service. JameB Williams. TURKEYS! We want two thousand pounds of FANCY dressed Old Toms, Fancy Young Toms, weighing over 12 pounds dressed, and Fancy Old Hen Turkeys. We must have them for shipment this week and next. . Fancy pVice. See us at once. Peoples Supply Co. !The Best Store For: Winter Goats! NEAT, NIFTY GARMENTS I.N A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ABB NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Our Line of Silks Is the Best EVER SHOWN IN ROSEBURG IT HAS NO EQUAL AND MANY UKAUTIFUli PATTERNS ARB AT YOUR DISPOSAL. ., A Nice Line of Furs FOR WINTER IS NOW ON DISPLAY. CALL AND INSPECT OUR WINTER LINE OF GOODS WHICH IS COMPLETE IN EVERY : PARTICULAR, R0SE8URG I. ABRAHAM; ORECON