TWO TlIM EVENING KBW'S TIKSDAY, OtTOHKH H, 101S. THE L EVENING NEWS B. W. BATES BERT O, BATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Ratea? Dally. Fer.year, by mall, la county.. 3.00 Per year, outside of county 4,00 Weekly. Per year Six months:. ..12.00 . 1.00 ; Entered as Becond-claas matter, November 6, 1009, at Roseburg, Oro., under act of March 8, 18 19. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tae'Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republi cation of special dispatches Juerebo. are also reserved. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 191 8. THE BUSINESS DEATH RATE. Bankers express surprise at th small numlber. of (business failures that have betaken place during the roast year. It is remarkable that so great a readjustment of the country'! business was accomplished with so little disaster. Thousands of email businesses 'have iiad to be closed up. Ordinarily when a business is forced to stop, the assets have to be closed out at a sac rifice. If the concern was operated on bororwed) capital, this frequently moans that there Is not enough mon ey to jay the debts. One thing w-hlchi of . course has (helped, is that pricoB are 'high on all "kinds of merchandise. Any one who line had -good stock on hand of es sential material has been able to dis ipose of It at good prices. That has helped many struggling little con corns that had to stop, to realize a (fair -price on their assets. This moans a good deal to thous ands of young men who have been drafted, or who enlisted. A fellow will flBlit with a good deal lighter heart knowing that he has been able to wind up his affaire at home with out sacrifice. The banks are considered to have handled the situation skillfully, sr as to keep down the number of fail ures. Thoy have had a ticklish sit uation to meet, and we are not wholly through t-lio woods yet. It Is a time to discourage ajwculntlon. People wno want to uorrow money to oper ate on the stock market should get the cold stare. But every man who Dun a little business that he needs to close out should he given' all possible accommodation to help ihlm do It without sacrifice. Im so for ns this be done, it will give everyone bet ter courage for the difficult read justment after the war. The fact that Einporor Wllhelm wunts honorable iionce ' Ib the ns eurance that our allies will handle tho Job, for who ever heardi of any thing honorable coming from the kalBor and other Gorman military lords. Gorinany's pence overtures nro a llttlo obsolete. Tho "made in Ger mnny brand" has beon taken oh the Jiinrkot (ong ago over on tills side of the water. Every person who consciously fur tbors German wnr alms Is guilty with Germany of baby killing, hospital lUomuiug mid all thoso othor atroci ties. The aoll-deulal of the American homo, added to tho efforts of tho American farmer, have removed fear from the minds of our allies, for this year, at least: Lot'ti keep It up. Pood saving was at first a fiull; then a patriotic sorvlco; now a habit ought to bo. , 'Happy Is tho bocho who succeeds in surronderiug. Pianos Player Pianos Organs Talking Machines Buy your piano of a homo Dealer and biivo $100. My pi icos aro far bolow city prices. Ton dollars down will put a flno piano in your homo. A small monthly payment will take care of tho balance. Baldwin Ellington. Cable Nelson Hamilton Howard Koynl and others. Second hand organs $10 to $30. TALKING MACHINES. Vlctrohis Kdlson Diamond Disc Croscent Talking Machlnos. Ensy terms, goods guaranteed, de livered any place In Douglas coun ty without oxtra charge. Como in and talk it ovor or mall coupon. Please mall me literature on; (Mark X on one Interostod In.) Pinuoa Player Pianos Organs 2nd Hand Plnnos Edison Diamond Dlso Vlctrola Creacont Talking Machlnos Sheot Muslo. Ott's Music Store ItOSUltUltd, OREGON. Heard of talk recently that the war would be over toy Christinas. If It is, give you one guess what will be In the kaiser s stocking. I American labor may well felicitate Itself upon having had the good sense to refuse to be corrupted by German socialistic Influences. ' r : It is as much the duty of the con sumer to out less as It Is the duty of the farmer to produce more. IT- BE Below are excerpts from a most inspiring sermon given by Rev. J. C. Spencer at the Methouist church Sun day, morning. Patriotism such ae 1Mb, tough from the pfulpit, bears with it the purest and most u-tgniflc-ant ideals: "The latest dispatches tell us that Prince Maxlmillian, the new Ger man chancellor has stated that the fourteen articles published by Presi dent Wilson as a basis of poace are acceptable to Germany, and the Austro-flungarian prime minister has . uttered similar sentiments. There la danger that war-woary peo ples will make fatal concessions, that selfish nations will be willing to bar ter territory as the price of peace, that greedy merchants and manufac turers will urge peace, in the hope that, with Germany unconqucred war with its accompanying war- prices and war-profits will be renew od In a few years, or that chief tx- ecu lives of the allied' nations Will be deceived by the false protestations and promises of Germany. ; "Now, If ever, is the time for the church of Jesus Christ to say that there shall be no peace until the last vestige of Prusslanlsm Is banish ed from the. earth. An exactly siini lar situation occurred in thn history of ancient Israel, when God sent King Stuul to crush the Amelekltes under King Agag. Hut Hun l spared the king's life, and! the best of the spoils of war, but Samuel 'hewed Agag in pieces before Jehovah.' The church stands for peace, but peacels not possible while a Hononzollern sits on the throne of Germany, and any one who stooipa to treat with the central allies before every wrong is righted so far as Die past can be righted, is a traitor to the cause or liberty in the earth, and casla con tempt on the priceless blood of the millions who have died that free dom might not perish from the nai th There must fbe no compromise." i,ai'mhui:h von soi,iii;it.s. Newspapers which have tuken dolight In criticizing laundries, espe cially when prices are increased, will find food lor thought in the ro- cont announcement that the govern ment has set aside $5,754,090 to es tablish laundries In all tho principal army camps und cantonmentB, the uvorage cost of each of which will lie $150,000. In tho words of the .lemphlg (Commercial Aipcnl, one of the few papers that show any fvplrit of fairness toward laundries, the announcement will bo welcome nows to the soldiers, whose 'wasti ng' has been1 one of the trials of camp life. The murchlng, tho drill ing, the trench ddgging, were nil iiutnly arts, but the washing was a peclcs of indoor sport that got the proverbial 'goat' of tho young fellow who nevor hnd rinsed out a pocket hiindkerchlof. Even kitchen work did not Bcem so nicnliil, nothing hut strict obedience to discipline kept Iho murmurs back. And it was a queer thing, but tho mothers at home regretted this duty moro than any other. Thoy rigidly expected obedience to rules but the regret wafl often hoard, Mr only they did not havo to wash their clothes!' So tho new order will carry joy to tho home people ns well as the enlisted men. The latter will gel. rid or an Irksome task, and- nt the same time have cleaner clothes than they could turn out. No money tho government 11808 for the comrort of tho soldiers will he bolter spent than Mint $150.- Hooray for Banana PeeM'Gets:.t" Only Bbal Way to Get Bid of Corns, Which do you prefer n corn thai pulls or n corn tlmt pnolsr llutptiury cr blONHinlnottii? Only "Outs-It" can sot rid of your corn the pool-off way, tho blessed way. You don't noud a pull. 'Comi Nsrsr TroubU M., I Un 'Cu-ll' " I V hy hump yourself up on tho floor and wttli your Jnwa set and eyes pop ping fnMii pnlu, Jerk nuit Roust, ihh cut your corusT Why Irrltrdo your too with mma snlvo or wrap your too Into a big pnlnful bumllo with Homo sticky tuiMi or plnstorr Llfo Is too short. Uso "HUs-lf-lt takes u torn seconds to apply and there's no .Msalng. Corn nnltis iro. Wenrnow shoes If you wnlit. rVolorr tho corn with your lliiKcrs-tho whole thlnir, root and all. clonr and clean, rind It's gonol Only "Clots-It" call do this. Tnko no chances. "(lots-It." tho guaranteed, money back corn-removor, the only euro wny. costs but tt Irlno nt any druii store. U Til by K. Jdwrenco is t'o., Chicago, 111. Sold in Roseburg and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Nathan Ftillorton. 000 which represents -the cost of oach big camp laundry." The Starch-Itoom Laundry Journal. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Fresh Phone 6F2. milch cows. FOR SALE! Banana apple culls. Bring your boxes. Mrs. M. A. Nash, Garden Valley. FOR SALE All of my buildings at the Garden Valley bridge for sale or trade on terms. J. W. Hall. FOR SALE Splendid butcher busi ness In rich town near Roseburg. D. N. Mclnturff, Oakland. Oro- gon. If FOR SALE Strong, double hack and good single harness, medium size. Apply R. lietcmln. Phone 15F14. ol4p RESTAURANT FOR SALE A good paying business. Inquire at the Grand Grill. Roason for selling, want to leave. FOR SALE OR TRADE 150 acres with water right, practically level, good house, and barn, 45 miles from Grants Puss. Phono 3F24. HORSES From colts to 1600 poundB weight; will trnde for young cattle, or for a Ford. Will be in Roseburg after Friday, Sep tember 13. Inquire at The News office. Henry Kcrnan. FOR SALE Or ront, 15-ncre fnrm. well improved, 11 miles from Roseburg on county road; also team and wagon, farming tools, 4 acres of corn and ono milch cow. School house and church handy. See or address, J. L. Thomason, Dlxonville. Ore. WANTED. WANTED Maid at Hotel Umpqua. Apply at once. WANTED Furnished houso, 6 or 6 rooms. Phone 2:H-f". o9p WANTED Fresh cow. Inquire C. C. Weaver. Uosohurg. Route 1. oil WANTED To buy 5000 second hand sacks. Spot Cash Baskot Grocery. A. 0. Dunlnp. CATTLE WANTED No Jerseys. In quiro Oscar E. Weeks, Rucklos, Ore- n4 WANTED TO RENT Modern 5 small 0 room house. Must be close. Phone 460. iiuio vvA.NTKD to carry papers in morning uotore school. Apply Mallard's cigar store after S p. m. WANTED A middle aged marrlcdi man to work on fnrm. Must be good teamster. Inqulro News of flce. t WANTED To rent a piano. Good care guaranteed. State make and lowest terms. Address P W.. euro News. WANTED lly high school student, a place whero ho can work for his board during the school year. Phono 301. WANTED To lot contract for slashing 10 to 100 aero tracts. For partlqulars apply News of fice. Fruit Boxes Don't forget that your local box factory can supply apple and all other fruit boxes at a saving. Ask us about it. J. G. FLOOK & CO. RoeohurR Phone 100 If It Paid to Wear "Cheap" Garments r . wouldn't Uncle Sam provide his soldiers with the cheapest uniforms that could be purchased? TSN'T it a fact that the better garments give you the most pleasure, the most service, and are the most in expensive in the long run. W GARMENT s one that never fails you. Always right in style, it has an individuality of its own but at the same time renders service. If you will look at these we have in stock, you will see genuine values. BURCHARD'S SQUARE STORE 131JNorth Jackson St. The Exclusive Ladies' Shop WANTED To rent a good modern house, with garage, barn and gar den preferred. Inquire at this of fice. WANTED Second hand reversible disc plow and corrugated roller. Also 25 or 50 goats. E. A. Kruse, Roseburg, Ore. WANTED A day cook and a .light .cook; dishwasher and chamber maid. Write or telephone at once, Clarke Hotel, Glendale, Ore. TIE MAKERS WANTED We want local men to make hewn ties in our timber holdings near Wilbur, Suth erlln and Oakland. Prices 15, 25 and 35 cents for making. Ties in spected in woods monthly and paid for. Write for specifications. Oregon Tie & Lumber Co., Oak land, Ore. ollp FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two furnished' houses. Close In. Inquire 646 S. Pine. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, close In. Inquire 124 W. Douglas. MISCELLANEOUS. WELL DRILLING R. E. Hclnsel- man, Roseburg, Route 1. FOR TRADE Ilolsteln 2-year-old bull to exchange for fresh cow. J. B. Kurtz, Dlxonville. FOR RENT Hotel Umpqua has special rates by week or month for permanent -guests. Inquire of manager for partioulara. A SNAP Modern 5-room bungalow for sale cheap, cash or terms. Pay what you can and name your terms. Liberty bonds or anything valuable taken for first payment. Address "54" care News. J. H. SINKER SHEET METAL OF ALL KINDSJ i 119 OAK ST. PHONE 428 Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from, loss with one of our properly written insur ance policies. 6. W, YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 110 Cass Street Rosebnrg, Ore. Jersey Creamery Butter 1-4 lb. Prints FRFSn DAJLT. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY STOP AT THB GRAND HOTEL OAS8 STREET ROSEBURG WORK 5IRS. I. B.-MOORE Teacher Progressive Series Piano Lessons, Harmony, Theory. 610 S. Main St. Phone 221-Y Miss Blanche Wilson Tenclior of Piano, 801 S. Pine St. Phone 170-It Hemline Piano School For ALL CHASES PIANO STUDENTS Children's Fundamental Classes a Specialty. 424 Perkins Ultljr. Phone 300 DR. M. H. I'LYLER. licensed Chiropractic Physician. 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation, examination free. Office Hours 0 to 5 Pbone 152 Cnlropractlc and Electrical Treatments. DR. S. L. DaLAPP Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon Phones: 217-818 Perkins BIdg. Office 110 Res. 225-Y. Roseburg, Ore. MRS. P. D. OWEN Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bou quets, etc. FOR SALE AT "THE FERN" 111 Cass St. Rosebnrg, Ore. PHONE 240 DR. K. L. MILLER IMiysiclan and Surgeon. Ground Floor Masonic Building, coiner Cass and Main Sta. Phone 132. House E3 SHOE ECONOMY Have worn shoes repaired by re liable workman. Prices right. W. S. HOWARD, 214 Jackson St. Why Is a brlcK mason like a loco motive? Because he bus a tender. For a 'tender steaK A juicy chop Direct' your foots tepe To our shop, , Our saws are sharp; Cleavers, too e'll trim them np Just licht for von. THE ECONOMY MARKET REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property, Winches Iter Bay and West late Town Lots. OKORGE RITRR. 122 West Oak Street. Directors B. W. Strong J. II. Throne A." B. Kent George You will find the active interest of our Directors beneficial alike to both patron and Institution. May we so serve YOU? the UKPQIWI ROSEBURG . New Showing Sweaters! Mllitarys, Coat Sweaters, In Shaker and Jumbo knits. High school Jerseys and Sweaters. We have a few bargains left In high and j"r cut heavy shoes. If you can get your size at these prices you re Lucky SANITARY, SIGHTLY ANW DURABLE are the words which have spelled success for us In the Installation of plumbing for many satisfied clients. And when we are called upon to correct mistakes that have been made in Jobs already put In, we do it in a manner which proveB that we know how to do the work and make it last. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE 151. Why FISHER'S BLEND Flour? The Government has advanced the price of J Oregon and Washington Wheats. To meet this advance manufacturers of Oregon aud Washington Wheat flours have increased their prices, until there is little if any difference hetween the price of Oregon and Washington Wheat Flours and that of FISHER'S BLEND. The superior quality of FISHER'S BLEND as compared with other flours is absolutely the same now as before. Just as in pre-war times FISHER'S BLEND is made of choicest Eastern Hard Wheat and choicest Washington Bluestem. If it was economy in pre-war times to pay more for FISHER'S BLEND than for other flours, certainly it is greater economy now to buy it at practically the same price for which other flours sell. FISHER'S BLEND is the ideal flour to use with Wheat Substitutes. These substitutes lack a balanced gluten. They require mixture with a strong wheat flour. FISHER'S BLEND is a strong wheat flour. FISHER'S SUBSTITUTES, including Fisher's Corn Flour, Fisher's Milo Maize Flour, Fisher's Barley Flour and Fisher's Com Meal, work perfectly with FISHER'S BLEND Flour because the same painstaking care is used in the manufacture of the one as in the manufacture of the other. FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR and Fisher's WHEAT SUBSTITUTES are manufactured iu "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by FISHER'S FLOURING MILLS COMPANY SEATTLE, U. S. A. United States Food Administrate "A GOOD PAIR TO TIE TO" Liberty Bonils and Thrirt Stamps A GOOD PEAR AND CHEAP, TOO Those at NEELY'S CASH STORE 1 that Direct Roland Afeee D. R. Shainbrook Gust Edlund Weber VjHLLEV bank OREGON &v&jL n License No. G-48173"