TWO TUB EVENING NEWS MONDAY, JI'LV THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES BERT G. BATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT BTJNPAY, Subscription Bat Daily. Per yeas, by mail $3. 00 Per month, delivered................. .60 Weekly. . Per year. ..2.00 Six months.... 1-00 - Entered aa second-class matter, November 6, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 8,18 9. . MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated It-ess is exclusively entitled to the use (or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in Oils paper and also the local news pub lished herein, jui rigma ox repuuu catlon of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Monday, JULY aa, i is SPIRITUAL HELP EXTOLLED. Concerning America's entry into the present big conflict, an Italian author of note says: "All of this for us should be a comfort, hot only In words but in substance and effect. We talk enough of the material help we are receiv ing from America; we talk, on the other hand, too little of the moral support she is holding out. This 1b essential as well in a war as long ax ours in which, If the spirit Is not always willing, the flesh may prove weak and give out. - . - "America tells us that our ideals rest upon truth and Justice, that the cause for which we fight is not foi passing objects, for opportunism, or for passing needs, which are easily satisfied, but a cause involving eter nal rlghtB which once lost can be re covered only by groat' effort made by generation after generation through many ages. "The gift America brings us Is n ' treasure beyond All price. It Is the reason why wo Bhall conquer and live. It gives us faith that our dead have not died for us In vain, and In all the future which shines bright ly on the other sldo of the ntroclout field of battle. "She brings us In her strong hands our own hoart, armed and equipped by her, through her hun dred millions of men who ure free.'' Senator Knuto Nelson, of Minne sota, one of those level-headed, thrifty, descendants of the Norse men, said In the senate recently that he received a lottor from a lady In Iowa saying that thore were women travelling around the state giving instructions to the farmers' wives how to make cottage cheese. They claimed to bo employes of the gov ernment and were getting $8 a day and their expenses, She wrote Sena tor 'Nelson Inquiring whether thai was true. She felt that, If true, It was a groat pleco of extravagance. Sonator Nolson says he referred the lottor to one of the executive depart ments for information on the subject and got no roply. Ho wanls to know whether tho government 1b paying women $8 a day and expenses to teach farmers' wltes how to mako cottago cheese. After the depart ment of Justice gols through prose cuting the profiteers and after poli tics gots through with Its adjourn ment, perhaps the sonutor will got un answer to Ills inquiry. Back to the tall tlmbor soems to be tho Blogan of those yanks lighting on tho Maine and tho Huns are tak ing their advice accord inn to recent reports from the battle front. "Why did the knlsor tench us the gooso step?" askod one Gorman sol dlor. "Ho thought ho nnd Unrtha Krupp had discovered a way to make me army lay golden eggs." Don't forgot, this In Chautauqua week for Rosoburg. A good place to polish up your mind. Solssons has not fallen, hut (he "hoys aro making It awful rocky lor the bodies. No amount of voice culture will make a fat man stop snoring In his sloop. Russia Is being odiirnted In the blttor and expensive school of ex perience. Maybe von Kuehlninnn will lie decorated with tho order of the tin cnn. Also the conservation of food pro vides more money for thrift stamps. It Is oasy for any mun to make his wife do anything she wants (o. The A. P. way Is tho only wny to get the news. c A WOMAN'S SHOP FOR WOMAN'S WEAR We Cater toYourWants and specialize to meet the de mands of our army of customers THE BELLOWS STORE THE LADIES' EXCLUSIVE WILBUR ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Orue were visit ing in Roseburg on Thursday. A camoufalge party was given at the home of . .Miss Edith Brown on Thursday evening by 14 of the young people on ther :18th birthday. The you,ng lady was very much surprised when she opened a lovely box which contalnod dainty handkerchiefs, eta. as gifts. After a pleasant evening was spent the Jolly crowd departed for their homes wishing Miss Brown manv more happy birthdays. A community social was glvon ati the home of Rev. and Mrs. Davenport In the grove on Friday evening. Pat riotic songs were given and the min ister and his estimable wife were presented with a leather upholstered couch. After games wore indulged in for' a time under the spreading oaks, Ice cream and cookies (Hoover zed) were served by the Ladles Aid and Honor Guard girls. The. funeral of Mrs. It. Anderson, of Ashland was held here on June 10. She was a formor pupil of the Wilbur schools and was loved by all for hor happy disposition and win nlng -manner. The services were conducted by Rev. R. J. Davenport and the songs that Vernle used to sine were eivon by the choir, and her grave was covered with beautiful flowers. The bereaved husband and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community. ' Sheriff Quino and daughter, Eve lyn, were guests of Mrs. G. A, Brown and family for a Bhort time on Wednesday. Mrs. ration and son. Glen, left for thoir home at The Dalles after visit ing for a week with Mrs. Sadie Jones and family. Miss Allele Lovoll, of Portland, lofl for Roseburg after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Russell. The Lovell family lived In this vicinity for a nunioer of yoars. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. Plnkston, Mrs. 10. L. Hen nlnger and daughter, Josephine, mo tored over from Oakland to attonil tho funeral of Mrs. Vernic Anderson. The board of education has elect ed tho following teachers for the Wilbur schools: Mrs. Jumes, princi pal, and Misses IOIcy Walker and Nancy Watson and Mazle Walker as assistants. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Otllnger. whllo enroute to Tyeo on a camp ing trip, had the misfortune to have their car turn turtle in going down a bank to the river. Mr. Ottlnger was pinned underneath the car and Injured his hack and might have provod very serious if Ernest Short had not appeared In time to lift tho Ford up so Mr. Ottlnger could extri cate himself. X COUNTY CliATMS ALLOWED. (Continued from last week.) Rosoburg Undertaking Co., sorvicea, indig 28.50 G. W. Young, house rent, Intllg J. W. Tollman, supplies, 1 Indlg Miller Drug Co., services, 8.00 13.12 indlg Wlldor & Agoe, indlg Rlvci-Hldo Grocery, supplies, Indlg Pickens Bros., supplies, indlg 7.10 2.50 9.75 -III. 39 People's Supply Co., supplies indlg 4G.4 Ira Hull, supplies, Indlg H. C. Without, supplies, indig. Western Union, current exp. Roseburg Book Store, sup plies Yornn Printing House, sup plies nates, Tho Printer George Neunor, Jr., filing fee Anna Bryan, work, clerk's 2.00 4.00 ft. 53 32.05 I 08.50 14 5.15 20.40 office 1 1.25 Evergreen Grunge, election account I. M. Tuthlll, work assessor.... W. G. Rochester, work asses sor C. L. Chenoweth, exp. attend ing 11. of E 5.00 1.50 03.50 2.50 Mrs. O. C. Brown, work, supt. .Office 68.50 Jennie Cook, work, supt. of fice 10.50 Glondnle News, printing no tices if. 11, Church, justice court north's Toggery, supplies Co. 2.25 7.00 "C" 247.50 liOgsdon llroB., uniforms 73. OS .Mrs. J. E. Page, work, fruit liiflp 0.00 t.uerney McDnniels, work, fruit insp, Pete Sinclair, work, fruit lnsp Wallace Mindock, work, fruit Insp Ford. Garago, Bervleos, fruit Insp. car 0.10 3.50 10.50 18.25 S7.02 M. E. littler, sorvlcos. coro ner Paul K. Eldrldge, services coroner 2.00 .1. A. Dowey, services coro ner 2.(50 Chris. Nibel, sorvlcos, coro ner 2.00 Mrs. .1. A. Jacques, services. coronor : 1.R0 CONSERVATION STORE Musical Duo The MoiTlKon-huillh Company, noon, is one of Hie most talented qr 4 i rt i . life! P Im jj ' ' ' jh t Alice Genevieve Smith Is one of the country's foremost harpists, one who Infuses the singing quality of tone Into her playing, so rarely secured by players on this wonderful Instrument. soloist and render, has been a prominent figure in the Lyceum nnd Chautau qua world for several years. As a reader she has attained unusuul promi nence. Dr. H. O. Williams, services, coroner 1.50 13. K. Wilson, services, coro ner 1.50 It. M. Morgan, services, coro ner 1.50 Ray Morgan, services, coro ner 1.50 Walter Barton, services, coro ner 1.50 Alice Nehel, services, coroner 1.50 R. C. Agee, work, tax office 49.00 Balfour Guthrie Co., refund of taxos 5.76 The Siitherlln Sun, printing notices 2.25 H. Guest, services, county homo 2.00 llosobiirg Pub. Co., printing and supplies 37.20 A. J. Geddes. war secretary 70.00 Josephine Mclilhinny, assist ant war secretary ft. 75 Mrs. Cordolta F. Hayes, as sist. Indlg 10.00 1. Abraham, supplies 6.85 a. .i. ijiiiMirn & Son. sup plies 23.80 lloscburg Ylg. Corps., ex pense S2.95 l.ogsdon Bros., supplies 5.00 SMITH RIVER NEWS. A much 'hooded-' rain fell Thurs day evening which although far be low the amount needed will llever the less help the gardens consider ably. Huylng is ubout over now, with. gonenilly. a fair stand of all but spring votrh, which was badly Injur ed by the aphis. Miss Violot Center was a stage passenger ono any last week. r.. J. Harris and sons were in Roseburg last week attending to some business matters, i-ctui-ninu homo in their auto the first of the woek. y UNCALLED FOR MAIL The followillir Is a list of letters and cards remaining uncalled for at tho Roseburg postoftlce, July 22, 91S: llrollieer. Mrs. Ella: Crocker. Harry; Hammond. Dennis: Mooter. Frank; Mont, F. ; Peterson. 13. K.; Heed. J. M. ; Sanders. J. O.; Wur llle, V. A.; Kustrow. Paul Cards. llotteger, Mrs. F. K I.inti-.-in v II. (2); Mooter. Frank; Stoekdale, Airs. O. J.; Smith. W. 13. I.. F. RKIZENSTE1N. Postmaster. MONET TO LOAH. We make loans on Improved farm property, i.ow rnto o. Interest, f . DOUGLAS ABSTRACT O. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. weather bureau, local office, Rosoburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 5 a. m July 22. 11S. Precipitation in inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yestorday SS Lowest temperature last night 61 rrecipitnuon Inst 24 hours o loiai precipitation since 1st of month -. 09 normal precipitation for tills monih i TotiU precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1917, to date 24.29 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1877 an no Total deficiency from Sod. tember 1, 1917 n 7r. Average proclpllatlon for 41 wot seasons, (Sept. to May Inclusive) 31. 9G WILLIAM BELL. Observer.) at Chautauqua coming to Chautauqua on the third after two - people companies on tho platform. Mildred Morrison, pianist, soprano INCREASED 1 il'SI N ICSS. Business In this city cnn increase only by the increased prosperity ol the whole population. Each busi ness man is Important and it Is our aim to do all we can to further hi: success. If you would be successful and prosperous you must look pros perous. IMPERIAL CLEANERS. (Try our way.) Wo call and deliver. Phone 37' PRUNE PICKERS WANTED. Twenty prune pickers are wanted by ubout September 1. Free camp grounds and wood turnlshcd. In quires Loyal W. Emery, Umpqua, Or, Phone 10F2. n2 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Separate, scaled proposals, ad dressed to the county clerk of Doug las County, Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for constructing a por tion of the Public Highway in the Coquille River Canyon, near th postoiflce of Camas Valley, Douglas County, Oregon," will he received. by the county clerk ol Douglas county. at his office in the court house, in Hosebui'g, Oregon, until two o'clock p. 111. 011 the 7th day of August. 1918. and at that time and place will be publicly opened and read. All proposals must be made upon blank forms to be obtained from the county clerk, at his ofllce in . the court house, Roseburg, Oregon, must give the prices proposed, both In writing and figures, nnd must be sign ed by the bidder, with his uddress. Each separate bid' Is to be pre sented under sealed cover and each bid shall be accompanied by cash, u bidders bond made payable to Doug las County, or a certified check made payable to the county clerk of uouglas County, for an amount equal to at least five per cent of the amount of said bkl, and no bid shall be con sidered unless such cash, bond check is enclosed therewith. Such bidder's bond shall be conditioned that it said bid be accepted, the party niuuing win tuny enter Into and ex ecute the contract. Should the suc cessful bidder to whom the contract is awardeu fall to execute the said contract within ten days (not includ ing Sunday) from tho date of the mailing of the notice from the county court to him, according to the addi-oss therewKh given, that the contract Is ready for signature, such cash, bond or certified check shall be forfeited to Douglas county, and the samo shall be the property of the county. All other cash, bonds and certified checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders who sub- muted the same. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful porfonu nnco of each separate contract In n sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the bid. Plans may be seen and forms of specifications nnd contract may be secured for each separate piece of worn at tne office of the county clerk. Court House, Roseburg, Ore. gon. Tlie right is reserved to reiect any nnd all proposals, or to accept any or nil proposals deemed best for Douglas County. COl'XTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. R. W. Marsters, County Judge B F. Nichols, County Commissioner V. E. St. John, County Commissioner Attest: E. H. LENOX. County Clerk. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, July 20, 191S. a5-D CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE 10 tons good oat hay. Phone 81F13. '-. FOR SALE Belgian hares. Call at 128 8, Flint. Mrs. Gay C. Reed. FOR SALE Froah cow, calf by side. Phone 415-R. Good milker.' FOR SALE 1917 Dodge and Ford for sale. Motor Shop garage. tf COW FOR SALE Good milch cow Inquire Cass St.eet Market. FOR SALE Colllo.piips. For full In formation call ' 1FSS. Sunshine ranch. ' . - FOR SALE Two year old registered Jorsey bull. . Geo. L. Meyers, Looking Glnss, Ore. Phono 18F12. FOR SALE 28-49 Garr-Scott thresh ing machine, or will trade. In good ' running order. Address Box 20, Cainas Valley, Oro. - FOR SALE At a bargain, S-passen-- gor touring car, In good condition. All new tires. J. F Barker & Co. FOR SALE Two good cows, will be fresh soon. Also nice 18-months-old holier. Perrine & Masters, 401 Cass street. FOR SALE St. Valentino broccoli plants, grown from choice, tested Becd. Inquire of Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son. V FOR SALE Maro colt, 1 year old. Brood sow and six pigs. Sow Po land China and pigs Duroc Jersey . cross. Old enough to wean- M. L. Stevens. Looking Glass. dw FOR SALE Best paying garage business in southern Oregon in cluding agency for one of the best cars on tho market. Owner will be called In next draft. Write care Box 819, Mcdford, Ore. FOR SALE Hogs, 3 fine brood sows, 6 pigs', weight 100 lbs., C pigs, weight 30 lbs., 1 thorough bred Poland China boar. For full Information call 1F2. Suushine ranch. FOR SALE Ford trailer used only two weeks. Cost $85, will sell af once for $50; In line condition nnd big bargain. Carl Braunlng er, 1 miles north of Wilbur on state highway. FOR SALE One span of horses, 5 years old, broken, weight about 1500 lbs. each. One set brand new harness Including collars. One rid ing Horse, age 9 years. Bargains. Mrs. Fred Byron, Olalla, Or. Phone 18F5. FOR SALE Or trade, heavy team, wagon ana narness, in nne shape for work of any kind'. Will trade for property, automobiles, cows, etc. Also other horses to choose from. Two good 3 V Mitchell wag ons, $50 each. R. M. Wood, Rose burg. WANTED. WANTED Boy to work on farm. Phone 10F21. WANTED Waitress at Royal Club cate. Apply at once. WANTED Sewing to do. Mary D. Moore, 124 0 N. JacUson street. WANTED Lady to care for and ooara girl 8 years of age. Address G. G., News office. J23 WANTED TO LEASE A ranch stocked and equipped or other wise for cash rental or shares. 108 N. Pine. TURKEY WANTED 200 young tur- cents per lb. or by the ncad. E. L. Rice, Dlllard, Or. WANTED Second hand horse and a half gasoline engine In good con dition, Fairbanks and Morse or Galloway preferred. Address, stall ing prlco, Geo. Solomon, Wilbur, Ore. FOR RENT. FoR RENT Modern five room bun- galow. Phone 370. " tf FOR RENT 4 room furnished flat, ground floor, gas, 119 W. Lane, FOR RENT 6-room house, with bath; in good location. Phone 16F12. tf FOR RENT 3 newly furnished rooms, also a garage. Inquire 308 S. Pino. Phone 138-Y. FOR RENT Furnished 4 room honse. Inquire 647 Stephens St. or phon 464-R. FOR RENT Nice rurntsbed rooms wun Dam, not and cold water. The Cannon honBe, 247 S. Jackson FOR RENT Good ground for corn, nuy ur grain, wun or witnout team and tools. Phone 3F4. R. E. Mnthls. . j26 FOR RENT Llcht housekeeninsr rooms; also sleeping room. Call at 335 N. Rose street, or Phone 102-Y. FOR RENT Furnished house, pav ed street, only one block from center of city. Phone 47 for de tails. M1SCELLA NEOUS. TRADERS Look here for deals. What have you to trade for some nice building property in Rose burg. City water, shade trees, close to pavement and excellent location. Don't be backward about coming forward with your proposi tion. See Wood, News office. Pay Your Bills by Check How many times have you hunted in vain for the receipt of a bill ? tf you ; have a cancelled check, YOU are safe 1 ' OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT TODAY AT THE The UMPQUA VALLEY BANK B. W. Strong, President; J. M. Throne, Cashier; D. R. Shambrook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President. Start the Day Right A cup of good coffee, made from our popular blends, and a break fast prepared from supplies secured of us will make hubby affable, keep the wife smiling and delight the kids. When you think of GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE you are bound to connect with thought with The Square Deal Cash Grocery R. T. ASHWORTH, Prop. Sheridan and Lane Streets. : !The Best Dress T takes but a stroke or two of the pencil to mention new dress goods; but no words, or pencil, nor coloring could do justice to such novelties as go to make up our great summer showing. Hundreds of separate tints, beautiful, bright living color tones in perfec- , tion everywhere. You must see the goods to appreciate their good-, ness and beauty.; ROSEBURG I. ABRAHAM; WOULBN'T IT DELIGHT YOU to have an excellent plumbing Job dont In your liouse and to receive a bill that seems to you to be reasonable .' We do the best work possible, in kooplng with good work and a fair profit for the brains we build. Into the work. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE 161. Canning by Had you ever thought of this on Good Housekeeping" has to say you want to PHONE 01. Douglas County Light and Water Co. FRENCH TRANSFER COMPANY Contracts Taken and Estimates Fur nished on All Work In Our Line. Household Goods Promptly and Carefully Moved QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE rhone 820 401 W. Cass St. IT'S SOME CAR -THE "D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You I. F. Barker $ Co. Roseburg Oregon WE HAVE NO EQUAL When It comes to supplying your home with all the delicacies n lmR? Ur.EtoclJ. aIway9 fresh ana ePete In all lines. You will find here the choicest of goods and the best of service. THE CASH STORE J. W. KTNG. Proprietor Roeshurg. Oregon Store For: Goods! OREGON Electricity! a hot day. Read what the July on page 76. Ask us anything know about it. Teams and Auto Trucks