TWO THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES BERT O. BATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription RaUjap-Dally. Per year, by mall, In county3.00 Per yar, outside of county. .. 4.0Q Weekly. Par year Six months.. ....2.0' 2.09 1.00 Entered w second-class matter, November 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., under act ot March, 8, 189. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tiie Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All right of republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. , WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 101H. WOMEN ON RAILROADS, The number of railroad jobs that women are able to hold has Increased tremendously since the war began. One ot the first new Jobs for women was car cleaning, and they have boon engaged in this work in the Boston yardB of the Boston & Albany Rail road for many months. Now the railroad administration contemplates the employment of wo men almost exclusively as clerks, ac countants, ticket sellers, station agents, crossing watchmen, and car cleaners, in which jobs they can re lease men for the army or for more important work. To some extent. It is understood, women will be em ployed as track laborers. very effort will be made to guard the safety and health of theBe women workers, and it Is probable that the work of the women In industry ser vice of the department of labor will bo of great value in solving problems iconnectedi with their employment. Women will be paid the same as men for the same work. English and French railroads were long ago com pellod to hire women for railroad work on an extensive scalo. In France the women even act as flro men on locomotives There are training schools for wo men ticket agents hi several large cities alroady, where young women between the ages of 21 and 3 ft years are given two months courses In rallroadl geography and slmplo ac counting. They are paid 125 month while learning nnd afterwards receive from UB to 1200 a month. Mrs. Raymond Drown, of New York City, who has Just roturned from Franco, declares that there should be passed In every stato an antl-loaflng law for women between 18 and 60. Mrs. Drown belloves that tho principal duty of American women now Is to luulntaln standards or living, and boos much to be done in constructive Boclal work, such as child wolrare. ' In France women are working 13 hours a day, with two hours recoss at noon,' and the privi lege of working olght hours In the United Stains under first rate condi tions should not ho noglcctcd, ac cording to Mrs. Drown, who Is now interoHtod in organizing a hospital umi ror ovorseas service. The "Donvor Opportunity School' Is a unique Institution which Is creat ing now Holds for women's labor. More than 100 young women and girls liavo learned automobile ope rating anil repairing thoro within the lost fow months, in order to lit theiusolves for such service and to reloaso men for the army or muni tlon Bhops. Tho lull on tho battle front doesn't moan that the Yankoes have given out. They've only run out of tnrgots to shoot nt. As soon as they catch up with the floolng Huns thoro will be something doing. Pianos Player Pianos Organs Talking Machines Buy your plnno of a home Dealer and save $100. My prlcoB are far bolow city prices. Ton dollars down will put a flno piano In your homo. A small monthly paymout will take care of tho balance. Baldwin Ellington Cnblo Nolson Hamilton Howard ' Royal nnd others. Second band organs $10 to $30. TAIjKJNU machines. Victrolas Kdison Diamond Disc Crescent Talking Machines. Easy tonus, goods guaranteed, de livered any place In Douglas coun ty without oxtra charge, Come In and talk It over or mail coupon. Please mall me llteraturo on: (Mark X on one Interested In.) ....v..llnnoB Player PInnos Organs 2nd Hand Pianos Edison Diamond Disc Victrola Croscont Talking Machines Shoot Muslo, Ott's Music Store lmsKitiriifl, okfxjox. Hcono from "The Hoy Scouts," nt the Majestic Tomorrow uml Friday. Bo on the Job Saturday it's "kick off day" for Roseburg and the big ball will be rolled for the fourth liberty loan. This is great weather for a Sep tember drive. FOOD CONSERVATION IN CANADA Editor Evening News: From time to time there crops up a report that the people of Canada are not con serving food, and the effect of such reports Is lo cause some resentment a in on our people who are doing their part to save. Some of these re ports are of Innocent origin, hut tho food udmlnlstratidii has evidence oi the fact that muny of them are of pro-Ooi'iian origin, and the ohjrct of the -circulation of such rnpurts is to cause dlHHousion between the people of this country and Cunu lu. Aa .o flour, Canada drJO not re jiilif! the ufco of Biihsiilutoa. and tills Is hocauee she has pr.i:ticully no jnibdLltuLoa to use. on the other handi sho oiT-seta the absence of h ib stltutes by requiring the extraction of a very high percentage of tho flour In the wheat berry. The amount of flour lie rm it tod to communis is a 16-day supply, with U0 days hUpply for those living distant from towns or cities. The use of sugar Is re stricted and within tho past few dayB the limit has boon placed In Canadu at one and one-half pounds per per son per month, whereas our peoplo are allowed two .pounds per persan per month. In passing, those who complain of the two pound limita tion should remembor that tho peo ple of France are getting only 1 pound of sugur per month pur capita. It Is unite likely that people who vIbU Canada have had experiences In restaurants and other eating places where regulations are not properly enforced, it Is Inevitable that thoro will be a small part of the population whose carelessness or BelllHhness will iprovent them from strictly observing the regulations. 1 urn sorry to say that we have now and then a person of that kind on thin sldki of the boundary. Tho first hair year of Canada s food board activities has just come to an end by reason of conservation C ana (hi has Increasod her export ofr heof over previous years by 75,000,- 000 pounds per annum. Sho has In creased her exports of pork. (Includ ing lard nnd bacon) by one 120,000, 000 pounds per annum. It is esti mated that she has exported 25 to 30 per cent more wheat during the last 12 months than could havo beon Bent abroad if It hud not been for connervntlon. Some time nuo Can ada prohibited the ubo of grain for diminution of potahlo liquors nnd tho (ii ho of malt has been limited. No wheat of any grade Is permitted to be fed to livestock or used ns poultry food. Wasto of food has beon mnJo punlHhnblo by hoavy pen alties. With regard to tho use of whoat substitutes in Canada, Mr. William W Fisher, of tho United Stntos food administration has Issued tho follow ing statement: "Canada produces vmy Uttlo outsldo of -outs ond bar ley that may bo used as substitutes for wheat. Tho United States has a lurgo production oT corn ond our p'ole are used to the consumption or it in lar.-re quantities for food. T'lls year Canada has a scant oats rnd borlny crop and It has been Im possible to secure corn from us In any considerable quantity." It con bo emphatically staled that Canada Is conserving food ns well oh giving of her resources and her man j HHiwnr without stint for tho support I of tho great cause In which ho have so much nt stake. Thero is ground for distrust or dissension, but there should be the heartiest fooling or rrlondshlp, mutual confidence nnd support. n. u nnoY. County Food Administrator. 1AII,Y WKATHKIt ltKPOItT. V. S. Weather Murium, local orflce. Roseburg. Ore.. 24 hours ending 5 a. in., Seulonilior IS, 1918. Precipitation In Inches and hun dredths; IllKhest tcinporattire yesterday 95 Lowest temperature last night fir. Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 Total flirccipltntlon since 1st of month 59 Normn! precipitation for this month i na Total precipitation from Sep tember 1. 1918, to dnlo B9 Averngo precipitation from 8ev tomber 1, 1S77 v 4s Total excess proclp. from Sop tomber 1, 1918 11 Averago precipitation tor 41 wot seasons, (Sept. to May Inclusive) 31.96 WILLIAM BELI I Observor. THB TP CLASSIFIED COLUMN WOOD FOR 8ALE Pliono 33K14. -Fir block wood FOR SALE 40 hoaa or 6-weeks old pigs. S3 each. X. B. Richardson, umcKics, ure. FOR SALE Heavy work horso. C. W. Banning, Dlxonvllle. Phone 3K31. FOR SALE Second hand car In first cIbsb condition. Douglas Ab stract uompany. FOR SALE 22 bead mutton sheep. Write Geo. F. Peed, Looking OlnrB. or phone 18F43. s20p FOR SALE 1 John Deere disk plow practically new; price $40.00. in quire A. Teal, Wilbur, Ore. FOR SALE All of my buildings at tho Garden Valley bridge for sale or trade on terms. J. W. Hall. FOR SALE Nice Jersey hoifor; will bo fresh In two months. Inquiro E. Jennie, Edenbower. oGp FOR SALE Two Shropshire bucks and IB ewes. Oak wood for sale. II. R. Banning, Roseburg. s21p FOR SALE Harley-Davldson mo torcycle with side car. Also a good bug. Inquire Motor Shop Garage. FOR SALE Splendid butcher busi ness In rich town near llosoburg. D. N. Mclnturrr, Oakland, Ore gon. if RESTAURANT FOR SALE A good paying business. Inquiro nt the lirand Grill. Reason for selling want to leave. 500 buys now Ford car with de mountable rims; run less than 800 miles. G. W. Young & Son, Bubar Brothers. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 50 acres with water right, practically level good house, and barn, 45 miles Irom Grunts Pnss. Phono 3F24 FOR SALE 20 tons of hay in 400 acre pasture, well watered. Will make no charge for pasture for 30 days. C. S. Spinning, Suthorlln, (ire. FOR SALE On easy terms, B pas senger louring car in fine condi tion. Small cash pnymont, bnl- ance In monthly installments. J, M. J.udd. FOR SALE A throo-burner Peer less oil stove, blue flamo. like new, Jlu; ono 12x14 tent, $S; rofrlgora tor J2.60. See G. G. Stowart at swimming pool. LISTEN HERE Tomatoes 25c a bushel at tho .patch, pick 'em your self. Watorinolons $1.50 per doz. I'nublo to get help is reason. T. H. Evas & Son, Dlllard. Ore. 1IOHSES From colts to 1500 pounds weight; will trndo for young cattle, or for a Ford. Will bo In Roseburg nftor Friday, Sep tombor 13. Inquire nt The News office. Henry Kern.m, FOR SHORT TIME Tomatoes, patch pick 75c per bushel, sec onds 35c por bushel. Alexander & llontley, Round Pralrlo. Take right hand road at mnchlne shed on Hound prairie ranch. FOR SALE Or rent. 15-ncre farm, well Improved, 11 miles from Hoseuurg on county road; also team nnd wagon, farming tools, 4 acres of corn and one milch cow. School house nnd church handy. See or address, J. L. Thoniason. Dlxonvlllo, Ore. DR. M. H, l'LYLKU. Licensed Chiropractic Physicians 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation, examination free. Office Hour 0 to B Phone 133 Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments, EVBMN'O NEWS WKHNESIM V, If It Paid to Wear "Cheap" Garments wouldn't Uncle Sam provide his soldiers with the cheapest uniforms that could be purchased? "TSN'T it a fact that the better garments give you the most pleasure, the most service, and are the most in expensive in the long run. ' W GARMENT s one that never fails you. Always right in style, it has an individuality of its own but at the same time renders service. If you will look at these we have in stock, you will see genuine values. BURCHARD'S SQUARE STORE 131iNorth Jackson St. The Exclusive Ladies' Shop FOR SALE Two Fords, one 1916 model, A-l condition; one 1914 model and a trailer, all in good condition. Phone 5. FOR SALE On account of the war I am forced to sell my herd of 20 head of Poland China hogs, 100 M. B. turkeys, several Toulouse geese, Pekin and Indian Runner ducks, Brown Leghorn and Buff Orpington chickens; 4 head of hoi-Bes, several oows, balod straw, grey oats and cheat seed. Order from this adv. B. A. Kruno, Rose burg, Ore. WANTED. WANTED To rent invalldf's wheel chair. Inquire News. tf WANTED Some one to care for to bacco .plants. Grunt Singleton, E. Douglas. s!9 TEACHER WANTED Address W A. Newton, clerk, district No. B5 .Myrtle Creek, Ore. WANTED Lady with some experi ence as bookkeeper for of lice work. Inquire at NewBofllce. CARRIERS WANTED For the Ev ening Telegram. Apply at Dullard's cigar store, 123 Sheridan street. WANTED Teacher for Olengary school, district No. 109. M. M. Cooper, clerk, Roseburg, Ore. WANTED Lady bookkeeper, must De accurate, state salary expect ed. Address R. C. C 3-o Evening News. WANTED To lot contract for slashing 10 to 100 acre tracts. For particulars apply News of fice. WANTED To buy 10 or 15 head of bogs, 100 to 150 lbs. weight, for feeders. G. W. Klncaid, Rt. 1, Rosoburg. WANTED Second hand reversible disc plow and corrugated roller. Also SB or 50 goats. E. A. Kruse, Hoseburg, Ore. WANTED A day cook and a night rock; dishwasher and chamber maid'. Write or telephone at once, CInrke Hotel, Glendale, Ore. WANTED An experienced! and re llablo housekeeper. Permanent po sition nnd good wages. References required. Phone 33-R or call 423 Ella St; tf WANTED By strong, healthy high fcliool boy from country, a place to work for board, or want work ev enings and Saturdays for pay. Ad dress Box 33, Brockwny, Ore. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two furnished! houses. Close In. Inquire 640 S. Pine. FOR RENT Furnished room at 454 Rest avenue. North of high school. I'none 343 or 351-H. FOR RENT Houso and 6 lots. In good location. Address, Mrs. F. J. Stevens, 1508, 13th St. E., Eugene, Oregon. FARM FOR RENT I have 327 acres at Klamath Falls, Oregon nil level bottom land B room house, Implements and tools. Will rent to responsible party on shares or cash. Fine for grain or alfalfa. Address B. E. Prlom, owner, Rose- Durg. MISCRIdiAKEOUS. WELL DRILLING R. E. Helnsel mnn, Roseburg. Route 1. FOR RENT Furnished houso keep ing rooms. Call nt 308 S. Pine or phone 138-Y. FOR TRADE 113 acres In Dent county, Mo.; 90 acres cultivated; 10 acres in bearing orchard; 13 acres In timber: practically all lev el land: big house and barn. Will trade for Dougln9 county property. Address communications to owner, Jess Neavoll, Olalla, Ore, SKI'T. 18, IIHR. MAXWELL The Car of Economy and UNKXCIOLLKD ItKCOItDS. Average 27.15 miles per gallon; 37.5 miles record. Free Trial Orflce with J. F. Barker & Co., 249 N. Main St. ' Phono: 192-Y, or 10. H. MERTEN ItoNobui-ttt Oregon. Why Is a brick miuon like a loco motive? liecnuse he has a tender. For a wilder steak A juicy chop, Direct your footstep To our shop. Our saws are sharp; Cleavers, too S.e'I! trim thorn up Just riffht for you. THE ECONOMY MARKET Do you wish to be remembered by jour loved ones? If so, set the example by placing a protty Mon ument or Houdstono upon the grave of you dear Father, MotTier, Ill-other, Sister, Husband, Wife or Child. Wo nro in a position to servo you best. Come in and see whnt we linvo to offer. We do all kinds of cemetery work and our prices are very reasonable. . Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. K. Marstcrs, proprietor, 602 N. Jackson Street, or G. ff. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. ltosrbur-R, Oregon. Drs. Seely, Sether and Stewart riiysleians nnd Snrtreons. Suite of offices rear of Douglas National Bank, ground floor. Phone 367 Roseburg ... Oregon F To Back Up "Our Boys" When the 4th Liberty Loan drive opens Saturday, Sep tember 28th, you'll And The Umpqun Valley Bank open early, and every last person and facility in the place available to help YOU subscribe. The time to think, talk andl figure Is NOW. The time to ACT will be then." J. M. THRONE, Costlier. the UKPQUft ROSEBURG WANTED! TOMATOES ALL VARIETIES! Must Be Red, But Firm. Cash Paid On Delivery Roseburg Canning Co. "i"!!'! rin ririAru-M i Tnnnnnnnnninrnnnn iAi uiris'i.iiii.iiii i.ii.ii.ii.w.ii.ii.ii.iij u u uuliu'j uuuijuj..m Ladies! If it is Brown or Gray shoes you are wanting better come right along, now. We have just unpacked some of the daintiest creations we have ever had the pleasure of owning. Yes we can fit you. ROSEBURG B00TERIE 1RVW BRUNN. SHOES THAT SATISFY, PERKINS BLDG., CASS ST. HOW MUCH JOY THERE IS jy A SHOWER BATH is only known to those having ono In their homes. It Is a continual source of exhilarating vigor. You can have one installed In your bathroom with no trouble or in convenience and at very little ex pense. Suppose we talk it over together. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. Illrn rnvnju lot. IT'S SOME CAR -THE "D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You I. F. Barker $ Co. Roseburg Oregon New Showing Sweaters! iliiS,178, ?at Swsatere-1" Shaker and Jumbo knlta High school l??Za ?d Swaters- We have a few bargains left In high and -w cut heavy shoes. If you can get your size at these pr fes you Are Lucky "GOD SAVE THE KING" You'll do pretty well If you save the fruit. Mason Jars, Economy Jars, Pint Jars, Quart Jars, Two Quart Jars, at NEELY'S CASH STORE S4 VALLEy bank OREGON M 'J Su&,