POUR THB EVENING SEWS THUIt.SDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, tOtS. Post Cards Now 75c Dozen! FREE! Those New Waists Arriving Today! Now is, the time to make your selec tion$2.25 and $3.98, newest styles Live-wire Doings of City ii Your Films Developed if we Do the Printing. Old Reliable CLARK CLARK Over Roseburrf National Bank Building We Save You Money on Every One. SOMEBODY IS FIGHTING j Are you willing to help? This is thoj Kreatost opportunity to do yourj share In this great conflict. Buy till' It hurts. Every dollar 'holpB but the 1 mora you put Into It the quicker we i will got this struggle over. Make ! it your slogan BUY A BOND and i see that you ask every one you meet : to buy one. The little rod bordered ; flag should be displayed In every; window. IMPERIAL cleaners . (Try Our Way.) We call until deliver Phono 277 Mr. and Mrs. O. Hoots, of Ashland, passed yesterday In this city. Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourBelf from loss with one of our properly written insur ance policies. G. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 110 Cubs Street Roseburg, Ore. STOP AT THE " GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET. ROSEHURO Jersey Creamery Butter 1-4 lb. Prints FRESn DAILY. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY SPECIAL! Closing out our stock of Fit! it Jurs and Fruit Jnr Extra at Cost. Beo us buforo you buy. THE CASH STORE I. II. KT1VO, Proprietor Rocsmirg, Oregon mam FromRcdper to Riveting Hammer IP Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation In Portland, coniplotoa two now ways. 2500 Additional Men will bo required at tho end of tlio luirvcsting season. At loost 2000 of thOBo will be unskilled men who will como from tho harvest fields of the Northwest and In a snort time bo trans ferred into skilled shipbuilders. When you have porformed your pntiiotlc dmty In tho harvost Holds, como to tho Bblpynrd and hit tho Hun again. Columbia River Ship Building Corporation Portland Oregon Relit FuUdlou Home. " .Mr, and Mrs. Mail Burr have rout ed the Wathun Fullerton home on Fowler street and will occupy the collage umbrae of the week. Has Returned to Her Home. Mrs. R. W. Marsters, who' recently underwent an operation at Mercy hospital, has returned to her home In West Roseburg and Is fast recov ering from her illness. Visit at lUce Hill. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Strong and daughter, Gladys, went to Rice Hill this morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong, who are managing the strong ranch at mat place. Visiting Hero With lirothcr. George Thompson, of Portland, is In town for a few days visiting with his brother, Mel Thompson, of the Palace of Sweets. Mr. Thompson Is a Southern Pacific engineer. Will Leave Tills Evening. Joe Fitzgerald, who has been In tho city for the past ton days enjoy ing a furlough with his many friends here will leave tills evening for San Antonio, Texas, where lie will re sume his duties with the army. District Forester in City. C. H. Flory, district forester with headquarters at Portland, is in the city and In company with S. 0. liar trum, tlie local supervisor, will leave tomorrow morning for the Tiller sec tion of the county to look after gov ernment business. J,oavo on Extensive Tour. Earl iPlummer and mother left this morning for a rather extensive tour of tho state. They will visit at the state fair for a few days, later going Into eastern Oregon, stopping at walla Walla, Prlneville, La Grande and other points. Hounding l'p Herd of Cultlo. County Commissioner B. F. Nich ols has gone to his runge above Tiller where he will round up his herd of cattle that Is .pasturing In that section, and will he absent rroni tho next regular term ol county court which convenes in this city next Wednesday. Pulled Off Hlir Hog Deal. The biggest hog deal evor pulled oft in Sutherlin took place on Mon day of this week when Herman Wagner, tho wel lknown local stock buyer, paid K. R. Shirt, residing 2G miles west of Sutherlin, $2,114 cash lor a bunch of hogs. .Sutherlin Hun. . All persons who have failed to subscribe to the fourth issue ' of liberty bonds, or those who have pledged but to date have not taken their bonds, are re- quested to at once get in touch with either of the following captains: W. S. Hamilton, Dean Bubar, M. F. Rice or Oscar Llndsey, that their Subscription may bo recorded not Inter than Saturday. This Is Important audi demands your immediate attention as It will be utterly ! Impossible for the committee to j make a complete second visit to all who have not yet subscribed ! or those who have promised to ! do so. Get busy at once and do your duty. i , M. F. RICE, City Captain. - ! ! MAJESTIC ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5 Evenings, 7:30-11 New Timo TODAY AMI TO.MOItltOW THURSDAY AM) Kill DA Y WILLIAM 1X).V PRESENTS GLADYS IUKK KU IX 'A Branded Soul' A story that will reach tho heart or every woman for men to children may learn. "THEllK'9 MA XV A POOL" A three-part Foxfllm comedy with Hunk Mnun. ADULTS Mo CHILDREN 100 SAME PROGRAM AGAIN TOMORROW. U SATURDAY KDl'iit STOREY IX THE DEMON" Humlny anil Monday, Sept. 2I mid .111 "To Hell Willi the Knlsor," tho big smashing sensation of n generation. Tuesday and Wodnosdiiy William 8. Hart in "Tho Upturn of Draw Egnii," alio llosroo (Kntly) Arlmrkle In "Oil 1octr." Will Attend O. A. ft Miss Vivian Marstors, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Marsters, will leave- next Sunday for Corvallis where she will attend college for tho winter. The young lady will take a domestic scienro course. Miss Lois Woodruff will also loave on the aamo days to attend tho Corvallis insti tution where she will take a com mercial course. Deputy U. S. Marshal In City. Deputy United States Marshal Tichenor was In the city yesterday investigating a sedition case against Charles Shoult?., of Molalln, who was charged with making criminal state ments against tho government Shoultz was taken beforo United States Commissioner Riddle and alt or a unoi examination, the case was dismissed. Will Locate at Portland. (leorgo McC'lllloch, who has been operating a jitney service in this city. left this morning in his car for Portland where ho will make his per manent homo, his family having lire- coded him to that city several weeks ago. He will be engaged In the sec ond hand business at 3G! 10. Morrison street, having acquired an interest ill a store already established Castle Denied Favors. I. H. Cnstlc, who Is held at Port land awaiting action of the federal court in connection with alleged vio lation of the espionage net, tins been placed in solitary confinement, nc cording to a federal ofllcer who visit oil ltoscburg yesterday. Castle is nl leged to have been obdurate and hit ler in his nttltudo'townrd the govern ment and officials, so that he depriv ed himself of any favor that is usual ly shown to men who are held trial. pairs are made to his flagship he will leave on another trip. Guardian Appointed. The county court has made an or der appointing Mabel E. Palmaymes er, of Yoncalla, Ore., as guardian of tho person and estate of her daugh ter, Corrlne J. Eaves, who Is 12 years of age. Attorney John T. Loug rep resents the guardian. Tiller Men Here. Tony Erlebach and Isadore Ron deau, both of Tiller, are in the city lor a day or two, looking after mat ters relating to registrants. They Drought some beef entile out to Rid die, and then came on down here last evening. Social at Gleiigttry. An Ice cream social hold at Glen gary last night as a lted Cross bene fit was liberally patronized, many people from Roseburg being In at tendance. A dlelightful evening was spent by those attending, and the program was greatly appreciated. i ne neat sum of J27.10 was realized l.eg. Badly Broken. Geo. jMiibrle, an aged gardener living In the south part of tho city met with an acicdent this afternoon which resulted in one leg being bad ly broken. He wns riding on a load of wood, when the one singletree gave away. Tho wagon, belonging to the Denn Transfer Company, had no brake, and immediately started hack down the hill, crumped and tip ped over, throwing Mr. Elubrie off and partly under some of the wood. Dr. Lehrbach was summonedaml the old gentleman Is resting as easily as could bo expected under the circum stances, but the break is a bad one and he will not bo around for some time. The Engagement Ring An emblem of sentiment and joy, should be a Solitaire Diamond, flawless, perfectly cut and bril liant! Let us show you some beautiful gems of various sizes, ready for mounting to order, or in correct settings ready for use. BUBAR BROTHERS Registered Optometrist. 101 Jackson Street. Some Important food rules are be ing promulgated by State Food Ad ministrator Ayer to take effect on October I. Among them aru the following: The retail price of the pound loaf cf broad is to be 10 cents and. of the pound and one-half loaf fifteen cents The quantity of Bugar which can be purchased by consumers is still limited to two pounds per person per month, but one month's require ments may be purchased at one time. For example, if there are four in a family they would be entitled at the rate of two pounds per person per month, or eight pounds for the month, which they can purchase at ue time. ' The profit of wholesalers and re tail dealers in butter, both fresh ami com storage. Is limited 0 CITY NEWS & The best Kodak naisnvng. Photo Sc. Kodul: Shop. Clark's tf Fresh Eastern oysters, at the Grand Grille. any style, tf Vlslling at Corvallis. Mrs. Albort Abraham and daugh ters, Mlssos Dorothea and Elizabeth Abraham, of ftosehurg. arrived bore recently from Portland, whore thov hnd spent a short time with relatives j and friends, and aro guests of Mrs. ; Abraham's mother and sister, .Mrs. j M. 10. Shape and .Miss Mnrgarot ; Shupo. MIsb Dorothea Is bore to re- i enter O. A. C. and will remain In t'orvnllls. Mrs. Abraham nnd Miss Elizabeth will roturn to Roseburg , after a brief visit hero. Corvallis , Gazotto. Dr. C. H. Wade In City. Dr. C. 11. Wado arrived In the city this morning from Hremerton. Wash., to enjoy a week end visit with his larenta an! friends here. Ho is now stationed on the V. S. S. Forward, which boats Is now being overhauled at tho Ilremerton yards and will be converted Into n flag boat. The doc tor Just recently returned from a voyage to Bering Sea and the coast of Alaska where his steamship had been doing patrol duty. As Boon as re- Edonliowor Homo Iturns. At nine o clock Inst night, the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Wil liams, ol' lodenbower, caught lire awl burned to the ground. Scarcely any of the household valuables were sav ed. Mrs. Williams was spreading a comforter over the bed preparatory to rotlring. and In some manner the covering struck the lamp, standing on a small table, knocking It to the noor. 'the escaping oil took firejinili In a moment of time the whole room was In flames. Before help could ar rive the lire hnd spread to other or tlons of the building preventing any thing being saved. There was a small Insurance on the house, but it is understood that II will not cover the loss. Will Leave fur Klaillnth Falls. Roy Durhin. for many years as sociated with the "Duds for Men" store in this city, will leave the first of the coming month for Klamath Falls where he has accepted a like position in that city. He tendered bis resignation at the regular meet ing of the local K. of P. lodge last evening as master of finance, which office he has filled for a long period and in a most satisfactory manner. To fill tho vacancy Attorney C. F. Hopkins was selected by the mem bers and will from now on look after this important office of the order. The many friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Durbin regret their departure from Roseburg. but wish them success at their new location. NEW TODAY. .OST Two bank notes, one $2 and one 1 0. Flndter please leave at .News office. FOR ing W. Kodak finishing By one wlio knows how to give you the best. Clark's Photo & Kodak Shop. tf Mrs. Mary Silver left- this morning tor her home at Boyers after a visit in this" (City with relatives and friends. Hon..J. H. Booth went to Eugeue to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company. Miss Ruth Wilcox left for Eugene this morning where she will attend the Eugene Bible University dm-r-ing the coming term. Mrs. Anna Emery and son, Loyal, left this afternoon for Portland. En- route they will stop for a visit at tho state fair at Salem. Miss Dorothy Grounds went to Philomath this morning where she is engaged to leach in the Philomath public schools for the winter term. Mrs. Elbert Ball, who has been at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Moore, since the death ot her father left for her home in Riddle last ev ening. James Young, the local barber re turned this morning from Salem where he spent several days at the state fair. Ho reiports a very enjoy able time. One thousand lbs. onion sets and few pounds Oregon Yellow Dnnver onion seed grown by Lloyd Cole, Roseburg, for sale at the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. Order early. tf Sutherlin Sun: Mrs. F. B. Walt and daughter, Miss Ethel, visited in Portland several days last week. On their return Miss Ethel stopped at Eugene where she wilt resume her studies at the university. NEWBEGULA ISSUED BY ARE 15 GIVEN AS KILLED : IN CASUALTY UST WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 The fol lowing casualties are reported by the conunanaing general of the U. 8. ex peditionary forces: Killed in aotlon 15 Missing in action .. . ..161 Woundled severely 182 Died from wounds . ...... 7 Died of disease ...... 5 Died from accidents 2 Wounded, degree undetermined 1 376 Only six men from northwestern statoB were included in the casual ties relported: Otto B. Harvey, Melrose, Mont., killed in action. Joe Clinton Betz, Stratford, Wash., that a I severely wounded. retail dealer can make un to five John Lynch, Butte, Mont.; Lesllo cents per pound on cash ami carry Mlnton, 'Corvallis, Ore.; Roy L. sales and six cents per 'pound for j Jnmeson, Trout Creek, Mont.; Earl "service"-stores. These are maximum Sliith, Seattle, Wash., missing In ac prolits and are not to oe exceeded. tlon' B. L. EDDY, I County Food Administrator. SEXATIO ABANDON'S VOTE. I (By Associated Press.) ! WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. Plans 1 by the senate for a vote on the fed-1 eral woman's suffrage amendment j was virtually abanaoned1 today in I the midst of a debate on the ques-1 tlon. Polls taken on the question are alleged to have shown that 01.0 or j two votes were lacking of the two thirds necessary to win. Therefort leaders of the measure decided to de lay the situation until every possible vote could be mustered to Its sup-1 port. 1 AUTO PAINT SHOP We have just opened np the best and safest auto paint shop in the city. Shop is brick, and safe from fire. Machines painted reasonable by V.S. PATTERSON & CO. TOY US. 212 Main St., Comer of Oak. JDAXCE AT DI.YONVILLE. Big danco at Dixonville Friday night. Ott's orchestra will fmrnlsh music. Tickets 75 -cents. Everybody invited. HOXOlt GUARD DANCE. At the Armory Monday night. September 30, at 8:30 o'clock. Ev erybody Invited. Gentlemen 60c, ex tra ladles 10c. Given In honor of the men leaving that night for the service. 823 REXT Furnished housekeep- rooms. close In. Inquire 124 Douglas. WANTED Furnlshedi cottage for three: closo in. Address O. O. Evening News. FOR RENT 4 room modern fur nished house. Inquire 547 S. Stephens street, or phone 454-R. FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester In good order. $10 tnkes it. W. E. fllngenpeel. See gun nt News. WANTED A middle aged marriedi man to work on farm. Must be good teamster. Inquire News of fice. T SAW MILL For sale or contract: 20.000 capacity: 2 donkey en gines; good timber; close to rail road; now In operation. Grove Lumber Co.. Cottage Grove, Ore. FOR SALE Four fresh Jersey cows first class milkers, one top buggy, first class, one pony buggy In good condition, sell cheap. Call Phono 10F25. o2p "HI. REMEMBER Do you wish to bo remembered by your loved ones? If so, set the exnmple by placing a pretty Mon. anient or Headstone upon the grave of your dear Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife or Child. We are in a position to serve yon best. Come in and see what wo have to offer. We do alt kinds of cemetery work and our prices are very reasonable. Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Marstors, proprietor, 603 N. Jackson Street, or G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St Itosrbnrn, Oregon. Ladies! If it is Brown or Gray shoes you are wanting better come right along, now. We have just unpacked some of the daintiest creations we have ever had the pleasure of owning. Yes we can fit you. ROSEBURG B00TERIE IBVIN BRUNN. SHOES THAT SATISFY. PERKINS BLDG., CASS ST. Ladies! Housekeepers! Attention! A shipment of brown cooking ware just received, Including small yellow .mixing bowls, nnd on entirely new pattern called the Reno Egg Ronl, formed especially for use in beating eggs, etc. Ramtklns, Custard Cups, Casseroles, Casserole Insets, Bean Pots, and a small assortment of brown Tea Pots. Also several slzee of Nappies. Churchill Hardware Co. fllS ANTLERS T H E A T R E TODAY AND TOMORROW. Dorothy Dalton in "The Kaiser's Shadow" Dorothy Dalton s new feature, "The Kaiser's Shadow," scheduled for the Antlers theatre today, Is based on the efforts of German plotters to steal the plans of a new "ray rifle." The Germans are handedl not only a double, but a triple, cross and are completely ' foiled by secret service operatives. It is a Paramount picture, t in duced by Thomas H. Ince; and the OFFICLIL WAR REVIEW. SATURDAY ONLY ENID BE.V.VETT IX "A Desert Wooing" AXD CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "THE ADVENTURER-'