The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 06, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Subscription Kates Dally.
For year, by mall, Id county. (3.00
Per year, outBlde o( county........ 4.00
Per year..
SiMTCDrcmin ict
i m.iiimi i r i - i
(Continued from page 1.) '
Six montha...
.... 1.00
' Entered aa aecoiid-claofl matter,
November 5, 1909, at Roeeburg, Ore.,
under act or March 3, 18 9.
The AModated Press is exclasively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in tliis
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein All rights of republi
cation of special dispatches herehi
are also reserved.
On the boundary line between Can
ada and the Unltod States there
stands no fort. From ocean to ocean
the line ruus unguarded, the league
long furrows of the Canadian prairies
touch the border where the league-
long furrows of the American prai
ries begin, wnere the line crosses
the great mountain spine no fortlflca-
tlons crown the helghtB or command
the valleys: there has been no fear In
men's hearts to set them raising bul
warks one against the other.
Over the line Canadians and
Americans fraternize as neighbors
do over the back fence. Sometimes
they cross from one side and settle
on the other. The stocky Kanuck
from Quebec province moves into
Maine ami raises his log Iiouhg among
the pines, ranchers from Montana
and Dakota go northward to till the
rich plains of Alberta and Manitoba
They Intermarry and the children are
Canadians or Americans, they might
Just es well be one as tho other.
For there Is no lurking suspicion,
no veiled distrust between us and our
. brother of the north. We are of tho
same race, live by the same ideals,
worship the same God. Of all our na
tional relationships our closest is
with him. Ho is not only bur near
est neighbor but he Is our no a rout of
kin. We have had jars with him
disagreements that happen In tlio
best of families quarrelled and
mado up, shaking hands across the
line In sportsmanlike goodfellowshlp.
There have been times whon we en
vied him tho riches of his vast em
pire yot to come, his well administer
ed laws, his thrifty competence whore
wo have been carelesB and slovenly,
his sturdy honoBty. Our younger
brother was doing a good many
things better than we were and II
made us sore.
Tho Teutonic mind has made ond
loss blunders, but none greater than
that tho British colonlos would not
respond to tho mother country's cry
for help. Anyone who knows the
Dominion, who has sojourned there
and come to understand its strong
soulcd people, knew what Its roply
would be. Neither genorntlons or
govornmont nor time nor distance
could weaken the old1 tics or the old
loyalty. And deeper than tho call of
the blood was the Instinct to flght for
what made life possible freedom in
a free world. The Canadians rose
from desk and bench, locked the shop
and closed the ledger, left tho plow
In the furrow nnd the pick In tho
mine broast, not alone to help Eng
land In her need, but to preserve tho
creed that their race hns lived by
since John met the Barons at Runny
mode. What our brother of tho north did
In France and Flanders Is now mat
tor of history. Writ lnrgor than
the Plains of Abraham are Ypres and
Ivoos, from this time forth names of
heroic Invocation. We followed his
splendid, bloody progrosa, with a tug
at tho heart and a longing to bo be
side htm, sharing the anguish and
tho glory, proving oursalvos of the
same Invincible spirit. Our waiting
became Intolerable whllo he, the
yomigor, mado his magnificent effort
showing us the way. And now we aro
there, shouhlor to shoulder with him,
ni lost Droiuers in the held, as we
havo always been brothers In blood,
in aspiration, in all that makes up
tho tradition of tho Anglo-Saxon
Now that the govornmont has tak
en over the telephone lines It will
probably compel Idle goHHlpora to in
dulge In "work or fight" conversation.
Unrest Is ovldont in tho Austrian
Interior unrest nnd nothing olso in
particular. And unrost is a poor sub
stitute for goulash.
Abdul Hamld's son lias been pro
claimed tho new ruler of the Turks
by tho Turkish people and tho Gor
man emperor especially by the
Qorrnan emperor.
,.2.00 i was told that the church was the
fountain head of their Red Cross
work and In every instance the best
war workers were the best church
You cannot walk down the Btreet
of any of the largo cities without
realizing the havoc and desolation
that - war has wrought, for on all
sides are poor crippled fellows wear
ing the blue stripe on their sleeves
indicating they have been "overseas."
In Brandon we visited the armory the
evening before 650 boys wore to sail
for France. The parents and friends
had come from miles around to bid
them farewell and it wsb pitiful to
see the struggle between tearu and
smiles. There used to be great cheer
ing when the boys first went over,
but now they slip quietly out of a
city without a sound, for they real
ize, as well as their friends, they may
never return. In Moose Jaw one
Sjunday morning the minister an
nounced a tralnload of wounded sol
diers was due and he would' be glad
If all men of his congregation hav
ing cars would leave church and go to
the station to take the wounded men
to the hospitals as there were more
than the ambulances could accommo
date. It was surely a gruesome sight.
Arms and limbs torn off, eyes out,
faces shot half off, heads crushed,
but not a moan or groan, mothers
searching anxiously among tho
stretchers' for their boys and so re
lieved not to find them. Wu prayed
then and there "Oh God, upare my
dear boys." Many Canadian mothers
are dressed In deep mourning, there
also are many young widows, but
they meet you with the most wonder
ful bravery and cheer, and seem glad
and proud to havo contributed their
all on the altar of democracy. .
The Canadian soldier Is a nifty
looking fellow, not so tall and big
as the American maybe, but very at
tractive in his neat suit and carry
ing a swagger stick. I inquired the
use or this stick and was told they
aro required to carry it because they
don't know how to manage their
hands without appearing awkward.
The Great war Veterans Associa
tion Is in full swing In Canada nnd
many predict that It will havo e
groat deal to do with Its future politics.
The Canadians are having an
easier time with the food question
than we have in- the states. The gov
ernment very kindly requests them
to conserve wheat and In any of the
hotels they use some substitutes with
the white flour, but there Is always
an abundance of white bread, as yet
there aro no absolute restrictions.
Sugar is served more sparingly by
tho waltrons and removed from the
table, but if you need more you can
got it. As you gazo far out over
the prairies, seeing whoat fields and
more wheat fields, the ranches with
their barns nnd houses huddle close
together llko lonely sentinels against
tho sky, you wondor how any one se
lects this sort of an existence, for
the wicrdnoss and vnstness of It all
is apparent. Of course, thero is a
wonderful fascination nbout a bnr
vest of whoat yielding 63 bushels to
tho acre, especially when you own ,
thousands of acres, und each little I
bushel Is worth $2.24 or more. But
the sand storms of summer and tho
blizzards of winter demand a com
pensntlon and tho good warm rains
of Oregon with her fruit and flow
ers seem good by way of comparison
Thero will not bo bumper crops all
tnrough Canada this year, for In
many places there has not been any
rain for two years and the wind has
blown the seed out of tho ground so
tho necessity of wheat conservation
will bo forced upon them soon.
A queer tlmo system is in vogue
nnd when I wns first told that It was
"fourteen-ton o'clock," I tried to look
wIho but really I was puzzled. Then
I loarnod that a day and night are
each twonty-four hours long and that
"fourteen-ton" was actually ten min
utes after 12. After comprehending
this I wi reduced to the expedient
of always counting on my fingers and
appearing very foollBh. I was there
fore rollovcd whon a kind friond told
mo to nlwnys subtract "two" and I
would got the hour, -ns in the case of
"sixtoen o'clock" six minus two
leaves four, so it menus four o'clock
At each port of entry of each pro
vince Inspectors board the train and
hold up every man of draft ago. It Is
not enough that they have their reg
istration card, but they must also
prove they are married and must have
the sworn affidavit of two roliame
citizens of I heir home town that the
wile is living. Ono of the chnutnu
qna shmors who is 35 years old and
who had travelled undisturbed
through various cities, was suddonly
jerked off the train nt a llttlo way
side station and deposited In jail be-
Virginia Dare Dresses!
The superior quality alone of Virginia Dare Dresses maintained by the
high standard of Virginia Dare manufacture, rigidly adhered to at a time
when so many manufacturers have found it necessary to reduce the expense of
operation, insures the dominance of Virginia Dare Dresses. ;
Virginia Dare Dresses
Are originated and brought out by the most famous Designers, and represent
all that is newest and . best in the formost styles for well dressed women,
Virginia Dare Dresses bring Roseburg ladies in close touch with Paris,
London and New York, the great Style centres. We invite you to see them.
The Exclusive Ladies' Shop Roseburg, Oregon
We Cater toYourWants
and 'specialize to meet the de
mands of our army of customers
cause ho was youthful looking and
couldn't prove his age. It required
the combined efforts of the Chautau
qua force and the American consul
to free him In time to make his ev
ening concert.
Respect for tne dominion govern
ment is paramount and Mr. Helnllno
baroly escaped a jnll sentence for
sawing the ond off a telegraph pole.
It was eighteen inches too long and
like any other American he proceeded
to find a saw to cut It off. Fortun
ately, he was stopped Just in the
nick of time and' was warned never to
harm dominion property. There is a
lovely war tax imposed upon all
tickets "movies" or Chautauqua, In
all the provinces and each province
Is different from the other, so that
the cashier has to carry around a
huge tin box for war Btnmps. sent to
her from Winnipeg, and she must be
an expert mathineticlan to calculate
tho tax on each ticket for the differ
ent priced tickets have different
priced vir stamps, and she must ac
count to Winnipeg authorities for ev
ery stamp.
Of course the scenery of Canadian
Rockies is world renown and the llt
tlo town of Bauff is certainly a majes
tic combination of mountain, sky and
river. The tiny valley nestled in
among the rockB Is the whole town;
Its normal population is about 650 In
habitants, but is increased during the
summer season to 2000. The snow
capped peaks surrounding it are all
eight or nine thousand feet high and
Alpine climbing is considered groat
Bport by some, but not by an Ore
goninn who has not even attempted
Nebo's dl7..y heights. It is all gov
ernment controlled property for miles
around and Bauff is the center of the
national resorvo, so that buffalo,
mountain goats, bears, etc., are al
lowed to roam at large in restricted
areas. Tho chief attraction Is the
natural warm sulphur baths, two of
which are controlled by the govern
ment nnd tho other by the Canadian
Pacific hotel. The water gushoa out
of Sulphur Mountain at a tempera
ture 01 U4 degrees into a basin; it is
then carried across 20 feet into a
large pool, which Is glass oirriosed
on two sides and' the remaining two
sides accommodate the modern con
crete bath houses. Thirty thousand
gallons an hour rush Into tho pool
una mo lamperatute never varies so
that dollghtful medicinal baths are
auontert even in blizzard weather
One of the most picturesque features
oi nuuir is the Royal Northwest
mounted police, whom Ralph Con
nor lias depicted so vividly In his
stories of the northwest. Seven linn
died of these fellows have gone to
war, so mat only a nucleus remain
Willi headquarters In Banff. There is
something wonderfully attractive
about these tall straight military fel
lows dressed in scarlet coats, pog top
uiuuk iruusors, ian icntiier leggins,
mounted on their black horBes with
white harness. Their duties are nm
so arduous as they were In inn diva
of tho outlaw and fierce Indian tribes,
but tliey have never been known to
fail in preserving lnw and havo rare
ly ever used their enns. Thnv h,a
A dance will be given In the Riddle
pavilion next Thursday night, the
proceeds of which -will be used for
the benefit of the Red Cross of that
city, - Best of music and supper will
be served by the ladles of the Red
Cross. Admission $1.00. aS
A red 2-yoar-old hoifor, branded
D on right hip, split In right ear,
has been taken up by the undersign
ed. Owner call and claim animal,
pay all charges, or It will be sold.
alO W, F. BOGGS, Roseburg, Or.
FOR SALE 70 head of goats.
D. Way, Myrtle Creek. Ore.
and fixtures of the West Side Gro
cery. Any one desiring to go into
the business will do well to confer
with E. C. BeiiBon. tf
uumAWiVWTnfiirf(vrfi . . . . . - -i-,-,-,- - - - -rrmrr
known to bo absolutely feavloKs and
nlways capture their man not matter
how long It takes. Just last week a
mounted polico returned here utter an
nbsonce of two years, having captur
ed his Eskimo who had killed a mis
sionary and then eaten hla liver:
They eat tho, liver and then tho spirit
will not come back to haunt them.
These police are required to be
Immaculate in appearance, boots pol
ished, suits neat nnd their whole
bearing and aspect military. It must
bo tholr commanding nDneaicnca thni
always compels obedience, so here Is a
suggestion for Mayor Rice. If he
wouui dress our marshal up In scarlet
cent nnd mount him on n black stood
maybe there would bo less speeding
mm uiw-iireaKing.
ed proposals for . constructing or
Improving the Canyonville-Galesville
National Forest Road project located
within or partly within the Umpqua
National Forest, State of Oregon,
County of Douglas, will be received
by the District (Engineer, Bureau of
Public Roads U. S. department of
Agriculture, at Portland1, Oregon, un
til 10:00 a. m. o'clock on tho 17th
day of August, 1918, at which time
and place they will be publicly open
ed and read. The right Is reserved
to reject any and all bids, and none
will be considered except thoso from
contractors ascertained to be experi
enced and responsible.
The length of project to be con
structed or improved is approximate
ly 10.1 miles, and the principal items
of work are approximately as fol
lows; 45 acres clearing, 30 acres
grubbing, 122,000 cu. yards excava
tion, building bridges, culverts, and
retaining walls.
The work embraced In this con
tract shall be completed within 300
weathor working days.
Special attention Is directed to the
provision In the contract form re
garding advertisement for labor and
requiring that additional Inhor be
obtained by the contractor through
tho agency of the Employment Ser
vice of the United States Department
of Labor. Said contract form and
the maps, plans, specifications and
estimate of quantities may bo exam
ined by responsible contractors nt
the following address: 202 Brond-way-Yamhlll
Building, Portland, Ore
gon. All proposals must be made on
forms, and In accordance with In
structlons, forming a part of tho spe-
cincaiions aDove rererred to.
L. I. HEWE8,
13-D District Engineer.
run hal,k Best paying garage
business In southern Oregon In
cluding agency for one of the best
cars on the market. Owner will
be called In next draft. Write care
Box 819, Medford, Ore.
WANTED To place two boys, age
14 each, on farms. Apply to Judge
K. w. Marsters.
WANTED To trade for or buy 40
to 60 head of shoats. H. A. Dos
ser, Dlxonvllle, Ore.
wanted osxperlenced woman
pressor. Roseburg Cleaning &
Pressing Works. Phone 47.
WANTED To sell good reliable
horse, cheap. Phone 6F14, or ad-
dress Jhon Travis, Rt. 2. alOp
WANTED Nice furnished apart
ments or small furnished house,
with garage preferred. Address,
u. . c-o News. - -
WANTED A Lincoln or Cotswold
ram; yearling or early lamb pre
ferred. I have a few choice
Shropshire ram lambs for sale at
$15 to $25 each. H. E. Reed, R.
F. D, 1, RoBeburg, Ore.
WANTED A roofo with plenty of
fresh air, where lady who Is con
valescent can get meals and have
some care. A place In country
preferable. Address or call, L. R.
F., News office.
C. A. Brand.
FOR RENT 5-room House, with
bath; In good location. Phone
15F12. tf
FOR RENT 3 newly furnished
rooms, also a garage. Inquire 308
3. Pine. Phone 188-Y.
COW FOR SALE Good milch cow
inquire Cass Street Market.
FOR SALE Belgian hares. Call at
128 S. Flint. Mrs. Gay C. Reed.
FOR SALE Three Fords, 1 trailer
and 1 touring body complete.
I'none &.
FOR SALE Household furniture.
Inquire at 247 S. Jackson street,
Phone 41-R.
FOR SALE Old horse, cheap, fair
condition. Also calves. Chos. In
sley, near Green. a7p
rim sale Haney-Davldson mo-
torcyclo with side car. Also a good
Dug. inquire Motor Shop Garage.
FOR SALE At a bargain, 6-passen-
ger touring car, In good condition.
ah new tires. J. F. Barker &
sealed bids will be received by
uiem oi scnooi district No. ISO, El
garoBO, Ore., for painting school
house, two coats insldo and out,
paint to be furnished by district.
Bide to be received not later than
7:30 p. m., August 8, 1918. Build
ing dimensions 24x46x12 ft colling.
Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Elgarose, Ore., Clerk Dlst 136.
FOR SALE 5-room house and large
lot, 2 pear, 2 prune, and 3 peach
trees, line Boil, on Harrison Btreet,
only $725. F, J. Young, Rose
burg. tf
blooded Shropshire bucks, 16
months old, $16 each, or trade tor
our young ewes, any kind. E. H.
Hillings, Onkrldge, Ore.
FOR SALE I am going away and
win sell 1 bupigy with thills. 1 sin-
(tie harness, 1 5-gal. barrel churn,
a few 2-qt. Mason Jars. J. O. Vin
cent, N. Winchester street.
FOR SALE Team of mares, 8 and 9
$175.00 will buy them If taken at
once, or will trade for auto. Phone
years old; one with colt at elds,
20F6. O. W. Cluck, Roseburg,
FOR RENT Furnished 4 room
bouse. Inquire 647 Stephens St.
or phon" 454-R.
FOR RENT 4 room furnished flat,
ground floor, and ono nice cool
sleeping room, close in. 119 w.
FOR RENT Good ground for corn
nay or grain, with or without
team and tools. Phone 3F4. R.
k. Matnis. j2
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
rooms; also sleeping room. Call
at 335 N. Rose street, or Phone
DRILLING R. E. Heinsel
Roseburg, Route 1.
t OUND Ladles' purse, contalnine
small amount In change and some
otner articles. Call at News.
FOR EXCHANGE Good hie work
team, harness and wagon to trade
ror automobile or Roseburg prop-erty.
TAKEN UP Came to my premises
aDoui june l, black 2-year-old
Btag, branded U back of left shoul
der. No car marks. Owner
come and get him. R. M. Wood,
xiuseuurg, ur on.
TRADERS Look here for deals.
What have you to trade Ur ome
nice building property In Rose
burg. City water, shade trees,
close to pavement and excellent
location. Don't be backward about
coming forward with your proposl
tlon. 8-ae Wood. News office.
TRADE For Oregon ranch; 306
acres, 100 acres hog tight fence,
100 acres in cultivation, 40 acres
timothy and clover, 60 acres of
valley land, on main road, rural
route, telephone, mile to school
and church, $30 per acre, encum
brance $3000, 6 year, 7 per cent,
can be taken up by federal loan.
Fair Improvements. For further
particulars call on or address O
M, Qreen, Melrose, Ore.
Facts arid Figures
There are many additional advan- ' '
tages beyond those which are found " '
available here at
the UJ4PQU.H VKLIEU bank
!The Best Store Fori
Dress Goods!
IT takes but a stroke or two of the
pencil to mention new dress goods;
but no words, or pencil, nor coloring
could do justice to such novelties as go
to make up our great summer showing.
Hundreds of separate tints, beautiful,
bright living color tones in perfec
tion everywhere. You must see - .
the goods to appreciate their good
ness and beauty.
Have You Ever
had to wash In a bath room where
you felt that you could not get
clean It is a delight to wash In
a room fitted up by us, for every
thing Is clean and sanitary the
most modern that science has de
signed. We shall be glad to esti
mate on your next piece of work,
Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co.
PHONB 131.
"D-40" Mitchell Six
Let Us Show You
I. F. BarKer $ Co.
Short for cucumbers. Is economy of time and tongue. Say It to Phone
01. Adding any other Home Grown Vegetables that your appetite
may suggest.
BUT a real drink at a reasonable price, right here at home,
SUPERIOR SODA has the value, the sparkling, refreshing, thirst
quenching quality that satisfies.
Pure Sweet Milk, - Sickling Soda.
The housewife, locking to the family health, will buy where she can
get Fresh, Clean Groceries. Onr Stock is Clean and Sanitarily Kept
and all goods ara of the best manufacture. Orders personally look
ed after.- . ...
''"mT-njJWVnAwvvVM-nnnfifiriniri -
h.h .l,LC0DieJL to uPP'y'nS your home with aH the delicacies
Tni tin n5-kUr.Jtocl K alwayB fresh and mPlete in all lines.
You will find here the choicest of goods and the best of aervlce.
J. B. KINQ, Pronrletor
. RoestTttTg, Oregon